2018-07-09 02:11:49
简介:Become Orpheus of Greek mythology and travel between dimensions.
4 chapters and 400 various tales will touch your heart.
They are also needlessly educational
but interesting.
It is easy to play the game.
Read the story and choose the lines you like among
sarcasms, jokes, words to protect lovers, and virtuous ones. The story will change greatly by your choice.
It is very easy; anybody can do it as long as you are over 11 years old.
Mark my words, the story you have changed will bring out the hidden stories of gods and your legends to the battlefield.
Remember, the story is not all.
This is a strategy game where you become a hero of Greek myths, raise cities and armies, and fight others.
You can blow war-horns, unite with other players, trade with them, and dominate vast kingdoms.
You can also create a guild, trade with members, collect taxes from players, and make people your slaves.
Like so, dominate kingdoms and become a hero of Greek mythology.
Hmm... why should you be a hero?
It is because if you become one, there will be beautiful ladies, knight serving you, lovely yet willful maid, cursed childhood friend, and many heroines around you.
A privilege of heroes.
As you play the game, you can make them like you more and even marry them.
Right. Don #39;t forget.
Although this may seem like a visual novel,
Orpheus Story is a true strategy game.
I hope you have fun playing it.
2018-07-09 02:10:45
简介:连接之星 休闲经典 —— 2017年最好玩的休闲益智类小游戏!
-- 操作简单,随时随地想玩就玩!
-- 由易入难,上百个关卡谜题等你挑战!
-- 清新明亮的色彩,整洁美观的游戏画面
-- 随时可以切换白天或黑夜模式
-- 多个配色主题,让自己与众不同吧!
2018-07-09 02:10:23
简介:Indian Hill Train Driving 2018 is realistic train driving simulation in which the player gets the opportunity to operate and drive a train in India. You have be really careful as train driving in India is difficult and filled with challenges. Indian Hill Train Driving 2018 will really increase your skills in train driving and will give an edge in multiplayer races with friends. It has really different game modes that are exciting and fun to play. As you keep completing levels you will receive bigger and better rewards for you effort and you will able to unlock fast and more luxurious trains. The responsibility of the passengers is in your hand so please drive the train with alertness and always apply brakes at signal and stop so that other trains can pass and give you way.
Game Features:
1) 3D Graphics.
2) Smooth Controls.
3) Challenging levels.
2018-07-09 02:10:18
简介:Play the free version of this great indirect control strategy based on the hit game Majesty: The Northern Expansion!
Do you know the easiest way to kill a dragon? Just stuff a sheep or ram with a heap of poisonous filth and feed it to a dragon. Of course it #39;s not the most heroic method but it is very safe and effective. Another option is to announce a reward for the dragon’s head. After that the only thing you have to do is wait while the army of heroes, wizards and freaks drive a monster to its grave. It is always necessary to find a solution to the dragon problem because all the members of this scale-winged tribe have the same disease. It is a strong allergy to humans and their settlements and all dragons use the only medicine against this illness; total annihilation of the humans.
Troubles with dragons are in the forefront of “Majesty: Northern Kingdom”. Of course you’ll have to defend your kingdom from the other evil spawns, for example how about the giant stone golems that have an outstanding amount of hit points? Expanding the territory of your kingdom and starting the northern expansion in the land of the frost and winter you’ll have to rack you brains over the riddle of fire-spitting monsters.
“Majesty: Northern Kingdom”- it’s time to feed the dragons!
• New missions and new location – Northern Lands
• Legendary indirect control strategy totally adapted for mobile platforms
• 10 types of hero with dozens of statistics, weapons and armour
• New monsters
• Several dozen spells
• 30 upgradeable building types
• Changeable weather
• Skirmish mode
FOLLOW US: @Herocraft
WATCH US: youtube.com/herocraft
LIKE US: facebook.com/herocraft.games
2018-07-09 02:09:42
简介:Some say the Single Player games are dead. We will prove it #39;s not!
Are you ready to enter dark and dangerous tunnels of post apocalyptic Metro?
This game is about Adventure.
It’s not only a game, it’s a book, it’s a trip! More than 500 hundred of pages were written for the game, supervised by Dmitry Glukhovsky, the author of Metro 2033 Universe!
This game is about Survival.
Nor mutants, nor bandits, nor Red Army, nor Reich will give you a chance to relax.
This game is about Battles.
Turn-based chess-style battles will open your talents of a Great Strategist.
This game is about Troops.
