2018-08-25 12:06:20
- 「GM」として、選手と監督をガチャやスカウトで集めよう!
- 「監督」として、自ら打順を編成、選手の起用法を編み出そう!
- 「オーナー」として、ホームタウンを発展させ収益を上げよう!
- 「選手」となり自身の能力を強化!チームの成長に貢献しよう!
- ペナント:全国のプレイヤー12チームと1週間かけてペナントレースを戦う!
- エキサイトマッチ:全国のチームと対戦し、レアアイテムを獲得!
- 激闘!JAPAN:プロ野球12球団がライバル球団となって登場!
- 選抜!ドリームスカウト:High amp;Lowでルーキースター選手を獲得!
- 猛烈!強化キャンプ:トレーナーから学び、能力を強化させる!
- 共闘!オールスターズ:仲間と協力して最強ギルドを目指そう!
- チーム強化:練習やスキル設定など、選手を強化し成長させる!
- ホームタウン:街の球団施設や商業施設を発展させ、収益を拡大!
メモリ 1GB以上
日本野球機構承認 データ提供:データスタジアム
2018-08-25 11:42:23
・CV:村上奈津実 高塚智人、その他
Six Waves Inc./NSSTUDIO INC./DMK Factory Co., Ltd
2018-08-25 11:37:08
2018-08-25 11:17:31
简介:Throw the ax at right timing to increase the distance!
Chop Hundreds, Thousands of trees and become EXPERT timber man.
It #39;s bonus that the global warming get worse when you break the high score :)
There are many axes!
quot;...Can i chop trees with this? quot;
- just a #39;stone #39; to #39;golden axe #39;, #39;banana #39;, even #39;dagger #39; (all known as shuriken)!
Unlock strange axes and chop more trees!
2018-08-25 11:03:39
简介:공룡을 성장시켜 아레나에서 최고의 탐험가가 되자!
어드벤처 턴 RPG게임
신규 가입자 선물 안내
- 쿠폰코드: 레전다이노1 (쿠폰란에 입력)
- 쿠폰등록: 게임 로비 gt;설정 gt;쿠폰입력
*HELLO LEGENDINO 쿠폰과는 중복되지 않습니다*
현재 지구 곳곳에 모습을 드러낸 거대 동굴들!!
놀랍게도 그 어마어마한 크기의 동굴은 그 끝이 가늠되지 않는다.
동굴속에는 폭포도 숲도 있으며, 생물들도 살았고, 바다와 섬도 있었다.
수많은 생태계와 광물자원들이 숨겨져 있는 보물창고와도 같은 거대동굴을 연구하기 위해 세계정부는 이 거대동굴들을 보호구역으로 지정하였다.
동굴이 발견된지 수년이 지난 지금, 동굴의 입구는 유원지와 같이 발전하여 관광객이 들끓는 명소가 되었고, 연구는 여전히 진행중이다.
여기서 쥘 베른의 소설 #39;지구속 여행 #39;
리덴브로크 교수와 그의 조카 악셀의 지구 속 모험을 기억하는 사람이 있다면, 이 거대동굴이 보여주는 것들이, 소설 속 모험이 사실이었을 것이라고 말하고 있다는 것을 눈치 챘을지도 모른다.
그야말로 모든 모험가들이 꿈꾸는 미지의 세계! 당신같은 대탐험가라면 이번 모험에 반드시 합류해야겠다는 흥미를 느꼈을 것이다!!
쥘베른의 #39;지구속 여행 #39;에 따르면 그 깊숙한 곳에는 공룡도, 거대 원시인도 존재해야 한다는 뜻이기 때문이다.
하지만 세계정부가 보호지역을 비공개로 연구하고 있기때문에 아무나 들어갈수 없다. 그래서 당신에게 이 지역에 흘러들어가게 된 초보모험가 역할을 소개한다
이제 동굴 속을 탐험하고, 공룡을 수집하고, 친구들과 파워배틀하며 공룡들을 성장시켜보자!
