2018-07-09 14:57:15
包含6款經典FC NES三國題材遊戲。
Contains 6 classic FC NES Three Kingdoms theme games.
Three Kingdoms Ⅰ Central Plains who
Three Kingdoms Ⅱ Overlord of the mainland
Three Kingdoms Ⅲ origin of the crowd
Battle of the Three Kingdoms Chibi
Three Kingdoms League hegemony
Three Kingdoms Yingjie biography
Classic red and white machine games, memories of childhood fun.
2018-07-09 14:56:38
简介:壮观的游戏,将这一流派的每一个球迷留下深刻的印象。深入研究和平衡各种游戏关卡会让你投身到这一激动人心的比赛。不断更新的内容将为您提供一次又一次重返赛场的愿望。各种单位 - 塔会激起创造更加先进的方法来阻止敌人!新型你的敌人都将被加入到游戏中随着时间的推移,新的坦克,飞机,直升机,舰船和机器人将塔防:很长一段时间坦克战争有趣的游戏。随着比赛的增加,从RPG体裁所感兴趣的元素 - 抽特点。
2018-07-09 14:55:24
简介:لعبة استراتيجية حازت أعلى تصنيفاً 4.7 نجوم
- مقدمة اللعبة -
صراع الزومبي هي لعبة محبوبة من قبل اللاعبين في جميع أنحاء العالم. يمكنك أن تلعب هذه اللعبة الرائعة مع لاعبين في جميع أنحاء العالم! فهناك مليون لاعب أجنبي انضموا إلى اللعبة. في البداية لديك فقط 2 معماري، قاعدة مستوى 1 ومنجم الذهب مستوى 1. يمكنك استخدام المعماري لبناء أو ترقية المرافق، ولكن معماري واحد يمكنه فقط بناء أو ترقية منشأة واحدة في وقت واحد. إلى جانب تطوير القاعدة الخاصة بك، يمكن للاعب تجنيد أبطاله لبناء جيش والقتال مع الملايين من اللاعبين. عندما تصل القاعدة إلى مستوى معين، يمكن للاعب إنشاء أو الانضمام إلى الدوري مع الآخرين لبدء معركة الدوري.
-- خلفية القصة --
الأبطال الخارقين ضد وحوش الزومبي، دافع عن قاعدتك من أجل العدالة!
نشرت القوة المظلمة فيروس كيميائي خارق وتسببت في تحول الكثير من البشر الأبرياء الى وحوش الزومبي! مهمتك كقائد، تحتاج إلى قيادة الأبطال الخارقين لحماية الأرض ولتحقيق العدالة! لا تنسى انه يجب عليك البقاء على قيد الحياة وإعادة بناء منزلك في اللعبة، لن يتم الاعتداء عليك من قبل وحوش الزومبي فقط، ولكن أيضا سيهاجمك أعداء آخرين من جميع أنحاء العالم !!
يرجى الملاحظة! صراع الزومبي هي لعبه خاليه تماماً للعب، ولكن يمكن أيضا شراء بعض البنود للعبة للحصول على المال الحقيقي !! إذا كنت لا تريد استخدام هذه الميزة، يرجى تعطيلها في تطبيق المشتريات في إعدادات الجهاز الخاص بك. أيضا، في إطار شروط الخدمة وسياسة الخصوصية، يجب أن تكون على الأقل 13 سنة من العمر لتحميل ولعب صراع الزومبي !!!
-- مميزات اللعبه --
! النجاة من الفيروس الكيميائي
هنالك الكثير من وحوش الزومبي: الصياد و العملاق. يمكنهم مداهمة القاعدة الخاص بك ونهب الموارد! لا تخف، طور أبطالك الخارقين وتمتع بمصارعة وقتال وحوش الزومبي، وكما أيضاً يمكنك التحكم في العمل !!! يمكنك تفعيل الأبطال في الوقت الحقيقي وتطويرهم للتمتع أكثر بمصارعة وحوش الزومبي !!
