2018-07-08 18:11:16
简介:*The Original Word Mix *
Replenish your items in the item store.
New accounts and leaderboards
Items and scores can move with you to a new device
Ad supported.
Full featured.
Word Mix is an addictive anagram game where you need to form as many words possible out of a pile of six jumbled letters. Be sure to guess the six letter word to move to the next level. Guess as many words as you can to add to your score...you too could top the global leaderboard! Compete against the clock or play a leisurely untimed game. With two English dictionaries and three foreign dictionaries, tens of thousands of levels await you!
With an account your scores and items are portable
Experimental foreign language dictionaries (Spanish, French, Italian)!!
Compare your score with others with the global leaderboards!
5 dictionaries.
Keyboard support
Hints are available.
Timed and untimed games!
Definition lookup thanks to Merriam-Webster
12000+ English levels
15000+ Italian levels
15000+ French levels
10000+ Spanish levels
Hint: To change your dictionary, from the main menu press quot;Menu quot;- gt; quot;Settings quot;- gt; quot;Dictionary quot;
2018-07-08 18:11:12
下载这款游戏,享受所有塔防能给您带来的乐趣吧!最重要的是 - 它是免费的!
● 操作简单方便 - 经典的拖拽式摆放炮塔,滑动升级和卖出炮塔,二指缩放地图战场。
● 4种地图主题,60关本地游戏关卡,和数不尽的网络关卡等你来挑战!
● 世界争霸模式 - 挑战敌国势力,抢占领土,为国争光!
● 天梯模式 - 挑战来自世界各地的玩家并努力争得排行榜的首位!
● 丰富的指挥官策略升级系统 - 积攒荣耀之星,获得更多的策略优势。
● 军衔系统 - 不断防守,获得晋升,直至五星上将!
● 多达16种可以升级的炮塔 - 光菱塔、狙击枪、地雷、导弹井等等。
● 三大势力,多达9种超级武器设定 - 释放电磁炸弹、生物武器甚至核弹!
● 炮塔装配系统 - 挑战地图,获取更多的模块来装配你的每个炮塔!
● 13种精心设计的敌人单位。
Cat Studio,我們專注于製作精品塔防遊戲!
嘗試Cat Studio出品的其他精彩塔防遊戲吧!
【小小指揮官之二戰風雲】 - 一款非常精彩的Q版塔防遊戲
【士兵榮耀:現代戰爭】 - 一款敵人可以進行攻擊的塔防遊戲!
【史詩塔防- 元素】 - 魔獸3風格的寶石合成塔防,非常具有獨創性
【全球防禦:僵尸世界大戰】 - 殺死成群結隊的僵尸吧!
以及更多,在 http://cat-studio.net/
Cat Studio的Facebook主頁: https://www.facebook.com/CatStudioGames
Cat Studio的Tiwtter: https://twitter.com/CatStudio_Games
Cat Studio的Youtube頻道: https://youtube.com/CatStudioGames
我们建立了Cat Studio游戏的玩家群【128967984 】,欢迎加入讨论,给我们提出宝贵的意见和建议
Little Commander 2 #39;s Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/littlecommander2
2018-07-08 18:10:44
简介:Play for FREE in the most exciting SLG Game ever! Raise your army to fight for Glory in War Ages! Build a mighty City and compete against millions of players from different countries.
Come check out this award-winning strategy game and play it now! Join a mighty Alliance to chat and make friends with players all around the world. Train multiple troops and get yourself prepared for attacks against countless rivals.
Lead your Hero to occupy the Throne and declare yourself the King of the Kingdom through Ages of History!
The whole City is counting on you! Claim your Destiny Now!
- Edit and customize your own City
- Conduct Researches to effectively boost the Development of your City.
- Participate in various events to win precious rewards every day.
- Train a massive army to overwhelm your enemies with superior forces!
- Constantly develop your hero to lead your army to final victory.
- Forge powerful equipment for your hero. Bring up the greatest commander ever!
- Free to design the most powerful Soul Equipment all by yourself with mysterious ingredients.
- Fierce Monsters roam around your city every day. Defeat them to get rare equipment ingredients totally for FREE!
- On-line Real-Time Chat with players from all over the world. You can build the mightiest alliance ever with your friends.
- Rally Wars against powerful rivals with allies! The best way to conquer the world with your friends!
- Seize the Throne and declare yourself the King of the World Now!
- Network connection is required.
- Compatible with Android 4.0 or later.
If you have any problems or suggestions, please email us at [email protected].
