2018-07-08 08:14:21
简介:لعبة عشرة كوتشينة وأيضا تسمى في مصر البصرا والكومي تصلح لجميع الأعمار باللغة العربية وامكانية اللعب مع صديق عبر الواي فاي WiFi تتميز بمساحة صغيرة من الذاكرة ومبرجة لللأجيال القديمة والجديدة من الموبايلات.
تعد قواعد اللعبة بسيطة ولكن ممتعة كالآتي:
1. سوف يقوم أحد اللاعبين بتوزيع الورق أربعة كروت وفقط عند بداية اللعبة يوزع أربعة كروت للأرض. يجب ألا تحتوي الأرض على ولد أو كارت رقم سبعة كاروه أو نقشة المربع حيث يتم أخذها ووضعها في آخر ورق التوزيع ووضع أخرى مكانها.
2. يبدأ كل لاعب برمي ورقة على الأرض على أن يكون البادئ هو اللاعب غير الموزع حتى بنتهي اللاعبون من الكروت التي بيدهم ليبدأ الموزع توزيع أربعة كروت أخرى لكل اللاعب ولكن ليس للأرض.
3.هدف اللاعب أن يأخذ أكبر عدد من الكروت الموجودة على الأرض حيث سيتم عد الكروت التي تم أخذها اللاعب عند انتهاء الورق التي يتم التوزيع منه ليتم اعطاء الناط للاعب الذي حصل على أكتر كروت أما اللاعب الآخر فسيحصل على صفر.
4. قواعد أخذ الورق من الأرض هو عندما يرمي اللاعب كارت يكون هناك مثله على الأرض أو يكون مجموع عدد من الكروت على الأرض قيمتهم نفس قيمة الكارت (الصور غير مشمولة في المجموع وليست لها قيمة عددية) أما الآس فهو يحمل قيمة واحد.
مثال : الأرض يوجد عليها أربعة كروت A, 7, K, 8 في هذه الحالة فيمكن للاعب اذا كان يحمل رقم 8 أن يأخذ A,7,8 لأن 1+7=8 أو اذا كان لديه كارت 9 فيمكن أخذ 8، 1. أو الشايب فقط لو لديه شايب في يديه.
5. اذا كان لدى اللاعب ولد J أو 7 كاره Diamond 7 (الكومي) ففي هذه الحالة يستطيع أخذ كل ما على الأرض.
6. أذا كانت الأرض خالية من الكروت سوف يرمي من عليه الدور كارت. عندها اذا كان عند اللاعب الآخر نفس الكارت فيأخذ الكارت على أنه بصرا حيث يتم حسابها مكافأة خاصة بعدد من النقاط (بعيدأ عما ذكر من قبل في الحصول على أكبر عدد من الكروت).
7.أيضا في الحالة السابقة اذا كان الللاعب لديه الكومي (7 كاروه) يستطيع أخذ البصرا (الكومي له ميزتان ميزة الولد والبصرا)
2018-07-08 08:13:36
简介:新概念自动式机器人RPG !!
2018-07-08 08:13:17
- 狼人
- 村民
- 先见者
- 医生
- 猎人
- 巫婆
- 牧师
- 丘比特
- 醉人
- 保镖
- 先兆先见人
- 先见学徒
- 少年狼人
- 保护人的护身符
- 教派领袖
- 莱肯
- 麻风病人
- 分身
- 白痴
- 独狼
- 脾气暴躁的奶奶
- 市长
- 硬汉
- 英俊的王子
- 妓女
- 疯狂的科学家
- 石匠
- 小女孩
- 巫师
- 连环杀手
- 炮手
- 皮匠
2018-07-08 08:09:32
简介:The most ADDICTIVE table card game ever invented - where YOU are your own worst enemy - FREE SOLITAIRE!
Whether you just want to procrastinate or challenge your brain, take a look at why THIS VERSION of FREE SOLITAIRE blows the rest of the solitare apps off the screen.
- Play free solitaire online or offline - Internet is not required!
- Lush Louvre-quality graphics. Cards and game table are easy to read.
- Intuitive game-play. Kid-friendly!
- Made a mistake? No worries with the undo function.
- Portrait mode or Landscape mode - self-adjusting layouts.
- Multiple card and table top designs.
