2018-07-05 23:15:40
2018-07-05 23:15:27
简介:Golf Solitaire by Avabyte Media offers a fresh twist on a classic. With modern design, and large cards for easy viewing on all devices, you are sure to enjoy this game for hours!
Every round is played with a score card, increasing the entertainment factor, and allowing you to beat your best score as you continue playing.
Cards are played in sequence from least to greatest or greatest to least just like Pyramid solitaire and Tripeaks solitaire.
Features in the game are as follows.
* Undo function
* Sound Effects
* Turn Sound On or Off
* Landscape mode
* Phones and Tablets Compatible
* Auto complete
If you enjoy playing Canfield, Sea Have Towers, Eight Off, or 11 Card game, you will love this version of Golf Solitaire we have created!
2018-07-05 23:14:47
简介:타짜 의 신
▨ 지난 날의 타짜는 잊어라! 돌아온 신의 손 은 또다른 타짜 신화를 열어 갈 것이다!
▨ 여러분들도 타짜의신을 통해 명절 가족들간 화투/고스톱 놀이에서 진정한 강자가 되어 보자!
▨ 호구 탈출119 ! 지금 까지 호구 였던 당신 이제는 걱정할 필요없다!
▨ 의리 의리한 실력 증가! 어디가서 패 좀 잡아 본 티 팍팍 내 봅시다!
▨ 빠른 진행! 그것만이 살길! #39;고스톱 치는사람 어디갔나! #39; 소리는 듣지 말자!
▨ 패를 쫙쫙 붙이는 건 타짜의 기본 스킬!
▨ 추선엔 역시 돈 벌어야 제 맛!
▨ 타짜의신 레벨은 총 48단계로 이루어져 있습니다. 1월에서 12월까지 난이도가 증가하니 필히 타짜가 되실분은 12월을 모두 올인 시키세요!
▨ 쉬운 진행으로 어르신들도 쉽게 즐기실 수 있습니다.
▨ 자 이제 망설이지 말고, 여러분이 타짜가 될 시간입니다!
▨ 대박 나세요!
▨ 타짜의신은 완전 무료!
▨ 꼭! 다운 받 의리~
※ 본 게임은 한국 게임물관리위원회(KGRAC)에서 정식으로 등급을 받은 게임임을 알려 드립니다.
[게임물 등급 분류 번호]
등급분류번호 : CC-OM-120530-001
Firehands는 게임물관리위원회(KGRAC)의
심의규정을 준수합니다.
※Firehands comply the Google policy.
개발자 연락처 :
131, Jayang-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea (05026)
BRC : 132-81-81274
2018-07-05 23:14:28
简介:Pixel 3 Mad City Crime New Stories Sandbox
2018-07-05 23:14:23
2018-07-05 23:14:00
简介:Tablanet is a 3D card game widely played on Balkans and it is also known as Tablic, Tabinet, Tablica, Tablonet, Tablanette, Tabla, ...
Both Singleplayer and Multiplayer are supported.
Select cards on the bottom by tapping them which sum is equal to the card in your hand and then take them.
If you don #39;t know how to play just tap on the Magic Wand on the right. The computer will perform the Magic Move for you and you #39;ll get very soon the idea how to play.
The game is fully 3D but it is very easy to control the cards. Cards on the bottom and in the hand can be drag and drop in order to reorder them.
2018-07-05 23:13:37
简介:※주의 : 등장인물을 보면 욱 할 수 있음.
캐릭터 설명.
- 박진사 : 국적은 아마도 일본(?), 무관 출신으로 구데타를 일으켜 정권을 잡은 인물.
- 쥐대군 : 거대한 비리를 저지른 왕으로 라떼를 즐겨한다는 후문.
- 박바타 : 사람인지 의문이 드는 왕! 자신의 의지가 없는 왕으로 판명 됨.
- 순실이 : 박바타를 조정하는 인물. 이시대 최고의 비선실세. 최순실 !
