2018-07-06 18:55:49
简介:“孩子钢琴”作为一个真正的钢琴 - 灌输的耳朵的音乐和孩子的心态,不提手指的精细动作技能。
20多旋律来自世界各地,你可以从钢琴开始20各种工具,以及把动物的叫声,明亮的色彩玩 - 在一个应用程序“孩子钢琴 - 儿童游戏”!
1经典 - 你刚才弹钢琴的选择任何冠冕堂皇的20文书。
2教程 - 教如何发挥每一个旋律。
2018-07-06 18:55:24
简介:Train your brain with 100 (+12) different types of Puzzle Games !
After 5.000.000 downloads on iOS and WP, Logic Games is finally available on Android !
Can #39;t stand Sudoku ? Or actually, maybe you love it, but you’re looking for a change ? These puzzle games are a lot more entertaining and enjoyable, providing similar mental exercise.
Choose among increasingly difficult and big puzzle levels, save your progress, undo, restart and take advantage of the hints to keep going when stuck.
An ideal companion for spare time, with enough variety you’re sure to find at least one game you’ll love.
PARKS • Plant the Trees. But not too close !
SNAIL • 1,2,3…1,2,3…Follow the Trail
SKYSCRAPERS • Find the Skyline !
TENTS • Each camper wants his shade. But his privacy too !
ABCD • It’s easy as ABC. Well, almost !
BATTLESHIPS • Play solo Battleships. No peeking !
NURIKABE • Walls and Gardens. Well, actually just one Wall and many Gardens
HITORI • Shady numbers
LIGHTEN UP • Lighten your room, but not the light bulbs !
MAGNETS • Respect the attraction. And the repulsion !
HIDDEN STARS • They must be somewhere, just follow the arrows
BRANCHES • A branching alternative to Nurikabe
TATAMI • 1,2,3…1,2,3…Fill the mats
FUTOSHIKI • A classic in inequalities
HIDDEN PATH • Jump and follow the arrows
BLOCKED VIEW • This time it’s just one Garden and many Walls
FILLOMINO • Number those Parks
BLACK BOX • Fire Lasers, Find Atoms !
NUMBER LINK • The Number Connection
MASYU • Necklace and Pearls
SLITHERLINK • Looping Minesweeper
MOSAIK • Puzzler Painter
LINESWEEPER • Revenge of the Looping Minesweeper
HIDATO • Numbers Maze
KAKURO • Sum it up !
CALCUDOKU • Math Sudoku
LANDSCAPER • Variety is key !
GALAXIES • Spiraling into Space
CLOUDS • Weather Radar
ROOMS • Close that door !
DOMINO • Tiles and Tiles
LOOPY • Enough Slitherlink ?
RIPPLE EFFECT • Mind the Ripples !
BOX IT UP • Boxing Interval
WALLS • Maze of Bricks
SLANTED MAZE • Maze of Slants !
MATHRAX • Diagonal Math Wiz
(… many more !!)
• 10000 puzzle levels
• Auto-save game and quick resuming
• In-game rules and solved example
• Timed Hints
• Note-taking for complex puzzles
• Single game progress in list
• Achievements and leaderboards
• Pinch Zoom for big puzzles
Coming up:
• Single purchase to remove the ads on all devices and get a Quick Input Panel for less taps
Have fun !
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2018-07-06 18:55:20
简介:초성퀴즈를 클리어하여 메달을 획득해 보세요
촌스럽고 한눈에 알아 볼 수 있는 UI
20개의 초성 퀴즈를 풀고 No.1이 되어 봅시다~
문제문제마다 떨어지는 이들 이 들중 나는 살아 남을수 있을까?
지금 도전 하세요.
2018-07-06 18:55:16
- 实时打击来自世界各地的人们。
玩这个app 会帮您进步您的智力,很多不同的好玩游戏可以玩了!
连接到Google Play Games然后跟中国和外国人可以竞争!
2018-07-06 18:54:57
简介:改进的新三连消游戏 b Jewel Match King: Quest /b 来了!
这是 b BitMango /b 开发的一款新的三连消益智游戏
b Jewel Match King: Quest /b 是一款惊人的三连消益智游戏,让您免费一直玩!
b 与术士安妮从女巫手中拯救宝石仙女! /b
b 玩法介绍 /b
• 交换并匹配3个或更多相同的宝石!
