2018-07-06 23:00:54
サムスンGalaxy SはBluetoothで2人プレイ出来ない場合は、Bluetoothを再起動してください。Galaxy SはBluetooth機器は欠点があります。
2018-07-06 23:00:36
简介:Bored of boredom? Play this 5 minutes marathon of Word search.
The game of Word search is a modern avatar of Hasbro #39;s classic BOGGLE word game, a puzzle of hidden words. Search more words to move up the Word search.
This Word search is simple yet sharp. Find the maximum number of words by connecting cubes on the grid. The more the words, the higher you climb on the Word search leaderboard. Fire your finger around horizontally, vertically, diagonally or fly zig-zag. Remember, you have 5 minutes.
What makes Wordathon the best?
* Four different types of Word search grids with challenging scenarios.
* Word puzzles in bulk, so expect no repeats.
* Learn new words with the list of words you missed.
* Uses comprehensive dictionary.
* Detailed Leaderboard: Compare your word search skill vs other players’.
* Check word meaning in integrated dictionary.
* Keep an eye on statistics, check your lifetime word search report.
* Take a pill of Wordathon to kill hours of boredom.
* Parental control
Not a big fan of ads? Go ad-free for a low price!
Wordathon is a superb treat for word game lovers.
*We use professional tournament word list SOWPODS (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOWPODS) with more than 267,750 words. We have taken utmost care to remove all the obscene words.
Have a question or suggestion about Wordathon? Please feel free to write to us and we will be prompt to respond personally.
[email protected]
★ ★ ★ Wordathon was Featured app in Google Play Home page in all countries (March 2015). ★ ★ ★
Follow us on Twitter
2018-07-06 23:00:16
简介:Czy chcesz zagrać i sprawdzić swoją wiedzę? To ta gra jest dla Ciebie!
Gry słowne to najlepsze ćwiczenia dla mózgu i świetny sposób na poprawę ortografii. Krzyżówki po polsku to klasyczna gra słowna w nowoczesnej, wciągającej wersji.
• Gra, która pomoże Ci ćwiczyć umysł, poszerzyć słownictwo i kulturę.
• Gra quot;Krzyżówki po polsku quot; jest całkowicie darmowa! Nie ma żadnych ukrytych płatności!
-- Odpowiedzi są natychmiast sprawdzane.
-- Jeśli nie znasz odpowiedzi, możesz skorzystać z bezpłatnej pomocy.
• Ogromna lista słów. Ponad 3500 unikalnych pytań.
-- Setki krzyżówek w języku polskim.
• Nie jest wymagane połączenie internetowe.
• Dobra gra dla dzieci, dorosłych, każdy kto kocha łamigłówki, puzzle mózgu, łamigłówki, gry pamięci i trenerów pamięci.
• Gra posiada łatwy w użyciu interfejs.
-- Zaprojektowany do zabawy gry od najmniejszych telefonów komórkowych do największych tabletek.
-- Aplikacja zajmuje bardzo mało pamięci, zawsze się zmieści na Twoim telefonie.
• Gra quot;Krzyżówki po polsku quot; jest prosta do opanowania i zapewnia świetną rozrywkę. Ta aplikacja daje ci prawo do ostatecznego do gry tak, jak chcesz.
• Krzyżówki po polsku jest stale rozwijana. Słownik haseł będzie stopniowo powiększany w ramach kolejnych aktualizacji.
[email protected]
Strona Główna
2018-07-06 22:59:52
简介:A sequel to 4 Pics 1 Word Puzzle: What #39;s That Word? ★★★★★
Look at 4 pictures and guess what word they represent. This sounds easy, but some puzzles can be tricky! If you like quiz and word games, you #39;ll enjoy this fantastic brain teaser.
NEW FEATURES: More interesting and less frustrating! ★★★★★
• You can skip words and come back to them later.
• The pictures are revealed one by one. Guess the word with less pics and earn extra coins!