여러분! 비리 권력과 비선실세를 고스톱(맞고)으로 탈탈 털어 거지로 만들어 국외로 추방합시다.
그리고 시원하게 스트레스도 같이 날려 보내 버립시다.
참! 비선실세 고스톱은 결재 없는 무료(공짜) 고스톱(맞고) 게임입니다.
※욕하고 싶으실땐 언제든지 문의하기([email protected]) 메뉴를 이용해 주세요.ㅠㅠ
※본 게임은 한국 게임물관리위원회(KGRAC)에서
정식으로 등급을 받은 게임임을 알려 드립니다.
※등급분류번호 : CC-OM-161123-002
개발자 연락처 :
주소 : 서울시 광진구 자양로 131
전화번호 : 070-7532-7953
사업자 등록 번호 : 132-81-81274
통신판매 신고 번호 : 제2016-서울광진-0566호 (광진구청장)
2018-07-05 23:13:30
简介:Cribbage by SNG is now ready for android mobile phones and tablets with its high quality. You can now download the best Cribbage card game for free. Cribbage is a card game traditionally for two players, that involves playing and grouping cards in combinations which gain points. It is a European public domain card game very similar to noddy.
This is a game of strategy, tactics and counting. Try to get the highest points possible by matching the cards.
- 4 different artificial intelligence levels.
- Smooth graphics and game play.
- No need for an internet connection.
- Totally free.
- No banner ads.
This free Cribbage game is intended for adult audiences and does not offer real money gambling or any opportunities to win real money or prizes. Success within this free Cribage game does not imply future success at real money gambling.
Enjoy this new game from SNG.
Best of luck.
2018-07-05 23:13:10
简介:고스톱 그대로의 고스톱(맞고) 고스톱 베이직 !
기본에 충실한 고스톱(맞고) 게임으로 만들었습니다
※ 이 게임은 18세 이상이라면 누구나 무료로 즐길 수 있는 게임입니다
고스톱 베이직 특징:
● 완전 무료고스톱(무료맞고)
● 안정적인 시스템
~ 가장 안정적인 재산, 판돈 시스템으로 마음 편하게 빠르게 즐기실 수 있습니다
● 편안한 UI 디자인
~ 편안한 고스톱(맞고) 본래의 디자인을 구현하였습니다
● 게임 진행에 필요한 여러가지 정보를 잘 배치하였습니다
● 깔끔한 카드 디자인
~ 고스톱 패를 장인이 한땀 한땀 정성스럽게 새로 그렸습니다
● 군더더기 없이 빠른 진행
~ 고민하지 마세요. 플레이만 하면 나머지는 다 알아서 해 줍니다
● 매일매일 출석 보상
~ 보상을 통해 대박 판에 도전하세요
● 무제한에 가까운 대전 상대
~ 모든 대전상대를 물리치고 고스톱(맞고) 절대고수의 경지에 도전해 보세요
● 다른 유저들과 랭킹경쟁을 해보세요
~ 최고레벨, 재산, 한판 최고 획득금액 등 여러가지 랭킹에 도전해 보세요
● 인터넷 커뮤니티의 재미있는 닉네임과 함께 깨알같은 재미도 놓치지 마세요
~ 재미있고 다양한 닉네임을 가진 상대가 등장합니다
※ 게임물관리위원회 등급분류 번호 : 제 CC-OM-160630-005 호
개발자 연락처 :
2018-07-05 23:12:10
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2018-07-05 23:12:09
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2018-07-05 23:11:01
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# 我们期待您的建议与意见!
# 4Ones Poker 锦标赛
2018-07-05 23:10:10
简介:명문 강호 문파의 무학 신공을 수련하라! 주점에 모이는 천하 영웅호걸들을 모집하라!각종 격전을 이겨내고 무한한 보물 자원을 수집하라! 무림대회와 군호보를 통해 최강의 자리에 올라라! 문파원들과의 단결된 힘으로 강호를 평정하라! 강호가 당신의 참전을 기다립니다!