전략 플레이
: 상대방의 스킬을 예측하여 플레이하는 전략성
공룡 육성
: 개성 넘치는 공룡의 성장
PVP 아레나
: 아레나는 유저간의 1:1 PVP를 펼치는 경기장으로 상대방의 심리를 예측하여 스킬을 사용하는 쉽지만 재미난 대전을 즐길수 있습니다.
이 게임은 게임상에서의 아이템구매에 있어 In App Billing 을 통한 결제가 이루어질수도 있습니다. #39;전자상거래 등에서의 소비자 보호에 관한 법률 #39;에 따라 청약철회가 제한될 수 있으며 상세 문의는 고객센터로 문의 부탁드립니다.
(레전다이노 게임 문의는 아이디, 닉네임, 휴대폰 기종을 기재하여 [email protected]로 메일 부탁드립니다.)
*게임 소식은 아래 링크를 통해 확인하실 수 있습니다.
공식 카페:
개인정보 보호정책
이용 약관
보호자용 가이드
개발자 연락처 :
(04310) 서울시 용산구 청파로47길 90, 403호,+82-1577-4983
개발자 연락처 :
KOREA : 1577-4983
OTHER : 82)1577-4983
2018-08-25 11:02:00
简介:点按,点按,点按或摆动,摆动,摆动以打破块并在此像素式点击器中收集精选! PickCrafter是一款针对喜欢挖掘,制作和挖掘的人的模块挖掘游戏 - 即使在空闲或离线时也是如此!
* -NEW-击败老板的特殊物品并赢得奖杯
需要帮忙?请访问我们的支持页面https://pickcrafter.com/support或发送邮件至[email protected]
2018-08-25 10:50:11
简介:最低系統需求:Android 5.0,需2 Gb記憶體,CPU為Samsung Exynos 8890/Qualcomm Snapdragon 820以上規格。
• 收集超過20位格鬥風格互異的角色
• 每位鬥士都有超過20種獨特招式可解鎖升級
• 加入劇情模式任務、道場挑戰的線上對戰、輪番推出的線上活動挑戰等特別遊戲模式,盡情與對手過招!
• 加入傳奇鬥士Kazuya Mishima的行列,對付最難纏的敵手!在地圖上一路過關斬將,擊敗強大的特殊BOSS
• 打造專門解特殊任務的隊伍
• 探索動態戰鬥地圖,揭開引人注目的挑戰與獎勵
• 打造專屬隊伍,加入線上對戰模式,與好友和社群成員一較高下
• 玩家可以出擊鬥士和防禦鬥士組隊,參加每月季賽,爭奪專屬獎勵
• 玩家可在階級賽制中力爭上游,與全球頂尖玩家相互較勁
• 玩家在遊戲中的格鬥表現將被上傳至道場AI,以創造更真實的對戰感受
• 每日、每週、每月輪番推出線上活動。每場遊戲都是新鮮體驗!
• 加入特殊主題活動,體驗獨一無二的交戰
• 特別活動期間將推出稀有角色和內容
2018-08-25 10:34:57
简介:哎呀……糖果!会说话的汤姆猫的新 b 糖果店被抢了! /b 要想 b 夺回糖果 /b ,你必须不停 b 奔跑 /b !
精彩的 b 无尽跑酷 /b 冒险现在开始了。 b 强盗偷走了你的糖果 /b ,但这个混蛋 b 把糖洒得到处都是 /b - 街道上、海滩上、甚至还有游乐园!选择你喜欢的会说话的汤姆猫家族的角色,准备好 b 跑、跳、滑 /b ,展开一段惊心动魄、又无比甜蜜的冒险。 b 拾取宝箱 /b 来获得免费金币、钻石、新角色和角色升级。和超级有趣的伙伴一起追逐强盗,它们会用自己非凡的特殊能力给你帮助。
* 扮演你喜欢的角色
* 收集金币、道具和各种各样的糖果!
