2018-07-08 11:03:12
简介:Call Break is a strategic trick-based card game played by four players with a standard deck of 52 playing cards. The game is widely popular in India and in Nepal. This game is also known as Ghochi, Lakadi etc.
After each deal player have to make a quot;Call quot; or quot;bid quot; for the number of hands he/she can capture, and the objective is to capture at least that many hand in a round, and try to break other player i.e. stop them from getting their Call. After each round, points will be calculated and after total rounds of play each players total rounds points will be added as a total points and player with highest total point will win.
2018-07-08 11:02:21
简介:Beautiful Graphics, Intuitive Controls and Multiple modes of play make this the best Curling Game on mobile!
- Intuitive Controls that feel like playing real Curling.
- Carrer mode!
- Leaderboards
- Play with your friends with Online Multiplayer!
- Be the best in online Curling Online League!
2018-07-08 11:02:14
简介:This is a classic solitaire game.
If you like solitaire (also known as Klondike Solitaire), you #39;re going to love this app too!
- Klondike Solitaire Draw 1 card
- Klondike Solitaire Draw 3 cards
- option for All Winning deals
- global leaderboards
- portrait and landscape orientation
- drag amp; drop and single tap controls
- standard (with or without time rule) and vegas scoring
- customizable (card backs, backgrounds)
- animated cards motion
- statistics
- unlimited undo
- hint function
- auto complete function
- auto save
- installing to SD card is supported
2018-07-08 11:01:52
简介:실제 골프코스가 모바일 속으로!!
야디지코리아의 기술력과 코스데이터로 완성한 세계최초의 리얼 골프 시뮬레이션게임 필드맨으로 국내 100여개의 골프장을 미리 경험하면서 코스공략에 대한 전술을 수립해 보세요.
필드모드를 이용하여 그린까지 남은 보정거리를 실시간 위치에따라 위젯으로 서비스하는
세계 최초로 3D 골프 거리측정기 탄생
손가락 하나로 즐기는 골프 시뮬레이션게임 필드맨!!
Flick amp;Slide 방식으로 원하는 방향과 파워로 실제코스를 공략 가능한 신개념 플레이 방식을
통해 플레이어 자신만의 코스공략이 가능하도록 구성되어 있습니다.
스크린골프와 유사한 플레이 환경을 제공합니다
7번아이언 기준 비거리 설정, 그린스피드, 바람, 컨시드조건, 코스미리보기, 조건별 클럽선택,
멀리건기능 까지 실제코스를 미리 경험하는 정통 골프 시뮬레이션 게임 입니다
실제 코스를 나가기 전에 사전 모의라운드를 통해 자신만의 플레이 전략을 수립해 보세요
** 주요기능
1. 실제 코스가 모바일 속으로
국내 100여개 골프코스의 지형 데이터를 그대로 적용한 야디지코리아의 기술력
2. 연습모드
드라이버, 아이언, 퍼터의 조작법을 연습할 수 있는 연습모드 제공
효과적인 코스공략을 위한 구질 및 파워를 연습해 보시기 바랍니다
3. Flick amp;Slide
원하는 방향과 파워로 공을 밀어주기만 하면 다양한 구질과 비거리를 경험할 수 있으며,
코스 상황에 따라 전략적인 공략이 가능
4. 난이도 조절
티박스선택, 그린 스피드 설정을 통하여 게임난이도를 조절할 수 있으며, 실제 그린의
언듈레이션을 한눈에 볼 수 있는 기능을 통하여 그린 공략법 수립이 가능
5. 랭킹제도 운영
각 골프코스별 랭킹 기능을 통하여 클럽챔피언에 도전하세요
다양한 이벤트를 통하여 클럽 챔피언 만의 특전을 제공 합니다
6. 골프스틱 amp; VR 연동 (개발중)
필드맨 골프게임에 특화된 골프스틱으로 구질, 비거리등을 실제 스윙을 통하여 게임을 즐길 수 있으며, 가정용 TV와 연결하여 몰입도를 향상 시킬 수 있습니다
또한 VR 시스템과 연동하여 실전 골프를 즐기는 듯한 환경도 제공합니다
멀티게임 테스트버전 기간입니다. 게임을 즐기면서 불편한 점과 개선사항을 알려주시면 적극 반영하여 보다 완성도 있는 게임으로 거듭나도록 노력 하겠습니다.
