2018-07-07 20:08:34
- 使用充满个性的能力和可爱的卡通形象,好好躲避生气的妈妈,竭尽全力去通过更多的地区。
- 从小村里开始起跑到沙漠、海洋、北极、天空和宇宙等多种多样的地区吧。
- 使用有趣的图片来炫耀自己玩游戏的记录吧。
- 提高促升能力,感受跟赛车相似的紧张感。
Game Page
Develop Page
2018-07-07 20:08:30
宝宝巴士专注于移动智能早教产品研发,以蒙氏(蒙特梭利)教育作为理论依据,以五大领域作为划分的具体依据,根据学龄前儿童不同年龄段的敏感期特点和学习重点来设计产品, 构建出“年龄+能力”的多元产品体系。丰富有趣的产品让孩子在游戏中独立思考,自由学习,享受探索世界的乐趣。
邮箱:[email protected]
2018-07-07 20:07:31
简介:Jungle Heat 是一款免费的跨平台战争游戏,您可以在任意设备或社交网络上运行该游戏。
充满石油和黄金的热带地区在嗜血将军的猛攻之下岌岌可危。 您的任务是将当地财富从残忍掠夺者的手中夺出,并自行掌控这些财富! 丛林的宝藏将会安然无恙,并充实您的仓库。 所以请行动起来,加固墙壁、雇佣军队,参与战斗!
残酷的战斗、军事基地、野外丛林,这一切都伴随着美丽的图形、武器、武装力量和建筑而呈现,从而让最狂热的战斗游戏迷欣喜若狂。 立即下载,加入争夺丛林宝藏的战斗。
如果您想要在另一设备或社交网络上继续玩游戏,可以转至游戏的设置部分,选择“连接一台设备”,并遵循说明进行操作。 在不丧失任何进度的情况下,在其他设备上继续玩游戏。
在 Jungle Heat 中,您可以将您的军事基地开发为牢不可破的要塞,与其他玩家战斗,将其基地夷为平地,组建强大的家族,并参加定期举办的联赛。
gt; 操作简易、充满乐趣: 战斗如同数一二三一样简易,而且每次战斗都是独一无二的!
gt; 自由发挥: 规划您的基地,升级建筑和军队,建立理想的防线,并构思有效的攻击!
gt; 与其他玩家战斗: 盲目攻击,或向压迫者复仇!
gt; 组建由独特的英雄构成的军队,这些英雄拥有可以改变战斗进程的能力! 他们参与的每次战斗都充斥着古代战争电影的气氛。
gt; 定期举办的联赛: 参与个人联赛和家族联赛,向全世界展示您和您的家族是最佳的玩家和家族!
gt; 跨平台能力: 在社交网络或任意移动设备上运行;
gt; 醒目的彩色图形: 色彩斑斓的丛林!
gt; 极具动感的音乐: 充满无尽热带乐趣的氛围!
如果您喜爱 Jungle Heat,别忘了给它五颗星。
您有问题或者需要帮助? 请给我们发送电子邮件,我们将为您提供帮助:http://support.my.com/games/kb/jh/
注意! Jungle Heat 需要可靠的互联网连接。
注意! 该游戏需要访问“电话”的权限,以便能保存您的游戏进度。 在游戏出于任意原因而删除或丢失时,您始终能够重新启动游戏,并恢复您保存的进度。
PRIVACY POLICY: https://legal.my.com/us/games/privacy/
TERMS OF USE: https://legal.my.com/us/games/tou/
2018-07-07 20:06:54
- gt; 在這個有趣的動物遊戲享受高速種族生存
- gt; 只要你能在荒野生存在一個無限的比賽反對鱷魚太平洋
• 極端野生比賽對你最大的敵人:鱷魚
• 選擇您最喜愛的鯊魚選擇的難度級別,享受這令人上癮的比賽!
• 驚人的動物遊戲充滿行動力!
• 與鯊魚一樣快游泳可以提高你的排名
• 直觀的遊戲操作和規則
• 酷的圖形和景觀
• 純野性和生存比賽稱霸海洋!