* 在充满各种障碍物的关卡中跑、跳、滑
* 激活会说话的汤姆猫家族角色的特殊能力
* 升级角色以提升他们的能力
* 让会说话的汤姆猫飞行,让会说话的安吉拉把障碍物变成糖果
* 伙伴会给你帮助:独角兽、萌龙、笑脸和快乐云朵
* 解锁新世界,夺回你的糖果!
- Outfit7 产品促销和第三方广告
- 指引客户到我们的网站以及其他 Outfit7 应用的链接
- 个性化内容来吸引用户再次玩本应用
- 通过集成的 You Tube 播放器观看 Outfit7 动画角色的视频
- 进行应用内购买的选项
- 可用虚拟货币购买不同售价的道具,这取决于玩家当前的等级
- 无需花费真钱进行应用内购买即可使用应用所有功能的替代选项
客户支持:[email protected]
2018-08-25 10:32:20
简介:■■■ 네이버cafe ■■■
네이버 공식커뮤니티:http://cafe.naver.com/uluguardian
신화 속에만 존재했던 신들과의 전쟁 !
신들의 수호를 받으며 신과 함께 동행하세요 !
가디언에서만 경험할 수 있는 새로운 세계관을 느낄수 있습니다 !
1.어둠의 분노에 맞서는 신의 가호 !
신께서 창조하신 또 하나의 전설
신의 가호와 함께 모험을 시작해 보세요!
2.신의 힘이 녹아있는 성물 !
신들이 남기고 간 성물들을 모아
환상적인 스킬을 획득하세요!
3.뺏고 뺏기는 신전! 스릴 넘치는 길드 전쟁 !
신의 힘을 이용하여 길드원과
신전의 최강자를 가려내세요!
4.강렬하고 폭발적인 스킬 임팩트 !
MMORPG에서의 느낄수 있는
최상의 스킬 임팩트가 준비되어 있습니다!
5.신화 속 화려한 탑승 펫의 등장 !
신화 속에서만 등장했던 창조적인 동물들이
탑승 펫이 되어 등장합니다!
1. 기기사진, 미디어, 파일 엑세스 허용
-게임을 실행하는데 필요한 파일을 단말기에 저장하기 위해 이 권한이 필요합니다.
-[기기사진, 미디어, 파일 엑세스] 권한에 저장소를 사용할 수 있는 권한이 포함되어 있으며, 해당 권한이 없을 때 게임 이용에 필요한 정보를 읽기/쓰기가 불가능하여 권한이 필요합니다.
2. 주소록엑세스허용
-로그인 과정에서 사용자의 구글 계정을 확인하기 위해 이 권한이 필요합니다.
-[주소록엑세스]권한에 이 내용이 포함되어 있으며, 해당 권한이 없을 때 구글로그인을 할 수 없게 됩니다.
3. 전화 엑세스 허용
-Google Play 서비스 과정에 필요한 전화 기능을 사용하기 위해 이 권한이 필요합니다.
-[전화 엑세스]권한에 이 내용이 포함되어 있으며, 해당 권한이 없을 때 Google Play 서비스를 사용할 수 없게 됩니다.
2018-08-25 09:48:31
简介:Bosan dengan antarmuka pencarian kata yang kuno?
Ingin menikmati pengalaman yang sepenuhnya baru untuk permainan teka-teki kata?
★★★ Kini, kamu dapat mengunduh b Teka Teki Silang Game /b dan bermain di PAPAN secara GRATIS! ★★★
b Teka Teki Silang Game /b adalah permainan teka-teki silang kreatif yang dapat menginspirasi hasratmu untuk tantangan otak. Permainan ini memiliki semua esensi dari permainan acak kata guna membuatmu merasa KETAGIHAN amp; TERHIBUR sepenuhnya.
➤ Tampilan Baru amp; Segar: Jika kamu suka bermain permainan papan dan teka-teki, kamu pasti menyukai Antarmuka PAPAN yang bersih dan segar saat pertama kali melihatnya.