2018-07-08 18:10:44
在儿童山车中有一个很大的选择!这里有一架飞机,还有一辆三轮摩托车和拖车,你只能决定 - 与谁一起去“玛莎与熊游戏,以及给孩子们免费玩的爬山。
给你一个惊喜 - 你驾驶的时间越长,你可以带着孩子们的免费爬山和男孩的山车带走更多的糖果。在我们的山车中的每个站点的末尾,您将收到一份特别的礼物 - 一个带糖果的大胸部!
男孩的赛车的游戏 - 以马莎的声音表演免费的赛车比赛游戏;
免费的爬山游戏 - 真棒玛莎和熊游戏能够展示给朋友并与他们一起玩;
赛车游戏免费和车车游戏 - 我们的玛莎和熊游戏中的一切;
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://indigokidsgames.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IndigoKidsCom/
2018-07-08 18:10:19
简介:제2차 세계대전의 전장으로 여러분을 초대합니다.
지상 병기의 제왕! 최강의 탱크부대로 적들을 섬멸하세요!
◆쉽고 간단한 조작◆
전 스테이지 자동 스킵 기능 탑재!
간단한 조작과 스피드한 플레이로
바쁜 시간에도 충분히 빠른 성장이 가능합니다!
◆완벽한 전쟁 게임◆
2차 세계대전의 주요 격전지 재현
700 여개 이상의 메인 전투 스테이지에서 화끈한 공격을 퍼부으세요!
◆끝없는 전투◆
결투장, 월드보스, 낙하산병 침입, 황금벙커 등 끊임없는 컨텐츠!
최고 랭킹에 도전해 당신의 뛰어난 지휘력을 과시하세요!
◆탱크 육성의 묘미◆
2차 세계대전 핵심 참전국의 실제 탱크들을 디테일하게 재현
80 여종의 탱크를 모아 최대로 업그레이드 하세요!
희귀 장비를 통해 더욱 강력한 탱크부대로 양성할 수 있습니다.
◆대규모 군단 시스템◆
군단전, 군단보스, 군단농장 등 풍성한 컨텐츠!
전우들과 함께 맞서 싸우세요!
◆위트 넘치는 스토리◆
전쟁 속 다양한 인물들의 흥미진진한 이야기로
지루할 틈 없는 재미를 선사합니다.
▣ 게임 접근 권한 (필수)
* 주소록 액세스 (GET_ACCOUNTS)
- 이 권한은 구글 로그인을 위한 계정 확인에 사용되오니 주소록 권한을 허용해 주시기 바랍니다.
- 고객님의 주소록 파일에는 접근하지 않고, 계정 확인 용도로만 사용되니 안심하셔도 됩니다.
* 전화 걸기 및 관리 허용 (READ_PHONE_STATE)
- 이 권한은 이벤트 보상 및 고객 응대에 필요한 단말기 정보 수집 용도로만 사용됩니다.
- 고객님의 휴대폰 전화 걸기 기능에는 영향을 주지 않으니 안심하세요.
- 이 권한은 외장 메모리에 게임 리소스를 설치하는 데 필요한 권한입니다.
- 권한을 허용하면 단말기 용량 부족 시 외장 메모리로 게임 리소스를 설치할 수 있습니다.
- 고객님의 사진과 파일에는 접근하지 않으니 걱정하지 마세요.
개발자 연락처 :
[email protected]
2018-07-08 18:10:15
简介:Word search is classic word search puzzle game. this game have very best UI design game.
Word find is an exciting puzzle game for TRUE WORD geniuses! Find hidden words in mixed letters, see the puzzle collapse and clear the grid at last! It starts out very easy but gets challenging quickly.
It even challenges the real word expert! You will have fun sharping your mind and improving your spelling skills.
Your brain will thank you for the workout! HOW TO PLAY? - Swipe your finger horizontally, vertically, diagonally, forwards or backwards to find the specific hidden words in mixing letters. - Have difficulty coming up with the word? You can use a hint to help work it out. Features: - Amazing Game Graphics amp; sound - Easy to play - Categories to play such as kids, Christmas, Hollywood, new year, cartoons, dictionary, fruits, vegetable, animals, actors. - Play Offline in anytime amp; anywhere.
★ Now with Bonus words ★
+ Bonus words are theme related words that only show you the starting letter. You can get more bonus by clicking the button plus .
2018-07-08 18:09:39
简介:افضل لعبة هجولة وتطعيس وخبات من ناحية السيارات و الاضافات و الجرافيك والمابات
2018-07-08 18:09:30
简介:Indovina i nomi dei i personaggi dll #39;epica serie tv! Riesci a riconoscerli tutti? Tocca le lettere per scrivere il nome!
Se giocherai ogni giorno acquisterai delle monete bonus che ti saranno molto utili per avere dei suggerimenti!
Non riesci a proseguire? Ti sei bloccato ad un livello non riesci proprio ad uscirne?
