2018-07-08 13:34:18
简介:مرحبا بكم إخواني...لقد أنشأنا لعبة جميلة كونها معروفة في المغرب يعرفها ويلعبها الصغير والكبير وأكيد المغاربة سيعرفونها وسيتذكرون ذكرياتهم معها كي لآأطيل عليكم الموضوع هذه اللعبة الورقية إسمها ((هز 2 -أولا زيدك هادي-)) وهو الإسم المشهور الذي يطلق عليها في المغرب وب 40 ورقة
والجميل في اللعبة أنعا تتناسب مع جميع الاعمار والذكاءات فهي تعتبر من العاب ذكاء، العاب الغاز، العاب تفكير، العاب ذكاء للكبار، العاب ذكاء للصغار، العاب ذكاء وتركيز، العاب ذكاء جديدة، العاب تفكير، العاب ذكاء وتفكير
Nous avons fait en sorte que lle jeu de cartes quot; Hez-2 quot; reste fidèle à l #39;esprit du jeu de cartes traditionnel...c #39;est un jeu de carte très populaire au Maroc. L #39;application Hez2 ola zidah hadi vous permet de jouer en offline ou avec vos amis. L #39;application est disponible pour Android.
Jeu de cartes - Carta Hez2 ola zidak hadi se joue avec 40 cartes de quatre suites :
- 10 Copas (Tbaye9)
- 10 Espadas (Syouf)
- 10 Oros (D #39;hab)
- 10 Bastos (Zrawétes)
ils sont numérotés ainsi : 1-7, 10-12 pour chaque suite.
Mode OFFLINE : Jouez contre un Robot très intelligent et défiez le à plusieurs reprises pour évoluez vos compétences de jeu.
★ Défiez vos amis : Jouez contre vos amis en Ligne via Google+.
★ Défiez vos amis : Jouez contre vos amis à une distance de ~50 mètres via Bluetooth.
★ CHAT : Envoyez des messages et des smileys à vous amis en plein jeu.
★ THEME : Profitez des thèmes : Chibani, Lcouple, Kabour et Ch3aybia.
وهنا بعض الكلمات الدلالية لتسهيل البحث...
Haz 2 alkhawa v2
Hez 2 alkhawa
Haz 2
Hez 2
Carta Hez2
Carta 15a
Ronda-Carta Makla
Hez2 - Jeu de cartes
Gleb Carta
Hez2 Online
Hez2 carta maroc
soukaina , 7didian , Rachid Rafik , Kabour . L7bib ,
الخاوة 2017, مسلسل
Saken o Meskon
Tv Maroc
كما يعد اللعب من وسائل تربية التفكير عند الأطفال الذين هم دون السادسة من أعمارهم ، ولا يقتصر أثره على الجانب النفس حركي ، وإنما يتعداه إلى سائر النواحي الأخرى المكونة لشخصيته ، وهي: المعرفية والعاطفية والاجتماعية. ويسهم اللعب بصورة فاعلة بتنمية الجانب العقلي للطفل ، فتنمو قدرته على الكلام الذي يتعلمه من والديه ومن أقرانه ، حيث تصبح حصيلته اللغوية أكثر غنى .
يحتل اللعب دوراً كبيراً وهاماً في حياة الأشخاص المعاقين ذهنياً ويعتبر وسيلة هامة في تحسين ظروف الإعاقة وتعديل بعض السلوكيات غير المرغوبة لديهم ويساعدهم اللعب على التعلم الذاتي من خلال المحاولة واللمس والاستكشاف.
2018-07-08 13:34:17
简介:On this quiz you have 3 chances to complete all questions, if you lose all chances you will back to the first question.