➤ Praktis amp; Mudah Dimainkan: Kamu dapat mudah mengusap huruf untuk membentuk suatu kata tersembunyi. Mudah dimainkan dan seru untuk dikuasai oleh siapa saja.
➤ Bonus Mengejutkan: Masuklah setiap hari dan dapatkan bonus harian, selain itu, kamu akan mendapatkan koin setelah menemukan Kata-kata Ekstra yang tidak ditampilkan di papan teka-teki silang.
➤ Lebih dari 2.000 Tantangan menakjubkan: Dimulai dengan mudah dan menjadi menantang dengan segera. Dan kamu dapat menguji batas dari kata-kata yang kamu tahu. Level-level lainnya akan segera hadir.
➤ 100% Permainan Kata yang Adiktif: Kamu takkan pernah merasa bosan karenanya! Mainkan teka-teki silang ini sekali dan kamu takkan mampu lepas darinya!
- Usap hurufnya untuk membentuk kata dan mengisi ruang-ruang horizontal dan vertikal kosong pada papan
- Ketuk tombol quot;Acak quot; untuk mengganti urutan huruf
- Ketuk tombol quot;Petunjuk quot; untuk mendapat petunjuk
★ b FITUR /b ★
• PAPAN Cantik amp; Bersih untukmu (Nantikan tema yang dapat dikustomisasi)
• Temukan kata-kata esktra guna mengumpulkan koin
• 2000+ LEVEL untuk dimainkan
• Koin Bonus Harian GRATIS
• Cocok untuk anak-anak dan orang dewasa untuk melatih kemampuan mencari kata
• Tanpa perlu jaringan dan kamu dapat menikmati pencarian kata kapan saja
• Gameplay Simpel amp; Mudah dimainkan, sulit dikuasai
• Sepenuhnya GRATIS untuk semua pemain
UNDUH sekarang untuk mulai melatih otakmu dan jadilah ahli sesungguhnya dari teka-teki pencarian kata di atas PAPAN!
★ b KONTAK /b ★
a href="mailto:[email protected]" [email protected] /a
2018-08-25 09:01:33
简介:Reggaeton Music Piano Tiles is one of the Reggaeton Remix Music piano game apps, in this Reggaeton Music piano game is available new songs, this one game is very fun and not boring when played. What are you waiting to play Reggaeton Music piano tiles tiles right now
Feature Reggaeton Music Piano:
- Normal Mode
- Boom mode
Reggaeton Music List Song Piano
- Andra Sudamericana music
- Sin Pijama music
- No Me Acuerdo music
With the game Reggaeton Music Piano Tiles Tiles this song may be useful and entertaining for anyone who plays it.
Thank you :)
This app is not officially endorsed. The information contained or used on Reggaeton Music is for general information purpose only. All content is copyrighted and or trademarked to their respective owners and use for this Reggaeton Music piano tiles app is included in the fair usage guidelines. This app is aimed solely for fans of Reggaeton Music and helps them find an easier way to organize Reggaeton Music piano game
2018-08-25 09:00:37
简介:Are you looking for an adventure? Well you are in luck. Our team created this awesome, beautifuly designed game with a theme of magic! Piano melodies of your favorite artists are arrenged by us for you to enjoy!
We are truly believe in a beauty and simplicity, if you have the same values then this game is for you. If you get bored with one song go and search for another on our acccount, we have everything you need.
Game itself is easy at the beggining, but it gets harded with time. Tap on black tiles and go as far as you can.
2018-08-25 08:59:34
简介:Dragon ball Super Piano Tiles is the latest piano music hit game to take android by storm. In this game even a child can play songs like a real piano master.
Music Piano Tiles is very easy to play. The rules are simple. Press on the piano tiles to continue playing music. Watch out for the tiles and never miss any piano tiles to finish each song!
- Awesome graphics and sound effects. You #39;ll feel like you #39;re playing a real fancy classic piano made with expensive mahogany.
- After you play along the piano track, you can enter mode directly by the tap of the quick play button.
- Smooth gaming experience. We try our best to turn your phone into a piano with real sound effects.
