2018-07-12 10:27:59
简介:* 게임 안내
- 원본 소스 크래쉬 문제로 업데이트 대응이 어렵습니다. 죄송합니다.
- 새로운 버전 또는 재개발을 통해 최대한 빨리 지원할 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다. 진심으로 죄송합니다.
- 신작 #39;전설의 요리사 #39; 도 많은 사랑 부탁드립니다.
* 주의 : 16:9 해상도가 아닌 일부 기기에서는
화면이 정상적으로 보이지 않을 수 있습니다.
* 옵뷰 시리즈는 홈버튼을 길게 누르시면 해상도 조정이 가능합니다.
* 장인전 등 NPC 버그시 데이터 초기화를 진행하신 후 안될 경우 재설치를 권장합니다.
(데이터 초기화는 플레이데이터를 유지하나 재설치는 유지하지 않습니다.)
하면 할수록 보면 볼 수록 정드는 게임!
화려하고 멋지지 않은 그래픽!
개인기호를 엄청나게 타는 게임성!
단순하지만 부글부글 끓게하는 무언가가 있는 게임!
성의없어 보이지만 밤새서 열심히 만든 게임!
당신도 전설의 대장장이에 도전할 수 있습니다.
강화에 지친 당신 강화에 빠져보시오!
Free 버전에서는 개발자가 먹고살기 위해 광고가 들어갑니다.
한번의 강화와 희귀광물 구매 수량이 제한되어있습니다.
2.0 업데이트 간략 요약!
- 일부 NPC 성형수술
- #39;상인 #39;, #39;암시장 #39;, #39;경비병 #39; 이벤트 추가 및 이벤트 재개발..
- 체력 5마다 인벤 최대량이 5씩 증가합니다.
초기 10 이후로는 20단위로 최대 턴이 1씩 증가합니다.
- 명성으로 타이틀을 올릴 수 있습니다.
총 30개의 타이틀이며, 최고 1,2번의 타이틀은 대장장인전
에서만 얻을 수 있습니다.
- 용사는 더이상 돈을 주지 않습니다. 명성을 줍니다.
- NPC가 출현하는 빈도를 높혔습니다.
- 엔딩 조건이 달라집니다. 3번의 대장장인전 또는 3년 입니다.
- 처음 대장장인전은 9등급의 타이틀을 획득 후 참가가능합니다.
- 사운드 온/오프 기능 추가
- 유저분들께서 메일로 주신 요청사항을 최대한 반영하여
(가난한 개인개발자라 서버는 도저히..죄송합니다...T.T)
- 게임 초기화 기능 및 암시장에서 총 2회까지 스탯초기화가 가능
외... 기타 등등...
(추가 사항은 개발자 블로그를 확인하세요~)
2.0 업데이트 이후 무기 제작이나
무한로딩이 있는 경우 번거로우시겠지만
어플 삭제 후 재설치하시면 됩니다.
기부자 분들은 구매하신 내역 터치하시면
재구매가 가능합니다.
절반이상을 재 개발 하다보니
내부 데이터 오류가 발생한 듯 합니다.
(단, 세이브데이터는 날아갑니다..)
~다운로드 감사드립니다.~
~다음엔 멋진 작품으로 찾아뵙겠습니다.~
~버그 및 문의는 [email protected]~
개발자 연락처 :
문의 : [email protected]
2018-07-12 10:26:57
Download PETRONE App free of charge in order to pilot Byrobot Petrone.
Petronei’s easy-to-use interface makes piloting simple, even for beginner pilots. The app connects to your Petrone via Bluetooth Low Energy. Once connected, select your drone type and take-off. You can pilot using virtual joysticks.
You can pliot your Petrone by tilting your smartphone/tablet in the direction you want your drone to go in Motion Contol mode. Byrobot #39;s sensor fusion system makes it fly stable.
You can transform PETRONE into 4 different types controlled by a single app with optional kits(Smart Drone / Camera Drone / Driving Car / Camera Car).
Allows your drone to flip itself over from side to side while resting on a surface.
Byrobot #39;s innovative flight control system based on the sensor fusion technology with on-board a 3-axis accelerometer, a 3-axis gyroscope, a barometer, a IR range senspr and an optical flow sensor helps it hover by itself.
