2018-07-08 05:30:39
简介:** 画个火柴人系列游戏 – 威比奖5项奖项得主**
** 全球使用量超过一亿人次**
想象力决定一切! 当您进入神奇的火柴人世界,并遇到各种各样的谜题和怪兽的时候,充分运用您的想象力逐一击败它们!您可以在画个火柴人: EPIC 2中画一个您心目中最帅最靓的火柴人,赋予它生命,然后带着他踏上冒险的征程! 途中挑战重重,您能否运用您的智慧发掘所有秘密,解锁所有成就,并和全世界分享您的画作呢?
您可以在画个火柴人这款游戏中尽情发挥您的想象力,并且您将亲眼目睹您的画作动起来!快让您的灵感在素描本中得到全方位的释放, 然后把您的作品分享给朋友们,让他们一同感受创作的快乐!
这是将一场穿越时空的冒险! 冒险的路上会有伙伴相随,可当厄运降临到伙伴头上时,您能否挺身而出,拯救伙伴,成为那位传说中的英雄呢? 来吧冒险者, 这里有一个全新的世界在等待。
您现在可以使用这项新功能和朋友分享作品了! 他们将带着您亲手为他们画的装备踏上冒险征程!
这里各种怪兽等您来挑战:小到邪能哥布林,用舌头攻击的青蛙;大到喷火巨龙以及更多更加庞大的守关BOSS。你能否运用手中的铅笔和心中的无穷智慧赢得最后的胜利呢? 我们拭目以待。
与前作相比,您的调色盘,画笔大小都将有更多的选择空间;您可以跟朋友们分享您的画作;您还可以通过解谜来收集更多颜料,用您的新画笔画出更具匠心的鸟蛋,电线,冰锥等等一系列全新的解谜要素。 冒险怎么玩,你说了算!快来体验一下吧!
画个火柴人: EPIC2,画个火柴人系列经典续作,为爱好游戏和充满创意的你量身打造。最后,我们由衷希望您能从游戏中收获快乐!
2018-07-08 05:30:35
に続く謎解きノベル×脱出ゲーム 第三弾!!
[ 帝都の地下にひそむ監獄に、挑む ]
----【 監獄少年 】----
◆◇+-- このような方にオススメ --+◇◆
◆◇+-- 物語 --+◇◆
主人公の「暁 哲(あかつき てつ)」は、機密警察の拠点の一つである「監獄十二階」でとある事件を目撃する…。
◆◇+-- 『謎解きノベル×脱出ゲーム』とは? --+◇◆
◆◇+-- 概要・特徴 --+◇◆
・ストーリーのボリュームは脱出ゲームの数十倍! 基本無料で遊べます。
・操作はとっても簡単! 誰でも気軽に楽しくプレイできます。
◆◇+-- 公式情報 --+◇◆
【ジャンル】 謎解きノベル×脱出ゲーム
2018-07-08 05:30:20
简介:Helix Ball Drop with the ball falling down and dropping balls with bouncing balls and ball drop on the helix, b Helix Ball Drop /b game.
Rotate Left or right to drop the ball down but avoid landing on the red hot blocks in the b Helix Ball Drop /b Game. Ball drop to fall down the helix. Drop the ball and rotate the wheel to further drop the ball down. Dropping balls had never been this much fun before and bouncing balls on the helix block looks awesome. Falling down further gives you more points and fall down skipping a few blocks to survive landing on the red block.
If the ball drop on the red block it is game over. b Helix Ball Drop /b and ball bounce and decide to rotate the helix left or right.
Ball jump or b Helix Ball Drop /b has never been this much fun before and bouncy ball, ball jumping balls on the floor faultlessly is hypnotizing. When balls bouncing and rolling hills on the helix catches the flash powerup it smashes through the helix tiles like cake and becomes unstoppable. When the bouncy balls meets the spinning it #39;s the ultimate fun.
Download this amazing fun b Helix Ball Drop /b game for free and play offline without the need of wifi.
Features of b Helix Ball Drop /b drop Game :
+ b Helix Ball Drop /b drop Game has very addictive gameplay.
+ thrilling and fun running Jump adventure
+ frenzied, addicting and fast game experience
+ easy game to play with one-touch controls
+ There are a lot of levels and more coming .
+ beautiful, stunning and smooth graphics
+ great music and intense sound effects
+ small APK file size to download in short time.
