2018-07-06 16:58:42
简介:Do you like pushing buttons and shouting at your friends? Do you like discharging Clip-jawed Fluxtrunions? If you answered yes, or no, then you might have what it takes to be on a Spaceteam.
Spaceteam is a cooperative party game for 2 to 8 players who shout technobabble at each other until their ship explodes. Each player needs a mobile device (Android and Apple devices can play together over Wifi!).
You #39;ll be assigned a random control panel with buttons, switches, sliders, and dials. You need to follow time-sensitive instructions. However, the instructions are being sent to your teammates, so you have to coordinate before the time runs out. Also, the ship is falling apart. And you #39;re trying to outrun an exploding star.
Good luck. And remember to work together... as a Spaceteam!
- Teamwork
- Confusion
- Shouting
- An untimely demise
- Beveled Nanobuzzers
- Auxiliary Technoprobes
- Four-stroke Pluckers
Awards amp; Recognition:
* Winner - GameCity Prize 2013
* Winner - IndieCade 2013 (Interaction Award)
* Winner - A MAZE. Indie Games Award 2013 (The Most Amazing Indie Game)
* Winner - International Mobile Gaming Awards 2013 (Innovation Award)
* Finalist - Independent Games Festival 2013
* Featured Game - IndieCade East 2013
* Selection - PAX East Indie Showcase 2013
2018-07-06 16:58:29
简介:font color="#FF0000" ◆『パズルダービー』とは? /font
font color="#FF0000" ◆初心者でも簡単!挑むは伝説の名馬たち! /font
font color="#FF0000" ◆最大3人の同時協力プレイ!“マルチプレイ”が熱い! /font
font color="#FF0000" ◆愛馬を強化・進化させてレースで勝つ! /font
font color="#FF0000" ◆転生・究極進化でさらなる高みへ /font
font color="#FF0000" ◆週末の競馬と連動したイベント&キャンペーン満載! /font
font color="#FF0000" ◆パズダビ公式サイトでゲームを攻略 /font
対応機種:Android 4.0以上の端末を推奨
2018-07-06 16:58:26
- 支持多种难度等级(简单,普通,难)
- 支持庞大的关卡
- 特殊模式:积攒碎片完成斑点图像
- 挑战模式:短时间内完成图像更新记录
- 便利的主界面部署和简洁的功能操作
- 支持1:1对人模式
- 支持16种语言
- 支持排行榜,成就,邀请好友功能
- 支持平板设备
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2018-07-06 16:57:50
简介:欢迎来到《你能逃脱吗》系列中的最新游戏 - 泰坦尼克号!
接下来的问题是:你能逃脱 - 泰坦尼克号吗?
2018-07-06 16:57:48
- 全部免费
- 提供了500多个难题
- 提供各种尺寸的难题:从5X5到20X20
- 提供了键盘和触摸屏控制器
- 大一张照片拼图
- 变焦(多点触摸移动)
- 正确的检查ON / OFF
- BGM开/关
2018-07-06 16:57:46
1. 基本规则
- 找出符合说明的单词的拼写游戏.
- 点击文字,改变彼此的位置.
- 把字母横向连接起来制作单词.
- 看到正确答案或Pass时减少机会.(3次机会)
- 点击文字的次数越少获得高分.
2. 词汇构成 : 从初级到高级有6种
3. 主要技能
- 各式不同形态的滑板构成(3 x 3,4 x 4,5 x 5,6 x 6等)
- 各词各式50 Stage
这是一款改善游戏, 以便轻松愉快地使用的游戏.
2018-07-06 16:56:54
2018-07-06 16:56:31
简介:استمتع مع اللعبة العالمية b الغاز الذكاء و الغاز مع الحل - بدون نت /b ، و تحدى أصدقاءك في لعبة المتعة و التحدي و المعرفة.
الغاز الذكاء و الغاز مع الحل - بدون نت لعبة ثقافية ترفيهية تتنافس فيها مع عقلك، حيث عليك أن تجيب على ألغاز سهلة و صعبة من مختلف المجالات.
