2018-07-09 21:53:16
简介:Gamelan gong kebyar merupakan tipe atau jenis musik gamelan paling umum yang ada dan paling sering dipentaskan di Bali. Secara fisik Gong Kebyar adalah penyederhanaan dari Gong Gede dengan pengurangan peranan atau pengurangan beberapa buah instrumennya. Kata kebyar secara harfiah bermakna cepat, tiba-tiba, dan keras; merefleksikan jenis musik gamelan gong kebyar yang sangat dinamis, keras, dan memiliki tempo yang cepat.[3] Gamelan gong kebyar memiliki lima nada dasar yang disebut laras pelog yaitu : nding, ndong, ndeng, ndung, dan ndang.
Gamelan gong kebyar sebagai seni musik tradisional Bali dalam sejarahnya yang ditulis babad bali, gong kebyar diperkirakan muncul di Singaraja pada tahun 1915.
Desa yang sebut-sebut sebagai asal pemunculan Gong Kebyar adalah Jagaraga (Buleleng) yang juga memulai tradisi Tari Kebyar.
Ada juga informasi lain yang menyebutkan bahwa Gong Kebyar muncul pertama kali di desa Bungkulan (Buleleng). Perkembangan seni Gong Kebyar ini mencapai salah satu puncaknya pada tahun 1925 dengan datangnya seorang penari Jauk yang bernama I Ketut Mario dari Tabanan yang menciptakan sebuah tari Kebyar Duduk atau Kebyar Trompong.
Gamelan kebyar yang bersumber dari Gong Gede,
Bersumber dari gamelan palegongan.
Murni buatan baru.
Yang pertama memiliki embat yang sesuai dengan embat gamelan gong gede yaitu agak rendah seperti yang banyak terdapat di Bali Utara. kelompok kedua menggunakan embat sama dengan embat gamelan palegongan (sumbernya) yaitu agak tinggi seperti yang sebagian besar terdapat di Bali bagian selatan, Gamelan-gamelan kebyar yang murni buatan baru sebagian besar ber-embat sedang seperti yang terdapat di berbagai daerah di Bali dan diluar Bali. Kenyataan ini menunjukan bahwa belum ada standarisasi embat untuk Gamelan kebyar di Bali.
Juga Dinamakan gong kebyar, menurut kutipan catatan blog ekadarmaputra dalam ISI Denpasar, Gong kebyar ditabuh untuk pertama kalinya menyebabkan terjadinya kekagetan yang luar biasa. Masyarakat menjadi tercengang dan ternak sapi yang sedang diikatkan di ladang dan di kandangnya terlepas dan lari tunggang langgang.
Disebutkan juga dalam catatan blog tersebut, gong kebyar merupakan tabuhan bersama dan serentak yang diikuti oleh hampir semua tungguhan pada perangkatnya kecuali tungguhan suling, kajar, rebab, kempul, bebende kemong, kajar dan terompong.
Bentuk kebyar merupakan salah satu bagian dari satu kesatuan gending yang letaknya bisa di depan, di tengah atau di bagian akhir. Jenis tabuhan kebyar ini sering digunakan pada iringan tarian maupun tabuh petegak (instrumental). Karena itu kebyar memiliki nuansa yang sangat dinamis, keras dengan satu harapan bahwa dengan kebyar tersebut mampu membangkitkan semangat.
Struktur Gong Kebyar
Gong Kebyar merupakan salah satu perangkat/barungan gambelan Bali yang terdiri dari lima nada ( panca nada ) dengan laras pelog, tetapi tiap-tiap instrument terdiri sepuluh bilah.
Gong Kebyar bagi masyarakat Bali sudah tidak asing lagi, karena hampir seluruh desa maupun banjar yang ada di Bali memiliki satu perangkat/ barungan Gong Kebyar.
Oleh karenanya gong kebyar menjadi satu barungan gambelan tergolong baru jika dibandingkan dengan jenis-jenis gambelan yang ada saat ini seperti misalnya, gambelan Gambang, Gong Gde, Slonding, Semara Pegulingan dan masih banyak yang lainnya.
