2018-07-21 09:10:27
简介:Most Versatile Word Search Game with over 10000 words in 25 different topics.
* Play Word Search in your choice of topic.
* Connect facebook to play with your friends.
* Complete 25 challenging achievements.
* Choose from five board sizes.
* Normal, Medium, Hard amp; Expert difficulty modes.
Each Pack is based on a topic, it has several hundreds of popular words with unlimited levels to play.
Levels are scored with star rating supporting full social gaming features to compete with your friends and others online.
Learn Words with meaning - Shows the meaning of the words after each level completion.
How to Play
Swipe over the characters in the board to form words shown above it.
Find all the words in the list to complete the level.
Faster you find words higher the score and ranking.
Other Significant Features
Unique Word search game with scores, ranking and Social features.
Choose your game board theme from three choices.
Form bonus words in give time for bonus scores.
Challenge your skills in 4 difficulty modes in several packs.
Play offline or compete online with thousands of players around the world.
Supported English, Spanish, French, German, Italian amp; Portuguese.
2018-07-21 09:10:03
简介:단어 맞추기 게임
-. 귀로 듣고 눈으로 익히는 입체적인 단어게임
-. 영어 / 중국어 / 일본어 선택
- TTS( Text TO Speech ) 음성을 지원
-. 초급 / 중급 / 고급으로 구분된 난이도 선택
-. 난이도에 따라 제시되는 단어수가 달라짐.
-. 모르는 단어를 선택하면 해당 단어에 대한 뜻이 표시됨
개발자 연락처 :
Dream Maker
2018-07-21 09:09:55
简介:b 盖火 狙击手射手: 现代战斗 FPS游戏 /b 欢迎来到军队任务的惊险动作游戏。在这里你可以展示你的美国军队的训练技能,用你的狙击枪射击恐怖分子。你是一名军队突击队员,正在进行反恐战争。你被招募为狙击手3D镜头,像精锐的杀手军士兵一样完成你的敌人。这个军队游戏任务有不同的狙击枪。这款山地射击游戏是封面火狙击手3D的封面火:现代战斗FPS射击免费游戏。不可能让你的狙击手枪在这个战争游戏任务中。
b 盖火 狙击手射手: 现代战斗 FPS游戏 /b 这款军队游戏是战场狙击手3D射击的令人兴奋的第一人称射击游戏体验。这次山地拍摄与FPS射手的流畅游戏有关。充当精英部队突击队员,像间谍游戏任务一样完成你的敌人。享受狙击手模拟游戏等军队基地的真实地形环境。成为2018年免费游戏中军队战争山地射击冒险的狙击手。享受不同的战争军队突击队任务。作为精英杀手突击队在这场军队战斗游戏中消灭你的敌人。
b 盖火 狙击手射手: 现代战斗 FPS游戏 /b 突击队任务狙击3D游戏有不同的任务。让你的战略像特务代理游戏这个战斗机格斗游戏。在这个射击场上使用狙击枪,步枪,手榴弹等突击武器。你可以使用你的美国军队训练技能来参加激烈的激烈竞技比赛。这个FPS射击战斗竞技场是所有狙击手射击3D突击队免费游戏中最好的3D狙击射击游戏。这个山地狙击手3D射击游戏就像狙击手射击游戏军队对你的军队对手的作品。在这个免费的射击游戏中,你是一个人的军队,用来保护你的土地免受恐怖分子的袭击
b 盖火 狙击手射手: 现代战斗 FPS游戏 的特点 /b
* 这款狙击手动作游戏的逼真游戏
* 各种突击武器和现代狙击手射击枪为军队作战
* 狙击手射击3D的战争地面的现实环境
* 这种战斗狂暴的不同激烈的突击队任务
* 使用突击步枪,狙击枪,手榴弹和军事游戏等不同武器
2018-07-21 09:09:49
简介:Новая уникальная игра: угадывайте слова, изображённые на фото - проверьте свою наблюдательность и сообразительность!