• 完成关卡!
• 尽可能多地取下宝石!
• 为得到特殊的宝石!
• 有用的神奇增强器可赢得宝石星星。
• 取得3星以获得更多硬币!
• 使用增强器获得高分!
b 特色 /b
• 三连消游戏
- 精美的三连消益智游戏,拥有可爱的角色和令人上瘾的关卡!
• 多个独特关卡
- 超过600个独一无二的关卡,充满乐趣和惊人的挑战!
• 简单好玩
- 简单的游戏界面,只需交换位置完成匹配。
• 没有时间限制
- 以自己的节奏玩。
- 随时随地玩!
• 没有WiFi?没问题!
- 您可以离线玩游戏。
b 注意 /b
• Jewel Match King: Quest包含诸如横幅广告、插页广告、视频广告和自家广告等形式的广告。
• Jewel Match King: Quest免费供用户玩,但玩家可以购买应用程序内商品,如无广告和硬币
b 支持通用应用程序 /b
• 在各种设备上享受此游戏。(手机和平板电脑)
b 电子邮件 /b
• [email protected]
b 首页 /b
• https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=6249013288401661340
b 在Facebook上赞我们 /b
• https://www.facebook.com/BitMangoGames
2018-07-06 18:54:32
简介:Now you can finally play a real basketball game. In Street Basketball-World League, you can make strategic
plays, powerful slam dunks, and enjoy playing full 3D basketball.
The game is completely free. All you have to do is enjoy the game!
We offer three dynamic game modes.
Let #39;s play real basketball game which is quot;Street Basketball World League quot;.
You can choose ten countries and play thirty characters.
- Fantastic basketball techniques: Fade away Shot, Hook Shot, Double Clutch, and more.
- You can pick different modes and ten countries.
- Play with unique thirty characters.
2018-07-06 18:54:29
- 各种舞台上摆满美丽的花朵
- 双重任务:1个阶段的2个任务
- 各种强大的支持物品,可以帮助玩家玩游戏。
- 快速预览:预览下一个块
- 自动播放模式支持
- 街机模式:挑战最高纪录!
- 多人对战模式:一争高下的球员来自世界各地!
- 排行榜,成就,好友邀请支持
- 支持16种语言
- 平板设备和智能平板支持
Homepage :
Facebook :
YouTube :
2018-07-06 18:54:26
简介:Бесплатная развивающая игра подходит для всей семьи. Игра раскроет для детей богатство языка, а взрослых заставит пошевелить мозгами в долгом поиске ответов. Игра на первый взгляд, очень просто, но это далеко не так! Чем больше количество букв, тем сложнее собрать все анаграммы. Чем круче ваша смекалка, тем дальше вы сможете пройти по увлекательному пути.
Как играть?
- Найдите слова из набора букв расположенных по кругу
- Буквы могут быть соединены в любом порядке
- Соедините буквы пальцем, чтобы составить слово
- Правильные слова будут появляться на доске
- Игра начинается с простых слов и постепенно усложняется
Основные характеристики:
★ Увлекательная игра на составление слов.
★ Приятный и простой в использовании интерфейс
★ Более 500 уровней
★ Каждый уровень игры составлен правильно и проверен с начала до конца
★ Возможность перемешивать буквы и использовать подсказки
★ 10 подсказок при первом запуске
★ Нет временных ограничений
★ Не требует подключения к интернету
★ Подходит для телефонов и планшетов
★ Визуально приятная графика
★ Отличный тренажер для мозга
★ Развивайте ум и словарный запас
Приложение постоянно будет развиваться и дополняться.
Если найдете ошибки в вопросах или приложении обязательно сообщите нам.
Ждем Ваших предложений по развитию приложений
Спасибо, что Вы с нами!
2018-07-06 18:54:14
简介:Study geometry while playing on squared paper.
gt; 330+ tasks: from very simple to really geometric puzzles
gt; 25 subjects to explore
gt; 76 geometric terms in a glossary
gt; Easy to use
gt; Friendly interface
gt; Train your mind and imagination
*** About ***
Pythagorea is a collection of geometric puzzles of different kind that can be solved without complex constructions or calculations. All objects are drawn on a grid whose cells are squares. A lot of levels can be solved using just your geometric intuition or by finding natural laws, regularity, and symmetry.
