2018-11-08 10:25:27
简介:넥슨 초대형 모바일 MMORPG
액스(AxE)의 세계로 당신을 초대합니다!
[액스 : 여름맞이 업데이트]
기다리고 기다리던! 펫 시스템 업데이트!
보다 역동적인 전투! 레이드 전투 대폭 개선!
분쟁전 순위 보상 상향 개편!
영원의 성소 길드 점령 보상 상향 개편!
수영복 코스튬 출시 완료!
역대급 보상이 쏟아진다! 액스슈퍼위크 진행중!
■ 연합 X 제국! 당신의 진영을 선택하라!
신을 부활시키려는 자 vs 신의 부활을 막으려는 자
신의 대륙에서 피할 수 없는 전쟁이 시작된다!
당신은 어느 편에 서겠는가?
■ 분쟁 지역에서 벌어지는 진영간 치열한 PK!
분쟁 지역 어디서도 긴장을 놓을 수 없는 필드 PK!
전략적인 판단으로 아군과 함께 승리하라!
■ 전장의 최강자를 가리는 콜로세움!
박진감 넘치는 실시간 4 vs 4 팀 배틀!
명예의 휘장을 가질 자는 도전하라!
■ 보물을 얻기위한 대규모 전쟁터! 용의 보물 전장!
최대 75 vs 75명까지 입장 가능한 광활한 전쟁터!
적들을 처치하고 보물을 획득하라!
■ 더 높이 올라서라! 영원의 성소!
층마다 위치한 보스를 처치하고 더 높은 층에 도전하라!
길드원들과 층을 점령하고 강력한 버프를 획득하라!
■ 적들을 무찌르고 정상에 우뚝서라! 길드전!
적 길드의 거점을 점령하고, 우리 거점을 수비하라!
최강의 길드에게는 부와 명예가 주어질 것이다!
■ 길드원들간 힘을 합쳐서 보스를 처치하라! 길드 토벌대!
길드원들과 함께 더 강한 보스들을 무찔러라!
풍성한 보상과 함께 길드 이름을 정상에서 빛나게 하라!
■ 최종 보스를 토벌하라! 레이드!
요일마다 다르게 등장하는 보스들을 팀원들과 협력하여 물리쳐라!
더 많은 피해를 입히면 더 좋은 전리품을 획득하리라!
■ 광대한 오픈 월드에서 펼쳐지는 Full 3D 액션!
박진감 넘치는 Full 3D 액션과 자유로운 카메라 뷰!
오픈 월드 최고의 그래픽과 액션을 경험하라!
[AxE 공식 카페]
유용한 Tip과 풍성한 이벤트를 공식카페에서 확인하세요!
[브랜드 페이지]
AxE에 대해 더 자세히 알아보고 싶다면 지금 바로 방문하세요!
■ 스마트폰 앱 접근권한 안내
앱 이용 시 아래와 같은 서비스를 제공하기 위해 접근 권한을 요청하고 있습니다.
[필수적 접근권한]
사진/미디어/파일 저장: 게임 설치 파일, 업데이트 파일 저장 및 고객센터에 스크린샷 첨부
[선택적 접근권한]
오디오: 게임 내 음성채팅 기능을 사용하기 위해 포함되어 있습니다.
[접근권한 철회 방법]
안드로이드 6.0 이상: 설정 gt; 앱 gt; 권한 항목 선택 gt; 권한 목록 gt; 접근권한 동의 또는 철회 선택
안드로이드 6.0 미만: 운영체제를 업그레이드하여 접근권한을 철회하거나, 앱을 삭제
※ 앱이 개별 동의 기능을 제공하지 않을 수 있으며 위의 방법으로 접근 권한을 철회할 수 있습니다.
이 게임은 부분유료 아이템 구매가 가능합니다. 부분유료 아이템 구매 시 추가 비용이 발생할 수 있습니다.
이 게임의 이용과 관련된 제반사항은 넥슨 모바일 서비스 이용약관(https://m.nexon.com/terms/234) 및 넥슨 개인정보 처리방침(https://m.nexon.com/terms/7) 을 통해 확인할 수 있습니다.
