2018-09-17 07:31:56
2018-09-17 07:31:53
简介:인터넷에서 많이 쓰이는 신조어와 은어들.
제가 잘 모르는 단어들을 모았습니다.
인터넷은 물론이고,
대화중에도 가끔 무슨말인지 몰라
되뭍기를 하는 것도 지쳐
아예 그런 단어들 싹 모아놓고 공부합니다.
한번보고 알랑가모르겠습니다만..
저처럼 #39;뭐지? #39; 어리둥절한 경험이 있으신 분들도
이 아재백과 하나면 안심든든할 수 있도록
이세상 모든 신조어, 외계어들을 담아보겠습니다.ㅋ
* 아재력을 측정하는 기능도 추가예정입니다.
신조어 백과 특성상
바른생활에 어울리지 않는 단어들이 다소 등장할 수 있는데,
그런 표현을 사용하지 않으면 의미전달이 제대로 되지 않을 수 있기 때문에,
양해를 부탁드립니다.
사실과 다른점이 있거나,
사전에 없는 새로운 신조어를 제보해주시면 감사하겠습니다.
개발자 연락처 :
2018-09-17 07:31:19
简介:Lead your troops to Victory using Cannons, Grenadier, Mercenaries. Unique battle simulator with available Units:
- Cannon
- Shrapnel Cannon
- Grenadier
- Pirate
- Bossman
- Lady
- Blackbeard
- Seaman
- Musketeers
2018-09-17 07:31:01
简介:You are invited to take a part in a really dangerous challenge – explore some strange deserted labyrinth. You #39;ll find here a lot of trials and traps. Overcome all the severities find your reward, find the exit! Climb Craft – Maze Run 3D – check your courage!
Can you escape the maze? Explore the labyrinth, jump over abysses, overcome difficulties. For the best understanding you can try tutorial first.
Climb Craft – Maze Run 3D game features:
• Real labyrinth made from blocks to explore;
• Different dangers and obsctacles;
• Amazing graphics;
• You can complete tutorial before starting a real game.
Do you feel strong and brave enough to step into this horror maze? Anyway, Climb Craft – Maze Run 3D is ready to take you in. Let #39;s start the challenge!
2018-09-17 07:30:10
[email protected]
2018-09-17 07:29:43
◆ 짧지만 강렬한 극한의 공포!!
갑툭튀 물이기 때문에 심약한 분들은 플레이 금지!
◆ 간단하고 쉬운 조작과 게임방법!!
아직 걸음마도 떼지않은 아이도 5초만 해보면 완벽 조작!
◆ 아오오니류 게임중 공전의 히트를 쳤던 바로 그 게임!!
오니류 게임 제작자 극테님의 작품!
※ 이 게임은 #39;인디사이드 #39; 의 #39;영광의 부활 #39; 프로젝트 대상 게임입니다.
원작제작자 : 극테
보강작업 : 인디사이드
게임서비스 카페 : http://cafe.naver.com/indisidegames
★ 일부 휴대폰에서는 제대로 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다.
개발자 연락처 :
2018-09-17 07:29:01
本游戏共有 50 关。
您会需要直观的操作,例如倾斜或摇晃 Android。快速转动您的大脑,完成关卡挑战!
- 游戏功能
- 已支持的设备和 Android
・Android2.2 或更新(应用程序不支持 Android2.1 较旧设备。)
- 全新挑战
已添加全新关卡。(关卡 51 - 关卡 75)
2018-09-17 07:28:31
简介:Castle Awake is a nice mixing between Tower Defense and basic RPG strategy style with real time tactical reaction! The game count with dubbed dialogues and a very fun story sequence in 31 amazing stages and different Endings with a bunch of ANIME and classic game references!
2018-09-17 07:28:07
You were trapped in a closed room!
Solve the mystery of the closed room and escape!
It is stage clear type escape game.
Escape game for beginners. Hint function available!
Only necessary operation tap and character input!
Recommended for those who like puzzles.
Auto save function available!
No charging element. You can play to the end completely free.
Very popular escape game! !
・Let #39;s tap the place you care about by looking at the whole room.
・Let #39;s use the hint function when you do not understand at all.
2018-09-17 07:26:55
简介:スリル満点!? 大人気トランプゲームの『ババ抜き』です!
2018-09-17 07:26:41
简介:数独游戏是一个 b 数学游戏 /b ,就像一个谜题,你将不得不试图解决它。
数独游戏是一个免费的数字游戏挑战,一个有趣的游戏,适合 b 演绎和逻辑 /b 的爱好者。
无需注册,无需互联网,无复杂规则。 开始玩, b 玩得开心! /b
在数独的细胞中......你会放几个号码? 用你所有的天才看 b 数独 /b 以解决 b 难题 /b
您可以随时离线播放 b sudoku /b 。 无需互联网!