*** Just play ***
There are no sophisticated instruments. You can construct straight lines and segments only and set points in line intersections. It looks very easy but it is enough to provide an infinite number of interesting problems and unexpected challenges.
*** All definitions at your fingertips ***
If you forgot a definition, you can instantly find it in the app’s glossary. To find the definition of any term that is used in conditions of a problem, just tap on the Info (“i”) button.
*** Is this game for you? ***
Euclidea users can take a different view of constructions, discover new methods and tricks, and check their geometric intuition.
If you have just started your acquaintance with geometry, the game will help you understand important ideas and properties of the Euclidean geometry.
If you passed the course of geometry some time ago, the game will be useful to renew and check your knowledge because it covers most of ideas and notions of the elementary geometry.
If you are not on good terms with geometry, Pythagorea will help you to discover another side of the subject. We get a lot of user responses that Pythagorea and Euclidea made it possible to see the beauty and naturalness of geometric constructions and even fall in love with geometry.
And do not miss your chance to familiarize children with mathematics. Pythagorea is an excellent way to make friends with geometry and benefit from spending time together.
*** Main topics ***
gt; Length, distance, and area
gt; Parallels and perpendiculars
gt; Angles and triangles
gt; Angle and perpendicular bisectors, medians, and altitudes
gt; Pythagorean Theorem
gt; Circles and tangents
gt; Parallelograms, squares, rhombuses, rectangles and trapezoids
gt; Symmetry, reflection, and rotation
***Why Pythagorea***
Pythagoras of Samos was a Greek philosopher and mathematician. He lived in 6th century BC. One of the most famous geometric facts bears his name: the Pythagorean Theorem. It states that in a right-angled triangle the area of the square on the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares of the other two sides. While playing Pythagorea you often meet right angles and rely on the Pythagorean Theorem to compare lengths of segments and distances between points. That is why the game is named after Pythagoras.
2018-07-06 18:53:25
简介:Japanese Numbers Quiz in English (英語 えいご)
Guess the number that matches these Japanese characters (Hiragana and Kanji “Chinese characters”)
Numbers in Japanese (日本語 にほんご – 平仮名 (ひらがな), 漢字)
An easy and fun way to test your knowledge (what you have learned, studied or memorized) in Japanese (Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji).
日本語 にほんご - 平仮名 (ひらがな), 片仮名 (かたかな , カタカナ), 漢字
Challenge your mind with this Japanese Quiz Game. A word game application to practice and improve your Japanese (Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji) Numeral vocabulary (単語 たんご).
A simple and fun (Japanese 日本語 にほんご to English 英語 えいご) Word Game for both kids and adults alike. This could also be helpful for those who are taking the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test).
A challenging and educational Japanese Quiz Game with 30+ levels.
Free Game (no WiFi needed). Play offline.
2018-07-06 18:53:17
简介:The most classic bubble shooting game.
Egg Shoot : Bubble Shooter is jungle version of bubble egg shoot game.
Egg Shoot legendary game now available on mobile with graphics very beautiful and new interface is to play attractive way to revive old promises great feeling when playing game on the PC.
Launch Dino eggs to solve the puzzle!
Download the Egg Shoot to create your own puzzles for play game!
Remember your childhood playing the shooting eggs game all day? Now, the shooting eggs game comes back on your phone and tablet.
Shoot Dino Eggs is a classic and casual game that made you addicted when you play.
The game will start from easy levels to difficult ones. You have to aim carefully to clear the eggs matrix on the jungle. To shoot egg effectively, you should a good strategy. Continuous efforts will be paid off.
Awesome including 5 cool animated dinosaurs!
4 different game modes, ranging from fast action to turn-based puzzles. Play in Endless, Time Trial, Stomped, or Fossil modes!
Dynamic new musical score
Save your high scores to compete with family and friends!