What is your ideal squad? Heavy armored mutants with fire support of a sniper? Or a high-level priest that will not allow your enemies even to take a turn?
This game is about Economics.
It’s always hard in the beginning. But when you #39;re rich enough, you will be able to hire army so tough so you can go against most powerful enemies!
This game is about Diplomacy.
The way of the fist may be the wrong way. Why not to try the way of the diplomacy? Not to fight the enemy but ally with him?
And of course this game is about PvP!
You are tired of fighting and exploring? Why not to PvP against your friends?
The Third World War started and finished in few hours — States have exchanged nuclear strikes and the civilisation fell. In the universe of Metro 2033, contrary to the theory of assured destruction, several thousands of people managed to survive in a maze of underground tunnels. We organized community and microstates, with arms fighting among themselves, and fighting off constant attacks of mutated flora and fauna. You — one of the survivors in search of immortality.
The game is made under licensing agreement and supervision by Glukhovsky, the author of Metro 2033 universe.
2018-07-09 02:09:12
简介:Shoot the balls and upgrade your cannon, how long can you survive?
Ball Blast it #39;s a beautiful and fun games .
Fun, frantic and full of satisfying action, Ball Blast tasks you with destroying
the slowly advancing blocks and circles before they reach your shooter!
2018-07-09 02:08:19
简介:快跑并跳高来展示跑酷技巧!紧紧抓住♂️ b 真实 跑酷3D: 自由式 跑步者 走 训练游戏!更多的障碍,翻转,后空翻和自由冒险正在等待你。带上您的跑酷航班,准备加入最令人惊艳的跑酷游戏。你有机会成为最好的翻转大师,尝试令人难以置信的屋顶特技,跳跃,极端翻转和幻灯片通过障碍课程。像极限街跑跑酷模拟器的无尽快感中的自由运行屋顶表演!
Parkor或Parkour特技是一个简单的训练纪律,包括跑步,攀爬,摆动,跳跃和障碍赛跑。用后空翻的自然方法训练你的人体,翻转和自由奔跑。通过显示跑酷跳跃跳跃和移动从一个地方到另一个地方和建筑物。去不可能的跳跃,极端翻转来完成你的特技人行动任务在♂️ b 真实 跑酷3D: 自由式 跑步者 走。
b 游戏功能:
️Exciting parkor街道运行任务
停止思考如何帕克?欢迎来到天际跑酷城!让我们参加屋顶跑步者,极限屋顶特技和极端跑酷训练。 ♂️ b 真实 跑酷3D: 自由式 跑步者 走 提供令人难以置信的特技模拟器,freerunning和跑酷技巧。你还在等什么?参加Parkor逃生游戏的街头奔跑者,避免从屋顶坠落,同时越过障碍物和惊人的自由奔跑者不可能跳跃。
尽你所能在街头跑酷跑酷成为真正的特技高手!通过展示不同的屋顶特技放在最大的跑酷亚军顶线名单。加入天空匆忙后空翻疯狂,避免从屋顶跌落,因为没有人可以停下来成为最顶级的跑酷大师。下载♂️ b 真实 跑酷3D: 自由式 跑步者 走 让更多坚硬的跑酷跳跃表演并获得更多刺激!这一定会让你自由奔跑,攀爬,摆动,跳跃和其他动作让你兴奋不已。 /b /b /b /b /b
2018-07-09 02:08:16
简介:남자의 칼을 세워라! 에이지 오브 워링 엠파이어2
☆☆☆☆☆의리의리한 정식출시 이벤트 안내☆☆☆☆☆
1. 시청Lv7 광렙 이벤트
- 시청 Lv7을 달성하면 추첨으로 Hummer 자전거1대, 문상 3만원 10명 지급
2. 연맹랭킹 이벤트
- 랭킹 3위내 연맹회원중 추첨을 통해 문상 3만원 총 12명 지급
3. 경기장(PvP) 이벤트
- 랭킹 10위내 경기장(PvP) 랭커중 추첨을 통해 문상 3만원 총 12명 지급
유럽, 미국 등 전 세계 수백만 플레이어들이 즐기는 명품 모바일 게임 한국 상륙!
전군! 출정하라! 건설과 전쟁의 황금비율 완벽 밸런스 RPG!
양산형 RPG게임은 이제 그만! 빠져나올 수 없는 중독성!
하루 30분 건설의 여유와 전장의 쾌감!
1. 수백만 플레이어들과 함께 연맹을 맺고 연맹원과 협동을 통해 왕좌에 오르자!