개발자 연락처 :
2018-07-08 11:01:45
简介:b Join the world’s most popular Blackjack Game and play live with real players! /b
Forget all you know about Blackjack and other multiplayer strategy games. Blackjack Legends is the most competitive and addicting game out there! The adrenaline rush of beating live players from around the world while mastering your kills is simply unbeatable. Think you’re the King of Vegas? Join our community of online Blackjack players and get started today!
h2 Special Features /h2
b Play for Free – /b Free chips every 4 hours and all features are totally free.
b Online Multiplayer Tournament – /b Compete with countless elite Blackjack players around the world. Is your strategy the best?
b Unlock All 12 Locations – /b Level up to unlock high stakes tables from Vegas casinos to Rio.
b Continuous Play – /b Start playing Blackjack on your phone, then continue playing on your tablet.
b Facebook Connect Bonus – /b Pad your bankroll with $15,000 additional chips when you connect your account to Facebook!
h2 How to Play /h2
Blackjack Legends is a multiplayer Blackjack game, where 3 competitors have 6 rounds to win the most chips. It’s that simple! Adapt your strategy to not just beat the dealer, but outplay the players next to you as well.
2018-07-08 11:00:31
简介:축구 좋아하세요?
퍼펙트킥 2017는 전세계 1천만 다운로드의 원더풀한 축구 게임입니다.
왜 그렇게 잘나가냐구요? 쉬우니까! 재밌으니까! 멋지니까!
이제 카카오 친구들과 함께 즐길 수 있습니다!!
축구의 재미를 잘 모르는 여친에게 축구의 재미를~
매일 던전을 헤매는 남친에게 그라운드의 건전함을~
그리고, 우리 모두 대~한민국 파이팅!
(((◎ 게임 특징 ◎)))
- 실시간으로 즐기는 카카오 친구들과의 짜릿한 1:1 승부!
- 멋진 3D 스타디움과 개성만점의 스타 캐릭터들!
- 손끝 하나로 펼쳐지는 다채로운 슛 스킬들!
- 게임의 긴장감을 풀어주는 코믹 아이템!
- 최고의 선수들로 꾸리고 꾸미는 나만의 팀!
(((◎ 게임 문의 ◎)))
- 아래의 메일로 문의 주시면 신속한 도움을 드리겠습니다.
[게임 화면 오른쪽 상단의 톱니바퀴 아이콘 - FAQ - 맨 하단의 문의하기 경로]]
- 문의 메일을 보내주실 때 반드시 카카오 회원 번호를 기재해주세요!
- 게임 진행에 문제가 생기시면
단말기명/사용하는OS/버그 내용 등을
자세하게 기재하여 문의 주시면 좀 더 빠른 처리가 가능합니다.
(((◎ 안내사항 ◎)))
- 본 게임은 부분유료화 게임으로 게임 내 아이템을
구입을 할 경우 유료 과금이 발생될 수 있습니다.
- 게임 플레이 중 강제종료가 되면 데이터 오류가
발생될 수 있으니 정상적으로 게임 종료를 해주시기 바랍니다.
(((◎ 퍼펙트킥 2014 공식 페이스북 ◎)))
개발자 연락처 :
연락처 : +8225552250
2018-07-08 11:00:25
简介:Corre y se va corriendo!
Aplicación para quot;correr quot; la baraja de Lotería Mexicana de manera rápida y fácil.
* Puede sacar cartas cada 2 ~ 20 segundos.
* Activa o Desactiva el dictado con voz.
* Uso sencillo
- Tecla regresar para pausar la jugada.
- Desliza hacia arriba para ver las cartas pasadas.
- Permite Pausar/Continuar juego con presionar sobre las cartas.
- Permite Desactivar o Activar lectura de cartas con voz mientras se juega.
- Permite Desactivar la voz inicial quot;Corre y se va corriendo... quot;
- Muestra cuantas cartas quedan en el mazo.
- Listado de cartas pasadas se muestran debajo en linea horizontal.
- Permite cambiar el tiempo entre cartas una vez iniciada la partida
- El botón quot;Atrás quot; permite un acceso rápido al botón quot;Terminar Partida quot;
Envíanos tus sugerencias a: [email protected]
2018-07-08 10:59:35
- 一点都不难哦~只要按下按钮鱼儿就会掉进你的怀里~!
