2018-10-30 07:12:44
简介:어느날 내가 갑자기 신이 되어버렸다!?
매일 반복되는 지루한 내 인생. 언제까지 이렇게만 살수는 없다!
내가 만드는 나의 세상을 꿈꾸다!?
신이 되어 모든것을 누려보자!!!!!
평범했던 내가 어느날 갑자기 신이되어버렸다.
이제부터 이 능력으로 나는 뭘 해야하지?
지금당장 만나러 가보자.
광고배너와 인앱결제가 포함되어 있습니다.
사용자 구별을 위해 Android 광고 ID를 호출합니다.
Android 광고 ID를 직접 사용하거나 노출 및 저장은 하지 않으며, UUID를 통하여 유니크값으로 변경 후 암호화 하여 사용을 합니다.
UUID - Universally unique identifier : 범용고유식별자
개발자 연락처 :
2018-10-30 07:12:36
简介:Get ready to start your road trip with fingers! Watch out the coming surprises!
* Innovative multi-gesture interaction will bring you the thrill of finger dancing!
* Delicate graphics and wonderful music
* An addictive easy-to-play-hard-to-master game.
* Dodge the unpredictable obstacles and traps.
Share your high score with your friends, see who is the ultimate finger drivers!
Dodge and weave through traffic at insane speeds!
Are your twitch reflexes fast enough? Enjoy the great fun!
2018-10-30 07:12:09
简介:Untamed ARena
It’s time to throw down and level up! Introducing Untamed ARena, the new FREE augmented reality game for mobile devices. Unleash your real-life Untamed creatures
in an augmented world where you fight to the finish! Challenge friends or anonymous foes to epic combats and unlock abilities, rewards and game features as you go.
Need a break from all of the battles? Give your creatures a little TLC by petting them, playing fetch or feeding them to calm them down or rile them up. You can also
customize their look and unlock exclusive colors and markings as you rise up on the leaderboard. With Untamed ARena, the world is your battleground!
Key Features
Unleash your real-life Untamed Creature in an augmented reality world (ALT: Scan your real-life Untamed Creature on your mobile device to unleash it in an augmented reality world)
Challenge friends and anonymous foes to epic battles in real time
Unlock unique combat abilities, rewards and game features as you level up
Pet your creatures, play fetch and feed them to calm them down or rile them up
Customize your creature’s color and markings with the Creature Creator
Keep track of their battle stats and abilities in the Creature Collection section
Fight to the finish to win more trophies and triumph on the leaderboard!
2018-10-30 07:11:39
简介:Do you like the game genres as below? Great! DropBall has all the elements!
- Physics Puzzler, Physics-based gaming
- Easy to learn but hard to master
- Strive for the sense of accomplishment in games
With simple, intuitive, touch-based game play,DropBall will delight puzzles fans of all skill levels
Download and start finding route right now!
* Dozens of brain busting puzzles are well-designed.
* Shatter your brain with ton of physics puzzle levels.
* One-tap easy-to-learn controls, rich visual effects and addictive gameplay mechanics
* Hard levels and even harder levels! 50 levels are all set! More soon!
* Free to play puzzle game, easy to play and free for all ages
* No WiFi? No Problem! You can play it offline
Quick loading times so you can play this miraculous puzzle game day and night .
Great for time management and your brain sharp !
2018-10-30 07:09:48
简介:Welcome, hunter! We’ve created this new shooting range simulator specially for you. Exciting 3D graphic, handy control, realistic animals in the best traditions of hunting games. Hunt across the world, improve your shooting experience and win the tournament.
Our super multiplayer games features:
3 unique modes: shooting gallery, pvp tourney and deer hunting
real ballistics and weather changing
super shooter simulator with various animals
diverse and replenishable arsenal
play multiplayer, without internet and for free
100 animal hunting levels
b Hunt all over the world /b
You start from the deer hunt forest. Kill as many preys, as you can find, get points to improve your sniper skills and open new maps and animals.
b Customize your own awesome firearm /b
Improve your rifle with various optical sights, bullets and magazines and be the best deer hunter between fps hunting apps!
b Collect hunting trophies /b
Hunt various animals from funky herbivores to dangerous predators. Visit Africa for the lion safari or the jungle for the extreme chasing a tiger.
b Admire the wildlife /b
The nature, backgrounds and animals in our hunting simulator are so real, that you’ll want to touch them. Wild at its perfect beauty!
