2018-07-06 20:11:28
简介:Enjoy the b hangman game /b on your mobile or tablet! This gallow classic game is suitable for all ages, especially for those adults who want to practice their language skills and vocabulary. The classic hangman for your device.
The hangman, also known as quot;hanged quot; is a classic game in which you will have to guess a word by choosing the letters that you think may be included in it.
The hangman game will give you the option to choose vowels and consonants to try to guess which word is hidden. For each mistake that you make, the figure of a stick man will be formed: first the gallows, then the head, the body and, finally, the arms and legs. Guess the word before the gallow is complete.
You will win the hangman game if you can write the correct word before the figure of the stick man is completed. If not, it will be hanged and the game will be finalized.
Hint: use the vowels first, since there are more chances to guess a secret letter (a, e, i, o, u ... etc).
- For all ages. Ideal hangman for adults and senior players
- Hundreds of words and levels
- Learn vocabulary and words in different languages
- Simple and fun game
- Totally free
- Attractive and colorful design
- Possibility to enable or remove the sound.
The hangman is available in different languages for players around the world: Spanish ahorcado, English hangman, Portuguese jogo da forca, French le pendu, Italian l #39;impiccato and many more!
Tellmewow is a mobile games development company specialized in easy adaptation and basic usability which makes our games ideal for the elderly or young people who simply want to play an occasional game without major complications.
If you have any suggestions for improvement or want to keep informed about upcoming games that we are going to publish, follow us on our social networks.
2018-07-06 20:11:22
简介:play the best piano game on your android device now.
do you really want to listen to your favorite songs ...
in this piano game there is your favorite song ..
you can play the piano and train your finger speed here, and can entertain yourself and those around you, enjoy piano music, train your fingers and so on, so you do not get bored in playing it. The game level is getting challenged and you have to focus, can be updated if many fens play it and thank you
2018-07-06 20:11:06
简介:This is a fun app that let #39;s you create awesome dubstep music mashup and feel like a dubstep dj skrillex. It simulates a launchpad. It might seem difficult at first but if you can master the dj mix this dubtep drum pad mashup can create really awesome stuff! A real dj dubstep pad. This is an awesome dj dubstep beat maker pro with fun dubstep soundboard. Be creative like skrillex cinema and dj mix this launchpad! In future updates there will be a lot more added to the app.
Esta es una aplicación divertida que te permite crear un impresionante mashup de música dubstep y sentirte como un dubstep dj skrillex. Simula un launchpad. Puede parecer difícil al principio, pero si usted puede dominar la mezcla dj este mashup almohadilla tambor dubtep puede crear cosas realmente impresionantes! Una almohadilla real del dubstep del DJ. Se trata de un impresionante dj dubstep beat maker pro con divertida dubstep soundboard. Sea creativo como skrillex cinema y dj mix this launchpad! En futuras actualizaciones habrá mucho más añadido a la aplicación.
This is an unofficial app!
All the songs, themes ringtones and images are owned by the owner of the songs. We, EU Apps, only use this content in our free app and we have obtained this content from public domain. This app is a FREE fan-based application. This app is not associated with Skrillex in anyway. I am EU Apps, I am not pretending to be someone else. This app is not authorized by or produced by another company or organization. The company that produced this app is EU Apps. This is a fan-made app and no copyright infringement intended. Please show your support for Skrillex by buying his album when it #39;s released!
2018-07-06 20:10:26
简介:Bible Crossword Puzzle Free is a crossword puzzle for the entire family.
A fun way to study the scriptures!
Take your Bible and let #39;s play!
This educational game will test your knowledge of the Bible, accept this challenge and discover an easy and fun way to learn more about The Scriptures.
Clues are based on Biblical facts and characters such as God, Jesus Christ, the holy spirit and the prophets. You will find references of all your favorite book, many verses, psalms and quotations.
b ☆☆☆ Features ☆☆☆ /b
Free game!
Daily crossword, 6 new puzzles every day (3 Freeform daily puzzles and 3 CrypticQuick bonus puzzles)
50 free crossword (25 Freeform puzzles and 25 CrypticQuick, no internet connection needed)
There are 5 types of fonts, choose the one that suits you.
4 different color schemes
Fast download and small size
Easy of use
Compatible with SD Memory Card Installation
This is the perfect game for all ages, from kids to puzzle lovers.
b ☆☆☆ Got stuck?! Relax, we got you ☆☆☆ /b
Reveal letter button
Reveal word button
Reveal solution button
Check progress button (it is a real time feature, highlighting the correct letters in green, while you play)
2018-07-06 20:10:17
简介:Free Fun Game! Addicting thinking word game!
Each level is a fun riddle, can you guess the word?
Tons of riddles to boost up your brain power!
Some easy, some challenging, some tricky, and some funny!
