2018-07-30 08:01:42
简介:Kelime Bulmaca, Kelime Avı ve Sözcük Bulmaca oyunlarını sevenler için en iyi Kelime Bulmaca oyunu sizlerle!
Farklı Kategorilerde belirlenen sözcükleri en kısa sürede bulun ve en yüksek puanları alın!
Kelime Bulmaca Oyun Özellikleri
* 3 farklı zorluk seviyesi: kolay, normal ve zor
* 10 farklı kategoride kelime bulma
* Çok hassas ve akıllı algılama
* Renkli, eğlenceli tasarım ve farklı temalar
* Düz ve çapraz kelime avı
* Yüksek skorlar listesi ve en yüksek puanı görebilme
On farklı kategoride Kelime Bulmaca oynayabilme:
- Sözlük
- Kıyafet
- Spor
- Elbise
- Yiyecek
- Hayvanlar
- Ülkeler
- Mutfak
- Eğitim
- Taşıtlar
2018-07-30 08:01:23
简介:Free Crosswords is a new addicting word search game in which you must find all the words on screen as fast as possible! The game supports 3 languages and contains thousands of English, Spanish and German words!
What more? You collect score for each completed game, so more games you play, the better score you get! At the end of each game you can submit your overall score to a global leaderboard and see scores of other people! Still not enough? The game contains also a crossword editor in which you can create your own crossword game!
How to play: Find all the words above the board as fast as possible! Your score depends on your speed! More games you play, more score you get! Submit your overall score at the end of each game! You can display scores of other people in the main menu by pressing your overall score in the top right corner.
How to select a word: Put your finger on a letter and move it horizontally, vertically or diagonally to select a word! You can use each letter on the board multiple times!
Supported languages:
- English
- Spanish
- German
* Addicting word search game in 3 languages English, Spanish and German
* Thousands of English, Spanish and German words included
* Each game is different
* More games you play, the better score you get
* Great game to learn new English, Spanish and German words
* Crossword editor included - create your own crosswords games
* Global leaderboard included - compare your score with other people all around the world!
* Great casual game for the whole family
* 100% Free full version + no In-App purchases
Have a nice time playing our game Free Crosswords and if you like the game and want to support it, please leave a review and rate the game. Thank you for your support.
If you find any bug, please let us know at [email protected], we will be very happy to fix it!
Support links:
Website: http://www.littlebigplay.com/
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/littlebigplay
2018-07-30 08:01:17
简介:check how well you know the Bakugan
2018-07-30 08:00:32
简介:Are you ready for the ultimate fun word challenge? Spelling is easy, prove it in Spell The Words.
Suitable for all ages, young or old, we #39;ll take you from Child #39;s Play to Genius with 1000 #39;s of words ranging from 2 letter #39;s to 20+. Play at home, school or on the bus!
Spell the words incorporates several modes that can tailor spelling towards play and education. It can also be played by those interested in enhancing their cognitive ability. Alternatively, it #39;s just plain fun!
Speed, accuracy, dexterity, and recollection are all you need to be the best!
We #39;ve got four awesome game modes for you to explore:
★Try to be the ARCADE champion and get from Beginner all the way to Genius status! Each level has 20 rounds with each round getting progressively harder, get the high score and share it with your friends★
★Set yourself against the clock, choose your difficulty and see how many words you can spell in TIME CHALLENGE.★
★Think you #39;ve got a good memory? Practice your brain training in MEMORY CHALLENGE, choose your difficulty and duration then see how good your cognitive skills really are, memorize simple words to genius level the choice is yours! ★
★Combat your parents, siblings, friends or classmates in local MULTI-PLAYER mode. Twin Combat mode will really decide who is the best, first to spell the ten words wins★
★Just in case that isn #39;t enough, you also have the flexibility to add your own custom words! Really useful if you want to learn a specific set of words, such as those in a spelling bee, quiz or test, simply enter the words you want in at the settings screen and turn on the custom words option. Next select time challenge mode and practice the spellings you have just entered to see how many you can get correct in a set amount of time. Alternatively select Memory mode and test your brain skills, the custom words you have entered will appear on the screen for a few seconds then disappear, get one letter wrong and it is game over. The custom spellings can also be used in the multiplayer mode, this could be really useful to get children engaged in a fun classroom word exercise or to help practice homework words★
Each mode has been designed to get you thinking about varying words and letters as well has enhancing your perception, reasoning, recognition and spatial skills. Psychomotor skills are challenged throughout especially in the more advanced levels of intermediate, expert and genius.
Teachers, parents and children, Spell the Words can be enjoyed by anyone. Kindergarten to High School, Primary to Secondary or just to keep your own brain active!
