2018-08-02 08:46:11
简介:iMAME安卓版街机模拟器, 完全移植自MAME街机模拟器, 并可支持上万个街机游戏ROM。
* 注意: iMAME是一个软件模拟器, 并不包括ROMS或任何形式的著作权的材料。
有些街机游戏需要手机设备有很高的性能, 建议在1.5GHz以上的双核设备上运行本软件。
iMAME 是一套设计给移动设备使用的软件应用程序,其目标在于尽可能的忠实且精确地模拟许多街机游戏,宗旨在于保存游戏的历史,并防止古老的游戏被丢失或遗忘。程序名称是由全名 Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator 〔多重大型电玩模拟器〕的首位字母缩写成的单字。
拥有超过1万个街机游戏的支持,一些游戏会运行的比较好, 某些游戏可能无法完全正确地运行。
1. 安装完成后,请将您的MAME游戏ROM放入 /sdcard/MAME4droid/roms 文件夹中, 或者通过选项进行ROM目录选择。
2. 本iMAME版本仅使用MAME “0.139”版的ROM, 可自行通过clrmame, rombuilder等工具进行ROM文件版本管理。欢迎提供宝贵意见。
3. 游戏中, 同时按 quot;投币+开始 quot;键, 可以进入MAME原生菜单进行各种游戏配置和作弊。
* 对于NVIDIA Shield 平板设备的原生支持
* 自动旋转与纵向和横向设置
* 按键重新映射
* 触摸控制器支持
* 图像平滑(包括新HQX平滑高达HQ4x)
* 高分辨率支持
* 图像过滤器,包括扫描线,CRT,等。
* 数字或模拟触摸控制器选择
* 摇杆或十字键的动画模拟
* 定制按键布局
* 支持ION的ICADE和ICP(如ICADE模式)外部控制器
* 支持即插即用的大多数蓝牙和USB游戏手柄
* 支持倾角传感器
* 自动检测触摸式光枪设备
* 支持网络对战和WiFi
* 视频宽高比的选择,缩放,旋转等
* 支持超过8000种游戏的作弊选项 (同时按 quot;投币+开始 quot;键, 可以进入MAME原生菜单进行各种游戏作弊选项)
许可证: 该软件为GPL2开源许可证
license: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
2018-08-02 08:45:20
1)首先你必须去购物,这在于选择你需要的所有成分,它们分别是:面粉,发酵粉和香草精; 2)打开炉子,放在低热量的锅,并放置在泛霜; 3)在一个碗里,你必须添加:融化的巧克力和奶油,搅拌好块; 4)在另一个碗里,你必须添加:黄油和糖的碎片,现在你必须混用; 5)现在在一个碗里,你必须添加:面粉,盐,可可粉,发酵粉和香草精到底有没有打; 6)在一个大碗里,你必须添加:牛奶,咖啡和水,你需要混合,直到它形成了一个奶油成分; 7)放到炉子上的锅,然后添加上述成分; 8)在组成上,你必须加入面粉,那么你必须添加鸡蛋打散; 9)现在,你需要在烤箱进入面团,等待几分钟,直到它准备; 10)你必须将巧克力面团; 11)蛋糕是准备好了,现在你的愿望,你必须装饰。感谢您今天为我们做饭,你绝对是一个非常好的朋友,一个很好的厨师。我们的孩子很高兴,他将不得不花的最好,最美丽的蛋糕。党会很漂亮,你可以和我们呆在一起,如果你想帮助我们,请回来帮助我们通过这个孩子与巧克力蛋糕游戏。玩得开心,祝您好胃口!而留在我们的下一个烹饪游戏调整,我们要多准备一些可口的菜肴,如:芝士蛋糕Cake2流行
2018-08-02 08:44:30
黑英雄VS PANTER小人无尽的运行游戏将带你到冠军的超级英雄的较量。你会看到蜘蛛wakandan,黑豹运行工艺的超级英雄,黑色PANTER复仇者和许多复仇者未来的斗争,复仇者学院黑豹超级英雄队。
- 开始游戏。抽头向左或向右来控制方向。向上和向下滑动,让超级英雄黑工艺黑豹跳或下的障碍去。
- 获取沿运行免费的特殊项目。
- 使用硬币来交换upgradings或特殊项目,以提高黑人豹的动力
- 不要让黑人黑豹击中了任何障碍,以避免比赛停止
2018-08-02 08:42:19
2018-08-02 08:41:13
- 玩法簡單,只需觸摸屏幕來調整球的方向
- 向下拖動右側的力度條,鬆開後射球,把製定的球撞入籃中
★★★ 100% 過癮好玩,快來下載體驗! ★★★
2018-08-02 08:40:21
权限请求: GET_ACCOUNTS权限请求: Google Play帐户进行排名,成就注册
2018-08-02 08:39:46
简介:Volcano Tower is an endless-platformer filled with clutch moments, fast-paced action and hard difficulty challenges.
