2018-07-06 05:19:04
简介:This is the loveliest alpaca app ever! (´・ェ・`)
You are now an owner of an alpaca farm. Over hundred colors of alpacas are waiting for you. Let #39;s train them, dress them and try to capture more different alpacas that will let you experience unlimited cuteness.
Game Features:
- Very cute alpacas, with an extreme variation of colors.
- Explore hills to encounter and capture wild alpacas.
- Dress your alpacas with many in-game accessories.
2018-07-06 05:18:51
简介:You are in red room which is unique atmosphere.
A large amount of water, huge chess, three pianos, one tree...
Find items, and solving the puzzles for escape from the room.
・unique atmosphere and beautiful graphics
・There are Hints, so Don’t worry!
・Auto-save function!
【How to play】
Very easy operation method!
・Search by tapping the screen.
・Change the viewpoint by tapping the button on the bottom of the screen.
・Holding the item button, it will enlarged.
・Keeping the enlarged item, you can tap another item, and then compose it.
・There is a hint button from MENU which is the upper left corner of the screen.
・It’s FREE!
・Let’s enjoy the escape game!
programmer:Asahi Hirata
Designer:Naruma Saito
Produced by two of us.
Our goal is to produce a game that would be fun for the users.
If you like this game, please play other games♪
Music is VFR:http://musicisvfr.com
2018-07-06 05:18:24
[ ホラー脱出ゲームシリーズ ]
--【 無限牢獄 】--
・怖い、だけど面白い! 恐怖のホラー脱出ゲーム。
・物語(シナリオ)も謎だらけ! 新感覚の『脱出×アドベンチャーゲーム』
・びたちー素材館 http://www.vita-chi.net/sozai1.htm
・ポケットサウンド http://pocket-se.info/
・魔王魂 http://maoudamashii.jokersounds.com/
・効果音ラボ http://soundeffect-lab.info/
・甘茶の音楽工房 http://amachamusic.chagasi.com/
・げきばん! http://soundjewel.symphie.jp/product/gekiban/free/
2018-07-06 05:17:18
简介:This map – a mini-game that contains 11 different levels. At all levels a common goal –find the button and pass on the following level.
We created this map for MCPE especially for Halloween. Therefore, in it you will meet many terrible and scary monsters! Be careful, some buttons false. They do not open the following level of this Halloween of the map for MCPE, and call many monsters from the Minecraft.
Denial of responsibility: We ask to pay your attention that we use the Minecraft Pocket Edition trademark with the permission of Mojang. We ask you to be acquainted with public permission of Mojang (account.mojang.com/terms, minecraft.net/brand-guidelines) to avoid claims to us. We are third-party developers and we do not apply for copyright of Mojang
2018-07-06 05:17:13
简介:Dice Roller is a virtual roller to play any game that need to use the dice. Have you need a dice but you can #39;t find it? Yes, this application is to change your dice. This application is just like your missing dice. This application can roll
1 dice, 2 dices, or 3 dices.
2018-07-06 05:16:53
简介:Home Pony
Virtual pet game of the new generation! In this game you can not only take care of one pony, but once in 2, 5, 10 ponies. Get a little cute pony in your smartphone! Earn coins in exciting mini-game to spend it on food of your babies!
- Raise up to 10 ponies on the same time!
- Talk to pony
- Wash it and pet it
- Heal it if it #39;s sick
- Change the look
- Design your Pony House
- And lots of many other things to do!
- Go outside to see the Ponyland
The virtual pet game is always under development so we plan to release a HUGE update every week! Play the game and have fun ;)
2018-07-06 05:16:46
※全4章中、1、2、3章を掲載 完結編は(4章)後日追加予定!
2018-07-06 05:16:19
简介:The litlle boss game kids is a wich consdered one of the best running games for all ages !
We got more then 99 levels to play , Enjoy our amazing arcarde experience kids , children adore the little baby . With The boss little baby, we can play just like the adventure thrill and fun gameplay inspired of the Little Boss. Help the little Boss Game kids to collect as many energy and coins as possible for the greatest journey. Avoid getting hunt down by the evil monsters and obstacles made by the doctor evel
Run and jump as fast as possible.
Tap to jump whenever you see baby obstacles.
Be fast and and ready
Collect as many coins and energy to score the high score
Enjoy the little boss kids game, theGreatest cartoon game ever. Everything has been carefully chosed to presnt you a great experience! This running game is a modern game.
Download and play the Little boss Game for the best endless game and rate us 5 stars if you think we deserve it and welcome to your feedbacks and suggestions
2018-07-06 05:16:09
简介:Yangire chan are suffer from personality disorder and can easily become violent and extremely dangerous. Take the role of Yangire chan and try to not get caught by police and disable as many enemies as you can. Don #39;t get them to call police or you #39;re lose the game.