-- فوائد ابطال الخارقين --
مكافأة المهام وفيرة!
يمكنك دائما الحصول على الجواهر التي يمكن أن تساعدك على فتح معماري بسرعة! يمكنك التمتع بصراع الزومبي دون إنفاق المال !!!
-- معركة الدوري –
إنشاء أو الانضمام إلى الدوري، كافح جنبا إلى جنب مع الحلفاء من جميع أنحاء العالم واهزم الأعداء !!! لعبة استراتيجية وعالم مفتوح على الهاتف ستحارب بها الملايين من اللاعبين الخارقين، قوي جيشك من أجل الهيمنة الأخيرة مع اللاعبين في جميع أنحاء العالم !!!
------اتصل بنا------
صراع الزومبي البريد الإلكتروني الرسمي
:[email protected]
صراع الزومبي فيسبوك:
صراع الزومبي تويتر:
صراع الزومبي يوتيوب:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46RY-T6EkbE amp;feature=youtu.be1111
2018-07-09 14:54:54
2018-07-09 14:53:57
【獨創地圖多樣玩法】獨創全新模式“雙出口”、“隨機炮塔”、“終極BOSS戰 quot;開啟,更多驚奇等您探索!
2018-07-09 14:53:30
简介:Brave Soviet Soldiers #39; Charge.
2018-07-09 14:51:55
简介:《WW2:DUTY OF HEROES》是壹款以二戰為背景的時實對戰RTS遊戲。
2018-07-09 14:50:51
简介:Build the ultimate transport empire!
quot;Highly recommended quot; - Touch Arcade (* * * * ½, Game of the Week)
quot;A fine example of a sim done well quot; - Pocket Gamer (8/10 - Silver Award)
quot;I see what all the fuss is about quot; - 148Apps (8/10)
quot;Transport Tycoon is in many ways the precursor of world-building games like Minecraft quot; - Wired
Take control of your own transport company, and use your engineering skill and business acumen to keep cargo and passengers moving - and keep the money rolling in!
Transport Tycoon contains everything that made the original PC game an all-time classic, plus a whole host of brilliant new features - bigger, richer worlds, deeper simulation and a huge variety of land, sea and air vehicles. The intuitive new touch screen interface makes it easier than ever to build and maintain your transport network.
Transport Tycoon is your ticket to many hours of absorbing and rewarding entertainment!
Created by 31x and Origin8 Technologies in collaboration with Chris Sawyer, the original designer and developer of the TRANSPORT TYCOON and ROLLERCOASTER TYCOON franchises.
Transport Tycoon Lite Features:
• Three step-by-step tutorials teach the basics of moving cargo and passengers.
• Four massive scenarios with different vehicle technology and scenery in each.
• Dozens of vehicles to buy and manage, from buses, trucks and trains to trams, ships and planes.
• A detailed simulation with changing seasons, rival companies and working industries, farms and towns.
• An all-new touch interface that gives you total freedom to build whatever you want!
The full game contains 49 scenarios with no time restrictions, no ads, no IAPs, and multiple save game slots. It also features Google Play achievements and leaderboards, and supports Google Drive for syncing your game across your Android devices.
Like Transport Tycoon on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tycoonsim
Follow Transport Tycoon on Twitter: @TransportTycoon
Transport Tycoon 1994, 2013 31X Ltd. Created by Chris Sawyer. Transport Tycoon 31X Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
2018-07-09 14:49:18
简介:b Block Puzzle Jewel is a simple and addictive jewel game! /b
Drag, drop and fill up the grid with jewels, create jewel lines to clear them from the screen.
b Block Puzzle Jewel Features: /b
1. Classic brain train game.
2. Play easily and quickly.
3. Jewel and gem style of blocks.
4. No WIFI need.
Download and enjoy this funny jewel puzzle game.