Бросьте вызов себе и разгадайте все головоломки вместе с Нико - попугаем-путешественником.Внимательность - главный козырь, составляйте слова из букв и докажите, что вы - лучший из лучших!
- Играйте абсолютно бесплатно!
- Огромное количество языков!
- Простая и оригинальная идея!
- Большое количество уровней!
- Потрясающая графика!
- Подходит как для взрослых, так и для детей!
- Развивает наблюдательность и сообразительность!
- Играйте соло или с друзьями!
2018-07-21 09:09:18
2018-07-21 09:08:57
简介:Игра в Ребусы — это игра, состоящая из своеобразных загадок, в которых слова, которые нужно угадать, показаны в виде изображений, букв алфавита, цифр или даже нот и других разнообразных знаков, например, стрелок или изображений предметов, количество которых не ограничивается.
Первые ребусы появились в пятнадцатом веке во Франции, там же появился и первый сборник ребусов, напечатанный в 1582 году. Играть в ребусы интересно и увлекательно, поскольку это целая наука. Решать сложные ребусы, лучше всего, взяв бумагу и ручку, на всякий случай, чтобы по ходу разгадывания не забыть слоги или буквы, отгаданные ранее.
Если вам нравится отгадывать слова, вдумываясь в задание находить правильное решение, то эта игра вам понравится!
В игре предстоит пройти 100 разнообразных уровней, в которых нужно решить сложные задачи. Игровой процесс сопровождается приятной музыкой и звуковыми событиями, отключаемыми при желании. Если при поиске решения ребуса у вас возникнут проблемы, вы сможете воспользоваться подсказкой, нажав слева внизу на кнопку с вопросительным значком.
В игре есть определенные правила, которые состоят из следующих:
- Названия предметов, показанных в ребусе, должны читаться исключительно в именительном падеже и единственном числе.
- Бывает, что объект, о котором идёт речь, показан на картинке стрелкой.
- Запятая вначале показывает, что нужно пропустить одну букву, запятая в конце – убрать в конце. Количество запятых в данном случае – это количество букв.
- Если буква состоит из другой, то должны читать добавляя «из».
- Если после буквы или предмета расположена другая, то читать надо с прибавлением «за».
- Когда предмет или буква изображены под другой, то читать необходимо с добавлением «на», «над» или «под»
- Когда букве написана другая, то читается с добавлением «по», а если лежит у другой или присоединена к ней, то должна читаться с добавлением «у».
- Если предмет перевернут, то читать его название нужно с конца.
- Когда нарисован предмет, а рядом с ним размещена зачеркнутая буква, то это означает, что букву надо убрать из слова. Если над ней стоит другая, то нужно заменить их. То же самое означает знак равенства.
- Когда над рисунком ребуса стоят цифры, к примеру, 5, 4, 2, 3, то сначала надо читать пятую букву названия, потом — вторую и так далее.
- Когда предмет нарисован сидящим, бегущим, лежащим, то к названию его надо добавить глагол в третьем лице и настоящем времени (бежит, лежит, сидит).
- В ребусах, иногда, отдельные слоги в словах, например, «фа», «ми», «ре», «до» изображают нотами.
2018-07-21 09:08:13
简介:Train your gut instincts on domain name values by playing The Domain Game by NameBio.com. We #39;ll show you real-life domain name sales, including the dates and venues where the sales took place, and you guess the price range for each sale.
NameBio is a searchable database of more than $1.4 billion in historic domain name sales. Questions are pulled randomly from our records, so there are hundreds of thousands of potential questions spanning more than a decade of public domain sales. We add hundreds of new sales each day so the fun never stops.
This game will help you become a better domain name investor, and is more fun than reading sales reports. See if you can top the leader board or achieve the longest streak of correct answers!
Registering for an account within the app allows you to maintain your score across devices, have your name on the leader board instead of quot;Guest quot;, and more.