개발자 연락처 :
2018-11-08 10:05:54
简介:Enjoy Car Bumper.io game with us!
Knock opponents off the roof with your car bumper,
Grow bigger and stronger after knocking others off,
You must be the last on the roof to win the final battle!
Try different map experience fast amp; furious!
Come and battle now!
2018-11-08 09:56:52
简介:Tap to turn right, release to turn left and drift your way to the finish line!
Skiddy Car #39;s one-tap drifting gameplay is simple to learn and filled with clever new challenges.
Complete the levels and unlock new tracks, new skins and an ever-growing supply of vehicles!
Skiddy Car features:
• Simple yet challenging one-tap drifting gameplay!
• Play your way through the range of winding tracks!
• A huge collection of crazy vehicles to unlock!
• Colourful ways to customise your game!
Get on the track and master your skiddy skills.
2018-11-08 09:55:40
简介:strong font color="red" 《悬案: /font 电子机器人杀人事件》 /strong 是一款十分恐怖且极具挑战性的第一人称潜行恐怖游戏。警察局被不明黑客劫持、所有出口遭到封锁、电源被切断、低沉的金属碰撞声越来越近,你能活下来吗,毕索普侦探?
strong 主要特色 /strong
strong 躲藏 /strong
strong 保持移动 /strong
strong 解谜 /strong
strong 聆听 /strong
strong 使用平板电脑 /strong
strong 存活 /strong
2018-11-08 09:53:28
简介:The rule is very easy, just drag your battle and hit other enemy off the stage!
You #39;ll surely love this game once you get how it works!
* Free to play, play it anywhere anytime
* Suitable for all ages
* Simple rules but a little difficult to clear the level, you #39;ll find the addiction.
* Now try to challenge and share it with your friends!
*Choose your bumper skin
*Relax and enjoy
Be the best on the stage and win in the bumper battle!
2018-11-08 09:45:11
「如果你醒来一片荒凉,请把我们带走。」- 教会长老
● 探索《OPUS:灵魂之桥》的末日真相,拼凑故事缘起。
● 亲手操作设备装置,体验脱困的解谜乐趣。
● 享受唯美的末日世界,精美的过场动画。
● 身历其境的原创环境音效,享受动人的听觉体验。
● 全球缔造百万载量,并获得各项大奖肯定。
● 充满突发考验及富有情感的剧情,属于解谜的故事型游戏。
● 在 Google Play 被评为 4.7 分的好评。
※ 本游戏是为了回馈喜爱《OPUS:灵魂之桥》的玩家,免费释出的非商业作品。
※ 游玩时间约 10~15 分钟,属于极短篇游戏。
※ 想瞭解更多资讯,欢迎前往官网 www.sigono.com
2018-11-08 09:18:21
战士 :装备种类多,在同等打法下,战士装备比其他角色更容易获取,在交易所价格相对便宜。通过彪悍血量与惊人护甲来打敌人(其实就是恶心别人)。属性平衡,能力更多通过时间来累积
法师 :同你若认知多数游戏一样,拥有非凡的伤害量,众多的技能效果。这些是你若期待的,事实上前期你要努力收集技能书,这是一个漫~长~的过程。〔法师伤害来自于技能,技能来源于技能书,技能书来源于“幸运宝箱”掉落,交易所购买。〕
射手 :没有法师吃技能,没有战士皮糙肉厚,攻击方式比较下较为单一,伤害稳定,所以你很容易看出来你打不打得赢一个人。非常沉稳。获得一件好装备,可以瞬间提升大量属性。相同的问题来了吃装备,装备产量少,当然,你是欧皇,一个好的射手装备可以卖不少钱哦
2018-11-08 09:17:55
简介:Every fight game has it own charm but the old street fighter game is the best of them all.
This is an guide for the street fighter 2 also street fighter 5 game we reveal some tips to the lovers of that awesome game
Please note this app is a guide about the game Street Fighter.