And more advantages of our HD hunter game:
b Easy-to-use /b
Gameplay in this one of the deer hunting games is so lite, that you can play even by one hand! You’ll learn multiplayer shooting games rules for several minutes and a training mode will help to cope with control.
b Skills development /b
At the start of the animal shooting games you’ll have low accuracy and standard firearm. But after the first hunt in hunting games offline you’ll get skill points to improve them both. So, during the hunting games 2018 you can become the best sniper experienced hunter of animal hunting games!
b Competition with other people /b
Use your shooter skills in multiplayer games online. Join to the big online tournament and win many hunting games free rewards. Show, who’s the real hunter in safari games!
2018-10-30 07:09:16
简介:用骷髅头与僵尸一起奔跑。与最好的图形和无限运行的概念在这里, 我们推出万圣节运行游戏的所有僵尸野兔怪物游戏爱好者. 这个万圣节美国神圣的僵尸火箭与行动和冒险手机游戏。跳跃, 滑动, 躲避障碍物, 收集一个高分的黄油的骨架头. 骷髅头, 万圣节音乐怪兽是一个美国南瓜崇拜在各种不同的角度. 僵尸也被称为怪物, 僵尸, 南瓜, 吸血鬼, 女巫 还有鬼魂僵尸是万圣节世界最受欢迎的部分之一。
享受冒险运行通过异国情调的地方与这个动作包装的自动亚军的成熟游戏. 尝试从致命的障碍中拯救你的策略跳跃引入万圣节僵尸运行游戏给你的孩子, 使这个万圣节节第三十一2018年10月快速短跑 remembraus 大胆的喷气背包是主要的助推器万圣节僵尸亚军是一个冒险男孩从世界和他的对手邪恶的美国恐怖节的故事。他的邪恶计划在万圣节的故乡丛林里散播恐惧下载它现在免费和有乐趣...。
2018-10-30 07:09:07
简介:绘制线条,拼图球,获取新皮肤,收集星星,物理线条很好! 用你的智慧找到非标准的解决方案。 你可以玩圆球或其他有趣的角色。 在这个游戏中你必须保存一个爱球家庭。
你所需要的只是克服障碍并拯救圆球。 那个开放的新水平需要画线。 旅行和玩球:红球,蓝球和黑球。
享受精美的图形,玩球,滚动和愉快的音乐。 为您打开新世界一个家庭喜欢球的旅程,并看到最好的设计水平。 解决拼图球并为您打开新皮肤。
─通过关卡的不同方法 - 找到最好的方法。
2018-10-30 07:08:46
简介:초고화질 차세대 파티 사냥 액션 MMORPG!
새로운 전투 메커니즘! 소울의 힘으로 몬스터를 속박하고, 7종류의 개성 넘치는 무기를 자유롭게 활용하라! 친구와 파티를 만들어 몬스터가 살아 숨 쉬고 있는 황야를 향해, 거대화한 천적들과 격렬한 전투를 벌여라! 사냥꾼이 될 것인가, 사냥감이 될 것인가!
◆ Chap.1 방벽의 밖에서, 몬스터들이 요동친다.
신들이 황혼에 접어든 후, 살아남은 인류는 폐허 속에서 다시 일어섰다. 인류는 전화가 휩쓸고 지나간 이 세상에 다시금 문명을 건설하고, 그 이름을 에란트(Errant, 신을 등진 세계)라고 칭했다.
지금으로부터 600년 전, 에란트 왕국은 갑작스럽게 한 무리 괴수들의 습격을 받는다. 수많은 도시가 폐허가 되었고, 극히 적은 생존자만이 살아남았다. 병사들의 무기로는 괴수들에게 아무런 피해도 입힐 수 없었기에, 인류는 강하기 이를 데 없는 이 괴수들을 몬스터라 부르기 시작했다. 왕국의 통치자는 압도적인 열세에 방벽을 세워 몬스터들을 막으려 했지만, 몬스터들의 기세를 조금 늦췄을 뿐이었다. 절체절명의 위기 속에, 인류의 멸망은 시간 문제인 듯 보였다.
◆ Chap.2 사냥꾼이 될 것인가, 사냥감이 될 것인가
절망적인 상황 속에서도, 많은 이들이 승리의 희망을 포기하지 않고 있었다. 그들은 끝없이 몬스터들과 싸우며 생명을 담보로 몬스터에 대한 귀중한 정보의 편린들을 수집했다.