- Draw 1 or Draw 3 game play.
- Drag amp; drop or tap-to-play.
- Accommodates EVERY screen size imaginable. From Android phone to high-def tablets.
- First, choose from 5 table backgrounds and 2 card backs to suit your personal taste or mood.
- 7 piles of cards are laid from left to right. Each pile contains one more card than the last. The pile on the far left contains a single upturned card; the second pile contains two cards, with each pile to the right containing an additional downturned card.
- Build up a stack of cards starting with Ace and ending with King, all of the same suit.
- Once you achieve this, move the sequence to a quot;foundation quot; at the top of the table. This marks the suit as quot;complete quot;.
- Complete all suits - sequencing from Ace to King - and you win the game!
Fortunately, we’ve brainstormed some ways to help you along.
- Mistakes happen, you can UNDO your last move.
- Choose to draw 1 or draw 3 cards!
- Are you a righty or lefty? Deal from either the left or right side. Every bit makes a difference.
- Solitaire is of Scandinavian or Baltic origin.
- The original name for Solitaire/Klondike/Patience is quot;cabale quot; which means quot;secret knowledge. quot;
- There are over 100s of Solitaire versions - but THIS ONE is the best!
- Free Cell Solitaire was incorporated into Windows 95.
- With a deck of 52 cards, you can play multi-player Solitaire game called quot;Solitaire poker. quot;
- Solitaire is the most popular form of procrastination when an exam or actual work must get done. Try it yourself!
FIND OUT about our other card game apps by visiting our website!
2018-07-08 08:08:20
简介:Spades card game featuring:
- Really challenging computers
- Rating-based online multiplayer and games with friends
- Options for jokers, deuces, nils, blind nils, passing, ...
- Regular spades, suicide, mirrors and whiz
- Statistics
- Change names and avatars
- Change a color style of the game
- Choose between several decks
- Landscape and portrait supported
- Fits phones, tablets and HD phones
Enjoy playing with partner who covers your Nil!
2018-07-08 08:07:16
简介:(등록 1개월만에 15만 다운로드 돌파!)
북한의 공격으로 빼앗긴 영토를 점령하여 남북을 통일하세요
세금을 징수하여 경제력과 기술력, 군사력,행복도를 높히고 빼앗긴 영토를 점령하세요
남한을 점령하고 북한도 점령하여 오래된 소원인 한국통일을 이루어내세요
게임을 플레이하면서 구글 업적 시스템을 통해 업적을 달성해보세요
모은 업적을 통해 친구들과 업적점수 대결도 해보세요!
자신의 나라가 최고다 생각하시면 구글 리더보드(랭킹) 시스템을 이용하여 전국민을 상대로 1위를 노려보세요!
세금징수에서 점령한 지역의 세금을 징수하여 국고를 올립니다
군사생산에서 군인과 무기를 생산하여 군사력을 증가시킵니다
경제개발에서 문화시설같은 복지기관을 늘려 인구수와 행복도,경제력을 올립니다
기술개발에서 다양한 연구를 통해 기술력을 올립니다
캐쉬상점에서 광고제거, 힉스입자, 부자들의 돈, 미국과의 협정을 구매하실 수 있습니다.
랭킹/업적에서 랭킹(리더보드)등록과 업적을 확인하실 수 있습니다.
본 게임은 RAM 1GB이하의 스마트폰 환경에서는 팅김현상이 발생할 수 있습니다.
본 게임의 플레이 환경입니다. (개발자의 예상으로 작성한것이며, 개인 핸드폰에 따라 차이가 있을 수 있습니다.)
최저 환경 : RAM 1GB / 1.4Ghz 이상 (게임플레이는 가능하지만 렉이 발생합니다.)
평균 환경 : RAM 2GB / 1.6Ghz 이상 (게임플레이가 원할하게 진행되지만 간혹 렉이 발생할 수 있습니다)
최고 환경 : RAM 3GB / 2.3Ghz 이상 (게임플레이가 매끄럽고 원할하게 진행됩니다)
개인 스마트폰 사용 차이에 따라 다를 수 있으며 이것은 어디까지나 개인 생각으로 작성된것입니다.
개발자 연락처 :
2018-07-08 08:06:50
简介:“나의 과거는…?”
