2018-07-15 14:18:13
简介:Sudoku Everyday!
No matter you are a beginner or advanced player. We always get the suitable game for you.
Whether you #39;d like to relax or keep mind active, Playing Sudoku on mobile is better than a real pencil and paper.
We prepare different levels for you to choose.
You can play the easy level to exercise your brain, logical thinking and memory;
hard levels to give your mind a real workout.
If you are really good at this, you can try the expert level.
We also provide several features that make the game convenient for you:
auto-check, hints, duplicates highlight. What #39;s more.
Hope you will find all you need whether you are playing your first sudoku, or you #39;ve progressed to expert difficulty.
4 perfectly balanced levels of difficulty: easy, medium, hard, and expert
Highlighting of a row, column and box related to the selected cell
Highlight duplicates to avoid repeating numbers in a row, column and block
Auto-save. If you leave a sudoku unfinished it will be saved. You can continue playing anytime.
Pencil mode to make notes as on paper. Each time you fill in a cell, notes will be automatically updated.
Undo. If you make a mistake, it can simply go back to last move.
Eraser. Remove mistake with one tap.
Hints. Guide you through the points when you are stuck.
Hope you can enjoy our Sudoku Everyday, and become a smarter you~
2018-07-15 14:17:15
简介:الغاز مسلية ورائعة وبمستويات مختلفة الصعوبة لتمضية أوقات رائعة.
مراحل اللعبة :-
تحتوى لعبة الغاز على أربعة مستويات :-
- ألغاز رياضية وهى عبارة عن مجموعة ألغاز تساعدك على تنمية وتنشيط قدراتك فى الرياضيات والعمليات الحسابية.
- مستوى نجوم كرة القدم وهذا المستوى يحتوي على 20 سؤال يجب عليك حلهم فى نصف دقيقة لتصبح عبقري وتنهي المستوي وتحصل على الجائزة.
- مستوى اللوجوهات وهذا المستوى يحتوي على 20 سؤال يجب عليك حلهم فى نصف دقيقة لتصبح عبقري وتنهي المستوي وتحصل على الجائزة.
- مستوى أندية العالم وهذا المستوى يحتوي على 20 سؤال يجب عليك حلهم فى نصف دقيقة لتصبح عبقري وتنهي المستوي وتحصل على الجائزة.
مميزات اللعبة :-
- اللعبة مصممة بطريقة سهلة وغير معقدة.
- تحتوى على الكثير من الألغاز التى تحتاج التركيز فى حل اللغز.
- تساعدك على تنشيط عقلك وسرعة بديهية تفكيرك.
نتمنى أن تستفيدوا من اللعبة وتقيموها كتشجيع لنا فى الاستمرار وعمل تطبيقات مفيده لكم .
ونرجوا منكم إن واجهتكم أى مشاكل فى اللعبة فيمكنهم ارسالها الينا فى تعليق وسوف نقوم بحلها لكم ان شاء الله.
الكلمات الدلالية :-
احزر مين ؟ لعبة التفكير و التحدي
اختبار التحدي و الذكاء
التحدي - من هو الأذكى؟
التحدي المستحيل - لعبة الذكاء مالها حل
التحدي المستحيل : طيور المتأرجحة
الحطاب - لعبة المتعة و العاب التحدي العربية
العاب التحدي-مجاني
الكرة المسلية - لعبة التحدي
ايش الصورة؟ : لعبة التحدي والتركيز
سباق التحدي
لعبة الحبل - التحدي القوي
puzzle ألغاز البراق
أربعة صور كلمة واحدة - لعبة ألغاز للكبار و الأطفال
ألغاز اسلامية
ألغاز الاعداد و طرائف الأرقام
ألغاز بدون انترنت
ألغاز ذكاء بالصور
ألغاز رائعة
ألغاز طريفة
ألغاز عبور النهر
ألغاز عبور النهر 2
ألغاز غريبة
ألغاز و احاجي
ألغاز وحزازيز مسلية
احزر الصورة - لعبة ألغاز وتحدي وصور للصغار والكبار
جوهري - لعبة كلمات و ألغاز
شعارات و علامات - لعبة ألغاز لجميع الأعمار
صور وكلمة : لعبة ألغاز وذكاء
كلمات وصور ~ ما هي الكلمة؟ لعبة ألغاز
كلمة في اربع كلمات - لعبة ذكاء و ألغاز
كوكتيل الألغاز - أكبر لعبة ألغاز عربية
هوكي الهواء التحدي - الرياضة لعبة مجانية
الغاز - التحدى - الغاز - اختبر عقلك - اختبر عقلك - اختبر عقلك - لعبة الغاز - لعبة التحدى - لعبة الغاز - الغاز - التحدى - التحدى - اختبر عقلك - اختبر عقلك - اختبر عقلك - لعبة الغاز - لعبة الغاز - لعبة الغاز - التحدى - الغاز - التحدى - اختبر عقلك - اختبر عقلك - اختبر عقلك - لعبة الغاز - لعبة التحدى .
