2018-07-06 08:18:30
简介:b ★ Google Play가 선정한 2018년 첫 핵꿀잼 모바일게임 ★ /b
유령과 몬스터의 뜻하지 않은 동거로 시작된 유령도시 건설 프로젝트!
그리고 유령들 사이에선 무슨 일이 일어난 것일까?
지금 시작하세요! 유령키우기!
매일밤 유령도시에선 b 유령 키우기 대작전 /b 이 시작된다.
소환, 합성, 마법, 유물, 환생, 축제, 채팅, 세력전까지 없는 것이 없다.
b ★★★ 소환 ★★★ /b
유령항아리에서 유령수를 업그레이드하고 새로운 유령을 소환하세요.
b ★★★ 합성 ★★★ /b
유령을 합성하면 한단계 위에 유령 진화합니다.
b ★★★ 마법 ★★★ /b
유령마법을 사용해서 더 많은 유령들을 소환하고 더 많은 골드를 모으세요.
b ★★★ 유물 ★★★ /b
더 많은 유물을 발굴해서 빨리 유령도시를 건설하세요.
b ★★★ 환생 ★★★ /b
유령환생을 하면 더 많은 보석과 포스를 모을 수 있습니다.
b ★★★ 축제 ★★★ /b
우주축제, 겨울축제 등 다양한 축제에서 더욱더 재밌는 유령들을 만나보세요.
b ★★★ 채팅 ★★★ /b
유령키우기 사용자들과 채팅으로 더 많은 정보를 공유하세요.
b ★★★ 세력전 ★★★ /b
내가 키운 유령과 다른 유저 유령과 대결하는 유령도시 세력전에 참가하세요.
유령키우기 공식카페 : http://cafe.naver.com/4thmaysoft
개발자 연락처 :
Business license : 128-40-13508
2001-7, 234, Beotkkot-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, South Korea
2018-07-06 08:18:20
「Google Cardboard V2」(Hacosco Inc./参考価格:1,620円~/税込)
「MilboxTouch」(WHITE Inc./価格:2,700円/税込)
コピーライト : Nihon Enterprise zzyzx
2018-07-06 08:18:19
简介:b Beat Rider /b from the makers of Candy Smack, Crazy Skater amp; TRI Fidget Spinner games.
Very simple and easy for anyone to enjoy riding.
You need to get the never ending world of Rider, not crashing. The game is made in neon rider style and has realistic physics. You will find a wide variety riding of trails and motorcycle,
Time is running out, so make it count!
- Simple controls
- 8 addictive Themes
- Collect 14 Awesome Bikes and Cars
- Touch to accelerate
- Cool stunts and flips
- Compare your high scores with players worldwide
- Smooth and addictive Flippin gameplay
Your New Rider game is free to play but there are optional in-app purchases available.
Beat Racer Game will be updated regularly with your suggestions. Don #39;t forget to leave a review with your feedback.
2018-07-06 08:17:20
2018-07-06 08:16:19
简介:Game tebak lagu adalah Permainan untuk menebak judul-judul lagu populer di indonesia, sehingga dapat melatih kecerdasan dan pengetahuan kamu.
Yuk, Uji Pengetahuan kamu tentang lagu-lagu populer dengan game tebak lagu populer ini! Dijamin Lebih Seru dari game tebak-tebakan lain. Peraturannya sangat mudah!
Aturan Main :
Kamu akan diperdengarkan penggalan lagu indonesia. selama lagu terputar, kamu harus segera memilih judul lagu dari lagu yang diputar. Ada empat pilihan, satu diantaranya adalah pilihan yang benar. Ketika tebakan kamu benar, maka otomatis kamu akan diperdengarkan lagu selanjutnya dan tebak kembali judul lagu yang benar. Setiap tebakan yang benar, kamu akan mendapatkan 5 point. Waktu yang kamu butuhkan untuk menebak judul lagu yang benar adalah 3 menit. Selama bermain, ada 3 bantuan yang kamu dapat pergunakan. yaitu
1. Bantuan quot;Pass quot; yaitu jika kamu memilih tombol pass, maka lagu yang sekarang terputar akan dilewati dan kamu dapat melanjutkan permainan dengan lagu yang berbeda.