• Different helix designs for Maze jump and b Helix Ball Drop /b game.
Play and share b Helix Ball Drop /b drop Game with your friends and families now.
2018-07-08 05:29:25
简介:서울 한 복판에서 발생한 유괴 사건!
각자 다른 사연을 갖고 만난 4명의 남녀가 이를 뒤쫓는다.
범인으로 추정되는 남자가 지나간 장소마다 일어나는 살인 사건!
수많은 난관을 헤치며 추적을 이어가는 그들 앞에
과거와 현재를 잇는 단서들이 모습을 드러내는데…
침묵했던 진실의 조각들이 모인 마지막 순간,
당신이 상상했던 모든 것이 흔들린다!
[게임 특징]
서울 강북을 무대로 벌어지는고퀄리티 그래픽과 사운드의 향연!
살아 숨쉬는 캐릭터와 3D 모델링을 바탕으로 완성된 강북의 모습들!
영화를 보는듯한 생생한 음성지원
경력과 연기력으로 인정받은 14인의 초호화 성우들이 참여한 블록버스터급 게임!
4부작, 총 16편의 드라마
20여명의 캐릭터가 펼치는 드라마틱한 전개, 빠져나올 수 없는 흡입력!
대화 안에 숨겨진 진실의 실마리를 찾아라!
숨겨진 진실을 추리하는 네 가지 특기!
격투, 탐문, 대입, 통찰의 네 가지 특기로 어둠 속의 진실을 추적하라!
쉽고 간단한 풀 터치 조작
의심이 가는 곳을 직접 터치하여 사건을 조사하라!
당신이 조사한 그 장소가 사건의 진상을 밝힐 중요한 열쇠가 될지 모른다!
순간의 선택이 만드는 50여가지의 엔딩
어떤 상황에서도 긴장을 늦출 수 없다. 선택에 따라 펼쳐지는 다양한 결말!
화려한 아트워크 보너스!
스토리를 전개하며 얻는 특전 이미지들, 랜덤하게 입수하는 프로필 사진들!
친구들과의 우정 점수를 쌓아 완벽한 컬렉션을 완성하라!
▣ 지원 단말 ▣
안드로이드 OS 4.1.x(Jelly Bean) 이상의 단말에서만 원활한 플레이가 가능합니다.
OS 4.0.x(Ice Cream Sandwich) 이하의 단말에서는 소프트웨어 업데이트를 하신 후 이용이 가능합니다.
# OS 정보 확인
#39;설정 버튼 gt; 디바이스 정보 gt; 안드로이드 버전 #39; 에서 단말의 OS 정보를 확인하실 수 있습니다.
# OS 버전 업그레이드
#39;설정 버튼 gt; 디바이스 정보 gt; 소프트웨어 업데이트 #39; 에서 업데이트 하실 수 있습니다.
* 접근 권한 안내
* 안드로이드 6.0 이상 폰에서는 게임 이용시 접근 권한 승인이 필요합니다.
[필수적 접근 권한]은 거부 시 게임 이용이 불가능 합니다.
[선택적 접근 권한]은 거부 해도 게임 실행이 가능 합니다.
* 접근 권한 철회 방법
하기 경로에서 접근 권한을 다시 설정할 수 있습니다.
[운영체제 6.0 이상]
설정 gt; 애플리케이션 관리 gt; 해당 앱선택 gt; 권한 gt; 접근권한 철회 가능
[운영체제 6.0 미만]
운영체제 업그레이드 또는 앱 삭제로 접근 권한 철회
기기, 사진, 미디어, 파일 액세스 (선택적 접근 권한)
이 권한은 외장 메모리에 게임을 설치 하기 위해 필요한 권한입니다.
권한을 허용 하면 용량 부족 상황시 외장 메모리에 게임을 설치할 수 있습니다.
고객님의 사진과 파일에는 접근 하지 않으니 걱정 하지 않으셔도 됩니다.
전화 걸기 및 관리 허용 (선택적 접근 권한)
이 권한은 이벤트 보상, 실시간 게임 요소 및 고객 응대를 위해 단말기를 식별할 수 있는 권한입니다.
권한을 허용 하면 CS 응대 및 푸쉬 메시지, 이벤트 SMS등의 안내를 받을 수 있습니다.
주소록 접근 (선택적 접근 권한)
이 권한은 친구 목록을 불러오기 위한 권한입니다.