• 適合孩子和成人誰愛鯊魚和鱷魚搏鬥遊戲
Twitter: @bravocterogames
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bravocterogames
2018-07-07 20:06:37
简介:Zoldyck Family
2018-07-07 20:06:30
gt; 在你的运动队友们进行球操和圈操时,创建你自己的艺术体操彩带动作。
gt; 参加艺术体操奥运选手团队,和优秀的明星少女们竞赛!
gt; 跳跃、绕环,一路舞动登上排行榜!代表你的国家出战!
gt; 像真正的艺术体操运动明星少女一样换装,穿上夺目的体操服。
gt; 换装时间充分供你享受,直到化上美美的妆容、胜人一筹的发型,你美丽的打扮方才完成。
gt; 在健身房为了大赛塑造体型。
gt; 哎呀!运动损伤。没关系,医生会给你治疗。
gt; 在 spa 进行放松,元气满满地为大赛做好准备。
gt; 天啦噜!你要成为体操杂志的封面人物了!来进行摄影吧!
关于Coco Play公司
Coco Play 是一家位于中国的开发商,旨在为儿童和全家人提供富有创意而独特的应用程序。 成立于2013年,致力于开发全家人可以一起玩的丰富多彩的三维仿真游戏。Coco Play是全球领先的创意游戏、互动书籍以及教育应用程序开发商TabTale的子公司。
欢迎观看我们的视频: http://www.youtube.com/iTabtale
请告诉我们您的想法!如有任何疑问、建议或需要技术支持,都可以通过我们的每天24小时、全年不间断服务邮箱 [email protected] 联系我们。
此应用免费,但游戏中的有些物品需要付款购买。您可以在设备上禁用这些应用内的购买。此应用可能包含 TabTale 和某些第三方的广告,这些广告将把用户重新定向至我们的网站、应用或第三方网站。
隐私对于我们而言非常重要。此应用可能允许 TabTale 或其精心挑选的提供商(例如广告网络和分析)出于我们的隐私政策中所述的有限的合法目的(例如,答复支持疑问;启用、分析和改进应用功能和服务;为内容关联广告服务)而收集有限的用户数据。此应用包含只允许达到特定年龄的人群访问的特定功能(例如,限制行为性广告、用于在游戏时连接其他玩家的社交网络链接;重要新闻(例如,应用更新)的推送通知选项),以保护未成年人。下载或使用本应用即表示您接受我们的《隐私政策》(见:https://tabtale.com/privacy-policy/)和《使用条款》(https://tabtale.com/terms-of-use/ )并允许您的设备的使用者进行该等使用。
2018-07-07 20:06:15
简介:You were cast away on a mysterious island, full of giant dinosaurs. Dying of hunger and cold, you have to hunt, collect resources, craft things and build a shelter. You need to do your best to survive among hungry giant dinosaurs inhabiting the island. Team up with other players or take everything they have! Do whatever you want, but remember - the most important thing is to survive.
In any situation, remember:
You can tame any dinosaur. Of course that’s not safe, but carrying logs on a diplodocus is much easier. And letting a huge tyrannosaurus loose on your enemy is extremely exciting.
Fresh meat, fruit and water - the island has lots of these. You just need to take yours and avoid being eaten.
Pretty simple. Collect as much building materials as you can and build your impenetrable fortress. But you have to be careful with the fence height because some dinosaurs will be able to easily step over your fence and visit you.
You can have a good time chasing lizards with a stick. But it will be smarter to create a good weapon and armor, stock up on different equipment and start hunting some big animal.
Think dinosaurs and players are the only ones you’ll come across? Then give a look in hidden dungeons...
If the role of a lone hunter is not for you, team up with other players to build a common village. There are many pluses: from huge common buildings to raiding most dangerous beasts!
These are just general points, the game world is much deeper and more interesting. What are you waiting for?
Follow us at:
2018-07-07 20:05:54
简介:스마트폰 무료 갤러그게임 우주전쟁 에일리언 외계인침공 인베이전 우주여행
어플제작문의 : http://www.nfcqr.co.kr
개발자 연락처 :
어플 제작. 시스템제작 문의 http://www.nfcqr.co.kr , TEL : 070-8682-8855
2018-07-07 20:05:43
解开每个8 injas用自己独特的攻击方式包括剑和忍者的爪子!