You will attempt to avoid being smashed, burned or otherwise eliminated by obstacles falling (mostly) from above, as the volcano tower crumbles around you.
Volcano Tower tells the story of a remote peaceful tribe living in the shadow of an evil god who demands offerings brought to him, or he will unleash the power of the volcano upon the village. Guided by the tribe’s shaman “Jakul”, our masked tribesmen hero enters the cursed tower to fight the evil volcano god and return the stolen treasures.
★ Beautiful graphics and environments
★ Dodge burning bricks, fireballs and rising lava
★ Easy to learn, hard to master
★ Every new round is re-randomized and unique
★ Customize your look with funky hero skins and magical charms
★ Special power-ups and abilities for the taking
★ Hone your skills and enter the world leaderboards
★ Complete daring quests to win additional gold
How far can you go?
2018-08-02 08:38:20
- 按时间拍摄泡泡基础,气泡会下降,并且不间断,所以如果你不死的话,你很快就能如此快地获得很多得分基准时间。
- 1000+有趣的传奇难题级别,射击泡泡基础。
- 超过100种乐趣和闪闪发光的美丽泡泡!
- 定期更新,以满足你对气泡的热情!
- 无数的非凡和丰富多彩的景观:爆炸泡沫和探索世界
- 免费使用游戏:只需安装游戏即可开始自己的泡泡射击冒险!
- 面对无尽的游戏乐趣,许多令人兴奋的组合面临新的障碍!在泡沫爆炸节结束愤怒的小鸟统治!
- 各种加电和不同类型的气泡鸟。抛出闪电,用爆炸的鸟,火鸟,彩虹鸟等等来放下气泡!
- 在游戏中记录你的进步,并与你的朋友竞争,找出谁是排名中最好的泡泡射手!
- 一个令人兴奋的场景:很多可爱的动物和可爱的小鸟都被困住了!你还在等什么来拯救他们?加入吉米和他可爱的小狗,与愤怒的小鸟搏斗,拯救可爱的小鸟和动物,并解锁照片以发现游戏故事!
- 在游戏中伴随着你热衷于射击泡泡的英雄们!
2018-08-02 08:37:21
2018-08-02 08:36:13
简介:Bounce balls around to break blocks. Relax your brain! This is the ultimate casual game!
Puzzle Challenge arrives in Android market and brings the free-to-play arcade game enjoyment for all Balls Bounce fans.
Unique mix between brick breaker and bubble shooter games, perfect time killer to spend your leisure time.
Over hundreds of challengeable levels, clear the stages by eliminating bricks on the board. This brick breaker block game is going to be a hit!
Game Features:
- Original Gameplay! Non-stop actions!
- No need to wait for all balls to fall back before shooting again!
- Upgrade balls and cannon for higher score!
- Collect Power Ups for even more action!
- Over 50 Customizable Themes amp; ballz!
- 150 Unique Challenge levels!
- Amazing Graphics and Animations!
- Non-stop actions! No need to wait for all balls to fall back before shooting again!
