2018-07-22 14:27:19
2018-07-22 14:25:27
简介:Exercise your brain with complete fun filled game quot;Brain Training with MatchStick quot;. The game is designed with over 400 matchstick puzzles and equations with simple user interface and intuitive controls. Add, remove or move the matchstick to solve the puzzle and make the equation correct. quot;Brain Training with MatchStick quot; needs logical reasoning skills and thinking capability to solve the challenging matchstick puzzles.
quot;Brain Training with MatchStick quot; is perfect for all age group players to strengthen their mind with unlimited fun. This mind boggling game can be played anytime and anywhere. Use your amazing gaming skills and solve the puzzles to develop your focus and solving skills. This amazing game is widely available in 2 languages namely English and French. Get the game and enjoy solving puzzles. quot;Brain Training with MatchStick quot; is a classical game of reflexion focussing on the logical solving skills. Be quick and solve the puzzle as fast as you can to score the maximum points. Play the game with your friends for more entertainment.
Download the puzzling game quot;Brain Training with MatchStick quot; and enhance your thinking skills by solving exciting puzzles and equations. Solve the matchstick puzzles in the minimum number of turns to complete the levels. Keep up your focus and think before you make a move.!
We are constantly working hard on making the “Brain Training With Matchstick” game better and more entertaining for you. We need your constant support to get going. Please feel free to email us for any queries/suggestions/problems or if you just want to say hello. We would love to hear from you. If you have enjoyed any feature of the “Brain Training With Matchstick” game, do not forget to rate us on play store.
2018-07-22 14:25:00
简介:BTS Beyond 16 - a fan made game for Bangtan Boys.
Hope you like amp; love it.
2018-07-22 14:23:13
简介:Connect colored squares!
8 different colors, 2 of them with special features!
Try to solve all puzzles!
Currently, there are 30 different puzzles, but with each update there are new levels added!
2018-07-22 14:22:29
简介:Оригинальная игра от Comedy Club Production и телеканала ТНТ.
«Прриветики! Александрр Рродионович Борродач снова с вами!
Теперрь каждое моё прриключение - это отдельное прриложение! Я хррен знает, почему, но мне сказали, что так надо. Прроклятые бюррократы.»
Помоги Бородачу выбраться из РОВД и проникнуть в стриптиз-клуб к его любимой Иришке!
«Рребята, вы бы видели её сисяндрры! Рради этого стоит жить… Как я…»
2018-07-22 14:21:44
简介:Новые похождения Бородача!
Оригинальная игра от Comedy Club Production и телеканала ТНТ.
Помоги Бородачу выпутаться из неприятностей и покорить сердце Иришки!
«Ррребята! Карраул! Без вас не спрравлюсь, клянусь ррукой!»
2018-07-22 14:20:46
2018-07-22 14:19:20
*** 怎么玩 ***
☆与朋友分享! Facebook支持!
*** 特征 ***
2018-07-22 14:18:22
简介:猜謎語 [語音版]
1. 廣東話
2. 普通話
遊戲將隨機 (不重覆) 挑選謎語讓各玩家猜猜,直至猜完所有問題為止。
2018-07-22 14:17:23
简介:This is the puzzle of the hexagone pieces in a fun and entertaining.
The idea of ??the game hexagon puzzle is to arrange the pieces to fill the game space like a game Jigsaw
hexagon puzzle
Easy to play them are also a suitable game for all without age barrier Family game
The fun of the game is to move and put pieces or blocks hexagone to fill a specific area to move you to a higher level
Do not tire yourself with time because they give all the time
The game is suitable for the concentration and development of intelligence and acumen
the way of playing
Pull the colored piece or block and move it. Try to match the playing area.
You can not rotate the blocks and the important thing is no limit to time
Game features
-No specific time
-Daily bonus
-Play without the need for Internet wifi
-You can play them at any time without any restrictions
-The graphics are beautiful and attractive
-In addition to fantastic sounds
-Over 200 levels to play
-The game does not force you to buy from the game, this is optional
• [email protected]
Like us on FACEBOOK
• https://www.facebook.com/Hexagon-Puzzle-180705422472993/
Thank you!