결국, 인류는 몬스터의 힘이 체내의 소울로부터 비롯된다는 사실을 알게 된다. 고대 신들의 의식과 힘이 담겨있는 소울이 몬스터들을 현재 모습으로 변이시키고 인류를 공격해 인류가 축적한 힘을 빼앗도록 부추기고 있었다.
◆ Chap.3 소울 각성, 용을 베고 몬스터의 숨통을 끊는다.
일부 소울의 힘을 사용할 수 있는 인간들은 모여서 조직 ‘레인저’를 설립했다. 그 후 수 세기 동안 레인저는 항상 전장의 최전선에 나서 막대한 희생을 치러가며 몬스터의 위협으로부터 에란트 왕국을 수호했다. 하지만 수차례의 몬스터 격동기를 견뎌내면서, 왕국의 영토는 대폭 줄어들어 드넓은 땅이 몬스터가 출몰하는 위험한 황야가 되었다.
「갈까마귀의 난」이라 불리는 내전이 끝난 후, 레인저와 에란트 왕국은 모두 막대한 피해를 입었고 특히 힘이 크게 소모된 레인저는 존속의 위기에 직면했다.
◆ Chap.4 길드 집결, 강적 앞에 힘을 합치다.
5차 몬스터 대전 이후, 왕국의 도움 아래 많은 신인이 가입해 레인저는 점차 「갈까마귀의 난」 이전의 세력을 찾아가고 있다.
레인저들은 사냥 파티를 단위로 집결하여 더 큰 규모의 연합인 길드를 세우고 거대한 천적들과의 사투를 이어나간다.
하지만, 인류가 몬스터들을 소탕하고 원래 영토를 수복할 수 있을지, 혹은 다음 몬스터 대격동을 견뎌낼 수 있을지…
미래는 아직 누구도 알지 못한다…
gt; gt;To be continued...
[권한 안내]
기기, 사진, 미디어, 파일 액세스 (필수적 접근 권한)
이 권한은 외장 메모리에 게임을 설치하기 위해 필요한 권한입니다.
권한을 허용하면 용량 부족 상황 시 외장 메모리에 게임을 설치할 수 있습니다.
고객님의 사진과 파일에는 접근하지 않으니 걱정하지 않으셔도 됩니다.
게임 중 음성 메시지를 보내기 위해서는 애플리케이션의 녹음 권한 사용이 허가되어야 합니다, 해당 권한은 상응하는 기능을 사용할 때에만 요청됩니다.
[에란트: 헌터의 각성 공식 SNS주소]
공식 카페: https://cafe.naver.com/ErrantKR
공식 페이스북: https://www.facebook.com/ErrantKR
공식 트위터: https://twitter.com/ErrantKR
공식 유튜브: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW6lDHcBKpTKSw5bd5ESelQ
2018-10-30 07:07:55
简介:加强和扩展您的木筏,以便有一个能够承受风暴的庇护所! 即使对于最熟练的玩家来说,这种筏子上的硬核海洋生存模拟器也是一个真正的挑战。 你会坚持多久? Ocean Raft Survival 2这是一款生存游戏,你必须与鲨鱼,手工艺品,烹饪食物和饮用水作斗争。
Ocean Raft Survival 2特点:
- 现实生存模拟器
- 打鲨鱼
- 制作系统
- 出色的3D图形
2018-10-30 07:07:22
简介:Swipe your finger to guide a snake of balls and break the bricks.
Try to break as many blocks as possible in Snake Mask.
Get additional balls and make the biggest snake ever!
Very easy to play but very hard to reach high scores!
b Game Features:
Free to play slither game
Endless gameplay
Simple swipe control
every ball can destroy only a one block
challenge your friends with the best highscore
very easy to start and crash blocks. /b
Eat bricks, weave bigger and have fun.
Make the biggest snake ever! Enjoy!
2018-10-30 07:06:43
简介:Exciting Journey of a Neon Panda trying to reach the highest High!
Easy to learn controls and addictive gameplay mechanics.
2018-10-30 07:06:36
简介:Crazy road racing : speed chase is a very interesting straight line racing game. You can drive up the highway, or walk in the city streets. Enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way. If you are a great racer you can challenge the heavy traffic on the highway and enjoy the thrill of avoiding traffic.