2. Bantuan quot;50:50 quot; yaitu jika kamu memilih tombol 50:50, maka akan di hapus dua jawaban yang salah, sehingga hanya tersedia dua jawaban yang benar.
3. Bantuan quot;Replay quot; yaitu jika lagu berhenti berputar, kamu dapat memutar ulang kembali lagu tersebut dengan memilih bantuan ini.
Ingat masing-masing bantuan hanya dapat dipergunakan satu kali dalam sekali main, kecuali bantuan quot;replay quot;, kamu dapat mempergunakannya selama permainan berlangsung.
Permainan akan berakhir jika :
1. Kamu telah salah dua kali dalam menebak judul lagu.
2. Waktu kamu telah habis.
Selamat Bermain!
2018-07-06 08:16:16
简介:陀螺陀螺旋转陀螺手旋转玩具 - 征服世界最激动人心的游戏。 一款带来明亮印象和活力的游戏。 从手轮收集器中选择您喜欢的刀片并尽快扭动。 这是智能手机中旋转刀片的真正战斗。 旋转与你的朋友旋转刀片fidget微调,成为一个真正的贝母大师。 与朋友们一起安排精彩的战斗,与旋转陀螺一起玩,他们可以更长时间旋转刀片的顶部。 游戏的功能很简单,但是玩旋转bey飞刃金属融合的乐趣你会变得非常棒。 爆旋陀螺玩具爆裂微调器是一款很棒的抗压力玩具。 接近真实的物理学,会让你玩的不停。 为什么要买一个泡泡,如果你可以在手机中扭曲它!
2018-07-06 08:16:06
■■呪巣 プロローグ■■
生前に書かれたであろう零からの意味深げな ”お願い” だった・・・。
2018-07-06 08:15:24
简介:《欢乐餐厅》已在全球 100+ 国家发行并取得了优异成绩!获得了 Facebook 的全球推荐,是餐厅类游戏的领航之作!现已来到中国,游戏画面精美细致!玩法有趣简单!操作连贯丰富!致力于为你带来身临其境的烹饪体验!以无差别的主厨视角,带你尽享餐厅类和时间管理类游戏的无限乐趣!快来加入这场美味盛宴!
下载即可获得 6 个餐厅,所有关卡全部免费!每个餐厅都拥有独特的风味和玩法!快来!
2018-07-06 08:15:17
简介:Pink Piano is an app that lets you learn and play with your favorite musical instruments, wonderful songs, exploring different sounds and develop musical skills.
The interface of the app is colorful and bright. You will be pleased and informed while learning music while playing exciting games.
Your will be able to improve their imagination world by playing the piano and accordion.
Your will improve his skills. Pink piano helps to develop memory, concentration, imagination and creativity as well as motor skills, intellect, sensory and speech.
The whole family can develop their musical talent and composing songs together!
What are the benefits of music?
* Increase the skills to listen, memorize and concentrate.
* It stimulates the imagination and creativity of your.
* It stimulates the intelectual development, motor skill, sensory, auditory and speech of your.
* Develop sociality that causes the adolescents to interact better with their peers.
* Multitouch Support
* Works with all screen resolutions - Cell Phones and Tablets
* Free
Have Fun
2018-07-06 08:14:46
简介:Welcome to quot;Escape Game Spring quot;!
You have been trapped in a house in spring.
Please escape by solving the mystery and tricks in the house.
You can play with easy operation only with taps.
■ How to play
Tap to find out.
If you want to use items, select the item and tap the place you want to use.
To enlarge an item, tap the item twice.
If you want to combine items, enlarge the item, select the item you want to combine, and tap.
To close an enlarged item, tap the cross button.
If you need hints, tap the bulb button.
■ Function
There is an auto save function.
■ Features
Beginners can enjoy it to the last.
Recommended for those who like cute world view.
2018-07-06 08:14:23
简介:궁수는 몸을 숨겼다3 (궁몸숨3) 쉐도우 궁수 키우기
썩쏘 TV 등 유명 유튜브 및 bj들에게 소개된 게임!
