2018-07-28 14:52:14
简介:The b pink drum /b application is one of the most b popular applications /b of google play. It does not absolutely nail play. It contains fantastic sounds and visuals. It gives a feeling of real game. You can learn and teach to play the b real drum /b . Online games you can play and play drum. For example: Luis Fonsi - b Despacito /b ft. You can play songs like Daddy Yankee, Justin Bieber - Sorry, justin bieber what do you mean.Hd Images are available.You can follow and download from our games like Pink Piano.Download and download and play . b Music /b playing applications are the most beautiful applications. b For girls /b game.Best music playing applications.Piano,trumpet,dj pads,super pads,saxophone,hd game.
* Real Sounds.
* Real İmages.
* You can learn while playing.
* Pink İmages.
* You can enjoy playing.
* Impress your friends.
* Who do the best drums are doing the contests.
Our practices are family and best practices for your children.
2018-07-28 14:51:14
简介:هذا التطبيق يعرض لك كافة رقصات اللعبة المشهورة quot;فورت نايت quot;
ويحتوي التطبيق على أكثر من 40 رقصة وتبدأ من السيزون رقم 3 حتى السيزون رقم 5 الذي بدأ في بداية الشهر السابع من عام 2018 وأن التطبيق يعمل بواسطة الانترنت وتم تصميمه بتعامل سهل معه من قبل المستخدمين وبإمكانك مشاركة التطبيق ان اعجبك مع الاصدقاء
رقصات فورت نايت
جميع رقصات فورت نايت
كافة رقصات فورت نايت
رقصات فورتنايت
رقصات فورت نايت السيزون الثالث
رقصات فورت نايت السيزون الرابع
رقصات فورت نايت السيزون الخامس
2018-07-28 14:50:14
简介:Baldi piano tiles is a game app to playing baldi #39;s basic music for learning piano. Baldi fans this app is very helpful for you applying ost your baldi song inside a piano tiles game baldi. This app specifically offers baldi users to play baldi piano tiles.
Baldi Music song in this game piano :
- Don #39;t wanna learn
- No more rules
- Baldi #39;s Basics Version Remix
- Go to sweep
let #39;s go to download piano tiles baldi and play the game...
2018-07-28 14:49:27
简介:Bei Piano Tap Smash musst du die flinken Noten durch Tippen einfangen. Wenn du auf sie tippst, wird das Lied erklingen. Dann fühlst du dich wie ein echter Pianist. Wirst du es schaffen alle Lieder ohne Fehler abzuspielen und drei Sterne zu erhalten? Viele verschiedene Lieder warten auf dich.
- es gibt 30 verschiedene Lieder zum Spielen
- es gibt leichte und schwere Lieder, für jeden ist etwas dabei
- du kannst einen, zwei oder drei Sterne erhalten
- je geschickter du mit deinen Fingern tippst, umso mehr Sterne wirst du bekommen
Wenn beim Spielen ein Problem auftreten sollte, schreibe uns bitte eine E-Mail an [email protected].
Bitte gib auf jeden Fall an, welches Gerät du benutzt, deine Android OS Version und eine detaillierte Beschreibung des Problems.
Wir halten uns an die geltenden gesetzlichen Bestimmungen zum Schutz der Privatsphäre von Kindern. Wir sammeln wissentlich keine persönlichen Informationen über Kinder unter 13 Jahren. Wenn sich ein Benutzer als Kind unter 13 Jahren durch eine Supportanfrage oder durch Feedback identifiziert, werden wir keine Daten sammeln, speichern oder verwenden und werden auf sichere Weise alle persönlichen Informationen eines solchen Benutzers löschen.
Für Details zu unseren Datenschutzbestimmungen schau bitte hier vorbei:
2018-07-28 14:48:49
简介:收集难题 - 非常受欢迎的娱乐,无论是成年人还是儿童。
也许没有这样的人不喜欢收集谜题。这不奇怪毕竟,谜题 - 这是一个谜,阴谋,你想要解决。并且收集谜题是有用的,不仅对于孩子,而且对于成年人。
大人拼图 - 一个游戏,你不仅可以玩成人,而且可以玩儿童。游戏包括10种不同类别的图片 - 动物,山脉,食物,花卉,鸟类,瀑布,建筑,运输和海洋。每个类别包含相关主题的8张照片。如果在拼图收藏中有困难,可以点击按钮查看原始图片。
2018-07-28 14:47:18
简介:Cette application regroupe 120 grilles de mots fléchés d #39;un niveau de difficulté moyen dans une interface graphique agréable et facile à utiliser plus des grilles de mots croisés, mots mêlés, sudoku, et des puzzles. Toutes les grilles proposées sont des grilles d #39;auteur créées par des personnes spécialisées dans la fourniture de jeux de lettres pour la presse et l’édition. Elles sont de qualité professionnelle et répondent aux standards exigés par la presse et l #39;édition. Il ne s #39;agit jamais de grilles générées automatiquement car aucune routine ne permet d #39;obtenir des grilles de qualité suffisante.