2018-10-30 07:05:40
简介:Fire Balls Blast 3D - Jump Ball Blast Game is New Stack Hit Game with Fire Balls , More than 100 Plus Stack Hit Levels .
How to Play Fire Balls Game:
Aim to Shoot the Fir Balls
Free Games 2018
Balls Games
Fire Balls Games
3D Games #39;
Free Games
Have Fun
2018-10-30 07:04:49
简介:Idle Sweet Bakery – Sweet Factory
Develop and run your own factory of sweets. It #39;s up to you what kind of sweets will be produced there.
Hire bakers who #39;ll help you bake ideal cookies.
You decide how many and what helpers you will have.
Try to build the whole production line and develop your sweet empire.
In your sweet factory, you can develop particular production stages in many ways, change them, upgrade them and replace equipment with new one.
Set up your own company and become its President. Invite your friends and play together, complete everyday tasks and upgrade the company - use the great deal of bonuses together.
Become a sweet millionaire!
The extended systems of many ranks allow you to compete with players from all over the world!
Develop your sweet factory by building and upgrading workstations, hiring employees and cutting production costs.
You decide whether to sell your sweets faster or wait for the client who pays more.
The fortunes of the whole sweet factory is in your hands!
Invite guests to the Confectionery, develop it and elevate your sweet achievements to the tops of ranks.
- more than 200 building upgrades
- almost 20 various products
- more than 10 different types of employees
- almost 100 company upgrades
- more than 10 uprgades of each product
- more than 150 achievements to earn
Sweet Factory is in a test phase and therefore some minor errors may occur.
If you notice them or want to share your opinion – we #39;ll appreciate your comments.
Idle mechanics – sweets may be manufactured offline. Remember that earning is slower then.
Clickers mechanics – tap on workstations - tap, tap, and manufacturing will get faster.
Quality control mechanics – good quality sweets will be sold at higher prices. Tapping will make you feel like a millionaire faster.
Idle Sweet Bakery – Sweet Factory
Terms of use:
2018-10-30 07:04:40
你的國家vs 53個其他AI國家 -
我們所有的 b Empire 2027 /b 策略遊戲都會定期更新,我們正在開發新的,令人興奮的主題和模式。
在Twitter上關注我們: http://twitter.com/iGindis
在Facebook上找到我們: http://www.facebook.com/IGindis-Games-Community-1537213786605789/
加入我們的大社區: http://plus.google.com/communities/111682768401571055484
觀看我們的視頻: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2_-8Psq33Hw1y14hhWog2Q
2018-10-30 07:03:55
简介:Pet Fight is a brand new match-2 puzzle game!
Whole new 1v1 battle experience which other puzzle games do not have!
With Pet Fight, you will have more fun than with any other pets game!
Highlighted Features
★10 colorful cute pets that will make you happy:Cat, Bird, Rabbit, Panda and so on.
★ Funny sound effects,catchy music and a fast-paced gameplay.
★Start a battle in less than 3 minutes.
★PK instantly with opponents from all over the world!
★If you are interested in becoming friends with your opponents,
we will add more instant messaging functions in the future!
★You will be able to invite your friends to create a battle room and battle together when we release the next version, next week.
It #39;s perfect for people who enjoy 1v1 battles and love winning.
How to play
1. Log in and find an opponent for the fight.
2. Try to connect all the same pets by pairs to increase your score as much as possible! The rule is to match two pets of the same type that can be connected by a line. If they are not of the same type or can’t be connected by the line, you will get the“Miss” warning and will need to match two new pets.
3. When all pets have been connected and there are no pets left,the game is over. The player who got the higher score is the winner and gets a golden crown.
4. No matter if you win or lose, you can send cute emojis to your opponent to share your feelings about the battle with him or her. If you like, you can ask him or her to play again. Otherwise, you can change the opponent and start a new battle!
So join in!Match more and more pets and become the best Pet Fight player ever!
The game will be cuter and full of love because of you!
Download now for free and challenge yourself during each battle!
The most adorable, naughty and cute pets are coming!
2018-10-30 07:03:55
简介:Gold of Vega Casino must be your favorites even though you have played lots of similar slot games. You must be excited, thrilled and can not stop in the middle of spinning. We are proud of creating a brand new slot game that comes into being right now!