- Upgrade balls and cannon for higher score!
- Collect Power Ups for even more action!
- Customizable Themes!
- Unique Challenge levels!
- Amazing Graphics and Animations
Get this action packed arcade game today for free!
2018-08-02 08:35:12
简介:Zombie War Dead Frontier 3D is the first person free Zombies Shooting game.A Bio Chemical Effect has been spreed on all of your city your is like zombieland. No One Can escape from this virus but you.This virus is extreme deadly that every one in city become zombie,yes a Dead One.They are eating each one and converting them in to there own kind only you survived and some peoples survived and they came to you for help and you offer them to stay at your home to help them.
Now Zombies are entering into your House.And you have to kill them before they bite you and turn you zombie.
Consider your self as a zombie war Hero,who is only hope for him self and those who are unaffected. Only You can save all peoples in the world.
Now take a gun and shoot all zombies in these houses..,
Pull the trigger and watch extreme kills with its slow motion camera! In this game you can make zombies bleed by shooting them on the face! Increase the counter of dead undead.
Game features:
- Action game.
- Realistic physics.
- Accurate 3D sniper rifle.
-Zombie Assault
- Kills counter.
- Amazing amp; special Blood effects.
2018-08-02 08:34:26
简介:Remaster classic snake! New vision on cult game ever. New design, new feature, new snake!
You must eat only your color ball, and you can change your color for growth. Make biggest snake ever!
Simple snake control
Unique gameplay experience
Colorful neon graphic style
Atmospheric music
Leaderboard for each level
More then 100 unique levels
Cool machine generation level content
Each level has endless mode
Grow your own biggest snake!
Thanks for play our game! Please rate our work.
2018-08-02 08:33:57
2018-08-02 08:32:22
简介:هل تبحثين علي العاب بنات تلبيس جديدة ؟ انتي في المكان الصحيح, لعبتنا اليوم من دودو جيمز هي عبارة عن مجموعة من احدث العاب تلبيس بنات و العاب مكياج بنات و العاب تنظيف البشرة في لعبة واحدة فقط .
ملكات الجمال اليوم تحتاج من ان تقومي بتنظيف بشرتهم و غسيلها و عمل ماسكات للوجة و بعد ذلك ان تقومي بعمل احدث تسريحات و قصات الشعر و السيشوار ليظهرو في اجمل شكل ممكن في لعبتنا العاب بنات تلبيس ملكات الجمال 2018.
كل ادوات التجميل متاحة في لعبة تلبيس ملكات الجمال , اجدد الكريمات و الماسكات و السيشوار لعمل التسريحات و القصات المختلفة و مرطبات الوجه و البخار لتجعلي من ملكات الجمال ايقونة للجمال و الأناقه.
تتضمن لعبة العاب بنات تلبيس ملكات الجمال الأتي :
1 - تنظيف بشرة الأميرات بالكامل بأحدث ادوات التجميل
2 - كوافير كامل لملكات الجمال لعمل احدث القصات و التسريحات الجديدة
3 - تلبيس كامل لملكات الجمال مع احدث الفساتين و البلوزات و الشرابات و الشنط و الجزم
4 - احدث ادوات المكياج لعمل مكياج كامل للأميرات
5 - مجموعة مميزة من احدث الأكسسوارات
لعبة العاب بنات تلبيس ملكات الجمال اختيارك الأول لأحدث العاب تلبيس بنات فقط مقدمة من دودو جيمز.
2018-08-02 08:31:25
简介:Alien Popoy Jungle Run
is a super classic adventure and legendary endless running arcade game.
Popoy Buzz Run Adventure is being kidnapped by evil crocs, spiders and dragons and brought to dark castles.
It is up to Super Chaves, the little kid to rescue her!
But take care! Lots of enemi
es, troubles, obstacles, traps and bosses are defending your way through
the land and wonder worlds.
To get to the loveley robot, popoy will have to run and jump over obstacles, fight and shoot against angry bees,
crocs, crawfishes, snakes, birds, frogs, hedgehogs, mushrooms, skeletons, leps, snails and many other dragons and monsters.