Download the Dragonball Super Piano Tiles now and play forever FREE while increasing your reaction speed and musical skills! Thank You!
2018-08-25 08:58:30
简介:You will play for the character Stick, who on the plane is transferred to prison for especially dangerous criminals. The plane got into turbulence, and your cage leaned back. You could get out of the cage, but now you are given 12 items to make a successful escape from the plane. Only two successful subjects will lead you to a successful escape from prison. A lot of enemies and obstacles will get in your way. You are waiting for flights on different planes, you can jump on a parachute and a car! At the airport you just will not fly, the airfield will not let you. The fighters will fly and paragliders, but you will not see the airship here for sure. Funny animation and graphics will please you. Stikman like characters all. Enough to sit in prison, it #39;s time to make a legendary escape from prison. The game is free.
2018-08-25 08:57:30
2018-08-25 08:56:19
简介:***Pikachu 2018 là dòng game được nhiều người ưa thích trên thế giới và được đánh giá là một trong những dòng game kinh điển hiên nay.
***Dựa vào những tính năng chơi độc đáo và trí tuệ của dòng game Nối Thú Pikachu thì game này sẽ có những cải tiền về hình dảnh đa dạng và nhiều màn chơi mới nhất hấp dẫn nhất cho mọi người. Trí tuệ, hấp dẫn và lôi cuốn là Pikachu 2018.
+ Bạn cần tìm các cặp thẻ giống nhau sao cho chúng có thể nối với nhau bằng không quá 3 đoạn thẳng, màn chơi sẽ kết thúc khi bạn dọn sạch được tất cả các thẻ (chiến thắng) hoặc thời gian cho từng màn kết thúc (thua), sau đó sẽ chuyển sang chế độ mới khó hơn, hấp dẫn hơn. Bạn chơi càng nhanh, số điểm mà bạn đạt được lại càng nhiều.
Tính năng:
- đồ họa đẹp tạo cảm giác mới lạ, tươi mới
- Thử thách sự tính mắt và khả năng tính toán của bạn.
- Nhiều màn chơi khó dần theo cấp độ thách thức bạn.
Hãy download và chơi ngay! Cam đoan bạn sẽ rất khó khăn để chinh phục hết các màn chơi. Hy vọng với những cải tiến mới sẽ làm cho game Pikachu 2018 hay hơn, hấp dẫn hơn mang lại cho người chơi những phút giây giải trí vui vẻ. Hay download ngay game Pikachu 2018 để có những phút giây thoải nhé!!!
2018-08-25 08:55:51
简介:A free,skillful,light,small,html5,funny,popular,interesting,challenging,jumping game!Use your finger to tap the right or left part of the screen to control the rabbit jump right or left!Wrong direction will make the rabbit dead!It‘s skillful and funny!Play with your friends and take a look at who #39;s fingers are more flexible!You can see the names of the top ten players in rank.Top ten players can get beautiful prizes every month,such as iphone,shoes,kindle ...Come on,Challenge your hand speed and the reward is waiting for you!
2018-08-25 08:54:35
简介:How high you can go?
Swipe your finger to guide the shield and protect the cute animals, get the scores as many as possible.
Get additional cute animals and go as far as you can!
Very easy to play, but very hard to reach high scores!
-Gorgeous graphics, free to play!
-Pleasant music, ultimate experience!
-Simple swipe control!
Download now to free play!
2018-08-25 08:53:27
简介:In the distant space, there is a group of happy big balls that shuttle up and down in their own bricks and stars, and they like the feeling of falling and rebounding.
The player spins the column so that the ball can fall quickly. Ordinary bricks can be easily broken, but you need to pay attention to each layer with a brick of other colors, be careful and avoid him.