2. 나만의 제국을 건설하고 끊임없이 발전시키세요.
3. 로마, 페르시아, 그리스 3개 국가의 영웅들을 스타술집에서 만나 보세요!
4. 훈련, 강화, 환생을 통해 영웅을 더욱 강하게 만드세요!
4. 아카데미에서 연구를 통해 제국을 더 강력하게 발전시켜 보세요.
5. 무기, 갑옷, 목걸이, 메달을 얻고
6. 영혼의 돌로 무기를 강화하고 강력한 보석을 인챈트하세요.
7. 투석기등 대규모 군대를 훈련시켜 다양한 전투에 투입하세요.
8. 월드맵에서 펼쳐지는 다양하고 강력한 전투를 경험해보세요.
9. 제국을 방어하려면 건물, 성벽 및 무기를 업그레이드하세요!
10.끊임없이 펼쳐지는 즐거운 매일 이벤트와 임무, 그리고 업적 시스템
1. 건축 : 시청, 훈련스타디움, 영웅제단, 대장간, 병영, 보석상점, 자원보호고, 아카데미 등
2. PvP : 경기장, 난무장에서 펼쳐지는 다양한 전투와 랭킹 보너스
3. PvE : 마법의 타워에서 25개 스테이지의 다양한 보스 몬스터를 만나 보세요!
4. RvE : 제국의 도시에서 모든 연맹들과 힘을 겨루어 보세요! 모든 연맹원에 보너스 지급
5.연맹 : 가입필수! 기부, 복지홀, 메디컬센터, 리서치 홀, 외교, 전투홀 등
네이버 공식 카페 : http://cafe.naver.com/ageofwarringempire2
운영시간 : 오전 10시 ~ 오후 7시
이메일문의 : [email protected]
2018-07-09 02:07:22
简介:Ever thought of becoming a Warlord of the World? You are not the only ones with eyes on the Throne. Get ready for next stage of Clash of civilizations. Deploy your Army along with the Allies to dominate the world. Real time Strategy Warfare Game with unique 3D realistic and Idle heroes from favorite Civilizations of your choice. This is Empire of Lords ensnared in a battle of war. Who will be the King of Kings in this combat of rising Lords?
End the War before War ends you by deploying Army in advance with Allies to annihilate opponent troops to win the throne. Crown is waiting for the courageous Lord. Be always ahead of one step in Strategy by building castles, large amount of food supply storage for your Empire, bulking up your Armies and take the lead in this war of civilizations for building fantasy world of your dreams.
Your thirst of Strategy is fulfilled: Train an Army of loyal soldiers, construct evasive traps and raid your enemies into nirvana.
Building! Grow and construct an Empire strong enough to survive in an ever evolving rise of civilization.
Raid! Fierce attack with your own handpicked army and alliances to continue building new civilization. Conquer the world and feel the pleasure of domination and victory.
-Relic System-
Get rewards! Relics collection, develop research and development academy to advance the army equipment. Ensure total destruction of enemy.
PVE raid system, battle raid gangs through alliance cooperation. Rally PVP battle among alliances.
Strategy game with massive clash of civilizations and ensue of new rise of civilization, all in your hand to tackle with.
Narrative Fantasy! Domination of world expedition still beefing up. Stunning 3D Idle Heroes and HD graphics to relish. Start playing now the King of online massive strategy game, Rise of Civilization.
Facebook fanpage:
Youtube fanpage:
2018-07-09 02:07:12
2018-07-09 02:06:28
简介:Be careful when downloading the game: you run the risk of escaping the real world for a long time to get completely absorbed in saving the Earth from the imminent threat!
We are happy to present our innovative game in the genre of Tower Defense inspired by the legendary Alien Shooter series! Here you will not just build towers to protect your territory, but will also get in charge of a platoon of elite warriors. Each one of them has their own field of specialization, unique features, as well as development possibilities. It is also possible to equip each class of warriors with weapons of your choice.
The attack is under way. The armed forces are mobilized. Violent battles are happening across the whole globe.
You are the commander of an elite warrior platoon and find yourself in the midst of large-scale war events, and your actions will determine whether blood-hungry monsters will destroy our planet, or if humanity will come out victorious!
The game was created in keeping with the best traditions of Sigma games, no concessions of any kind - everything is just like in real life!
• Totally real-life presentation of events – there is a limited munitions stock for each weapon, and it has to be replenished during combat.
• Play absolutely free, get daily supply crates that include ammunition, weapons, coins, and ammo.
