2018-07-09 05:36:59
简介:※ When you receive an update, deleting the game may initialize the game data ※
- Very Simple Idle Game
- Make ONE COMBO KILL before the monster attacks! When you are attacked, the game is over
- More than 30 Growable Skills
- Grow your sword by Level Up, Improving, Enchanting, Evolving and Making it Legendary
- Increase damage by using Soul Stones gained from Infinity Stone
- 3 game modes of Adventure Quest, Backstreet Pub, Mutant Dungeon
2018-07-09 05:36:17
简介:Gala Shop - Gala Dresses
Help this girl in her gala shop! It’s very busy in the shop with gala dresses. All girls want to have the perfect gala dress for their gala.
In this management game you need to help your customers to get the right dress, fit the dresses and of course get your money!
All these girls had a proposal from their prince charming and now looking for the perfect gala dress. They have a wedding planner to organise the wedding and the groom is looking for the right suit. so they have time enough to look out for the best wedding dress. Help the girls in time, because otherwise they get angry and be real bridezilla! Some girls like lace in the dress, or a cheap one, or they like one fashion dress. It’s their party, their choice.
The most brides also like to have bridesmaids on their wedding party. Also these bridesmaids need a beautiful dress from the wedding shop.
Gala Shop - Gala Dresses features:
Nice gala pink theme game
Management game with a lot of levels
Help the gala planner
Help the girls to find the perfect dress!
Hours of fun!
Easy to play for kids of all ages
Gala Shop - Gala Dresses is a game from Mary.com and one of the best free wedding shop and management games. We publish many different easy to play girl games apps. We hope you will enjoy our Gala Shop - Gala Dresses and we hope you give us the love by liking our Facebook page. So we can keep you up to date on our bridal gowns, bridesmaid, dressup games.
★ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MaryGames
2018-07-09 05:36:04
简介:☆만영소 공식 카페 ☆
만영소 공식 카페에는 각종 정보와 이벤트가 가득!
[게임 소개]
방치형 RPG의 끝판왕 만렙 영웅키우기가 돌아왔다!
다양한 경쟁 컨텐츠와 도전 시스템!
전작보다 풍부해진 다양한 즐길거리!
더 강화 된 게임성과 편의 기능!
초간단 방치형 RPG 만영소!
[게임 특징]
초간단 방치형 RPG
복잡한 조작이 없어도 방치하는 동안 자동으로 전투를 진행하는 초간단 방치형 게임!
다양하고 화려한 영웅 스킬!
간단한 터치 방식의 스킬 습득만으로도 화려하고 다양한 스킬을 사용하는 강력한 영웅으로 육성 가능!
성장 고민 끝! 쉽게 성장하는 무기!
아이템 착용을 복잡하게 고민할 필요 없이 무기만 장착하고 꾸준히 강화하면 끝!
최강 영웅은 누가 될 것인가?
누가 가장 강한 영웅인지 겨뤄볼 수 있는 PvP 결투장 및 경쟁컨텐츠 제공!
매일매일이 새로운 던전!
매일 매일 도전할 수 있는 개성적인 요일 컨텐츠 제공!
펫과 함께라면 두렵지 않아!
영웅을 돕는 다양하고 귀여운 펫과 함께라면 전투는 외롭지 않다!
광산 재화로 편하게! 쉽게!
방치만 해도 점점 쌓이는 광산 재화로 만렙까지 편안하게 영웅을 육성 하자!
실시간 정보 교류!
실시간 채팅을 지원해 유저끼리 다양한 정보 교환 가능!
어디까지 갈 수 있을까?
영웅의 도전을 기다리는 거대한 탑! 올라갈 수록 더 강해지는 몬스터! 도전의 탑!
약점을 간파하라!
영웅을 기다리는 보스 몬스터들의 러쉬! 네임드 몬스터 레이드!
최강의 자리는 누구에게?
만영소를 마스터한 최강 영웅을 위한 명예의 전당!
매일 매일 안 얻으면 손해!
매일 달성할 수 있는 간단한 업적만으로도 풍족한 보상을 제공!