Vous pouvez zoomer la grille. Si vous jouez sur un petit écran vous pouvez agrandir les cases de définition en les touchant. Vous pouvez entrer les mots entiers verticalement, horizontalement ou par lettre. Lorsque vous touchez la case de la première lettre d #39;un mot l #39;application détermine presque toujours si vous voulez entrer un mot en vertical ou en horizontal. Vous pouvez faire s #39;afficher en rouge ou effacer toutes les cases fausses de la grille. Vous pouvez enfin effacer la grille ou afficher la solution.
Cette application utilise un index en ligne. De nouveaux jeux sont ajoutés régulièrement à l #39;application sans nécessiter de mise à jour.
L #39;application est utilisable hors connexion mais les jeux contenant des illustrations doivent être affichés au moins une fois en ligne pour permettre le téléchargement des images.
Règles de confidentialité.
Dans le cadre du suivi de l #39;audience et de l #39;amélioration des produits, l #39;application est susceptible d #39;envoyer des données concernant uniquement son fonctionnement.
Ces données sont à l #39;exclusion de toutes autres :
Nom de l #39;application et version.
Version du système d #39;exploitation utilisé.
Marque, type et identifiant de l #39;appareil.
Age de l #39;installation de l #39;application.
Page affichée.
Aucune donnée personnelle n #39;est collectée sur l #39;appareil. Aucune utilisation n #39;est faite de la caméra ou du microphone de l #39;appareil. L #39;application n #39;accède pas à vos fichiers personnels n #39;accède pas à votre carnet d #39;adresses, n #39;a pas la possibilité d #39;envoyer des appels téléphoniques, des SMS ou des emails, n #39;accède pas à votre position géographique que ce soit par votre gps ou par tout autre service de géolocalisation, n #39;accède à aucune information permettant de vous identifier ou de vous suivre, ne connaît pas votre nom ni le nom du compte utilisateur avec lequel vous êtes connecté sur votre appareil, ne crée pas de profil utilisateur, n #39;analyse pas vos habitudes. L #39;application ne permet pas d #39;échanges de données avec d #39;autres utilisateurs. L #39;application ne modifie pas le fonctionnement de l #39;appareil ou des autres applications qui y sont installées. La suppression de l #39;application ne laisse aucune trace sur l #39;appareil.
Si l #39;application affiche des publicités (version gratuite de l #39;application), ces publicités sont affichées par un fournisseur tiers à qui nous fournissons simplement l #39;espace nécessaire à l #39;affichage. Nous n #39;avons pas connaissance du contenu des publicités affichées et n #39;avons pas de retour sur les actions effectuées sur ces publicités. Dans la mesure ou le fournisseur des annonces nous permet de choisir les catégories des annonces affichées nous faisons notre possible pour que les annonces appartenant à certaines catégories sensibles ne soient pas affichées dans l #39;application. Ce choix est fait afin de rendre nos applications utilisables par tout public de tout age.
Si vous n #39;êtes pas d #39;accord avec ces règles de confidentialité n #39;utilisez pas cette application et supprimez la de votre appareil.
2018-07-28 14:46:16
简介:公主将今年18岁。现在请从最漂亮的衣服和配件中为她挑选最好的礼服。 你应该确保她是最美丽和最高贵的公主。 很有趣,只是享受吧!
这个漂亮的小姐在这里需要你的帮助! 但是,在你打扮之前,你需要选择一个调色板来决定她的衣服的颜色组合。 选择调色板后,您可以创造性地为她选择合适的衣服。
2018-07-28 14:45:23
简介:我的老板 居然藏起我的手机!
无尽的加班生活, 还能不能好好生存了!
如何才能躲开老板 quot;慈祥 quot;的凝视(诡计)找回手机呢?
来自独立游戏人的最新恶搞, 搞笑, 笑尿的解谜游戏.
还原一个一个工作中笑里有泪的艰辛时刻, 像所有日式搞笑漫画一样的幽默舞台,还在为迟迟没有加薪而苦恼? 完全免费的游戏让小盆友也能放心玩乐.