◈ 게임 특징 ◈
▷ 시공을 초월한 강호의 협객 총출동!
무협지에서 막 튀어나온 듯한 수백 명의 협객들을 만나보세요!
협객들이 펼치는 개성있고 강력한 스킬로 승리를 쟁취하세요!
▷ 최강의 문파를 가리는 무림대회!
문파원들과 함께 서버지존을 다투는 문파전에 참여하세요!
전략적인 협객 배치로, 강력한 진영을 구축하세요!
문파를 승리로 이끌고 호화 보상을 획득하세요!
서버의 명예를 걸고 서버문파전에 도전하세요!
▷ 다양한 방법으로 협객을 더욱 강력하게 육성!
장비 강화와 제련을 통해 능력치 상승!
더욱 강력한 협객으로 성장시킬 능력치 돌파와 무학진급!
협객의 능력을 극한으로 끌어올릴 천서 시스템!
협객들간의 연결고리로 완성되는 인연 효과!
▷ 쉴틈없이 펼쳐지는 다양하고 탄탄한 컨텐츠!
강호 고수들을 물리치고 최강의 자리를 지켜라 #39;군호보 #39;
전설 속의 천서를 찾아 강호를 유람하라 #39;모험모드 #39;
주화입마에 걸린 강력한 보스협객을 토벌하라 #39;복마록 #39;
금광의 지배자가 무림을 지배한다 #39;신농광 #39;
끝없이 이어지는 격전의 전장 #39;무량산 #39;
E-mail: [email protected]
Fanpage : https://www.facebook.com/GanghoodFightersKR/
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개발자 연락처 :
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2018-07-05 23:08:46
简介:As played in playgrounds around the world, try not to get thrown off the bus in this fun and easy 4 player card game! Swap cards to get them all the same suit with the biggest score, then #39;Stop the Bus #39;. But be warned, whoever comes last loses a bus fare token! If you lose them all, it #39;ll be a long walk home!
Play against the computer, or try the all new-for-mobile multiplayer! Challenge your friends or play against random opponents, and see if you can become a Stop The Bus champion. With extensive statistics to keep track of your best games, Stop the Bus is simple to play, with clear graphics, customisable cards and a full tutorial to get you started.
• 3 solo-play difficulty levels to suit beginners to experts
• Multiplayer - challenge up to 3 friends or find new ones!
• Full tutorial to help you master the game
• Customise the look of your cards, even how scruffy the dealing is!
• Extensive statistics to track your improving skills
• Simple amp; intuitive user interface
• Share your scores with Google Play Games leaderboards
• Can you earn all the achievements?
b How to Play /b
Everyone is dealt three cards then they take turns picking up then discarding a card, aiming to get as close to 31 points - in a single suit - as they can, before stopping the bus. You can also make 3 of a kind for 30 points! Aces are high (11) and picture cards (J Q K) are worth 10.
On your turn (when the bus is at your stop):
• Tap the deck to draw a card, or tap the waste to pick up the top card.
• If you think you #39;ve got a good score, now tap the bus stop to #39;Stop the Bus #39;!
• Then tap a card from your hand to discard it, leaving you with three.
The bus then moves on to the next player.
Note that you can #39;t stop the bus on the first circuit, and once someone stops it, everyone else gets one more turn before the cards are revealed.
The single player with the lowest score loses a token - when they lose all three they are out of the game! If it #39;s a draw for last place, no-one loses a token. Then you are scored based on your hand and rank (1st, 2nd, 3rd) and the cards are shuffled and dealt again. The player who came 1st gets to start in the next round.
b Scoring /b
Your hand score is the u highest /u score with one or more cards of the u same suit /u .