“너는 누구…?”
어느 날 갑자기 나타난 【손바닥만 한 남자아이】.
기억이 전혀 없고, 당신은 커녕 자신이 누군지도 모른다.
이 아이는 왜 이곳에 온 것일까…
당신이 이 아이에게 해줄 수 있는 것은…?
어느 날 갑자기 시작된 당신과 이 아이의 생활.
그리고 둘에게 찾아온 인생의 갈림길…
신감각 육성 게임을 즐겨보세요!
【어플에 대한 설명】
간단한 조작!
캐릭터 주위에 있는 아이템을 터치하여 애정도를 GET!!
애정도가 쌓이면 조금씩 마을을 열어준답니다!
일정 시간마다 애정도를 한번에 많이 올릴 수 있는 아이템이나
보너스 스테이지에 의한 아이템 대량 발생 등,
도움이 될만한 기능도 있으니 활용해보세요!
캐릭터와 가까워질 때마다 스토리가 전개되고, 도중에 선택지가 출현!
당신의 선택에 따라 스토리와 모습이 변화되는 멀티 엔딩 방식!
각 엔딩에는 귀여운 일러스트까지!!!!
엔딩을 모두 확인하면 숨겨진 에피소드도 볼 수 있어요!
사신이나 악마의 옷이 잘 어울릴 것 같은 작고 귀여운
은발의 초록 눈동자를 가진 이 아이의 목적을 알아보아요!
※더 자세한 조작 방법은 어플 내 도움말이 있으니
그곳을 확인해보세요!
☆이런 분에게 추천☆
・통학, 출퇴근시 시간 때울 게임을 원하시는 분
・간단한 조작으로 부담없이 할 수 있는 게임을 원하시는 분
・방치형 게임을 좋아하시는 분
・여자들을 위한 귀여운 일러스트를 보고싶으신 분
어플 다운로드: 무료
※엔딩을 빨리 보고 싶은 분들을 위한 과금 아이템 有
■어플이 작동되지 않는 경우
백그라운드에서 어플을 한 번 종료하신 후,
홈에 있는 아이콘으로 다시 실행해주세요.
フリー音楽素材こんとどぅふぇ (http://conte-de-fees.com/)
音楽素材『甘茶の音楽工房』 (http://amachamusic.chagasi.com/)
音楽の卵 (http://ontama-m.com/index.html)
TAM Music Factory (http://www.tam-music.com/)
M-ART (http://mart.kitunebi.com/index.html)
PANICPUMPKIN (http://pansound.com/panicpumpkin/index.html)
効果音ラボ (http://soundeffect-lab.info/)
Music is VFR (http://musicisvfr.com/)
効果音素材:ポケットサウンド (http://pocket-se.info/)
フリー効果音素材 くらげ工匠 (http://www.kurage-kosho.info/)
2018-07-08 08:06:12
简介:Play the classic uno game that you love with this tiny app that consumes very little memory.
Uno is an American shedding-type cards game that is played with a specially printed deck. The general principles of the gameplay put it into the Crazy Eights family of card games.
The official rules for the classic uno game are:
To win a match you must be the first player to get rid of all your cards. Players play in turn: either take a card from the pile or place one on the table if it matches the last card placed on top. Other moves are not allowed.
Two cards are considered matching if they have the same color, same number or same symbol. There are 108 in the deck: normal ones with numbers 0 to 9 for each color(red, yellow, green blue) and special action cards:
- Skip: next player in sequence misses a turn
- Reverse card: order of play switches directions (clockwise to counterclockwise, or vice versa)
- Draw Two (+2): next player in sequence draws two cards and misses a turn
- Wild card: player determines the next color to be matched (may be used on any turn even if the player has matching color)
- Wild Draw Four(+4 and wild): player determines next color to be matched; next player in sequence draws four cards and misses a turn; caution: may be legally played only if the player has no cards of the current color
Some people play a variation of the uno game where they add or modify some of the uno classic rules, but this app only uses the original gameplay. This makes it fun for all because everybody knows the same rules.
2018-07-08 08:05:15
简介:Connect to a partner via Bluetooth or online and play Durak, originally Дурак.
2018-07-08 08:04:47
简介:귀여운 강아지 게임 입니다.