تتضمن لعبة الغاز الذكاء و الغاز مع الحل - بدون نت عدة خصائص و مميزات ما يجعلها لعبة ثقافية و ترفيهية بامتياز حيت تحتوي على العديد من الالغاز مثل حزازير صعبة و ألغاز حديدان في جزيرة الكنز و ألعاب اختبار الذكاء كما انها تحتوي على ألغاز سهلة جدا و دلك فقط لأخد استراحة لعقلك قبل الانتقال لألغاز صعبة جدا.
إذن إن كنت من محبي ألعاب تنمية الذكاء و حزورات مع الحل كما أنك من عشاق ألغاز حديدان في جزيرة الكنز فهاته اللعبة quot;الغاز الذكاء و الغاز مع الحل - بدون نت quot; حتما سوف تعجبك لأنها تحتوي على الغاز بس للأذكياء مع الحلول بدون نت
b مميزات لعبة الغاز الذكاء و الغاز مع الحل - بدون نت : /b
* أكثر من 100 لغز جديد ومفيد متجدد كل يوم.
* التطبيق لا يحتاج انترنيت.
* واجهة خلابة و عربية 100%.
* معلومات بكل المجالات: معلومات إسلامية ودينية ومن السيرة النبوية، معلومات جغرافية متنوعة، معلومات طبية ومعرفية، معلومات متنوعة ومفيدة كل هدا على شكل ألغاز وألعاب ذكاء
* التطبيق يحمل شعار ثقف نفسك حيت يقدم لك الغاز مفيدة و جديدة و الغاز غريبة وكذلك حزورات مع الحل.
* ألعاب تنمية الذكاء و ألعاب الذكاء للبنات و الشباب و الغاز الذكاء و الغاز مع الحل - بدون نتول كدلك ألعاب الذكاء للأطفال
* التطبيق يساعدك على محاربة وقت الفراغ بشيء مفيد يساعدك في تطوير معلوماتك العامة ومعرفية.
* التطبيق يساعدك على محاربة وقت الفراغ بشيء مفيد يساعدك في تطوير معلوماتك العامة ومعرفية.
* الغاز مضحكة و ألغاز اسلامية و كدلك ألغاز غريبة جدا كل الغاز مع الحلول حتى ان لم يجد حل فيمكنك ربح النقاط بسهولة و سرعة.
وضعنا في اللعبة ادوات كتيره تجعلك تعرف اللغز ان وجدت صعوبة في معرفة الاجابة لهدا لا تقلق فلن تجد امامك عائق لإكمال جميع المراحل و الاستفادة من المعلومات الموجودة في التطبيق
b قبل أن تحمل لعبة الغاز الذكاء و الغاز مع الحل - بدون نت حاول تخمين و ايجاد حلول هذه الألغاز : /b
1ـ شيء موجود في السماء إذا أضفت إليه حرفا أصبح في الأرض؟
2ـ ما هو الشيء الذي يمشي و يقف وليس له أرجـل؟
3ـ على ناقة اللغي من بعد سمعنا للغاها ، لاوقفت في السوق لاشفت عربي شراها.
4ـ أنا في الكنائس و المعابد اذا لم تجدني فابحث عني في الصحف و الجرائد.
و المزيد من جديد ألغاز للأذكياء داخل التطبيق.
b يحتوي التطبيق الغاز الذكاء و الغاز مع الحل - بدون نت ايضا على /b
ألغاز للأذكياء.
الغاز مسلية.
العاب الغاز وذكاء.
ألغاز العقل.
الغاز للعباقرة.
ألغاز مع الحل.
الغاز وحلولها.
الغاز ذكاء.
الغاز الذكاء و الغاز مع الحل - بدون نت.
الغاز ذكاء وحلها.
الغاز صعبة.
ألغاز محيرة.
ألغاز مغربية مضحكة.
ألغاز سهلة.
حل ألغاز.حل ألغاز وصلة.
تطبيق الغاز و فوازير اختبارات الذكاء هو أقوى وأصعب تطبيق الفوازير والألغاز قد تجده يوما، فهو يحتوي على ألغاز وفوازير جديدة من نوع خاص تتحدى ذكائك، حمل التطبيق وكن أول من يحل الفوازير وتحدى أصدقائك.