No registration, no complicated rules. Just start playing, guess the word, and have fun!
Read the riddle and think; find out what word is the answer. Guess the word. Win!
You can play Just Riddles word game offline anywhere anytime. No Internet is required!
Just Riddles is one of the best word games for kids. Help your kids to think from riddles. Have a great time together with these amazing riddles from Just Riddles!
If you are a word game lover, you will find this game to be quick, easy, amp; a lot of fun!
See if you can handle the addictive word challenge Just Riddles!
2018-07-06 20:09:44
2018-07-06 20:09:24
2018-07-06 20:09:03
2018-07-06 20:08:43
白鳥理沙(CV:新藤若菜 様)
及川栞 (CV:辻本早耶香 様)
結城綾乃(CV:雪村望 様)
企画・開発 Eternal Software
プログラム Gamekozo様
キャラクターデザイン 雫月ユカ 様
音楽 background様 / ポケットサウンド様
2018-07-06 20:08:42
简介:Разгадывание ребусов для детей - прекрасное, веселое, развивающее занятие и отличная гимнастика для развития интеллекта ребенка.
Такие игры притягивают детей тем, что позволяют им делать quot;открытия quot;. Каждый разгаданный ребус воспринимается ребенком как достижение. В нашей игре «Ребусы для детей» представлены разные тематики: животные, транспорт, цветы, насекомые, мебель, еда.
Ребенку нужно внимательно посмотреть на картинки, попытаться разгадать зашифрованное слово и вписать его в поле ответа. А если что-то не получится, то малышу всегда поможет кнопка quot;подсказка quot;. Ребусы развивают находчивость, сообразительность и умение логично рассуждать.
Ребусы для детей – это загадки, представленные в виде картинок, в которых зашифрованы слова. Для решения этих загадок желательно иметь хорошую память и запоминать части отгаданного слова, которые потом можно соединить в единое слово и отгадать ребус.
Игра рассчитана на детей младшего возраста и будет интересна детям от 7, 8, 9 лет и детей старшего возраста. Малыши очень любят разгадывать интересные ребусы.
Польза ребусов для детей заключается в том, что развивается логика, мышление, сообразительность и обучение словам и речи. Малыш учит слоги, части слов, соединяет их в единое целое.
Каждый разгаданный ребенком ребус дарит отличное настроение и уверенность в том, что следующие уровни будут пройдены и он отгадает все загадки.
Ребусы в картинках для детей – красочные загадки, которые иногда веселее мультфильмов и разгадывать их – одно удовольствие!
2018-07-06 20:08:35
简介:Electric Guitar Pro is Professional music instrument in which you can play this Guitar and feel like playing Real Electric Guitar.
-Electric Guitar with Professional sound.
-Play, Record,Save amp; Share your creativity.
-You have access to all the octaves.
-Drum Loop Pack available to use in the Game.
-Very easy to use this Guitar.
-This App is fully tested on Android Phones and Tablets.
2018-07-06 20:08:26
简介:Find words hidden in the grid. Similar to classic word search game except the words are not hidden on straight lines. It is simple yet challenging and even more fun with online scoreboard feature on Google+.
Word Find is a free and popular word game, enjoy it!
Challenge your brain with this puzzle app and improve your brain power!
- Online leaderboard
- Compete with your friends
- Almost infinite number of random word puzzles
- Supports tablets and all screen sizes
Achieve the highest scores and compete with your friends and also other Word Search Puzzle fans!
There are list of words hidden in the 5X5 grid. Your aim is to find these words as quickly as possible.
Score is calculated based on the length of the found words and the elapsed time. When you find all the words in the puzzle, the score is sent to the online scoreboard on Google+. You can see the best players daily, weekly or for all times.
If you do not prefer to sign in with Google+, you can still play the game in offline mode but your score is not submitted to online scoreboard in this case.
Have fun everyone!
2018-07-06 20:07:33
简介:هناك الكثير من المحاولات في المتجر لتقديم لعبة كلمات متقاطعة, لكن اذا وصلت الى هنا, فقد وصلت الى أفضل لعبة كلمات متقاطعة وصله: جودة في التقديم والمحتوى والفائدة, جربها وستعرف بنفسك.
2 الجيل الثاني من الكلمات المتقاطعة وأكثر..!! 3
crosswords game and connected words
تشمل اسئلة كلامية وأسئلة مصورة بشتى المجالات: في الأدب, معلومات عامة, أسئلة دينية, رياضية, مرادفات, اسئلة تفكير خفيفة,
وكذلك تشمل اسئلة مصورة: لاماكن ومعالم مشهورة, ممثلين وشخصيات مشهورة في شتى المجالات, أعلام وخرائط الدول, سيارات والكثير
اسئلة متطورة تجدها فقط في هذه اللعبة: خلف الكاميرا, شخصيات مرسومة, لوجو وشعارات معدّلة. رموز ومعالم
وصله رشفة لعبة كلمات متقاطعة ثقافية مسلية في جميع المجالات
لعبة كلمات متقاطعة مطورة خصيصا للموبايل تتميز بسهولة الاستعمال في عرض الاسئلة وإدخال الاجوبة, سابقاً وصلة
جودة في التصميم وجودة في المحتوى, لعبة لن تمل منها وحتماً ستنهي جميع مراحلها.