궁수의 탑(방치형 노가다)!
◆ 게임 소개 ◆
■ 다양한 강화시스템으로 끝없는 궁수의 진화!
활, 화살, 궁수, 크리티컬, 치명타, 회피, 회복 등 다양하고
끝이 보이지 않는 강화 및 진화시스템 준비!
■ 최강의 궁수가되어 pvp를 통해 끝없이 자기의 한계에 도전!
치열한 pvp 전투를 통해 최강자 자리를 얻어보세요!
장비를 강화 및 진화하여 pvp전 에서 더욱 강해질 수 있습니다.
■ 화려한 궁수패시브와 화살이펙트 시스템!
자기가 원하는 이펙트(궁수패시브, 화살패시브 등)를 착용하실 수 있습니다.
어떤 이펙트를 착용하든 최고 스펙은 바뀌지 않습니다.
■ 개발진은 유저와 개발자가 소통하여 유저가 원하는 게임으로 발전해 나가길 원합니다.
■ 고랩되면 나름 방치형 RPG(?)!! 궁수는 몸을 숨겼다3. Shadow Archer (그림자 궁수)! 궁수와 화살키우기! 지금바로 다운로드하세요!
카톡문의 환영합니다.
연락이 되지 않을경우 카톡으로 문의주세요.
카톡문의 : dino9426
개발자 연락처 :
2018-07-06 08:14:11
简介:Scarry Granny Horror Piano Tap Tiles is developed to fulfil everyone #39;s piano dreams.
If you love piano or music, you will enjoy this piano tap app game.
All piano lover should download this piano tap app !
Scarry Granny Horror Piano Tap Tiles is an unofficial fan application games.
The piano melodies are arranged with individual piano notes..
For entertainment purposes only.
Scarry Granny Horror Piano Tap Tiles. Enjoy Game !
2018-07-06 08:13:41
简介:本作「Blood Domination -ブラッド・ドミネーション- 」のテーマは、「血」と「契約」。
性別とは別にある、吸血鬼の第二性 ──支配の【Dom】と、従属の【Sub】
『Blood Domination(ブラッド・ドミネーション)』は、
【シナリオ】落合 海
2018-07-06 08:13:15
简介:This game app is devoted to fans of the song quot;XXXTentacion quot;.
Press every black tile
when you lift it, you also need a full concentration level so you can
finish his game
2018-07-06 08:12:30
简介:b 步骤为野生动物王国的史诗般的战斗在对战游戏模拟器
b 准备战斗模拟野生工艺的
b 享受丛林动物狮子,狼,大猩猩,Elphant的战斗,&犀牛扑灭
b 野生动物王国对战模拟器2018特点:
•战士升级系统 /b /b /b /b
2018-07-06 08:12:13
简介:If you do play, or never had touched a piano before but always wanted to learn it, this app will help realize your dream! Get to know Real Piano: the best and most complete piano app on Google Play.
Playing it is very simple, the app simulates a piano and keyboard on the screen of your phone/tablet. To play, just tap your finger on the keyboard and the instrument’s sounds plays simultaneously.
A fun, lightweight and very practical to use app. Excellent for anyone who wants study or learn how to play piano, without making too much noise or taking up too much space.
Easy to use, play it anytime to practice and test your skills!
Also lets to play live music!
Check out the details go the Real Piano
- Multitouch
- A complete keyboard
- 20 realistic instruments
- Studio audio quality
- Instruments like Grand Piano, Electric Piano, Synth, Organ, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Electric Bass, Synth Bass, Strings, Horns, Clav, Harpsichord, Toy Organ, Banjo, Accordion, Sitar, Vibraphone, Flute, Vocals and Sax
- A perfect real piano/keyboard set
- 5 octaves
- Record mode
- Play in loop
- Rename recordings
- Works with all screen resolutions - Cell Phones and Tablets (HD Images)
- Free App
The app is free, but you can remove all ads buying a license!
Try it and have fun with the best and most complete piano app on Google Play!
Made for pianists, keyboardists, professional musicians, amateurs or beginners!