[ 만영소 공식 페이스북 ]
개발자 연락처 :
2018-07-09 05:34:21
“不要为那样的渣男哭!” “他配不上你!” Lisa的闺蜜Phoebe和Delia一直安慰着Lisa。他们帮助Lisa:
关于Hugs N Hearts,欢迎访问:https://www.hugsnhearts.com/
2018-07-09 05:34:19
简介:What are FAKE GPS Location:
fake location are developer activities to mock location data to test location based app, also if you enable this you can change your location in maps or location based games
How to use:
1) Click on Map i will mark the location and generate a lat long for it
2) Click on start , it will start generating mock location.
How to enable mock settings:
1) Go to Developer options -- gt; Enable Mock Location so that app can be use for fake location
Permission Required:
Internet - to display map view
coarse and fine location - for getting location data
mock location - to get mock location data
2018-07-09 05:33:16
简介:It #39;s time to get ready for Winter fall parties in this January with ice fairy pregnant mommy.
You have here one of the best pregnant princess mommy tailor boutique and makeup makeover beauty spa salon game. Pregnant princess mommy tailor boutique stitch clothes for herself and a sweet baby girl and a boy. The baby day care beauty salon cleans up mommy and the little baby real nice. Sweet baby girls that are into fashion and temple princess makeover games will really enjoy the baby day care facility, spa salon and the luxury of mommy’s doctor for little babies and the newborn babies. You #39;ll love to play supermarket mommy girl tailor as agent molly being an owner of tailor dress up boutique and helping you out!
You can play pregnant princess mommy dress up and tailor boutique as a princess makeover and pamper the mommy through all the dress up, makeover and makeup beauty salon treatments. It will also help understand baby day care. The baby day care is a luxury for little baby and allows mommy to go to her spa salon and work on her pregnant mommy fashion.
Princess Fashion girls beauty salon and spa salon gives mommy a princess makeover and allows you to play with a spa salon for newborn babies. You can pamper the pregnant mommy, play pregnant mommy dress up, take her to mommy’s doctor and help Barbie mommy become a fashion girl beauty salon. You can also pamper mommy by taking her to occasional visits to mommy’s doctor for cesarean birth and help her with mommy fashion to make her a fashion girl. Also, take good care of her baby triplets and put them in a baby day care.
It is one of the best baby care games and allows little girls help a little baby clean up in a beauty salon. A sweet baby girl is given the luxury of baby day care and beauty salon in order to help with baby care. You can also play with the baby triplets and newborn babies to help them through princess makeovers and the baby triplet’s cesarean birth. In later on versions it will involve baby care games involving a newborn baby, mommy and mommy’s doctor who helps her with the little baby birth.
Sweet baby girls will enjoy pampering mommies with the luxury of mommy fashion and mommy dress up in order to make them fashion girls. Princess fashion or a mommy girl games.
You will enjoy these the most! This game is more like a princess fashion story or a supermarket mommy girl and princess jewelry shop!
• in-app free
• educative game little baby
• appropriate pregnant mommy fashion game for girls and boys
• Fashion girls beauty salon easy game play and user friendly interface
• beautiful graphics for mommy dress up, princess makeover scenes
• free your creativity and imagination though princess fashion story
• improve your skills by playing this princess fashion story
• take a picture of your creation
2018-07-09 05:32:11
简介:CLICKPOCALYPSE II is an incremental/idle RPG. Create a party to bravely explore terrible dungeons and mercilessly exterminate every monster in the world. Find items, go up levels, learn spells, upgrade abilities, and earn achievements.
Email me at: [email protected] if you are interested in helping to translate this game into your language of choice.
NOTE: If you hate the translation of your language, you can make the game use English in the Settings tab of the Info screen.
The game renders in two modes: Phone mode and Tablet mode. Hold your device vertically for phone mode and horizontally for tablet mode. In phone mode, the font is much larger and the layout of the UI changes around to work with a vertical layout.