担心提前更年期, 智商被网剧直线拉低? 赶快绞尽脑汁解开谜题, 给大脑做一个有氧运动!无数的加班狗, 无数被万恶资本家压榨的兄弟姐妹哥哥姐姐下起来, 鼓起勇气快跟老板战斗帮助主人公找到真爱吧.
不用脑白金, 不用金坷垃, 智商上线, 还能帮助一对不漂亮的苦情人终成眷属, 完全免费!?
2018-07-28 14:44:12
简介:Draw Line是一个非常有趣的连接游戏。
2018-07-28 14:43:24
简介:جلسة لو خيروك هي لعبة مشهورة في العالم العربي لانها لعبة ممتعة و صريحة ,تستطيع ان تلعب مع اصدقائك او عائلتك لو خيروك افعال او اسئلة صريحة و مخيفة و مقرفة و الكثير
اللعبة الشهيرة جلسة لو خيروك , ببساطة يعرض عليك سؤال باختيارين مختلفين يجب عليك اختيار أحدهما من وجهة نظرك وعندها سيعرض لك التطبيق النسبة المئوية لعدد الأشخاص الذين فكروا نفس تفكيرك.
لعبة ممتعة تكتشف فيها شخصيتك مقارنة بشخصيات الآخرين .
لعبة لو خيروك بالعربي هي لعبة أسئلة تحتوي على مجموعة اختيارات حيث يجب عليك أن تقرر بين اجابتين وأن تكتشف طريقة تفكيرك هل هي مثل قرار أغلبية الناس الذين أجابو على نفس السؤال أم أنك تفكر بطريقة فريدة. أسئلة اللعبة محيرة و مناسبة للصغار و الكبار ، تحدى ذكائك و أفكارك من خلال مواجهة أسئلة ممتعة و مثيرة تتحداك في اتخاذ قراراتك.
تقدم لك لو خيروك تحدي ألعاب ذكاء في اسئلة محيرة و أخرى مضحكة. لديك فقط خيارين في كل سؤال, وانت تختار الجواب الذي يتوافق مع أفكارك !
فهي أحسن لعبة والكل يحبها وخصوصا في هذه الأيام تأخذ تحميلات كثيرة ويلعبها الناس بكثير في هذه الأيام فجلسة لو خيروك الأصلية خلقت ضجة كبيرة في الدول العربية وفي الدول الأروبية أيضا فهذه النسخة هي اخر نسخة أما الآخرون أكثرهم مزيفون والجميل في هذه النسخة أنها أصلية و بدون أنترنيت أيضا
وهذه اللعبة تشبه لعبة جلسة ولعبة هجولة ولعبة وصلة وبعض الألعاب الجميلة والمشهورة
- مميزات اللعبة :
* بدون أنترنيت
* لعبة أصلية
* خلفية رائعة
* مشاركة اللعبة مع الأصدقاء في الفايسبوك
2018-07-28 14:42:13
简介:Hexa Puzzledom is a very fun and exciting hexa BLOCK Match puzzle game ! It will keep you entertained for hours!
Using basic arithmetic, Make 7 out of the number on screen. High scores are hard to obtain in this challenging game, according to gamers worldwide .
★★ Classic amp;Challenge★★
• Drag a numbered hexagon block to the honeycomb cells! ( inside the board)
• Make a higher number by matching three or more piece of the same number and color.
• quot;7 quot; is the final number which is powerful and your aim is to match 3 or more 7s together.
★★ Connect ★★
* Match at least 4 identical number blocks to merge them and create a bigger number.
* The last cell connect number is 256. Sequence is as follows: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048.
* When you connect cells the numbers add up to form a new merged number block.
* If a block move does not result in cell connect, 4 new blocks will appear on playboard.
• Easy to play but hard to master.
• Block match puzzle.
• No time limit.
• You can play offline in anytime.
• Instant save.
• Strategize to achieve high scores!
2018-07-28 14:41:20
简介:Do you think you know the flags of the world? Test yourself with this fantastic new game -
quot;Colour with Flags! quot;
40 levels of flag fun, increasing in difficulty as you progress.
Use the colour palette to fill in the flag segments correctly in order to move on to the next level.
Complete all levels to become... The Flag Master!
(Updates to follow...)
2018-07-28 14:39:20
简介:Candy Bears Fun 2019 is an addictive match 3 puzzle game where you set off to help a young girl becomes to a bartender so she can serve her lovely guests delicious drinks and lovely candy.