Barungan gong kebyar terdiri dari :
Dua buah (tungguh) pengugal/giying
Empat buah (tungguh) pemade/gansa
Empat buah (tungguh) kantilan
Dua buah (tungguh) jublag
Dua buah (tungguh) Penyacah
Dua buah (tungguh) jegoggan
Satu buah (tungguh) reong/riyong
Satu buah (tungguh) terompong
Satu pasang gong lanang wadon
Satu buah kempur
Satu buah kemong gantung
Satu buah bebende
Satu buah kempli
Satu buah (pangkon) ceng-ceng ricik
Satu pasang kendang lanang wadon
Satu buah kajar
2018-07-09 21:51:45
2018-07-09 21:50:22
简介:BLOCK PUZZLE CLASSIC the block puzzle game in classic retro style. If you like retro classic game and have mania to play puzzles this game for you. Block Puzzle Free, Play and Enjoy!
2018-07-09 21:49:32
简介:Gravity Pull is an immersive VR puzzle game for Google Cardboard and Daydream that was inspired by the popular Portal game. Solve 16 mind-bending physical puzzles by strategically placing cubes on switches to open doors. You #39;ll need to carefully explore each room and view things from multiple angles. Can you get to the end? Gravity Pull uses an innovative input technique that lets you navigate each room using walking-in-place and puts YOU in control of where you are. No controller required and various studies have found walking-in-place to minimize cybersickness.
We highly recommend having a Cardboard V2, which is any headset that has the capacitive touch button. The Cardboard V1 #39;s magnet switch IS supported, but may not work consistently. Joysticks should work automatically with the game if you would rather use them instead of walking-in-place. By default, you will only move forwards and backwards with the joystick (to combat nausea), but there is an option in the settings menu (tilt to allow for full joystick movement.
Positional tracking enables highly immersive experiences on PC VR platforms (Vive/Oculus), such as walking input, but this isn’t available on mobile VR platforms, with as a result that many mobile VR apps are simple look-and-see or rollercoaster experiences. Gravity Pull was built using the VR-Step plugin (see Unity Asset store https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/60450) (patent pending). VR-step significantly increases existing interaction options of mobile VR platforms (Daydream, Gear VR, Cardboard) and lets you build highly immersive experiences that are usually only found on PC VR platforms.
2018-07-09 21:48:33
简介:هل أنت مثقفة ؟
هل تمتلكين الكثير من المعلومات العامة ؟
هل تحبين حل الألغاز و الفوازير و الأحاجي ؟
هل تعلمين أن العاب الذكاء تمرن عقلك ليصبح اكثر ذكاء وايضا تقوي الذاكرة و الملاحضة ؟
اذا كان جوابك نعم على كل هاته الاسئلة فسنقدم لك هدية حلوه جميله رائعه عبارة عن لعبة ذكاء للكبار والصغار واسمها وصلة للبنات وبس تشبه تطبيق وصلة الكلمات المتقاطعة المعروف لكن بنسخة العاب بنات جميلات اميرات حلوات التي تعتبر الاولى و الافضل من نوعها في العالم العربي
لعبة وصلة للبنات وبس خفيفة مسلية حلوه جميله رائعه و ممتعة جدا لكن تحتاج لبعض التركيز خصوصا في المستويات الصعبة التي من الممكن ان تصادفي فيها أسئلة صعبة عليك قد لن تجدي لها جواب وان حدث ذلك فلا تقلقي تستطيعين إستخدام وسائل المساعدة مقابل النقاط التي كسبتيها من حل الاسئلة السهلة الاولى وحتى ان كنت قد اكملت جميع النقاط فلا مشكلة تستطيعين كسب نقاط اخرى مجانا من خلال مشاركة التطبيق او تنفدي مهمات اخرى سهلة جدا جدا جدا
مميزات لعبة وصلة للبنات وبس :