2018-07-09 05:30:39
- 8種美食製作,充分刺激你的味蕾
- 探索隱藏菜譜,帶來更多意外驚喜
- 多重遊戲玩法,讓你好玩停不下來
- 獎盃收集系統,日積月累成就滿滿
Libii Game一直致力於為孩子們打造寓教於樂並充滿想象力的互動性遊戲,而今已擁有超過三億的下載量並且仍與日俱增。我們將不懈努力為他們創造出更多豐富有趣的內容。
如需幫助,或者有任何想法、建議,請隨時聯繫我們,郵箱地址:[email protected]
2018-07-09 05:29:29
quot;站起来吧,勇士! quot;
“...... quot;
quot;趁我心情好快点给我站起来.... quot;
2018-07-09 05:29:24
客服郵箱:[email protected]
線上客服: http://www.sobot.com/chat/pc_new/index.html?sysNum=f60cc7a89d0a498bab365ac993ab65b5
2018-07-09 05:28:16
简介:In Honey Farm game you will make a hardworking farmers farming your farm.
Let #39;s plant trees to get food and food that used to herd cattle breeding your.
Livestock and farming to get much gold and experiences, diamonds.
- Experiences: to level up, your will open the plants, animals and the new processing plant.
- Gold: to buy the plants, animals and expand your cultivation area.
- Diamond: to cut down the tree, breaking rocks, upgrade granary
Complete the order to have more gold and level up faster
Become a wealthy farmer with Honey Farming.
2018-07-09 05:27:10
简介:到目前为止,你可以说MCPE是唯一一张在最流行的恐怖游戏的基础上开发的卡片,它可以很容易地使你紧张,很多强悍的玩家。如果你把这个描述读到我们的应用程序中,那么我们可以自信地说明你已经准备好测试你的神经力量了,你只需要下载Mayncraft的新地图,它可以完全免费地完成,主要角色恐怖 - 游戏!
无论如何,在Mayncraf的这幅地图中,你将不得不在同一家比萨店里,在那里很多年以前,在这种情况下,发生了可怕的罪行。在一家比萨饼店里,你不会发现任何奇怪的东西,周围的一切都会很平静,但是只要你走访几间僻静的房间,你就会开始明白,安全感已经消失了。在为MCPE提供的地图上,你有机会独自玩耍或与你最喜欢的朋友玩,说实话,和朋友一起玩会更加愉快和有趣,最重要的是不那么可怕。令人沮丧和令人毛骨悚然的房间,可怕的情况最令人恐惧。为了完整的感官,你可以使用耳机和低亮度播放,在这种情况下 - 你不会很快忘记这张卡片为Mayncrack。而最重要的是,如果你仍然决定冒险,下载,免费下载我们的新的Mayncraft卡,并尽一切可能为了生存!
比萨店。在弗雷迪的5晚。 MCPE地图的设计没有侵犯版权,品牌或商标。该应用程序不是创作者的财产 - 该项目的所有图画,角色和其他细节由商标或品牌的所有者创建。
比萨店。在弗雷迪的5晚。 MCPE地图是使用数据开发的,在视频托管Youtube的帮助下进行系统化和处理,这一步是为了方便应用程序用户。
附录是按照公平使用原则编写的 - 这是美国和欧洲现行立法的主要规范之一。如果怀疑与比萨店的法律规范和版权要求不符,我们将感谢用户与我们联系。在弗雷迪的5晚。 MCPE地图。如有疑问和意见,我们希望采取整套措施纠正,排除侵犯他人权利的行为。
2018-07-09 05:25:52
简介:b font color="#ff0000" 본격 HD게임이 드디어 스마트폰으로 출시 /font /b
b font color="#ff0000" 파이널 판타지 최신작! /font /b
b ■압도적인 그래픽, 중후한 스토리! /b
FF7/FF10의 작가 노지마 카즈시게가 집필한 신작 시나리오.
각 장마다 펼쳐지는 에피소드와 다양한 운영이벤트로
무한대의 재미를 선사하는 신세대 본격 RPG 탄생!
b ■간편 조작, 진화된 커맨드 배틀! /b
스마트폰용 한 손 조작에 특화된 새로운 전투.