WI-FI CAMERA(optional)
With Wi-Fi camera kit(Petrone FPV Kit), you can watch the live video on your smartphone or tablet and record live videos and still shots.
Using a battle play function, the users can set up the actual battles between individuals and groups. You can strengthen your PETRONE drone using the points collected during the battle.
All parts are modular in a simple structure. This reduces small troubles and makes it easy to replace consumables.
2018-07-12 10:26:42
在Cycling 2013(炫酷自行车2013)的世界里,你会在公路上和赛车场竞技场轨道上骑车。 当你穿越城市或山区,出现在各种场合时,你需要调节赛车手的疲劳等级并与对手们的激烈挑战行为奋勇作战。
3 游戏模式
Cycling 2013让你在15个不同赛车路段上以单阶段模式不断发展,但你也可通过 设有3、5或7个关卡的10场大赛的获得黄色领骑衫。亦或为了让自己心跳加速,激情澎湃,你可以在自行车道上用10种附加挑战与电脑比个高低。
Cycling 2013让你完全融入纯正氛围。你会不断晋级,通过详实逼真的电影特效环境来庆祝胜利 。
由于Cycling 2013提供直观游戏系统,易于掌握,所以是业余选手和经验丰富的玩家们的完美之选。
2018-07-12 10:26:17
有许多狭窄的自行车骑行线路和特技赛车建立在山丘和山上,还有无尽的自行车三维特技2018的大城市周围。要掌握曲折道路上的自行车技巧,您需要在Super Dad BMX自行车特技游戏。作为一名特技演员骑手通过快速划动BMX循环来展现bmx赛车技巧。比赛中棘手的MTB自行车避免从高空坠落。自行车特技游戏2018具有多个具有挑战性的冒险自行车任务以及死亡自行车特技车手技巧与这个免费循环游戏。超级爸爸与虚拟高中男孩一起。这场比赛不是关于流氓或战斗,而是真正的虚拟爸爸自行车骑士的味道。不可能的小轮车自行车真正的特技曲折曲折的方式将是超级爸爸和儿子的美妙之旅。赛道就像成功的最快速路线。在赛车游戏中,速度不仅是安全的方式,您需要按住桨按钮保持速度并倾斜您的手机以改变方向并执行许多令人难以置信的特技。清除所有障碍,像城市自行车超级骑手的冠军一样骑行。
在不可能的自行车骑行和特技曲目上进行真正的特技表演,以及死亡自行车特技车手超级爸爸与免费城市自行车游戏。自行车赛车手是爱赛车游戏的高速公路自行车游戏爱好者的特别设计。 2018年最好的自行车比赛将帮助你学习一些疯狂的bmx特技跳跃技巧。立即下载超级爸爸BMX自行车特技和高中的孩子和真正的超级爸爸在不可能的小轮车自行车超级特技享受难忘的一天。
2018-07-12 10:25:44
简介:惊险刺激的冒险游戏Lost Souls:魔画推出续集,尽情体现这款令人惊叹的佳作吧!
● 40个叹为观止的地点等你探索
● 超过20个富有挑战性的迷你游戏等你破解
● 五本魔法书册和九个章节等你翻阅
● 39个成就等你赢取
● 深入的战略指导
● 支持Google Play游戏服务
立即注册接收G5 Games每周精华通讯!www.g5e.com/e-mail
G5 Games – 历险的世界!
全部收藏! 在Google Play中搜索“g5”!
麻将连连看 - 上海之旅:麻将牌配对冒险任务
Homicide Squad: 隐藏犯罪
Mystery of the Opera:幽灵秘密
Farm Clan: 农场生活历险
Virtual City Playground: Building Tycoon
Stand O’Food City:虚拟狂热
The Island Castaway:失落世界
Doomsday Preppers
2018-07-12 10:25:23
简介:必须是很难找到在Android Market中流行的免费真正的钓鱼游戏吗?真正的钓鱼游戏可以帮助您解决寻找最优秀,最顶级的免费游戏鱼狩猎游戏,在谷歌Play商店鳕鱼的问题。
- 最流行的新版本免费实时钓鱼游戏
- 钓鱼全面收集
- 易于使用和安装的
- 2D平台,3D实景钓鱼游戏,3D巴斯钓鱼,海钓,真正的垂钓,深海钓鱼,冰钓,钓鱼游戏,钓鱼游戏为孩子们的乐趣和狩猎游戏在线分类
- 免费,付费类别
- 伟大的截图
- 星类别包括由编辑选择的最好的游戏
- 同类游戏推荐
Enjoy a lot of fishing games and real fishing games.