2018-07-09 14:48:15
- 点击并创造神奇的球体与魔术师德鲁伊和收集他们做出更多的军队和更大的船只
- 填写你的军队船的海盗,你开始战斗前
- 创建并具有强大的英雄和船舶管理的维京入侵者氏族和规划战略,百战百胜!
- 寻找有趣的升级,你将能够同时播放解锁:很多惊喜在这次军事冒险探索等着你!
- 时间和奉献精神将帮助你发展你的海盗村,记住:你在战斗中最重要的资产就是你的英雄!
- 轻按,然后轻按收集魔宝珠和符文,这将使你在你的家族创造伟大的战士的力量
- 级了英雄的稀有性,技能和配件是在这场战争中取得胜利!
- 购买不同的狂暴战士的部队和武器升级!
2018-07-09 14:47:39
简介:b 星际怼战 /b 是一款轻策略类游戏。
游戏以星际战斗为背景,首创的堆(怼)兵作战方式,让游戏充满了乐趣和挑战。暴兵 quot;怼 quot;死对手是游戏的核心。当然,要想碾压对手取得胜利,除了战舰数量优势外,战舰间的配合和克制也非常关键。
b 游戏特点: /b
2018-07-09 14:46:38
简介:For centuries has there been a war between the 4 races: Human, Orc, Elf and the Undead. For centuries have they fought the war to the control of the realms, the war which is nowadays referred as the Frontier Clash: Heroes. For centuries have the wars brought death not only to the peaceful villages, but also to the great forests, the dangerous volcanoes and the mysterious lands of the death, where the shadows of the past rule.
The gods have chosen you to enter the arena in this fast paced castle defense game. Frontier Clash: Heroes is a mobile esport oriented moba game. Having focused on the multiplayer pvp aspect of the game, we have perfected this game into a dope new experience with absolutely no cheaters. Relive your childhood dream of being the cunning general mighty race in the war fighting for the realms. Each race having unique troops with different abilities, raging from how quick they attack, to their aoe. One of them is even a summoner.
Frontier Clash: Heroes does not only bring you epic battles, but also brings you an experience like no where else on the mobile gaming platform:
- A huge collection of troops from different races, each troop with unique abilities and strengths.
- A new way to wage war: deploy your troops in a brand new way.
- A fast paced battle system, which will surprise even the most veteran players: Glory and defeat are only a split second apart. Be sure not to take your guard down for even 1 second.
- An E-sport oriented strategy game: Frontier Clash: Heroes is bringing you a brand new E-sport experience. Join millions of other players all over the world, and fight to become the best of them all.
* Maybe it #39;s too soon to reveal anything about this interesting project; but Realm Wars is the first MOBA game that we #39;ve invented with love, creativeness and the superb effort of peoples behind 2016 Hit Game-Century City.
2018-07-09 14:45:13
简介:- Các phái võ lâm cùng nhau giữ thành trước sự tấn công
- Cách chơi (xem ảnh )
- Rất mong ý kiến phản hồi góp ý của các AE để mình cải tiến game ok hơn
2018-07-09 14:44:17
简介:Open Dune 2 is an re-creation of the popular game with same name. The gameplay was adopted for touch.
2018-07-09 14:43:26
● 选择并将部队,法术和其他物品放在基地上。
● 调整法术范围以适应基地的屏幕截图。
● 五个阶段的攻击(彩色编码)。
● 箭头,线条和其他形状(颜色编码)。
● 兵营和法术存储容量计数器。
● 天鹰火炮警告。
2018-07-09 14:42:50
** 游戏故事 **
誰能找到聖杯並封印邪惡力量,他將成為新的一代 –
2018-07-09 14:41:35
2018-07-09 14:40:22
简介:العاب مكياج بنات حصرية ,تتوفر لعبتنا على العديد من الفتيات اختاري واحدة منهم قدمي لها المساعدة على تصفيف الشعر في الصالون و قومي بشراء لها بعض الملابس الرائعة أولا الرجاء اختيار لون بشرتك المفضل لفتاة جميلة هنا يمكنك ان تجعل تصاميم فريدة من نوعها
مميزات :
مجموعة من الأكسسوارات
ألوان الطلاء العصرية
الملابس والقمصان والسراويل والأحذية
فتاة جميلة جاهزة للتصميم الخاص بك
فستان زفاف
تصفيفة الشعر
تغيير لون الشعر
أدوات تزيين
تزيين الوجه
2018-07-09 14:39:15
简介:Chess Master 2018 is the best designed chess game for all users, and it #39;s totally FREE!