- Match the candies of the same color into horizontal and vertical lines to make combos of matching 3 or more so you can create special juices or cream.
- Swipe 4 same color delicious candies to make a powerful amp; frenzy candy.
- Swipe 5 same color tasty fruits to create the remarkable fever booster candy.
- A candy mania boom will be created from linking fruits like T or L characters.
- Combine 2 legend candies together to make a super booster.
Over 150 unique levels. Check back often for free rewards and new levels.
Spin the Daily Booster Wheel for a delicious prize
Easy to play interface, Just swipe amp; match many delicious.
Many sweetest characters which woman loves like : cat, dog, bear, fox... And delicious amp; sweet fruits: strawberry, apple, orange, grapes....
Tasty Candies, wrapped and striped Special Candies, Color Bombs and various other magical boosters to help with challenging levels
You can relax with this game offline.
You can connect with friend facebook for sharing scores and get lives.
The game contains the ads like interstitial and video. It is free to play, but you can purchase In-app items like AD FREE and Coins.
Candy Bears Fun 2019 - Match 3 Games 2018 is very popular match 3 with women, the elderly, children welcome. Handsome boy and beauty girl also love it! So let #39;s go to create sweet candy and juice in saga world.
Play a new and best free games 2018!
2018-07-28 14:38:15
简介:Tao Không Biết - hoi ngu là thể loại game mới vui và vô cùng hấp dẫn
tao khong biet đươc tổng hợp bởi gần 1000 câu hỏi ngu và cực kỳ hại não với độ thách thức sự trong sáng cực cao. Với đáp án hỏi ngu của các câu đố vui hại não chắc chắn sẽ đem đến cho bạn những giây phút thư giãn và thoại mãi sau những giờ làm việc và học tập căng và mệt mỏi.
tao khong biet - hoi ngu thách thức độ trong sang cực cao Bạn phải phì cười bởi những câu hỏi ngu hại não và thốt lên rằng tao không biết khi gặp câu hỏi hóc búa.
Tính năng của game:
* Tính đặt biệt bạn có thể tạo đố vui hại não cho riêng mình để thách thức những người chơi khác tất nhiên tên của bạn sẽ được xuất hiện trong game và mình cùng chờ đợi ai là thánh troll của năm và hỏi khôn nhất nhé.
- bạn có thể đánh vô mặt hoi ngu để chuyển câu hỏi
- khi gặp câu hỏi khó bạn sử dụng tính năng chia sẻ để hỏi bạn bè trên facebook, zalo, google+...
- chẳng may bạn bị gameover và bạn muôn biết đáp án là gì, thì bạn phải bấm vô mặt tao không biết - hỏi ngu để hiện thị đáp án.
Cùng giao lưu fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/395554010888122 để chia sẻ những câu hỏi khôn nhé.
Tao Không Biết - hoi ngu Nơi để Bạn trút bỏ những căng thẳng và mệt mỏi cũng là nơi cho bạn những giây phút được thăng hoa, thư giãn và hài hước đặc biết là những tràng cười thả ga.
2018-07-28 14:36:14
简介:Super 2048 Plus Puzzle is a complete version of the classic 2048 puzzle game. Inspired by current popular simple number puzzle games, Super 2048+ is surely one of the best 2048 game for everyone, your next free-to-play endless 2048 plus game!
Super 2048 Plus Puzzle is a simple strategy game based on numbers. It is a game with math brain puzzles merge matching cell of numbers. However, No special math skills are required! The objective of this challenging super 2048 puzzle game is to merge two tiles with the same number to grow up.
For example if two 1024 tiles merge become one 2048 tile. When 2048 tile is created, the player wins! But, in this Super 2048 game you can make Endless Combo to 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, 131072, 262144, and so on until 1M, you can still keep playing Super 2048 Plus!
Super 2048+ Puzzle comes with multiple board sizes from tiny (3x3) to extreme (10x10), various colorful tiles, and also refreshing audios (with sound on/off button). You can also change the background with day theme and night theme. There is also essential feature quot;Undo quot;, the addition of Combo and Streak! Plus, and last but not least there is also a neat progress bar for unlocked tiles.
Super 2048 Plus Puzzle Features
★ Simple user interface (UI), Easy to learn with in-game tips on how to play!
★ Supports various board sizes: Tiny (3x3), Classic (4x4), Big (5x5), Bigger (6x6), Huge (8x8) and Extreme (10x10)!
★ Undo, Combo and Streak. Be ready for a new challenge!
★ Autosaved game on all board sizes to Continue playing later. Each game mode is automatically saved!