2018-07-12 10:25:16
玩这个令人兴奋的特技驾驶犯罪城市玩得开心:由Gaming Globe提供的犯罪游戏。这个车司机犯罪模拟器:汽车驾驶游戏不仅是一个免费的游戏,但也是一个离线游戏。乐趣被锁定在安装按钮中。
2018-07-12 10:25:01
700,000 downloads were recorded.
quot;Bald Game quot; is
Now the most popular Balance game in Japan, not to fall on the bald head, with keeping snowboarder.
Mixed slippery and slippery things, the ultimate balance game over.
2018-07-12 10:24:20
简介:Lords of Kingdoms is a multiplayer war strategy game. On a land full of war and chaos, you inherited a historic small castle. As a king, you need to build and upgrade a variety of buildings to forge your stronghold, and gradually build up a powerful army to defend your castles, or plunder resources from other lords to speed up the development. This online imperia game is very special, it implements fresh and interesting rules, well-designed game mechanics allow you to enjoy the fun of a real war game. Make your kingdoms and castles rise, become the world conqueror, claim your total domination in the age of lords and knights.
This game is a lords mobile game, but it has different versions to support all platforms including mobile phones, mobile pads, PC and web browsers.
Features gt; gt;
Friendly tutorial helps you master the game in minutes.
Build and manage your castle, expand your realm or create new towns as you grow.
Four Kingdoms PVE modes: Wild land, Castle War, Expendition and Clash of Waterdeep.
Rich bonuses and rewards help new players grow fast, they are useful to forge empires.
Plunder resources from other lords amp; castles or exile them to remote realms.
Plunder only resource points if you want a peaceful life.
Achieve honors in the lords royale arena to reveal your military power.
Collect crystals to craft artifacts for heroes which improve their power greatly.
Battles videos can be watched in real time, or replay them later.
Form an alliance base to protect your empires.
A lot of legend items to win: dragon shield, giant gloves, Elvenar Helmet, Wind Strider Boots, Star of Warriors, Ring of Camelot and Grepolis Totum etc.
The alliance event logs help organizing attacks easier.
Players in the same alliance can launch rally attacks, this helps weak players to challenge powerful enemies.
The world conquest event for a game world starts in 50 days. Win the event to claim your imperia online!
About us gt; gt;
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.thankgames.com
2018-07-12 10:23:47
简介:I made this game for all sailors.
For the winter season, for the beginner, and for the who want to practice sailing tactics any time!
Easy way to control. Tap to tack, long-press to bear. That #39;s it.
This game focuses to beating leg.
You can change the setting of environment and boats as you need.
This game can be helpful for beginners who will start yacht racing.
2018-07-12 10:22:50
それをみなさんにも共感してもらいたくて作りました^ - ^
2018-07-12 10:22:28
简介:Produce lots of money and aim to become the richest person in the world!
• What is the MoneyFarm?
The MoneyFarm is a farm that #39;s purpose is to produce money.
Become the owner of the farm,
place machines that are capable of not only producing money but jewels and minerals too!
Your farm #39;s assets and the amount of money your farm produces grow as you place more machines.
Use the money made from your farm to purchase more machines to make even more money and aim to become the richest in the world!
• How to play the Money Farm
Collect the money produced by swiping your finger across the screen.
Use the money earned to buy/upgrade machines from the shop
Earn money even when the game is closed! You will be able to collect all the money when you next reopen the game.
There are 57 achievements to unlock! Save up your money and try to complete them!
• About Fever Time
Once specific conditions are met you will have a chance to enter Fever Time!
Fever Timer powers up the machines you have and enables you to produce huge amounts of money for a specific time period so be sure not to miss it!
• Warnings
This application is designed for online mode.
If the application says that you are in offline mode please check your network.
2018-07-12 10:22:22
简介:Classical Bomber Super is a classic game with extremely strategy that reminds us of the legendary 4 buttons game.
Play Classical Bomber Super to enjoy!