Climb up huge mountains and stairs, fight against perhistoric enemies, avoid falling bricks, find hidden blocks and levels,
collect coins and diamonds, swim through dangerous seas, explore lot of challenging and addictive jungle worlds and lands
and defeat all cruel enemies and bosses.
This cool Jump and Run is an addictive non-stop old school arcade adventure game!
Features of Alien Popoy Adventure Run:
+ 4 different addictive worlds (wonder land, crazy forest, egypt world and cave land)
golem and crocodile boss) in 8 different castles
+ many power ups, bonus levels, hidden blocks and bonus items
+ over 20 different, great animated enemies such as crocs, frogs, spiders, snails and many more
+ high resolution graphics - great mix between 2D and 3D graphics
+ buzz arcade music and old school sound effects
+ perfect, intuitve game control through retro control pad like on console games
+ special chaves skills hidden in destroyable blocks and bricks
+ awesome gameplay reminding to retro classic games
+ sea and water worlds - jumping, running and swimming !
+ try to unlock all achievements and to be number one of leaderboards!
Dame to cosita green alien popoy es un juego run, quiere coleccionar más ícono de la música, pero hay muchos obstáculos y obstáculos
2018-08-02 08:30:15
简介:How to play:
Marble classic is shooter marble games, challenging and addictive game ever. shoot ball from your frog to eliminate set of marble.
How to play:
1. Shoot marble to match three or more of the same color.
2. the bomb would destroy most of the ball
3. Tap on the transmitter to exchange the position between current and next marble.
4. Combo and Chain increase score.
2018-08-02 08:29:22
简介:Always wanted to play your favorite song on piano but couldn #39;t get around to do it! We are here to help with our brand new piano game!
Your favorite song is here at your fingertips, simply enjoy the game by taping on black tiles and trying to match the music beat!
It gets harder with time so pay attention!
This game is not an official app. There is no copyrighted material, everything we make is done by us including the piano music!
2018-08-02 08:28:19
简介:It #39;s time to unload your old, laggy, slow emulators.
EmuBox is a completely new all-in-one Android emulator that runs all your old game ROMs.
- NDS emulator
- PSX (PS1) emulator
- SNES emulator
- GBA emulator
- GBC emulator
- NES emulator
- The first multi-emulator with Material Design.
- Save / Load game states: EmuBox supports up to 20 save slots for each rom.
- Take game screenshot anytime you want
- Fast Forward supported
- Play with external controller: Plug your gamepad in, or play with bluetooth gamepad.
- Tweak emulator settings for optimized performance
EmuBox does not include any game ROM. EmuBox is intended to play your private ROM backup only.
2018-08-02 08:27:15
简介:The game for girls.
In the game you have to help the princess get into the castle.
It will have to overcome all the zigzags.
We #39;ll have to hurry, the bridge collapses.
2018-08-02 08:25:15
简介:Vector agent has stolen the free runner vector suit!
The vector suits gives the agent special abilities with increase his free running and parkour moves.
Simply tap and swipe the screen to control the Vector Agent performing parkour moves and evade the traps. Master jumping, climbing, front flips, slides and more. Dodge lasers and droid security systems that will try two stop you.
New addictive free runner game!
Superb graphics!
Simple Control Style!
20+ Challenges
Urban ninja parkour arcade game at its best. Timing and split second reactions are key two control the vector suit in your escape from the evil masters. Take control of the agent and run for your life.
2018-08-02 08:24:22
- 可愛的寵物,精美的遊戲畫面
- 豐富多樣的休閒小遊戲,免費蒐集金幣
- 海量的房間裝飾供你挑選搭配
- 拜訪你的好友,為他們的小寵物點贊,給他們留言
What if a virtual pet hatched on your phone or tablet? Do you have what it takes to take care of your very own pet?