- 不需要做任何准备!只要挥动钓竿即可!
- 欲擒故纵,动人心弦!让你陷入深深的感动之中无法自拔~
- 从抛竿到诱鱼、搏斗为止持续不断的钓鱼乐趣!
- 贴上赞助商标,提升你的钓鱼选手和效果!
- 收集各种各样的赞助商标并根据部位进行组合!
- 真实的风景给带来逼真的钓鱼体验!
- 快来参加在世界钓鱼圣地「Fishing Hot Spot」展开的钓鲈大赛吧!
- 鲈鱼的种类居然这么多! ?从张开大嘴的大口黑鲈到华丽的孔雀鲈,各种各样的鲈鱼等你来抓!
- 「Big Bass」的容量虽小,但为玩家提供鱼儿们活蹦乱跳的最高画质。
YouTube :
2018-07-08 10:59:25
简介:Enjoy the most popular card game ever - Klondike Solitaire (or Solitaire in short).
This Solitaire version is especially optimised for every screen and the entire range of Android enabled devices: from tiny smartphones to the biggest tablets. We tried to created an ideal Solitaire game for the touch screens and the gameplay is really easy and natural for your fingers.
Make your own Solitaire game unique and exclusive, express yourself! You can change the game #39;s appearance to suit your own taste, choose the card sets and background, or even adorn the card back with your dog #39;s photo. Klondike Solitaire has many various options and modes even including different card set sizes for all screens and eyes.
It also possible to play Vegas version of this classic Solitaire, a real challenge even for experienced players!
You will love how easily and intuitively the Solitaire stacks are dragged and the game itself drops only suitable cards and returns others back to the deck. Just relax and enjoy the game and don #39;t worry about control, Klondike Solitaire will handle it!
Play Klondike Solitaire today and have fun! Sign in to Google Play Game Services, compete and share results with your Google+ community, set new high scores!
If you got stuck on some preset, there is a great chance that we can show you step by step solution. (Internet connection is required)
We have created a product of brilliant quality for you and we appreciate your comments and suggestions, which is why Solitaire becomes better with every new release.
Visit our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/AndroidKlondike in order to communicate with us, your friends, and other users, and share your opinion. If you have any questions, e-mail our support team.
2018-07-08 10:58:52
- 没有瞄准镜的Iron模式与有瞄准镜的Scope模式,带来不一样的趣味。
升级! 升级! 升级!
- 将你看上的抢升级到最高等级的抢!
- 在比赛中所得到的经验值并升级时,还能得到更多样的抢和报酬!
- 通过随机方式而定的游戏模式和地区,还以每次出现的强者为目标挑战极限的难度。
- 生动感十足的背景
- 在30多种的枪中,可选你看上的抢而射击!
- 简单操作的单手方式。随时随地玩射击!
- 操作系统 6.0以上 : 设定 gt; 应用管理 gt; 应用选择 gt; 权限 gt; 可取消访问权限
- 操作系统 6.0以下 : 无法取消访问权限,直接删除应用
2018-07-08 10:58:14
简介:Playing UNO with friends, family, and the millions of fans worldwide has never been easier! This version of UNO, is player between 2-6 players, be it friend or computer player. The aim of the game is to finish your cards first. The player who ends his cards first wins the game.
UNO is an American card game that is played with a specially printed deck see quot;Crazy Eights quot; for a family of games very similar to quot;UNO quot; but played with normal playing cards. The game was originally developed by Merle Robbins in Reading, Ohio, a suburb of Cincinnati. It has been a Mattel brand since 1992. The games general principles put it into the Crazy Eights family of card games.
- Player between 2-6 players
- Play UNO! game Offline amp; Online Mode
- Grapic HD
2018-07-08 10:57:54
2018年平昌冬季运动会三项雪橇 长橇、短橇、俯式冰橇。
2018-07-08 10:57:37
简介:Batak, kart saymaya ve şansa dayalı oldukça seri ve zevkli bir kart oyunudur. Mevcut sürümümüzde Koz Maça ve İhaleli Batak oyun seçeneklerimiz ile kullanıcılarımız eğlenceli yapay zekamızın keyfini çıkartabilirler. Yeni rütbelere ulaşabilirler, tamamen ücretsiz olan takım temalarımızla oyun zevklerini daha da renklendirebilirler. Görsellerimiz oyuncularımızın geçirdiklerini zamandan daha çok keyif almalarını sağlamak için daha gerçekçi bir tasarıma sahiptir. Oyunu hemen indirip bu kesintisiz zevkin bir parçası olabilirsiniz.