2018-07-21 09:07:59
简介:It is a brain teaser game. This is brain puzzle game which will test you brain power. All what you need to do is to fill the squares with the correct letters, forming words or phrases. This is done with the help of solving given clues. It is mind puzzle and a brain teaser game. A good brain exercise game. Some words are difficult to guess then others. For these types of words, picture clues are given so that you can guess them pretty easily. It varies from easiest to toughest word puzzles and help with brain development process.
Free brain teasers are regularly updated on this game so that you can enjoy brain twisters. This is the best exercise for brain. If you are looking for brain training game, then this is the right place so! These brain teaser puzzles are brain food. You will be addicted to these memory game with in no time. This brain teaser game is the art of trivia crack puzzle experts. This is a good memory teasing game for the whole family. It is one of the best brain games for adults. It is a mind booster and a brain developer. A free fun brain game to play when you are feeling bored. Enhance your word power and go through this brain yoga.
• 3 levels of exciting quiz – Live Jackpot, Pro Jackpot amp; Premium Jackpot
• Daily crossword similar to word trek, word crush amp; word chums for any level of crossword lovers.
• Get Bonus Crossword Puzzles for free for every occasion – winter special, Halloween special, thanksgiving. Also get mind teasers every day.
• Easiest of navigation for crosswords puzzles– change from grid crossword look to list look
• Reveal, 10 letters, verify and get free hints for the tough spelling games.
• Attractive weekly prizes with free games to play, from the easiest to the most professional of levels.
• Connect to Facebook to sync your spelling games progress and share it with friends amp; family
• Convenient online free games tournament reminders – You won’t miss any exciting word scrambler
• Create archives of your trophies, completing addictive brain puzzles and get BONUSES on daily basis, making you come back for more amp; more.
• Picture hints to tough challenges of fun addicting games
• Multi player challenges with player base worldwide.
• It is quick with downloading and occupy less space.
Try this brain teaser and logic game for free.
-- Download for FREE on google play today! --
2018-07-21 09:07:19
2018-07-21 09:06:59
简介:Words Cake is exciting puzzle game for TRUE WORD geniuses! Concentrate to find all hidden words in given letters and connect them anyway you like to catch the word! It starts off as an easy word game and becomes challenging! You will have fun improving your vocabulary and spelling skills. Your brain will thank you for the workout!
• Make word connect and swipe cookies to connect letters to specific word cookies
• Correct swipe the letters horizontally, vertically, diagonally, forwards or backwards to form a specific hidden word.
• Find the all Extra words to collect coins in word crumble
• Coins can buy hints to help you solve puzzle
• You can also get more hints with coins in word cookies purchasing or watching advertising videos
• In the cookie no time limits, so can use your time wisely to find new words at your own pace!
• Hope. In a game so What makes word cookies so special: item or another?
• We recommend you scramble with friends to help pass word crumble this easy.
• Easier to pick up and control than crossword, and more addictive word cookies game play !
• Many colorful explosions with type of the word connect.
• 5,000 levels with more tons of words await you enjoy the app! and we will update more levels time by time
• Totally free for all players
• Fascinating graphics with special design cookies letter
• Word crumble can be vertical, horizontal, diagonal and even backwards.
• Obtain hint in several ways to solve difficult puzzles word crumble
• Fascinating graphics. Hidden extra words are waiting to be discovered!
• The bomb word cookies can eliminate the word connect around with multi color for more fun.
• Don #39;t worry. No network required and you can enjoy word connect anytime
• Suitable for both kids and adults to train word in brain and enhancing word connect skill
• Fortune word cookies with surprising rewards!
• QUEST contents
• Enjoy the word crumble with various devices (Phones and Tablets)
This is a perfect word games for word connect fans,Download it, and make the word cookies!
Play the game now, you will find it so addictive and just can #39;t put your phone down. We really value your feedback, you can say what #39;s on your mind when you rate the game. Your comments will be read carefully.
Thanks for playing! Good times in the Word Games!