玩数独游戏是最好的爱好之一。 享受 b 最佳数独游戏 /b 的日常学习!
你能解决其中一个最有趣的游戏吗?。 如果你无法解决一个数独,那么有线索可以帮助你。
安装它,玩得开心! 拉出你所有的天才并尝试解决所有的sudokus。
由The Angry Kraken创建。
2018-09-17 07:25:53
本アプリは開発を中断しておりますm(_ _)m
① u ストーリーモード /u でゲーム進行!
② u フリーバトル /u でカード収集!
③手に入れたカードで u デッキを強化 /u !
④全国のライバルと u オンラインバトル /u !
①自慢のデッキを u レシピ /u に保存!
③ストーリーを進めて u アバター /u を獲得!
※ u お使いのホーム画面と同じ向きで表示されます /u
・ぴぽや様 (エフェクト)
・高橋広樹事務所(p-ii)様 (フォント)
・子どものための手作り素材集 KID #39;S ROOM (キャラクター)
・Android Developers (アイコン)
⇒Creative Commons Attribution 2.5
・夕水 (キャラクター)
・村崎みどり (キャラクター)
・farumeru (シナリオ、背景、アイコン、キャラクター)
・鈴凪 (キャラクター)
2018-09-17 07:24:55
- All Banners available for summoning
- All Cards available to collect, new cards added fast.
- Open all the card banners you wish.
- Summon to your heart #39;s content.
- Great idea to test your card pack luck.
Great Idea Gaming is not affiliated with BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment. Dragon Ball content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment and its licensors. No copyright infringement intended.
2018-09-17 07:24:25
- 區域:日本
- 區域:東南亞和3區:南美洲熱帶雨林
2018-09-17 07:23:28
简介:당신은 드디어 꿈에 그리던 자신만의 식당을 차렸습니다.
아직은 동네 식당일 뿐이지만, 언젠가 미슐랭 3 스타를 받은
세계 최고의 맛집이 될 날을 기대하고 있죠!
이 가게의 운명은 당신에게 달려있습니다.
뭐 하세요? 어서 주방으로 들어오세요!
네? 치워야 할 테이블이 많다고요?
그럼 빨리 홀로 나가서 치워야죠!
네? 재료가 떨어졌다고요?
그럼 빨리 시장에 가서 장을 봐오세요!
네? 기름과 가스가 모자란다고요?
가게 문 열기 전에 미리 갈아놨어야죠!
네? 뭐가 이렇게 복잡하냐고요?
그럼 가게 운영이 쉬운 줄 알았나요?
마음 단단히 먹고 들어오세요!
키워드 : 타이쿤, 가게, 식당, 운영게임, 맛집, 키우기
개발자 연락처 :
문의는 아래로 부탁드립니다.
메일주소 : [email protected]
트위터 : https://twitter.com/every_tag
2018-09-17 07:23:18
简介:GBC Pro is your ultimate Game Boy amp; Gameboy Color emulator. Tons of features with minimalistic design.
App Features:
- Run both Gameboy Color and Gameboy roms
- Quick search everywhere in device
- Very High quality rendering
- Highly customizable
- Zipped files search support
- Mute sound
- Quick Save/Load when tapping twice on screen
- Save and Load up to 8 slots
- Change controller layout and screen layout
- Add cheats
- Select orientation
- Use Dynamic D-Pad
- A+B button
- High, Medium and Low quality for old phones
- Search for games with one tap (no need to unzip)
- Turbo buttons (touch and hold)
- Strength of vibration
- Change controls opacity
- Use Gamepad or Keyboard
- Fast Forward button with ability to change speed
- Quickly browse through last played and most played
This app does not include games. Please purchase them in a legal way.
* This product is not affiliated with, nor authorized, endorsed or licensed in any way by Nintendo Corporation, its affiliates or subsidiaries.
2018-09-17 07:22:36
简介:Heal yourself by playing with cute dogs!
You can see cute dogs and play with them every time and everywhere!
-How to Play-
Dogs will come close to you, if you put your finger on the screen.
If dogs are tamed, they drop coins and puppies.
If dogs are tamed or not, It #39;s depends on how your finger is attractive.
If you want your finger to be more attractive, you need to play side-scrolling action Mini-Game and level-up your finger.
Playing Mini-Game, your finger and dogs level-up.
If dogs level-up, they drop more coins.
Get many coins and upgrade lures to attempt rare dogs!
You can live with puppies in some rooms, if you get puppies which dogs drop.
You can get coins by stroking puppies in rooms, so collect many puppies!
See all kinds of dogs, and make friends with them, and see all kinds of puppies, and complete the game!
Now, let #39;s start the #39;Play with Dogs #39; life.
Here we go!