• Your enemies’ dead bodies don’t disappear - wait to see what happens when you finish each level!
• Seven character classes with unique characteristics and development possibilities.
• Hundreds of types of weapons – equip your troops according to your personal gaming style.
• Any kind of weapon can be modified by expanding its basic features. You can disassemble it and get money, as well as auxiliary supplies.
• Send your troops to get training, so they can develop a variety of combat skills.
• By combining different kinds of forces, you can develop your own tactics needed to accomplish each mission.
• In a critical situation, you can use bombs land mines, as well as supply Drones that will momentarily replenish munitions stocks for all the combatants.
And, of course, in keeping with our traditions, there are unprecedented crowds of monsters, plenty of bloodshed and explosions, as well as many other things you would usually see when you play our games on your devices!
Follow us on Facebook:
2018-07-09 02:06:14
简介:The Fish Master is a beautiful and fun game
Throw axes and hit the targets in The Fish Master
Smash those targets and go all out for the top score!
Stylish graphics, addictive game-play, extreme fun
2018-07-09 02:05:18
简介:Ali Bubble Shooter is a fun arcade game full of mysterious puzzles to solve. Do you like adventures? Download this app, and you will be amazed from this popping game! Rescue all the shiny treasure items by matching three bubbles of the same color and popping bubbles that trap them.
Ali Bubble Shooter game is a free to play puzzle with no internet connection needed. Just pop into the bubbling cave, and start shooting balloons. Join the quest and pop all the bubbles until you clear the board. This addicting bubble shooter game offers some fun bubble packed puzzles, challenging levels and amazing graphics and effects.
Join the genie on his journey, rescue jewelry and gems by popping and blasting all the colorful balls and balloons. Match 3 colors to pop, clear the bubbles and win levels. Play this addicting myth bubble shooter game at your own pace, but be careful – shots are limited.
Play and Enjoy Ali Bubble Shooter:
* Thousands of beautifully designed puzzle levels.
* Free bubble swap, just tap on your bubble to change its color.
* Pop all the arcade bubbles to complete the levels and win three stars.
* Discover amazing genie action worlds and quests!
* Addicting and completely FREE game to play.
* Share the fun with friends and family.
* Try to get combos and solve levels to win three stars.
* Complete your mission and create major bubble drops!
* Take your time, there’s no need to rush.
Download this myth bubble shooter and play anywhere you’d like, online or offline - no wifi is needed. Play today and win rewards! Have fun smashing bubbles and collecting the bright puzzle pieces in this online popping bubbles game!
Clear the Board:
· Drag your finger to move the laser aim and lift it to smash bubbles.
· Match 3 or more bubbles of the same color to pop the group and win points.
· Try to get 3 stars on every level by reaching high scores and using fewer shots.
· Pop your way through the bubble packed challenges.
· Earn cool boosts and power-ups by making special shots.
· Aim carefully and burst all the balls!
Have some time to spare? Want to relax and clear your mind? Download and play Ali Bubble Shooter, and immerse yourself in excitement and fun!
You better start popping today - it’s the most addicting bubbling game you’ll ever play!
All rights of Bubble Shooter are owned by Ilyon Dynamics Ltd.
2018-07-09 02:04:37
简介:***This game is compatible with Android 4.0 to 7.1, but not with Android 8.
5/5 Very fun and addictive game
5/5 Good way to pass time and challenge yourself to bring up a civilization.
5/5 I #39;ve always loved base and empire building games, but for a mobile game it #39;s amazing. It #39;s now my second favorite game ever!!!
BUILD YOUR EMPIRE STONE BY STONE: Construct a wide range of buildings to meet each one of their needs, such as entertainment, education or religion.
MANAGE more than 60 resources and 150 different buildings, to take advantage of the special traits they offer.
BECOME A CITY PLANNER: Prove yourself to be a smart city-planner by raising metropolises and find the right mix of residential complexes, production facilities and infrastructure.
ACQUIRE more power with your ever growing empire: build a big fleet, discover new islands and widen your realm step by step.
ENJOY every island in the game. They are unique and offer specific resources which you can plant and harvest!
INVITE friends to join the game and trade resources with each other. Play your cards right as a diplomatic merchant, and you #39;ll get all the resources you #39;ll need!
CHAT with thousands of players and stay in touch with the ANNO community!
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AnnoBuildAnEmpire
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/annoempire_en
YOUTUBE: http://youtube.com/user/Ubisoft
An internet connection is required to play ANNO: Build an Empire.
This game is free to download and play but some game items can be purchased for real money.