2018-11-08 09:16:36
简介:Be the Brazilian Champion in BRASILEIRÃO 2018 REAL FOOTBALL, the best football game! Control the ball, show your dribbles, score a goal in epic matches. Enjoy an outstanding real football game day atmosphere. This is your chance to be the real brazil football champion. Can you score a goal and be a legend?
Goal is the moment we #39;re all waiting for it. The football best stars are here to pursuit the striker trophy. The best goalkeepers in the world are in your way to the goal. You will have to show your striker skils to score goals in BRASILEIRÃO 2018 REAL FOOTBALL.
Real football ball physics to simulate a real football game. Easy and intuitive buttons to control the ball and the football players. You can do an accurate pass, quick dribbles, and perfect shoots to score goals and build your way to the victory.
To beat the best football teams in the world you will find in BRASILEIRÃO 2018 REAL FOOTBALL, you will need to organizate your team strategy and think about your formation and lineup. Do your chances in the quest of a balanced team, who attacks and score goals, but also can defend and stop the adversary attacks.
Be the brazilian champion in BRASILEIRÃO 2018 REAL FOOTBALL, all the Serie A Brazil emotions in this ultimate game in your hands for free. Play Offline, no need of internet connection. No Hidden Purchases, all teams and players are unlocked.
2018-11-08 09:14:36
简介:Have fun hitting our smiley face in a Paper Toss style game! All you need to do is hit the smiley face. It is as simple as that.
The creators are:
Arivu Kapoor (AK47)
Vishesh Gupta - @vish_stix on Instagram
You should check out our new app! We are not going to update this app anymore. The continuation of our app is going to be in the app: Smiley Face Basketball 2.0! Check it out!
2018-11-08 09:13:48
[email protected]
2018-11-08 09:12:36
简介:HotCold GPS Treasure Hunt Game is a GPS game which uses quot;Hot quot; and quot;Cold quot; instead of directions to guide the people to the target location.
People create new treasure hunts marking the GPS location and participants of the treasure hunt can navigate towards the treasure hunt location using the quot;Hot quot; or quot;Cold quot;
This allows the creation of fun outdoor games and social activities for kids and adults alike.
How it works
► In this treasure hunt game, people can create a target with a title and a description for the GPS treasure hunt as well as a message to be shown when the person reaches the target.
► This created target can be shared to your friends via various apps like ShareIt, WhatsApp, Facebook or Email in form of a QR Code which when scanned starts the game.
► Make your own treasure hunt game and invite your friends to participate in this treasure hunt game with a GPS enabled handset.
► Easy interface for creating treasure hunts.
► Social Sharing of created treasure hunts from within the game using email, Facebook, WhatsApp, ShareIt and many more!
► QR code is generated which can be scanned to add the treasure hunt target to their devices
► A message can be added, which is displayed only when the participant reaches the target.
- The accuracy of the GPS coordinates can vary from one place to another and depends on the characteristics of your device.
- Game is best played outdoors as GPS has low accuracy indoors.
2018-11-08 09:11:34
- 大量独特的谜题和梦幻般的环境供您探索!
- AAA作品,具有令人难以置信的3D图形效果,迷人的故事,专业的配音,以及更多!
- 超过10小时的游戏和数百个隐藏的对象等您收集!
2018-11-08 08:56:45
2018-11-08 08:55:32
简介:You fly on your plane - this is a common task. But suddenly something happened to the engine of the plane. He stopped working! Further, you already do not remember anything ... When you wake up, you realize that you are on an uninhabited island. What to do? How to get out of this lost island?
Meet the new escape simulator from the island! Try to survive in the wild in the tropics! Find a way to get out alive from the island!
You have to think and execute several quests to save. Use all your skills to achieve your goal. Get food: coconuts and bananas and other fruits. Use tools such as a pickaxe.
Do not forget, there are still islands nearby. You landed on a tropical archipelago. In your plane destroyed by the fall, there are some things that can help with salvation. The ships are far away on the horizon. But they do not see you. Do everything in your power to be noticed and saved from a tropical island!
Hand-drawn graphics, sound and music will give you an unforgettable experience with this game!