Touch amp; Play!
2018-07-06 08:12:04
简介:font color="red" 堪え難い恐怖がTwitterや実況動画で感染拡大!
スマホ史上最恐のホラーゲームとネット上で話題沸騰の【呪巣】シリーズ最新作!! /font
font color="red" 今回の呪巣は3Dマップを採用! /font
font color="red" なんと!恐怖を共有放映する『ニコニコ生放送』機能搭載!! /font
■■呪巣 -起ノ章- プロローグ■■
font color="red" 恐怖は伝染する・・・ /font
2018-07-06 08:11:26
简介:b Get ready and try out the Piano games for free! The attractive White Magic Piano Go! online game which is more challenging than you could imagine. Green Magic Tiles Piano 2018 is one of the most popular tiles games that has more than 51 million players around the world. /b
b font color="green" Thus, this is a special version of piano tap amp; tiles games with various genres of piano games combining diverse instruments with Green Leaf Theme, such as Real Piano ! Magic Piano Green Tiles 2018 is one of the most popular new games 2018 which provides user the high-quality piano songs, Real Piano Sounds, and beautiful game play! /font /b
b Game’s rules /b
Following the Hype of Pink Piano Tiles, It’s similar to other Piano Tap games, you just have to tap the green-black tiles and avoid the white tiles then enjoy the wonderful music in game.
b Game features /b
- Simply Piano Game
- Cool Green Leaf Piano Theme amp; Backgrounds, Even more beautiful than Pink Piano Tiles Theme
- Many Levels for you piano addict
- Beautiful Piano Sounds amp; Music
- Awesome Battle mode! Compete with Other Players Around The World!
- Top Piano Craft songs, and some popular pop music which are frequently updated
- The challenge mode provides various Awesome amp; Fun mini games
- Bonus Rewarded Diamond Everyday amp; for Special Button
Become a real Pianist now! with this Best Piano Lessons Game, Always keep up with the trend with this new games 2018 right now!
2018-07-06 08:11:21
简介:Hmmsim, the first Train Simulation game ever built in Korea,
has been realized in mobile.
Hmmsim features basic route based on Seoulmetro Line 2,
realized in the highest level of graphic.
Experience the metro operation.
Also, for the first time in mobile Train Simulation game,
Hmmsim can add BVE Trainsim Add-Ons.
In Hmmsim, you can play BVE routes as the same
which you used to do in your PC.
This is the first mobile Train Simulator that
you can infinitely add Add-Ons depending on your preference.
See www.jeminie.net for details.
2018-07-06 08:10:15
简介:CUBIC ROOM is an adventure game to escape from locked room.
Please use items in the room and look for the way of escape.
● Hint function
Even if you get stuck in a mystery, you can get a hint card
● Walkthrough site
Official Walkthrough site also available.
You can see it directly from the application.
● Stress-free operation feeling
A flowing operation feeling realized by distinctive use of gestures.
● Beautiful graphics
We carefully made each one graphic.
2018-07-06 08:10:14
简介:=== gt; Welcome to the Best virtual ORG The Electronic ORG 2018 lt;===
In this 100% Free game you can play real Organ and real piano .
Start playing The ORG without any lessons and The are Org real notes.
We will allow you to play in the future with realistic instruments like : guitar, electric guitar, sitar, oud, grand piano, synth bass, e-bass, , trumpet , Bali flute, rabab, Thai angklung, rap, disco, baglama, Beethoven, Mozart, Jingle Bells, green sleeves, ney, qanun, e-guitar, oud, tanbur, violin, saxophone, mey, cumbus, clarinet, cura, balaban, synthesizer, cello.
Features :
---- gt; Full keyboard and top real keyboard set
---- gt; The Best real piano keyboard
---- gt; Turkish music and Arabic music...