권한을 허용 하면 친구 초대나 친구 맺기 등에서 활용 되며, 이외 다른 용도로는 사용 되지 않습니다.
개발자 연락처 :
고객센터 : 02-1566-4340
E-mail : [email protected]
2018-07-08 05:28:46
简介:Hello Explorer...
Get ready for the Dungeon Crawler/Roguelike quot;Dungeon Card quot;, the brand new strategic card game by Collateral Games!
Will you rise the challenge?
Take your courage in both hands and pick a card!
★ Dungeon exploration, mighty spells and monster fighting
★ Get 20 special Achievement (4 secrets)
★ Flip the cards to explore always different dungeon (procedurally generated)
★ Raid, steal and carry off weapons and upgrades
★ Compare your highscore with friends and players worldwide
★ New powerful cards will surprise your journey through the dungeons
★ New cards daily added
Languages: english, italian, spanish,
Coming soon: french
Download it for FREE, now
2018-07-08 05:27:38
简介:It #39;s time for a sweet jelly match! Download Jelly Pop and enjoy the best pop game for free! Blast candies and jellies, and get ready for the delicious mania. Explore the magical candy realm and match 3 treats to win challenging levels. Start your sugary adventure today, play this FREE candy game and enjoy the sweet match 3 game!
Swipe and match candies, and boost your sweet jelly blast adventure! Match 3 items or more of the same color to remove them from the board and win coins. Use your moves wisely and collect delicious candies to advance. Earn awesome crushing boosts and power-ups that will help you crush items and unlock sugary combinations.
Create awesome explosions by making these fun combinations:
Match and pop 4 candies to get a striped treat of this color and create a line blast
Link and swap 5 sugar candy treats in an L or T form to get an amazing treat that will explode all items around it.
Combine, swipe, and crash 5 sweet candies in a row to get a special colorful rainbow bomb. The colorful bomb can burst all candy treats with the same color.
Connect 2 special power-ups to create even greater explosions.
Jelly Pop is a free puzzle now featuring loads of sweet addicting sugar levels to enjoy, totally addictive game mode, awesome graphics and effects, and a fun match 3 game for the whole family to enjoy!
Enjoy Playing Jelly pop!
- Swap, smash, and link 3 candy items to create a line blast and remove them from the board.
- Collect prizes and make special jelly match combinations to create a massive crush!
- Boost your experience with blasting power-ups.
- Play and solve thousands of fun puzzle game levels in this fun addicting candy game.
- Reach high scores and try to get 3 stars on every level.
- Play this jelly blast game offline or online - no WiFi and no internet required!
Enjoy this free incredible match 3 puzzle jelly game with awesome blaster features: challenging and totally addicting popping levels, a smooth gameplay that will keep you occupied for hours, and a sweet candy design. Play today, smash jellies, and discover tons of exciting levels filled with delicious surprises!
2018-07-08 05:27:20
当火灾肆虐,火焰吞噬地板时,最勇敢勇敢的人 - 消防员 - 总是来救人。我们的游戏将帮助你感觉像一个真正的消防员,帮助沉浸在这个美好的职业的气氛中,将显示专业消防员每天面对的挑战和困难。
2018-07-08 05:26:16
简介:Super Nod #39;s World Jungle Adventure is a super adventure of jungle world, a jungle boy (man heroes) want to become a treasure hunter.
One day, Jungle boy (man heroes) found an ancient map in the warehouse of his grandfather, it leads to the super jungle world.
Given that it was a treasure map, boy decided to jump into jungle adventure to find treasure without knowing that a lot of threats in super jungle world are waiting for him.
In the super world, must pass so much threats to run to target super world.
Super jungle runs and jumps across platforms and atop enemies in themed levels.
Super Jungle World is one of the best jungle adventure game. The game has several challenging levels to play and discover.
Super Jungle World (Nod #39;s World) Full HD (4K support) fans are complaining that their creations are being removed from the game without a reason or explanation.
This has happened before but fans knew that it was for the stages that had glitches.
The company should explain to the fans that they have changed the process. If not, they should still tell them about the stages and why they are being removed from the game. A few months ago, gamers were told that the stages in Super Jungle World (Nod #39;s World) Full HD (4K) with glitches would be removed.