2018-07-21 09:06:35
简介:Every answer is just 2 words. Every puzzle is brain stimulating fun!
Do you have a creative mind? Would you appreciate word puzzles crafted by America #39;s MOST CREATIVE puzzling mind?
If so, Just 2 Words Plus is your perfect game.
David L. Hoyt is the most syndicated daily puzzle creator in the world. His games such as Jumble appear in 600+ newspapers, including USA Today, Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times. He has crafted every one of these puzzles.
The pictures are your clues. Every puzzle #39;s answer is just 2 words -- a common pairing ( quot;BROWNIE POINTS quot;), a famous person #39;s name ( quot;TAYLOR SWIFT quot;), or a fun word combination.
Warning! You may find it hard to put this down. Figuring out David #39;s visual clues is super satisfying.
This quot;PLUS quot; app begins with David #39;s mega-hit app quot;Just 2 Words quot; and adds new word puzzle types. Answers might be anagrams, synonyms, antonyms, rhyming words or other types. And every answer continues to be just 2 words!
There are no time pressure elements. With hundreds of puzzles in this initial version, with updates coming that will add more and more, you have hours and hours of enjoyable puzzling ahead.
Begin playing David L. Hoyt #39;s Just 2 Words Plus today. You #39;ll love it!
2018-07-21 09:04:15
简介:Get bigger and crush as many buildings you can while rolling down the mountain!
Find new ages and destruct from castles to sci-fi cities!
2018-07-21 09:02:31
简介:Transform into big commando for the rescue mission!
Get ready for the terrorist take down!
Ship is hijacked by terrorists and criminal mafia. There is need of secret agent who will play the role as a commando to execute this critical mission of hijack. Terrorists and criminals are harassing tourists and passengers. US army is high alerted and gave the mission statement of critical mission that is to be conducted at the hijacked ship for the rescue strike. This is not only rescue mission but this game has various hostage rescue missions, president rescue, commando missions and airforce mission for the proper security.
Become a daringly strong secret agent to demolish all the mafia and gangsters from the hijacked ship. US president is also travelling in this ship, so terrorists were waiting for the right time to spread terror for the battle. They want to kidnap the president to spread the terror in the cities of US. But they don’t know how much powerful commandos they have. This secret agent elite game have many thrilling and fighting challenges to execute rescue missions successfully, this is the great mission US happening first time, only one brilliant commando can execute the shooting missions and critical missions on the hijacked ship. That is you, you are the trained secret agent with all the shooting guts for terrorist takedown. Airforce is also involved in this ship hijack mission, as they are securing the air territories by flying the aeroplanes in the air. Play all the modern rescue missions and hostage rescue that will lead you to perform your duty as a real bigo commando of all the times.
Secure your US country and save the president of your land for the prosperity, terrorists and criminals are conducting some evil activities in the ship and want to invade all the stuff. Hostages are terrified with this incident and crying for help, president and his team is also frightened, aircrafts and airplane help is send by the US government for the safety. You have to enter in the hijacked ship and kill all the terrorists and criminals within given time to perform your duty as a secret agent, the commando missions are not without any weapons, you will have all the fighting weapons to fight and attack towards mafia gangs, play for the security and safety of your US president who is the most important personality, his survival is the first priority, accomplish all the critical missions to wipe out the hijacked ship from gangsters, don’t let them win. Show your wrath as a secret agent for the terrorist takedown in this missions US. I guess you were looking for the best shooting mission game on the play store now your just one click away from that, You might have played various ship hijack games but this game is a blend of various rescue missions, bar rescue, hostage rescue, fight rescue, shooting missions and commando missions with a rescue strike for the security of your land. Air force officers are taking care the air territories in duration of this critical mission. This is the best secret agent elite game of shooter missions to attack the rivals in this battle with modern weapons. Terrorists are also equipped with shooting weapons, but you are highly trained US commando that can beat them with one punch.