★★★Useful tips: the letters n=u, p=d, q=b when spinning, remember green is good bonus, red is bad, bombs are good in twin combat so use them, the rest is up to you!★★★
Like us on Facebook: http://fb.com/spellthewords
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/spellthewords
2018-07-30 08:00:17
简介:*** Word Search World Cup 2018 ***
Word Search World Cup 2018 is a word search game related to the current World Cup 2018.
In Word Search World Cup 2018 game, here we guess the word that is in letters provided randomly by connecting the letters 1 with the other so as to form 1 word. In accordance with the title Search Words of the World Cup 2018, we must guess the words that must necessarily relate to the World Cup 2018 such as the State of the match and the names of its players. This game is certainly very interesting and useful to improve accuracy.
2018-07-30 08:00:16
简介:ألعاب تلبيس بنات و مكياج عرائس من أجمل ألعاب تلبيس و المكياج و تزيين العرائس استمتعي بوقتك في الصيف مع صديقاتك أو أحد أفراد أسرتكم,تتوفر لعبتنا على العديد من الفتيات اختاري واحدة منهم قدمي لها المساعدة على تصفيف الشعر في الصالون و قومي بشراء لها بعض الملابس الرائعة نحن بحاجة للقضاء على البثور على الوجه لإظهار كم هي جميلة والحصول على الفتاة الجميلة جدا. وهناك مجموعة واسعة من الظلال، المسكرة، أحمر الشفاه، الحمرة، ومسحوق بريق مع تركيبات الألوان الجذابة ,حملي اللعبة وانقر فوق تشغيل لبدء، أولا الرجاء اختيار لون بشرتك المفضل لفتاة جميلة هنا يمكنك ان تجعل تصاميم فريدة من نوعها
مميزات :
مجموعة من الأكسسوارات
ألوان الطلاء العصرية
الملابس والقمصان
السراويل والأحذية
فستان زفاف
تصفيفة الشعر
تغيير لون الشعر
أدوات حصرية و جديدة
تزيين الوجه
2018-07-30 07:59:37
➤新颖外观:如果您喜欢玩棋盘游戏和益智游戏,您一定要喜欢干净清爽的BOARD UI。
- 单词搜索9种语言。
- 许多话题:动物,孩子,国家。
- 简单,中等或困难的模式。
- 启用或禁用建议的单词。
- 选择单词数量。
- 记录以节省您赢得的时间。
2018-07-30 07:59:34
简介:Cashflow Simulation
Choose your career, choose your hobbies, meet people, travel the world, invest your money and watch your cashflow rise and fall throughout your lifetime.
Stack your education, adjust your daily activities in realtime and watch your investments pay out or fall on their faces.
2018-07-30 07:58:36
简介:Become a million of snakes and revolve to kill others snake. Focus on the snake grain along the way, and eat as many as possible to grow the snake. Revolve around other snakes when you got enough length to trap them in circles.
You have a chance to win even if you #39;re tiny. You can swerve in front of a much larger player to defeat them, no matter how big you are!
You should be really attentive, passing all the task, cause there are a lot of tricks :)
Little mistake is can take you down and it #39;s game over, even against the smallest snakes. Eat the remains of all dead snakes and get bigger fast.
Using a boost button (the lower right corner of the screen) can make snake to run faster but running fast will reduce the length of snake. You can view position in the mini map.
Game Features:
-You can play without internet connection
- Three controls to play in the game.
- Various skins.
- Amusing Music.
2018-07-30 07:57:25
简介:This IQ test General Knowledge free app is one amongst our ladder quizzes designed to check your knowledge quiz acumen.
in IQ test General Knowledge free app Every quiz level get’s additional and tougher as we tend to turn over into niche knowledge topics and style trickier inquiries to find even the foremost hardened quiz players out there!
If you suspect your knowledge stretches from the realms of musical style to Caribbean Islands then this quiz can be only for you. Remember, you if you fail to climb to consecutive level you #39;ll continuously return and begin once more. smart luck and that we hope to examine you at the highest of the ladder.
Features IQ test General Knowledge free:
- Over 100 clever riddles to solve (more coming soon)
- A fun hint system so that you don #39;t get stuck too long
- Share in Facebook , twitter, google plus ...etc
- Sleek, clean interface
2018-07-30 07:57:12
简介:A fast paced real time strategy game where you play one of the twenty biggest nuclear superpowers of the world – from known superpowers like the United States to an upstart hellraiser like North Korea.
2018-07-30 07:56:43
简介:Word War W is a fast-paced arcade word game that helps improve typing skills and is fun for all ages.