الأسئلة مناسبة لجميع الاعمار
الأسئلة متنوعة في مجالات متعددة
يمكنك تخطي السؤال إذا لم تعرفي الجواب
يتم تحديثها بإستمرار واضافة أسئلة جديدة
بامكانك اللعب وحدك أو تحدي أصدقائك أو أقربائك
توفر لك الكثير من المساعدات والتلميحات لكي تكملي اللعبة بنجاح
تتيح لك لعبة وصلة للبنات فقط عدة مساعدات وهي :
إضهار الحرف الأول
إزالة 3 أحرف زائدة
تخطي السؤال الذي لا تعرفين اجابته
كسب نقاط مجانية من اجل تفعيل المساعدات
طلب مساعدة من أصدقائك عبر ارسال سكرينشوت السؤال اليهم
وصلة للبنات فقط هي لعبة تحدي تختبر معلوماتك العامة من خلال أسئلة متعددة في عدة مجالات كـ :
احجيات و أمثال شعبية و حكم
افلام و مسلسلات عربية و عالمية
الألغاز و الفوازير و الأحاجي
اسئلة دينية اسلامية رمضان
اسئلة ثقافية ذكاء
اكمل الجملة المثل الاية
مشاهير عرب و في العالم
معلومات عامة مفيدة
علم اي دولة و عواصم دول العالم
العاب تلبيس بنات في البحر قص الشعر وتسريحه ومكياج تلبيس عروسه وعريس مكياج عروس تسريحات عرايس
العاب بنات تلوين الاظافر باربي الجميلة تلبيس و مكياج للبنات فقط
اغنية يا بنات يا بنات نانسي عجرم بنات يرقصون على شيلات
العاب طبخ للبنات في المطاعم حلويات غسل الصحون
العاب بنات جميلات اميرات حلوات لعبة نسائية حلوه جميله رائعه ذكاء للكبار والصغار ستمنحك الكثير من المتعة و تحدي فكل ما قرأتيه الان لن يعطيها حقها حتى تجربيها ثبتيها الان وحتماً ستدمنيها وستعيشين المتعة في طابع تنافسي مع اصدقائك واقربائك
شكرا لتجربتك اللعبة ان اعجبتك ورايت انها تستحق التشجيع فرجاء شاركها مع اصدقائك
نحن نرحب بإستفساراتك وإقتراحاتك لتحسينها وتطويرها ونتمنى أن لا تحرمنا من تقييمك لها بخمسة نجوم لتشجيعنا وشكراً
lo3bat kalimat mota9ati3a wasla 2018 wasafat tajmil tabi3iya
دمنات demnate
2018-07-09 21:47:27
2018-07-09 21:46:28
简介:Buddhist Monk Rescue Game is another point and click escape game developed by Best Escape Games. There was a mysterious mansion in a strange dark area. The house was very intimidating to see. There is a Buddhist monk living there. The Buddhist monk was unexpectedly stuck in a mansion there. Your duty is to save the Buddhist monk from there. It will help you find the hidden clues there. Find all the clues and save the Buddhist monk and congratulate you to win the game. This game is highly desirable. Good luck and have a fun!
2018-07-09 21:45:37
多彩的泡泡让你最喜欢的嘘声 - 波普海滩旁边
- 通过简单地匹配它们中的任何3个脉冲串五颜六色的气泡
- 从邪恶Nahbah和他的伙伴Pooga,Booga和Yooga救援可爱的小嘘
- 旅游海滩的地方充满了像Mistry的山,诅咒海滩,部落镇等冒险
- 扮演了4级独特的可爱人物
- 与你的Facebook朋友比较你的进步
- 使用神奇通电像炸弹,闪电球,和更彻底清除这些具有挑战性的水平
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- 查找您的旅程不同的鸟类和动物
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提供英语,法语,德国,意大利语,西班牙语,葡萄牙语,русский,越南语,印尼语,عربى,ไทย,čeština,简体中文,中国传统的,한국어,日本语,蒂尔克,荷兰语,丹麦语,瑞典语,挪威语, Suomalainen
Beach Pop - http://beachpop.madovergames.com
MadOverGames - http://madovergames.com
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/madovergames
Twitter - https://twitter.com/madovergames
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/MadovergamesWoW
Google+ - https://google.com/+MadovergamesWoW
2018-07-09 21:44:17
简介:Hey cars and vehicles lovers, the best game of merge category is here in your town. Let us take you into the extreme gameplay of modern addictive merging games to take care of all your casual merging and gaming needs. Presenting you with our new addictive game in our merge categories of games that brings you with a unique experience of keeping and maintaining varieties of cars and vehicles.