* Akatsuki Quiz is a tribute to the anime Naruto
* Questions of the quiz
1. With whom does Itachi invade Konoha to capture the Kyubi?
2. What is the name of the sword of Kisame?
3. Whose is Kakashi #39;s sharingan?
4. Itachi was from Akatsuki when he did the Uchiha Clan Downfall.
5. Who captured the 6 tails from Utakata?
6. How many sharingans does Danzo have on his arm?
7. How many corpses of Pain did Jiraiya kill?
8. Whose Mangekyou Sharingan is below?
9. Who killed Konan?
10. Who was the spy from Akatsuki?
11. Who ordered Yahiko #39;s death?
12. How many bijuus Akatuski sealed?
13. Which team captured the 2 tails?
14. What is the color of Itachi #39;s susano?
15. What does the Akatsuki symbol mean?
16. Who of them was from Akatsuki?
17. After the death of Sasori, who was part of Deidara duo?
18. Whose is the Susano below?
19. Whose is the sword below?
20. Who said this first #39; #39;Those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum #39; #39;?
21. Sasuke #39;s team sucessfuly captured the 8 tails.
22. Who from Akatsuki has a specialty in sewing?
23. Which bijuu did Deidara and Sasori capture?
24. Whose is the Mangekyou Sharingan below?
25. Who declared the Fourth Ninja War?
26. Akatsuki had a member with Byakugan.
27. Who killed Kakuzu?
28. Who was the first leader of Akatsuki?
29. How many mouths did Deidara have?
If you have any suggestion for questions, contact us at [email protected]
(c) Shadow Priest 2017
2018-07-08 13:34:14
たくさんの猫(ねこ)に囲まれて 青年は目を覚ます
目の前に広がるのは 白い雲と蒼い海
個性的な猫たちと 記憶をなくした青年の物語がはじまる
オフィシャル HP: https://neko-jima.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nekojima_diary
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nekojima.diary/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgxinTh-D9U1uGRDM9NwvNg
2018-07-08 13:33:59
简介:Welcome to MyanmarGame family! Shan is the Myanmar #39;s First online multiplayer card game. It #39;s quot;FREE quot; to play and lets play with ten of thousands of other Myanmar online!
2018-07-08 13:33:57
简介:在《时尚巨星 》, 你要时刻保持亮丽的外表: 运用头发造型、化妆、名牌衣服、饰物和高跟鞋, 突显你的明星风范。你可能是人气网球手、舞蹈家或者乐坛天后,也可以约会不同界别的男友!
配搭超过400件最新最流行的服饰, 全3D展现!
成为不同职业的名人, 包括网球手、舞蹈家或歌手!
玩可爱的小游戏, 赢取丰富奖品!
单独或与朋友/男友合照, 并配上可爱的背景, 分享到facebook/twitter/google+!
以游戏ID或facebook/twitter/google+加入朋友, 一同大玩特玩!
** 注意:即便该程式为免费下载,请留意,用户依个人意愿想提高他们的游戏经验而购买的礼包是需要以真实货币付费的。您可设定密码管控本应用程式内的购买行为,密码保护功能可于 Google Play 商店的设定页面上开启。**
2018-07-08 13:33:46
简介:When you enter the world of ADRENALYN XL online you will find that everything is perfectly organized to play at the highest level. You can play training and professional tournaments. You also have the option of playing with all available cards or with restrictions. You can play professional matches in tournaments and score points in order to move up in the overall ranking of all participants. Be the leader in the tournaments ranking around the world!
Do not miss out on your chance to play! And discover the new elements of the game: MANAGER LEAGUE, SAGA and the new YOUTUBERS section!
NEW quot;EVOLUTION quot; MODE! Enjoy this novelty in the online game. More competitive, more strategic, more exciting!
Use your existing Adrenalyn XL account or register for a free account within the application.
Discover the new Adrenalyn XL Liga SANTANDER 2017/18 universe!
2018-07-08 13:33:10
简介:Rucoy Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game where you can fight monsters with your friends in it’s real time open world.