Join millions of other pet lovers to discover loads of fun by making your virtual pet part of your daily life. Name it, feed it, play with it, tuck it into bed, enjoy its life-like emotions and dress it up anyway you want! It’s like Tamagotchi on your Android devices. Look after your adorable little pet and play all the exciting mini games now!
Game Feature:
- Adorable character and stunning graphics
- Play 10+ awesome mini games and collect coins
- Visit and check out your friends’ pets and send them greetings
2018-08-02 08:24:07
简介:Combat Martial is a offline bluetooth multiplayer fighting game that you can play with your friend! (XBOX 360 USB Controller OR any Bluetooth Gamepad needed as Player2 that means Player1 will be playing on the touch screen)
Buy Full Version (All the 8 characters unlocked including the boss amp; No Ads)
Gamepad Edition is Also Available! Both players can play the game using external gamepads. Get the Gamepad Edition of Combat Martial Now! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.AndroidGameZoneBd.CombatMartialGE
Easy control system amp; dynamic gameplay bringing an amazing arcade gaming experience to mobile.
It also has a story mode where you have to fight one on one with the CPU amp; then finish the boss!
1. 5 Fighting Characters
2. Story Mode
3. Versus Mode (Multiplayer, Player VS CPU, CPU VS CPU) [Player 1 on Touch Screen amp; Player 2 on a Gamepad]
4. Training Mode
5. Different Special Attacks
6. Easy Combat System (Check the control system from the pause menu quot;SPECIAL MOVES quot;
Minimum devices requirements: Snapdragon 801 (Samsung Galaxy S5, Sony Xperia Z3, HTC ONE M8, LG G3, etc)
Recommended devices: Snapdragon 820, 821, 835 (LG G5, Google Pixel XL, Sony Xperia XZ Premium, Galaxy S7 Edge, Samsung Galaxy S8, LG G6)
Tested USB Controller with OTG: XBOX 360 USB Controller (OR any android supported controller should work)
Tested Bluetooth Controller: DOBE TI-465 Wireless Bluetooth (OR any android supported bluetooth controller should work)
Player 2 can also play with the keyboard connected to the device. (Check Pause Option amp; Controls to see the buttons)
Tested amp; working on Samsung Galaxy J5 2015, LG G3, Sony Xperia C5, Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge amp; LG G5.
Devices with qualcomm snapdragon 801 will experience fram rate drop rendering the Challenger character But other characters should get 50+ FPS!
Website: https://androidgamezonebd.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmtSSr1OnpYVbjrJb1GrcIw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AndroidGameZoneBd
2018-08-02 08:22:22
简介:Rivivi l #39;emozione dei classici della letteratura interattiva con la comodità di un dispositivo Android!
Hai amato i librigame e le avventure testuali? Ti piacciono i giochi di ruolo e la letteratura interattiva? Prova il primo episodio della serie Fra Tenebra e Abisso, un #39;opera sospesa tra letteratura e gioco di ruolo: qui troverai l #39;atmosfera dei vecchi librigioco fantasy unita alla praticità e alla giocabilità di una app.
Scegli un personaggio o creane uno, e immergiti nelle cupe e poco note foreste di Ortnan: sulle tracce del tuo disperso fratello adottivo, Noder, ti ritroverai invischiato nel cinico gioco di forze potenti e incontrollabili. Presto le immense distese del Rayn cominceranno a dischiudersi, perché il Fato ha qualcosa in serbo per te…
• Fra Tenebra e Abisso: il Marchio è il primo episodio di una saga fantasy intrisa di azione e mistero.
• Come in un librogioco leggi la storia, ma al contempo ne sei il protagonista: decidi chi sei e fa #39; le tue scelte.
• Puoi creare e salvare numerose partite, per esplorare percorsi diversi o giocare con personaggi differenti.
• Grazie agli elementi interattivi, potrai aggiornare scheda e inventario con la massima rapidità.
• La cronologia ti permette di ritornare sui tuoi passi, per compiere scelte diverse o riprendere a giocare subito, senza dover necessariamente ricominciare da capo.