2018-07-06 18:53:01
简介:Chess for Android consists of a chess engine and a GUI. The application accepts moves through the touch screen, trackball, or keyboard (e2e4 pushes the king pawn, e1g1 castles king side, etc.). An optional quot;move coach quot; highlights valid user moves during input and last played engine move. Full game navigation buttons enable users to correct mistakes or analyze games. Games import and export as FEN/PGN to and from the clipboard or via sharing, load and save as file, or are set up through a position editor. A draw by stalemate, insufficient material, the fifty move rule, or threefold repetition is recognized. The engine plays at various levels (including random, against itself in auto-play, or free-play, where the game can be used as a quot;magnetic chessboard quot;). The user can play either side and, independently, view the board from the perspective of white or black.
The application supports the Universal Chess Interface (UCI) and Chess Engine Communication Protocol (WinBoard and XBoard), which allows users to play against more powerful third party engines or even play tournaments between engines. Engine setup features time control, pondering, infinite analysis, hash tables, multiple threads, endgame tablebases, and opening test suites. Supports the Android Open Exchange (OEX) and Chessbase Compatible formats. Connects to an external electronic chessboard (DGT and Millennium).
Manual at:
2018-07-06 18:52:49
2018-07-06 18:52:32
简介:大家来找茬 - 有什么区别 画谜游戏。找到不同点在类似照片2张5分。
有趣的游戏释放压力,放松大脑,提高你的大脑 - 眼睛和观察能力,适用于儿童和成人。
大家来找茬 - 有什么区别是一个经典和流行的游戏规则简单,就是找一个不同点,5点赢到一个新的水平,
没有时间限制,所以它更容易为玩家玩大家来找茬 - 有什么区别,甚至是一个有趣的游戏来打发时间。
放松自己,享受你的朋友和家人玩。 大家来找茬 - 有什么区别,所有年龄段的大人小孩都,玩家会喜欢这个游戏,
你也可以玩这个游戏。即使没有互联网连接(WiFi版)。玩家将乐趣。 大家来找茬 - 有什么区别 很简单的游戏,但上瘾的!
3. + 1提示,在每个级别的获胜时。
- 免费游戏100%
- 美丽的高清图片。
- 游戏菜单的用户界面美观
- 简单,好玩的游戏,但上瘾的每一个人。
- 55倍的水平,以提高你的智力和你的眼睛。
- 获取5个提示和5个跳过在比赛的开始。
注意:如果你是谁的人喜欢大家来找茬 - 有什么区别,具有良好的大脑,眼睛和观察技能,你可以赢得一个快速,有趣的各级!
2018-07-06 18:52:20
简介:Intellectual game for companies. A mixture of games Alias, Activity and Crocodile. Players break into teams. Each player writes on the paper words and puts it in the hat. After that everyone takes turns from the hat and explains them to their team. In the game 3 rounds, each following with more complicated rules. For example, in the second round, the word should be explained only by gestures, as in the game quot;Crocodile quot;.
With the quot;Hat quot; application you don #39;t need any inventory for the game. Play anywhere! All you need is your smartphone and a group of friends.
The game has everything you need:
- A lot of words. If you don’t want to think up words, the game will do it for you
- An automatic team creating. We know, sometimes it’s hard to choice team to play, so let random decide
- Simple and intuitive interface
- Verification of words after the move will not allow cheating
- 4 dictionaries with different difficulty levels
We wish you a pleasant game!
2018-07-06 18:52:17
简介:Have you ever played bowling at tropical islands? Well, now you can!
There are various and strange types of lanes, balls, and pins in this game.
Pull the throwing cursor to aim, and flick the ball to curve!
Let #39;s become a Island Bowl Master!!
b * Main Features /b
b ・About Courses /b
We prepared the various types of island shaped courses!
There are courses with long and straight lane, curved in double ways,
jumping to other lanes (island), etc.
You can enjoy the brand new bowling in this game!
b ・About Pins. /b
There are lots of patterns of pins too! For example, there are courses
with more than 50 pins, a heart shaped frame, and heavy-looking giant pins, etc.
Taste the exhilarating feeling, by knocking down these pins!
b ・About Balls. /b
You can choose Normal, Power, and Premium ball to throw!
Watch the shape of courses and pins #39; location carefully, and select
a suitable ball in each courses!
b ・About Missions. /b
We adopt Mission Clear format, in this game.