2018-07-22 14:15:12
Google Play商店提供了很多这样的游戏,这一次我会给一些评论android头脑风暴游戏,我认为你应该尝试在你的Android分别。一些android的脑袋玩具是非常令人兴奋的,并允许增加智力和你的智商水平当然。好吧,只需下载应用程序,让你们迅速发挥最酷的Android头脑预告游戏。
您可以通过Facebook,Twitter,pinterest,路径,instagram,whatsapp,line,google +,messenger,bbm,wechat等社交媒体与您的朋友分享此应用的屏幕截图。
2018-07-22 14:14:20
2018-07-22 14:13:21
简介:Onet Classic Butterfly is very exciting and interesting to play. in the Onet Classic Butterfly there is a variety of very beautiful flowers. Then there are three options to play and there will be clues when we first play it .. how to play is very easy but need concentration and thoroughness. You only need to remove all the existing images by matching the two images with the same time limit. You can only cross the two same images if there are no obstacles that close the way the image to meet.
*Has three options*
gt; Classic
gt; Hard1
2018-07-22 14:12:21
简介:Have a bad mood? Want to kill somebody ? - Then this game is for you!
Never make animals angry! See funny animated stories and comics about stickman and animals.
* 15 ways to kill,
* a lot of fantasy, blood and fun.
Just click on objects and see what happens.
Live and death of stickman is in your hands now!
2018-07-22 14:10:23
简介:Think you are genius in maths? Try solving these Matchstick Puzzles. Matchstick Puzzles. Derived from matchstick puzzlespopular from the time when candles and gas lighting meant that almost everyone carried a small box of matches with them. We have compiled list of matchstick puzzles in which you need to complete equation, move matchsticks to solve brain teasers or counting squares rectangle.
Keep your mind active with this classic matches game! The rules are simple: you must create triangles, squares or fix simple equations by adding, moving or removing matches. Hundreds of challenging levels are waiting for you. Play now!
Solve puzzles by moving, adding and removing matches until you find the right solution. 100+ Matches puzzles in different shapes, sizes, equations and designs. Each of the numbers in this equation is built from matchsticks. By moving only one matchstick, you can fix the equation so that it is correct.
If you like to solve math puzzles then you will love this math matchstick puzzles. Solve matches puzzles by adding, removing
and moving matches. Can you find the right solution?? Every matches puzzle level is different (shapes, sizes, modes ...).
This classic game with matches will surely bring you to your childhood days.!!
There are multiple ways to solve each puzzle, can you find the correct ones? All levels have all different shapes, sizes, equations (roman numerals) and colors and designs!
2018-07-22 14:08:23
简介:Millionaire Spanish is one of games which are being interested by many people because of all wonderful and useful things from it. It is not only the awesome game to entertain but also is a huge treasure of knowledge in the entire fields. The game will help you improve your knowledge quickly, get the wonderful experience moment
- Supported single and challenge match, challenge yourselves or with your friends
- The questions bank with over 100,000 of questions in various fields, which be updated continuously by many question sources
- Allow 2 players can challenge each other, the winner will bring all the money and bonus
- Easy to find a suitable players for your challenge
- FREE forever (No SMS, no in-app purchase)
- Leader board which be updated every hour of all player around the world, weekly + monthly ranking
- Share your win over Facebook or invite friends to play with you
- Record your every match and display your achievements on the weekly + monthly chart
2018-07-22 14:08:07
简介:Extreme Trick Shot - a physics based puzzle game.
You have a ball and there is a box, the rule of this game is simple, throw the ball into the box in one shot. Game have 150 levels for to beat, try to come to the end, you will be surprised.
2018-07-22 14:07:08
简介:هل تعتقد أن ثقافتك العامة غنية بالمعلومات؟ هل تقبل التحدي؟ جرب إختبار ثقافتك العامة عبر سؤال وجواب في مجالات متعددة؟
اختبر معلوماتك وثقافتك عبر هده المسابقة الثقافية في مجالات متعددة و متنوعة.