가상으로 애완견을 키워 보세요.
비글,코기,프렌치,퍼그 종들이 있어요.
네가지의 미니게임과 숨은 재미들이 있습니다.
미니 게임들 - 보트 터치, 꽃밭 터치, 퍼즐 터치, 도로 터치
숨은 재미들 - 쇼파 터치, 개밥그릇 터치, 개물그릇 터치, TV 터치, 공 터치, 강아지 침대 터치, 문(door) 터치,보물 터치,신문 터치
강아지 종들 - 비글,코기,프렌치,퍼그
개발자 연락처 :
2018-07-08 08:03:16
简介:Twenty-nine or 29 (it is also called 28 sometimes with minor variations in rules) is a very famous card game which is played by four players in fixed partnerships. In our game, you will find double, re-double, pair, single hand and all the common rules implemented. We have an achievements section that tracks your progress as well.
The players facing each other are partners. The game is played with 32 cards comprising of 8 cards from each suit. Jack (3 points), Nine (2 points), Ace (1 point) and Ten (1 point) are the only cards which have points. Thus making a total of 28 points. The teams need to bid and set a target for themselves and then achieve it. The player who wins the bid gets to set the trump suit thus biasing the game towards them. The opponents need to achieve 29 - (bid) to stop the bid winner team from winning the game. This is where the game gets its name #39;29 #39;.
Have a wonderful time playing the game. We will be churning out more updates to the game. Do let us know what other features you would like to see in the game.
2018-07-08 08:02:43
简介:Idle Tap Clicker Game!
Friends have argued with each other.
- I #39;m an easy magic once.
- Friend # 1, you are from water magic.
- Friend 2, let #39;s take the magic from the electric magic to the ultimate magic.
- Why?
- It is to see the ultimate magic quickly!
- Hate! I will burn! No! I #39;ll do it!
In the meantime, my friend 3 came in without notice.
- uh? I #39;m already set fire, water, electricity, ultimate 3-D?
- ........ (all silence)
- You were a smoker !? Why so fast!?!?
- Huh. 3,000 won, you know it #39;s a complete deal?
- .......Indeed. (Convinced Ildong)
You mastered the game.
Then it #39;s time to master the colorful magic!
Touch to cast the spell, and when the spell is full, activate the spell!
But magic is not usually brilliant?
No, you made this alone in a month ?!
I can not help playing.
A faster touch instinct was already turning on the game.
I was called the best adventurer in the world.
It is an adventure that may be the strongest in the world.
However, he fell into a trap during his adventures with his colleagues.
What is this?
It #39;s fine.
It #39;s good to be unhappy that it #39;s not just a skeleton,
The Skeleton Master is the weakest monster that also dies at the lower adventure party.
I still live in my past life, I will live hard!
- There #39;s a skeleton sword here?
- Ugh!? Help me!!
However, as soon as I was tempted, I was the sage sage and invitation wizard!
As soon as I got older, I got to die.
- What? Are you saying that the undead does not want to die? Jackpot!!
But something unexpected happened.
- You come here. I #39;ll raise you to the best skull.
- Yes Yes?
- What are you doing? come fast! Before you hit the fireball!
- Yes, yes!
A little strange life began.
Fantastic reincarnation stories like fantasy fiction.
Although the distinction between reincarnation and past life is complicated, it is like that!
It is stronger than the long winds, more brilliant than the dragon breath,
It is a masterpiece that is attracted to the sense of the developer once it starts to explain it verbally!
Click the game to burn the vacation!
If you lose touch, you can enjoy high quality games even if you are left standing!
But there is a temperament from the beginning of this nogada !?
But! Reward for Nogada is different from other games!
Once I got the attention from the first ultimate magic, right now is the Go!
Idle or Tap Clicker game.
Grow Your Skull Magician. Super Magic! Defence your skull magician!