√ Player vs Player (PvP)
√ Play as a Knight, Archer or Mage
√ You can change your character class anytime
√ Use spells to deal more damage
√ Ally with other players and form a team to defeat strong monsters and get extra experience
√ Hunt dozens of different monsters
√ Find the best equipment
√ Increase your level and skills without limitations
√ Ever growing open world
√ Chat with other players
√ Customize your character
√ No account registration, just link your character to your Google account and that #39;s it
Features coming soon:
- Minimap
- Friends list
- Lots of new areas, monsters and items
How to play:
- To move touch where you want to go
- To attack simply select a target
- Use the buttons on the left side to restore health, mana or use a special ability
- Use the buttons on the right to change weapons
- To pick up loot from the ground just touch on the desired item
- Each level increases your health points, mana points, moving speed, attack and defense
PvP system:
- Attacking and/or killing innocent players will mark you as cursed
- Killing innocent players will reduce your stats temporarily
- Attacking and/or killing cursed players won #39;t mark you as cursed
- Standing on a PvP zone will reduce the duration of your curse at normal speed
- Standing on a Non-PvP zone will reduce the duration of your curse at 10 times slower speed
- Please note death penalties and logout block will be added on future updates
- All feedback is very much appreciated
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RucoyOnline
2018-07-08 13:32:46
简介:b 请注意: 为了所有玩家的安全起见,您必须至少17岁才可以登记玩Avakin /b
在您的衣柜选择一套服装、与朋友们沟通、战胜挑战并改变您的外表,以适应自己的心绪。 确实改变了! 针对虚拟人的身体、面容、头发和服装,Avakin 为您提供广泛的自定义选项。 复制自我、或性格完全相反的自己——让您的创造力性自由奔放!
Avakin 是一个独特的社会虚拟人平台,提供的一个账户可以在多个应用程序范围内共享——在角色扮演和玩游戏之间轻松移动。 交心朋友——通过在人们的档案中评估其各自的兴趣,您可以找到趣味相投的灵魂。 完成里程碑挑战并收获奖品——探讨Avakin必须提供的一切,并收到免费的Gems,以便为您的虚拟人置办更多的衣裳、发型和功能。
有问题或建议吗? 前往 Avakin 的论坛,以便找开发商和社区交谈。 Avakin 是一个由其用户们塑造的世界。 请踊跃参与,共同发展!
• 不断进化: 常见更新
• 不断扩展: 服装目录的常见扩充
• 社会: 寄送礼品和消息给朋友们
• 美体: 全面实现的 3D 图像
• 多功能: 从Dashboard管理您的所有活动
• 多语种: 支持英语、发育、德语、西班牙语和意大利语
• 免费玩
2018-07-08 13:32:26
简介:Enhance your word skill by building your own word lists, and win your games.
Scrabble Expert is an anagram tool for word games like Scrabble.
If you are a tournament player or anyone who loves word games, you will love Scrabble Expert.
- Quick search
- Support multiple search modes
* Anagram
* Pattern
* Word Builder
* Starting with
* Ending with
* Containing
* 2 letters words
* 3 letters words
* Q without U
* Contain Letters
* Bingo Formula
* Vowel-Heavy words
* No-Vowel words
- No internet require (offline search)
- Display a hundred words in single page, less scroll.
- Pinch zoom
- Unilimited wildcard search (blank tile)
- Can install in SD Card
- Supported dictionaries:
* ODS5
* ODS6
* Tournament compatible word list 2016
Pro version (available via In-app purchase)
- Search word up to 15 letters
- No ads
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Scrabble-Expert/177874215627053
If you like this app, please rate or comments.
Your suggestions and feedback are welcome.
2018-07-08 13:32:26
简介:This quiz as an education radiologist, radiographer, and the like.
this radiology quiz is very interesting, it presents a challenge to you.
for those of you who feel smart in the field of radiology please answer this challenge
This quiz is also a learning medium for radiology students
Radiology This quiz discusses the case of radiological images consisting of CT Scan, X Ray, MRI.
2018-07-08 13:32:14
简介:Always wanted to be a Fashion Designer? Here’s your chance to create stunning outfits and make your name in the fashion world!
From the makers of super hit games like BFF High School Fashion and Fashion Diva comes a game that allows you to indulge your designer dreams - Star Fashion Designer. Whether you Design for Clients or participate in Style Events, all you need is your unique sense of style to standout!
NOW get your style on with the addition of shoes and bags. Create super chic head to toe looks for events and clients. Indulge in the funky new range of outfits, prints, colors and much more!
Travel the globe and enjoy the tension, drama and inspiration of working with celebrity designers. Create gorgeous garments for clients in fashion capitals like Paris, Milan, Japan and New York. Express your creativity by putting together designs for exclusive events. Take on top designers from around the world and become the Star Fashion Designer!