1,Free coins hourly and wheel bonus can be collected in an easy way.
2,All kinds of challenges in slots are offered and players just choose the favorite one to start spinning.
3, Magnificent animated effect and high quality graphics as if you were gambling in real Las Vegas casino.
4, Lots of bonus features are designed for players to stack up colossal credits.
5, Collect wilds and scatters to win free games and coins reward.
6,Tons of free spins, respins, jackpots rapidly multiplied wins will changed you into a rich billionaire.
Gold of Vega Casino fans can’t wait to win plenty of bonuses. Just click DOWNLOAD and get started!
Contact Support: [email protected]
Gold of Vega Casino is intended for adult audience by those 21 or older for amusement purpose in game play.
Gold of Vega Casino does not offer quot;real money gambling quot; or an opportunity to win real money or prizes.
Practice or success at playing Superb Casino does not imply future success at quot;real money gambling quot;.
2018-10-29 23:37:55
简介:体验在 135 个国家排名第 1 位的游戏应用!领养专属于你的猫咪宝贝,并帮助他成长为猫咪帅哥吧!悉心照料你的虚拟宠物, 为他取名并让他成为你生活的一部分-喂他,和他玩耍,培养他成长。
- 畅玩 10 个迷你游戏:果冻连线、泡泡射手、敲砖小将 、连及更多!赢取金币、乐趣无穷!
- 养育你专属的汤姆猫:和他玩游戏,喂他最喜欢的食物,带他上床睡觉。
- 收集机票,周游世界,结识其他汤姆猫。用来自世界各地的明信片填满你的相册,解锁那些对一个真正的探险家有价值的衣服。
- 体验栩栩如生的情感表达:汤姆猫会高兴、饥饿、困倦、厌烦……他的情感随着你和他互动的方式而发生变化。
- 发挥你的创造力:从 1000 多种毛色、服装和家具的组合中挑选,打造你专属的汤姆猫。
- 玩游戏、拿奖励:随着游戏的进行,帮助汤姆猫顺利达成 9 个阶段共 999 级的成长,解锁新道具并获得金币!
- 与汤姆猫互动:对汤姆猫说话,他仍然会重复你说的话。戳他、抚摸他或是挠他痒痒,看看他如何反应。
- Outfit7 产品推广与广告
- 指引客户到我们的网站以及其他 Outfit7 应用的链接
- 个性化内容来吸引用户再次玩本应用
- 通过社交网络与好友建立连接的可能性
- 通过 YouTube整合,观看由 Outfit7 动画人物出演的视频
- 进行应用内购买的选项
- 可用虚拟货币购买不同售价的道具,这取决于玩家当前的等级
- 无需花费真钱进行应用内购买即可使用应用所有功能的替代选项
2018-10-29 13:24:35
釘宮理恵 / 細谷佳正 / 高野麻里佳
田村ゆかり / 日岡なつみ / 八代拓
高橋英則 / 本多真梨子 / 秋奈
花守ゆみり / 森嶋秀太 / 愛美
内田雄馬/ 水瀬いのり / 田中あいみ
青地希望 / 飯田里穂 / 榎木淳弥
花倉洸幸 / 鴨池彩乃 / 桑原由気
沢城千春 / 武内駿輔 / 野沢雅子
森なな子 / 若井友希 ほか
2018-10-29 12:10:24
2018-10-29 11:15:26
简介:작은 외계인 괴물, 감독자 신비한 아파트, 심지어 상사와도 싸울 수 있도록 도와주세요.
간단한 게임 플레이, 좋은 그래픽, 재밌는 괴물과 신비한 아파트 소리, 고전 컨트롤러, 아주 재밌고 아주 재미, 당신은 그가 점프, 화재, 공격 도와 드릴 수 있습니다!
이것은 당신이 이미 달린 놀라운 레벨과 보스 싸움으로 고스트 볼의 비밀입니다. 시작 전체 실행을 실행하면 원래 스타일의 게임에 들어가는 최고의 게임입니다!
컨트롤은 우수하고 사용하기 쉽고 신비아파트 고스트 헌터 비를 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.
여행 신비아파트 게임! 여기 당신을 지원하기 위해 설정해야 할 것들이 있습니다!
*** 게임 방법 ***
+이 게임의 컨트롤러 +
-왼쪽 : A
-오른쪽 : D
최고의 모험을 즐기십시오.