• Play in 6 languages (English, French, Russian, German, Spanish and Portuguese): great tool if you #39;re learning a foreign language
★★★ Simple and highly addictive game for the whole family! ★★★
• 15 levels with 300 new words
• Unique puzzles: from easy to really challenging
• Earn coins by guessing the words and use the coins to help you solve most difficult puzzles
Can you guess all words and unlock all levels?
2018-07-06 22:59:47
简介:곰씨닷컴과 퍼스트폭스게임에서 제공하는 무료 옷입히기 게임!
귀여운 캐릭터들을
예쁘게 꾸며주시고,
힘 나는 리뷰 많이 많이 써주세요. ^^
[선택 접근 권한 안내]
선택 접근 권한은 동의하지 않아도 서비스 이용이 가능합니다.
통화: 게임중 통화가 필요할 경우 게임의 일시멈춤을 위해 필요합니다.
사진/영상/파일: 이용과정에서 기기에 게임 이미지를 캡쳐하는 기능을 위해 필요합니다.
저장: 이용과정에서 기기에 생성된 이미지를 다운로드 하는 기능을 이용할 수 있습니다.
기기 id 및 통화 정보: 게임중 통화가 필요할 경우 게임의 일시멈춤을 위해 필요합니다.
개발자 연락처 :
서울특별시 광진구 자양동 74-14 306호
2018-07-06 22:58:54
简介:Hi, I’m Susie Dent from Countdown’s Dictionary Corner, and Two Words is my new free word game!
Two Words is a free crossword game for 2 players. It’s a great brain training challenge that builds up your word vocabulary.
** Place tiles on top of letters to make new words.
** Massive UK amp; US English dictionary.
** Challenge your Facebook friends and make new ones in the game.
** Unique scoring - letter values times word length.
** Bad set of letter tiles? Swap them all!
** Three robot players to practise your anagram skills including our own expert - the SusieBot!
** Perfect for a coffee break!
Keep up with the Two Words community on our Twitter and Facebook pages:
If you have any questions or comments just head over to our FAQs at https://playtwowords.com
You make the best word you can from your seven letter tiles.
Then it’s your friend’s turn to play. They make a word from their seven letters that touches yours.
We clear the board leaving only your friend’s word.
There are only ever 2 words on the board!
You score points for every word that you make, the longer the word the better your score!
You can put your tiles on top of others to change a word and score even more points.
You keep playing until the tiles run out. The highest scorer is the WINNER.
Play as many games as you like with old friends and new ones. The game is Facebook connected.
We use a huge US amp; UK word list - if we’ve missed any just email us and we’ll take a look!
2018-07-06 22:58:52
简介:★★ b futbol的小事 - 终极足球挑战赛★★
下载 b futbol的琐事以★免费★现在。这个程序没有在应用内购买。 b futbol的琐事由来自世界各地的猜测足球俱乐部标志,徽章,佳洁士,徽记的名字。数以百计的足球标志的从世界上一切美好的联赛名称。
b 英超 - 曼联,切尔西,利物浦,阿森纳...
b 英语锦标赛 - 纽卡斯尔,阿斯顿维拉,女王公园巡游者...
b 西班牙甲级联赛 - 皇家马德里,巴塞罗那,马德里竞技...
b 西班牙乙级联赛 - 赫塔菲,巴列卡诺,莱万特...
b 意大利甲级联赛 - 尤文图斯,那不勒斯,AC米兰......
b 意大利乙级联赛 - 巴里,卡普里,维罗纳...
b 德甲 - 拜仁慕尼黑,多特蒙德,沙尔克04 ...
b 德甲2 - 圣保利,凯泽斯劳滕,纽伦堡...
b 法甲联赛1 - 巴黎圣日耳曼,马赛,摩纳哥...
b 法甲联赛2 - 镜头,布雷斯特,法兰西体育场兰斯...