2018-07-08 08:02:24
简介:quot; p 如果你喜欢3D体育停车场驾驶模拟器和像严峻的挑战,然后跑车停车3D可能是完美的比赛为您服务。这种真正的体育停车场3D是一个令人难以置信的最新跑车停车游戏为Android,需要最高的准确度和精确度。该停车场模拟器为您提供的停车场和跑车挑战的情况。您需要顶级技巧的处理,加速和障碍的预防,让您的跑车停。在这种极端的停车场3D游戏,带动周围的精度和速度,享受动感十足的驾驶,精湛的图形和严峻挑战的弯道,障碍和停车锥你最喜欢的真棒跑车。在这个3D停车场游戏,你可以轻松地处理你的车视摄像头从急转弯和不可能的情况下安全驾驶。选择您所选择的摄影机视图,并有很多的乐趣与这个新的令人上瘾的豪华车停车场HD 2017这个最大的移动跑车停车场新的2017年为您提供最令人印象深刻的,强大和丰富多彩的跑车在展厅享受驾驶。 lt; / p gt;
h3 特点:
p 有真棒的跑车解锁并在此的Xtreme停车场3D跑车50个不同的惊心动魄的任务数。正如你待着任务,情况变得更加具有挑战性和令人兴奋的完成。你有不同的拍摄角度,以确保您的停车精度落后。公园你最喜欢的异国情调的现实跑车,以提高你的驾驶技能,在速度停车场游戏专业跑车停车司机。这款车的控制是非常具有挑战性的,你能处理汽车在不同的模式。踩踏加速转向车辆,并使用制动踏板,以免发生意外。使用对你有利的齿轮按钮改变齿轮获得向前或向后朝达成车位。每一个专业跑车司机倒车处于尴尬境地,所以不要忘了对你有利使用此功能。显示你的技能和开快车如3D拿到检查站,因为有一个时间限制来完成每次任务等实际停车场的游戏。所以快点,每一项任务提供了一个与时间赛跑。像其他停车场最好的游戏和有趣的停车场游戏这款跑车停车3D是如此令人兴奋的发挥。
p 我们希望你会喜欢这真正的运动停车3D游戏和学习的基本技能,以驱动跑车。如果你喜欢最酷的新停车场游戏3D玩请为我们的游戏。
b i center 就像我们的Facebook页面或关注我们的Twitter的进一步更新通知。的 quot; /center /i /b /p /p /h3 /h3 /p
2018-07-08 08:02:16
简介:这些客户都渴望甜甜圈!制造和服务于各种美味的甜甜圈!使用工具准备面团,炸甜甜圈,装饰和霜冻他们!你甚至可以做冰淇淋,奶昔,提供咖啡和多!竞争在烘烤竞争,并表明你在我身边最好的面包师评委!现在,这是你所谓的甜面包店做你想做的烤面包圈在一个非常神奇的方式?参观童话厨师安娜在她的云城堡和烤神奇甜甜圈那里!从天上星星收集,使星面粉及神奇的云倒入牛奶。问问你的可爱的小兔子的朋友,从天空中的小鸟拿到鸡蛋和烤你的甜甜圈在阳光下。当甜甜圈完成烹饪,削减他们的花形和最美味的去购物的小超市了对糖果的糖果店装修,股票,帮助梳理在家居用品店,在 店得到创造性,排序在饼店的蛋糕彩虹,玩的在园,帮Donatina在她的甜甜圈车,做一个高大的堆栈中的煎饼店,并在蛋糕店烤蛋糕的美味!另外,还有一个秘密等待着你去发现!一旦你的店铺使用了一百多个成分煮几百可口的菜肴。尝试所有可能的厨房电器,从咖啡机和电饭煲比萨饼烤箱和爆米花机。装饰你的餐厅,以吸引更多的客户。使自己的赠品,如饼干或蛋糕,让你的客户体验更加个性化和令人难忘的 - 就像在现实生活中!升级你的厨房,并产生更大的各种菜肴。哦,为什么我们说,这个游戏上瘾和引人入胜的发热。
2018-07-08 08:01:56
简介:어느 평범한 날...
나는 운명처럼 최애와 만났습니다.
인기 아이돌그룹인 판도라에게
영혼과 통장을 빼앗겨버린 나날이었지만
그래도 최애가 있어서 행복했습니다.
그런데, 눈에 넣어도
아프지 않은 최애의 컴백날.