Falling words have to be destroyed before they reach the bottom of the screen by typing them out. Every level the words get longer and fall faster. However, in-game power-ups are available in exchange for earned points to make the fight easier.
2018-07-30 07:56:39
简介:A wonderful garden had always brought joy to all the people of the kingdom and all the residents of the castle. But a dry summer withered the king’s beloved garden and the surrounding gardens of the kingdom alike. The ruler has fallen ill and the kingdom is in danger. Help the princess save the gardens and make the king better again. Construct buildings, remove obstacles, repair damaged bridges and restore the beauty of the royal garden.
Head out with the gnomes on a journey in this exciting fantasy strategy game, Gnomes Garden! Over 40 beautiful levels await you, along with a multitude of varied quests, increasing difficulty, an upbeat plot, an extraordinary magical world and exciting gameplay for all ages. Construct buildings and manage resources, use powerful magic and restore ancient magical gardens. Easy-to-learn controls and a well-designed tutorial will help you quickly learn the basics of the game.
2018-07-30 07:56:36
简介:*해당 앱 내에 추리 게임 에덴버러행 열차사건 무료판이 추가되었습니다!
*해당 게임은 인터넷이 연결 되어 있어야만 원활한 플레이를 하실 수 있습니다. 인터넷이 연결되지 않은 상태로 앱을 실행 시 다시 앱을 종료한 후 인터넷을 연결하신 뒤 앱을 재실행해주세요.
*해당 게임은 광고가 포함되어 있습니다. 광고보기를 통해서 게임을 끝까지 플레이 할 수 있습니다.
주의 - 설치오류가 발생하면 환경설정에서 SD카드를 잠시 해제한 후 설치해주세요.
(용량이 부족할 경우 설치가 안될 수 있습니다.)
또한 기기이상이나 본 프로그램 오류로 인한 문의사항은 문의하기를 이용해주세요.
덧글로 문의 하실 경우 처리가 불가능하거나 누락되는 경우가 있을 수 있습니다.
문의하기를 이용해주시면 신속하고 친절한 답변을 드리도록 하겠습니다.
랜더성의 비밀. 그리고 불의단서 제로 이후 빌 발모어의 모험 최신작!
탈출하지 못하면 죽음의 공포가 당신을 습격한다!
프랑스행 여객선 로드널 호에 탑승하게 된 빌 발모어와 일행은
정신을 차려보니 배에 감금당해있었다.
무장열차의 정보를 숨기고 있는
라이노스와 안티라스의 분쟁에 다시 한번 휘말리게 된 빌 발모어!
당신은 과연 선원과 승객들이 보이지 않는 배에서 당신은 무사히 탈출할 수 있을까?
수많은 퍼즐과 힌트들로 이루어진 배를 탈출하고, 진짜 범인을 추리해내라!
그리고... 무장열차의 비밀을 파헤쳐라!
방 곳곳에 숨어있는 퍼즐과 힌트들을 얻고, 필요한 아이템들을 조합, 분해하라!
당신의 두뇌를 자극한다! 하지만 IQ와는 관계 없다!
엄한 곳에서 개그를 배워온 개발자들의 센스를 마음껏 즐겨보자!
좋은 시나리오의 게임이나 퍼즐을 좋아하는 유저라면 누구든 즐길 수 있는
이너스 게임즈 특유의 센스가 묻어나는 탈출 게임 완전 신작!
즐길 수 있는 탈출 게임! 무장열차 war train : 로드널 호의 비밀!
무장열차 : 로드널호의 비밀은 밀폐된 배에서 탈출하는 게임으로 불의단서 세계관을 바탕으로 제작되었습니다.
스토리를 바탕으로 사건이 전개되며, 퍼즐 및 선택지를 통해 문제를 해결하실수 있습니다. 또한 중간 중간 보이는 화면을 터치하여 숨겨진 아이템을 획득 하실수도 있으며 그것을 활용하여 탈출에 필요한 새로운 아이템으로 만들수
있습니다. 단! 조심하셔야 할것은 언제 위기에 빠질지 모르기에 중간 중간 SAVE 를 하셔야 합니다.
문제를 해결하시는데 어려움이 있으시다면 이너스게임즈 공식 까페를 (http://cafe.naver.com/inusgames) 이용해
주시면 감사드리겠습니다.
*저작권에 대하여
무장열차 war train : 로드널호의 비밀의 모든 저작권은 이너스게임즈에 있습니다.
불법복제/배포/전송을 일체 금지합니다.
이를 어길 시 저작권법에 따라 5천만원 이하의 벌금 또는 5년 이하의 징역에 처해 집니다.