Cars and vehicles from various factories are available for you to merge them and grow your collection of cars, bikes, motorcycles, sedans and many more. Merge sports cars, heavy bikes and tricycles to unlock the best vintage collection in your town. The game also comes with jeeps, 4X4, speedsters, simulation cars, drifting cars, stunt trucks, cycles, buses, firetrucks, amazing Japanese cars, sedans, motorcycles, Racing bikes and much much more that you will discover while playing. So play and grow your collection to be the best in the town. We have also got some unique yellow , blue and colorful vintage cars right from the cars factories to get you excited. Play and learn.
Ever wanted to try and play a thrilling sports cars merging game? Now you can merge, see and feel varieties of your favorite cars in this game for free. Merge Cars and Vehicles is our most addictive car and vehicles game in town that also offers in-app purchases filled with great, easy to learn, master until hard gameplay. With uncovered spot areas and coming vehicles leaderboards and much more, Merge Cars and Vehicles will give you hours upon hours of merging entertainment.
Great concept of merging, which is very simple and straightforward - you have spots to merger your cars and now in this game you merge cars to make them better, bigger and modern. Classical and amazing addictive game, you will have varieties of factory produced amazing cars and vehicles to keep you going. Every vehicle that you merge adds to your merging account and will help you earn the money and the more upgraded your vehicle is the better money it earns for you and your game. With the money, you buy and purchase more cars to go on your way up to make it better and bigger. The more you earn the better you become over time.
Bringing many car models right from the factories to give you an amazing gameplay and experience. The game gives you an experience like having your own cars factory with so many cars and vehicles. Out of the many games in merge out there, this will give you the most fun guaranteed. This game gives you only one addictive goal: Experience and levels. The higher levels you are on, the more space you will unlock. Higher Levels in the game will give you more spots to merge. In Merge Cars and Vehicles, we give you an opportunity to merge and build cars and vehicles.
Game features:
- 35+ vehicles including taxis, sports cars, trucks , bikes , motorcycles and more
- Description and title Localized in 15+ languages including English, French, Portuguese, Chinese, German, Italian, Polish, Brazilian, Russian, Spanish, Korean, Colombian, and Japanese
- Simple, intuitive and easy to use controls
- Easy, addictive and very challenging
- Fun to play and the best time pass as a leisure activity
- Simple, intuitive and instinctive graphics and gameplay
- Money and Time to get you going
Note: This game may include
- Advertising of our other products
2018-07-09 21:43:21
b 有什么问题吗?有什么建议么?欢迎您的热情反馈,我们会很乐意听取您的意见!
- 美丽的木质主题的场景
- 与全球用户一起享受激动人心的战斗。
- 简单有趣,适合所有年龄层
- 用这个免费的益智游戏放松一下。
不要再等了,立即体验一下这个经典的木块益智游戏 /b
2018-07-09 21:42:17
简介:Welcome to Escape Room I Can #39;t Escape, find the hidden objects and solve the mini puzzles, you must rely on your puzzle-solving skills to go through a series of challenges and advance to the next level. A well-thought hint mechanism will guarantee a fun time solving the puzzles.
Game Features:
- Intuitive touch controls
- Mind-bending puzzles
- Zoom, handle tons of objects
- Amazing and evolving sound
- Incredible, horror and challenging rooms
2018-07-09 21:41:21
简介:b Play the Best Puzzle Collection Game, font color="#7401DF" C /font font color="#04B404" O /font font color="#0000FF" L /font font color="#FF8000" O /font font color="#DF0101" R /font font color="#0000FF" G /font font color="#DF0101" L /font font color="#04B404" O /font font color="#7401DF" W /font /b
b font color="#7401DF" C /font font color="#04B404" O /font font color="#0000FF" L /font font color="#FF8000" O /font font color="#DF0101" R /font font color="#0000FF" G /font font color="#DF0101" L /font font color="#04B404" O /font font color="#7401DF" W /font /b is a best puzzle game collection involve shapes, lines, colors, numbers or symbols that are easy to learn and fun to master. You can grow your problem-solving skills, including logic, pattern recognition or sequence solving. Also you can enjoy thought-provoking fun with addictive puzzle games. Solve some puzzles and increase your brain and level with games you might like.