10 2 5 scores 17
3 5 10 font color="red" /font scores is 10 (the 3 and 5 only score 8 and are ignored)
2 font color="red" /font 2 2 scores 30 (three of a kind)
b A Note on Multiplayer /b
In multiplayer, there are always 4 seats. Any unused seats are filled with computer players - even if someone leaves the game, they get replaced by a computer player. However, the game ends when there is only one human player left on the bus.
b About Us /b
Crystal Squid games are lovingly crafted in Wales, UK. The Crystal Solitaire series of games have been some of the top online solitaire games on many sites, so we have redesigned them for a whole new generation of devices so you can carry on playing your favourite solitaire game wherever you may be!
(c) 2011-2017 Crystal Squid Ltd.
2018-07-05 23:08:27
简介:Carros clássicos das grandes eras da F1 disputando em pistas lendárias, fazendo historia na tela do seu Android
2018-07-05 23:07:45
简介:Gin Rummy is one of the most popular card game.
Play Gin Rummy against the Android.
- Gin Bonus 25 points
- Big Gin Bonus 31 points
- Undercut Bonus 25 points
- Oklahoma Gin
Oklahoma Gin is a derivative of Gin Rummy.
The value of the first upcard determines the minimum count at which players can knock.
If this card happens to be a spade, all scores in the deal are doubled.
About permissions :
Portions of this applications are modifications based on work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License.
2018-07-05 23:07:24
※ 통쾌한 타격감, 방대한 스토리, 15개 종목의 수많은 스포츠 캐릭터 등장!!
※ 월드스타, 대륙챔피언쉽, 월드챔피언쉽, 이벤트 스포츠 모드등 다양한 모드의 맞고 경기!
※ 맞고가 지겨울땐 스포츠 슬롯을 통해 일확천금을 노려보세요!
※ 무미건조하고 단순한 맞고는 가라!!
※ 매일 똑같은 상대, 똑같은 패턴, 단순한 맞고의 반복...이제 질리신다고요?!
※ 전철이나 버스 언제 어디서나 편하게 즐길 수 있는 맞고!!
※ 이젠 스포츠 캐릭터들과 함께 맞고를 즐기세요!!
▷ 게임물관리위원회 등급분류번호 : 제 CC-OM-120608-001 호
개발자 연락처 :
경기도 부천시 원미구 춘의동 202-1303
2018-07-05 23:06:52
① 스마트폰 맞고 복잡하지유~ 심심할때 쉽고 가볍게 한게임 어떤가유~
② 그동안 현질유도 때문에 짜증 나셨지유~? 아주어려운맞고는 현질유도 같은거 없어유~
③ 한번 해보셔유~ 실망하지 않을꺼에유~
-이런분께 강추!
① 빠른 진행으로 화투칠 때 지루함 발생못함!
② 패 붙는 맛이 끝내 줌. 진짜 치는 듯한 착각 주의!
③ 나이들어 서러운데 뭐가 이리 복잡해 하시는 분! 그런분께 딱!
④ 그냥 맞고 칩시다. 복잡한 설정따위에 귀차니즘 절정에 달하신분에게 강추!
※ 본 게임은 한국 게임물관리위원회(KGRAC)에서 정식으로 등급을 받은 게임 임을 알려 드립니다.
[게임물 등급 분류 번호]
등급분류번호 : CC-NM-150806-001
Firehands는 게임물관리위원회(KGRAC)의
심의규정을 준수합니다.
※Firehands comply the Google policy.
개발자 연락처 :
131, Jayang-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea (05026)
BRC : 132-81-81274
2018-07-05 23:06:23
b 游戏亮点 /b
b 主要游戏特色 /b
i 有问题急需解决? 给我们发送一封邮件! /i
2018-07-05 23:05:34
简介:This was probably the first card game you learned to play growing up. War - The Card Game, is the free to play mobile version of a classic family card game.
With this updated version, you get three completely upgraded game modes. Traditional War, 3-War Mode, and Strategic War.
Traditional War is simple and plays exactly like the classic hand-held card game. The deck is split into two piles; each player flips over cards from the top of their deck, and the high card from each round wins. The players face off until one opponent completely runs out of cards.
3-War Mode is a quick-to-play mode. It has the same deck rules as Traditional War, only the first player to win three wars wins the game!