Game features:
- smooth sliding operation
- Clear and simple game characters
-Colorful game scenes
- Great design ideas
- Beautiful BGM
- real physical collision
2018-08-25 08:52:03
- 经过长时间的出差后,清洁和去角质
- 使用化妆和所有自然皮肤护理
- 使用真实的沙龙工具来创建你的风格
- 点击选择化妆和护肤品
- 滑动使用真正的皮肤护理工具
- 刷一下化妆品,炫耀你的新面貌
2018-08-25 08:50:35
简介:Hat trick!!
You are looking for some fast and addictive ball game?
Hat trick shot is the game for you. Try to shoot a Hat trick and do not miss a goal, that #39;s how you collect precious points. The more points you collect, the more exciting balls you can unlock!
Ready to put your shooting skills to test?
Play it now and get hooked on the awesomeness that is a Hat Trick shoot!
How to Play:
❖ Shoot the ball through the rings
❖ Try to shoot Hat Tricks to get bonus points
❖ Don #39;t miss a shot
Game Features:
❖ Unlock more than 70 balls
❖ Amazing visuals amp; high audio quality
❖ Share your score and your hat tricks with your friends and challenge them
❖ addictive game play
❖ Over 12 very challenging achivements
❖ Challenging sports game perfect to kill time
Download quot;Hat Trick Shot - the addictive ball game quot;, enjoy the most addictive ball game 2018 and challenge yourself!
Say Hello!
We are constantly working hard on making “Hat Trick Shot - the addictive ball game” better and more entertaining for you. We need your constant support to get going. Please feel free to email us for any queries/suggestions/problems or if you just want to say hello. We would love to hear from you. If you have enjoyed any feature of the “Hat Trick Shot - the addictive ball game”, do not forget to rate us on play store.
2018-08-25 08:49:51
简介:AR Switch is one of the Best AR Games, giving you a sneak peak to the future!
b NOTE: /b For the best Augmented Reality Experience, please download the latest ARCore Version. More info at the bottom of description...
Challenge yourself and your friends with this free casual game. Play the Improved Version of the very popular ancient game of quot;thimblerig quot; aka Shell game and see it come to life, be it over a table in your favourite cafe, outside the streets of Paris, in a library or any of your Hangout Spots, its your choice.
Are you Focused? Can you keep track of the ball? Let #39;s see..
b Features: /b
● Experience Augmented Reality in it #39;s core form.
● Improve your Focus and Memory as you go through the various challenging levels
● Your eye tracking skills will be tested to the limits! Multiple Levels with increasing difficulty and various pattern to go through. Can you reach Level 50?
● Know your Focus Percentage and compare it against your friends and family! Share your best focus percentage on social media with one touch!
● Compare yourself among the best and get your name at the top of the Leaderboards!
● Switch between AR Mode and Normal Mode
b How to Play? /b
It’s very simple! Just don’t lose sight of the cup that holds the ball. At end of each level you will be asked for selecting the cup that holds the ball. Just choose the right one to proceed onto the next level!
b To ensure the best augmented reality experience, it is recommended to: /b
● Be in a well lit environment.
● Have a phone with a decent back camera.
● When choosing surface, place your device near to the target surface and in parallel with it, once chosen correctly, you can freely move your device while playing
● Target surface must contain enough details like newspapers, book and magazine covers, carpets, desk surface, currency notes etc... Avoid playing on plain surfaces such as blank walls
b UPDATE: /b
Finally, the wait is over! The new Improved b ARCore Version /b is out!
Google #39;s ARCore enhances the AR Gaming Experience and provides state of the art tracking capability, which makes the journey more immersive and magical!
ARCore is only supporting on the following devices:
Samsung Galaxy S8, S8+
Samsung Note 8
Samsung Galaxy S7, S7 Edge
Asus Zenfone AR
Google Pixel 2, Pixel 2XL
Google Pixel, Pixel XL
OnePlus 5
LGE V30, V30+ (Android 8.0 or higher only)
Download it now from:
For timely updates and further information, please follow our Facebook page.