우연히 부딪히게 된 남자들에게
모범생과 덕후를 오가는
내 이중생활을 들켜버렸다?!
quot;데뷔할 때까지 더 열심히 할게! quot;
아이돌 연습생 소꿉친구, 송우빈
quot;클래식 외에는 전부 쓰레기야. quot;
예민한 천재 피아니스트, 서해진
quot;당신을 좋아하는데 이유가 필요해요? quot;
어딘가 수상한 학생회장, 최도원
quot;수고했어, 오늘 수업은 여기까지.”
잘생긴 과외 선생님, 남태희
quot;몇 번을 말 해. 판도라 안 좋아한다고. quot;
여자라면 질색하는 남고생, 기파랑
모범생과 덕후 사이?
완벽한 이중생활을 사수하기 위한
소녀의 고군분투기 START!
쉿, 다른 사람에게는 비밀이야!
아이돌 덕후 소녀의 일급 비밀 사수기
공식 트위터 계정: https://twitter.com/DAY7_LEO
개발자 연락처 :
서울시 마포구 양화로 12길 16
제 2016-서울마포-0320호
2018-07-08 08:01:15
你准备好山羊横冲直撞模拟器 - 野生动物
游戏特色:山羊横冲直撞模拟器 - 狂野生活
2018-07-08 08:00:19
简介:전편 대통령 키우기에 이은 후속작 선거 노가다 게임
탄핵 인용 이후 다가온 장미 대선..!!
알바와 후원금 모집으로 선거자금을 모으고,
제주도 부터 서울 시에 이르기까지 전국을 돌며 강력한 선거 캠프를 구성해주세요.
각 지역에서 좋은 공약을 세우고, 정당 내의 후보들과 경선 경쟁에서 승리하여
당의 대표 대통령 후보를 만들어주세요.
토론회 에서 공약을 발표하고, 전국적인 선거 운동을 통해 대선에 승리하여 새로운 대통령을 만들어주세요.
오류와 개선점을 메일로 알려주세요.
개발자 이메일 : [email protected]
개발자 연락처 :
2018-07-08 07:59:54
玩得开心,购买最实惠,最便捷的购物体验。进入超市,漫游,探索超级市场,这将是令人兴奋的,也是具有挑战性的。在超级市场游戏中避免撞击立场并撞上产品。在收银台上支付一些有趣的时间并到达收银台。按照杂货超市里面的箭头,在现金柜台上计费时等待轮到你。为了惊人的教育购物游戏下载免费超级市场Atm机模拟器商场:购物中心是母亲和孩子的最佳选择 商场。
2018-07-08 07:57:13
2018-07-08 07:55:13
简介:*The No.1 game on iOS - App Store Vietnam, is now available on Android*
Tien len ( quot;Tiến lên quot;) ,considered the national card game of Vietnam , is a game intended and best for 4 players.
2018-07-08 07:50:12
简介:Absolutely new game that looks like pocket edition. Download Now DA craft and enjoy to open an free crafting world. There is everything for the sandbox game, maps, mods and servers. You can play online with friends, and you can play yourself in our game which can be downloaded for free and which does not look like any others game for craft.
To start playing Da craft, you need to download it, choose a server or play it alone, and use controllers, it #39;s easy. Turn the wheel in the desired direction, jump and use the inventory when necessary.
There will not be a pvp mode like an mods for other games. But here there is a survival mode and much more. Also you will find here furniture, tnt, animals and lots of weapons and guns miscront craft.
This is the game that everyone has been waiting for. Just start to go, build, craft, enjoy free game in the style for sandbox game
2018-07-08 07:48:17
简介:Wars Charge Power Ranger Ninja Dino is a fun game super power game ranger.
Complete the mission of the super megazord should command and continue to run the rangers on many obstacles, fight and fight the dino charge against the megaforce heroes.
Move the ninja steel to phenomenal colossal extensions, mountains and ladders, fight against wars against ancient villains, stop falling blocks, find coins and levels of power wrapped, collect coins, swim shields Through dangerous oceans, use your megazord weapons to attack enemies, use jetpack to fly, plunge into experimental parts and an addictive universe.
Features while playing unified Wars Charge Power Ranger Ninja Dino addictive power and passion to win victory in the world.
+ 50 great levels, very striking, beautiful and growing with piecemeal fun issues
+ a dozen fierce battles against spd unite games.