2018-07-09 02:04:21
简介:Play Smasher Bubbles puzzle game for free, hit and explode all the balls and win levels!
Download this fun popping game and enjoy thousands of addicting levels and puzzles.
Join the adventure, smash the colorful balloons, create awesome combos and have a blast. Use your logic and matching skills to overcome the obstacles and clear levels.
Compete with family and friends and see who is the best smasher!
Smasher Bubbles is a great game to play when you want to relax and pass the time. You can play everywhere, and as much as you want, no internet connection is required. So warm up your fingers, pick your target carefully and start crushing all these balloons!
Smasher Bubbles Features:
Fun game to play online or offline, no wifi connection is needed.
Awesome boosts and power-ups that will help you smash bubbles.
Thousands of thrilling levels. Start smashing bubbles today!
Free bubble swap. Tap on your bubble to change its color.
The best free game in the store! Shoot bubbles and win coins!
Cool graphics and visual effects
Action-packed bubble shooter game with awesome challenges and puzzles.
Addicting funny game- the perfect pastime. Share the ball smashing fun with family and friends!
Use these explosive boosters to blast through the challenges!
Fireball- pop 7 balls in a row and the fireball will burn up bubbles on the way.
Bomb- drop 10 balloons or more, and the bomb will take out surrounding bubbles.
It #39;s Time to Smash the Bubbles!
- Drag your finger to move the laser sight in the direction of the bubbles and lift your finger to smash bubbles. Make combinations of 3 or more identically colored bubbles to pop the group and blast the bubbles away. Complete the missions and earn enough points to get three stars on every level.
- Pop and smash the bubble combinations and win points in this fun smasher game. Explore thousands of exciting levels, solve the fun puzzles and reach high scores.
- Swap bubbles without limit and plan your every shot. Form a strategy to crash and smash out all the balls and pop your way up to victory. Reach top scores and earn awesome boosters that will help you pass hard levels and complete the different challenges.
Pop bubbles in this addicting bubble shooter game, clear levels and win prizes!
Download this awesome smashing game and explore plenty of exciting levels, challenges, and puzzles that will keep you entertained for hours!
All rights of Bubble Shooter are owned by Ilyon Dynamics Ltd.
2018-07-09 02:03:23
简介:Forge your own path in Hollow Knight! An epic action adventure through a vast ruined kingdom of insects and heroes. Explore twisting caverns, battle tainted creatures and befriend bizarre bugs, all in a classic, hand-drawn 2D style.
Hollow Knight the game you have always wanted in your Hollow. Explore the dungeon, collect crazy weapons, dodge bullets and shoot‘em all up! Extremely easy and intuitive control; super smooth and enjoyable gameplay, mixed with rogue-like elements. Best shooter game you will find on the mobile store so far.
Do you have the skills to survive the journey? Will the hollow knight escape and see the light of day?
The cute hollow knight are lost in the limbo of the dark cave, Join the adventure and save as many Hollow as possible. shoot and push the cruel monsters. Your goal as the Hollow Knight Rescue Mission is to reach the next dirty blobby base and escape the dark den.
The only way to survive is by shooting the monsters.
What rises from the deep darkness? Keep your eyes open for the ugly monsters!
2018-07-09 02:03:10
简介:[Snow Bros] lets you use your phone instead of a handle to play games!Anytime, anywhere!
Remember the classic games of childhood?
Download and enjoy the game!
1. Installation package is very small size
2. Support 2 players (WIFI).
3. Support save and load state.
4. Support NES file and ZIP file (compressed file of NES).
5. If you want to play, you could search NES files on the web.
6. To active option menu: press or hold the menu key on the navigation bar.
7. Thanks for your download.
2018-07-09 02:02:50
급이 다른 해상 대전
◎ 무적함대로 해전을 제압하라!
- 급이 다른 해상 대전의 등장!
◎ 전함의 급이 다르다!!
- 최상의 퀄리티로 재탄생한 역사 속 전함!
독일 해군의 자존심 quot;비스마르크 quot;부터 일본의 거함 quot;야마토 quot;까지!!
역사속 다양한 전함들을 경험하세요.
◎ 전장의 급이 다르다!
- 전투 진행에 따라 이동하는 전함, 좌우로 확장 가능한 대규모 전장!
좌우로 이동이 가능한 전투 디스플레이와 실제 해전처럼 이동하는 전함까지!!
아직 경험하지 못한 생생한 해상전투를 경험하세요!
◎ 전략의 급이 다르다!