Exercise and train your brain as brain teaser and improve your creativity by solving each puzzle. You have to strategize at some difficult puzzles and conquer them. Someday, you will be king of the puzzle. b RULE THE PUZZLE /b !
Are you ready? Let #39;s download and play the all in one classic puzzle games now!
• We provide simple but innovative puzzles!
• Play quick amp; casual games with kids amp; family!
• Enjoy clean and simple graphics with glow effects!
• Deep dive to best puzzle collection for digital board games!
• Experience fully immersed enjoyment with unique level design!
• Experience highly optimized gameplay!
• Support mobile phones amp; tablets as an universal app.
• No WI-FI, Offline game! Enjoy the game everywhere!
• No time limit! Play with enough time!
• Top rated games! Many people like the COLOR GLOW!
b font color="#7401DF" C /font font color="#04B404" O /font font color="#0000FF" L /font font color="#FF8000" O /font font color="#DF0101" R /font font color="#0000FF" G /font font color="#DF0101" L /font font color="#04B404" O /font font color="#7401DF" W /font /b include puzzle games as below:
• Draw the glow line to connect same color bulbs.
• Connect all dots on the board. In other words, fill the all cells.
• Challenge 350 stages!
• Drag hexagonal blocks amp; place them on the board.
• Fill the all cells.
• Challenge 350 stages!
• Draw the line by given figures (shapes).
• Connect all dots by just one touch (line/stroke).
• Challenge 350 stages!
• Connect bulbs (lamps) with battery to turn on them.
• Turn on all bulbs by connecting with energy source to solve each puzzle.
• Each bulb shows the number of wires required to turn it on.
• A red light bulb means that the wires are connected more than necessary.
• Just tap the line to remove the wire.
• We will add new puzzle games continuous.
b NOTE /b
• COLOR GLOW contains the ads include banner, insterstitial and video ads.
• COLOR GLOW sells in-app products like hints, gems or AD-FREE.
• COLOR GLOW requires some permissions to optimize the game and integrate some services.
- Network access and view connections, Receive data from internet, Storage, Photos/Media/Files, Prevent sleeping, Vibration control, Etc.
Let #39;s COLOR GLOW!
Privacy Policy: http://pvg-mpv-nlog.pivotgames.net/conf/Privacy_Agreement-En.html
Terms of Service: http://pvg-mpv-nlog.pivotgames.net/conf/Terms_of_Service-En.html
2018-07-09 21:40:22
1. 两种模式:经典和极限模式,不同难度,1700个各种几何图形关卡
2. 色彩绚丽的线条,清新的背景,各种特色图形
3. 支持Game Center 成就和排行榜
4. 支持离线游戏
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Line-Connects-843205249181318/
Homepage: http://m.timeinflow.com/index.htm
Email: [email protected]
2018-07-09 21:39:20
简介:b 寻找惊人的拼图游戏?大脑与拼图 游戏!免费试玩最好的拼图游戏之一并无尽地玩。为您的日常拼图程序选择一堆美丽的拼图图像。解开图片击败关卡。从简单的拼图游戏到非常困难的益智游戏,这款应用程序拥有一切。现在下载,比赛件和享受! /b
u 的功能: /u
一堆禅宗益智游戏 - 优雅的游戏来放松你的想法。
时间模式 - 尝试击败时钟。
没有WiFi,没问题 - 尝试最好的谜题离线游戏之一。
多层次的益智游戏 - 完全免费。
u 如何使用 /u
这个图片益智游戏的目的是通过组织拼图来完成拼图图像。规则很简单:在照片拼图中完成关卡,找到并移动您需要的部分。点击,按住并滑动,就是这么简单!设置元素的级别和数量,并潜入无限拼图世界。你准备好开始最好的谜题 - 照片混乱?找到并组织所有错位的棋子来完成拼图 游戏!