2018-11-08 08:54:17
简介:This is a crazy mickey the mouse and minnie race game! a free adventure game wich
you need to try with Mickey and minnie to collect coins, just jump and you are rich
be careful not to fall, co pilot minnie will help you to drive with mickey,the mouse game
are super Free Addicting Adventure Game, enjoy the features of your favorite incredible mickey
and minnie games, jungle and surfs to reach the final castle level.
Challenge your friends, beat them for the best score.
help this mouses to achieve there dreams.
show the courage to be a rich player.
Features :
- Endless Runner with great HD graphics and fun animations.
- One on One Multiplayer Race Off-road
- This Application provides very high quality graphics, which will make you addicted for this game.
- playing of this game so easy and even small kid can enjoy.
- 105+ Challenging Levels Survival
- Free games for kids , girls and boys games.
Controls :
-Touch the screen anywhere to jump and Hold to Fly.
-just Tap to jump with Mickey.
what are you looking for the game is back!
Start to play the most amazing mickey and minnie race roadster game.
2018-11-08 08:53:20
简介:welcom to number blocks hero game .
the game number blocks hero it #39;s free game for all of levels and ages .
this game number blocks hero build by kari app .In the game number blocks hero will face the hero number blocks Acrobat the enimie who will direct a series of attacks but the hero number blocks will try to avoid and eliminate his enemy
He helped the hero number blocks to fly to the top and avoid enemies and bullets and obstacles.
Adventurer number blocks is a wonderful adventurer and very beautiful and strong can fly very quickly in his wonderful dress.
2018-11-08 08:52:28
简介:Dost Kazığı HD oyunumuz yayında!
Gelişmiş yapay zekaya karşı internet bağlantısına gerek kalmadan internetsiz dost kazığı oynayın.
- Dörtlü oyun
- Farklı kart seçenekleri
- Çok hızlı oyun
- Puan Tablosu
2018-11-08 08:49:50
简介:If you want to bring the refer in you out into the open, this is just the game for you.
Real Racer 2018 gives you that thrilling, exciting race you have been longing for. You have a wide range of cars to choose, and you can go in for the track that can give you that aderenalin-pumping experience.
Get the fastest car that suits you best, get your lucky Colorado for the car and then go off like wind.
Wait. Speed is the mantra for the game, but you should also add caution and control to your speed. If you put up a top rated racing performance, your score gets higher and you earn more credits. But an error leading to an accident on this challenging highway can bring down your scores.
Race to your heart #39;s delight, win more credits and use the credits to unlock new cars.
Get ready. Go.
Game features
• Modern beautiful 3D graphics.
• Realistic physics of cars.
• 3 Tracks with different weather condition.
• You can choose different highways.
• No speed limit
• Real-time driving pleasure
• Different Kind of cars
• Different Modes with a different kind of game play
Have Fun!!!
2018-11-08 08:49:16
简介:lt; gt;是精彩战斗拉力赛车游戏。它是 lt; gt;的装甲版. 本游戏使用加速度计来会有更逼真的驾驶体验。细节和高品质的画面一定让玩家们热血沸腾、 高速赛车经验。
-8 赛道
-4 辆汽车
-街机模式、 生涯模式和快速模式
-武器: 机枪、 导弹和地雷
-自选: 车身颜色、 发动机、 齿轮、 涡轮、 悬架和车轮
多语言支援: 英语,汉语 (简体和繁体)、 俄语、 西班牙文、 印尼语、 韩语和日语。
2018-11-08 08:48:33
简介:注意:这不是官方FF 8或快8游戏。
2018-11-08 08:47:50
简介:Please keep in mind that this is beta version.
We are currently working on bluetooth reliability and stability.
Drone n Base - the gaming drone
Drone n Base is the World’s first multiplayer race and battle drone game with palm sized drones. Unique combination of drones and interactive ground bases is the core of our game.
Build your own uniqe track using the bases. Turn your home into race track or change your office into battle arena.
Augmented reality allows you fight against your own drone.
Challenge your drone for neverending fight in our newest augmented reality games.