화려한 이펙트와 부드러운 움직임으로 구현된
경이로울 만큼 경쾌한 전투를 체험해 보자!
b ■FF전통의 #39;직업 시스템 #39; 도입! /b
고도의 전략을 만들어내는 직업 시스템.
직업과 어빌리티의 무한한 조합.
끝없이 파고들 수 있는 캐릭터 메이킹에 빠져 보자!
b ■스토리 #39;빛의 전사 #39; /b
이 세계는 절망에 휩싸여 있다.
바람이 멎고 바다가 요동치고 땅이 썩어들어 간다.
사람들은 한 예언을 믿고 #39;그 #39;를 기다리고 있다.
quot;이 세계가 절망에 빠졌을 때
#39;빛의 전사 #39;가 나타날지니... quot;
암흑 속의 표류 끝에 과거가 없는 젊은이들이
이 #39;파라미티어 #39;라는 세계에 도착하였다.
그들 중 특별한 이름을 가진 자가
빛의 전사가 될 터이니...
바로 다름 아닌 당신이 빛의 전사라는 이름을 가지고
파라미티어에서 눈을 뜬 것이다.
끝없이 펼쳐지는 광활한 세계에서
과연 당신이 보게 될 것은?
■지원 OS
Android OS 4.0 이상
2018-07-09 05:23:23
• 适合女孩男孩们的创意性游戏
• 没有规则的简单游戏玩法
• 4位模特儿(3女孩和1男孩)带有有趣的面部表情
• 职业美发师的工具
• 无数很酷的色彩
• 不同样式的太阳镜及眼镜
2018-07-09 05:22:25
简介:This super sonic is a classic games of jumping and running where the adventure is super fun, all the amazing classic smashing is present and sonic will be your main classic hero in this smash game but also Amy and super Shadow the fighter and some bad villains .
Once you downloaded super sonic the game of shadow adventure bros you will have access to 3 heroes who are sonic and amazing amy rose and ofcourse the shadow who you can pick anytime you want all free in this classic jump and run game.
Get Super Sonic the shadow game bros now and share it with all your bros and friends so you can enjoy the classic run and jump adventure of sonic and his friends in the mania world with amazing graphics and sounds you will enjoy you classic super sonic fun game.
First you need to smash that download button to have this amazing games for you and your classic bros and be able to challenge them all in this super run and jump adventure and smash all your enemies with one dodge so you can win the game in highest score.
If you choose a classic hero other than Sonic like Amy rose or the shadow you will enjoy another set of amazing run and jump and fly styles for each of them, and ofcourse th more you can free your friend tails the highest you get in ranking compared to your bros so it becomes easier to smash them all with this super sonic games.
Amazing effects awaits you in this super sonic games where you can smash run at top speed and smash jump as high as possible without forgetting to fly and seethe classic game from above like a boss. You just need to follow the instructions of this super sonic game so you can get best scores.
Hedgehog games are so fun to play and much more fun when challenged among bros and friends as to who can get highest score in this classic adventure game so get it now and tell all your friends about this jump run adventure game of sonic the amazing fast hedgehogg.
Super sonic will start with a hiphop dance and then start to run as fast as he can during the run jump game and you will be guiding him to dodge the obstacles and villains and make his way to smash and save his amy and shadow frineds along side with Tails who is stuck in a cage.
This amazing Super sonic game is for all kids boys and girls of all ages who love classic games such as the hedgehog and mania world of super sonic.
Super sonic game will cheer you up with its challenging aspects and the amazing animations and simple interfaces and graphics , easy to understand and have lot of choices when it comes to smashing one of 3 classic heroes like Sonic and amazing Amy and super Shadow the courageous figher, just try to make them jump and fly at the right moments so that you can gather the maximum smash point by crashing them bad villains.
If you like this classic adventure game of Super Sonic 2 and enjoy the gameplay you can always smash that 5 stars and leave a comment to let us know how do you like it , and suggest some features you would be happy to see in upcoming releasesof this super sonic 2 games.