尖锐的大脑上瘾的益智游戏将帮助你提高记忆力和注意力。这是一个独一无二的二合一游戏集合 - 无论您想成为拼图探险家还是玩拼图游戏,我们都会为您提供覆盖!请记住,只要你觉得你正在面对不可能的拼图游戏,就要提示你帮助你。免费的Android免费离线益智游戏会让你流连忘返。尝试今天最理想的谜题!
b 你能解决所有隐藏的图片谜题吗? /b 播放并找出!完成图片游戏,你会惊讶于你会遇到的美丽的图像。令人叹为观止的风景,野生动物或世界奇迹 - 这取决于你!免费有趣的酷上瘾的游戏,新的不需要wifi终于在这里!准备几个小时的最终拼图冒险的乐趣。今天安装这些解谜游戏,挑战你的朋友,看看谁能解决它!
不占用手机空间的趣味游戏是消磨时间的完美方式。尽管它是一款新的益智游戏2018年,但这款应用程序与我们过去常玩的古老拼图游戏一样优雅。这也是一个理想的冥想游戏 - 没有什么能取代拼图的感觉并形成一幅美妙的图画。与拼图高清游戏,你可以选择最美丽的照片来完成,与城堡,旗帜,动物,甚至尝试瀑布拼图。当需要一些头脑转移游戏时,请尝试这些真棒拼图游戏成人。
u 你已经尝试了超过1000个拼图游戏,但仍然缺少某些东西? /u 需要一些不错的益智游戏或酷拼图集合?你的搜索游戏,可以治愈你的无聊在这里结束!这款滑动拼图绝对是所有现代游戏玩家必备的应用之一。现在开始你的拼图任务!选择最有趣的拼图。如果你喜欢困惑的智能游戏,你会爱上我们的新应用程序。它的动态和精心设计 - 它只是适合所有年龄段的完美游戏之一。
* Android是的商标Google Inc.
2018-07-09 21:37:46
简介:Drawing Puzzle - Connect the two dots by drawing allows you to train your brain by drawing lines or shapes and solve the physics puzzle.
Try and make the 2 bots bump each other.
Will you be able to clear these simple-looking but actually difficult stages?
Drawing Puzzle - Connect the two dots by drawing is a braintastic game for every dots and puzzle games fan! Connect the dots in order to clear the level and help the lovable brains regain their happiness and fortune!
Draw shapes or lines to solve the puzzle and see the image come alive. As soon as you finished drawing the physics engine will activate and hopefully your drawn shape will bump one of the dots and catapult him to the other dot.
A forever FREE puzzle game!
250+ challenging playful brains levels. More to come in updates!
No time limit – we say no to timers - so you can fully embrace the gameplay!Draw lines and shapes freely to move and roll the balls.
Flexible thinking is going to become the key to victory.
Puzzle Dots will also test your logical thinking and the flexibility of your mind.
This game, continuing after Brain Wars, also tests your logical thinking and the flexibility of your mind.
As this game includes the elements of riddle and “Escape the Room” type of games, we would recommend Brain Dots to people who enjoy brain-type puzzles, cards and strategy games.
It might also have an impact on your children’s intellectual growth and preventing brain deterioration?
2018-07-09 21:36:20
- 在这个有趣的沙盒游戏中用数字绘画,
- 选择颜色并放在相同数字的块中。
- 你会完成一个很酷的像素工作。
特征 :
- 易于按数字着色
- 乐趣彩色卡通人物
- 享受创建抗应力像素艺术
- 免费玩数百张照片
- 独特和高品质的设计使数字彩色书到最流行的智能手机游戏之一!
- 没有付费内容
- 没有注册
- 没有硬币
- 全部免费!
2018-07-09 21:35:21
简介:This Free Memory game helps you develop matching and memory,
Contains cute animals cards
* Contains very cute images of animals which are on memory cards.
* Game for children of all ages, babies, preschoolers, school children and teens. Both, boys and girls will love this memory game.
* Best flow game for having fun, the game never stops, only when back pressed.