Singleplayer games including:
Drone Academy
Base Conquer
Phantorea quest
AR Battle - comming soon
Multiplayer games:
Race (with power ups)
2018-11-08 08:45:44
简介:With this app you can drive a car in reverse with a joystick placed on the lower left corner of the screen just by scanning one dollar. The dollar has to be all the time in the screen in order to the car to be visible.
This app is suitable for people of every age.
2018-11-08 08:43:40
简介:Game Features;
Brilliant HD Graphics And Effects
Car Internal / above / Cockpit Camera Angle
Advanced Setup Menu
Special Modified Car Models
11 Different User race car
13 Different Opponent Race Car
5 different Raceway
2 Different Game controls (touch and sensor)
NOS Nitrous System
Audio settings
Username Description
5 Different Race Mode (Circuit Lap KO, Time Trial, Speed Trap, Check Point)
**Car More Lists**
550 xDrive
2018-11-08 08:42:35
简介:Traffic Racing In Car Driving Free Racing Games is the ultimate Racing Videos Games that gives you full control and supports for ultimate user experience.
Traffic Racing In Car Driving Free Racing Games is an endless in car racing games on city highway tracks to make some new high records. Drive Car yourself for real racing quests while driving the multiple brand-new sports cars games for free with excellent suspension and turbo engines. Join the fastest drag rally to become the champion of endless car racing games and perform amazing nitrous burnouts to fulfill your racing games fever. Take a ride on cool Racing sports cars. Overtake your competitors in this racing in a car games during drive car . Now-a-days trend is swinging towards Racing Games , games lovers are shifting towards racing games. If you want to enjoy sheer racing in car based car racing games then you must download Traffic Racing In Car Driving Free Racing Games with controller games . Get yourself deep into Virtual Reality world of Car Driving and get adrenaline in racing cars games. Go bumper to bumper while chasing your rivals and use the drifting stunts to reach the finish line fast. Collect maximum coins during your endless journey and keep an eye on track to avoid crashes and road accidents.
Traffic Racing In Car Driving comprises the brand new full 360 degree rotation to give you amazing taste of highway driving in real 3D view. Enjoy the real life car driving in car racing cars games without any fear of road accidents and injuries during drive car games for free . Just focus on the score board and try to gain the highest points. Collect the turbo boosters and other speed packs to give your car an adrenaline filled boost and reach the finish point as soon as possible. The high quality graphics and detailed textures of this endless racing game will surely make you addicted. Just download this best in a car racing games cars for free and immerse yourself in endless drag racing fun and adventure.
Traffic Racing In Car Driving is specially designed for all age people without any limitations or restrictions. This Racing In Car games is compatible with all android devices. There are multiple adventurous highway terrains in this car racing games to make your highway journey more adventurous and thrilling. Get coins and cash to upgrade your sports racing cars or buy new one in the car simulation games 2017. Download this awesome car drifting simulator game to get realistic experience like as sports car racer. Just tilt your head to control the car motion and avoid crashes at any cost. Experience the most realistic vehicle suspension for the first time in amazing virtual reality car driver mode and get addicted to this endless racing games cars in no time.
Game Features:
- Easy to learn and drive
- 3D realistic cockpit view
- Endless game mode
- Different locations and cars to choose
- Simulator-like controls
- Realistic virtual reality based car driving with full 360 degree rotation.
- Most realistic car simulation with great suspensions.
- Beautifully designed city highways and tracks.
- Smooth and easy game controls.
- High-Quality sounds and beautiful music.
- Collect as many coins as you can.
- Use the coins to unlock different amazing game features.
How to Play:
- Tilt the Mobile Devices to move left/right.
- You must have Gyro sensor in your android device to enjoy this virtual reality based car driving game.
- Install Traffic Racing In Car Driving in your mobile device and start the endless journey.
If you like this game, please try our other games by clicking “More from Developer” or by visiting our publisher account. And don’t forget to rate and review.
Traffic Racing In Car Driving is setting a new standard for traffic racing cars. Enjoy very impressive graphics and experience high speed racing! It would be fun and compelling game that we guarantee!