Smash that download button now and get you free adventure ggame of super Sonic and start you journey of running and smashing and jumping and flying with no costs at all and with 3 free classic bros that you can choose from.
Super sonic 2 is an amazing games where hedgehogs and villains are in an intense fight to win and you are the hero of this classic adventure game , only you can make Super Sonic and Shadow and the amazing Amy win and pass all the obstacles and smash all the villains easily and then enjoy the ride to the highest score possible and don #39;t forget to invite your friends and bros to challenge each others and enjoy this free classic adventure games of super sonic and the shadow world smash , where the jumping and the running and the flying is not what is missing.
Enjoy this amazing classic run jump game of sonic and let us know what you think of it in the comments . thank you :) !
2018-07-09 05:21:38
简介:Chỉ cần 5 phút cài đặt, cả một thế giới với hàng trăm bộ Manga và Anime huyền thoại đều mở ra trước mắt bạn. Từ những tuyệt phẩm gắn liền với thế hệ 8x như Nhất Dương Chỉ, 1/2 Ranma, Dấu Ấn Rồng Thiêng, Áo Giáp Vàng, 12 cung Hoàng Đạo...cho đến những bộ truyện đình đám hiện nay đều cùng nhau xuất hiện. Thánh đấm Sai so tài cùng Vua Trò Chơi, Tsubasa, Jindo phá nhà của Vua Bóng Rổ, Thám Tử Lừng Danh lại đi cạnh tranh với Tiểu Đầu Bếp Cung Đình, Dracula đại chiến Elsa... Siêu hài, siêu bựa, siêu vui, còn chờ gì nữa mà không cùng tham chiến?
Nét đặc sắc của Liên Quân Manga:
- Hàng trăm nhân vật Manga cùng xuất hiện với một phong cách siêu bựa, siêu lầy
- Cạn khô lời với cách chơi chiến thuật tactic đầy biến hóa
- Tính năng game siêu phong phú, cộng đồng game cực đông vui
- Sự kiện liên tục, cập nhật thường xuyên, chinh chiến liên miên, chơi hoài không chán
- Liên chiến server, cày rank đua top, game cho xếp hình free, cần gì chơi với gấu
Liên Quân Manga chính là vùng đất thánh của các Otaku. Hãy cùng tham gia một đại đấu trường, thu thập đội hình toàn main siêu nhân bá đạo, hạ gục những con boss hùng mạnh nhất, xây dựng lên đế chế Manga của riêng bạn!
Tải ngay game Liên Quân Manga để cùng đồng đội phiêu lưu vào thế giới kỳ lạ đầy hấp dẫn này nhé!
2018-07-09 05:20:32
简介:***** Clan of Pegasus - Flying Horse *****
The Pegasus, otherwise known as the Flying Horse : the fantasy creatures we all love. Many of you asked for it, so here it is. Indeed, you will find it similar to the other clan games like Unicorn, but we tried to include some new monster enemies. The game is fast action animal simulation.
In Clan of Flying Horse, you have the opportunity to control your very own horned horse. Race across the vast landscape while surviving against other fantasy creatures like the Cerberus, Unicorn, Giant Horses, the 3 Tailed Wolf, giant Venus fly traps, the Flying Monster, and Dinosaurs. This Pegasus simulator will take you on an epic journey as you use your magic, build your equine clan, defend against enemies that attack, and ultimately defeat all the Super Bosses. Huge open world style game. It is part fantasy adventure and part animal simulation.
Top Game Features:
★★ Customize your Horse color
★★ Huge 3D Open World Map
★★ Dynamic weather including snow and rain storms
★★ Caves, Mountains, and Rivers
★★ 4 Magic Spells - Invincibility, Lightning Bolt, Healing, and Fireball
★★ Flying Monsters, Unicorns, Giant Horses, Giant Wolves, Dinosaurs
★★ 6 Ultimate Giant bosses
★★ 4 Enemy Warrior Clans to defeat
GAME HINT : When you are near other enemies, call your family members to help you
Your quest begins by you finding all the members of your clan. Along the way, you will discover magic spell books that allow you to unlock the special magical spells including: Healing Potion, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, and Invincibility. Earn adventure points by hunting and doing various tasks to upgrade and purchase magic spells.