2018-10-29 09:51:56
简介:Battle Arena: Heroes Adventure is an incredible mix of best RPGs and MOBAs with action games elements. Show off your battle talent and tactical thinking, build an invincible team of heroes, defeat other players in realtime PvP battles on arenas, and destroy hordes of enemies in exciting missions. Join the fantasy world of roleplaying and battling. Cooperate with other masters and contest in real time player vs player war of guilds.
Download the game for free and get ready for an RPG adventure!
Realtime PvP battles!
BAHA will let you challenge mobile game players from all over the world. Crush your enemies in the online hero battle arena and become the best of the best.
Control your team in multiplayer PvP battles and make your unique strategy even in defence. It isn #39;t enough to have powerful heroes to win this war - you also have to make the right decisions at the right moments.
Build your own team!
Choose from over 50 heroes: a merciless undead leader, a furious gnome berserk, the keeper of an elven forest, a menacing robot shooter from the future, and many more, they will remind you about your favourite characters from movies, books and games.
Combine heroes and build a balanced team. The improvement of your in game team equipment and training skill is the key to be a winner on online arena in that new roleplay game. Improve the quality of your gear or find another random one in chests invite a friend and win a battle to complete epic quests. Upgrade your magic warriors by winning legendary daily contest of champions or take part in defending your guild of heroes against epic boss. Find your own unique combination of heroes evolved to be a winner in every multiplayer battle. Battle monsters or shop heroes to improve your power rating.
Excellent graphics!
Over 60 amazing locations neverseen in other games. Your journey will take you through virgin elven forests, scorching orcish lands that were partly destroyed by guild wars, the mysterious city of Atlantis, and the cold cliffs of the gnomes. BAHA will guide you through the heroes adventure. Lots of heroes with gorgeously rendered abilities from a wide variety of universes that is so rare for MOBA role playing games. Heroes have all sorts of attacks so you can fight your enemies any way you want. There #39;s something for everyone: snowstorms, fireballs, poisoned arrows or missiles, blasters, and flashbangs! And it’s not only a game for boys because of pumping heroes and fantasy tactics, a lot of cute heroes are waiting too, anyone would like to set up a good team, level it up and charge heroes to battle!
Play the game with your friends for free!
Anywhere not only with wi fi connection.
Invite other players to enjoy playing mobile RPG and make a clan. Trade heroes and equipment with your friends.
Chat, share tactics, fight friendly cooperative skirmishes and all that in one mobile game.
Follow us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BattleArenaHeroesAdventure/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/battlearenaheroesadventure/
Telegram: https://t.me/baha_en
2018-10-29 09:27:46
简介:b SUPER PADS TILES – Your music GAME! /b
Train your skills, reflexes and accuracy in this amazing game from the Super Pads Family! Get the best score in every kit to make your way up the rankings, earn coins and unlock special kits!
b See our main characteristics b
• New kits every week
• Kits inspired by famous hits
• High quality tracks
• Multitouch
• Addicting, fun and easy to play
• Play in the right rhythm to get the best score
• Works in all screen sizes – Smartphones and Tablets
Share your performances on social networks with the hashtag #superpadstiles
b Become part of the Super Pads Universe: /b
b Want to send us a suggestion? /b
Send an e-mail to [email protected]
Super Pads Tiles, simple. addicting and fun! /b /b
2018-10-29 08:16:51
简介:Ariana Grande-Butera is an American singer and actress.
She began her career in 2008 in the Broadway musical 13, before playing the role of Cat Valentine in the Nickelodeon television series Victorious (2010–2013) and in the spinoff Sam amp; Cat (2013–2014).
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Top Musica de Letras
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- God is a woman
- Side To Side (feat. Nicki Minaj)
- Dangerous Woman
- Into You (en español)
- God is a woman (en español)
- Into You
- One Last Time
New album: quot;Sweetener quot; (2018)
- Raindrops (An Angel Cried)
- Blazed
- The Light Is Coming
- R.E.M.
- God Is A Woman
- Sweetener
- Successful
- Everytime
- Breathin
- No Tears Left To Cry
- Borderline
- Better Off
- Goodnight N Go
- Pete Davidson
- Get Well Soon
2018-10-29 08:16:32
一个有趣的小游戏,为您的孩子 :-)
猫? Miiiiaao喵
驴? hihooo hihooo