تطبيق quot;أسئلة وأجوبة ثقافية quot; يحتوي على مجموعة اسئلة تاريخية وثقافية وعلمية ورياضية واسلامية كل سؤال لديك له اربعة خيارات وواحد منهم هو الاختيار الصحيح.
فقط نمي مهارتك العقلية واختبر قدراتك الذهنية وثقافتك وخلفيتك الدينية والتاريخية والعلمية والرياضية من خلال الاجابة على الاسئلة المتاحة لديك في التطبيق.
مميزات التطبيق
- واجهه وسهله ومتحركة
- تصميم رائع وحديث
كلمات دلالية:
لغز و كلمة اختبر ذكائك
اختبر نفسك بنفسك
اختبر معلوماتك الاسلامية
نسبة اختبار الذكاء لغز وكلمة
لعبة الاسئلة صحيح ام خطا
مواضيع ثقافة متنوعة
افكار ثقافيه متنوعة ثقافة عامة قدرات دينية
متع ذهنك عقلك
بنك المعلومات
ثقف نفسك مع أسئلة عامة مختلفة في جميع المجالات العلمية بدون
انترنت ، أسئلة جديدة وحصرية
هناك أسئلة كثيرة في انتظارك تصل إلى 200 سؤال حاول أن تجيب عليها بدون الإستعانة بالحاسوب
تطبيق أسئلة ثقافية يحتوي على أسئلة في الكثير من المجالات مثل أسئلة تاريخية و اسئلة دينية وكلها اسئلة ثقافية ، فالتطبيق في نهايته يقوم
هناك أسئلة صعبة وسهلة ومتوافقة مع الجميع مهما كان تفوقك في الدراسة أو مطالعة للكتب ، إن كنت من محبي المطالعة فحتما سيعجبك ، والتطبيق رائع إن كنت من أصحاب التحديات والالغاز المسلية الجمعيات التربوية أو المدارس أوالمسابقات العامة للحصول على أسئلة وأجوبة لطرحها في أنشطة الأطفال والمخيمات الصيفية .
هناك العديد من المعلومات الإضافية التي تزيد من ذكائك وخبرتك في انتظارك ، ستجد أسئلة متنوعة مثل من
اخترع المصباح ومخترع الصفر ومعرفة معنى x وكذلك طرح اسئلة في الألعاب مثل تاريخ اصدار جيتا 5
والتطبيقات الأكثر شهرة مثل تطبيق مريم ومعرفة العديد من عواصم ومدن ودول وأسمائها
القديمة وكذلك معاني لغات ولهجات عالمية ومعرفة العديد من الشخصيات مثل صحابة رسول الله ،
وعلماء ومخترعون مثل الخوارزمي وانشتاين وفلاسفة مثل افلاطون ومؤرخون وشعراء مثل المتنبي وابن تيمية وابن القيم الجوزي وأحمد الشقيري والشافعي والنابلسي وأول قصيدة انشادية لمشاري بن راشد العفاسي ومارك وستيف جوبز وبيل جيتس وهناك كذلك أسئلة حول الانمي مثل
المانجا الاكثر مبيعا والانمي الاكثر شهرة بالصين واشئلة في الرياضيات لان الكثر لا يعرف حل معادلة تجمع
بين الطرح والضرب والقسمة ، والكثير من الاسئلة المغربية والجزائرية والمصرية والسعودية والعراقية .
التطبيق لايتجاوز 4 ميجابيت .
يتم طرح الالغاز على شكل سؤال ويعرض لك التطبيق خيارات في الجواب الصحيح ، ان لم تستطع الاجابة
على السؤال يمكنك طلب المساعدة كذلك هناك احصائيات عند الانتهاء او الخروج من التطبيق او اثناء اللعب لمعرفة عدد الاجوبة الصحيية والاجوبة الخاطئة .