*DESIGN FOR CLIENTS ACROSS THE WORLD - Learn designing secrets from the very best in the world and become an overnight sensation. Choose from outfits, styles, prints, patterns and accessories to create your own signature style!
*PARTICIPATE IN THE HOTTEST STYLE EVENTS – Enter exquisite events created on popular demand and get started on your amazing designs. Face top designers, vote for your favorite looks and get recognized for your designs!
*JOIN US IN THE STAR FASHION WEEK – A new theme amp; a new city every week. Flaunt your designs in the Star Fashion Week and become a known fashionista!
Download Star Fashion Designer @Games2Win from Google Play Store and let the designer in you take over!
Star Fashion Designer Features:
NEW: Participate in the Star Fashion Week and flaunt your designs
NEW: New cities with new events every week!
- Design head to toe looks with the addition of shoes amp; bags!
- Try out funky new outfits, prints and much more!
- EXPLORE two Fashion modes!
- COMPETE with top designers from around the world!
- TRAVEL across 12 trendy Fashion Capitals!
- DESIGN sensational outfits for clients!
- DISCOVER amazing designs, patterns and accessories!
- SHOWCASE your style and creativity!
- Available in 8 languages – English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Turkish and Portuguese!
Please note that we use Advertising ID for serving better ads and improving the product through Analytics
About Games2win: We are a company that believes in creating great fun-filled games for people of all ages. We have more than 800 proprietary games on both online and mobile devices, including our smash hits like Parking Frenzy, BFF High School Fashion, Star Fashion Designer and Power Cricket T20. Today, we have 91 million downloads of our apps and nearly 3 million gamers a month. And this is just the beginning!
VISIT US: http://games2win.com
LIKE US: http://facebook.com/Games2win
FOLLOW US: http://twitter.com/Games2win
Contact us at [email protected] for any problems you may have with Star Fashion Designer.
Privacy Policy: http://www.games2win.com/corporate/privacy-policy.asp
2018-07-08 13:32:04
简介:Fun and addictive. Find the synonym of a word. You are given, in random order, the letters that make up that synonym. You are to reconstruct the synonym.
Synonyms Vocabulary Builder is aimed at building your kid vocabulary in a fun way.
There are about 100 puzzles, and each puzzle has about 10 word-synonym pair for you to figure out amp; learn from.
That is exactly 1000 word-synonym pair to learn and master
2018-07-08 13:31:49
简介:Cartoon Quiz ~ Guess the Cartoons!
Challenge yourself to guess the names of famous cartoons. See how many you can recognize!
Over 200 amazing icons with multiple levels of difficulty are waiting for you! Can you handle the challenge of guessing them all?
Fear not! In case you get stuck, you can always buy more hints from the store.
Trouble recognizing the icon? You can always share it on Facebook and ask your friends for help. Or just dare them to see who can guess more characters!
2018-07-08 13:31:13
2018-07-08 13:31:13
Gaple is dominoes game Indonesian Version. Gaple has attractive graphics and customizable rules. Fun for all ages. Can play with 2 ,3 and 4 players. Gaple can plays with teams (2players vs 2players)
Gaple adalah permainan kartu domino versi Indonesia. Permainan ini didukung dengan grafis yang atraktif dan aturan yang dapat di kastem/disesuaikan. Bisa dimainkan oleh berbagai usia. Gaple bisa dimainkan oleh 2,3, atau 4 orang. Gaple juga bisa dimainkan secara tim (2 x 2 orang)
game gaple offline adalah game terbaru yang paling banyak di download game gratis terbaru game apk paling laris di google play store game paling banyak di download game gratis terbaru 2017 game apk terbaru gratis 2018 aplikasi terbaru new game app game ringan game studio game kartu paling menarik teka-teki logika puzzle card game classic game gapleh game domino online game gaple offline game gaple offline ini adalah game terbaik tahun 2019
2018-07-08 13:30:50
简介:The coolest game of its kind! Challenge yourself to guess the flags. See how many you can recognize!
Over 120 flag icons with multiple levels of difficulty are waiting for you! Can you handle the challenge of guessing them all?
Fear not! In case you get stuck, you can always buy more hints from the store.
Trouble recognizing the flag? You can always share it on Facebook and ask your friends for help. Or just dare them to see who can guess more countries!