---- gt; Adjustable Keyboard music and synthesiser keyboard
---- gt; play the game with Record, Re-record, Sing a Song
---- gt; play with midi keyboard
---- gt; Studio audio quality
---- gt; play with electronic keyboard
---- gt; imagine yourself playing on a korg
---- gt; Play like ORG 2017
---- gt; Realistic sounds
---- gt; play with mixed in key
---- gt; play with Portable org
---- gt; imagine yourself playing on a virtual ORG
---- gt; playing on a New piano in 2017 and 2018
---- gt; imagine yourself playing on an New Magic Music
---- gt; You can play the music like zurna
---- gt; many different org sounds and you will enjoy with real organ piano
---- gt; Play like ORG 2018
---- gt; Completely free real piano and play with keyboard music
---- gt; 100% Free and easy to use
---- gt; You can gain a very good experience in music with this application
---- gt; You can Share This Free game and results With your friends in Facebook Or What #39;sapp.....
---- gt; Download The Electronic ORG 2018 for FREE now lt;----
2018-07-06 08:09:29
简介:Magic Tiles for EXO will challenge your reflexes and reaction time while you play piano covers of your favorite EXO songs!
The game is pretty simple and easy to play:
- tap the black piano tiles and avoid the white tiles to complete the song.
- every time you complete the song, it gets faster!
- the longer you resist, the greater your prizes are!
- Enhanced gameplay with special tiles such as long notes and bonus blocks.
- 5 different instruments!
- Online leaderboards to compete with other players.
- Lots of daily bonuses.
- Perfect for EXO-Ls!
This is an unofficial fan-made application. It is not affiliated with or endorsed by EXO, their management teams, or their record labels.
2018-07-06 08:09:15
简介:激光爆旋陀螺游戏fidget旋转玩具 - 最容易上瘾的游戏,在你的手机旋转刀片的战斗。 旋转与你的朋友手旋转刀旋转刀片在趋势。 爆旋金属片融合的功能很小,但它给予的乐趣是无限的。 与朋友们一起安排激动人心的战斗,玩耍可以长时间旋转刀片顶部的冰刀头。 这款游戏适合所有年龄的人。 尽可能快地选择您最喜爱的激光手柄。 最好在黑暗的房间或晚上做这个。 当你旋转时,创建一个很酷的霓虹灯效果! 旋转陀螺玩具可以在你的手中,口袋里,地铁里,交通堵塞,课堂上扭曲 - 这是一款很好的抗压力玩具。 你正在等待很酷的图形,优秀的旋转物理。 惊喜你的朋友,把蝙蝠一起扭动!
2018-07-06 08:08:25
简介:Физическая песочница нового поколения, которая отличается полным отсутствием поставленным перед игроком задач и целевого направления, присутствует масса инструментов для построения разнообразных фигур и зданий.Вы создаете объекты и соединяете их вместе для создания ваших собственных конструкций — машина ли это, ракета, катапульта или нечто пока без названия — это зависит от вас.
2018-07-06 08:08:21
简介:Juan Luis Londoño Arias, (born 28 January 1994), better known by his stage name Maluma, is a Colombian reggaeton singer and songwriter, signed to Sony Music Colombia and Sony Latin.
Lets play the Maluma piano tap game with a tap following the rhythm of his music.
There are four types in this piano tap:
Maluma Piano Tap is developed to fulfil everyone #39;s piano dreams.
Don #39;t touch on the gold tiles, tap the black tiles to keep the song going.
If you love piano or music, you will enjoy this piano tap app.
All piano lover should download this piano tap app!
Music Piano Maluma:
- corazón
- felices los 4
- el perdedor
- borro cassette
- cuatro babys
There are many choices of Maluma songs in this piano game. You can play the piano from the songs here, as well as to entertain yourself and those around you, enjoy the piano music of the song, calm yourself, and train your finger speed in this piano tile game.
With an interesting and interactive view so you do not feel bored in playing. Increasingly faster game levels make you challenged, do not let you lose, tap the red tiles and do not have any red tiles missed, follow the tone of the song.
Maluma Piano Tap is an unofficial fan application.
It is not affiliated with or endorsed by Maluma, or his record label.
This app does not include any copyrighted material.
The piano melodies are arranged with individual piano notes..
For entertainment purposes only.
Collect your score as much as possible, and look for the highest score.
Do not forget rating for this game, and thank you.