b 美国足球大联盟 - 洛杉矶银河队,FC达拉斯,华盛顿特区联...
b 荷兰甲级联赛 - 埃因霍温,阿贾克斯,费耶诺德...
b 巴西甲级联赛 - 科林蒂安,圣保罗,帕尔梅拉斯...
b 墨西哥墨西哥足球甲级联赛 - 美国,Cruz Azul公司,美洲狮...
b 阿根廷甲级联赛 - 博卡青年,河床,赛车俱乐部...
b 葡萄牙Primeira西甲 - 波尔图,Benifica,体育...
b 俄罗斯超级联赛 - 中央陆军,莫斯科迪纳摩,泽尼特...
b 比利时足球甲级联赛 - 布鲁日,亨克,安德莱赫特...
b 瑞士超级联赛 - 巴塞尔,年青人,FC西昂...
b 苏格兰超级联赛 - 凯尔特人,香港仔,心...
b 日本J1联赛 - 浦和红钻,FC东京,川崎前锋...
b 乌克兰足球超级联赛 - 第聂伯河,基辅迪纳摩,顿涅茨克矿工...
b 土耳其超级联赛 - 贝西克塔斯,加拉塔萨雷,费内巴切...
b 希腊超级联赛 - 萨洛尼卡PAOK,帕纳辛纳科斯,雅典AEK ...
b 丹麦超级联赛 - 布隆德比,日德兰...
b 瑞典超级联赛 - AIK,IFK哥德堡...
b 挪威Eliteserien - 罗森博格,莫尔德,Lillestorm ...
b 奥地利甲级联赛 - 维也纳快速,奥地利维也纳...
b 克罗地亚HNL - 萨格勒布迪纳摩,海杜克斯普利特,里耶卡...
b 澳大利亚A联赛 - 阿德莱德联队,布里斯班狮吼,珀斯光荣...
★ b 好玩★
★ b 与困惑最新通报无尽的乐趣★
★ b 即时游戏,游戏时间★
★ b 上瘾的游戏★
按照 b 足球疯狂的应用程序给你带来的头号游戏应用开发者!
★ b 按照美国★要获得新闻和更新
b FACEBOOK - http://www.facebook.com/FootballCrazyApps
b TWITTER - http://www.twitter.com/Football1Crazy
最后但并非最不重要的,一个大的 b 谢谢出去给大家谁发挥的 b futbol的琐事。请尝试我们的其他足球测验花絮益智应用程序,并给我们留下是Google+就像和一个5星★★★★★评论显示您的支持。
★ b 免责声明★
所有商标均为其各自所有者的财产。在此应用程序的使用低分辨率的标志图像都用于识别受版权法有资格作为“合理使用”。 /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b /b
2018-07-06 22:58:27
2018-07-06 22:57:38
简介:★★★ Come join the Word Seek HD crowd! This is the game for you if you love word games or puzzles! ★★★
Sharpen your mind, expand your vocabulary, and challenge yourself to solve a puzzle with this innovative, interactive, and addictive play off a classic word search game. You’ll have tons of fun as you find as many words as possible by yourself or live online against your friends in this board game!
❋❋❋ Top “Word Battle Games” by Apple ❋❋❋
❋❋❋ Top “Online Multiplayer Games” by Apple ❋❋❋
❋❋❋ Reached the #1 Word Game spot in 18 Countries ❋❋❋
❋❋❋ #11 Highest-ranked game overall on November 16th, 2011 ❋❋❋
❋❋❋ #21 Highest-ranked app overall on November 16th, 2011 ❋❋❋
“....I can #39;t put it down....this game is not only edifying but addictive. I guess having an addiction to building upon my vernacular is not such a bad thing. Great game...!!!!!”
- Ron Lewis
“Love love love this game! You can play for hours and also learn new words. Have to keep coming back to see if I can get more words and better my personal score. Don #39;t miss it!”