- So much scenes: jungle, frozen, cave, subway world
- Addictive game-play
- Amazing graphics
- Addictive gameplay
- Challenging level design
- Fun for all ages
- amazing world
- jungle Beautiful graphics
- +80 level to play
- Beautiful graphics and control
- Many challenging levels contested
- Try to get high score
Download Super Nod #39;s World Jungle Adventure (Super Jungle World) now and enjoy the game.
The game includes:
- Achievements
- 60+ different enemies
- Easy, intuitive controls
- 4 beautiful worlds(more coming soon)
- 80 awesome levels(more coming soon)
- Classic platform game style
- And a lot more features!
How to play
- Use button to jump, move and fire
- Find weapon in flowers
- Kill enemies by firing or jumping on their head
Super Nod #39;s World Jungle Adventure is the greatest platform adventure for your android!
Everything has been carefully designed for you to have a lot of fun! We warn you, it´s not an easy game so good luck!
All this completely free, so you should at least try it. We hope all our players have a great time playing it, please rate and thanks a lot for playing
Worry about downloading this app may cost you a lot?
Developed and being maintained by a professional team, this app will service you well.
Thank you download and play my game.
2018-07-08 05:26:10
简介:脱出ゲーム Cottage(コテージ)
2018-07-08 05:25:40
简介:你一定在WW2美国陆军突击队属中玩过很多战争射击游戏或生存游戏。我们为您带来了在未知岛屿上玩过的世界大战战场的游戏。 WW2美国军队突击队将在这场射击比赛中取得胜利。 WW2美国陆军突击队生存战与美国陆军射击队一起发挥,以完成二战的战争射击战。第二次世界大战生存战场的最后一个未知玩家是一个非常不同的战争射击游戏。
这次WW2美国军队突击队与未知队伍的战斗将提供最佳的射击战场体验。 WW2美国陆军突击队将在未知的战场岛屿上测试水域。你已经被赋予生存射击任务成为世界大战战斗救世主。这个WW2美国陆军突击队游戏是最佳射击游戏和终极生存游戏的生存战场。你需要确保你战利品,并在战争装备,健康和武器中存活以最终生存。第二次世界大战是在二战美军射击战场上战斗的生存战争。
你必须成为第二次世界大战的真正的生存英雄,并计划生存战争囚徒逃离战场。 WW2美国突击队生存战争中的最佳动作拍摄体验将让你着迷于最佳动作射击游戏。你必须在生存战场游戏中寻找竞争对手的竞技场,那里的房子内部隐藏着水箱。独特的美国军队战争射击游戏,您可以制定自己的规则,作为美国突击队生存战场。完成任务,因为你是战争拍摄的英雄,并找到最好的生存战场战争射击游戏敌人的藏身之地
WW2美国突击队战场幸存者 b 的主要特点
改进WW2美国突击队的装备 /b
2018-07-08 05:24:36
-制作美味的独角兽 amp;彩虹食物
-可烹饪10种独角兽 amp;彩虹食物:彩虹沙冰、独角兽生日蛋糕、独角兽冰棍、彩虹爆米花、独角兽冰淇淋卷、彩虹起司面包、独角兽棉花糖、独角兽热巧克力、独角兽的便便、以及巧克力杯彩虹冰淇淋
-下载该产品代表你同意遵守Kids Food Games的隐私保护政策:
2018-07-08 05:24:18
简介:Blackjack strategy chart simulation.
Just see if you want memorization.
This is a very useful application to Real casino Blackjack.
This is a light version of Blackjack K4.
Do you want complete app?
Please download Blackjack K4.
Amazing Blackjack K series will be continue.
Blackjack K4 terminator! Blackjack K
2018-07-08 05:24:13
简介:どひょ~っ! 今度は復讐だ!?
『DRUNK ROOM (ドランク・ルーム)』 が帰ってきた!
2018-07-08 05:23:31
2018-07-08 05:22:47
简介:Divertiti con questo card maker in stile Clash Royale (Supercell) e divertiti nel creare carte tutte tue: dalle più folli alle più verosimili!
Importa le immagini dall #39;icona fotocamera in alto, spostala a tuo piacimento attivando la spunta quot;Move photo quot;, clicca sulle scritte per personalizzarle, scegli il tipo di carta e salva la tua carta direttamente in galleria.
App amp;App
Questo contenuto non è affiliato, omologato, sponsorizzato o specificamente approvato da Supercell e Supercell non è responsabile per questo.