إذا أعجبتك الغاز الذكاء و الغاز مع الحل - بدون نت، فلا تنس أن تقيم التطبيق . شكرا لثقتكم بنا
و إن واجهت أي مشكلة او عطب المرجو منك ارسال رسالة لنا
[email protected]
« CDesign Dev » team.
2018-07-06 16:56:28
1. 4种玩法
2. 1600片
3. 支持不同片的形状
4. 可供下载的图片
5. 支持本地音乐
6. 横版显示
Join us on Facebook:
2018-07-06 16:56:27
简介:Игра Филворды - это несколько сотен уровней интеллектуального наслаждения. Вы ищете загаданные слова, а симпатичные монстры помогают вам. Сможете ли вы дойти до конца игры, заполнив все квадраты словами, а сосуды наполнить разноцветной жидкостью?
Целая куча уровней, спрятанных в бутылках!
Более 500 уровней подготовлены специально для вас. В начале разгадывание головоломки может показаться несложным занятием. Но, по мере того, как количество букв увеличивается, угадывать слова становится сложнее и еще увлекательнее. Забавные монстры подскажут вам буквы из слова, вам останется только угадать его.
На квадратном поле расположены буквы. Найдите все слова, выделяя буквы, стоящие рядом, так, чтобы слова целиком заполняли квадрат. Не все, а только загаданные слова подходят для заполнения.
Если вы растерялись и не видите слов, то цветные монстрики подскажут вам, с чего начать. С каждым уровнем сложность игры возрастает, а угадывать слова всё интереснее.
Игра предназначена для тех, кто любит разгадывать кроссворды, играть в виселицу, заниматься поиском слов, составлять слова из букв или просто угадывать их. Основная идея взята из игры типа quot;венгерский кроссворд quot;, но улучшена и адаптирована для мобильных устройств.
Филворды в социальных сетях:
ВКонтакте: http://vk.com/fillword
Фейсбук: http://www.facebook.com/fillwords
Есть вопросы или предложения? Пишите: [email protected]
2018-07-06 16:56:14
简介:Swipe the ball to shoot and make the best score. You can miss the ball only 3 times. Be careful!
Challenge yourself and your friend with addictive basketball game.
Suitable for all ages and enjoy it on phone and tablet.
Have fun !
2018-07-06 16:55:40
简介:你是否热爱拼图游戏,但希望更有创意?那就千万别错过这款游戏!在《Paint Tower!》这款来自 Gram Games 的最新游戏中,畅玩有趣的拼图游戏!
小心,每块积木都会影响塔的平衡。确保所有积木都不会掉落,否则游戏就会结束!在这个新游戏《Paint Tower!》里,战略性地绘制积木,尽最大努力保持一切都岿然不动吧!
《Paint Tower!》游戏特色:
• 发挥创意!画出符合给你的数字的不同形状的积木
• 确保将该积木放在适当位置,否则会影响塔的平衡
• 小心堆放积木,否则整个塔可能会倒塌!
• 挑战自己的思维,尽量多地完成拼图
• 每个拼图都比前一个更具挑战性 —— 搭建你的积木并保持塔的平衡
• 虑你要绘制出什么样的形状,前往下一个拼图!
以正确的方式堆叠你的积木,让你的塔保持平衡。绘制不同形状的积木,让它与游戏给你的确切数字匹配。完成极具挑战性的拼图游戏《Paint Tower!》,来自 Gram Games 的最新拼图游戏!
下载《Paint Tower!》,立刻试玩吧!
本应用程序的使用受到 Zynga 的服务条款的约束,详见 www.zynga.com/legal/terms-of-service。
2018-07-06 16:55:28
简介:The Dark Rooms is a stylish new puzzle game that requires you to think differently
Attempt to complete each puzzle but without any idea how to do it! The game starts you off easy but progresses to insane puzzles
Think differently to pass each stylish level, use swipe, tap, touch, pinch, drag and more as you attempt to find the solution
With its stylish look and feel and seemingly endless amount of levels you will be playing The Dark Rooms for hours to come
Download and enjoy this new addicting genre now!