- Si gal
You’ve always loved word find puzzles, think you’re pretty good at them, too. Sure, it’s kind of a lonely game but you don’t mind so much. You have the words and the board to keep you company.
But wait, it doesn’t have to be like that! Playing word finding games isn’t a solitary pursuit anymore, now that there’s Word Seek HD. This app offers the very best in high quality game boards, stunning HD graphics, plenty of challenge and guidance, as well as interaction with others who love word finds as much as you do.
If you enjoy playing Scramble, Text Twist, Boggle, or Words With Friends, then we #39;re sure you #39;ll love Word Seek HD.
Avid users have already played more than 100,000 hours worth of Word Seek HD and hundreds of games are being played every single minute!
There are so many words to be found, too. Try your hand at the six or seven letter word puzzles to see what we mean. Missed some? Don’t worry, the app will show you a list of all the possible words at the end of the game, to help you out for your next try.
Check out some of the incredible features waiting for you in Word Seek HD:
* Easy, attractive interface
* Amazing HD quality graphics
* Just drag or tap to find your words
No matter how you look at it, Word Seek HD is just lots of addictive fun. There’s no downside to this app, whether you’re a veteran word puzzler or a beginner. You’ll expand your vocabulary and join the world of avid word find fans.
Got feedback, questions, or ideas for the next version? Drop us a line at [email protected]! We will read everything from rants and raves to media inquiries and more.
2018-07-06 22:57:16
简介:- Stage 1 ~ 20 으로 구성됩니다!!
- 스토리를 생각하시면서 플레이해주세요!!
개발자 연락처 :
2018-07-06 22:57:16
简介:لعبة تخمين الكلمات المشهورة، يقوم الشخص بوضع الجوال في مقدمة الرأس ويقوم صديقه بتمثيل الكلمة لتخمينها.
يمكنك الاختيار من عدة تصنيفات:
- كلمات عامة
- دول العالم
- أنمي
- سيارات
- أندية رياضية
- حيوانات
- نباتات
2018-07-06 22:56:50
简介:Guess 4 Pics 1 Word is a free word game to football lovers
Countless random logo puzzles from easy to tricky are waiting for you!
There are many football club you can guess.
Look at 4 pictures and guess what logo club there are
If you are a football lover, you must have this game and complete all level easily!
Can you guess the club logo and unlock all levels?
2018-07-06 22:56:38
简介:Budge Studios 出品《火车宝宝:小小建筑师》! 加入 Zack 和 Chuggineers 到这个适合学龄前儿童的虚拟火车游戏中吧。使用小火车工具修理轨道、维修桥梁、钻隧道等等! 帮助 Chuggineer 团队解决问题,获得新物品,从而构建您自己的火车宝宝世界。 所以,准备好了吗,Chuggineer? 让我们一起动手吧!
• 构建您自己的火车宝宝世界
• 解决各种困难;清洁溅出的燃料、维修桥梁、灭火等等!
• 完成任务以获得新的小火车物品
• 在铁路上开您最喜欢的小火车,遇见新角色 Tyne、Fletch 和 Cormac!
• 控制速度、方向并将白天变成夜晚
• 触摸您的小火车,试一下鸣笛吧! 嘟嘟!
• 按照 Chuggineer 的领班 Zack 简单的逐步说明操作
• 玩自由模式,或解锁完整版以使用所有功能
• 兼容平板电脑
欢迎您发表提问、建议和评论。您可以通过 [email protected] 随时联系我们。
下载此游戏前,请注意此应用程序是一款免费游戏,但是您也可以在游戏中购买一些额外的内容。此外,还包含 Budge Studios 公司关于我们发布的其他应用程序的广告以及必须通过家长确认才能访问的社交媒体链接。
BUDGE STUDIOS 是 Budge Studios 公司的商标。
End User License Agreement : https://budgestudios.com/legal/eula/
2018-07-06 22:56:21
简介:نیم کلمه ، چالشی جدید!