2018-09-17 07:21:42
简介:b Are you fully looking to embrace the Halloween spirit while also being able to explore a massive, exciting and truly amazing open world? /b
Bloody Halloween Game is here to offer you the ultimate action adventure experience on your phone, all while allowing you to complete missions, earn cash and drive vehicles in a seamless world filled with opportunities.
Halloween Game is themed specifically for this holiday and it provides you with a whole lot of unique, cool mechanics that are fun and very enjoyable.
One thing you will like about this game is the fact that in this game you will be able to control a Pumpkin Ghost as the main player, while also being able to complete missions and having fun perusing the city as you see fit.
The game includes some of the best visual technologies that you can find now on mobile, all while bringing a seamless, diverse and exciting game world that’s just a pleasure to peruse.
b Missions /b
Help the main character access the best scores and complete missions, all while having a great time! Does that sound great for you? If so, download this game right now, you will love it!
b Features: /b
• A stunning open world to explore
• Multiple car types
• Fly over the city with a helicopter
• Stunning Halloween theme
• Avoid police and increase your scores
• Day and night cycle
• Play in third person mode
• High quality driving mechanics
• Astounding animations and graphics
2018-09-17 07:21:22
简介:Word Cross Search is a first-of-its-kind multiplayer word puzzle game. The gameplay is a hybrid between crosswords and word search where you have to use clues to find words in a search grid. A great way to enhance your vocabulary, spelling and cognitive skills while having fun.
- Clash against friends and foes in the 1v1 Challenge Mode
- Progress to advanced levels by raising the stakes
- Quick-fire time-based competitive game that can be completed in a few minutes
- Increase your skill level at your own pace in the Campaign Mode
- Challenge friends to play with you in real-time
- Cross levels and earn coins
- Global and Facebook friends Leaderboard
- SImple to use classic design
- Every puzzle is unique are generated in real-time
2018-09-17 07:20:59
简介:b Stickman Downhill - Monster Truck /b is the third addition to the Stickman Downhill series. Experience ultra realistic and fast paced action packed Monster Truck racing in stunning environments. Choose from more than 15 different trucks, including even very special ones like a b School Bus Monster Truck, a Shopping Cart, a Crane, a kerosene powered rocket turbine truck and even a mini RC Monster Truck /b . Race in various different locations, ranging from tracks in deep forest to mountain tracks high up in the air. Every truck is designed by hand with its b own physics, handling and realistic sounds. /b
Additionally, compete with your friends at special ranked tournament cups, share your gameplay videos and watch other peoples best rides.
• From the makers of various top hits like Stickman Downhill, Stickman Downhill - Motocross, Stickman Soccer, Stickman Ice Hockey, Stick Stunt Biker, Stickman Cliff Diving, Stickman Base Jumper, Rope #39;n #39;Fly and more...
• Unique and beautiful graphic style
• More than 50 beautiful designed tracks
• Downhill tracks, Trial tracks, Race tracks, Free ride tracks, etc.
• More than 15 different designed ultra realistic trucks including even very special ones like a School Bus Monster Truck, a Shopping Cart, a Crane, a kerosene powered rocket turbine truck and even a mini RC Monster Truck
• Unique physics, handling and realistic sound for each truck
• Fully physic enabled trucks and physic enabled player for spectacular crashes
• Different amazing atmospheric locations, from forest to mountains, etc.
• Get achievements for special stunts
• Directly compare to your friends and all other players with the builtin leaderboard and tournament tracks
• Directly record your gameplay and share your best rides or crashes with your friends on Facebook, Youtube or Twitter
• Tilt or button control, whichever you prefer
• Integrated gameplay recording and video sharing
• Supports MFI Game Controllers
Take a look at the Stickman Downhill - Monster Truck Trailer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhPHyxwrDBI
Feel free to post your ideas, we will try to implement them as soon as possible
Thank you very much for all your support and interest in our games! We would love to hear your suggestions!
2018-09-17 07:19:43
简介:People are excited to visit your new restaurant and try the delicious hamburgers everyone has been talking about!
Check the ingredients and get ready to serve the customers a delightful meal of their favorite burger joints!
Get ready to run hottest fastfood restaurant in the city and you will get a burger empire.
Manage to serve your clients with your restaurant’s tasty fastfood: delicious hamburgers and cheeseburgers with extra cheese, onions, pickles, tomatoes and a lot of bacon!
Crispy chicken? Not a problem ! And what about some French fries? Or onion rings? Complete the order with a soda cream!
Take orders, cook burger joints, serve up hot dishes, and collect big tips!
The customers of the restaurant love fastfood, serve them with tasty burger joints.
Serve your customers with an efficient service to earn coins that you can use to buy new ingredients and other items to customize your burger empire.
Each new level will unlock new ingredients to make even more burger joints and let your empire grow.
So, let’s start to make some money !