2018-07-15 14:16:21
简介:你喜欢逃脱监狱游戏吗?你想看看监狱场景吗? 下载在犯罪心理中,打破监狱游戏中最大的谜团找物品遊戲的规则! 下载找物品遊戲 - 逃离监狱 - 隐藏物品游戏,享受神秘世界和监狱牢房的秘密。这是最好的“隐藏物品”逃脱游戏。提高你的词汇量,并用“神秘的世界”游戏来解决你的思维问题。你能找到隐藏的物体吗?在这个新的隐藏对象2018应用程序中寻找隐藏物品游戏。如果你是一个真正的谜题解决者,并且你喜欢免费的神秘游戏,囚犯游戏,免费益智游戏和逻辑游戏,这个“被隐藏的数字”是你的应用程序。这隐藏的对象冒险有空间逃脱游戏和隐藏的对象犯罪现场游戏免费。免费离线查找对象游戏。在隐藏的对象世界开始隐藏对象调查。 下载“找物品遊戲” - “逃离监狱” - “隐藏物品游戏”,搜索每个监狱牢房并“隐藏的物体”。
找物品遊戲 - 逃离监狱 - 隐藏物品游戏特点:
仅限手机! - 放大图片以查找对象!
轮廓隐藏的对象冒险 - 寻找物品的挑战性水平!
字争夺游戏级别 - 难度级别为发现隐藏对象!
手电筒或夜间模式级别 - 使用灯光寻找物品!
匹配对 - 记忆游戏与卡配对!
寻找差异 - 一个迷你游戏来发现图片之间的差异!
限时游戏 - 奖励级别来测试你的注意力!
拼图益智游戏 - 把拼图拼在一起,做一个图片!
在监狱生存游戏中,最聪明的人可以让恶魔岛逃脱。阶段突破最高安全监狱,找到不同的对象,避免闭路电视摄像机和警卫,但不遵守规则逃离越狱。这些“魔幻世界 ” 逃离监狱 是2018年免费评级最高的隐藏对象游戏。享受隐藏的对象故事并逃离监狱。如果你喜欢娱乐的神秘世界,并解决黑手党的谜团,刑事案件和房屋秘密,下载这个神秘的游戏! 下载隐藏物品游戏逃离游戏2018并找到线索和找物品遊戲。如果您是一个喜欢教育游戏和神秘游戏的词拼图解算器,请输入隐藏的对象隐藏的囚犯逃脱游戏世界并免费玩隐藏物体逃脱游戏。用隐藏的对象游戏免费解决免费神秘下载。 隐藏物品游戏免费冒险游戏是伟大的找物品遊戲搜索和成人和孩子找到游戏。 #39; #39;找物品遊戲 #39; - #39;逃离监狱 #39; – #39;隐藏物品游戏 #39; 提供神秘隐藏的对象冒险和隐藏对象侦探游戏。
如果你喜欢隐藏的对象神秘游戏,监狱逃脱游戏,恶魔岛游戏和隐藏对象新游戏,你一定会喜欢这个罪犯游戏,打破越狱游戏,一个隐藏的对象侦探越狱游戏。这个集中游戏具有优秀的图形。当你试图寻找和发现隐藏的物体和证据来解决监狱犯罪时,你可能会看到一个流氓黑帮老大和一名警察警卫。在隐藏的对象级别游戏中查找空闲对象。享受找物品遊戲 - 逃离监狱 - 隐藏物品游戏,免费找到隐藏的对象游戏。
2018-07-15 14:15:16
简介:Join millions of people worldwide who can solve Rubik #39;s cube with ease. Practice and learn using various preset cases for Cross(Often called White Cross), F2L (First two layers), OLL (Orienting Last Layer), PLL (Permuting Last layer), 2 Look OLL, 2 Look PLL cases with hints.