یک بازی بسیار جذاب با فضای سرگرم کننده که به زبان فارسی برای همه کاربران اندروید ارائه شده است.
حدس کلمه:
بیش از ۳۰۰ مرحله متنوع که پس از آپدیت ها مراحل اضافه خواهند شد.
چالش بر انگیز:
مراحل هر فصل بسته به سطح آن چیده شده است و رفته رفته سخت خواهند شد.
دستاورد ها (achievements):
برای مراحل و نوع حل کردن آنها دستاورد هایی در نظر گرفته شده که میتوانید آنها را بدست آورید و سکه دریافت کنید.
با حل هر مرحله سکه بدست آورید و در مرحله های سخت تر از جشم، دیکشنری و رد کردن استفاده کنید.
با چشم میتوانید یک حرف را ببینید.
معنی لغت برای شما نمایش داده میشود.
رد کردن:
میتوانید مرحله را رد کنید و به مرحله بعدی دست یابید.
اسم برخی از دستاورد ها:
تعداد زیادی دستاورد در این بازی برای شما وجود دارد:
حل کمتر از ۳۰ ثانیه
حل مرحله بدون اشتباه
حل مراحل
اشتراک گذاری
استفاده از چشم
استفاده از دیکشنری
استفاده از رد کردن و...
قابلیت اشتراک گذاری:
به سادگی بازی و امتیاز خود را با دوستانتان به اشتراک بگذارید.
ورود اطلاعات سریع:
بازی نیم کلمه شما رو به یه چالش جدید دعوت میکنه، چقدر فکر می کنی بتونی نصف دیگه ی یک کلمه رو حدس بزنی؟ مرحله های متنوع و جور وا جور ذهن شمارو درگیر حل کردنشون میکنه. همین الان شروع کنید. بیش از صد مرحله در انتظار شماست.
ما را در شبکه های اجتماعی و یا از طریق وب سایتمان دنبال کنید و نظرات و پیشنهاداتتان را با ما در میان بگذارید
تاکسی اپس
2018-07-06 22:56:06
简介:Learn French quickly by building and testing your French vocabulary with this fun and easy to play word game. Ideal for children and adults, the game provides hours of entertainment, whilst training your brain to quickly recall and spell thousands of new French words.
Learn French by playing just a few minutes each day to build up your new language skills.
Word Up has 3 levels, so you can challenge yourself no matter how much or how little you already know:
Newbie: Perfect for those who don’t know any or know very little French
Handy: Ideal if you already know quite a few words, but want to practice them and learn more
Guru: Try this level if you already have a strong French vocabulary, but want to improve it further
Download for free and start playing today!
WordUp! is part of the FlashAcademy language learning experience. To access the full French FlashAcademy experience download our app. Just search for “FlashAcademy” in the App Store and try it for free.
If you love WordUp, then please do let others know by leaving us a nice review.
We’re a super friendly team and we’d love to hear about any of your feedback on the app. E-mail us anytime at [email protected].
We also make fun weekly language lessons over on Snapchat: “flashsticks”. Tweet us with any of your questions: @FlashAcademyApp or @FlashSticks.
2018-07-06 22:55:24
简介:TRIVIA GAME FREE! ~ the coolest trivia quiz game ever!
Challenge yourself and guess the correct answer between the 4 possible options!
★ Pure, Addictive, Fun!
Over 300 amazing levels are waiting for you! Can you handle the challenge of solving them all?
★ Get More Clues!
Fear not! In case you get stuck, you can get some coins with our daily gift from the home screen.
★ How to play
Check the clue and guess between the 4 possible options. With each question that you find, you will win coins that will help you to defeat the monsters.
★ Available in 5 languages: English, Español (Trivia Preguntas y Respuestas), German, French and Russian
★ 10 Achievements and Leaderboard (Social and Everyone) from Google Play Games
More levels uploaded periodically. Prepare yourself for a new challenge every time.