You have to work hard to make more money to expand your empire! You are your own boss! You must manage your restaurant as you wish.
Build your own burger empire by using your management skills! Cook as fast as you can!
- Many ingredients to choose from, just like in a real restaurant: bread, cheese, crispy chicken, lettuce, onions, pickles, chicken patties, even sausages and much more.
- Serve weird and funny customers
- Addictive time management gameplay
- Free to Download
- Stunning graphics with amazing music and sound effects
- No signup's required, just download and install
- Free updates with new products, decorations, themes and more!
- Share your business with your friends on Facebook!
Learn to cook fast food as super chef with simple swap and drag
- Stand in real chef kitchen step in to shoes in this chef game
- Tasty ingredients, tomato, onion rings, pickles, cheese, barbecue sauce and more
- Newest time management simulation with super fun
Great fastfood restaurant and hamburger making game!
2018-09-17 07:18:58
简介:Welcome. My lord.
You are King Destroius the second, the Guardian of the monster kingdom, and the overlord of horror.
Now, your kingdom has became devastated by continuous invasion of greedy heros, who want fame and treasure.
Furthermore, this mean and merciless raiders ruined your most precious #39;thing #39; also.
Your patience is burned out finally.
It #39;s time to show them the real lesson, with your big and beautiful fist!
Every punch to enemy, you get a combo score that muliply your Exp. and money.
Every game play, you can pick optimized skills, to blow enemies over.
And various equipments upgrade your ablity and skill also.
But, Be aware that enemies became stronger, you go further.z
Try and enjoy this dynamic rogue-like runner game.
Feel the crisp fun of destruction!
If you get all items belonging a specific set, Set item effects will be activated automatically though you not equip the items.
You can upgrade skills many times while game playing, and skill will be dramatically evolved, when it reaches a specific level.
2018-09-17 07:18:36
简介:Collect Chicken, Fox, cute frog, adorable Bear, Owl and Otter, trigger boosters, and march to adorable triumph!
★ A unique Match 3 Game
★ More than 300 of lovable and challenging levels
★ Journey through fresh and dew map scenes
★ Relaxing background music
★ Charming props and collection items: Candy ,Honey, Ice, Chestnut, Fish etc.
★Special boosters to help you pass those tricky levels
★ A fun arsenal for fun boosters and power-ups
★ Breathtaking graphic design
★ Easy to play, hard to master
Download and get into the matching fun in Pet Pop Adventure!
2018-09-17 07:18:19
简介:Bienvenido a este nuevo juego de Consejos para LEGO Ninjago TOURNAMENT en el que encontrarás todo lo que quieres saber sobre este juego y obtendrás todos los consejos que quieres saber para ser un gran jugador y tener el mayor puntaje entre tus amigos y los jugadores de LEGO kong
- Hermosa calidad de gráficos
- Consejos para el LEGO Ninjago TOURNAMENT 2018.
Descargue ahora ¡Y disfrute con todos los consejos del Torneo Ninjago de LEGO sobre la congelación tropical! y no olvides calificar nuestra aplicación si te gusta y danos 5 estrellas
Este es un Torneo NO OFICIAL de LEGO Ninjago Tips.
Esta aplicación no está autorizada, creada o probada por el creador del LEGO Ninjago TOURNAMENT Game tropical.
Todo el nombre de la aplicación, imágenes, personajes, logotipo y otros detalles no son creados por nosotros, sino por sus respectivos dueños. Esta aplicación describe y guía a los usuarios de una manera fácil de usar la aplicación.
Esta aplicación sigue las pautas de quot;uso justo quot; de la legislación de EE. UU., Si considera que existe una violación directa de derechos de autor o marca registrada que no cumple con las pautas de quot;uso justo quot;, comuníquese directamente con nosotros.
2018-09-17 07:18:07
简介:Enjoy the summer with slashing fruit with knife. A brand new addition of casual game that #39;s simple and provide original content with single tap control to manage Knife.
You are presented with a single knife and fruits and moving fruits. Tap when the knife may hit the fruit. If you can cut multiple fruits with one hit, that will earn you a bonus. If the fruit drops on the floor, that will finish the game.
The game play is easy yet very engaging. It’s all about having fun and enjoyment and to learn it #39;s not an easy task to be a one hit Fruit shooter!
What you waiting for? Download it now!
· Different fruit models.
· Engaging and addictive game play.
· Powerful blade effect.
· Amazing background music and sound effects.
· Smooth and easy controls to play.
About Tap2Play
Tap2Play, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tapinator, Inc.
Tapinator (Ticker: TAPM) develops and publishes games on mobile platforms. The Company’s portfolio includes over 300 mobile gaming titles that, collectively, have achieved over 400 million player downloads. Tapinator is headquartered in New York. For more info, visit Tapinator.com.