Non preoccuparti, clicca su quot;USA AIUTO quot; avrai a disposizione tre tipi di aiuti:
- Svela una lettera;
- Rimuovi lettere;
- Rispondi alla domanda;
Inoltre è presente un tasto quot;CHIEDI AGLI AMICI quot; attraverso il quale potrai semplicemente chiedere ai tuoi amici.
Cosa aspetti? Scarica l #39;app e mettiti alla prova!
2018-07-08 18:09:27
简介:版本 7.8.0 代号 Belt #39;n #39;Raid 已发布!
· 携带入侵时使用的前 4 项物品的战斗腰带。我们觉得战斗中带大量的消耗品不太明智,因此,现在你必须在挑选最喜欢的消耗品时做出明智的决定。不用担心,你没有挑选的那些消耗品也不会发狂的,它们会在那里等着。不过,这项变更不会影响到炮筒。万岁!
· 腰带设定可实现 PvP 和 PvE 弹药装载之间的快速切换,而每次变换目标时都要手动调整弹药装载已经是版本 7.7.0 时代啦!
· 地图右上角的驻军岛用于让所有后备部队可以舒展腿脚(和/或扩充羽翼)!
· 全新的氏族任务,它们将有助于你通过漂亮的氏族徽章定制从一众玩家中脱颖而出。所有人都喜欢这种全新的外观哦!
· 还可以更早加入氏族!所有达到 2 级要塞的玩家都可以加入氏族并开始和值得信赖的氏族同伴们一起主宰天空!听说邀请新玩家加入你的氏族可以让你在入侵时拥有更多好运…不知道这是不是真的呢?
· 加载时间缩短了 — 等候时间缩短就意味着入侵时间增加!
· 现在金矿钻机效率更高了,黄金产出自然也就增加了,耶!可以有更多黄金啦!
· 重新装备陷阱变的更容易了!从现在起,最好小心脚下哦…
· 浮夸者现在跑的更快并且对城墙造成的损害更大了。砰-砰!
· 铁拳兵的组建时间缩短了。更多铁拳兵意味着更多战利品!
· 掠夺者的健康值降低了,而且现在他们在兵营里将占据更多空间,不过他们依然很强大!
· 骨龙的骨骼更强壮了,而且它的攻击范围也因此得以增加;
· 黑魔法师变黑暗的速度更快了,训练时间也缩短了;
· 现在岩石傀儡由更坚硬的岩石构成,并且能够对付更多敌人;
· 战争领主的护盾升级了,击退力也有所提高;
· 机械鼹鼠生产线得到了优化,现在它们的训练速度更快,不过要多占用 1 个兵营空间;
· 氏族战争:就快轮到了…访问我们社区,了解它们将如何运作!
有没有落下什么?请告诉我们!到我们官方 Facebook 页面与 Cloud Raiders 社区的其他玩家相互讨论这一更新版本吧!请访问https://www.facebook.com/cloudraidersgame
b Cloud Raiders 将动作策略提升到令人头晕目眩的新高度! /b 在满是浮空岛的天空中,你必须主宰一切;而更棒的是,你有一座五百万吨重的空岛要塞来完成这项伟业! 集结无情的掠夺者军队,将小岛变为一座无比坚固的要塞,为你的敌人带去末日! 快来和你的好友们一起组成家族,将你的敌人们轰出这片天空吧!
用雷鸣般震响的大炮、狡诈的陷阱和带有法术的神器强化你的基地,带领各式部队击退来袭的入侵者,抵挡从空中大举来犯的敌人。可恶的海盗只不过是你面对的第一个威胁,所以,快一点把他们卑劣的舰队击散,让他们随风而逝吧! 然后,训练一支由挥舞着大斧的强袭兵、投掷手雷的投弹手、喷吐火焰的巨龙以及更多可畏战士组成的大军,将战火燃向你的敌人!
★ 数以百万计的策略,但目的只有一个:夺取别人的战利品!
★ 组建家族并为全面主宰的目标战斗! 在高等级的 PvP 中一路战斗,赢取荣耀!
★ 过五关斩六将,在浮空要塞、海盗飞筏和其他令人兴奋不已的战斗中一路进军!
★ 指挥军队,与传说中的头目和海盗领主一决雌雄! 据说巨大的傀儡正在云之森林中游荡,但是这只不过是乱说的对吧?
★ 每周都可召唤强力的新单位与你一同战斗!
★ 使用强力的大炮、狡诈的陷阱和其他防御工事保卫你的基地!从碉堡中集结部队,给进犯者一个迎头痛击!
★ 在研究所里将战士、法术和英雄的潜力完全发掘出来!