+ great morphine count of catalyst, extra tweaks, mysterious pieces and more stuff
+ awesome super expensive dinosaurs around 2D and high quality 3D design
+ water universe and sea ranger spd - jump, run, attack, fly and swim!
+ try to unlock all the achievements and be the number one megazord!
How to play rangers battle:
+ right or left click on your control pillow to access the Wars Charge Power Ranger Ninja Dino
+ By eating the ball will prove to be a Super Silver keeper, get the power of charm and have the ability to destroy the blocks!
+ ranger can also swim in some cases - press the Jump button to swim higher ... release your finger from the jack to get off!
Play this new super combat game.
2018-07-08 07:47:15
简介:The bizarre story of living in sewers, the ultimate comedy show,
Meet the characters from popular animation help you continue with your mission in like bablu dablu games!
Help adventure. Destroy enemies in the way. At the end of the level, defeat the enemies to unlock the next level.
nows, all childs like to play adventure game of this. follow the lines and him, he will escape from all monsters and will save firstly own life.
Be careful about the troubles waiting for you on your way! Let #39;s take adventure and help fight against the alien monsters even the Big Bosses. Simple game play, nice graphic, funny monsters and sound, classical controller, very funny and very interesting, you can help him slide, jump, fire, attack.
free games ever made with heroes great game quality,
download now and experience the joy of jumping the hurdles through various shadow worlds!
Help best adventure. Destroy enemies in the way. At the end of the level, defeat the enemies to unlock the next level for bablu dablu games..
Be careful about the troubles waiting for you on your way! Let #39;s take adventure and help fight against the alien monsters even the Big Bosses with bablu dablu game. Simple game play, nice graphic, funny monsters and sound, classical controller, very funny and very interesting, you can help him slide, jump, fire, attack.
The game is made up of our cute hero #39;s potatoes collection struggle. Do not you want to help me now? The best chracter is not chacha bhatija now!
nows, all childs like to play adventure game of this. follow the lines and him, he will escape from all monsters and will save firstly own life.
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2018-07-08 07:46:21
简介:본격 강태공 시뮬레이터
개성 넘치는 여러캐릭터들을 어장관리해보자!
좀 더 많은 정보와 소식을 바라신다면?
-공식 트위터 주소 :
-공식 블로그 주소 :
2018-07-08 07:46:17
简介:Callbreak Multiplayer brings classic and popular card game with online multiplayer feature to the Google Play Store.
Game Rules
Callbreak is a trick-taking card game played with a standard 52-card deck between four players. There are 5 rounds in a game. Players #39; sitting direction and the first dealer are selected before the first round begins. To randomize player #39;s sitting direction and the first dealer, each player draws a card from the deck, and based on the order of the cards, their directions and first dealer are fixed. Dealers are changed successively in anti-clockwise direction in the following rounds.
In each round, a dealer starting from their right, deals all the cards in anti-clockwise direction to all the players without revealing any card, making 13 cards per each player.
All four players, starting from the player to dealer #39;s right bid a number of tricks that they must win in that round in order to get a positive score, otherwise they will get a negative score.
In Callbreak, Spades are the trump cards.
In each trick, player must follow the same suit; if unable, player must play a trump card if eligible to win; if unable, player can play any card of their choice.
Player must always try to win the trick, in other words (s)he must play higher cards possible.
The first trick in a round is led by player to dealer #39;s right with any card of any suit. Each player, in turn plays in anti-clockwise direction. A trick containing a spade is won by the highest spade played; if no spade is played, the trick is won by the highest card of the same suit. The winner of each trick leads to the next trick.
Player that takes at least as many tricks as her bid receives a score equal to her bid. Additional tricks (Over Tricks) are worth an extra 0.1 times one point each. If unable to get the stated bid, score will be deducted equal to the stated bid. After 4 rounds are completed, scores are summed to help players set a goal for their final round. After the final round, winner and runner-ups of the game are declared.
- Intuitive drag interface to play a card
- Bots with improved AI in single player mode
- Multiplayer with random online players
- Multiplayer with online facebook friends
Coming soon:
- Local/wifi/hotspot multiplayer
- Score history, statistics
- Leaderboard and achievements
- Sounds and notifications
Also try the web version
Localized name of the game:
- Callbreak (in Nepal)
- Lakdi, Lakadi (in India)