Explore the word of mafia counter to demolish the terrorists from the hijacked ship and rescue the lives of hundreds of people, accomplish the mission for the safety of US president. Utilize your super secret agent commando rescue skills to safe the ship. Play all the thrilling shooting missions to amuse your spare time!
*Key features*
Thrilling shooting missions
Wide variety of weapons to defend yourself
Historic and thrilling challenges with multiple features
Incredible 3D graphics and realistic sound effects
Reactive controls for crazy shooting
2018-07-21 09:01:19
简介:Get ready for Dragon Flying Robot Transform Vs Wild Dinosaur Games in wild animal simulator with robot dinosaur games where futuristic robot dragon warrior fight for city survival and destroy wild dinosaur, flying dragon and futuristic robot enemies in robot shooting games. The mech robot transform into flying dragon and destroy futuristic robot dinosaur and mutants wild dinosaur. The Robot dinosaur are wild hunters and are on hunting mission. The mutants wild dinosaurs beast are accompanied with mech robot
dinosaur who are destroying everything in Wild Dinosaur Robot Vs Flying Robot Dragon: Dinosaur game. The wild dinosaur flying robot super dragon in robot vs flying dragon battle in futuristic robot transforming games is thrilling and this grand battle of wild animal games will get more furious with increasing levels in city rampage with bigfoot dragon beast and hunting dinosaur games.
Super Dragon Flying Robot Vs Wild Dinosaur Games is new addition in wild animal simulator games, dinosaur games and robot transforming games where hunting skills will make you master of dinosaur hunter You have to save this city from a Wild Dinosaur Attack In this City. This super dragon flying robot war is for jurassic city survival where flying robot warrior dragon flying high in the sky will spread wings, breathe fire and kill all wild dinosaur robot with fire balls in Dragon Robot Transform Game - Dinosaur World Fight Games. The real flying robot superhero dragon robot hero is ready for bigfoot dragon robot fighting on city street and smash wild dinosaur hunting survival city rampage. Resist wild dinosaur attack in survival city rampage with special fire fighting power of monster beast warrior dragon. These robot Dino world will give you Goosebumps. Earn the title of super robot warrior dragon by playing this action simulator Dragon Robot Transform Game - Dinosaur World Fight Games which is best wild animal games where you are chasing destiny.
The futuristic world of dragon robot games is overwhelmed by the flying dragon robots which is in total rampage to destroy the dino robots from robot dinosaur games in this robot battle game. It’s time to get out of the Dragon Robot Nest and enjoy robot transformation of flying dragon fighting the future war in dragon warrior games. What make the Dragon Robot Transform Game as one of the very best walking war robot games in the world is the futuristic fights amp; the fire dragons not like other robot dragon games. Combining the missions from transforming robot games with the future fight of flying dragons amp; dino robots present in dinosaur robot games, make this robot transform simulator the ultimate fun package to play robot transformation. This fly dragon robot simulator will take you the age of war in robot dragon fighting games to master the art of fight against the dino robots. Embark on an epic journey to control some vicious dragons with furious powers of transforming un like all other transform robot games.
Dragon Robot Transform - Dinosaur World Fight Game is totally new world of robot dinosaur simulator of robot transforming games where flying dragon robot vs wild dinosaur is furious battle in jurrasic city survival where you command and control hunting bigfoot dinosaur robot to be the champion of this hunting dinosaur battle with the help of transforming robot warrior robot shooting game. Ready set go and Attack and occupy your land from dino robots.
Dragon Robot Transform Game - Dinosaur World Fight Game Features:
• Realistic dinosaur animation.
• Feel the heat of infinite superhero warrior robot
• Powerful animal simulator games
• Spread wings, breathe fire, chase wild dinosaurs
• Eradicate futuristic robot with intense robot shooting
• Best HD graphics and engaging sound effects
• An amazing robot dragon beast Transform simulator
• Real hunting experience for the hunters
• Mind blowing episodes of flying dragon robot warrior
2018-07-21 09:00:32
简介:A continuation of Guess the kpop song, but harder.