★ 酿造自己的增益效果,在战场上占尽先机! 不过可别让投弹手靠近酿造厂... 事故随时都会发生!
★ 呼叫来自战斗母舰的大炮齐射,摧枯拉朽! 解锁新的弹药升级,将你的对手彻底消灭掉!
Facebook 官方页面:https://www.facebook.com/cloudraidersgame
2018-07-08 18:08:56
简介:《三国群英传》世界战场 全球开战!
1. 新增-祁山对阵系统
2. 新增-万灵宝树系统
3. 新增-战群英新增Boss
4. 优化-调整系统开放等级与建筑开放等级
5. 优化-巅峰/跨服巅峰竞技场编队优化
6. 系统优化
粉丝团: https://www.facebook.com/khmtw
客服信箱: [email protected]
2018-07-08 18:08:33
简介:زعيم الهجولة : افضل لعبة هجولة
حمل اللعبة الان وابدا بالهجولة والتفحيط يالذيبان
وتقييمك لللعبة ب5 نجوم يحفزنا نحدث اللعبة
2018-07-08 18:07:40
简介:Indovina i nomi dei i personaggi dll #39;epica serie tv! Riesci a riconoscerli tutti? Tocca le lettere per scrivere il nome!
Se giocherai ogni giorno acquisterai delle monete bonus che ti saranno molto utili per avere dei suggerimenti!
Non riesci a proseguire? Ti sei bloccato ad un livello non riesci proprio ad uscirne?
Non preoccuparti, clicca su quot;USA AIUTO quot; avrai a disposizione tre tipi di aiuti:
- Svela una lettera;
- Rimuovi lettere;
- Rispondi alla domanda;
Inoltre è presente un tasto quot;CHIEDI AGLI AMICI quot; attraverso il quale potrai semplicemente chiedere ai tuoi amici.
Cosa aspetti? Scarica l #39;app e mettiti alla prova!
2018-07-08 18:07:38
简介:Mad Racer Max Fury Road: Fury road is a death Max racer game so either kill or be killed. No speed limit and no mercy for what comes on the way, just blow them with lethal weapons. you choose the lethal vehicles and race for their freedom in this game. With extremely high speed its challenge for you to scape enemys racing rivals. Shoot he traffic in front of you because they will slow you down and dodge missiles that the choppers in the sky fire at you. Shoot down the choppers in the sky with your limited number of missiles so use them wisely. Collect fuel tanks on your way or you will run out of fuel. Kill as many cars as you can to get coins. Buy missiles and ammo for your missions with coins you get. Unlock Death Max racer bike and cars in the garage designed for road rage.
this is the best death Max race game for android. With death Max race cars and choppers the action is unlimited. Road fury in this game can not be found in any other game. It is fun, addictive and full of action.
# Tricks and Features #
Dodge from enemy cars
Buy Bike with coins for difficult missions
Brake to avoid the ground bombing of missile.
2018-07-08 18:06:57
简介:Forget the old Newspaper Crosswords !!
Pic Crossword is a puzzle game themed on words and pictures !
Instead of regular hints we will give you picture clues to solve a crossword.
Let’s see how smart you are at solving crossword a new way!!!
There are many different modes in this game:
5.Funny Lines
6.We Surveyed
9.Close Up Pics
and many more !!
Sound reward system: Complete 60% of a crossword, a bronze medal will be got.
Complete 80%, a silver medal got. Complete 100%, next level unlocked.
There are hints to help you work out the puzzles.
Tap the question mark to select kinds of hints at the cost of coins.
You can tap to buy if you don’t have enough coins.
There are functions of share achievements and leaderboard in this game.
You can share your achievements with your friends and record your scores.
With more than 250 levels you will never get tired of solving crosswords in Pic Crossword.
★★★★★ Exquisite Graphics
★★★★★ Suitable for people of all ages
★★★★★ Vivid music is in harmony with the game
2018-07-08 18:06:33
简介:Imagine yourself as one of the formula racing drivers! You are driving one of the fastest cars and compete with the most famous racers from all over the world! Isn’t that cool?
This racing game is suitable for the top speed lovers! If you enjoy the sound and the smell of burning rubber, you must play this game.
We have just finished to assemble four racing cars: Hamilton, Vettel, Bottas and Raikkonen. Choose the most attractive one and start racing! Become one of the race kings and beat your rivals.
There are 12 levels and two worlds: Grand Prix and World Cup. You have the possibility to race with different racing cars in each level. Explore racing tracks, explode barrels and win the first place! Prove that you are one of the best drivers and have a place among race kings. Leave no chance for other racers to occupy your position!