• Il librogame è strutturato nei classici paragrafi numerati; le opzioni di ricerca ti consentono grande mobilità.
Per informazioni e aggiornamenti sulle prossime uscite, seguiteci su Facebook:
2018-08-02 08:21:10
简介:A horror mini-game hello neighbor game on survival hello survival quot;Hello play hello neighbor!, neighbour! quot; who #39;s your neighbor is now in the village of Minecraft PE hello baby! In your adventures in Minecraft PE hello neighbor alpha sandbox you have already play hello neighbor, seen a lot of villages hello neighbors, but the village on the MCPE hello neighbor map Hello neighbour neighbor story village is so picturesque who #39;s your neighbor, like no other hello neighbor alpha!
As soon as you launch this MCPE map you guide for hello neighbour will be in a small wooden house with only one bed and chest. This is your home hello neighbor, to which you can return after long adventures or games on survival of hello neighbor game! hellish neighbours Come out of the house and go on to the adventures Hello, neighbor! who #39;s your neighbor! You will immediately see a tall wooden mansion play hello neighbor, more like a skyscraper from a metropolis hello neighbor alpha. No need to envy that the neighbor #39;s hello survival house on the MCPE map Hello neighbor Village is much neighbor story higher and richer than yours guide for hello neighbour, maybe that the reason why he is so angry play hello neighbor!? Maybe it #39;s better not to go to this house at all hello neighbors, if you #39;re afraid of the horrors on survival in Minecraft PE who #39;s your neighbor, maybe it’s better to take a stroll through the picturesque village hello baby? Download the MCPE map Hello neighbour right now hello neighbor alpha!
2018-08-02 08:20:21
简介:Un amico in pericolo, il cinico gioco di forze potenti e incontrollabili e, tutt #39;intorno a te, l #39;insondabile mistero delle foreste ortnanite…
Rivivi l’emozione dei classici della letteratura interattiva con la comodità di un dispositivo Android!
La Megera è il secondo episodio dell’apprezzata saga «Fra Tenebra e Abisso», cominciata con «il Marchio». Se hai amato i librigame e le avventure testuali e ti piacciono i giochi di ruolo e la letteratura interattiva, troverai in quest’opera, sospesa tra letteratura e gioco, l’atmosfera dei vecchi librigioco fantasy unita alla praticità e alla giocabilità di una app.
Scegli un personaggio o creane uno, e immergiti nelle cupe e poco note foreste di Ortnan: per salvare da un atroce destino il tuo fratello adottivo, Noder, ti ritroverai invischiato in una drammatica lotta contro i Vecchi Poteri del Rayn!
- Fra Tenebra e Abisso: la Megera è il secondo episodio di una saga fantasy intrisa di azione e mistero.
- Come in un librogioco leggi la storia, ma al contempo ne sei il protagonista: decidi chi sei e fa’ le tue scelte.
- Puoi creare e salvare numerose partite, per esplorare percorsi diversi o giocare con personaggi differenti.
- Grazie agli elementi interattivi, potrai aggiornare scheda e inventario con la massima rapidità.
- La cronologia ti permette di ritornare sui tuoi passi, per compiere scelte diverse o riprendere a giocare subito, senza dover necessariamente ricominciare da capo.
- Il librogame è strutturato nei classici paragrafi numerati; le opzioni di ricerca ti consentono grande mobilità.
- La funzione Cloud ti permette di salvare le tue partite, per giocarle su altri dispositivi o conservare i personaggi in vista dei futuri episodi.
- Se hai giocato il Marchio, puoi spendere i tuoi punti di esperienza per potenziare il tuo personaggio e acquisire nuove Specialità!
- Passa alla versione Premium per accedere a elementi esclusivi.
Per informazioni e aggiornamenti sulle prossime uscite, seguiteci su Facebook:
Se vuoi giocare «Fra Tenebra e Abisso: il Marchio», scaricalo qui:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=it.tenebraeabisso.tenebra1 amp;hl=it