Chess 2018 game is build by chess players and enthusiasts who really love chess!
Game Chess Master 2018 supports 1 player, 2 player play chess offline and waiting chess online in next version near future, so you can play against friends or test your skills against a challenging AI opponent.
Game Features of Chess Master 2018 :
- Chess in your Android
- Perfect for 1- or 2-player games
- Beautiful graphics and fantastic sound effects
- Hint, Edit positions
- Save / Load games are played, can be exported to PGN format.
- Auto-save game when exit and automatically load into the next time.
- Outstanding AI engine of 100 different difficulty levels
- This game is perfectly supported tablet device.
- Undo/Redo function
Play Chess for free on your phone.
Hope you enjoy this game.
2018-07-09 14:38:55
Let us draw lines and bump the footballs!
Brain-training drawing app “Brain Line Draw”also a pencil app!
Use the pencil to draw a line! Your aim is to make the ball fall in to U.
Will you be able to clear these simple-looking but actually difficult stages?
This is not only a brain physics game but also a pencil game that everyone from children to grown-ups will be able to enjoy!
▼ The rules are simple!
◆ Let #39;s run the football
All you need to do to clear a stage is to
“make the football fall into the U”.
Draw lines and shapes freely to move and roll the balls.
Flexible thinking is going to become the key to victory.
◆ Let #39;s use the pencil in a smart way!
Starting off with a simple pencil, drawing a line, a dot and so on.
We have prepared number of varieties of levels of different obstacles and sizes in this physics game for your smart brain.
Draw the right line with physics brain and walk through the stages.
◆ Who would be the king of brain war?
This physics game can not be conquer by strength, you must be draw a right line to help the football to back to home by your logical brain.
Share it on SNS to show off your superior skills to your friends.
And see who would be the king.
◆ Your brain abilities will be tested
This physics game, continuing after Brain Storm, also tests your logical thinking and the flexibility of your mind.
As this game includes the elements of riddle and “Escape the Room” type of games, we would recommend Brain Line Draw to people who enjoy brain-type puzzles, cards and strategy games.
It might also have an impact on your children’s intellectual growth and preventing brain deterioration?
▼ Contact us
E-mail:[email protected]
How could you miss such a great line game or pencil app?
Just download Brain Line Draw and use the pencil to solve the football’s puzzle now.
2018-07-09 14:38:37
简介:World War III Euro Battles
Commander, lead your soldiers to protect your people and win the war !Lead your army to the Conquest of Europe in World War 3.
Enemies are invading our border.Get ready to fight the deadliest world war 3 battles of the 21st century in bases full of monstrous enemy military base. The rivalry forces have attacked yor your people and base and your base with the military tanks, soldiers, Humvees and Rocket Tanks has turned it into battlefield. The enemies are in the ferocious tanks that are loaded with explosive weapons. You being the general need to destroy the deadly beasts in the best way possible and capture enemy base by totally destroying their military forces.Save your people form enemies attack.
You will be battle in Norway, Finland, Sweden, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Germany, Spain, France, England, Turkey, Russia and eventually USA. So, General lead your army very carefully and deploy them wherever you an destroy enemy ground forces.
Enjoy this free epic world war 3 real time strategy game!
How to play:
Click on the left bottom to choose the soldier/army unit, and then tap anywhere to deploy.Use the joystick on the right to move the scene.But choose your strategy carefully,some soliders are accurate and have long attack distance,tanks can attack all units in the area,robots are very powerful.