PLEASE NOTE! Rubik #39;s Cube is free to download and play, however, some game items can also be purchased for real money. If you don #39;t want to use this feature, please disable in-app purchases in your device #39;s settings.
2018-07-15 14:14:16
简介:泡泡熊貓 - 經典的泡泡益智遊戲!
最受歡迎的泡泡射擊系列遊戲。 在這個有趣的遊戲中泡泡和拯救小熊貓!
成為一名出色的射手! 獨自玩這個神奇的遊戲或與朋友一起玩
- 許多免費的水平
- 離線播放 - 無需WiFi
- 易玩,挑戰成為主!
- 可用於在手機和平板電腦上播放
- 瞄準線來幫助你
隨時隨地玩遊戲! 不關心你有無線或沒有,因為遊戲並不需要你總是在線。
立即下載此遊戲! 玩泡泡熊貓玩!
2018-07-15 14:13:27
简介:Kids Puzzles – Trucks. This is an interesting game for your child or toddler, which not only entertains, but also educates. The game is for toddlers and preschoolers. It keeps your kid busy for some time. The app helps develop children #39;s cognitive skills, fine motor skills, tactile and spatial recognition; they learn to be patient and concentrated.The graphics activates right brain thinking and thus stimulates it. Improve observation, concentration, and cognitive skills; stimulate memory, creativity and imagination of your children, provide a healthy exercise to your child #39;s brain.
Jigsaw puzzles are full of interactivity, animations, and fun for learning and playing more and more. Your babies will be happy to collect car #39;s pieces to assemble the jigsaw puzzle. Games for kids are a simple and handy way to develop memory, attention, and logic. Jigsaw puzzles are a worthy representative of the logic games for babies and kids. The aim is to put all the car #39;s pieces into right places. This cars game will be interesting mostly for preschool children aged 2 to 5 years. If you #39;re going on vacation with your kids and babies, use our education app Kids Puzzles – Trucks. And your child will be solving jigsaw puzzles with enthusiasm during the trip. In fact, Kids Puzzles – Trucks is the perfect enrichment app when working with developmentally delayed, autistic children, and children with special needs. Jigsaw puzzles boost up your child #39;s brain functionality and overall enhance their reasoning and cognitive skills.
◉ Free game for kids.
◉ Helps learn new words in an entertaining way.
◉ Develops many skills and abilities: intellectual and physical, socialization, tactile emotions, spatial recognition, fine motor, etc.
◉ Stimulates child #39;s brain for rational thinking.
◉ Simple interface for babies and toddlers.
◉ Draws the kid #39;s attention.
◉ Suitable for playing together with parents and friends.
◉ Good for developmentally delayed, autistic children, and children with special needs.
We take confidentiality very seriously. To learn more, please read our confidentiality policy: https://tr.im/PrivacyPolicy
2018-07-15 14:12:21
简介:Join Zumbe the Turtle’s quest for survival by shooting colored marbles and match 3 to eliminate balls coming her way! Win challenging puzzles, levels amp; bonuses by creating combos and achieve a Marble Games mode!
Key features of zumbe deluxe:
★ Match 3 or more marbles to destroy them in this exciting adventure!
★ Release the dragonflies, clear all the marbles, beat the time and stop Desmond from stealing all the magic!
★ Play engaging levels with unforgettable features that will make you completely addicted to the game! Release adorable dragonflies, blast mines, let glowing fireflies help you win!
Play to discover even more outstanding features!
★ Boss levels: will you manage to create a gap and defeat Boss?
★ Create your bewitching Garden!
★ Spectacular, powerful boosters! Play and unlock them all.
★ Many deluxe powers to discover! Create combos to get amazing power-ups.
★ Impressive graphics
★ Easily sync the game between different devices when connected to the Internet
★ No Wi-Fi connection required, but you unlock the full game features when connected to the Internet
Accept the challenge and have fun playing Zumba Deluxe
2018-07-15 14:11:15
简介:Scientifically proven that mental excise is one of the best ways to improve your memory. This app quot;Memory Maze quot; helps to do that!
Memory Maze - a lumosity kind of brain training game to improve your memory.
Concentrate, Memorize, Identify, Re-Iterate are part of brain training exercises. By doing these kind of brain exercises you can have fun and improve your memory.
Memory Maze – is a memory game app where you have to concentrate, memorize, and identify the right images which help you to improve your memory and train your brain.