For expert kpop fans.
For now there are 48 levels but we`ll often add new ones.
Have fun and as always, feel free to comment or write to our email with your complaints and suggestions.
2018-07-21 09:00:22
简介:Army Sniper Shooter 3D is an exciting, new, realistic action shooting game. Taking the role as a elite sniper soldier, you must defend an army base from the oncoming waves of enemy soldiers. Your mission is to use your sniper rifle and sniper skills to take out each enemy to protect the army base in order to get onto the next level. With the help of the cool-down mechanic in the game that steadies the sniper rifle to help you get your perfect shot on the enemy.
If you don #39;t get all the enemy soldiers before your health is depleted, you will lose. With each level comes more enemy soldiers who will move into position to take you down. Harness you sniper skills and become the greatest sniper to defeat the enemy soldiers.
2018-07-21 08:59:25
简介:Challenge your knowledge of Filipino vocabulary by playing this Filipino word hunt game!
quot;Hola Pinoy!-word hunt! quot; is an spatial visual-linguistic educational game. It is utilizes Spanish and Nahuatl words native in Filipino in a word search game. The rationale behind this application is to help Filipino language learners (or any Filipinos in general) of Spanish to expand and/or reinforce their data base of vocabulary by linking Spanish words native in Filipino to the Spanish mother language.
2018-07-21 08:59:19
- 令人驚嘆的高速3D圖形
- 18從二戰真實坦克
- 蘇聯,德國,英國和美國坦克
- 不同的任務和地點:山,村莊,城市
- 訓練任務
- 不同的廣告活動在德國,歐洲和俄羅斯
- 電源UPS和升級
- 無限彈藥
- 無限燃料
- 修復能力在戰場上坦克
- 改進的控制
- 克倫威爾
- EasyEight
- 查菲
- 謝爾曼
- 豹III / J
- 豹IV / F2
- 豹
- StugIII
泰格 -
- StugIIIschurzen
- 追獵者
- P4J
- SU100
- KV1
- T34-76
- T34-85
- SU122
- T34-85-C
- 速度
- 護甲
- 傷害
- 刷新時間
2018-07-21 08:58:14
简介:Teka-teki silang (TTS) adalah suatu permainan mengisi ruang-ruang kosong dengan huruf-huruf yang membentuk sebuah kata berdasarkan petunjuk yang diberikan.Pahami setiap petunjuk yang di berikan dan isikan jawaban anda pada setiap kotak tersebut.
+ Berisi puluhan TTS dengan berbagai tingkat kesulitan.
+ Disediakan bantuan terbatas.
Selamat bermain..!!
2018-07-21 08:58:13
简介:Files Studio would like to welcome you to our Grand Battle Royale Crime City Survival game of target shooting. Be the last standing players of a firing squad in battle ground where you get the most realistic gameplay experience in real survival battle Game. This intense shooting battle requires to be tactically rich player as you are in the middle of night shooting battleground and royal survival is your ultimate aim.
Do you have addiction of becoming survival hero and third person shooter? Are you interested in first person shooting games and Battleground Survival Games? If yes, then you’re in right direction here against squad futuristic rivals! The rule of best survival royal game is straightforward, and that is to enter the, take all enemy waves of down and be the last man standing. Play this 3D fps adventure survival game in the battle for real action crime city.
Enjoy both TPS and FPS mode in one gameplay WW2 US Army Real Commando Survival city Battlegrounds with most realistic action shooting experience. The survival battleground is big, look in maps to search for rivals in battleground arena. Be the real survival hero and make WW2 survival war prisoner escape from WW2 battlegrounds.
This game of vast survival brings about a lone survivor war zone on the front. You either die or you kill! The amazing part of this commando survival game is that it will offer you multiple guns and armor during the mission of assault shooting. In this legend game of shooting a battle, the line of assault shooting and search the scattered guns from the battleground. Here, you are also supposed to plant and defuse the bomb to save the world. The main task as an elite commando to survive as long as possible by finding health kits and energy drinks and stay inside the safe zone of the realm of shooting. No rules are the survival rules in the grand avenue, make this vast survival battle the last battle for your enemy. Thrill the battlegrounds as the last man standing in the no man’s forbidden island and get accustomed with ragdoll physics of 120 unarmed sniper shooter and shotgun bazooka fighters.