谷歌播放的成就 - 你能解开所有100忍者战成就?
忍者战:在鬼的攻击,目前仍在发展。请报告时可能遇到的任何错误: [email protected]
www.facebook.com / MissingController
FOLLOW忍者对抗在Twitter !
twitter.com / MissingControl
2018-07-07 20:05:17
简介:###你贏得了1000個金幣!現在就來下載領取吧! ###
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2018-07-07 20:04:57
简介:모두의 팡팡! 먹으면 팡! 먹히면 팡!
서로 먹고 먹히는 짜릿한 볼들의 전쟁 밥(BOB)!
자신의 볼을 움직여 작은 별들을 먹어 보세요. 요리조리 피하고 작은 볼을 먹고~
남녀노소 누구나 즐길 수 있는 정말 쉽게 있어요.
강력한 SNS 기능으로 친구를 사귀고, 친구들과 함께 파티전, 클랜전에
참여해 보세요. 재미가 2배 10배로 커져요.
친구와 함께 배틀로얄 모드에 참여해 보세요.
끝까지 살아남는 볼이 승리하는 배틀로얄 모드 업데이트!
재밌고, 쉬운 게임을 찾는 다면 지금 바로 밥(BOB)로 GO GO ~
다양한 게임 모드
끝없이 먹기만 하면 1등을 차지 할 수 있는 자유모드
살아남는 자가 승리하는 배틀로얄 모드
요리조리 쉴세없이 도망다니며, 제한 시간에 살아남아야 하는 서바이벌 모드
5명씩 파티를 이루어 다른 파티들과 대결을 펼치는 파티 모드
우리 클랜이야 말로 최고의 먹성을 가졌다. 클랜전 모드
맘에 드는 친구에게 선물을 보낼수 있어요. 관전모드
다른 친구들의 플레이를 몰래 훔쳐볼 수 있어요.
작은 볼을 키워 큰 볼을 먹는 빅 재미 국민 캐쥬얼 액션 게임
주변의 별들을 먹고 자신의 볼을 키워 보세요.
다른 플레이어의 볼을 먹고 10배 100배로 커져 보세요.
작은 볼들을 먹기 위한 짜릿한 볼의 전쟁 !
1000 여종 이상의 볼 스킨
개구쟁이 레드와 옐로우 , 그리고 귀여운 폴라리와 티탄. 1000 여종이 넘는 볼 스킨으로
자신만의 유니크한 볼을 만들어 보세요.
고대아머와 전설아머 조각을 모아 더욱더 멋지게 볼을 바꿀 수도 있어요.
새로운 친구를 만나요 소셜 시스템
게임내 음성채팅 모드와 자신의 프로필 사진 업로드 가능 !
자신의 미니홈피를 꾸미고 새로운 친구들을 만나 보세요. 친구들과 선물도 주고 받고
클랜을 만들 수도 있어요.
자신의 학교를 등록하고, 반친구, 학교 친구, 과, 동아리 친구들과
랭킹 경쟁을 할 수 있어요!
다른 학교와 경쟁도 가능해요. 자신의 학교를 전국 최강 학교로 만들어 보세요!
게임중에 사용이 가능한 이모티콘시스템으로 더욱더 재미있게
게임을 플레이 해보세요!
요구 권한
1. 외부 저장장치에 파일을 쓰기 위해서 권한이 요구됩니다.
2. 게임 내에서 음성 채팅을 위해서 권한이 요구됩니다.
3. 디바이스의 상태를 읽어오기 위해서 권한이 요구됩니다.
4. 게임내 자신의 프로필에 사진을 등록하기 위해서 권한이 요구됩니다.
5. 게임내 자신의 친구를 초대하기 위해서 권한이 요구됩니다.
6. 게임내 지역별 랭킹 정보를 노출하기 위해서 권한이 요구됩니다.