- 접근 권한 안내
앱 이용 시 아래와 같은 서비스를 제공하기 위해 접근 권한을 요청하고 있습니다.
[필수 권한]
사진/미디어/파일에 접근 : 게임 실행에 필요한 파일을 저장하기 위해 필요합니다.
기기 ID 및 통화 정보 : 사용자의 전화번호, 기기 ID, 현재 통화 여부 및 통화 상대의 전화 번호를 앱에서 확인할 수 있도록 허용합니다.
개발자 연락처 :
연락처 : 070-4207-8250
주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 수영강변대로 140, 9층 BGC910호(우동, 부산문화콘텐츠콤플렉스)
개발자 연락처 :
연락처 : 070-4207-8250
주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 수영강변대로 140, 9층 BGC910호(우동, 부산문화콘텐츠콤플렉스)
2018-07-30 07:55:10
简介:Cool games that will train your strategy and your speed. The helix ball is a bouncing ball game that requires speed, strategy and precision. This game is perfect for you to play in your spare time.
In-game features:
- HD quality graphics
- Great selection of balls
- Unlimited levels
- Many bonuses await
- Exciting
- The game is full of colors
Wait let alone let #39;s download this game now and see what your highest level is.
2018-07-30 07:55:09
2018-07-30 07:54:21
简介:Welcome to the new mcpe-based game with brainteaser elements 2018! This is a game with elements of fear. You need to find a way to get out with your mind and special quests that you must find.everything needs to be done quickly because the granny is near and ready to catch you.first you find yourself on an island you need to build a house and then you have 5 nights to be saved!The game is accessible to crafting and elements of the open world!
soon the game adds multiplayer and you can search for secrets and escape from granny with friends
2018-07-30 07:54:16
简介:Guess the Dragon Ball Z is a fun and challenge guessing games for a big fan of Dragon Ball Z anime!
Take this Dragon Ball Z characters trivia quiz to test how much you know about Dragon Ball Z manga.
You will see only the shadow of Dragon Ball Z characters, try to guess the Dragon Ball Z character names!
Huge collections of Dragon Ball Z wallpapers and pictures puzzle to complete!
Some example of Dragon Ball Z characters are Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, Piccolo, Krillin, Frieza, Buu, and many more. How many of them do you know?
Easy game play, just tap on the letters to complete the name, tap again to remove it.
Challenge your friends and family!
Perfect for all Dragon Ball Z fans both kids and adults.
This game is truly an entertaining and challenge!
Download now and try it yourself!
2018-07-30 07:54:16
简介:This top simulator game of 2018 and such game like where you can drift, parking and racing on bmw privilege in the city, desert or race track. Test your skills in driving game and furious car it is the impossible tracks on different maps, like this where you can drive your bmw privilege game.
Police 3d Game features:
- Easy customization and upgrade cars
- Free cars and upgrade
- Real drift physics
- Improved car crash engine
- Adventure asphalt city speed pursuit
- 3 big open world
- Realistic drifting simulator with HD graphics
- Realistic highly detailed sports cars
- Realistic damage system
- Best car simulator game offline mode
Check your driving skills on a hot asphalt track, and check how good you are in car racing!
Model list: m2, m3, m5, x5m
2018-07-30 07:53:33
简介:Words Party - an extremely addictive word puzzle game.
The game is a collage of well-known games like Tetris, Word Search, Cross Words, Words Chain etc.
Words Party has 3 game modes: quot;Classic quot;, quot;6 Lines quot; and quot;100 Lines quot;. Each game mode is a bit different but they share two things - a falling row of letters and words search. The letters are falling after a specified period time.
Game modes:
The objective of game is to arrange as many words as possible - rules like in words chain - and gain the highest score.
6 Lines.
Your mission is to clear the colored board. Search words (through join letters - like word chain) and remove colored blocks under the letters. On each level you can earn max. 36 points.
100 Lines.
Similar to the 6 Lines mode - your objective is to clear board (by search words). The main difference is - the removal of the line (like Tetris) by arrange words. The aim of game is to remove at least 100 lines (or more). Remove as much lines and get to the top!
During the game there are three types of bonuses: Extra time, Shuffle the blocks and Remove block. Carefully use the bonuses - especially in 6 Lines mode!
You can solve word puzzle in English and Polish.
- Colorful graphics and enjoyable game music
- Three word puzzle modes: Classic, 6 Lines 100 Lines
- Hours of fun
- You can search words in English and Polish lang.
- Free for all
If you like word puzzles or word search games - Words Puzzle Party is definitely for you!