- 실제 해전과 유사한 고유 스킬 및 진영에 맞춘 전략적 전함 배치!
전함과 구축함, 그리고 순양함까지, 전함 특유의 스킬사용과
전함의 배치, 이동으로 무한전략을 만나보세요.
◎ 한방의 급이 다르다!
- 적절한 타이밍에 맞춰 전함의 스킬을 직접 컨트롤 가능!
quot;무적함대 1942 quot;만의 강력한 한방!
스킬을 직접 컨트롤하여, 전장의 위기를 기회로 바꿀 수 있습니다.
무적함대 1942 공식카페
개발자 연락처 :
통신판매업 번호: 제2014-서울강남-01064호
2018-07-09 02:02:17
简介:Welcome to the all new 100 Balls
Over 20 million players - #1 in U.K., Germany and 6 other countries!
*Powered by Reach Mob - the leading app marketing engine*
Challenge your friends in awesome multiplayer games!
100 Balls is one of the most addictive mobile game on Google Play. Join 20 million+ fans today and start competing with your friends. What are you waiting for? Play this incredibly addicting game and test your reflexes.
● The goal of the game is to get the balls through the cup by tapping on the screen and releasing the balls. Each ball you get through the cup rewards you with a different amount of points, depending on the color of the cup. If the ball misses the cup, it disappears. When you lose all of your balls, the game is over.
● If you manage to drop 20 balls through the cup without missing a single one, you will be rewarded with a score multiplier. Keep in mind that the multiplier is not limited and can earn you a lot of extra points. Losing a ball will reset the multiplier, so be careful and have fun!
● Online Leaderboard
● 15 Different Colored Balls
● Realistic Physics
● Single Tap Control
● Endless Gameplay
● Addicting game
● Clean graphics
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2018-07-09 02:01:48
简介:In the galaxy,there are a lot of battle against and team up commanders,they are from different stars around the world.In here,strategy is the only strength to get the victory of the game.
Game Features:
- Team up and battle against commanders from everywhere of the world.
- Support multiple units that can fight smart in the drastic battle at the same screen.
- Command conveniently, play smart, and operate freely on lots of different devices.
- With over 500 kinds of units in the game, the game emphasizes Strategic Thinking, the core element reflected in the classic strategy games.
- It is easy to learn but hard to master.
- “free download + in-game purchase” pattern.
Start the Fight, Commanders!
2018-07-09 02:00:13
Zombie Killer is #1 FPS zombie shooter game that combines the timeless appeal of classic action games with crisp graphics.
The year is 2048 and something terrible, the T-virus, has been unleashed from subway unto the world. People are getting sick and the government is out of touch and appears unresponsive. The world is taken over by the walking dead surfers around who devour any living thing they catch or hit, and whose bite is infectious to all humans including students, policemen, doctors, timberman, workers amp; etc.
Now it #39;s time to face the post apocalypse world and blow the crap out of thousands of zombies and fat bosses! It #39;s up to you to not only survive but to build, lead, fit and fight your way as you rebuild this world.
Game Features:
- Visually stunning graphics and immersive CD quality audio
- Intuitive touch screen controls that are easy to pick up and play
- Earn cash to buy and upgrade tons of awesome weapons to smash the zombies
2018-07-09 01:58:17
简介:Looking for something to play? Craft, this is the optimal game for hanging out. In the game, Craft has everything, animals and monsters. Hunting and fishing. Mechanisms and Potions. Resources and Tools. And much more. Be complacent with the inexplicable Landscape. Crafting new things. Extract resources. Explore large Worlds. Make your dreams come true.
Just do what YOU want!
2018-07-09 01:57:15
简介:Ball VS Helix is super fun game build for easy and interesting gameplay.
Just rotate helix and try to avoid yellow obstacles while ball is jumping around. challenge your friends and try to get highest score ever.
Ball VS Helis uses in game ads, we don #39;t collect any data from your phone.
2018-07-09 01:55:15
简介:Sonic Surge is bound to keep you at the edge of your seat pushing hand eye coordination to the limit.With 15 stages containing 15 different mind-blowing environments; this game is for those who fancy the need for speed. Take on different enemy patterns while getting faster, fiercer, and harder.
Do you have what it takes to conquer the world of Sonic Surge?
Unlock the speed-demon within you, and discover what lies in wait after the final stage…
2018-07-09 01:54:32
●我的独特的军队VS各种敌人的军队...。 谁会赢?
每当“HackCell”准备好行动的时候! 谢谢!