2018-07-12 10:22:02
简介:Get ready for the clash of the titans in this visit to ancient Greece!
Long long ago, Gaia the earth goddess, and Uranus the sky god birthed the first Greek deities. These were the majestic Titans. In this unique gaming experience, roam an ancient Greek village as a titan and take on mythical monsters! Battle amidst the famed Greek pantheon and Colosseum.
Prove that you are a Spartan hero by defeating ogres, dwarfs, knights, goblins, and other magical creatures! Show the city dwellers that you’re not just a barbarian. Choose from a selection of special weapons to fight evil gangs; like your indestructible bludgeon, axe, and sword! Prevent these villains and criminals from committing robbery and stealing citizens’ gold. Hunt them down in frightening caves and crowded streets. Precious lives are in your hands!
Watch out! You have to use your combo power to save yourself from other monsters. They will attack you, injure you amp; kill you. Use different fighting combos: Combo Attack, Mega Attack and Stamp Attack. Use your shield, armor, and the block move for defense. Ruin your dangerous enemies before they ruin you!
Give this Greek tragedy a good ending by becoming a legendary warrior!
Warrior Of Rome Features:
• Awesome 3D ancient Greek environment to explore
• Smooth, easy, Addictive amp; intuitive game play
• Awesome Super Titan Characters to control
• Amazing attacking animation with advance attacking features
• Surreal visual amp; sounds effects
2018-07-12 10:21:52
2018-07-12 10:21:21
2018-07-12 10:19:14
玩免费的惊险的海盗泡泡经典游戏,解锁超过900个伟大的水平,包含有趣的提振和电源ups! 这是非常上瘾!
只要瞄准和拍摄3个或更多个相同颜色的气泡,就可以创建一个线条,并且弹出该组。 点击屏幕拖动激光瞄准,并提起它以粉碎气泡。 您可以无限制地交换气泡,只需点击即可更改颜色。 尝试达到高分,并在每个级别上赚取3颗星。
2018-07-12 10:19:01
- 简单的逃脱游戏,只需点按即可游玩。
- 按住道具来放大。
- 你可能需要使用一个道具来激活另一个道具。
2018-07-12 10:18:16
简介:Tap the buttons so the Lego Star Colony Wars can jump over the woods, rocks, turtles, and crocodiles to move forward. Try not to fall into the river. Also, be careful with the wolf behind.
Please remember that Jump amp; Jump is completely free to play but Ads will appear when the GAME OVER.
You can play this game alone or play with friends, family, kids… to see who can get the best score.
Lego Blocky Star Colony Wars Jumper features:
Lovely graphics
Easy and fun to play, but a challenge to get the highest score
Unlimited Levels
Please rate us high if you really like our game. Don’t forget to share with your friends and family.
You can easy follow us our other free games too.
2018-07-12 10:17:44
简介:In the search of resources, humanity was forced to search galaxies throughout the universe to find an exoplanet capable of supporting human life. After traveling through hundreds of star systems and with little fuel remaining, humanity finally found a suitable galaxy.
But humanity descended into civil war for fighting the rulership in the alliance, and we finally realized we are facing more threats than we thought, cruel pirates, hostile alien races and bloodthirsty swarm.You have been chosen to lead the establishment of a settlement on a new, unknown planet, reinforce your power and get ready for invasion!
Humanity awaits a hero who can lead them to rebuild our once-prosperous civilization. Are you that Legendary Commander? Are you smart and determined enough to be spearhead of the humankind?
Are you ready? Come be that hero! Join the conflict!
* quot;Galaxy Wars quot; is a massive multi-player SLG and PvP online game where players battle deep space.
As a Commander, you must defend your base from the enemy, ally with other human forces and build your own empire. Only strong Commanders can survive on this ruthless galaxy.
Game Features
* Battle, chat and interact with players from around the world. You will meet players from around the globe and enjoy barrier-free communication with them.
* Recruit your own team of officers. These elite warriors enhance your production and combat power. You can capture enemy officers and even shock or execute them. Their fate is in your hands.(coming in the future)
* Join or build a star alliance and recruit and fight alongside players from around the world. Lead your powerful alliance to defeat enemies and plunder resources!
* Exciting PvP battle system. Will you engage in alliance warfare, fight to rule the Galaxy, or fight for yourself? Join the conflict and test your strategies!