يتم حدف الاسْلة فور الإجابة عليها .
في الحقيقة ان كنت تريد تنمية عقلك او تريد اسئلة واجوبة ذكاء فحاول استخدام اسئلة تقافية فالتطبيق مجاني للجميع وان كان هناك اي تساؤل فحاول ان تراسلني
كلمات مفتاحية
- ta9afa 3ama
- kalimat mota9ati3a
- as2ila ajwiba
- takafa ama
- nas2alok wa anta tojob
- so2al wa jawab
- مسابقة ثقافة عامة
- ثقافة جنسية للكبار
- معومات دينية ثقافية عامة تاريخية طبية مفيدة
- تعلم الطبخ
- اشياء غريبة
- تطبيق لغز الصورة و هل تعلم
- الغاز مسلية
- حكم مؤثرة واقوال
- العاب فلاش
- العاب بنات بدون انترنت
- العاب كرتون
- العاب انمي
- صحيح خطأ
- صح خطأ
- امثال وحكم معبرة
- العاب سيارات وحروب
- برنامج من سيربح المليون
- العاب مسلية
-اسئلة العرب
- العاب 2018
- لعبة وزنك ذهب
- العاب ذكاء للاطفال الصغار
- احاجي مغربية
- احاجي عربية حاجيتك
- نكت عربية
- اللعبة الاكثر شهرة
- تحدي ومتعة
- كنز المعرفة
سؤال وجواب في الدين
الاسلام سؤال وجواب
اسئلة واجوبة دينية
اسئلة واجوبة ذكاء
اسئله واجوبه سهله
معلومات عامة ثقافية
فن اخبار الفن
افلام ثقافه
اسئلة ثقافية للاطفال
اسئلة واجوبة للاطفال ترفيهية
اساله عامه
الغاز المحقق كونان
بن تن
معلومات عامة
اسئلة دينية
برنامج اسئله
كلمات متقاطعة
لعبة الوصلة
العاب وصلة
رشفة كلمات متقاطعة
وصلة كلمات متقاطعة
الكلمات المتقاطعة باللغة العربية
كلمات المتقاطعة
الكلمات المتقاطعة بالعربية
كاريكاتير كلمات متقاطعة
العاب حل الالغاز
اعراب الجمل النحوية
2018-07-22 14:05:19
简介:在这个游戏中,你在万圣节的那天来到一个闹鬼的城堡。 但不幸的是,你注意到死神将一个男孩困在城堡里, 没有人在那里帮助他。 你必须给这六个糖果去救救这个男孩。
你必须通过找到有用的对象,提示和解决难题来帮助他逃离这个被困扰的城堡。 点击对象与他们交互,解决简单的谜题。祝你好运!
2018-07-22 14:04:43
简介:Puzzle Flowers - This is a game for those who love puzzle games. You can play with difficulty levels from 3x3 (children #39;s puzzles) to 8x8 (puzzles for adults). It has a wide variety of images. You can collect a whole picture from a variety of pieces. It has a simple interface and is suitable for any user.
Feature of game:
-Simple interface
-6 levels of difficulty
-Minimalistic design
-Improves mental ability
-You can see the picture during the game
-Suitable for all ages
-Saves everything automatically, you can play multiple pictures at once and don #39;t lose your progress
-The best choice for the warm-up mind
-More than 100 images
2018-07-22 14:04:13
简介:Puzzle pika pokemon is a super magical puzzle game for all age who wants to train their brain by using small pieces and find the picture complet of pokemon and pikachu
when you finish a photo of pikachu puzzle you #39;ll find a high quality and beautiful wallpaper
puzzle for pokemon and pika is an ideal application for children and parents, parent generally consider the visual aspect of the pikachu game. Also have other values of pokemonster puzzle, mainly educational, which allow to develop quickly and at many levels. A perfect mix of visual and educational value is our new free pikachu and pokemo puzzle game
thanks to pokemo puzzle, you will be ready to learn to read and write, but also to develop mathematical and technical
pokemonster Puzzles is an ideal game for all toddlers, young children and adults who are simply in love with the assemblage of images pokemonster
if you are fan of pokemon game and pika pika cartoon by this magical game you can play the puzzle of pokemo in real life
- Hight quality screen
- Different levels
- Different Difficullties
- free game puzzle for pika
- puzzle for all ages
amuse with your familly and your friends and get wonderful time, try to play the great pika pokemoon puzzle and challenge your friends,and let your comment to do better
2018-07-22 14:03:51
简介:Do you enjoy puzzles? How about a fun, high-quality educational puzzle game about angles that is accessible to first graders and above! Visit Angle Jungle today!