★ Reset board whenever you need to start a new fresh 2048 puzzle!
★ Neat progress bar for unlocked tiles!
★ Refreshing combo/streak audios with Sound on/off button!
★ Change background. Day theme and Night theme!
★ One-hand friendly Android game, Designed specifically with the portrait orientation in mind!
How to play Super 2048+ Puzzle:
- Swipe Screen (Up, Down, Left or Right) to move the tiles.
- When two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into one and grow up.
- Unlimited Play after 2048, up to 1M each tile (x100 on Extreme!), Enjoy your Endless Combo!
Let #39;s Play Super 2048 Plus Puzzle and Challenge your puzzle game skills with this exciting skill game! Play this 2048 super plus once and you #39;ll want to play this fun and addictive number puzzle game more. Easy to learn, Fun to play, Tough to master!
All use of this software is subject to Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy at www.hwdot.com.
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2018-07-28 14:34:17
简介:Bubble Shooter : 2018
Play the classic and most fun Bubble Shooter game for FREE! Train your brain and solve all the awesome puzzles and challenges. Shoot bubbles online, offline-anytime! Bubble Shooter is the BEST matching game!
Collect all the keys, and hit the highest score!
Ready to start the action?
Aim, match and smash all the balls in this relaxing color-matching adventure. This incredible shooter is simple and easy to learn, perfect for both adults and kids to enjoy!
2018-07-28 14:33:17
简介:لعبة الرياضيات هيه لعبه حسابية من العاب ذكاء طرح وضرب وقسمه و جمع تساعدك على التذكر و تنشيط ذكائك للاطفال و للكبار.
العاب ذكاء رياضيات صعبة جدا لعبة حسابية تعتمد على الذكاء والتركيز للإجابة على أسئلة سهلة
اختبار الذكاء
.إفتح وٱلعب العاب ذكاء رياضيات صعبة جدا
لمحبي الرياضيات واسئله الذكاء و العاب رياضيات مسلية
العاب ذكاء
لعبة الغاز - لعبة وصلة الجديدة وفريدة من نوعها وليست كغيرها من الالعاب، لعبة شيقة وممتعة تتحدى ذكاءك ومعرفتك يالالغاز! هل تستطيع الاجابة عن اسئلة تتطلب ذكاء ودراية واسعة بما يتعلق بمعلومات الدين؟ تحدى نفسك واصحابك واكسب معرفة جديدة تضاف الى معرفتك وتعلم اشياء لم تعلمها من قبل! جدد ذكائك مع الالغاز اليوم
فقد صنفت هذه اللعبة من افضل ألعاب التسلية لتتضمن افضل الغاز (أالغاز) فهي لعبة لغز و لعبة اللغز الشهيرة و فتبدأ بمراحل السهلة و شيقة لتتدرج الى الكلمات المتقاطعة فسميت بلعبة الكلمات المتقاطعة فهنا في لعبة لغز اللغز تختبر تقافتك و
لعبة صح أم خطأ quot;موسوعة الأسئلة الأسلامية quot; لعبة رائعة لجميع أفراد العائلة ، تمكنك من اختبار رصيدك المعرفي عن طريق مجموعة من المعلومات على شكل أسئلة تجيب عليها بصحيح أو خطأ.
معلومات إسلامية مفيدة لا يعرفها الكثير من الناس وفي نفس الوقت مهمة لكل مسلم، معلومات عن حياة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم وايضاً فقه و أدعيه و أذكار و قصص الانبياء و أسئلة في القران الكريم.
- إختيار عدد اللاعبين
- إختيار درجة الصعوبة
- إختيار عدد الاسئلة
- تحدى معلومات اصدقائك
- ثقف نفسك بسهولة
لعبة الالغاز واحدة من الالعاب الاكثر شعبية ساعات لا تنتهي من المتعة وتحفيز العقل للاجابة عن اكثر الاسئلة تعقيدا والتي تتطلب منك التفكير والتحليل للوصول الى الاجابات الدقيقة,لعبة كلمات متقاطعة
لعبة الذكاء كبر عقلك لن تحتاج منك إلى تسجيل الدخول أو أي تعقيدات ، فقط قم بتنزيل اللعبة في ثواني لصغر حجمها وابدأ اللعب والتسلية مباشرة ، كما يمكنك التمتع بهذه اللعبة في أي مكان حيث أنها لا تتطلب الاتصال بالانترنت مما يتيح لك التسلية في الأماكن التي لا تتوفر فيها تغطية الانترنت وبالتالي القضاء على الملل واستغلال الوقت في لعبة مفيدة تنشط قدراتك العقلية وتزيد من ثقافتك العامة
- مواجهة لاعبين أون لاين في جولة من 10 أسئلة
- كلما كانت الاجابة صحيحة و سريعة يزداد رصيد نقاطك و يخصم من الخصم عدة نقاط
- لديك 3 وسائل مساعدة استشارة خبير, تغير سؤال و حذف اجابتين
- العاب اسئلة
- العاب ذكاء
- اختبار الثقافة العامة
- ألغاز
- العاب اون لاين
مميزات لعبة الذكاء الأولى كبر عقلك
لعبة كلمات متقاطعة خفيفة على ذاكرة الهاتف رغم احتوائها على مئات الألغاز.