2018-07-06 16:55:22
简介:- 你可以学习韩语的基础。
- 你可以听到韩国语的幻灯片。
- 通过简单的文字游戏是提高了进入每个人的应用程序。
- 您可以欣赏到文字和绘画比赛。
- 您可以通过一个图画书是什么形象的名字。
- 必须连接到WiFi或数据网络进行语音识别。
2018-07-06 16:54:53
简介:PAC-MAN Pop! is the only game that combines classic arcade action with hours of addictive bubble shooting puzzles! Fun and free to play!
PAC-MAN needs your help to stop the Ghosts once again! Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde have trapped all the fruit in the land, but that’s not all! Those pesky Ghosts have also left bubble traps that PAC-MAN’s beloved pets keep falling for! Rescue his pets by matching bubbles and using Power-Ups across hundreds of challenging levels in this exciting new game starring everyone’s favorite gaming icon!
PAC-MAN Pop! Features:
Enjoy Hours of Arcade Action!
• PAC-MAN characters meet bubble-blasting fun in an all-new puzzle adventure!
• Meet Winky an all-new mischievous ghost, exclusive to PAC-MAN Pop!
• Pop pesky Ghosts, burst their bubble traps and save PAC-MAN’s pets!
• Explore over 14+ PAC-WORLDs!
• Match your way through hundreds of levels, with new puzzles always being added!
Plenty of Addicting Game Modes!
• All-New! Challenge mode let’s you earn exclusive rewards for a limited time!
• New obstacles, modes and challenges will leave you hungry for more!
Use Classic PAC-MAN Power-Ups!
• Unleash Power-Ups to get bigger, burst multiple rows of bubbles and turn ghosts blue!
Share the Fun with Friends
• Compete and compare your scores with friends on the leaderboards!
• Do your friends need a little help? Send your friends free lives!
Download PAC-MAN Pop! today!
PAC-MAN Pop! is FREE TO PLAY but includes items for purchase within the game.
Like us:
PAC-MAN POP! amp; 2016-2017 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
2018-07-06 16:54:50
2018-07-06 16:54:50
简介:Today, I will practice table tennis!
Sports match against class will be held next week at my high school.
I was supposed to be play as a class representative player of table tennis.
I want to show a fine play to Aoi who is madonna in my class.
Today, I practice table tennis with Yoshio, he is my classmate and captain of table tennis club, in secret!
*how to play*
- Return shoot by tapping the screen timely ball coming.
- Game will over with mistake 5 times.
- You heal when the ball hit back glowing green.
Yoshio is famous player of table tennis in the region.
He hit the magic ball occasionally, but let #39;s backstroke well seeing the ball.
Become a hero next week is yours!
2018-07-06 16:54:21
简介:위에서 떨어지는 공에 써있는 글자를 빨리 타이핑하여 없애는 방식으로 진행되는 게임입니다.
연습모드를 제공하며, 2명 혹은 4명이서 실시간으로 타자배틀을 벌일수 있습니다.
귀여운 아바타를 구입하여 다른 유저들과 타자배틀을 겨뤄보세요~
타자연습도 하고 실시간 타자배틀도 즐기고~
개발자 연락처 :
2018-07-06 16:54:19
简介:The new edition of the free football live game from FC BARCELONA FANTASY MANAGER 2018 will bring the real football experience by being the club manager of FC BARCELONA. Time to get astonishing players in your top 11: Leo Messi, Luis Suárez, Iniesta, Piqué as well as other forwards, midfielders, defenders and goalkeepers all the world. POWER UPS and BRING NEW HEAT to the 2k18 football tournaments. Lead your football dream squad and crush the pitch like never before! Be a UNDEFEATABLE TEAM! BE a new STAR FOOTBALL! DOWNLOAD NOW one of the most fantastic FREE FOOTBALL GAMES!
FC Barcelona Fantasy Manager 2018 promises to bring you one of the best matches. Try to equip your football dream squad with undefeatable players or football stars. With FC Barcelona official, you can choose to compete in different modes: head 2 head or all football tournaments. Are you UP for the top LEAGUE of real football 2k18 from FC Barcelona Fantasy Manager, one of the best football games?