Memory doesn’t have an age limit. So everyone needs this game to practice and train your brain and improve your memory.
b The Goal of this game is to memorize and replace tiles with the right images. /b
b [Game Features] /b
+ Different options to play
+ Memorize the images, their positions and replace them accordingly
+ Compete yourself with other players in the game
+ Game is integrated with Google leaderboards
+ Cab be top in different leaderboards
+ Share the game with friends via various channels like Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, email etc.
+ and much more
b [How to play] /b
+ Select an option from the given game types on the home screen
+ Observe and memorize the images and their positions of tiles shown on the board
+ Wait for the question marks on the table and watch their positions
+ Select a question mark tile
+ Select an image from the filmstrip shown on the top. Scroll left or right for more images
+ If the selection is right, then the question mark will be replaced by the image
+ If the selection is wrong, a life will be gone. Each game will give three lives
Play, share, enjoy and Have fun!!
2018-07-15 14:10:15
简介:Block Puzzle 2018 is a Snow World style block game. Easy to play, Difficult to master. Block Puzzle 2018 is addictive because of the crush effects. A lot of snow particles splash when the ice block be crushed. More ice blocks, more score. Try it and you will love the ice blocks.
HOW TO PLAY Block Puzzle 2018
► Drag the ice blocks to fill them with one row or one column
► Snow particles splash when when you create full lines on the snow grid
► The Ice Blocks can not be rotated
► Tap block to move them to fill up the grids
► Try to complete all in the row or column.
► Blocks can #39;t be rotated.
► There is no mobile block end of the game
FEATURES OF THE Block Puzzle 2018
► Beautiful snow world scene
► Sweet ice world sounds
► Casual game modes and no time limits
► With Beginner #39;s guide, easy to learn
► Smooth and funny animation
► Completely free
► Support leaderboards
► Wooden style blocks
► Fun and classic brick game
► Support leaderboard
► Funny and colorful graphic
► Free game and not need Wifi
► Free retro block puzzle for all age
Please Enjoy this Block Puzzle 2018 game and you will be hooked!
2018-07-15 14:09:17
简介:اجعل اصدقائق يركزوا في الصورة ويجدوا كم شخص فيها وبينما هم في قمة التركيز يقوم الوحش زومبي بتخويفهم.
2018-07-15 14:08:20
简介:Lateral Thinking Puzzles, unlike most puzzles, are inexact. In a sense, they are a hybrid between puzzles and storytelling. In each puzzle, some clues to a scenario are given, but the clues don #39;t tell the full story. Your job is to fill in the details and complete the story. Obviously, there is usually more than one answer to any given puzzle, but, in general, only one solution is truly satisfying.
Think out of the box and try to solve 200 tricky mind-boggling lateral thinking puzzles. Increase the bounds of the obvious possibilities to solve the riddles and given lateral or situation problems.
Share the puzzles with your friends to blow their mind!
Note: Read/Write External storage permission is needed to share the puzzle image via social media
2018-07-15 14:07:17
简介:تطبيق العاب ذكاء للكبار هوا الوسيله الافضل للإستمتاع به في اوقات الفراغ أو أوقات الانتظار , حيث يقدم لك في تطبيق واحد فقط
الكثير من العاب الذكاء الممتعه و الشيقه التي تنمي قدرات الذهنيه و سرعة الاستجابه
تطبيق العاب ذكاء للكبار يحتوي على 6 ألعاب ذكاء تم تصميمها لتنال إعجاب الكثير من الناس و تنشط القدرات الذهنيه
فمن الالعاب التي يحتويها تطبيق العاب ذكاء للكبار هي إكتشاف الصوره المختلفه عن بقية الصور
ولعبه اخرئ يحتويها التطبيق هي النقر من 1 إلى 7 بسرعه
وغيرها من الالعاب الرائعه
هناك الكثير من الالعاب القادمه سيتم إضافتها للتطبيق
2018-07-15 14:06:11
简介:★ Nhiều game tự đề AI LÀ TRIỆU PHÚ QUÁ, bạn chọn chơi game nào?★
- Game AI LÀ TRIỆU PHÚ 2018 không khẳng định là tốt nhất, nhưng có thể khẳng định là trên 90% người chơi không thể vượt qua được câu hỏi số 14 và tiếp cận câu hỏi số 15, cơ hội để trở thành những người đứng TOP đầu và nhận những phần quà hấp dẫn.
ẢO đấy, nhưng mà KIẾN THỨC thì RẤT THẬT.