■ 상품 정보 및 이용 조건 안내 ■
- 공급자 : (주)엔터메이트 대표이사 이태현
- 이용조건 및 기간 : 게임 내 별도 고지된 내용에 따름
(사용기간이 표시되지 않은 경우, 서비스의 종료일까지를 사용기간으로 간주)
- 결제금액 및 방법 : 상품 별 별도 고지된 결제금액 및 결제방법에 따름
(외화 결제 시 환율 및 수수료 등으로 인해 실제 청구금액과 다를 수 있음)
- 상품지급방식 : 게임 내 구매한 아이디(캐릭터)로 즉시 지급
- 엔터메이트 고객센터 : 02-3461-2150 (평일 오전10시~오후7시 상담가능)
- 최소사양 : CPU 듀얼코어 1.2GHz, Ram 1GB
◎ BPL대회 페이지 http://bpl.ilovegame.co.kr
◎ 공식카페 http://cafe.naver.com/battleofballs
◎ 공식유튜브채널 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMjniLdF288gu7eLC9cdm9w
■ 고객센터 ■
상담시간 : 오전 10시 ~ 오후 7시 (주말/공휴일 휴무)
메일 : [email protected]
전화 : 02-3461-2150
공급자 : (주)엔터메이트
주소 : 서울 서초구 남부순환로 2634-27 (양재동 성원빌딩 1,2층)
통신판매업 번호 : 2015-서울서초-2170호
사업자번호 : 107-88-29363
개발자 연락처 :
고객지원: 02-3461-2150
이메일: [email protected]
개발자 연락처 :
고객지원: 02-3461-2150
이메일: [email protected]
개발자 연락처 :
2018-07-07 20:04:41
简介:Un gioco di strategia tra i top 10 in tutto il mondo!
4,6 stelle! Un gioco super valutato!
Aggiornamento speciale d #39; inverno e secondo lancio!
Sei pronto ad entrare nella mischia e provare a colpire qualcuno? I tuoi Eroi favoriti di Clash of Lords 2 stanno combattendo nella frenesia generale contro una forza di terribili demoni! Controlla l #39;azione e diventa il più grande Signore della Guerra mai esistito. Per sopravvivere avrai bisogno di ingegno, volontà, e Forza. E #39; tempo di combattere!
Clash of Lords 2 è un gioco di strategia con divertenti e innovative differenze dal genere. Recluta oltre 40 Eroi e le loro squadre di mercenari. crea una base per resistere agli attacchi, e gioca con i tuoi amici sfidando i nemici in dieci modalità PvE e PvP. Preparati a combattere!
Caratteristiche del gioco:
Sei tu che controlli l #39;azione! Attiva abilità di battaglia degli Eroi in tempo reale!
Accoppia Eroi e truppe nella nuovissima modalità Mercenario!
Gioca a modo tuo! Con nove modalità PvE e PvP, c #39;è sempre qualcosa di divertente da fare!
Combatti con i tuoi amici! Il sistema di Gilde permette di combattere accanto (o contro!) I tuoi alleati!
Gioco gratuito! Entra in Clash of Lords 2 tutti i giorni per gli ottenere Eroi gratuiti e Gioielli!
Nota: Questo gioco richiede una connessione a Internet.
Venite a trovarci su Facebook all #39;indirizzo: https://www.facebook.com/clashoflords2it
2018-07-07 20:01:37
Do not slow down.
Do not fall off.
Do not give up.
Run, the hit game from Kongregate comes to mobile for FREE!
* Find seven different allies and gain access to their unique talents!
* Watch out for breakable tiles! (Or don #39;t. Repairing them is someone else #39;s job.)
* Run and jump through a galaxy-spanning network of tunnels in Explore Mode. Good luck finding an unbroken path home!
* See how far you can get and climb the leaderboards through the ever-changing tunnels of Infinite Mode! It #39;s not like you can get any more lost after Explore Mode...
* Rock out to a stellar soundtrack!
2018-07-07 20:01:25
2018-07-07 20:00:39
简介:b u You were not born as a hero, but now it’s time to become one. /u /b
• Action-packed 3D FPS with elements of RPG.
• Great selection of weaponry, vehicles and quests.
• Realistic 3D physics and visual effects.
• Tunable graphics quality, view distance and traffic density.
• In-game tutorial.
Waking up in the hood, remembering nothing and locked in a super soldier suit. Who are you? What would you do?
You will have to complete the main storyline to find out who you are.
Explore the crime city, full of gangs and aggressive fractions. Become citizen hope as a standard of pure law and justice, or come to the city as a new doom knight.