لعبة كلمات متقاطعة مفيدة ومسلية لجميع الأعمار وتتميز بجمعها بين خاصيتي المعلومات العامة واختبار الذكاء في آنٍ واحد .- افضل العاب الغاز و الغاز للاذكياء و مئات من المراحل التي تتفاوت في مستوى سهولتها حسب كل مرحلة .
- تستطيع من خلال لعبة الذكاء الأولى كبر عقلك اختبار ذكاءك ومعلوماتك وثقافتك العامة في مختلف المجالات.
يحتوي التطبيق الغاز الذكاء و الغاز مع الحل - بدون نت ايضا على
ألغاز للأذكياء.
الغاز مسلية.
العاب الغاز وذكاء.
ألغاز العقل.
الغاز للعباقرة.
ألغاز مع الحل.
الغاز وحلولها.
الغاز ذكاء.
الغاز الذكاء و الغاز مع الحل - بدون نت.
الغاز ذكاء وحلها.
الغاز صعبة.
ألغاز محيرة.
ألغاز مغربية مضحكة.
ألغاز سهلة.
حل ألغاز.حل ألغاز وصلة.
2018-07-28 14:32:18
简介:Math IQ Genius increases your logical thinking. The objective of the game is to find the hidden patterns in the puzzle to find the solution. This game enhances skills such as:
- Observation skills
- Logical logic
- Open thinking skills
- Knowledge of mathematics
- About 2000 question!
- Hack the Brain!
This game contains many challenging brain iq tests.
Each brain test provides a different and unique challenge that forces the user to think in a unique way.
Best game for all fans of puzzles, word games, brain thinking, mind games, logic puzzles and riddles.
The game will be useful for kids, girls, boys, adults and people who like puzzles, memory tests, IQ tests, brain games, memory trainings and other things useful for your brain.
We have designed our game to be fun and challenging for adults as for kids. and we hope that you enjoy our brainum math game.
The game focus to Math IQ. It #39;s not easy to get high score.
Play math genius with your friends to see who can solve the puzzle faster!
Only 5% peapole can reach 500 point.
Maybe you #39;re a genius!
* Math Genius is free but supported by ads. You can upgrade to Math Genius Pro to have access to higher difficulty this game has to offer and also remove ads :D
* While playing the game, if game do not display the question then you turn on the network connection and try again.
* If you have any comments, please do not hesitate to email us, or join the group for support. All comments are absorbed by us and review, making the game more attractive, exciting and challenging!
* Group exchange of games:
Thank you!
Contact us:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bipgamestudio/
E-mail: [email protected]
2018-07-28 14:31:14
简介:The worldwide smash hit Spot the Difference game! Newly remastered with hundreds of beautiful high definition photos!
b Spot the difference /b is a type of puzzle where players must find a set number of differences between two otherwise similar images, whether they are illustrations or photographs that have been altered with photo manipulation. Spot the difference games are also known as photo hunt games, and are commonly found in activity books for children or in newspapers.
The interface makes it easier to look at both pictures simultaneously. Since they are on top of each other, you don #39;t have to switch images, you can inspect both without a problem. There #39;s an advantage; when you zoom in on one picture, you do it also on the other one, so you can find little details on a specific area of the image. The photographs are real, so the details and definition make the game even harder. If you #39;re stuck on a level, you can always get a clue, which takes you to a specific area of the image where a difference is hiding.
In total Find Differences has more than 200 levels, which means there are 400 pictures in which you have to spot the differences. The fewer times you tap the screen, the more points you #39;ll get when you finish the level. This way, the game keeps you from pressing all over the screen without thinking.
Find Differences is a classic game that can be both simple and complicated. Naturally, it #39;s a great pastime for anyone looking for a traditional game to play. It #39;s also one of those games that works on practically any Android, no matter how old it is.