Bạn đã sẵn sàng tải về chơi chưa? Hãy thử chơi xem chúng tôi khẳng định có đúng không? Nếu bạn vượt qua được câu 14 của game này, thì bạn đúng là THIÊN TÀI, và đủ kiến thức để đăng ký chơi show Truyền hình AI LÀ TRIỆU PHÚ để ngồi với chú LVS rồi đấy.
Hàng chục nghìn câu hỏi được biên tập kỹ lưỡng theo các cấp đội khác nhau đang chờ bạn CHINH PHỤC.
quot;Tăng cơ hội trả lời đúng quot; - bỏ đi 2 phương án sai trong số 4 phương án trả lời.
quot;Trợ giúp của khán giả chương trình quot; - hỏi khán giả trường quay về sự lựa chọn của họ.
quot;Hỏi chuyên gia quot; - những chuyên gia về kiến thức tổng quát sẽ giúp bạn có được câu trả lời từ họ.
quot;Tự cứu chính mình quot; - thay đổi 1 câu hỏi khác khi bạn #39;bí #39;
Âm thanh trung thực, giọng MC rất bựa
Đồ họa bắt mắt, màu sắc tươi sáng, gần sát với chương trình thực tế trong trường quay
Bảng xếp hạng toàn cầu cho phép người chơi lưu điểm lên hệ thống và duyệt những cao thủ của chương trình
Cập nhật tất cả câu hỏi mới nhất từ chương trình truyền hình
Hệ thống câu hỏi đa dạng gồm tất cả các lĩnh vực được sưu tầm từ nhiều chương trình khác nhau
Mô phỏng tất các quyền trợ giúp như Game show.
Game chạy nhẹ, độ ổn định cao, hỗ trợ hầu hết các loại thiết bị.
★ Hãy chinh phục AI LÀ TRIỆU PHÚ 2018 để thể hiện Kiến thức Uyên bác của mình nào. ★
Hãy TẢI GAME AI LÀ TRIỆU PHÚ về máy của bạn và CHIẾN thôi.
2018-07-15 14:05:37
2018-07-15 14:04:13
简介:b Balls vs Blocks : Bricks Breaker Throw /b
Just Select a direction, throw to shoot all the bricks, and reduce their durability to zero(0), Strike the white circle bricks breaker coins to get the more balls. Break amp; destroy all the bricks. When a brick touches the bottom line, you lose.
b + /b Shoot and destroy the bricks.
b + /b Take your time to aim.
b + /b Beat your friends and compare highscores of the bricks breaker puzzle game.
b + /b Think strategically amp; earn more coins to destroy more bricks.
The ball with a Directive touch control amp; destroy the brick with the ball the bricks are destroyed when its durability decreased to zero(0) in swipe brickbreaker. Earn moir coin to have more shoot balls and break the bricks amp; never let them hit the bottom, Else. free brick breaker GAME OVER!
b How To Play ? Brick Breaker Classic Game, Swipe Brick Breaker, Bricks Breaker - Quest Game: /b
b * /b No wifi or internet required.
b * /b Simple amp; addictive gameplay.
b * /b Perfect game for relaxing, enjoying the free time.
b * /b One finger drag controls.
b * /b One handed and One finger controls.
b * /b Free to play.
b * /b Simple swipe control.
b * /b Challenge to your friends with the highscore.
b * /b Endless gameplay.
b * /b Tablet device also supported.
b * /b Low-end device also supported.
This onemore bounce, crushy bricks, awesomemusic player, brik breaks, brixk breaker, breek breaker, briks ball, bricker breaker, brick breakers, crushy bricks, briks breaker puzzle, Bricks breaker puzzle game, bounce brick breaker, brick braker, classic brickbreaker is a fun arcade game Addictive as hell you will always need one more shot,This unique bricks breaker puzzle game is the perfect time killer! Enjoy it!
2018-07-15 14:03:11
简介:quot;Twenty game quot; is a arcade game very very exciting.
Start at 5 and challenges you to get to 20. It #39;s not easy as it look.
Let #39;s try :)
Play and share to your friend if you like Twenty game.
2018-07-15 14:02:17
简介:祖玛秘境是Google Play上最有趣的益智游戏!