جمع اكبر عدد من النجوم وتحدى اصدقاءك في لوحة الصدارة العالمية.
جمع أكبر عدد من الانجازات الممتعة خلال اللعب
2018-07-06 20:07:18
简介:This app simulates a launchpad, also you can read lyrics, songs, videos, enjoy marshmello alone launchpad and have fun! It #39;s awesome dubstep trap beat maker DJ launchpad.With Marshmello Alone launchpad mashup app you can play awesome stuff! This is an awesome dubstep trap beat maker with fun trap soundboard. Be the best trap dubstep edm DJ like marshmello and mashup this launchpad. But that #39;s not all, There are also song lyrics Summer, Find Me, Wavez, WaNt U 2, Keep It Mello, Take It Back, Know Me, and many other. + videos, playlists and more. Play with these Marshmello Super Pads and have fun!
Esta aplicación simula un launchpad, también se puede leer letras, canciones, videos, disfrutar de marshmello solo launchpad y divertirse! Es increíble dubstep trap beat maker DJ launchpad.Con Marshmello solo launchpad mashup app puede reproducir cosas impresionantes! Éste es un fabricante impresionante del golpe de la trampa del dubstep con la tabla de resonancia de la trampa de la diversión. Sea la mejor trampa dubstep edm DJ como marshmello y mashup esta launchpad. Pero eso no es todo, Hay también letras de canciones Summer, Find Me, Wavez, WaNt U 2, Keep It Mello, Take It Back, Know Me, y muchos otros. + Videos, listas de reproducción y mucho más. ¡Juega con estos Super Pads Marshmello y diviértete!
Disclaimer: This is a fan made app, it does not allow nor encourage to download anything. There #39;s a song that is used under free license: Ship Wrek, Zookeepers amp; Trauzers - Vessel https://shorturl.at/EIU45
2018-07-06 20:07:16
2018-07-06 20:06:29
简介:В связи с многочисленными просьбами увеличено количество баллов за отгадку до 4.
Заходи в игру каждый день и получай бонус!
Ставшая культовой игра quot;4 фотки 1 слово quot; в новой интерпретации. Найди слово скрытое на картинках. Задача игрока понять что общего на всех картинках. Угадывая слова Вы получаете баллы, которые можно тратить на подсказки. Подсказки есть двух видов:
1. Убрать лишнюю букву из списка предложенных, цена его 10 баллов.
2. Открыть скрытую букву, случайным образом будет показана буква, и стоит это 15 баллов.
С момента появления этой игры прошло уже много лет, но ее популярность все еще актуальна. В игры жанра quot;Угадай слово по картинке quot; играет одновременно свыше 10 миллионов людей по всему миру. И более 100 миллионов ежедневно.
2018-07-06 20:06:25
简介:Oyuncunun amacı seçilen kategorideki kelime veya kelimeleri doğru tahmin edebilmektir.
Her bir sessiz harf seçimi öncesinde oyuncu, üzerinde puan değerleri bulunan çarkı çevirir.
Tek kişilik veya iki kişilik oynama imkanı. Tek kişilik oyunda iki mod bulunur: klasik oyun ve zamana karşı yarış. Şu an için oyun 6 parola kategorisi içermektedir.
2018-07-06 20:06:15
简介:This is a very simple game where you could play your favourite song by pressing the start button.
We have other types of piano tiles in our menu where there are CLASSIC, ARCADE, ZEN, and BOMB.
We make sure the songs would be the top songs by your favourite singer or band so you could
enjoy playing this game more and more.
2018-07-06 20:05:28
简介:Fruit Quiz game NEW
Guess the word related to the image and earn coins.
Play with your kids to learn new words and languages.
A new social brain game for the whole family!
Guess the fruit puzzle and game is an interesting kids learning game which your kid will love to play! now install this guess the fruit game in your device and make your kids happy.
Download Guess the Fruit - Word Quiz Game for FREE now. T
- More than 200 logos of fruits and always update.
- Solve the puzzle and get coins
- Use coins to reveal question
- User friendly amp; lovely interface
Continuous updates, everlasting fun!
Continuous updates always add new puzzles for you. Your fun never ends!
Can you guess all the Logos? Countless puzzles from easy to tricky.
Just start playing and have fun! No registration required.