Locate your horse warriors and use them to defend your territory against other clans. Upgrade your magic powers to have stronger magic ability, become more powerful, and have stronger defense.
This is animal simulation like you have never seen it. We combine your favorite fantasy elements with realistic animal simulation.
Evolved is a series of games we created at Wild Foot. We would really love to hear from you. Be sure and stop by our Facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/wildfootgames for updates. Stay tuned for our new Epic Quest series soon to be released.
Be sure and check out our other 3D animal simulators. We understand that the game is by no means perfect and we welcome your constructive criticism. Please email your suggestions. Good luck and happy flying!
2018-07-09 05:17:24
简介:我是Bella Olsen,在一场车祸中,我被变成了吸血鬼。我带着我的秘密小心翼翼的伪装成人类正常生活,回到了校园继续当一个普通高中女生。我约会了一个转校生Zac,他竟然也是吸血鬼!
- 点亮蜡烛,打扫蜘蛛网,这是学校后山的一座废旧老宅!
- Zac和Vicki在房子中消失了,留下Bella一人,她非常害怕。这里有4把钥匙,可以打开宅子里的4个房间,快带Bella去找Zac。
- 第一个房间是少女的梳妆室,哇,好多古老的珠宝!看,那里似乎有一张照片的碎片!
- 第二个房间是书房,修好台灯,整理书架,换上新的沙发靠垫,咦,到处都散落着照片的碎片!似乎都是同一张照片上的。这里还有一本日记本,上面有一对青年男女的素描画像,Z amp;V 1918,这难道是100年前的Zac和Vicki?
- 第三个房间是浴室,Bella正灰头土脸,快帮她梳洗一下!什么,用了一把银质的梳子梳头发,不好,Bella变身吸血鬼了!
- 第四个房间是卧室,天啊,Zac正虚弱的躺在床上!他被人袭击了,快帮助他!
2018-07-09 05:16:26
简介:“注射模拟器绘制血液”包含验血注射和呃注射模拟器游戏的乐趣,以及虚拟护士和虚拟医生,他们在小屁股上注射疫苗。玩疫苗注射医生游戏与血液测试模拟器,小儿麻痹症注射游戏和体检注射护士绘制血液游戏的挑战。 #39;注射模拟器绘制血液 #39;带来真棒血液测试模拟器,提供了以麻疹麻疹注射,脊髓灰质炎肝炎护士注射,小儿麻痹症注射游戏,痘注射和真正注射找到医生注射医生游戏的方式给疫苗注射血液测试的机会。将血液测试注射在屁股上,然后让呃注射护士为小儿麻痹症肝炎麻疹注射,痘注射,脊髓灰质炎注射游戏,真正的注射医生游戏做检查注射。找医生护士注射游戏。在这个惊人的呃注射血液测试模拟器里面,虚拟注射护士会指导做血液测试注射,以制造脊髓灰质炎肝炎麻疹注射,痘注射和检查注射以绘制需要最好的小儿麻痹症注射游戏的血液,真正的注射医生游戏和屁股找医生护士注射游戏。
b 特点:
- 注射脊髓灰质炎肝炎麻疹注射液和注射痘疫苗
- 使用注射医生疫苗并抽血检查血液
- 在血液测试模拟器和真实注射模拟器中获得注射护士的帮助
- 通过护士注射测试抽血后给小儿麻痹疫苗注射
- 惊人的高清显卡
- 免费玩超级有趣的绘画血液注射模拟器游戏永远玩
- 无需Wi-Fi,无需上网
注射模拟器绘制血液喜欢和推荐的青少年妈妈,因为它是一个呃手术游戏和急救呃医生,医生呃手术模拟器的手术游戏。这是免费游戏,尤其是真正的手术游戏,疫苗注射医院游戏,医生操作游戏和血液测试医疗模拟游戏爱好者,但它包含第三方广告。 /b
2018-07-09 05:15:17
简介:Happy Farm Life is a game that simulate tasks of farmers who work on a big farm.