- 点击屏幕发射石球
- 连接三个及以上石球将其消除
- 点击发射器交换石球
- 连击和Power-ups可以迅速提高得分
- 96个精心设计关卡及精心设计埃及神秘场景
- 炫酷游戏特效以及逼真音效
- 易学难精
- 冰冻石球、彩色石球、炸弹石球等多种游戏道具等待你来发掘
- 免费畅玩
2018-07-15 14:01:16
2018-07-15 14:00:15
- 遊戲說明
+唯一和差不多所有Android版本相容(2.3.3起)並在Google Play上架的遊戲
+ Swypes適用於整個屏幕區域
2018-07-15 13:59:22
简介:Welcome to Roll Ball – Rolling The Ball 2. Let’s inspired by famous rolling balls and unblock me free. It’s a simple and addictive puzzle game with various levels!
If you want to play a puzzler to refresh your brain, you found it. Roll Ball is very simple objective. Let me help you unlock it. Slide the blocks to provide a free-flowing track for the ball to unroll from beginning to the goal.
Unroll Balls play mode is arranged from simple and relaxed, to challenging and frenetic, and everywhere in between the path. And you unlock that level.
Move the slot with your finger and guide the ball to the goal hole. The goal is to unblock the red block out of the board by sliding the other blocks out of the way, unblock it as soon as possible.
Ball stick at on end, unblock the ball towards the goal through a slide puzzle. Sliding, roll, puzzle free and unroll ball to grab the hop are the key features of unroll master!
The balls were locked in different blocks in each level. The problem is how to set them all free. The roller will solve this task:
- Try your best to unroll a path which includes 3 stars to collect them
- The fewer moves the better
- Roll the ball to run out as fast as you can
- Unlock level with the star
- Get the score as high as possible
How to play Roll Ball puzzle?
- Move the blocks by your fingers to unroll a path
- Make the ball roll to the Goal block
- Try to get 3 stars
- Roll the ball to get out of trouble
Features in this rolling ball game:
- Sliding puzzle: An essential is for the adult to kids of all ages.
- Tons of epic levels: You can enjoy the game enough.
- The blue block can rotate and move.
- No Time Limit: Play at your own pace.
- No Wifi? No Problem! Games you can play offline.
- Hints: Full solution comes with every level!
- More Variations: Moving, Rotation mode to challenge amp; Star mode to relax.
- Restart: Just restart a level quickly.
Go ahead! Slide, unlock and make the ball roll to goal. Challenge yourself with 1000+ levels of a game. Enjoy now!
2018-07-15 13:58:21
简介:Jungle Bubble Pop is a classic free bubble shoot game.
If you or your family is a fan of bubble shoot games then Jungle Bubble Pop is suitable for you.
I believe you will love it!
Come and give it a shot, you will find Endless Fun!
How to play:
- Tap the screen to shooter the bubble.
- To match 3 or more bubbles to make them burst.
- To rescue all little animals like rabbit,piggies,little tiger,little monkey and so on.
- To rescue chameleon with the same color bubble.
- Clear tree rattan by bursting the bubble on the tree tattan.
Jungle Bubble Pop Features:
* Easy to play,challenging to master.
* Great graphics and music.
* Over 6 lovely little animals need you to rescue.
* More challenging levels.
* No Network Required.
Downloat it now!! And start your Jungle Bubble Journey!!
2018-07-15 13:55:15
— 游戏完全免费,不用花钱也可以通关。
— 16个精致真实的原创场景关卡,绝对有你意想不到的谜题,极限挑战你的思维。
— 极具挑战性的谜题,让最简洁的操作也能容纳最大的挑战
— 华丽的主题风格房间,满足视觉上的体验
2018-07-15 13:54:21
简介:This is really a great day. Beautiful princess will have her excellent fairy love wedding today. You will have the opportunity to see this charming wedding and amazing princess. Come to play the role of her fashion assistant and help her make up beautifully. Choose lovely fairy wings and hairstyles to make up look fashionable. Show us your excellent fashion skills and take a picture to show us at last.
1. Give princess a nice facial and hair caring
2. Dye her hair with the color she like
3. Make up beautifully for her weeding
4. Dress her up with wedding dress and special fairy wings
5. Show us this charming princess at last
2018-07-15 13:53:27
• 慢動作
2018-07-15 13:52:26
游戏Doctor of Dolls的独特之处:
- 女孩的游戏
- 不同的职业,如外科医生,玩具医生,毛绒动物兽医
- 玩具的选择,有很多不同的病人应该得到治疗
- 了解如何进行注射!
- 有趣和愉快的音乐为孩子们
- 有趣的角色和令人兴奋的故事
- 简单的游戏和教育元素的孩子
- 一个巨大的兽医诊所和女孩很多水平