- From football live to top league: be a club manager with your football dream squad with all football stars like Messi, Suarez, Piqué with a lot of astonishing matches to defeat your opponents. You can train them to be EVEN MORE football stars, increase their levels and skills. All can be found in Official FC Barcelona– FANTASY MANAGER!
- TOP 2K18 FOOTBALL– POWER UPS: The main competition in FC Barcelona Manager is the league or real football tournaments, where you defeat your opponents to reach the top divisions with your fantastic dream squad. Either you or your opponents will be defeated, so brace yourself in such a fantastic mobile game for real football 2k18.
- PLAY AGAINST YOUR FRIENDS AND THOUSANDS OF USERS: One of the best free football games ever! Experience the feeling of a manager of a top star football - FC BARCELONA FANTASY MANAGER 2018 – new Football Live. Go beat them by your talent of coaching a team of top 11 with all football stars, enhance them to high-ranked matches in 2k18 football tournaments.
- PLAYERS’ VALUE: The core of the official FC BARCELONA Fantasy Manager 2018 is the player´s value which differs from other free football games. The higher the value of your top 11, more chances you have to beat your opponents. Be a talented club manager! Hurl down your opponents by being the best club manager with the most valuable players – your top 11. These scores vary regarding their actual performance and the competition in which your top 11 perform.
GO get the most addicting 2k18 football and be equipped with all football stars in your dream squad from FC BARCELONA: Leo Messi, Luis Suárez, Iniesta, Piqué. POWER UPS and be a UNDEFEATABLE team to conquer the new 2k18 football in 2 modes: head 2 head or football tournaments! Create a lot of astonishing matches to experience the football live to reach the top league! Go get the mobile football game!
Download one of the best football games – Official FC BARCELONA FANTASY MANAGER from FC Barcelona lovers! Be a club manager – play with a real football. POWER UPS for a STAR FOOTBALL!
OFFICIALLY LICENSED PRODUCT OF FROM THE BENCH - trademarks and copyrighted works, including the Clubs logo, and other intellectual property rights are owned and/or held by From The Bench and may not be used without From The Bench’s written consent.
Visit www.fromthebenchgames.com for more information.
To be able to play mobile football live, you will need the internet connection. This application offers in-app purchases which you can disable in your device settings.
By using this application, you accept the “Privacy Policy” and the “Legal Notice”. It contains advertisements of “From The Bench, S.L.” and their partners, including advertisements. It also collects data through analysis technology and delivers third party advertisements including network and GPS locations. The app contains direct links to social networks for those above the age of 13 and also direct links to the internet.
2018-07-06 16:53:42
简介:Do you love fire and water (ice) style game ?
This game is the new version of Lucky boy and Pretty girl with beautiful graphic and new level design. Luckyboy and Prettygirl 2 bring to you the new game play of Fireboy and Watergirl original game.
One of best game puzzle adventure. One of best teamwork game . One of best Maze game !
Fire boy and his lover (Water Girl - Ice girl) , who go with him, is a puzzle adventure game for two players. It #39;s an addicting and very fun to play with your kid, your lover or your friend.
The story of this game is about a couple (Red boy and blue girl) was lost in the love temple. They have to pass the temple #39;s challenge, fight with ghost, traps, collect all heart pieces and help each other to go to teleport portal. Control and move Fire boy (Red boy) and Water girl (Blue girl) through the maze in the Love Temple and collect all the heart and star pieces.
Now they face the most mysterious one yet!
To help Fire and Water couple meet each other through each level quickly in this challenge game:
Use the uric acid to teleport and gather gems for bonus items.
Be sure to keep Lucky boy out of the water puddles.
You have a long and difficult way of saving the planet!
Do not waste your time, and get started your journey now!
b How to play : /b
- The fire boy can not move on water ground.
- The water girl can not move on fire ground.
- Collect the heart pieces to active teleport portal and get a save point.
- Keep fireboy and watergirl avoid all traps and ghost.
- Pass the challenge of temple by cooperate the couple together.
- Use arrow button to control fire boy and water girl.