• More than 10 different quest lines.
• Fraction quests and rewards. Your gameplay will differ depending on your choice and game style.
• Enlarging money rewards with quest line progress, allowing you to unlock more advanced weaponry in the shop.
Try to avoid hassle with your superhero mobility or overthrow both heaven and hell on your enemy heads. Vary your melee and ranged combat with new abilities and weaponry.
• Advanced rope dynamics, now it’s also your deadly endless weapon.
• Super kick!
• 7 new explosive and energy guns!
Military tank, heavy loaded helicopter, supercars, limousines, sport coupes, cross bikes, Harleys and much more.
• More than 20 different vehicles with own velocity and features.
Master all the abilities and become the unstoppable flying havoc.
• Level-up upgrades for your abilities and skills.
• In-game tutorial leading you through all the new functional.
Entertaining adventures of rope hero in Vice Town. Determine the fate of the whole city with the super soldier powers.
Play the true game of war on the streets.
Find out the truth about main hero past.
b ENJOY /b hours of b FUN /b and entertaining gameplay.
2018-07-07 20:00:34
- 开始你的冒险作为:
- 狼
- 狐狸
- 山猫
- 和更多!
- 动物模拟器:按名称,性别,毛皮颜色,眼睛,身材尺寸等自定义每个家庭成员!
- 组织家庭:养六只幼仔崽,继承你的遗产。
- 动物模拟器让你离开现在的家庭开始一个新的家庭。
- 探索世界并前往独特的地点。.
- 在夏季、冬季、春季和秋季的野外冒险元素中生存。
- 作为野兽对抗危险的敌人,保护你的家人。
- 与朋友一起玩,探索世界,与敌人战斗。
- 与朋友对抗敌人,保护你的家人。
2018-07-07 20:00:02
简介:如果你的孩子喜欢所有怪物卡车的东西, 他们一定会喜欢这个游戏!
与其他卡车比赛, 当你落后, 他们放慢, 给你的孩子赢得每场比赛的机会!
大按钮给你跳, 响喇叭与切换音乐曲目来得到很多有趣的声音。
使用怪物卡车粉碎沿着路线的汽车, 在每个级别的终点收集星星,焰火和弹出气球给予孩子们更多兴奋。
作为家长, Razmobi非常重视儿童的隐私和保护。 我们不收集任何个人资料。这个应用程序确实包含广告让我们给你免费玩这个游戏 -广告被小心地放置因此孩子们不容易点击它们。广告从实际的游戏画面中被移除。这个应用程序包括让成人购买解锁或额外的游戏物品以提高游戏性和去除广告的选项。您可以通过调整设备的设置来禁用in-app purchases。
如果你对这个应用程序有任何问题,或者想进行任何更新/增强, 随时欢迎在webnow [email protected]与我们联系。 我们很乐意听取您的意见, 因为我们致力于更新我们所有的游戏和应用程序来给用户最佳的体验。
2018-07-07 19:59:36
简介:**** INTENSE GAME PLAY ****
Launch a fun, fast-paced 3D mobile gaming experience upon downloading this addictive FPS game. Strike fast and kill enemies in this combat challenge. Collect ammo and HP pickups as you advance. These pickups will decrease though, while the number of enemies increases significantly. This ultimate battle offers the option to go at it hand-to-hand or with a range of melee and firearm weapons. The choice is yours. Choose your difficulty, earn power-ups by completing quick tasks and unlock levels on the mission map select.
Test your marksmanship in this exciting new mode, where you defend your tower against waves of enemies. They will be coming in left, right and center and you will have to spot them quickly and pull the trigger to stop them all.
Pixel cube graphics
Multiple levels to unlock and explore
Precision aiming
Radar map
Health meter
Multiple difficulty settings
Plenty of blocky weapons to try
2018-07-07 19:59:25
简介:Inspired by the iconic theme of adventuring the ocean, Mobile Pirates brings you a nail-biting experience. You are allowed to create your team, upgrade your haki and crew, build up your allience, conquer the darkness and rule the world.
- Vivid graphics - Stunning combo skills
- Collect one-of-a-kind Fruits
- Depict legendary sea battles
- Conquer the whole world
- Outstanding PvP feature. Join alliance to defeat giant BOSS.