* Use futuristic weapons and abilities including laser cannons, energy weapons, battle techs, base jumps and even ancient science and technology.
How to Play
You will save a struggling human base from enemy’s attack and become its new Commander. Develop your base, upgrade your buildings and research technology. Train a powerful fleet of warships and plunder resources from other players, or collect resources found on the planet. Join an alliance for protection, assistance and to engage in massive PVP battles. Buy gift packs or complete tasks to earn items and rewards. Circumstances in battles and in-game tasks can change quickly, so items will be incredibly helpful to your survival!
NOTE: Galaxy Wars: Rise of the Terrans is free to download and free to play, but may offer in-app purchases of items and other gifts.
Language Support: English, Russian, Simplified Chinese, German
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/galaxywarsROT/
Custom support: [email protected]
2018-07-12 10:17:29
简介:Welcome to the Escape Game Egg Cube!
There is a tiny room here and you are closed in there.
Let #39;s escape from the room!
2018-07-12 10:16:12
简介:Classic FC 8 bit arcade game.
Strategy games of the classic Warring States subject.
Classic biography.
Internal governance, diplomacy, military, talent, intelligence. Various classic strategy functions.
Govern a country and see how long it can be unified.
2018-07-12 10:16:06
简介:Welcome to the Escape Game Cactus Cube!
There is a tiny room here and you are closed in there.
Let #39;s escape from the room!
2018-07-12 10:15:52
简介:Với bản full 252Mb này, gamer chỉ cần download về và thưởng thức ngay
- Hơn 15 triệu người đang chơi tại 11 quốc gia
- Game được ưa chuộng nhất tại Hàn Quốc, Nhật Bản, Trung Quốc, Đài Loan, Singapore, Hongkong,…
- Liên thông máy chủ giữa các quốc gia để thi đấu toàn cầu, ngôn ngữ riêng cho từng quốc gia.
- Hỗ trợ chơi hoàn toàn miễn phí
Đại Chiến Tam Quốc là game chiến thuật thả quân thời gian thực lấy bổi cảnh thời Tam Quốc. Mỗi người chơi sẽ xây dựng thành trì của mình ngày một lớn mạnh để chống lại quân địch, tham gia cuộc chiến với hàng triệu người chơi trên khắp thế giới. Thông qua việc chiêu mộ danh tướng, xây dựng binh lực, thăng quan tiến chức và gia nhập các quân đoàn hùng mạnh để gia tăng sức mạnh. Thỏa sức thể hiện tài dụng binh và cầm quân đánh trận chân thực chưa từng có.
Tính năng đặc sắc:
- Xây dựng 36 công trình quân sự độc đáo với nhiều cấp độ
- Xây dựng thành trì của bạn thành một pháo đài bất khả chiến bại với Tường thành, Tiễn xa, Long pháo, Xe ném đá, Thần nỏ Gia Cát, Huyền hỏa tháp, Kế đạo nhân,…
- Nâng cao sức mạnh quân đội của riêng bạn với Thao trường, Binh doanh, Tướng kỳ, Điểm tướng đài, Quân đoàn, Cấm vệ doanh, Lưu ly tháp,..
- Hơn 180 danh tướng nổi tiếng thời Tam Quốc cùng các bộ kỹ năng vô cùng đẹp mắt
- 120 thành trì nổi tiếng trong bản đồ Nhất Thống Thiên Hạ rộng lớn, tam quốc phân tranh.
- 16 loại binh chủng đặc sắc cùng hệ thống khắc chế mang đậm tính chiến thuật
- Chiến đấu với hàng chục triệu game thủ trên toàn thế giới và chiếm chiến lợi phẩm của họ
- Hệ thống đấu trường, tranh đoạt gay cấn cùng phần thưởng hấp dẫn hàng ngày
- Kết hợp các loại quân đội cùng các danh tướng để có chiến thuật riêng đầy biến hóa
- Quân đoàn chiến hoành tráng cùng chiến trường rộng lớn
- Hệ thống voice chat kết nối toàn thế giới
Hãy tham gia ngay hôm nay để chiến thắng cùng quân đoàn và mang vinh quang về cho Tổ quốc !!!
2018-07-12 10:15:07