[Game still under development, play and wait for new updates!]
- Explore the school
- A lot of animations
- Atmospheric enviroment
- A lot of weapons
- Customization [cooming soon]
- Mods [Titan mode available, others coming soon]
2018-07-06 05:15:50
[密室逃脱 - 操作方法]
- 设有自动保存功能。
twitter : @HarukiRyohei
2018-07-06 05:15:13
简介:With Home Design 3D, designing and remodeling your house in 3D has never been so quick and intuitive!
There are an infinite number of paint color choices, but this does not need to be overwhelming when decorating an interior, bringing colors into the home. A checklist will help steer you picking the right colors you will be happy with for years to come.
Design and decorate both the interior and outdoor of your home
-- gt; Make your choice from over a thousand of pieces of furniture and accessories, customize your decoration and express your style, from the most classical to the trendiest!
-- gt; Visit your creation in real-time 3D as if you were inside it thanks to our brand new photo-realistic 3D rendering
2018-07-06 05:14:41
所获奖项:最佳世界构建游戏,最佳游戏:隐藏宝石和最热门游戏 – 如果你喜欢《我的世界》的话
-- MAJOR UPDATE 1.99981 --
+ 3 new Campaigns: Brainiac 3, Heroes amp; Relic Hunter
+ 30 new Elements: 4 controllable Super-Heroes with Monster Girl, Invincible, Rex Splode, Dupli-Kate, an adventurer Jones with his rope and many new mechanisms, enemies and decorations - go check amp; try them out!!
quot;The Sandbox is a fantastically inventive mobile game that encourages players to create entire worlds and works of art! quot;
quot;It’s kind of hard to get bored with so many pixel blocks to craft and play with.” 4,5/5 148Apps
quot;The Sandbox is a charming little pixellated 2D world-creation game -- and, by world, I mean the space inside of a literal sandbox. quot; TouchArcade
quot;Pixowl正致力于自MINECRAFT以来的下一个巨作 quot; 4,5/5 148Apps
想象一下创造出属于你自己的世界 (全部采用漂亮的像素画),与人类或僵尸一起玩游戏,谱写出属于你自己的音乐,以及更多更多的内容!宇宙任由你去创造或毁灭,没有做不到,只有想不到!
该游戏让您可以创建小像素世界,它就像MINECRAFT的2D 风格!
● 无限的可能性。无限的风景设计。无数种千奇百怪的化学反应。没有什么是你办不到的!
● 拥抱你体内的像素艺术家吧,去创造或再创造出惊人的杰作 #39;利用多种乐器在游戏中谱写自己的音乐旋律
● 将生命带到你的创作之中,并观看他们如何进化、进食、繁殖和死亡 破坏
● 200 余种元素可供组合成不同的实物效果!
● 在你的世界中添加智慧生命体:人类!
● 使用四种不同的魔法粉末给予人类不同的能力:采矿,建造,狩猎或是伐木。在以后的更新中将会有21多种不同的能力加入到游戏当中
● 利用可控元素游戏:忍者、头像、蛇......并创建你的视频游戏级别!
● 马上尝试忍者!这个可以控制的家伙会到处跳跃避开陷阱!
● 立即尝试最新的魔法粉末:僵尸!将那些渺小的人类转变成邪恶的生物!
● 开着您的跑车到处巡游,用卡车运输元件,或者用您的坦克摧毁土地!
● 利用来自未来的机器人让所有生命灭亡;利用两种新的魔法粉末
● 使用我们全新设计的蓝图,将漂亮鲜活的知名建筑加入到你的宇宙之中:埃菲尔铁塔、奇琴伊察、金字塔、比萨斜塔、自由女神像 — 甚至还有被撞毁的UFO!
● 使用 TNT 或 C4 制造出威力巨大的爆炸,造成严重破坏!利用烟火或银河入侵者照亮天空!
● 深海鱼类和萤火虫就在你的眼前,栩栩如生!
● 利用多种感应器 (包括液体、光照和温度) 创造出神奇的链式反应!
● 创造你的宇宙,然后到 Sandbox 网上画廊去分享
● 浏览画廊查看其他玩家的创作(已有1.000.000件创作!)
● 给其他玩家的宇宙打分,也可以添加物件
Twitter: http://twitter.com/thesandboxgame
Facebook: http://facebook.com/thesandboxgame
2018-07-06 05:14:15
简介:Escape from a beautiful salon!
quot;Escape a Nail Salon quot; is the 20th Escape Game produced by FUNKYLAND.