Select missions from 3 types of courses, and clear it by following
rules in each courses. If you clear the mission, you can move to next level.
b ・About Control. /b
Control is very simple!
Pull the throwing cursor back to quot;THROW quot; and release it!
Then, flick the ball to create curve.
Use this technique, and aim the points.
b ・GooglePlayGameServices /b
If you Login to quot;Google Play quot;, you can able to earn achievements!
Also, in particular missions, you can compete with other players in ranking!
Let #39;s aim the seat of Number One Bowler!
2018-07-06 18:51:27
简介:Japanese Number (Day, Week, Month, Year, Relative Time Period) Quiz in English (英語 えいご)
Guess the number or word (Day, Week, Month, Year, and Relative time periods) that matches these Japanese characters (Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji “Chinese characters”)
Numbers in Japanese (日本語 にほんご – 漢字)
日 にち 週 しゅう 月 がつ 年 ねん
An easy and fun way to test your knowledge (what you have learned, studied or memorized) in Japanese (Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji).
日本語 にほんご - 平仮名 (ひらがな), 片仮名 (かたかな , カタカナ), 漢字
Challenge your mind with this Japanese Numbers Quiz Game. A word game application to practice and improve your Japanese (Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji) Numeral vocabulary (単語 たんご).
A simple and fun (Japanese 日本語 にほんご to English 英語 えいご) Word Game for both kids and adults alike. This could also be helpful for those who are taking the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test).
A challenging and educational Japanese Quiz Game with 50+ levels.
Free Game (no WiFi needed). Play offline.
2018-07-06 18:50:54
简介:Word Olympics ★★★★★: Mind working Puzzle Game with real players!
Play mind working game Word Olympics and increase your skills in spelling for free! Solve all the words puzzles to become a champion competing with other players! Just connect words and keep your mind sharp with many challenging levels!
✜ Simple and intuitive gameplay
✜ Compete with other players to become a champion
✜ Guess words using only provided letters
✜ Discover extra words for bonus gold
✜ Collect bonus coins and use it for hints
✜ Invite your friends and receive daily prizes
Have fun playing Word Olympics with your family, it #39;s suitable for all ages!
2018-07-06 18:50:23
简介:1 Line 1 Touch is a puzzle game where you join dots in 1 connecting stroke!
Get ready to connect all the dots in 1 Line 1 Touch. Make the smart move to cover all the dots. Connect the dots without lifting your finger from the screen.
This is a challenging strategy puzzle game which helps you improve your IQ.
The goal is very simple, you have to swipe on the spots and connect the path for each shape. There are plenty of stages with lots of challenges! Each level comes with a unique level of difficulty. There are addictive levels in the game, but remember each level is challenging as the last one. Connect spots carefully to complete the puzzle. It is not always easy to draw a shape without lifting your finger. Complete the levels and race against time to get more stars.
Challenge yourself in this simple and innovative puzzle games! Download 1 Line 1 Touch now and enjoy it.
2018-07-06 18:50:23
简介:Celebrate Rugby Union in style with the most realistic Rugby game on mobile - Rugby Nations 16!
Live events and fantastic new gameplay give you the most authentic Rugby experience on mobile.. Brand new TOUCH CONTROLS will allow you to play Rugby like never before, easy to use for even the newest of players.
Optimized Phoenix technology drives fantastic 3D visuals, enhanced gameplay and slick animations to deliver the most atmospheric Rugby experience on Google Play. With fully loaded tournaments, new challenges and a captivating career mode it delivers all the authenticity of Rugby Union.
Experience the thrill and excitement of real Rugby with International Tournaments, challenges and the World Cup. Gameplay has never felt so real with enhanced tackle momentum, atmospheric crowds and official licensed content. Authentic pre-match build up and brand new commentary make you feel like you’re a part of the squad.
New TOUCH controls allow you to master every move and try with ease. Whether you are a seasoned Rugby gaming pro or just getting started, a touch is all you need to reign supreme.
Don #39;t miss a moment of the season and play along with LIVE GAMES. Earn points for your team and lead them to victory whilst enjoying much improved celebration and try scoring animations.
Push your team to the top by rounding up Facebook friends for support or destroy your enemy by sending them taunts. Climb your way to the top of the leaderboard and become a global Top Influencer. Share your success and get the latest Rugby highlights with Twitter integration.