Features of Grand Battle Royale Crime City Survival:
Explore the vast Environment.
Multiple FPS Missions of Eden battle.
The battle against the unknown enemies.
Startling 3D Graphics amp; Sound Effects.
Challenge yourself to be the last standing player in the finest google play games!
Gather supplies, guns and war equipment for survival!
Navigate through the Map in this battle city mobile.
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Don’t forget to leave a good review. We’ll update this Grand Battle Royale Crime City Survival game of city survival 2018 in future after having your feedback.
2018-07-21 08:57:44
简介:Teka teki silang atau disingkat TTS adalah permainan puzzle atau game puzzle di mana kita harus mengisi kotak-kotak putih yang kosong dengan huruf-huruf yang membentuk sebuah kata berdasarkan petunjuk atau soal yang diberikan. Kamu bisa menemukan permainan teka-teki silang secara konvensional di koran atau buku-buku TTS yang suka ada gambar perempuan cantik di covernya.
Game teka-teki silang ini dibuat soalnya dengan mudah, kata-kata atau soal-soal kata yang sering kita dengar sehari-hari. Adapun jika kamu masih kesulitan dalam menjawab, game TTS ini akan memberikan fitur bantuan sehingga kamu tetap bisa melanjutkan menyelesaikan kotak-kotak kosong dalam game teka teki silang.
Game yang cukup seru ini juga dibuat baik, bahkan TTS ini adalah game yang MB nya sangat kecil.
Fitur yang ada dalam game ini :
1. Fitur bantuan yang akan menolong kamu saat mengalami kesulitan
2. Database untuk menyimpan jawabanmu, jadi kamu bisa melanjutkan mengisi TTS kapanpun
3. Easy to use dan animasi
4. Seru dan menantang
2018-07-21 08:57:31
简介:Do you enjoy the thrill of classic word games? Download Search Words Quiz, to TRAIN your mind - FREE!
Search Words Quiz is a classic game of words in a new and fun way. You just have to move letters to form different words. It #39;s easy to play and it #39;s fun to master it. Without a doubt, you will end up being addicted to the fun of the word search of this game.
It #39;s time to discover hidden words and build as many as you can! And you can also compete with friends or family with the RANKING to see who is the true master of the words!
Our word game starts with simple and habitual words divided into different levels. Later, harder and longer words will come. Try challenging yourself to find all the words and get a bonus and more clues. If you get stuck in certain words, you can use quot;Tracks quot; to move on. It may surprise you how easy it can be a word that, however, you do not find.
Search Words Quiz is an application designed to train your mind and learn new words, and all while you have a good time. Share the fun with your family amp; friends and enjoy Search Words Quiz together!
2018-07-21 08:57:10
简介:Monster hunter world game 2018
2018-07-21 08:56:48
熱い対戦や面白い戦いが撮れたら、#フィジロジ のタグをつけて投稿しよう!
完全勝利>勝利>敗北 の順で多く経験値が貰えるにゃ!
2018-07-21 08:56:47
简介:Составляйте слова из букв заданного на уровне слова. Слова могут быть существительными любого рода в единственном числе.
Чтобы открыть следующий уровень, необходимо угадать 70% слов текущего уровня.
За угаданные слова начисляются баллы, в количестве равном количеству букв в угаданном слове. Ведется подсчет баллов по каждому уровню, а также общий счет по каждому сборнику.
Если тапнуть на одном из угаданных слов, откроется окно со значением слова. Там же можно найти значение слова в WEB.
Вы можете получить подсказку, для этого нужно тапнуть на любом неугаданном слове. За подсказку снимаются двойные баллы.