Per maggiori informazioni vedi Supercell’s Fan Content Policy: www.supercell.com/fan-content-policy
2018-07-08 05:22:44
简介:▼ ルール概要
4人のプレイヤーが順番に A (1) から K (13) までカードを出していきます。
▼ ルール詳細
・K(13) までカードを出したら、次は A (1) からとなります。
2018-07-08 05:22:28
简介:원카드 게임을 즐기며 나만의 이상한나라 앨리스 책을 만들어보자. 이젠 나도 작가!!!
* 원카드는 대한민국에서 시작된 것으로 보이는 카드 게임입니다. 우노(UNO)와 진행 규칙이 비슷합니다.
1. 나만의 quot;이상한나라 앨리스 quot; 책을 만들어보자.
동화책 캐릭터와 원카드 게임을 통해 스테이지를 클리어하거나 실패하면 그림책에 다른 애니메이션이 보여지고 스테이지마다 스토리를 내가 적접 만들어 나만의 책을 만들 수 있습니다.
2. 스테이지의 다양성
스테이지를 클리어하면 quot;이상한나라 앨리스 quot; 의 이야기로 흐르나, 스테이지에 실패하면 다른 동화로 이야기가 이어집니다. (잭과 콩나무, 프랑켄슈타인, 토끼와 거북이 등등...)
3. 내 책의 공유
게임에서 내 책을 Upload하시면 앨리스도서관에서 친구와 게임사용자들이 책을 볼 수 있습니다.
앨리스도서관의 내 서적에서 내 책을 카톡친구나 게임친구들에게 자랑하기를 할 수 있습니다.
자랑하기 메시지를 통해 게임에 접속하면 내 책이 친구들에게 바로 보여줍니다.
4. 베스트셀러
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매달 베스트셀러 1/2/3등에게는 Book/Gold/게임아이템 등 다양한 선물로 드립니다.
* 카톡 초대 메시지나 카톡 자랑하기 메시지로 게임에 접속하는 친구 30명마다 Gold를 선물로 드립니다.
개발자 연락처 :
2018-07-08 05:22:21
简介:(No es el juego completo, solo una demo). Para jugar la versión completa vayan a la web de Inka Games. El malvado Pigsaw ha secuestrado a los conocidos youtubers Lyna, Moonkase, Lili Cross, ManoloTEVE, Town, Rovi23 y Germán para obligarlos a jugar su malévolo juego y así vengarse de ellos por haber subido en sus canales muchos videos donde ayudan a sus suscriptores a ganar los saw games. ¡Ayúdalos a escapar sanos y salvos!
2018-07-08 05:21:31
2018-07-08 05:21:25
古老邪靈 Zepar 和他的墮落勢力已經回歸,再次讓這裡變成扭曲和邪惡的世界。
接近 300 張華麗的卡片供收集,充滿《混沌與秩序》的英雄奇幻美術風格 (大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲,多人聯機線上競技遊戲)
背景設定在充滿魔幻魔法的宇宙,混沌與秩序是免費的卡牌決鬥遊戲(TCG),還有多人線上戰鬥模式 (PvP)。這個免費的TCG遊戲讓您可以管理您的紙牌、用紙牌戰鬥、玩線上遊戲以及更多。
請造訪我們的官方網站 http://www.gameloft.com
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2018-07-08 05:20:14
简介:Dive into a puzzling world of magic and might – a fairy tale kingdom! Hidden scenes is back with more amazing picture puzzles to solve. With hundreds of hours of gameplay, you’ll have endless fun working through each level and trying our 4 challenging modes!
⦁ SWAP - Swap the pieces into their correct spot, like a relaxing jigsaw puzzle
⦁ FLIP - Swap and flip the pieces into their correct spot, a little more challenging
⦁ ROTATE - Swap and rotate the pieces into their correct spot! Twice the challenge!
⦁ RADIAL - Swap pieces of a circular puzzle to reveal the nature photo
⦁ CHALLENGE – Fast paced jigsaw fun with limited time and/or moves!
With 4 different difficulty settings for each game mode – from small to insane – these jigsaw puzzles are fun for adults and children, providing a jigsaw challenge for any skill level. Combined with 5 insanely addictive game modes, Hidden Scenes has hundreds of hours of casual puzzle gameplay!
⦁ Choose your game mode: Swap, Flip, Rotate or Radial
⦁ Customize the difficulty to suit your skill level from small to insane!