Race in the world of fantasy where racing tracks are made of asphalt, steel or wood. Control racing cars on moving constructions or try to overcome muddy sections. You are far from the city buzz, but in the centre of fans’ attention.
You will never know what’s ahead until you dare to go forward. Watch out for crashes, smashes and bashes! - this racing game is full of surprises!
Everyone is dreaming about being among race kings. Fight hard to get it yourself! Your team will support you in all the difficult moments. Trust your pit crew and captain. Focus on driving and finish first! Remember that race kings are the most tough drivers.
Control your fast car carefully. Drift slowly, but firmly.
◆ Ready, set, GO with the start button and move your fast car forward.
◆ Use ARROW buttons to make incredible stunts, front and back flips.
◆ Do not forget to come back everyday to COLLECT COINS. Use them to get a new fast car and unlock new world.
This educational app is a free to play. Take care of your fast car and enjoy this racing game at it’s fullest!
◆ Physics-based formula cars
◆ Smooth gameplay
◆ Simple controls
◆ Drift to corners
◆ Exceptional emotions
Play thrilling drift game and invite all your family and friends to join.
Racing and drift games are good for learning to STIMULATE your reaction, DEVELOP hand-eye coordination, self-preservation and self-control. Enjoy the fastest racing game and IMPROVE problem solving, quick decision making and flexible thinking skills.
Need a short break from formula car driving? Get some rest from and play these funny mini games: Balloon Pop, Puzzles, Memory Game, Coloring book and Match Shapes.
This formula racing game is completely free to play, but it also offers in-app purchases.
Tiny Lab Productions is a publisher and developer of innovative, high-quality and free-to-play mobile games designed for families. Company is famous for its leading games series Fun Kid Racing. Search Tiny Lab Productions on the app store and discover even more fun games!
b Learn more about Tiny Lab Productions and contact us at the following: /b
WEBSITE: http://www.tinylabkids.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/TinyLabKids
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/TinyLabKids
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/TinyLabKids
EMAIL: [email protected]
2018-07-08 18:05:16
Facebook - facebook.com/RexTribalS
Twitter - @RexTribalS
2018-07-08 18:05:16
简介:PJ MONSTER MASKS Racing game! Simple to play and yet fun to enjoy for everyone! Choose your ride and guide it to the finish line! Control your PJ MONSTER MASKS with just one finger and see how it flips, jumps and rolls on it #39;s way. This is so simple that you can watch TV and play this game at the same time!
Prepare for a race by picking one of the huge powerful PJ MONSTER MASKS, gain enough speed to jump over the ramps or climb to the stiff hill made of old trashed cars! Enjoy all the surprises in each level! There are also plenty of goods to collect for better results while rolling for the win! Start the engine and drive these awesome cars in the shortest time possible and get best score! Even someone who is holding a phone for the first time could play this game without any problems!
The tracks are designed so that you would do many stunts on the run, the truck will spin, roll, flip or even crash some cars! Monstertastic!
gt; Functions for the PJ MONSTER MASKS game:
To capture several islands with a lot of levels in each island.
during the last months and interesting background music for game
The Graphic quality HD
addictive, exciting and challenging jungle adventure travel smash hit
gameplay fantastic side-scroller with easy game controls console pad
easy game
classic retro game jungle and jump adventure
easy to control and free to play
A great game
achievements and the ability to learn - Fly
Finally, if you like the PJ MONSTER MASKS game, do not forget to tell us your opinion
download now everything is new and fresh and free.
2018-07-08 18:05:15
简介:Heads Up! Kids Edition is a simplified gameplay of the most exciting word-guessing game from Ellen DeGeneres show.
The game is pretty simple to play. Of course, you will need your friends to play with. You just have to guess the word on your head from your friends’ clues before the timer runs out.
Since this is a Kids Edition, there is only one word to guess and all words are hilariously easy to guess (for adults).
Game’s timer is changeable, so you can change the time where you are comfortable with.
To mark your answer correct, just SHAKE your phone or you can DOUBLE-TAP the word.
Enjoy playing, KIDS!
2018-07-08 18:04:29
简介:Kids Car Racing Fun - Kids Games
Vroom Vroom! Kids, we were feeling over generous today.
So we took our entire toy car collection from our childhood days, and decided to make a car racing video games for you children today.
Are you toddlers excited? You should be. Because this kindergarten game is like no other.
With Kids Car Racing Fun - Kids Games !
There are sports cars of all shapes and sizes, racing through all kinds of terrain. smooth race tracks, rocky roads, obstacle courses, and obstacles too, like big monsters trucks, and heavy vehicles.
The sports cars have to maintain their speed, while dodging these vehicles on the street. Kids Car Racing - Kids Games
We promise you toddlers, it #39;s not as easy as it seems.