With Happy farm Life, Players are transformed into farmers do everything from planting and tending crops until harvest, hand-picking and buy breeding animals and care until maturity; experienced simultaneously, manually what makes the food manufacturing and food from agricultural products harvested in the animal feed crops. This brings the extremely interesting and attractive experiences. Are you ready to play and build their own farm in this game?
Happy Farm Life game has nice graphics interface glitter, photos close affinity with the countryside and rural saturated soft sounds
that makes up a great farm atmosphere. These has really curious, excited, excited with every player in the game.
Download and play for enjoy
2018-07-09 05:14:13
简介:b Yet Another Pixel Dungeon /b (or YetAnotherPD for short) is a roguelike RPG with pixel graphics and simple controls. Like most other games in this genre, it features randomly generated levels, relatively high difficulty and a large number of things to learn. And like most other games of its genre, it is quite challenging.
This game is based on the source code of another Android game, b Pixel Dungeon /b . It began as a small project with the goal to improve the original game here or there, but has since gradually grown into something much, much bigger. The games are quite different from each other, so there is no need to play the original game before trying this one (but I would recommend to try it as well, it #39;s good).
The main feature of b YetAnotherPD /b which makes it different from original game and other mods is that it is mostly focused on tweaking game mechanics in order to make the game more interesting, diverse and balanced. Anyone who is familiar with the original game will have much to learn again in YAPD.
The features of this mod at this point:
- Four b character classes /b were reworked and now have different strengths and weaknesses
- Four difficulty variants, to provide adequate challenge for every type of a player
- A variety of equipment options - b dual wielding, firearms, shields, and more /b !
- b Most enchantments on the weapons and armor /b now are more powerful than before
- b Environment now affects stealth and evasion /b , encouraging a more tactical approach
- b All bosses have been completely or partially reworked /b and are now even more epic!
- b New items, enemies, traps, and interactions /b added between them!
- b Loading tips and more detailed information /b about items and character stats
- b Improved user interface /b - auto-aiming, extended journal and other stuff
- Both new and modified potions, scrolls, wands, rings and other items...
- Healing, stealth, wand usage and item durability systems were reworked!
- Many old enemies gained new abilities or were moved to other parts of the dungeon
- Each chapter now contains six floors (a total of 31 floor dungeon instead of 26)
- Shops are now on every fifth level, and their assortment has become more varied
- Even more features are coming later since this project is still in development!
YetAnotherPD is absolutely, totally and completely b free /b . There are no advertisements, microtransactions or limited access, and will never be. Even the “donate” button was only added much later after the main release.
Of important notes: first, this mod keeps degradation system from original game, but it was reworked to be i much /i more fair and adequate. It also limits item upgrades to a maximum of +3, but do not fear as i everything /i was rebalanced accordingly. These features are inherent to the game system now and they will i not /i be removed.
As a second important note, mind that subclasses, unique class armors, Lloyd #39;s Beacon and Dew Vial were removed from the game. Some of these things were reworked into something different (Dew Vial, unique class armors), while other are gonna be brought back later (subclasses, Lloyd #39;s Beacon).
This project is the product of open source software under GPLv3 License. You can find the source code for the current version here: https://github.com/ConsideredHamster/YetAnotherPixelDungeon
There are lots of changes in this mod, so it is highly recommended to check its Pixel Dungeon wikia article to avoid initial confusion: http://pixeldungeon.wikia.com/wiki/Mod-Yet_Another_Pixel_Dungeon
Finally, I want to say that I am open to suggestions and bug reports and always happy to hear your opinion about my project, whatever it is. My reddit account is here:https://www.reddit.com/user/ConsideredHamster/
A special thanks to everyone who supported this little project one way or another ;)
I wish good luck to all fellow rat punchers and demon slayers out there!