This game is fairly simple, you need only escape from one room.
Find the items and solve the mysteries to escape from a Nail Salon♪.
How to Play:
- Just tap
- Tap the item icon twice to enlarge the display.
- Tap the setting button in the upper right hand corner to display the settings screen.
Game Features:
- Beautiful graphics
- Auto-save
- Easy and fun, even for those not keen on escape games
- Perfect game length to kill time
The Save Function:
The game auto-saves items you #39;ve acquired and instruments you #39;ve unlocked, allowing you to restart at the last auto-save checkpoint.
In case you can #39;t restart, please check your device settings as there may not be enough storage space.
2018-07-06 05:13:23
简介:Mod Jurassic Craft is an incredible addon which includes 19 different dinosaurs in one pack. Each of them include a unique set of behaviors. For example, some of them you can tame and ride and others you have to be extra careful with since their aggressive behavior will make them want to kill and eat you.
Raptors, T-Rex, Indominus Rex, Compsognathus, Ludodactylus, Mosasaurus amp; Tylosauros, Brachiosaurus, Dilophosaurus, Oviraptor, Spinosaurus, Gallimimus, Triceratops, Ankylosaurus, Small Dinosaurs, Baculites, Jeeps, Dodo, Goats there are in this mod! Growth Stages and General Features there are in text file.
DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for Minecraft Pocket Edition. This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets are all property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner. All rights reserved. In accordance with http://account.mojang.com/documents/brand_guidelines
2018-07-06 05:13:22
本游戏由Sparkling Society开发,该公司以其开发的其他模拟城市游戏而闻名,如模拟城市岛屿,全球有超过五千万人在玩这个游戏。在开始玩模拟天堂城市岛屿时,你需要从什么都没有的岛屿开始,然后一步步从简单的小镇变成乡村,打造你自己繁华的虚拟城市,最终变身成为大都会。游戏里有不同地面的岛屿,如雪地、沙漠、树林等等。让你的居民保持开心非常重要。如果你的居民不开心,你将不会获得商业建筑100%的利润。
- 线上线下都可以玩
- 本模拟游戏适合所有年龄段人士/家庭
- 打造你自己的天堂城市
- 9个不同岛屿,可以解锁200多栋建筑
- 画面精美
- 沿海滩扩展你的城镇
- 免费游戏,适合所有年龄段人士
2018-07-06 05:12:56
简介:脱出ゲーム 『雨宿りからの脱出』
2018-07-06 05:12:23
2018-07-06 05:11:45
简介:The summer holidays are finally over and you’re preparing to get back to work. The kids are waiting for their favorite bus driver to transport them to school on time. Drive along some crazy paths while making sure the kids get to and from school safely. Steer the school bus carefully, rush past the traffic and don’t be late! Follow all of the traffic regulations, stop when traffic lights are red and avoid hitting other cars on the road! Are you ready for an entertaining adventure? Your mission is to safely drop the kids off at school!
b School Bus Driver 3D Simulator features: /b
•Awesome Bus driving challenges
•Smooth controls and fun gameplay
•Drive different types of school buses
•Massive 3D Suburban City environments
•Realistic City traffic
**Download the #1 Schoolbus Game of the Year!**
About Tapinator
Tapinator (Ticker: TAPM) develops and publishes games on mobile platforms. The Company’s portfolio includes over 300 mobile gaming titles that, collectively, have achieved over 450 million player downloads. Tapinator is headquartered in New York. For more info, visit Tapinator.com.
2018-07-06 05:11:34
[ 謎解き×脱出ノベルゲーム ]
--【 四ツ目神 】--
・シナリオボリュームは脱出ゲームの数十倍! なのに、最後まで無料で遊べます!
・操作はとっても簡単! 誰でも気軽に楽しくプレイできます。
おとわび http://otowabi.com/
甘茶の音楽工房 http://amachamusic.chagasi.com/
DOVA-SYMDROME http://dova-s.jp/
H/MIX http://www.hmix.net/
HURT RECORD http://www.hurtrecord.com/
MusicNote http://www.music-note.jp/
ポケットサウンド http://pocket-se.info/
効果音ラボ http://soundeffect-lab.info/
げきばん! http://soundjewel.symphie.jp/product/gekiban/free/
魔王魂 http://maoudamashii.jokersounds.com/
Music is VFR http://musicisvfr.com/
くらげ工匠 http://www.kurage-kosho.info/
小森平の使い方 http://taira-komori.jpn.org/
びたちー素材館 http://www.vita-chi.net/sozai1.htm
soundseekers http://blog.mno3.jp/soundseekrs_blog/
殯宮音楽堂 http://savior.aki.gs/music/index.html
零式マテリアル http://www.zero-matter.com/
音の杜 http://www.otonomori.info/index.html
2018-07-06 05:11:15
简介:quot;암이 암에걸려서 암이 나을것만 같군요! quot; -카브**
발암의 정석을 보여준다!
