2018-07-05 11:33:12
简介:혼자 걷는 외로운 여정은 그만!
영웅들의 성장을 통한 무한 RPG
※ 게임특징
24시간 자동전투가 특징인 방치형 RPG 입니다.
내 휴대폰의 배터리가 없어도,
해야 할 일이 많아 시간이 없어도,
내 영웅은 지금 이 순간도 성장한다!
내가 키우는 영웅들은 항상 성장해야 하니까
당신이 일을 할때도, 쉬고 있을때에도 24시간 자동전투는 계속되어야 하니까!
기사,데빌헌터,마법사,성기사,권사의 다양한 [클래스]
영웅들에게 도움이 될 아이템의 성장 [레벨업,강화,초월]
강한 영웅들의 성지 [아레나]
13,000개에 달하는 전투 지역 [필드]
One for All 모두를 위한 단결된 하나의 힘 [길드]
[접근 권한 안내]
선택적 접근권한
- 저장공간 : 게임 플레이 화면 캡처 및 등록에 사용합니다.
* 선택적 접근권한의 허용에는 동의하지 않아도 서비스 이용이 가능합니다.
[접근권한 철회 방법]
안드로이드 6.0 이상: 설정 gt; 앱 gt; 권한 항목 선택 gt; 권한 목록 gt; 접근권한 동의 또는 철회 선택
안드로이드 6.0 미만: 운영체제를 업그레이드하여 접근권한을 철회하거나, 앱을 삭제
※ 앱이 개별 동의 기능을 제공하지 않을 수 있으며 위의 방법으로 접근 권한을 철회할 수 있습니다.
개발자 연락처 :
234, Hwangsaeul-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
제 2016-성남분당-0280 호
2018-07-05 11:32:31
注意:Android 4.3未満の機種での動作は保証しておりません!Android 4.3未満の機種がOpenGL ES 3.0に対応していないためです。あらかじめご了承ください。
2018-07-05 11:31:35
简介:Welcome to Bloomberry! What awaits you: exciting adventures, the restoration of a beautiful planet, friendly characters, a fun plotline and exciting match-3 levels!
Decorate a glade and house, grow plants, solve puzzles, make friends with funny characters and unlock new clearings! Create coziness in Bloom’s houses and he’ll give you his warmth!
● Unique gameplay: make match-3 combinations with berries, decorate houses and clearings and enjoy a fun story – and all in one place!
● Hundreds of original match-3 levels and puzzles.
● Complete mini-quests and other challenges that the Fairy has for you.
● Take care of your pet, feed it lollipops, fruit, pastries, candies and other tasty dishes, and sometimes tuck it in to sleep.
● Decorate the garden with flowers and beautiful butterflies will come to see you.
● Assemble collections of gnomes and kittens.
● Cute characters that can become your friends – meet them all!
● Connect to Facebook: visit your friends’ houses and give them gifts.
● Clearings in different styles: Herbalist, Fisherman, Buddhist and many more.
● Lots of beautiful decorations: an aquarium of fish, statues and more.
● Your charming friend Bloom who is always glad to see you.
Bloomberry is a free game, but certain game items can be bought for real money.
You can play Bloomberry without an Internet connection.
Questions? Contact our Tech Support by sending an email to [email protected].
2018-07-05 11:31:30
简介:Serena Miller是一个普普通通的高中女生。但是图书馆的一场闹剧让她不再普通。Serena被认为是夹在舞会皇后Regina和她男朋友之间的第三者。所以现在她的每一步举动都会被别人谈论。 Elaine,Serena学校里唯一的好朋友告诉Serena不能再这样放任Regina的霸道。需要站出来保护自己,不能让Regina天真的以为每个人都惧怕她。这所学校的人是没有同情心的。Serena会怎么做呢?约会Regina的男朋友Nate,抢夺原本属于Regina的一切?
- 舞会让你很紧张吗?做一个SPA让自己放松一下
- DIY闪亮的裙子,盛装出席舞会,让大家看到不一样的你
- 最漂亮的裙子应该配上最完美妆容,感觉自己是最完美的舞会皇后
- 妆容加入一些闪光元素,让你成为瞩目的焦点
- 装饰舞会现场,给予舞会帮助是成为舞会皇后最重要的一点
- 舞会即将开始,你准备好了吗?