2018-07-07 19:59:24
简介:Fidget Spinner Game .io is inspired by the best - io games but with a fun new twist of fidget spinner . Your goal is pretty simple to get? Spin it, grow bigger and conquer the largest territory.
It seems simple at first since the fidget spiner game is very easy to handle. But beware it might be a bit harder to master.
Whether you’re bold or careful, outwit your opponents by finding the best strategy to conquer the largest space. Move over smaller sized to increase your size. If ever it is touched by an bigger opponent, you are dead. Find the simplicity and strategy on an io spiner game in within a unique graphic universe.
Play online in free-for-all action and use splitting, shrinking and dodging tactics to catch other players - or avoid them! Defend your territory against others spinners and become the biggest mass. Don #39;t get hit and control your fidget spinner and fight with other spinners to stay longer! Survive long enough to become the biggest one in this game! Add your favorite Spinner!
Play online with players around the world as you try to become the biggest of them all!
Optimized for mobile :
It offers the same great experience with new controls perfect for touchscreens!
Fidget Spinner Game .io Features:
1. Complete missions to earn rewards.
2. Collect power-ups to gain an advantage.
3. Customize best spinners to fight.
4. Collect Coins for extra bonus
5. Split to double your attack!
6. Unlock All figet spiner
2018-07-07 19:58:51
- Outfit7 产品促销和第三方广告
- 指引客户到我们的网站以及其他 Outfit7 应用的链接
- 个性化内容来吸引用户再次玩本应用
- 可通过社交网络联系朋友,并可使用应用内聊天功能
- 进行应用内购买的选项
- 可用虚拟货币购买不同售价的道具,这取决于玩家当前的等级
- 无需花费真钱进行应用内购买即可使用应用所有功能的替代选项 (晋级, 游戏内功能)
客户支持:[email protected]
2018-07-07 19:58:27
简介:《Demoncer》MMO free world mobile game, a massive 3D masterpiece!
2017 Epic mystical mobile game, making a 100% PC gaming experience with your mobile, 《Demoncer》inherits the essence of the classic designs of a PC game, Brawl PK battles』『Free trading』『Changeable fashion outfits』『10V10MOBA』『World BOSS』『Territorial fight』and『Romantic weddings』 and more elements of a classic PC game all presented perfectly on your mobile device!
At the same time, using the newly integrated 3D engine, re-making the elegance of the PC game and a seamless gaming experience. Relive the excitement of fight along with your brothers, bringing a heavenly gaming experience!
-Life like characters: Fresh-new fighting experience, feel every hit happening in your device
Warriors, Assassins and mages, the classic triangular privity cooperation, performing the perfect 0 heavy sensation. Structured with fine and smooth movements, metals collision, blown away ultimate skills, an all show mobile fascination!
-Three Dimensional social circle: personalize your profile, multidimensional socialization!
Huge amounts of fine fashions, cute monsters, and multi changing weapons, showing your true self! Guilds and teams, fight for each other’s life; Holding the hands of your love, work together with the same heart. Make new friends and chat with each other, real-time voice message exploring in the mystical world will not be alone again!
-Free Trade: Earn money with all equipment and items
Get equipment and items through battles, and get resources through life skills. The free trade system allows players to trade with high freedom. Be a creator of wealth rather than a mere consumer in this mythical world!
We would like to listen to the issues you are facing, don’t keep the inquiries to yourself, feel free to contact us!
Email: [email protected]
2018-07-07 19:58:18
简介:Hang Out around with your little snake, eat dots to grow and kill other worms!
Eating agars will make you longer and bigger. Avoid to hit others snakes with your head.
Try to let the enemies run into your tail to kill them. So you can kill a snake which is bigger than you.
Eating their remains gives you a growing boost and higher scores.
Develop your snake io skills and try to survive as much as you can and try to be the biggest worm.
- Eat little dots and agar to grow
- Try to let the enemies run into your tail
- You can Eject mass to get extra speed with the speed button
- Try to defeat around enemies and become the biggest worm possible
Have Fun with Snake Muncher !
[Game Features]
+ Joystick control
+ Relaxing amp; smooth gameplay, No lag !