*** Game Play ***
In each level, players are shown two photos—side-by-side—that are identical except for five differences. The objective is to find and identify the differences between the pictures before the timer runs out. Players select potential differences by touching the screen on either picture in the location of difference. Correct choices encircle the difference in green and incorrect touches deduct time, with the game ending if time expires on any level.
Depending on the settings, players are provided either 3 or 5 hints for use during the course of one game. The number of remaining hints is indicated by the number of magnifying glass images centered at the top of bottom of the screen. Players touch one of these icons to reveal one of the remaining differences. Differences located by hints are immediately counted as found and are surrounded by a yellow circle.
*** Spot the diffrence for following HD photos ***
- Find the differences on paintings of Munch, Vermeer and da Vinci.
- The story of Goldilocks but then Twisted and Different.
- Find the differences on paintings of Dali, Picasso and Cézanne.
- Can you find all the differences between the 2 animal pictures?
- Spot the differences in this fairy difference game.
- Discover all the rooms from the Museum and find all Differences.
- Find all the differences in Paris.
- Spot the 6 differences on the animated images.
- Spot all the differences in 10 beautifull image about Ancient China.
- Discover the monuments of Egypt in this Mahjong and Difference game.
- Spot all the differences in this Ocean Fantasy.
- Spot all the differences in this game about a Knight and his Quest.
- Spot all the differences in this game about the classic fairy tale.
Find Difference: It has 200 different levels with no time limit, so you can focus and pay attention to details without worrying about the clock. The game moves forward at your own pace. There #39;s also an online global ranking, where you can compete for the highest score by finding the highest number of differences.
Hunt your way around the world from Transylvania to Timbuktu and Sydney to San Francisco in an epic journey for steely-eyed smartphone sleuths!
Keywords :
find the difference games, find the difference animals, find the difference between two pictures, find the difference rooms – spot differences, find the difference scary prank
2018-07-28 14:30:13
简介:我们的游戏益智JCB拖拉机新的最佳是为迷人的逻辑游戏,迷人的难题和独特的图像的所有爱好者创建的! 在这个游戏中,你会发现许多美丽的主题图片,特别为你选择,从中你可以收集迷人和令人难忘的难题!
感谢您方便直观地控制任何难题,您只需点击一下即可收集。 借助方便的图库,您可以选择您喜欢的图片并将其保存为内存或在线(DropBox,iCloud,Google Drive),将其展示给朋友或发布在您的社交网络页面上,例如Facebook,Twitter,VC和其他。
2018-07-28 14:29:20
— 遊戲完全免費,不用花錢也可以通關。
— 16個精緻真實的原創場景關卡,絕對有你意想不到的謎題,極限挑戰你的思維。
— 極具挑戰性的謎題,讓最簡潔的操作也能容納最大的挑戰
— 華麗的主題風格房間,滿足視覺上的體驗
2018-07-28 14:28:13
简介:Can You Escape Tropical Forest
This is an outdoor escape game. Assume that you were trekking with your friend in the tropical jungle. Your friend was following you from behind and after a while he couldn #39;t keep up with you and got lost in the jungle. Now, he has been taken custody by the jungle people and put in a tree house. Therefore, you should find out where your friend is kept and release him from the tree house by solving puzzles. Have fun!
-Nice graphics.
-Awesome puzzles.
-Finding hidden objects.
-100% free escape game app.
Download the game for free now and enjoy solving the puzzles.
2018-07-28 14:27:26
简介:b Wood Block Puzzle Hexa /b Game is a very fun and exciting block match puzzle game, it makes you keep playing! b Make Hexa Puzzle /b is a simple yet addictive gameplay that challenges your brain.
b Everyone from Kids to Adults can Enjoy! /b
b Simple Wood Block Puzzle Hexa Game! Combine Blocks to Fill-In the Blank! /b
b Challenge yourself and play the best mind game with building blocks. /b Exercise your concentration – download Wooden 100 Block Puzzle - Best Brain Games for Kids and Adults with Wood Puzzle Building Blocks for free and become super smart right now!
b Wood Block Puzzle! Hexa Puzzle /b Game is a super fun game where you place a series of geometric pieces on an empty board to fill in rows and columns, making them disappear and getting as many points as possible. Try it and discover your new favorite game!
b Wood Block Puzzle! Hexa Puzzle Game is very simple. /b In each round, you #39;ll start with an empty board that you can fill up by placing pieces on it strategically. Whenever you complete a row or a column, it will disappear, giving you points and freeing up space for you to place more pieces.
b Game Features: /b
- Wood Block Puzzle is a addictive and classic puzzle game!