Many maps to play.Deploy units anywhere you like.
More than 12 different units all accurately researched and carefully modeled in amazing detail.Including human infantry,robots and tanks.
Almost infinite number of equipment combinations.
2018-07-09 14:38:13
- 开动真实的军事载具!
- 和敌军展开战斗!
- 在广阔的地图上战斗!
- 赚取军费去改良你的部队!
- 升级你的单位去压制你的敌人!
- 像战术大师一样指挥你的部队!
- 紧张刺激的战斗!
- 容易操作!只需点击和扫一下!
- 协助毛泽东取得胜利!
- 嬴取大量奖励和战争的宝藏!
- 参与真实的历史战役和从中学习!
2018-07-09 14:37:09
2018-07-09 14:34:12
2018-07-09 14:32:14
简介:ChessCheater 2.0 is a fully material designed Android Lollipop optimised game to fully enjoy the wonders of Chess.
* Opening book
* Unlimited undo/redo
* Copy/paste to/from clipboard
* Analysis mode
* Two player mode
* Computer vs computer mode
* Edit board
* Support for PGN variations
* Multiplayer support coming soon!
* In cheat mode, select a computer difficulty under Settings. Under Game Mode you can select the color of your opponent, who you will play. To make his moves, plug in your headset and inconspicuously press the Play/Pause button to select a piece and to move it.
Move from D2 to D3:
Press 4 times
Wait 1 second
Press 2 times
Wait 1 second
Press 4 times
Wait 1 second
Press 3 times
After 1 second the piece will move in case its a valid move.
If you press more than 8 times without waiting more than 1 second, the whole selection starts from the beginning. Now the computer will move. Its your turn to cheat. Follow the move which is displayed and given on your headphones! WIN!
* In game mode, long press chess board to activate copy/paste menu.
* In edit board mode, long press chess board to activate edit menu.
* Scroll left/right on the chess board to undo/redo moves.
* If the game contains multiple variations, scroll up/down on the chess board to go to the previous/next variation.
ChessCheater 2.0 is based on, and a continuation of the incredible work done by several people, as stated below.
Dark Knight , by darktemplar824, is an open-source GPLv3 Honeycomb-optimized fork of the Droidfish chess engine, an Android interface to the stockfish chess engine.
Droidfish is developed by Peter Österlund at http://web.comhem.se/petero2home/droidfish/ as a similar application to Dark Knight for Android phones. It is also licensed under the GPLv3.
Stockfish is an open source chess engine, developed by Tord Romstad, Joona Kiiski and Marco Costalba and licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. The program originated from another open source program by Romstad named Glaurung.
ChessCheater can analyze games to find better alternatives to moves. By using hints described above, players can optimize strategies and use the computer to improve their play. Analysis can be activated in Settings.
Opening book
ChessCheater contains a small internal opening book. If you want to use a larger book, you can configure ChessCheater to use a polyglot book file:
1. Create a directory called ChessCheater on the SD card folder.
2. Copy one or more polyglot book files to the ChessCheater directory.
3. From the program menu, activate the Select opening book function.
4. Select the opening book file you want to use.
PGN files
ChessCheater 2.0 can load games from PGN files. To use this feature:
1. Create a directory called ChessCheater/pgn on the SD card folder.
2. Copy one or more PGN files to the ChessCheater/pgn directory.
3. Long press the chess board and select Load game from PGN file.
4. Select the file, then the game within the file you want to load.
* Stockfish is developed by Tord Romstad, Marco Costalba and Joona Kiiski.
* Droidfish is developed by Peter Österlund. (http://web.comhem.se/petero2home/droidfish/)
* Dark Knight is a Honeycomb fork of Droidfish. Its source is available at SourceForge.net.
* ChessCheater is a Lollipop fork of Droidfish and Dark Knight.