- 你会打败Regina成为新的舞会皇后吗?
2018-07-05 11:31:06
2018-07-05 11:30:40
简介:font color="blue" b The dawn of a new hero! /b /font
A thousand years ago, a great battle ensued between two dragons, one gold and the other silver, where they were sealed away. However, the real tale begins many centuries later after the Silver Dragon reawakens, and launches an assault on a frontier village in the far north.
There, a royal knight by the name of Lucas serves as a guard after being relegated to the rural and much isolated location by the King. Yet, little does he know he is, in fact, a descendant of the hero, Alaric, who once sealed the Gold and Silver Dragons in human form. Nonetheless, when tragedy strikes, he soon finds his place, and after teaming up with a band of unlikely companions, sets out on an adventure to save the world.
b Features /b
- Make a return to the golden age of RPGs!
- Intuitive controls amp; retro graphics!
- Unlock the growth plates to power up characters!
- Change and master jobs to use more abilities!
- Plenty of subquests and extra content!
- Challenging dungeons full of gimmicks and formidable opponents!
- Fight various enemies and complete the Enemy Guide!
- Play the Lottery to win strong equipment!
- Character #39;s appearance changes depending on their job!
- Splendid BGM from the renowned game composer Ryuji Sasai!
* The game can be played in its entirety without the need for in-game transactions.
* Search for Dragon Lapis to check out the premium edition that gives you 800 bonus points!
[Supported OS]
- 4.1 and up
[Game Controller]
- Incompatible
[SD Card Storage]
- Enabled
- English, Japanese
Your use of the application requires your agreement to the following EULA and #39;Privacy Policy and Notice #39;. If you do not agree, please do not download our application.
End User License Agreement: http://kemco.jp/eula/index.html
Privacy Policy and Notice: http://www.kemco.jp/app_pp/privacy.html
Get the latest information!
[Facebook page]
* The actual price might differ depending on the region.
* Please contact us through the Contact button on the title screen if you discover any bugs or problems with the application. Note that we do not respond to bug reports left in application reviews.
2018-07-05 11:30:33
简介:灵魂争霸是安卓免费游戏中网络类最好的一款动作类 RPG 游戏。假如你已经成为过地牢爬行者的猎手或者已经厌倦了总是充当一个武士,那就响应号召,为希望之火而战吧,做好分内任务并选择在灵魂争霸角色扮演游戏中成为一个传奇英雄。
*** 灵魂争霸是谷歌2012年谷歌开发者年会上作为特色的游戏 ***
*** 在2012年世界移动通信大会上,谷歌展位精心挑选的游戏 ***
*** 我们的游戏爱好者评论说“比猫王更加经典的一款游戏”:) ***
*** 更多详情请浏览 SoulCraftGame.com ***
灵魂争霸是 MobileBits 公司开发的一个小型独立游戏。这个游戏还在继续开发中,我们希望您利用这个机会来塑造这个免费的游戏,让我们一起让它赢得经典游戏中的奖项。我们会继续添加更多的内容(场景,角色,法术,物品等更多的东西)我们将根据您的回馈来决定如何完善和进一步的发展。
- 一款免费并增值的网络游戏动作类 RPG 游戏有着无数的光辉岁月和地狱爬行者
- 一款绝佳的角色扮演类安卓游戏,有着极好的画面和超棒的玩法
- 在真实的场景中战斗恶魔比如威尼斯,罗马,汉堡,纽约和埃及。还有更多的场景还将到来
- 现在可在战争中扮演天使的角色,之后还能扮演恶魔和人类
- 五种不同的游戏模式:时间竞赛、生死竞技场、地狱之门、水晶塔防以及 Boss 战
- 同各种不同的敌人战斗,使用各类不同的武器,剑,物品,法术,设备,工具和战利品。就像天堂里的骑士一样厮杀(又称天使)。
- 多人游戏:挑战你的朋友,合作战斗模式即将推出
马上免费下载超酷的游戏-灵魂争霸,并在我们的反馈主页 http://SoulCraftGame.com 上告诉我们您的看法,请在http://facebook.com/Soulcraftgame 上与我们联系。
2018-07-05 11:29:59
简介:◆ 게임 핵심 요소
방심하면 죽는다! 누구도 믿지 마라!