Simple amp; intuitive friendly interface
Universal app for all phones and tablets
3 different languages and pronunciations - English, Arabic and Russian
Contains easy navigation between levels
Contains high-quality graphics
Contains cute animation after each correctly solved level
And last but not least ***the game is FREE***
2018-07-09 21:34:45
无限享受妖怪消消乐2000-怪物模块 冒险
E-mail : [email protected]
2018-07-09 21:33:16
简介:b 7x7 is a new puzzle game inspired by classic 5 or more. /b It’s easy to grasp and very addictive. Make horizontal, vertical or diagonal rows of the same color by dragging pieces across the board and get points and power ups! Try it out and you won’t be able to stop playing it!
b 7x7 includes great new features: /b
• Got stuck? Earn Move Anywhere power-ups to recover from sticky situations.
• If you’ve just made a wrong move you can always Undo it, just tap the upper right corner.
• Play Games enabled: check your high scores and track your overall progress!
• Kiip enabled: Win real rewards for your in-game achievements and high scores.
b Download now and set your own record! /b
By b Grantland Chew /b @ b Kiip /b
2018-07-09 21:32:25
“Patchwork Spaceship”是一款益智遊戲,您可以將太空船組裝成長途巴士。
- “機器人設施”:新出現的結構。
- “訂單”:通過達到指定條件的額外獎勵。
- “客戶/目的地”:其他規則。
# 怎麼玩
- 選擇基地太空船並開始遊戲!
- 自由放置流動部件!
- 乘客x舒適×速度會增加,分數會上升。
- 你的行動數量有限。
- 瞄準最高分!
かわいいフリー素材集 イラストや
他 (Unity Asset Storeより)
2018-07-09 21:31:18
简介:Discover awesome and super fun in this addictive puzzle game ever! Play with the most exciting game in the world has ever seen!
Hexagon Drop! is a brand new puzzle game with easy to play game concept that can make you addicted! Totally free to play. Easy to play, and pleasurable game for all ages.
The goal is to keep the six hexagon figure on the tower of blocks and not let it fall off for as long as possible.
Don #39;t rush, the six block can easily dwindle in any direction, gain momentum and roll down into the abyss. Although, it might look simple at first, don #39;t get yourself fooled and hexagon flip.
Tap the block, destroy it and make the hexagon fall down.
Remember to keep the hexagon balance, don’t topple it.
Endless gameplay with lots of milestones for you to get over.
Try your best to get high scores and change skins of the hexagon (six-edge block)
You will never get bored.
Optimized engine for energy saving.
Play without worry of energy waste. Enjoy the game everywhere in every time.
- Fun sounds and gorgeous visual effects.
Challenge your friends, beat their score and be the Number 1.
Try to achieve over 1000 points. Only 1% of hardcore player can achieve it.
• Hexagon Drop! contains the ads like interstitial and rewarded video ads.
• Hexagon Drop! is free to play, but you can purchase In-app items for ADS FREE.
2018-07-09 21:29:12
简介:Scratch WIN is a general information quiz game that depends on user speed and his memory.
How to Play:
- Scratch the covered area and select the answer from the provided options
- The more you scratch the fewer points you get.
- You can play in each category once a day.
Terms and Privacy Policy: http://uaebarq.ae/privacy/scratch_privacypolicy.htm
2018-07-09 21:28:38
2018-07-09 21:27:22
简介:In each level the goal is to make a pumpkin just like the one in the bottom right corner.
You do this by dipping your pumpkin in the paints and by wearing attributes to mask certain parts of the pumpkin.
16 levels of puzzles based on my Factory Balls app.
Have fun!
Bart Bonte
2018-07-09 21:26:26
简介:适合于儿童和成人拼图是一种不断更新有趣的游戏, 这个游戏中含有大量免费图片。如果你喜欢复杂拼图、逻辑游戏和益智游戏,那你一定爱好拼图游戏。我们的拼图对成人和儿童来说都非常有意思。拼图游戏可以在平板电脑上及手机上都玩儿。
- 您未采集完的每个拼图都保存并随时都可以用;
- 采集从9到64块的拼图;
- 高手的游戏者可以用开/关拼图块转动功能;
- 不需要连接互联网。