Available for your mobile phone, 7 inch tablet or 10 inch HD devices and small or low resolution devices!
You will never lose your current game, the game is automatically saved so you can continue right where you left off.
Follow us: https://www.facebook.com/Monster-Trivia-923264044432971/timeline/
2018-07-06 22:55:16
简介:This is a fun game for kids.
Makes your favorite Cookies in your mobile device. Everyone loves Juice, right? Now you could make a personalized Juice by yourself.
2018-07-06 22:55:08
简介:Prepare for some letter swapping, word boggling, puzzling fun.
Word U is a fun, new, letter twisting, word puzzler. See how many words you can build from your pool of letters and move through the ranks of prestigious colleges.
Great for the whole family, build your vocabulary while twisting and swapping letters to spell all the hidden words. Bonus levels earn extra coins, and Pop Quizzes test your speed against round after round of scrambled letters.
• Simply swipe along the letters to form words.
• Approved words will appear in your word gameboard.
• Are you a word genius? Spell harder words to earn bonus coins.
• No penalty for guesses. Swipe, shuffle, and try all combinations until you reveal that last word.
• Stuck? Never fear. Our handy hint feature will reveal letters on hidden words.
• Guess all the words on the gameboard to advance.
• Show off your vocabulary skills by guessing the quot;advanced speller quot; words.
• Simple and Easy fun for the whole family.
• Daily bonus rewards
• Improves mental agility and vocabulary skills
- You can play offline at anytime.
- New updates are always on the way!
• quot;Word U quot; contains ads like banner, interstitial and video ads.
• quot;Word U quot; is free to play, but has the following in-app purchases: Remove Ads and coin bundles used to buy hints.
• http://www.wordugame.com/
Like us on FACEBOOK
• https://www.facebook.com/wordugame
Thanks for playing!
2018-07-06 22:55:03
简介:找不同游戏。立即和朋友一起找不同 ! (Find the differences)
1. 迅速地找出2幅相近圖片的不同之處。
2. 和家人、朋友一起玩這個遊戲是非常理想的。
3. 5個提示機會可以幫助你度過難關
4. 每點錯一次,就會扣除一些時間
5. 豐富的遊戲圖片讓你度過歡樂時光。
+ 超過100張圖片等你挑戰
+ 精美圖片及音效
+ 可和朋友家人在同一手機競賽
希望大家能和朋友, 家人和小朋友享受這個遊戲
還等什麼? 立即下載作戰吧!
2018-07-06 22:54:22
简介:별에서 온 외계인은 아니지만...
사실 인간에게는 누구나 몰랐던 초능력이 있데!
아무도 몰랐던, 심지어 당신도 몰랐던
내안의 숨겨진 초능력을 찾아보자!
★숨겨진 초능력 찾기★
당신의 숨겨진 초능력은 무엇일까요?
-인간이 가질수 있는 초능력들-
1.맘대로 전기를 만들어 낼 수 있는 #39;염전력 #39;
2.스스로 불을 붙이거나 뿜어낼 수 있는 #39;염화력 #39;
3.몸과 영혼을 분리할 수 있는 #39;유체이탈 #39;
4.모든것을 꽤 뚫어 볼 수 있는 #39;투시력 #39;
5.말없이 메시지를 보낼 수 있는 #39;텔레파시 #39;
6.시간을 마음껏 이동할 수 있는 #39;타임머신 #39;
7.미래를 볼 수 있는 #39;예지력 #39;
초능력을 가진 당신, 어쩌면 별에서 온 외계인일 수도..?!