2018-08-25 08:48:46
简介:Here is a golden chance for kids to become a real time kid’s dentist doctor. So have you ever dreamed of becoming a virtual kid’s dentist doctor and always wanted to perform a dental surgery in dentist hospital? So get ready kids to make your dreams come true with dentist hospital in this dentist games! Experience being a crazy dentist in dental hospital full of kid’s dentist doctors, do dental checkup of patients or use all crazy dentist skills to perform the craziest surgery ever in this dentist games!
Enjoy the crazy dentist adventure of being a virtual dentist doctor to cure all kids coming to your dental hospital dentist games. Every day you need to perform several unexpected teeth review dental surgery and treatments to solve the dental complications of patients in dentist games for kids. Here in this crazy kid’s dentist hospital game, patients will have different complications like gum bleeding, high teeth sensitivity, wisdom tooth complications, stabbing pain in chewing, tooth-decaying or decomposition, dirty teeth, crooked teeth, broken tooth and much more in dentist games! Kid’s dentist doctor! Guide children to avoid to eat too many chocolates and candies to shun any toothache and tooth decay. Kid’s dentist doctor, carefully use injection, extraction forceps, pliers, thermometer, medicines and tooth surgery dentist kit while performing fun dentist surgery in dentist games! Brush dirty teeth to kill bacteria germs, remove awful smelly teeth, and fight bacteria to prevent tooth decay, apply dental surgery braces to straighten the askew teeth in dentist games. Some kids have a fear of visiting dentist hospital dentist office. So prove yourself an ultimate professional dentist to gain dentist hospital learning experience in this dental games for kids.
Perform your duty as an ER emergency crazy dentist doctor and experience being a virtual dentist in operate now hospital full of crazy dentist doctors! Be the best pro crazy dentist doctor; enjoy tooth cleaning and teeth alignment in dentist hospital games. Council kids to brush teeth daily otherwise they will get a cavity. Enjoy and play fun filled mini kids dentist surgery games for girls and boys. Transform yourself into a crazy dentist dental expert like orthodontist, oral hygienist or flossing in this dental games for kids Practice your kid’s dentist skills in the new dental hospital doctor’s office and give your patients a brand new smile!
Get ready to show your expert dentist skills and cure your patients in this dentist games.
My Dentist Kids Dental Clinic Teeth Doctor Games Features:
• Become the real time kid’s dentist doctor and cure patients!
• Perform dentist surgery and pull out the rotten tooth in this kids dentist games
• Multiple fun filled mini dental games for kids!
• Perform dentist surgery and application of oral braces!
• Attractive & colorful animation of dentist games!
Let's face all challenges of kid’s dentist and crazy dental games for kids. Download my dentist kids dental clinic teeth doctor games and give us your feedback, so we can make more new kids dentist games for you!
2018-08-25 08:45:37
简介:變得更加合格的醫生使用新工具和用品為你的手術 - 激光,X射線等操作來執行你從來沒有嘗試過!更多的患者,更疾病和傷害和醫療的東西對你有幫助!嘗試新的吃藥,生活用品和更新的手術模擬器醫生2017年嘗試自己是誰希望有一個有趣的外科醫生,腦外科醫生,眼科醫生,血管外科醫生,胃腸病醫生牙醫或只是一個瘋狂的醫生進行的最瘋狂的操作,進行腦部手術,肺,眼科手術,心臟手術,甚至lobotomies混合或除去內臟,取出腫瘤和享受醫療極致遊戲。
做這些器官之一看起來怪怪的?這是一個瘋狂的醫生一種診斷!讓我們刪除的器官之一或周圍任何東西取代它!執行各種瘋狂的手術或試圖挽救病人的生命 - 腦部手術,lobotomies,消除腫瘤,眼移植,腎取出器官或只是拋出窗外。您有興趣成為一個瘋狂的外科醫生?剛剛嘗試我們的醫生手術模擬器2017年
•瘋狂不同的手術很多 - 混合或除去內臟
•你想要的東西 - 正確對待你的病人或只是一個鍋代替他的頭
2018-08-25 08:44:32
b 跑车工厂特色
最好的汽车工厂模拟器游戏 /b