Guess the Fruit by looking at the image.
Guess the fruit picture
2018-07-06 20:05:23
2018-07-06 20:05:17
简介:You can play the piano from Boomerang Jojo Siwa song here, as well as to entertain yourself and those around you, enjoy the piano music of the song, calm yourself, and train your finger speed in this piano tile game.
With an interesting and interactive view so you do not feel bored in playing.
Increasingly faster game levels make you challenged, do not let you lose, tap the blue
tiles and do not have any blue tiles missed, follow the tone of the song.
Please enjoy your self.... don #39;t forget share to your friends...
2018-07-06 20:04:32
简介:В этой игре вам предстоит решить несколько сканвордов (сканворды - так кратко называется скандинавские кроссворды - кроссворды, в которых каждый вопрос сформулирован предельно кратко), в которых над каждым словом нужно будет подумать. Ответ не всегда будет лежать на поверхности. Иногда нужно будет применить эрудицию и знания, иногда логику, иногда - чувство юмора. :)
Надеемся, Вам понравится и поможет скоротать время досуга.
2018-07-06 20:04:23
简介:2 Imágenes 1 Palabra es un juego de palabras simple pero adictivo donde 2 fotos se combinan para crear una palabra!
Más de 100 rompecabezas de palabras divertidas
2 Imágenes 1 Palabra es un juego de palabras gratuito. Un juego divertido para los frikis de la palabra. 2 fotos son todo lo que necesitas para ganar!
Sin registro, sin reglas complicadas. ¡Comienza a jugar, adivina la palabra y diviértete!
2 imágenes 1 palabra. ¿Qué palabra buscamos? Mira las 2 fotos; Piensa la palabra para cada imagen y Adivina la palabra que las une.
Puedes jugar 2 Imágenes 1 Palabra sin conexión en cualquier momento. No se requiere Internet!
2 Imágenes 1 Palabra es uno de los mejores juegos de palabras para niños. Ayude a sus hijos a enlazar imágenes y palabras. ¡Disfruta con tu familia con este increíble 2 Imágenes 1 Palabra, el mejor juego de palabras para android!
Por ejemplo, verás fotos de CAMA y LEÓN. Combinar los dos para resolver CAMALEÓN! Cuando no puedas seguir usa la ayudas para completar el reto!
2 imágenes 1 palabra. Con solo 2 Imágenes - ¿Puedes adivinar cuál es la palabra?
Instalalo y trata de resolver el 2 Imágenes 1 Palabra creado por WORD GAME TRIVIA
2018-07-06 20:04:14
简介:FanFUN presents PianoPlay Mixes! A new way to play your favorite songs, all in one app! This edition features hit POP songs!
quot;Night Changes quot;
quot;Love Me Like You Do quot;
quot;Sugar quot;
quot;One Last Time quot;
quot;See You Again quot;
PianoPlay is addicting and easy to play! Quickly tap on the black piano tiles, and avoid the white tiles to complete the song pattern! Don #39;t forget to enter your name so your high scores can be saved automatically. Check the Leaderboards to compete with other fans! You can either rush through the song for the best score, or you can play at the melody and tempo of the song, so you can sing along with the lyrics!
Feel free to email us song requests, issues, comments, and suggestions! Also, don #39;t forget to rate and review our games! With your feedback and support, we can add more songs and continue to improve our apps!
PianoPlay: POP Mix 3 is an unofficial fan application. It is not affiliated with or endorsed by the featured artists or their record labels. This app does not include any copyrighted material. The piano melodies are arranged with individual piano notes, and the renditions of these songs are original and created by FanFUN. For educational and entertainment purposes only.
2018-07-06 20:04:13
简介:Какое слово объединяет четыре картинки? Одно слово. 4 фото – 1 слово. Какие загадки и головоломки таят в себе эти фотографии? Брось вызов и отгадай все слова. Почувствуй себя самым умным человеком. Простая и увлекательная игра фото отгадки для всей семьи. Легкие и вполне сложные загадки не дадут скучать и позволят приятно провести время.
4 фото 1 слово даст возможность погрузиться в игру с головой!
Ты можешь отгадать слова и открыть новые уровни? Уйма лёгких и сложных загадок ждут тебя! Их количество пополняется беспрерывно!
Какое слово ищем? Посмотри на 4 картинки; отгадай, что их объединяет. Выиграй!
*Игра изначально сделана только на русском языке.
*Для разных возрастов
*Добротно подобранные картинки
*100% Бесплатно!
*Отгадывай слова и зарабатывай монеты
*Получай подсказки, если возникли проблемы
*Оригинальные загадки: от простых до сложных
4 фото 1 слово на русском языке
Старая игра, не потерявшая популярности и по сей день! Чего же ты ждешь, начни играть прямо сейчас!