Strategic War: Each player draws just five cards at random from their deck, and picks which card they wish to play in what order. Each card battles their opponent #39;s card, with the higher card being the victor. The winning card is retained by its player and the losing card gets discarded. The game is over once a player completely runs out of cards to play.
-Hours of free gameplay entertainment.
-Track all wins and losses, in every game mode.
-All game modes have fully customizable card backs, card fronts, and gameplay backgrounds. Make any game mode totally your own!
-Incredibly fast card dealing and gameplay.
-All new updated graphics.
-Easy to use and play.
-Smooth gameplay.
-Designed for both phone and tablet play.
2018-07-05 23:04:35
简介:* Free, No Ads, Unlimited *
Towers TriPeaks Solitaire (Pyramid Solitaire) is your addicting adventure in the
classic solitaire world together with your friends!
If you like Free Cell, Hearts, Spider, Klondike, Pyramid, Club, Diamond, Tri Peaks solitaires or mahjong games, you definitely will love this ultimate beautiful vintage style (but not a retro), classic tripeaks solitaire free to play game.
How to play (standard rules for Pyramid solitaire or TriPeaks solitaire):
- you have a deck of 52 cards, shuffled off course
- you have a table with three towers from the deck cards
- first draw will open one card, that is a place where you need to move all cards from the table
- to move card select one with value of one point higher or lower that top one, any suit
- if have no cards to move, select deck to draw next card
- you are in game while you have any move and time
- there are up to three rounds per game, if you done 1st well, you will get 2nd, if you are lucky to done well both, welcome to the Bonus Round!
Features of Towers TriPeaks Solitaire:
- addictive ad free game
- excellent HD graphics
- thrilling sound effects
- rewards for your achievements, and big rewards for your big achievements
- the game is completely free, but if you wish, you can buy any gold or silver pack to boost your experience
- all-in-one friends integration: once connected to the Facebook, you will get your friends for competition, for challenge and for communication and help. Every your friend can help you with a live(heart) every hour 24/7.
Some words about the solitaire tripeaks tournament:
- here is no gambling, sorry, but you can win a prize
- 2 player rule : you can #39;t play tournament alone
- every tournaments goes 3 days, but your patience will be rewarded with prizes, fun and challenge
- help your friends with a live (heart) as soon as you want to challenge them, they will get a notification from Facebook about your attention
Some tips:
- use bonuses to boost your score. For example, taking the Freeze Bonus before you play just for 250 silver coins(you can collect silver while playing), you will get the ability to freeze the timer a couple of times.
- make fast combinations, Quick Hand is your friend on the way to higher score
- clean up all the cards, every cleaned tower will give you more and more bonus points
- keep the deck as full as possible, every card there is your bonus points
- play bonus rounds, that is your biggest step to the top of the score table
- play fast, time is your score points too
- play smart, be the quot;Tripeaks Solitaire Champion quot;!
Invite as much friend as you can to get more fun and challenge more friends.
You can invite your Facebook friends just inside the game. More friends - more fun!
Take part and enjoy the game of Towers TriPeaks Solitaire!
We will never post on your feed without your explicit intention to share your best results with your friends.
(in this case you have to press special quot;Share quot; button in the game)
We asking you about two simplest permissions on Facebook:
quot;Basic info quot; - to get your Facebook ID and friends list.
quot;Publish actions quot; - to add some game achievements to your timeline
(and you can hide them from your Facebook account at any time).
2018-07-05 23:03:34
2018-07-05 23:03:29
简介:One of the most popular card games, Spades Pro by OEngines studio, Non Stop Spades Offline fun is finally here.
The best one player card game Spades Pro is now ready for android mobile phones and tablets with its high quality. Download now and play free. You can play free Spades Offline in anywhere you want. The main contribution of our game is playing offline Spades Pro its challenging opponents with Strong AI, classy graphics and smooth game play.