2018-07-09 05:13:24
- 24個遊戲關卡,手腦並用兩不誤
- 跌宕起伏的劇情,見證女主成長路
- 切西瓜消消樂,益智遊戲樂趣多
- 朋友一起大合影,自信美麗秀出來
Libii Game一直致力於為孩子們打造寓教於樂並充滿想象力的互動性遊戲,而今已擁有超過五億的下載量並且仍與日俱增。我們將不懈努力為他們創造出更多豐富有趣的內容。
如需幫助,或者有任何想法、建議,請隨時聯繫我們,郵箱地址:[email protected]
2018-07-09 05:12:17
简介:From the makers of The Driving Academy, comes another big one - Interview Academy!
With just a few clicks, prep up for your next big interview! Learn to dress and answer appropriately - and you’re all set to be hired by any company.
From a mix of 10 varied job profiles, select your preferred one and try to ace the Interview. After thorough research, we bring to you a game which is not only informative, but fun as well! Go through the 2 interview rounds - HR and Technical - and find out your employability score!
What’s more? You can also have your company listed in Interview Academy where the players can get a taste of your Company Interview!
Download Interview Academy for free from @Games2win from the Google Play Store!
Interview Academy feature:
*Available in 5 languages: English, Italian, Portuguese, French, and Spanish
- 10 varied job profiles
- Dress up for the Interviews
- HR and Technical round of Interviews
- Check your employability score!
Interview Academy game requires the following permissions :
* ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION : This permissions is required by ad networks.
Please note that we use Advertising ID for serving better ads and improving the product through Analytics
Games2win is a fun company that believes in creating amazing and enjoyable games for all ages. We have over 800+ proprietary games that are available both online and on mobile. Some of our smash hit games are Car Driving amp; Parking School, Race to White House 3D, High School Romance, International Fashion Stylist and Fab Tattoo Design Studio. Currently, our company boasts of more than 120+ million app downloads and 10 million gamers a month. And this is just the beginning!
VISIT US: http://games2win.com
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Contact us at [email protected] for any problems you may have with Interview Academy.
Privacy Policy: http://www.games2win.com/corporate/privacy-policy.asp
2018-07-09 05:11:15
简介:A new 3D sandbox. Here you will receive an unlimited pleasure from the adventures in cubical towns. Plunge into a mysterious forest, inspect all of the island, Manage to conquer all the mountain tops and swim all the rivers and the sea! Learn to fly above the beautiful cubic world! Advanced colorful graphics, even more gaming opportunities, more interesting and more fun! Come to the role of a brave traveler, hunter, builder, architect, researcher, expert in survival!
This game will reveal your creativity, and contribute to the development of your creativity!
- Free
- Freedom of action
- Beautiful gameplay
- Easy and convenient operation
- New realistic graphics
- The network game
- Switch between the Creator / Survival
- Quest with elements of fighting with the enemy
- For children and adults
2018-07-09 05:10:20
简介:The Awesome new emergency surgery game with amazing new possibilities. The little mommy princess is having a newborn cute little baby. And now it’s up to you, the best doctor here to make this surgery simulation and make this baby happen. Bring a charming prince to the world or maybe a princess that will make the whole kingdom crazy for the new born baby born in virtual emergency circumstances.
The mommy princess is carrying a fever around the whole enchanted island that what will happen in this crazy virtual surgery and how will the doctor perform it and make it look easy. A game for young children who want to become a doctor in the near future. Test your skills to the limit and show the world that you can become a doctor. With so many mommy’s to select from and so many prince and princesses to come in this world. You surely can be the best doctor in the kingdom. The princess came in the ambulance with a very big emergency. A baby in a tummy of a princess which is royal to the kingdom.
Everything is so virtual and realistic in this game that will amaze you and will make you play even more than you expected. More intense operations and virtual simulation surgeries to show the future doctors what it is like to be in an operation theater. Work as the best doctor in town and show the other virtual doctors how it’s done.
The game doesn’t end after the crazy operation. You have to take care of the new born baby or prince. This will show how the future doctor can adapt to different situations.
End the game with the baby properly cleaned and you making it through the most difficult emergency surgery in your doctor’s career for your mommy princess.