왜냐고? 그가 널 죽일 테니까.
◆ 게임 key point 포인트
- 짐이 많아 무겁지? 내가 가져가 줄게. PK를 하면 착용.인벤 장비까지 모두 얻는다!
- 그 동네에서는 더 이상 놀 곳이 없다고!? 그럼 안되지! 서버 대전뿐만 아니라 통합 서버대전까지!
- 바쁘다구요? 귀찮다구요? 그래서 준비한 상품입니다! 자동 퀘스트부터 자동 사냥까지!
- 나만의 육성법을 이용해 최대 8가지 스킬을 사용하라!
- 자신 있냐? 없으면 가라. 저 보스는 내꺼다.
- 강화부터 제조까지! 7가지 시스템을 이용해 나만의 무장을 갖춰라!
더 색다르게! 더 돋보이게! 안정이 아닌 파격을 위해!
◆ 게임 소개
- ARPG와 같은 타격감 제공
- PK 특화 시스템으로 인한 아이템 드롭 가능
- 자동 성장 시스템 추가 및 간편한 조작기능
- 게임의 빠른 진행 속도
- 장비 승계 및 물품 위탁 판매, 장비 속성 랜덤 부여
- 커뮤니티 활성화를 위한 문파 시스템 및 커뮤니티 시스템 정착
- 다양한 이벤트 및 보상 혜택으로 쾌적한 환경에서 게임 플레이 가능
◆ 공식 카페 주소
개발자 연락처 :
서울시 구로구 디지털로33길 11, 에이스테크노타워 8차 501호
2018-07-05 11:29:30
= 组建你自己的史诗团队 =
= 掌握战局 完善策略 =
= 离线挂机 =
= 上瘾的战斗 =
= 难忘的体验 =
= 公会竞技场 =
= 联系我们 =
QQ群: 370688550
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LastLegendGame/
Email: [email protected]
2018-07-05 11:28:37
- 从无缝的衬衫和裤子上挑选
- 切割场景:用剪刀剪掉你的衬衫和裤子,改变你想要的方式,在你的裁缝精品店尝试不同的风格
- 十字绣,并在皇家裁缝店用精美的缝纫机缝制您的名牌服装。
- 设计你的衣服从您的衬衫和裤子的各种装饰选择:鞋带,按钮,口袋,皮带,贴纸和不同的模式,以改造在这个女孩装扮游戏。
2018-07-05 11:28:08
简介:释放你的内心忍者,并准备与STICKMAN FIGHTER进行激烈的战斗,这是镇上最棒的火柴人动作游戏。踢,打,并与其他Stickmen,战士和史诗棍棒老大决斗死亡斗争。失败不是一种选择,你打赢或死。
STICKMAN FIGHTER是一场大规模的破坏性战斗,为堕落者提供了无可奈何的机会。快速,令人上瘾的游戏方式,大规模的屠杀与火柴人残暴的滔天配乐,你还想要什么?!现在玩,并尝试摆脱这种棍棒游戏而不受伤或死亡。使用任何方法来赢得,踢,拳,毁灭性的武器,巨型火球和其他大量的骨粉碎,堆积动作......
每个晚上都适合火柴人的战斗,你是否具备接受挑战的技能,你准备好战斗而不是被击败?现在下载STICKMAN FIGHTER,让你的拳头证明它。
STICKMAN FIGHTER是动作游戏的大决战!如果你想快节奏,武器射击,汗水淋透,血溅火柴人忍者战斗,没有俘虏,STICKMAN战士拥有一切。
2018-07-05 11:27:58
简介:Solve the Mysteries of Terrarium once and for all! With the help of your Terra Monsters battle your way to freedom. Explore the incredible looking, completely 3D open world and ultimately join the heros from TM1 amp; 2 to save the entire world from disaster.