But our cars are pros on the race track, just like you babies are pros at your nursery rhymes.
So there #39;s no need to worry. All we need to do now, is stay at the finish line and see who wins the race.
How about you kiddies pick your favorite race car, and we #39;ll pick our.
If you win, we #39;ll add in a few more wheels, and extend this playtime.
Didn #39;t we say we #39;re feeling generous!
Let #39;s down amp; play kids car racing fun all for free!
2018-07-08 18:04:22
简介:Hoành Tảo Tam Quốc – Game mobile Chiến Thuật (SLG) đề tài Tam Quốc là tựa game nổi tiếng và ăn khách hàng đầu Châu Á. HTTQ hấp dẫn cộng đồng game thủ với những cải tiến ưu việt trong công nghệ đồ họa, bên cạnh đó, gameplay được đầu tư công phu, bài bản đảm bảo chất lượng vượt trội hơn các tựa game cùng thể loại.
- Tiếp nối những thành công lớn tại các thị trường khó tính, Hoành Tảo Tam Quốc hứa hẹn mang đến một trải nghiệm hoàn toàn khác biệt về một tựa game chiến thuật chất lượng cao đến cộng đồng game thủ yêu Tam Quốc tại Việt Nam
- Hơn 300 thần tướng vang danh thiên hạ : Chiến thần Lữ Bố, Võ Thần Triệu Tử Long, Võ Thánh Quan Vũ...cùng hàng vạn binh lính chiến đấu mang đến cảm giác cực kỳ hưng phấn, sảng khoái khi trải nghiệm game mobile chiến thuật.
* Đặc Sắc:
- Game chiến thuật Tam Quốc đầu tiên tại Việt Nam sử dụng kỹ xảo điện ảnh và công nghệ đồ họa 3D tân tiến.
- Chiến trường Tam Quốc với quy mô hoành tráng chưa từng có. Chiến trường rộng lớn,thiên quân vạn mã loạn đấu, tranh đoạt thiên hạ trên giao diện mobile. Cốt truyện trong game tôn trọng lịch sử, đưa hàng loạt điển tích, điển cố oai hùng sống lại trong từng trận chiến, dựng lại các trận đồ, chiến thuật kinh điển. Người chơi vừa có thể chơi game giải trí, so tài túc trí đa mưu đồng thời trải nghiệm chân thực lịch sử Tam Quốc kiêu hùng.
- Skill vô cùng sắc nét, bắt mắt của các chiến tướng được chau chuốt tỉ mỉ, thiết kế công phu tinh xảo. Hàng loạt chiêu thức thời Tam Quốc như Liên Thích, Đột Kích... như sống lại trên màn hình điện thoại với công nghệ 3D, đồng thời kỹ xảo điện ảnh xuất sắc gia tăng tối đa sự hấp dẫn, kịch tích của chiến trận vạn quân hùng tráng.
-Cộng đồng game thủ yêu Tam Quốc đông đảo là môi trường tuyệt vời để kiếm tìm đồng minh, kết thêm bằng hữu. Đấu trí, đấu dũng, giao lưu và chia sẻ kinh nghiệm chơi game cũng như cuộc sống đời thường.
- Kiếm tìm liên minh – kết giao bằng hữu khởi tạo quân đoàn – dựng đế lập quốc - bành trướng thế lực – Công thành chiếm đất - hiệu triệu quần hùng – xây dựng giấc mộng đế vương.
- Hùng bá thiên hạ, chiêu mộ siêu thần tướng: Chiến tướng Võ Thánh Quan Vũ, Võ Thần Triệu Vân,Chiến Thần Lữ Bố, Ngọa Long Gia Cát Lượng, Chủng Hổ Tư Mã Ý cùng 300 danh tướng amp; mỹ nữ tam quốc.
- Điều binh khiển tướng bình thiên hạ - Quần hùng tranh bá định giang sơn , Chiêu binh mãi mã – Ngũ hổ tướng hội tụ cùng các phe phái tranh đoạt vương vị (Ngụy, Thục, Ngô,Quần Hùng). Với hàng trăm binh pháp mưu lược, hàng ngàn chiến tướng kiêu hùng, binh chủng khắc chế nhau – ngọa hổ tàng long – địa linh nhân kiệt – phát huy khả năng thống lĩnh – tư duy chiến thuật (game SLG).
- Chiến thuật đỉnh cao Tam Quốc – Ngọa Long chiến báo, huấn luyện quân nhu, viễn chinh vạn dặm, công thành quốc chiến. Sử dụng binh pháp tôn tử - ba mươi sáu kế mới mong xoay chuyển càn khôn, phân định thiên hạ.