Oyunumuzun size sunduğu diğer özellikler de aşağıdaki gibidir:
- Tamamen Ücretsiz Takım Temaları
- Koz Maça
- İhaleli Batak
- Değiştirilebilir Arayüz
- Liderlik Tablosu
- Başarılar / Rütbeler
- Geliştirilmiş Yapay Zeka
Ayrıca diğer yeni oyunlarımıza da
- Maça Kızı - İnternetsiz
- Pişti - İnternetsiz
- Spades Free Plus
Mağazadan Gamerhook Studios altında ulaşabilirsiniz.
2018-07-08 10:56:38
简介:b Solitaire-Palace – Your community for the popular card game Klondike /b
Klondike Solitaire is one of the most famous Patiences and is played by young and old people around the world.
Whether clubs, leagues or individual rule sets, Solitaire Palace gives you all, a true solitaire fan needs.
Solve your table and challenge your friends.
b Get engaged in a wide range of CLUBS: /b
- Join or found a club
- Find new friends to play Solitaire with
- Participate at the club league together
- Meet up to play games with your club mates
- Stay up to date with your club chat
b Compete with the best at our LEAGUES: /b
- You automatically take part in our leagues
- Move up in the player and club league
- Become Quarterly Champion and see your record in the Hall of Fame
b Play with your personal preferences and use your own RULE SET: /b
- Wide range of Klondike rule variations:
o Klondike turn three
o With Joker
o Double deck
o Relaxed mode
o Easthaven
o And many more
b Use different CARD DECKS: /b
- Use our mobile-friendly cards
- Or the traditional Altenburger card decks
- Choose one of these:
o American Deck
o German Deck
o French Deck
o Tournament Deck
b With detailed STATISTICS, you can improve your game: /b
- Immensely detailed statistics for every tableau
- Look at your opponents statistics
- Expectation values show you where you can improve.
b You will play only against real players: /b
You will play Klondike live against real players, but don’t worry, you don’t need to rush because at the end the player with the most efficient solve gets the most points. You will find beginners as well as pros playing with.
Download the App now and for free. Enjoy your game of Solitaire.
Play Solitare Palace now for free and without advertisement.
By downloading our game you agree to our terms amp; conditions and our privacy policy.
Terms amp; conditions: https://www.spiele-palast.de/terms-conditions/
Privacy policy: https://www.spiele-palast.de/privacy-policy-apps/
b Have fun and enjoy our game /b
Your Solitaire-Palace Team
2018-07-08 10:56:01
简介:“Touchgrind Skate 2 blossoms into a world of enjoyment [..] Illusion Labs does it again!” - TouchArcade
就像真实的滑板或手指滑板一样,Touchgrind Skate 2 是一款花 10 分钟学会技术,但要真正掌握需要一辈子的游戏。学习所有招式,完成挑战并解锁全新的滑板部件。
创新的手指操控模式,结合真实的物理模拟,让你尽情施展各种招式,搭配无限种组合,例如 ollies、pop shuvit、kickflip、heelflip、impossible、powerslide、lip 招式、stalls、drop、5-0’s、50-50’s、crook、tailslide、bluntslide、darkslide 等,为何不在 nollie、fakie 或 switch 中施展这些炫酷招式? - 只有技能和想象力才能限制住你!
以真正的滑板感受获得最大化的滑板游戏体验 - 在你的设备上玩真实滑板!
- 逼真的物理特效和令人惊叹的 3D 图形
- 3 种自由漫游的游戏模式:训练、竞赛、即兴表演、
- 视频教程 - 观看并自己尝试!
- 自然的多点触摸操控,源自 Touchgrind 和 Touchgrind BMX
- 倾斜的摄影机视图,类似于 Touchgrind BMX
- 三处不同的滑板公园,含碗、坡道、路缘石、箱子和超过 2.000 米的轨道
- 完成 100 个挑战来解锁全部板面、滑板轮、砂纸和贴纸
- 招式名称检测
2018-07-08 10:55:18
简介:Play classic Solitaire Free! Challenge yourself everyday by completing one of the most classic card games. Solitaire by Solitaire Free is the #1 card game on Android!