맞춤법도, 스토리도, 퀄리티도 글러먹은 미친 게임!
병맛을 좋아한다면, 지금 바로 다운로드 하라!
왜 암걸리는 개임인가?
암걸리는 맞춤법!
-세종대왕께서 분노할 무시무시한 문.법.파.괘☆
암걸리는 게임진행!
-중간중간 막힐때 정말 어떻게 해야할지 갑갑해지는 게임!
암걸리는 스토리!
-도대체 어떻게 돌아가는지 이해가 안되는 스토리!
암걸리는 퀄리티!
-맵디자인, 버그, 광고, 분량 모두 할말이 없다. 심지어 고의적 버그도 있다!
총체적난국 그 자체! 당신은 이 게임을 클리어 할수 있을것인가?!
*암걸리는 개임 모바일은 암걸리는 개임1 amp;2를 합친 합본입니다. 이점 참고바랍니다.
2018-07-06 05:10:53
简介:*AppStore FREE Ranking Get 6th place!*
You are in the house which into the snowing mountain.
Find items, and solving the puzzles for escape from the room.
After ending, you can play hide-and-seek with the gingerbread man!?
Can you find him all?
・Enjoy kids! There are many cute animals!
・Easy to start for first players. Let’s challenge!
・There are Hints, so Don’t worry!
・Auto-save function!
【How to play】
Very easy operation method!
・Search by tapping the screen.
・Change the viewpoint by tapping the button on the bottom of the screen.
・Double tap the item button, it will enlarged.
・Keeping the enlarged item, you can tap another item, and then compose it.
・There is a hint button from MENU which is the upper left corner of the screen.
・It’s FREE!
・Let’s enjoy the escape game!
programmer:Asahi Hirata
Designer:Naruma Saito
Produced by two of us.
Our goal is to produce a game that would be fun for the users.
If you like this game, please play other games♪
Music is VFR:http://musicisvfr.com
2018-07-06 05:10:51
简介:If you like Simulator Games with open world map try it!!!
Modern American Muscle Cars HERE !!!
* REAL V8 engine sounds
* REAL wind
* 5 Muscle cars
* 3 types of camera mode
* MOVIE camera
* Dynamic Shadows
* Easy controller
* Realistic driving experience and feelings
* Beautiful Graphics
* Realistic physics
* Tablet support and FULL HD support
-Tested on my old Sony Xperia L (30-45fps)
2018-07-06 05:09:59
简介:脱出ゲーム やすらぎの湯からの脱出
2018-07-06 05:09:35
简介:Fashion Superstar Dress Up is an unparalleled adventure in the world of fashion. Dress up your favorite superstars. You get to dress them up for red carpet, coolest parties, movie awards, dates and photo shoots.
Create your look-a-like avatar and be your own personal stylist with mixing and matching your favorite look. Huge collection of clothes and accessories to choose for every occasion. Billions of combinations for avatar and outfits.
Play Fashion Superstar Dress Up:
• Choose one of the superstar characters to dress up, or design your own dolls with the Avatar generator.
• Choose a category by clicking on it, and then clothes and accessories from that category to put on your character.
• Customize your look with countless combinations.
• After you finish dressing her up, save it in the game.
• Invite friends to play together and become part of the fast growing Fashion Superstar Dress Up community. Visit other players’ portfolios and follow their career in the game.
• Check and like designs of others so they’ll like and follow you.
• Take a photo of the doll and share it on social networks.
• Remember your own “username”, “password” and write “Bio”.
2018-07-06 05:09:21
* 광고가 없는 유료버전 #39;달의마을 PLUS #39; 도 있습니다.
◆ 다양한 수수께끼를 풀어 마을을 나가 집으로!
여러가지 수수께끼를 풀며 진행하는 게임입니다.
◆ 4가지 멀티엔딩 시스템!
진 엔딩은 과연 무엇일까요?
◆ 간단하고 쉬운 조작과 게임방법!!
조작 방법은 아주 쉽고 간단합니다!
※ 이 게임은 #39;인디사이드 #39; 의 #39;영광의 부활 #39; 프로젝트 대상 게임입니다.
원작제작자 : 랑페르지
보강작업 : 인디사이드
게임서비스 카페 : http://cafe.naver.com/indisidegames
☆★★카페에 가시면 공략을 보실 수 있습니다!★★☆
★ 일부 휴대폰에서는 제대로 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다.
개발자 연락처 :