You have questions? Comments? Write to us: [email protected]
2018-07-30 07:53:13
操作十分简单 只需点击便可回收药草
2018-07-30 07:52:51
简介:Pic Mix Combo是一個有趣的應用程序,您將在其中看到2張圖片組合,並從該組合中創建一個有效的單詞。它更有趣的是混合2圖片,並猜測1個字。猜猜這個詞是什麼從單張照片來看,並不像從圖片的組合中猜出這個詞那麼難。每張圖片組合都能提供一個完整而有效的詞語。你只需要在屏幕上顯示一個2個照片組合的單詞。你必須找到或解決這個難題才能在下一個層面上移動。
Pic Mix Combo是一個圖片測驗 - 猜測單詞遊戲,不會只是測試你的大腦,它會強化你的圖片字的權力。例如,您將看到一張糖果圖片和一張日期圖片,並結合起來,並獲得候選人。 Pic Mix Combo有很多級別,每個級別都有很多問題,用戶不得不猜測“圖片中的Word是什麼”,首先猜測圖片,然後猜測這個世界,然後給出問題的pic組合回答。如果您將正確地給出所有問題的組合單詞答案,那麼您的級別將會完成。如果你有任何疑問,可以使用joker或者刪除操作。如果您給出正確的組合圖片答案,一些硬幣將會添加到您以前的硬幣中,如果您給出錯誤的答案,則您無法在下一個問題上移動,直到您給出正確的答案。
•您可以每天玩日常的拼圖。 24小時後,將會顯示一個每日難題
• 使用方便
所有你需要做的是下載並安裝這個免費的“Pic Mix Combo”遊戲。下載這個應用程序並向你的朋友炫耀你是多少挑戰者。
2018-07-30 07:52:16
简介:中国军队货物卡车驾驶2018。是同时中国陆军卡车货物运输,爬坡军队任务和基地停车卡车驾驶游戏2018. 4x4 中国军用卡车运输2018管理担心出口中国陆军车辆,陆军士兵,陆军导弹和战场物资。越野卡车运输是真正的爬坡陆军卡车驱动器和卡车货物运输工作执行负责====军用卡车司机值班4x4吉普车骑模拟器。
玩中国军队货物卡车驾驶2018 就像在实际的4x4货物运输卡车座椅上进行和出口强制士兵的配件以在野外工作中度过生命一样具有娴熟而重要的作用。与战场上的敌人作战。中国军队货物卡车驾驶2018 必须访问许多军事检查站和中国军队点,它提供从大本营到边境线的每一个失踪和渴望的东西,中国军队山丘营地和士兵训练中心。
中国军用卡车4x4 2018年沿着沙漠地区,危险的山丘和山地行车道以及越野跑道行驶。 4x4 Hill Climb 中国军队货物卡车驾驶2018放置在多个环境中,所有中国陆军货物驾驶课程都可以进行军用卡车运输实验。谁想成为中国军车女孩或部队运输卡车司机?
快来举行中国军队货物卡车驾驶2018 的转向。并开始了中国 陆军服务的高尚之旅。您可以自由选择您想要的中国陆军车辆行驶路径,在每个新的水平,美妙的环境,复杂的道路,危险的山路驾驶路径,最大的破坏性事故机会和出色的控制物理。
系好军用吉普车和沙漠货车的安全带,加入基地停车卡车4 x 4检查岗位值班,超越沉闷乏味的日常生活。从主营地开始,加载枪支,战士武器和战斗坦克,并将它们放入不同的检查站和其他小型校园。
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* 中国 陆军运输卡车级别的数量,可变难度范围
* 中国 登山者货运卡车接送不同的军队配件,如战斗坦克,陆军导弹,枪支,士兵,食物等
*现实生活中的角色摆放,中国 军车和4x4吉普车收藏
2018-07-30 07:51:23
简介:FreeCell Pro is a popular and classic free card game. If you love playing FreeCell, you must love this freecell pro too.
FreeCell Pro is played with a standard 52-card deck. The Goal of FreeCell Pro is to move all 52-cards to the four Foundation place and let each suit cards by Ace to King. Use the four open cells to store cards when you #39;re trying to win. FreeCell Pro, requiring more skill and strategy, is a true brain training experience!
FreeCell Pro, is one of the most popular card games, Freecell is now free for your Android device! Play freecell games that require skill, strategy and patience!
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2018-07-30 07:51:22
简介:Word Search is new word search Puzzles game. Find the hidden words with différent catégories. You have to find secret words on board.
Word search Puzzles game created by a person, not by a computer, to make sure your word list is always interesting and fun.
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