- Use transform button to change control of fireboy and watergirl character.
b Features: /b
- Beautiful and cute graphic with fire and water.
- Game story bring the feeling of love and hope.
- New gameplay of puzzle adventure game.
- New and nice challenge level design.
- So many levels to challenge you and your lover or your kids.
- This game can play by kids.
2018-07-06 16:53:32
简介:Игра подходит для всей семьи, для любителей головоломок, ребусов и кроссвордов.
Простые правила:
Как только игра начнется, вы увидите 4 картинки и буквы. Найдите общее между фото - это и есть загаданное слово. Введите его, используя доступные символы.
Если возникнут трудности - воспользуйтесь подсказками!
У нас Вы найдете:
-Увлекательную игру;
-Красивый и удобный интерфейс;
-Ежедневные бонусы;
-Приятные цитаты после каждой победы;
-Вопросы разной сложности;
-Игру для всей семьи!
-Бесплатная игра!
-Регулярное пополнение уровней!
-Оптимизировано под телефонов и планшеты.
2018-07-06 16:53:23
简介:Without electricity there is chaos. Balance is a free puzzle game about electricity and power grids. Your goal is to make sure there are no blackouts, that the power grids are functional, and that you always produce the right amount of power.
The game offers many challenges you probably never thought about:
- Did you know that the amount of power produced is changed all day and night to match the amount we use?
- Did you know that there is a limit on how much power you can transmit through a single power line without it getting overloaded?
- Did you know that an well-built power grid could have any one line disconnected without causing blackouts?
You do not need any knowledge about electricity or power grids in order to enjoy this game.
Balance is developed by Statnett, the system operator in the Norwegian energy system, and is based on real challenges they work with every day.
2018-07-06 16:53:07
2018-07-06 16:52:36
2018-07-06 16:52:21
简介:※ 이런 분들께 적극 추천!!
히라가나 조금 외우시다 일본어 공부 포기하신 분.
일본어로 된 게임에 메뉴라도 읽고 싶은 분.
일본 제품 직구하고 싶은데 제품 페이지의 글씨가 그림으로 보이는 분.
장차 일본 애니메이션을 자막 없이 보고 싶은 분.
일본어 공부를 어렵게 생각하지 마세요.
일본어를 읽을 줄만 알아도 뜻을 대략 유추할 수 있습니다.
그만큼 일본어는 한글과 많은 부분이 비슷합니다.
그럼 우리가 해야할 일은?
***일본어를 읽어보자!!!(뜻은 나중에 알아도 됩니다)
#39;일단어 던전 #39;은 게임을 하면서 일본어 읽는 능력을 길러줍니다.
사나운 몬스터한테 맞다보면 자신도 모르게 단어가 외워지거든요.^^
※ 게임내용
1. 히라가나 던전 : 히라가나 글자를 익힐 수 있는 던전
2. 가타카나 던전 : 가타카나 글자를 익힐 수 있는 던전
3. 초급 단어 던전 : 많이 쓰이는 일본어 초급 단어를 익힐 수 있는 던전
4. 중급 단어 던전 : 초급 단어 보다 약간 어려운 중급 단어를 익힐 수 있는 던전
5. 무한 던전 : 던전에서 익혔던 단어들을 맞추며 내 실력을 알아보는 무한 던전
※ 게임 팁
1. 문제가 제시되면 정해진 시간내에 정답을 맞춰야 합니다.
2. 용사는 용사마다의 특수한 능력을 가지고 있습니다.
3. 보상으로 주어지는 루비를 모아서 다음 던전그룹을 언락하세요.
※ 도움말
-모든 던전은 이전 던전을 별1개 이상으로 클리어해야지만 열립니다.
-루비로 던전그룹을 오픈하였다해도 이전 던전을 클리어하지 않으면 새 던전그룹 안의 새 던전을 공략할 수 없습니다.
※ 개발자의 한마디
-부디 재미있게 즐겨주시고, 게임의 발전을 위해 많은 의견 부탁드립니다.
※ 버그 및 건의 사항을 알려주세요, 게임에 적극 반영하겠습니다.
이메일 : [email protected]
네이버 카페 주소 : http://cafe.naver.com/terryyoung
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