We designed the game to be perfect for mobile phones and let you feel like you #39;re playing real solitaire with actual cards on a table. The graphics are sharp and realistic.
The controls are perfect for all players. You can tap on cards or drag them to move them. Choose how you want to play!
Play our card game if you enjoy Casino Card Games and Casual Games NOW!
Features of Solitaire Free:
- Play unlimited games for free! No lives!
- Solitaire draw 1 card
- Solitaire draw 3 cards
- Cards are easy to read
- Tap on a card or drag a card to move it
- Unlimited free undos
- Unlimited free hints
- Animation on cards
- Automatically save your best time and your total number of wins. Beat your personal records!
- Auto complete. Win automatically once all the cards are flipped over!
Solitaire (also known as Klondike or Patience) is one of the most popular games in the world, so play Solitaire Games every day to train your brain and become a master!
2018-07-08 10:54:16
- 根据名称,赛季,联赛或属性搜索球员...
- 检索玩家的属性,专长,特征
- 检索玩家评论
- 检索更新到玩家的日期价格
- 球员之间的比较
- 频繁更新新赛季和球员信息
- 仪式指导视频
- 技能指导视频
- 其他
- 在转会市场上销售球员时计算税金
- 更新与FIFA ONLINE 4相关的新闻
- 朝鲜语
- 越南人
- 泰国
- 印度尼西亚
- 中国人
- 英语
2018-07-08 10:54:14
简介:Jouer à UNO avec des amis, la famille et les millions de fans à travers le monde n #39;a jamais été aussi simple! Cette version de UNO, est joueur entre 2-6 joueurs, que ce soit un ami ou un joueur d #39;ordinateur. Le but du jeu est de terminer vos cartes en premier. Le joueur qui termine ses cartes en premier gagne la partie.
L #39;un est un jeu de cartes américain qui est joué avec un jeu de cartes spécialement imprimé quot;Crazy Eights quot; pour une famille de jeux très similaires à One, mais joués avec des cartes à jouer normales. Le jeu a été initialement développé par Merle Robbins à Reading, Ohio, une banlieue de Cincinnati. Il a été une marque Mattel depuis 1992. Les principes généraux des jeux l #39;ont placé dans la famille des jeux de cartes Crazy Eights.
Crazy 8
UNO avec amis
classique UNO
Uno classic
Jeux de carte
Jeux pour enfants
UNO 2018
JEUX 2018
2018-07-08 10:53:31
2018-07-08 10:53:22
Play the popular French Belote card game, against opponents simulated by an high-level artificial intelligence.
All official rules and many variants are handled :
- Play with or without declarations.
- Play with No Trumps and All Trumps.
Easy to use, the game is very fast and responsive, with card animation for a more realistic gameplay, and hd graphics.
Your opponents and teammates are simulated by an high-level artificial intelligence, that knows the common strategies used in french belote card game. Therefore the game is very realistic, close to game with real players, and the challenge is high.
- Many options to customize the rules.
- Change the player #39;s name.
- Change the speed of the game.
- Play automatically.
- Direction on play.
- Visual theme.
- And many more...
A section with statistics is included in the application, allowing you to monitor the evolution of our performances.
For beginners, rules of French Belote are also included into the application.
Finally, you can at the end of the round see all the tricks, and replay the round if you want, to train and try new strategies.
For any question regarding the application : [email protected]
Have fun playing Belote !
2018-07-08 10:53:21
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2018-07-08 10:52:27
简介:Best Tips for playing Basara 2 Heroes
Best Guide for playing Basara 2 Heroes
Best Trick for playing Basara 2 Heroes
Download Now
2018-07-08 10:52:20
简介:Sam offline(Sam Loc offline) ,considered the national card game of Vietnam , is a game intended and best for 4 players. Try our FREE Tien Len Mien Nam card app.
Features of Sam offline(Sam Loc offline) :
- Offline mode- you can play anytime, anywhere without internet connection
- No account registration required and 100% free
- Attractive design and great features
2018-07-08 10:52:20
简介:射击目标 - 足球
2018-07-08 10:52:05
控制球球来躲避落下的方块,收集金币解锁拥有不同技能的球球, 给你带来不一样的游戏体验!