2018-07-08 18:04:11
简介:The classic Hangman word game! Fun and Free!
New feature: If you play well you can earn diamonds, which then can be used to reveal letters. Click on the diamond to reveal a letter.
Hangman is a perfect app for spending some time, and improve your vocabulary, while for example waiting for the bus. You can start and stop playing whenever you want. Next time you start the app, it will start where you left it!
You have 10 attempts to guess the correct letters and save the poor man!
In Hangman you choose freely one or more categories to play (the default app setting is easy):
Easy: Animal, color, fruit, month, number, season, transport, weekday.
Medium: Animal, car, fruit, movie.
Hard: Animal, capital, car, cartoon, country, fruit, movie, music artist.
Hangman is available in English (default) and Swedish. The language is set based on the current locale of the device.
1. Sound is off by default. Enable sounds via the action bar or menu depending on your device.
2. If you want to know more about a word (after you have won or lost) you can click on it. This will open your preferred browser and show you a wikipedia search for this word. To get back to the game, click quot;back quot; on your device.
3. If you prefer QWERTY keyboard layout, you can choose this in the settings menu.
4. If the game is too easy, you can choose to hide the category info. This is done from the settings menu.
5. Word categories are chosen from the quot;Select Categories quot; menu item.
Please send any questions or comments about Hangman to [email protected]
2018-07-08 18:03:33
简介:Spell words by linking letters, clearing space for your flowers to grow. Can you clear the entire garden?
• Search for words to grow your garden – great for kids, educators, and adults, too!
• Use Power-Ups for a boost!
• Clear the entire garden for a bonus!
Click and drag over letter tiles to form 3-letter and longer words. Collapse entire rows and columns to complete the level goal. Clear more to earn Power-Ups: use Bombs to destroy towers of letter tiles, make longer and more difficult words with Wilds, and extend the timed levels using Time-Guards!
2018-07-08 18:02:51
简介:■■■■■ 게임 특징 ■■■■■
킹슬라임을 제거하라
- 우리 편의 킹을 보호하고 숨어있는 상대방의 킹을 제거하라!
- 킹을 잡고 짜릿한 반전의 승리를 만끽하라.
- 지상 근접 유닛으로 숨어있는 적의 킹을 빠르게 탐색하자.
동시다발 3중 오펜스
- 3개 라인에서 동시다발로 진행되는 대규모 전투를 경험하라!
- 모든 정보를 볼 수 있는 미니맵으로 전장을 한눈에 파악한다.
- 3분 내에 6개의 타워를 모두 부수고 퍼펙트 승리에 도전하자.
개성 넘치는 카드
- 지상, 공중, 마법, 공성 유닛의 매력 넘치는 카드를 수집, 성장시켜라!
- 카운터 카드 조합으로 나만의 배틀 덱을 완성시켜라.
- 강력한 마법 카드로 전장의 판세를 뒤집자.
차원 탐사와 싱크홀
- AR 차원 탐사로 무료 보물 상자를 포획하자.
- 싱크홀에 빠진 동료들을 탐사권으로 마음껏 소환시켜라.
- 무과금 유저들을 위한 새로운 파밍 콘텐츠!
■■ 크라운 마스터즈 공식카페 ■■
■ 게임 이용 편의를 위해 아래와 같은 권한이 요청됩니다.
- 증강현실(AR) 탐색을 위해 카메라 사용 권한을 요청합니다.
■ 상품 정보 및 이용 조건 안내
※ 유료아이템 구매 시 별도의 요금이 부과됩니다.
- 공급자 : (주)틴로봇 대표이사. 최상렬
- 이용조건 및 기간 : 게임 내 별도 고지된 내용에 따름
(사용기간이 표시되지 않은 경우, 서비스의 종료일까지를 사용기간으로 간주)
- 결제금액 및 방법 : 상품 별 별도 고지된 결제금액 및 결제방법에 따름
(외화 결제 시 환율 및 수수료 등으로 인해 실제 청구금액과 다를 수 있음)
- 상품지급방식 : 게임 내 구매한 아이디로 즉시 지급
- 통신판매업번호: 제2018-성남분당-0648호
- 개인정보 취급방침 : http://www.tinrobot.co.kr/service
- 서비스 운영 정책 : http://www.tinrobot.co.kr/service
개발자 연락처 :
사업자등록번호: 120-87-41039
주소 : 경기도 분당구 판교동 610-3번지 1층
연락처 : 02-556-3039
2018-07-08 18:02:26
简介:b Do you like Word Games Free for Adults? /b This letter puzzle game will surprise you. This Word Games Free for Adults is b easy to play /b , ideal for hours of fun entertainment while training your brain. It is suitable for both b adults and children /b , resulting in an educational and enriching experience as you play. It has b different levels /b of difficulty, making it perfect for anyone who is on the lookout for words on a board.
u Easy /u : Perfect for little kids. The board is 4x4 so it #39;s easy to find the words and solve the puzzle. In addition, the clue system helps you find a new word when the child is stuck.
u Medium /u : As you move up in the game the level becomes much more difficult and challenging than the last.
u Hard /u : This level is made for players who are looking to test and train their brain with a classic puzzle game.
u Extreme /u : Only the bravest may face this level! A difficult feat for those up for the challenge. Do you think you #39;ll be able to beat it?