Angle Jungle was built by a team of students at Carnegie Mellon University #39;s Entertainment Technology Center in 15 weeks for our client Pennsylvania’s Intermediate Unit 1. Angle Jungle has value to first graders and above, its primary purpose though is as a supplement for 4th to 6th graders learning basic geometry.
2018-07-22 14:01:27
简介:b Monster evolution mania /b is a puzzle game, you have to combine items to make the monster evolve
do not ever think you can easily complete this game, your intelligence will be tested with this game ... no matter how high your genius, if you can not finish this game means you are untested
Monster Evolution Mania game with beautiful colors, high graphics quality, full of funny and unique monsters illustrations ... take your family to play this game because it is suitable for all ages
Rules or gameplay is absolutely simple to suit everyone #39;s taste:
- Connect three or more same items splash to score points.
- Archive the target points to level up.
- Eliminate the more items line quickly can get extra scores.
For all of you fans of online board games, get ready to fall in love with this popular crush game, available now for free on Android. b Monster Evolution Mania is a fun puzzle game taking place in the Glenneview. Begin your adventure today and explore plenty of exciting worlds and levels.
How to Play
• Move and match 3 items of the same type to burst and win points.
• Collect prizes and make special Monster combinations to create a Monster crush!
• Boost your experience with awesome power-ups.
• Play and enjoy thousands of colorful puzzle levels in this fun addicting game.
• Reach high scores and try to get 3 stars on every level.
Join the adventure
Travel across the lollipop wonderland, explore wondrous places and discover thousands of fun levels filled with vivid colors, great puzzles, and bonuses. Match, pop and collect Monster, it’s easy and fun! Unlock unique boosters that will help you beat all the challenges and win levels. Don’t wait any longer to join the Monster Evolution Mania, it’s extremely addictive!
Let #39;s start and fun !! /b
2018-07-22 14:00:17
简介:Game có kiểu chơi giống chiếc nón kỳ diệu, bạn dựa vào những từ gợi ý về 1 loài động vật để đoán tên loài đó. Tùy vào số lượng ô chữ, bạn sẽ có số lần đoán các chữ cái và số lần đoán tên loài vật khác nhau.
Tải và trải nghiệm.
Game có phiên bản dành cho trẻ nhỏ.
2018-07-22 13:59:24
简介:b Ready for a blast! Do not let colorful balls fill up the screen! /b
This is a funny but intense balls bouncy game ever in Google Play.
Balls Bounce Blast is a playful classic mechanic ball bouncing game. Simply tap a single or multiple same color balls and make them blast. Be aware of big emoji colorful balls! Blast it can get higher points.
Balls Bounce Blast will be the best arcade game to release your mind and kill time, you can play Balls Bounce Blast by only one hand. Simple but very addicted
Click 1 or more jewels bubbles to crush them
Tap extra size emoji balls can make a blast to destroy all small emoji balls around
Tap only one emoji bubble will drop 3 more bubbles
Colorful and funny emoji balls
Easy and free fun to play, challenging to master
Tricky big balls! Be careful, blast it and get more points!
Different challenging modes and speed, the more you play, the more fun and challenge you have
Physical balls bouncing mechanical system, make it bounce, make it blast!
Interesting sound effects
Simple HD graphic
Addicting classic game mode
Free for all ages: play with your friends, family, children
b Download /b
for free today, make a blast