Spades Pro offers you a great experience against Great AI . You can play in many different game modes such as Classic, Solo, Mirror and Whiz.
Get 2,00,000 Free coins as a Welcome Bonus, and get even more coins by collecting your “Daily Bonus” every day!
b CLASSIC: /b Make your bid with your partner and challenge other teams.
b SOLO: /b There is no partnership. Each player is separate points.
b MIRROR: /b You bid the number of your Spades Cards in your hand.
b WHIZ: /b You can bid nil or the number of your Spades Cards in your hand.
b SUICIDE: /b It’s Pairs Spades Pro one of the members of the team must bid Nil and the other must bid at least four.
b PRIVATE : /b Play the classic Partnership Spades in custom Tables.
b == GAME FEATURES == /b
-Interactive UI and animations effects.
-Spades Offline have also Leader board is avail for compete to other world-wide player. Google play center is helping to find out players position in leader board.
-Weekly quests available with existing deals to get extra bonus.
-Daily and time based bonus in game for more interesting it.
-Spades Pro Plus offers the strategy elements of Texas Hold’em Poker and luck elements of Slot games,Daily reward Roulete with Crazy graphics.
-Best sounds effects and easy controls to group cards.
-Easy Controls to user can easily take and throw card from suit. Drag card and make groups that identify with different colors.
-Spades Offline brings this classic 4-player contract trick taking card game to Google Play, with the high quality of OEngines Games. It is similar to the card game quot;Call It Right quot;.
Spades is card game played with family, friends amp; kids.
Spades Game is Download for Free!
Spades is a king of card game.
Spades is a trick-taking card game
Spades is a mind game.
Spades is one type of card game.
With plenty of features, Spades Game brings you a really unique gaming experience.
Spades Pro,
Spades Game Plus,
Spades Free,
Spades + Game,
Spades HD,
Spades Mobile,
Spades Gold,
Spades Royal,
Spades Offline,
Spades Multiplayer,
Spades black,
Spades Classic,
Spades 3D,
Race game,
Dice game,
Card game
The game and its variants are popular in many countries and under various names.
From the makers of b #1 Backgammon Pro, #2 Ludo , #SOS King, #One TouchDraw Line, #Rummy /b
Bored sitting at home or the subway? Just launch Offline Spades Pro and rack your brains and win!
You can directly contact us at : [email protected]
Have fun.
2018-07-05 23:02:18
简介:드디어 완전 무료 고스톱 (맞고) #39;맞고애오 #39;가 정식 오픈했습니다.
#39;맞고애오 #39;는 절대 주작을 하지 않습니다.
언제 어디서든 가볍게 고스톱 (맞고) 을 완전 무료로 즐기세요.
무료 고스톱 (맞고) 은 #39;맞고애오 #39; 하나면 충분합니다.
▣ 자체적인 서버와의 통신을 제거해 지하철에서도 끊김 없이 게임 진행
▣ 데이터 백업 기능으로 단말기를 교체해도 이어서 게임 진행
▣ 깔끔하고 세련된 디자인의 고스톱 (맞고)
▣ 빠른 진행 속도
▣ 귀찮을 때는 자동으로 고스톱 (맞고) 치기
▣ 보다 강력해진 고스톱 (맞고) AI
▣ 매일 아침, 점심, 저녁에 주어지는 미션 (3개 모두 달성하면 판돈 증가)
▣ 자신에게 유리할 때 사용할 수 있는 100배 아이템 무료 제공
게임물 등급분류번호 : 제 CC-OM-170816-003 호
2018-07-05 23:01:55
简介:Hand and Foot is a Canasta variant involving three to six decks. The number of decks used is typically one more than the number of players. You need to pick up the Foot and have one natural and one mixed Canasta to go out. Red threes are valued 500 points, always against you. And Black threes block the pile.
When you pick up the pile, you only pick up the top 7 cards. Hand and Foot is a game of strategy and skill. Play in partnerships or solo against your opponent. A real multi player game, and the best Hand and Foot on Android!