+ Various background and skins.
+ Internet connection is not needed, play wherever, you are offline or online
Your reviews are precious for us to make this game better!
Have fun!
2018-07-07 19:58:06
简介:Trito’s match 3 Adventure is a new match 3 puzzle tile matching game for the entire family!
Play the latest matchy matchington match 3 on the market. Make a journey to legendary Greece where Gods and Heroes reign in their mansions! Help Trito, son of Poseidon, to save his family and the entire underwater kingdom from the intrigues of sly Sea Witch. Wicked sorceress has charmed the Sea God like a toy, broke his trident and scattered its fragments across the ocean!
Only Trito can bring peace, harmony and reign back to the ocean depths. Move, combine and match 3 or more tiles of the same kind in order to complete a level to gain more magical energy to complete numerous tasks.
Clean up and renovate the houses and mansions of various underwater creatures
Decorate with toon and toy and rid the sea floor garden of pesky sea critters
Bring live and reign into the ocean depth once again as it used to be before the arrival of the sea witch!
Immerse yourself in a vibrant ocean world full of great matchington mansion with Trito and his best friend little octopus Octy. Help unique underwater creatures, restore magnificent sea gardens and bring fabled underwater cities back to glory and under the reign of Poseidon! Huge whales, wise turtles, elusive seahorses are amazing parts of Trito’s Match 3 Adventure!
- Extraordinary combination of fascinating storyline and challenging match-3 puzzle;
- Plenty of majestic underwater cities and mansion to explore on different planets;
- Funny and memorable toy, toon and characters of sea creatures;
- Hundreds of unique challenging match-3 tile matching levels;
- Newest cartoon graphics and incredible animation;
- Marvelous animated charismatic boosters to blast and crush the level.
Use magical toon blast of fairy fish-boosters to clear difficult levels. Dancing crabs, jet-powered sea horses, explosive fugu fish and spooky seadevil anglerfish are there to help you complete fishy tile puzzle!
Grow seaweed and coral gardens, create exclusive fish, collect jewels, use magic gems, blast and crush pure ancient evil and stop volcanic eruptions in our new tile matching match-3 puzzle game!
Be sure to complete the various tasks involved in landscapes, homescapes, gardenscapes and seascapes!
It #39;s matchy, it #39;s catchy and it #39;s matchtastically machington madness!
*** Don #39;t Forget to Complete 2 Mini Events For Rewards ***
--- Whale Kid Treasure ---
Help the Whale Kid to find the treasure by completing 3 levels of match-3 puzzles. Earn awesome rewards such as gems, boosters and temporary unlimited energy. But beware, lose a level and you have to start over.
--- King Shell ---
Complete match 3 story levels and earn progressive rewards through King Shells.
*** Complete these mini events to earn the resources to help you on your tasks involving Homescapes, Gardenscapes and Seascapes ***
Kindly note, that Trito’s Adventure is a free match 3 puzzle game. However, more resources can be unlocked through payments to help crush the pesky sea creatures.
Compete with your Facebook friends and help them by sending extra lives.
Like our game? Learn more about our game here:
Facebook: facebook.com/Seascapes.TritosAdventure
Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/204802246940751/
Instagram: instagram.com/tritosadventure
Twitter: twitter.com/LittleTrito
Do you have any questions? Contact our customer support at [email protected]
2018-07-07 19:57:50
简介:BEYBLADE BURST 风靡全球! 自行制作独一无二的 BEYBLADE BURST 陀螺,进行一场完美的战斗,尽在 BEYBLADE BURST App。 竞赛、通过关卡,以解开封锁的虚拟零件! BEYBLADE BURST 让您使用个人设备就能体验 BEYBLADE 的刺激纷呈与澎湃活力!
-使用本 app发挥令人振奋的威力,让 BEYBLADE BURST 为您而战
- 使用 app中不同的零件和颜色,制造与众不同的 BEYBLADE BURST 陀螺
- 参加战斗,解开锁住的 BEYBLADE BURST 陀螺虚拟碎片。
此 app需要访问设备摄像头来扫描 BEYBLADE BURST 产品上的代码。 访问设备的隐私设置以启用摄像头。