2018-07-08 13:30:15
简介:Play Poker against the dealer according to simple rules.
2018-07-08 13:30:15
It’s an adventure story of Girls League that challenge the Demon King. Summon and pick up your battle girls from more than 300 cute girls, raise and evolve them to be super heroes. Evil monsters are approaching… you have to build up your team right now and let them fight for you!
HERO GIRLS LEAGUE – Fantasy RPG is a classic anime-style Role Playing game combined with tactics and card-collection gameplay. Millions of real players around the word are waiting to play with you…
Download Hero Girls League now and enjoy the endless FUN!
More than 300 cute anime girls with unique skills are waiting for your collection.
Tactic gameplay:
4 kinds of occupations to choose from: warriors, archers, knights, and mages. The formation of your team is important! Play Hero Girls League with your own unique tactics and get final victory!
Multiple ways to upgrade your hero girls to super powerful battle girls. Become the Master Trainer!
Three evolution forms are available, which level can you achieve?
Endless adventure:
Defeat evil monsters, challenge at Arena Battles, Endless adventure modes bring you much of fun!
Install Now and Duel with your Opponents!
Any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at Official Facebook Page @herogirlsleague :
2018-07-08 13:30:09
2018-07-08 13:29:44
2018-07-08 13:29:38
简介:재미없는 학습도구가 아닙니다. 재미있는 학습게임입니다.
재밌게 게임했는데 단어가 외워지는 놀라운 기적! 지금 바로 만나보세요.
초등, 중등부터 수능, 토익까지! 주요 단어만 선별했습니다.
(교육부 지정 필수 영단어, 수능 토익 기출단어)
개발자 연락처 :
2018-07-08 13:29:21
简介:This game, which is very popular in India, Pakistan and Iran, has several names.
The name Court Piece is sometimes written as Coat Piece or Coat Pees.
In Pakistan this game is often known as Rang, which means trump.
In Iran it is known as Hokm, which means command or order.
In Suriname and Netherlands known as Troefcall.
This application has three variations of the game :-
Single Sar and Double Sar.
And Double Sar with Ace Rule.
Hindi or Punjabi word #39;Sar #39; is used for a trick, means a set of cards, one played by each player in turn.
All the instructions are included in the Help.
2018-07-08 13:29:16
简介:Learning of English words through this learn words app is a simple and an easy way. We give lot of English words for kids in the best learn words app. The learning of English words through the learn words application is the easiest way to learn the English words. English for kids helps to learn English words in an effective manner.
This learning app for kids nurtures the curiosity of kids to learn English words. English for kids gives an idea to learn the English words joyfully. The learn words app provides the hints in the image format to identify the words. So it always an easy to learn English words through the pictures.
We categories the English words for kids into three main categories say easy, medium and hard. And also the kids can select the following sub categories of their interest.
1. Write Word
2. Find Image
3. Choose Word
4. Listen amp; Choose
5. Match Words
6. Listen amp; Write
Along with the Common Core goals, the aim of learn Words for Kids is to:
-to improve reading skills
- to improve their fluency
- to boost kids’ confidence
- to increase their Concentration power
This game is a collection of English words and focusing on to develop the kids’ vocabulary. It’s a free Mind sharpening word game to mold your kids’ knowledge and to enjoy this Learn Words App with your kids.
2018-07-08 13:28:40
简介:Word Puzzle starts very easy but gets challenging quickly. The size and number of words increase as you play. Find the hidden words, slide your finger over them and mark them with different colors! This game is the best brain exercise
This brain teaser game has 300 levels! It is a real challenge to complete all the levels in this game.
Enroll in word puzzle to unlock hundreds of grids made up of hidden words.
If you like word search, word find puzzles and crossword puzzles you will like our latest brain workout, word puzzle!
Reasons to try Word Puzzle right now:
- It’s the perfect blend of brain teaser, word game, and puzzle!
- Word puzzle offers hundreds of levels, from easy to difficult!
- Get smarter and sharpen your skills in vocabulary and spelling!
- Easy to use with colorful nice graphics!
- Compete with your friends and see their scores with online leaderboard!
2018-07-08 13:28:18
■ スペック
AndroidOS 2.3以上