- Alleviated Stess from Playing!
- No Time Limit! No Restriction! No Tickets!
- Try to fit them all in the frame
- Blocks can #39;t be rotated.
- Combine proper blocks to perfectly fill in the blanks.
- Drag the blocks and place it in the blank.
- Place the pieces into board. Once you fill in a vertical or horizontal line, it will disappear, freeing up space for new pieces.
- Drag the blocks and fill up the grids,the blocks are crushed when you complete the grid.
- Wood Block Puzzle Hexa is so classic and fun! You can pop the blocks anytime and anywhere.
- Make Hexa Puzzle is a very fun and exciting block match puzzle game, it makes you keep playing!
- Smooth effect for Wood block puzzle game!
- Play easily and quickly.
- With 1010 size board. Create rows and colums full of Block on the screen. Place blocks of different shapes and fill in rows with blocks. At the bottom of the screen you have the shapes that will appear next turn.
- Brick Classic is classical mode and very interesting with very nice graphics design. It’ll take you back to the childhood. Wood Block Puzzle! Hexa Puzzle Game also includes two different game modes. In the first, the pieces are made up of squares and the board is also square, while in the second, everything is hexagonal.
- Everyone from Kids to Adults can Enjoy! Easy to play and pleasurable game for all age. Hexa Box is a simple and exciting block match puzzle game - simply drag the hexa blocks and try to fill all the grids. This brain teaser is suitable for all ages.
- Simply drag the same-colored triangles to make multiple Hexagons! Hexa Box is a hexa Wood block puzzle game. It`s simple yet addictive gameplay that challenges your brain amp; helps You to develop logic, concentration, awareness, and at the same time do it slowly and thoughtfully
• b Fun amp; Fresh Tile Matching Game /b
- Wood Block Puzzle! Hexa Puzzle Game, the pieces don #39;t fall from the top of the screen. Instead, they appear three by three. When you place one, another one will appear, and so on, until you run out of room. You can #39;t change the shape of the pieces or rotate them, but you can place them wherever you want.
• b Join a Mind Blowing Adventure /b
- Play on a board composed of hexagons, beat the evil monsters and Wood Block Puzzle Hexa. Drag blocks to fill up the block to win and collect stars and diamonds to unlock Levels. Simple Wood Block Puzzle Game! Combine Blocks to Fill-In the Blank!
2018-07-28 14:26:18
简介:b Minecraft PE Mod War Plane /b is an assembly of realistically made aircraft of World War II pocket planes that arrived and settled in the sandbox of Minecraft PE. The aircraft are inspired by the British World War II fighter called the Supermarine Spitfire. They will make your adventure in the Minecraft PE sandbox more exciting. It #39;s unlikely that you ever flew in the sky of MCPE sandbox on an airplane or fighter. Moreover, at the height of you there are no mobs and zombies, and you can shoot at enemies from the air, which means that your survival with this MCPE mod is safe pixel plane. To create a plane, you need to stock up the eggs of the chicken. Yes, yes, chicken. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, this mod replaces the texture of the chicken with a aircraft plane craft, and the texture of snowballs is replaced to a canister with fuel royal air force. So that your adventures in the air last as long as possible, refuel them before you fly. For this, throw the snowball into the fighter and you will have full tank. But to survive in the sky without any questions pixel plane, take with you on the plane everything you need, as well as a fuel canister. Are you ready to attack the fighter plane craft? Download MCPE mod War Plane transport mods!
b Disclaimer /b : We are a third-party developer and we don #39;t apply for the intellectual property of the author of Mojang AB. We use the Minecraft PE and MCPE trademarks with public permission:
http://www.minecraft.net/terms ( quot;Terms quot;)
http://www.minecraft.net/brand-guidelines ( quot;Brand Guidelines quot;).
To run this mod of pocket planes, no third-party applications are required, only Minecraft PE is needed. First, download, then click and import this addon for MCPE into the game. Then go into the world settings royal air force (in the texture settings and settings of the parameters) and load the texture file and the add-on itself transport mods.
2018-07-28 14:25:44
简介:“3D齿轮(3D Gear)”是一款科幻风格的益智游戏。 如果您喜欢高科技,或爱科幻或爱拼图,“3D齿轮”将是您的最爱。
这很容易学习:只需要链接所有的齿轮。 但更高的关卡有更多的齿轮,很难把它们放在正确的地方。
每个世界有200个关卡。 完成一个世界可以获得400金币,你可以解锁更多的世界。