Get involved with all things Rugby
Tweet us: @distinctivegame #RN16
2018-07-06 18:49:23
简介:Монгол үгний үсэгийн байрлалыг өөрчилсөнг тааж зөв болгож эвлүүлэх Монгол хэл дээрх шинэ тоглоом.
Scrambled letters, word puzzle Mongolian language mobile game, by Asuult.NET 2014.
Promoted by www.Mongolduu.com
2018-07-06 18:48:27
简介:Witch Magic: Bubble Shooter is an Addictive Game. And our bubble shooter is not just that. It an adventure and Amazing with great graphics. Take on this magical witch alone to get the highest score! Adventure across a fun game bubble world. Witch Magic: Bubble Shooter is completely free to play but some optional in-game items will require payment. Support for both device mobile and tablet with bubble saga, amazing candy free! It was developed from original bubble shooter game, magic witch, bubble saga, shoot eggs, dinosaur bubble, panda pop, bubble pop, line 98 traditional. Pop, tap and tilt your way through over hundreds addictive magic bubble puzzles with your witch! We would love to get your rating and very happy to receive feedback from players around the world in regards to what can help us to improve Bubble Adventure. Your reviews/ratings are very important to us, and they’ll help us bring you free updates with more great features and exciting new bubble saga games!
Witch Magic: Bubble Shooter features:
* A lot of challenging puzzles which you need to pass with your magic witch.
* Adventure across a fun game bubble world
* An Addictive puzzles magic game, fantastic graphics, fluent shooting experience!
* Exquisite Game Interface.
* Fantastic graphics, fluent shooting experience.
* Special booster bubbles to help you pass those tricky levels.
* Developed from original bubble shooter game, shoot eggs, dinosaur bubble, panda pop, bubble pop, line 98 traditional.
* Free amp; easy to play, challenging to master.
* Tons of unique bubbles and obstacles to discover.
How to play Witch Magic: Bubble Shooter ?
- Move your finger to the target, aim, and your magic witch will shoot the bubble!
- Match 3 or more bubbles to burst!
- Try to burst all the bubbles to help your magic witch and get more score on each puzzle.
This free bubble shooter game is free to download and also good for family and kids.
Enjoy Witch Magic: Bubble Shooter!
Let #39;s get ready, make your happy magic witch aim and shoot bubbles!
2018-07-06 18:48:21
Word Search Tour將經典的猜詞解謎玩法以嶄新的形式呈現。數百個類型各異的的關卡、多種形式的謎題,在挑戰思維和頭腦的同時也會大大擴充你的詞彙量。在有限的步數或時間內,完成每關不同的任務:有時你需要連結相鄰字母構成單詞,消除木頭、石頭字母或者收集一定數量的寶石,有時你要在方陣中找出盡可能多的不同單詞,有時你需要根據4張圖片猜出它們所暗示的單詞……各種各樣的挑戰永無止境,更多妙趣橫生的玩法需要你自己來發現!
Are you ready for a word searching game like none other? Jump into the paradise of #1 word puzzles and venture in Word Search Tour now!
Word Search Tour offers a magical world of words with hundreds of glee-inducing word puzzles, but in a whole new way. Search horizontally, vertically, diagonally and backwards in a grid filled with words that cross and intersect. Connect adjacent letters to form words by sliding your finger forwards, backwards or anyway you can. Guess 1 word out of 4 pictures that have something in common OR some Emojis displayed on the screen. PLAY anytime and anywhere with friends on your Android devices and you will never run out of puzzles in Word Search Tour!
Game Features:
- Various simple and highly addictive game-play types
- 250+ mind boggling levels to challenge
- Replay levels to beat your own high score
- Easy to play but hard to fully master
Notes: All photos inside the game are purchased from http://fotolia.com/.
2018-07-06 18:47:27
简介:GPGS test
개발자 연락처 :
2018-07-06 18:47:24
特点 - 侦探游戏:
- 刑事案件与现实调查,谁是凶手?
- 不同的神秘案例模式
- 带有隐藏物品,线索,嫌疑人,证人,不在场和关系的犯罪现场
- 最好的侦探的排名