⦁ Challenge yourself with limited time / movement puzzles
⦁ Solve puzzles to unlock stunning HD photos from fairytale lands
⦁ Combine different settings and game modes for hundreds of hours of gameplay!
⦁ Lots of free daily rewards amp; bonuses
⦁ A huge collection of HD free jigsaw puzzles for adults and children!
If you’re looking for a huge collection of fun, challenging and free jigsaw puzzles for adults – look no further! With tons of content, unique game modes and more puzzles added regularly, Hidden Scenes is the perfect game for picture puzzle lovers!
2018-07-08 05:19:49
简介:Solitaire Cutie Girl Card - Free Vegas Game 888 is now ready for android mobile phones and tablets with its high quality. Download now and play free. You can play Solitaire Cutie Girl Card - Free Vegas Game 888 in anywhere you want. No need to the internet connection. Solitaire is also known as Klondike Solitaire and Patience, and it is the most popular solitaire card game in the world.
Try our BEST FREE SOLITAIRE app now! It has beautiful graphics, and if you like Solitaire, you’re going to love this game!
Solitaire Classic perfects the core playing experience you know and love. Fun new features are totally optional, so if you want to focus purely on the solitaire, nothing could be easier! This is solitaire for true solitaire lovers.
This pure and faithful edition of classic solitaire is sure to trigger your nostalgia for Solitaire. After all, there’s no need to mess with a perfect formula! The only difference is the convenience and portability of your phone.
If this sounds like exactly the solitaire you were looking for, we totally understand! You won’t be disappointed—download on Android now for FREE!
2018-07-08 05:19:33
简介:고스톱 좋아하세요?
고스톱 좋아하세요?
그냥~ 심심 할땐 고스톱(맞고) 한판 어떠세요?
결재 걱정! 데이타 비용! 걱정없이 맘 편히 치자구요!
고스톱 생각 날땐~ 고스톱 좋아하세요?를 플레이 하세요~
게임 단점 극복!
- 빠른 게임 진행
= gt; 옵션에서 속도조절로 극복~
- 게임중 광고 출현
= gt; 옵션에서 광고 끄기로 극복~
- 육성 사운드
= gt; 옵션에서 아운드 끄기로 극복~
- 상대방이 없는 싱글 게임
= gt; 실시간 기록 경쟁으로 극복~
= gt; 업적 달성으로 극복~
그리고, 이 모든 것이 무료라는 사실!
그외 궁금하신 사항 있으시면 문의하기([email protected])를 이용해 주세요.
※본 게임은 한국 게임물관리위원회(KGRAC)에서
정식으로 등급을 받은 게임임을 알려 드립니다.
※등급분류번호 : CC-OM-161123-003
개발자 연락처 :
주소 : 서울시 광진구 자양로 131
전화번호 : 070-7532-7953
사업자 등록 번호 : 132-81-81274
통신판매 신고 번호 : 제2016-서울광진-0566호 (광진구청장)
2018-07-08 05:19:17
简介:Are you crazy fans of fire and water or fire and ice (teamwork game) ?
Fall in love adventure maze game and remember it from childhood ?
Fire Red boy and his lover (ice girl - Water girl) who go with him is a puzzle adventure game for two players.
It #39;s an very addicting game to play with your kids, your lover and your friend.
You #39;ve got two characters to control in this exciting puzzle game.
Lead Red boy and Water girl to their doors in each level of the Crystal Temp Maze, collecting fire diamonds and ice diamonds along the way.
Red boy must avoid the water and Ice girl must avoid the fire, and be careful, the black water kills them both.
Using your brain to control objects in game such as lever, pusher, mirror, black ball, light beam, elevator, wind machine, pulley system
in order to open path that leads to the doors.
- 30 Maps and continue update
- Nice character fire boy is red boy
- Nice character blue girl is water girl
- Always support .All levels are updating frequently
- Nice Soundtrack
- Classic gameplay from web
- Back to childhood
2018-07-08 05:18:18
简介:Games2Jolly - Cute Onion Rescue is a point and click escape game developed by Games2Jolly Team. Cute Onion has been captured and held captive in a room. The kidnappers were not there now and it #39;s the perfect time for you to rescue the Cute Onion from there.you need to solve some puzzles by using the clues spread around. Best wishes in your rescue task,
Good Luck...