개발자 연락처 :
2018-07-06 22:53:35
简介:找不同游戏。立即和朋友一起找不同 ! (Find the differences)
1. 迅速地找出2幅相近圖片的不同之處。
2. 和家人、朋友一起玩這個遊戲是非常理想的。
3. 5個提示機會可以幫助你度過難關
4. 每點錯一次,就會扣除一些時間
5. 豐富的遊戲圖片讓你度過歡樂時光。
+ 超過100張圖片等你挑戰
+ 精美圖片及音效
+ 可和朋友家人在同一手機競賽
希望大家能和朋友, 家人和小朋友享受這個遊戲
還等什麼? 立即下載作戰吧!
2018-07-06 22:53:33
简介:Canın mı sıkılıyor? Arkadaşların veya sevgilin ile oynayacak oyunun yok mu? Peki reflekslerine güveniyor musun? O halde hemen Kelime Yarışı #39;nı indir, yarış ve sıralamalara gir! Derece yap, aylık ve haftalık hediyelerden birini kazan!
Arkadaş ekle, özel mesaj at, oyun oyna! Unutma kısa sürede bağımlılık yaratır...
Oyunda 5 farklı mod bulunmakta!
Tek başına kelime bulursun, pek de zevkli sayılmaz açıkçası, yalnızlık eğlenceli değildir,
Bir arkadaşın ile ya da rastgele bir rakip ile oyuna girersin ve oyun toplam 6 turdan oluşur, 6 turda toplam en çok kelimeyi bulan kazanır!
Canlı bir rakibe bağlanarak gerçek zamanlı oyun oyna, 6 kelimeyi ilk bulan kişi kazanır. (Henüz aktif değil maalesef, v1.1 versiyonunda aktif olur belki de. (Maddi problemler falan :( )
Toplam 10 kişi bir oyuna girer, herkese aynı kelimeler ve aynı harf dizilimleri gönderilir ve en çok puanı en kısa sürede yapan kazanır.
Joker marketten oyun içinde sana yardımcı olacak jokerler satın alabilirsin. KPara #39;yı oyun kazanarak elde edebilirsin.
Özel mesaj at, arkadaş ekle, yeni insanlarla tanış.
Oynadığın her oyundan madalya kazanacaksın ve sıralamalara gireceksin. Haftalık, aylık ve genel sıralamalar olacak. Eğer haftalık veya aylık sıralamalarda birinci gelirsen hediyelerden biri senin olur!
Haydi durma, hemen indir!
2018-07-06 22:53:24
Lullabye (Sting) of Twin Musico is licensed according to Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/
Cinematic (Sting) of Twin Musicom is licensed according to Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/
2018-07-06 22:52:50
简介:곰씨닷컴과 퍼스트폭스게임에서 제공하는 무료 옷입히기 게임!
뜨거운 여름엔 시원한 바다로!
귀여운 캐릭터들에게 예쁜 옷을 입혀주시고,
힘 나는 리뷰 많이 많이 써주세요!!
[선택 접근 권한 안내]
선택 접근 권한은 동의하지 않아도 서비스 이용이 가능합니다.
통화: 게임중 통화가 필요할 경우 게임의 일시멈춤을 위해 필요합니다.
사진/영상/파일: 이용과정에서 기기에 게임 이미지를 캡쳐하는 기능을 위해 필요합니다.
저장: 이용과정에서 기기에 생성된 이미지를 다운로드 하는 기능을 이용할 수 있습니다.
기기 id 및 통화 정보: 게임중 통화가 필요할 경우 게임의 일시멈춤을 위해 필요합니다.
개발자 연락처 :
서울특별시 광진구 자양동 74-14 306호
2018-07-06 22:52:25
简介:Do you like brain games or puzzle games?
Just come and play b Word Candy /b . Find the right letters into many different b words /b .
b Word Candy Features /b
• Fun to get new words by combining letters
• Thousands of levels waiting for you!
• Free undo and hints!
• Different game modes and varying objectives keep each level sweet and fresh!
• Leaderboards to compare best times with friends!
• Classical and Cool but so Simple word puzzle game.
Exercise your b brain /b and test your eyesight.