Our app is a classic mental game for all ages. Find the hidden words! 5 levels of difficulty for all ages - easy for children all the way up to extreme for adults.
It is also makes it ideal for learning new vocabulary in other languages. If you are learning: i English /i this is the game for you!
You will never want to play another Word Games Free for Adults and end up referring it to your friends! Every time you play it #39;s a new experience due to our generating system that creates a brand new, random puzzle game. By doing this, it makes it challenging for you every time and allows us to keep you wanting to solve the puzzle. So, you will never get bored!
The classification is based on the time needed to complete a level. So the faster you are, the higher you rank.
Ready to solve hundreds of fun word puzzles?
2018-07-08 18:02:21
简介:Welcome to racing moto bike stunt impossible track 2018 game in which you will have perform bike race and make real stunts at impossible tracks and fly bike stunts.
Impossible tracks in air have been built for blue sky tricky bike racing adventure 2018.
Super Heroes bike racing is the best action stunt gam ever. You might have played different stunt racing games of 2018 e.g. car racing, impossible bike racing, uphill racing, super heroes downhill racing, monster bike racing, real car racing 2018 but this real crazy adventurous motorbike racing game 2018 is different, interesting and addictive among all best superhero games. Ultimate heroes’ bike stunt racing is one of the best moto GT stunt racing game in difficult stunt area with amazing graphics tracks and bike drifting game.
Bike stunts are racing and action game in which extreme motorcycle stunt with thrilling mission racing with heroes is free and action-packed fun game. Gamers can learn racing bike stunts if they are expert traffic riders then they can show or test their motorbike racing skills by playing best Superhero Tricky bike race (kids games).
b Gameplay: /b
Realistic environment has been designed for bike jumpers, moto bike stunts, tricky and crazy bike stunts, speed stunts, bang stunts at impossible tracks full of hurdles like footballs, cool flips etc. Smooth game play control will entertain all game lovers as well as they wanted while driving Super hero Tricky Bike Race (kids games).
• Choose your super hero ride one by one of Super power heavy race moto bike.
• Hit this color bolls and bowling bolls for Earn Points.
• Enjoy jump stunt on stunt ramps.
b Environment: /b
A Beautiful and realistic environment with new heroes bikes has been designed in the land and also charming colorful 10 impossible tracks. Top Speed Racing Games is awesome super league heroes racing game .super heroes like batman , goku , superman , spiderman , wolverine , deadpool , monster hulk , iron man , joker , monster bulk , wonder woman , black panther ,doctor strange , captain america ,flash super speed , thor , incredible bulk and amazing spider spidey man.play as carrom games and enjoy hill climb super hero racing games . Superheroes racing fever game is extreme race game in which you will enjoy superheroes bike race game and superheroes buggy stunt racing games superheroes street fighting games and superheroes pickup racing games .offroad superheroes bike racing game is very challenging game . You will drive all super heroes car ,farming tractor and bike in free style stunt race .you have played champions fighting but you will play first time a race between super league champions in off-road fighting arena in this combat superheroes war . Play the game like angry subway birds to run the flip over stunts and knives the out all stunts .Make the rules of superheroes survival war between each other .this is Superheroes Jet Ski Stunts: Top Speed Racing Games but you will play superheroes lightning car racing games , superheroes bmx stunt games ,superheroes bus games , superheroes atv games ,super heroes helicopter games, superheroes pickup stunt racing games , and flying superheroes racing games very soon . these are best super kids games also .
b Features of Superhero Tricky bike Race : /b
• New Superheroes heavy bikes different in power, size and color
• Impossible stunt tracks in the air
• Different kinds of hurdles in the way
• Smooth and realistic bikes controls
• One Wheeling with realistic Physics
• Thrilling and adventurous racing levels
• Multiple camera views
• Simple and easy game graphics
b Support and Feedback: /b
Your Feedback #39;s and ratings are Important for us to keep b “TheGameSolution” /b busy in creating more fun in the games to engage you, your family and your friends.
In case if you find any bug that needed to be addressed just send us an email, we will improve it and reply to your email as soon as possible.