Terra Monsters is a completely 3D Open World Creature Capturing Game.
No internet connection is required to play this game.
• 100+ completely 3D Terra Monsters to catch including LEGENDARY Terra Monsters.
• Strategic 3v3 3D Battles to master
• Incredible looking 3D world with day and night cycles to explore and discover
• 24+ hours of gameplay with a deep and immersive storyline - learn the truth behind #39;Terrarium #39;
• Catch, train and evolve Terra Monsters to become the best Terra Rancher in the land.
• Care for and bond with your Terra Monsters in your Ranch.
• 250+ amazing moves to train your Terra Monsters.
• All previous starters are available to catch in this game, have your dream Terra Monster roster of Flofox, Dandylion, Niptune, Pandemite, Ninevolt, Jagwar, Viperno and Freyon.
2018-07-05 11:27:18
简介:If you like medieval fantasy with immersive storytelling, then this is THE series of text-based games for you! You start off playing a wizard in search of glory and loot, but soon find yourself pulled into a world of deadly conspiracy and parallel universes. Later, the story continues as you switch to playing a succubus (demon), and then a rogue. You better learn to be a versatile role player!
It #39;s like a series of your favorite fantasy novels, but gamified to be even more awesome!
Your choices change the story and alter survival stats you need to make it to the end of each heart-pounding adventure.
This package of text-based games includes the entire Wizard #39;s Choice series (6 large adventures), Demon #39;s Choice (2 chapters so far), and all of the Rogue #39;s Choice series (9 chapters so far). Although you can find these stories elsewhere by Delight Games, this package was created specifically to deliver the Ring City Universe of stories, enhanced with new features including achievement/point progress tracking. Also, this package has been designed to be a free game where you refresh your virtual currency with your achievements and through rewarded videos. This is the ultimate package of Delight Games interactive fiction for you medieval fantasy fans.
2018-07-05 11:26:48
乙女ダッシュ。 ーーー短い夏を駆けぬける
2018-07-05 11:26:39
简介:논타겟팅 방식을 채용한 박력 배틀의 액션 RPG가 등장! 기본 플레이 무료의 초상쾌 3D액션RPG!
스마트폰으로 즐기는 온라인RPG(MMORPG) 오르쿠스 온라인(Aurcus Online)
간단한 조작으로 초상쾌 액션을 체감할 수 있는 액션RPG를 지금 바로 당신의 손에!
▼심플하면서도 깊이가 있는 배틀 시스템
공격 버튼으로 기술을 구사하는 간단한 조작에 논타켓팅 방식을 채용하여 배틀의 자유도를 실현.
자유로운 공격과 다채로운 스킬을 조합하면 적을 공중에서 제압하여 물리치는 공중콤보가 작렬!
플레이어가 자유롭게 캐릭터를 조작하는 상쾌함과 긴장감이 고조되는 리얼한 액션배틀을 체감하자!
▼동료와 함께 불타오르는 대인전(PvP)
플레이어끼리 겨루는 아리나 기능을 탑재.
소중하게 육성시킨 캐릭터로 짜릿한 대전을 즐기자!
채팅과 이모션 기능을 사용하여 동료와 소통하면 전술의 폭도 한층 넓어져서 깊이있는 배틀을 즐길 수 있습니다!
▼무한대로 펼쳐지는 모험의 세계
새로운 필드와 신 직업의 추가 등, 신규 컨텐츠를 속속 추가 업데이트.
무한대로 확장되는 모험의 세계를 체험해 보세요!
정령의 가호로 충만한 레바리아 대륙.
각국은 각자의 질서를 추구하기 위해 수백년간 검과 마법으로 겨루어 왔다.
수년전, 어둠의 세력의 출현으로 인해 세계는 한층 더 혼돈에 휩싸인다.
대국이 하룻밤 사이에 멸망하고 수많은 마을이 침공을 받았다.
각지에서 마물이 날뛰고 죽음을 관장하는 어둠의 힘으로 고대 괴수도 눈뜨기 시작했다.
이 어둠의 세력에 대항하기 위해 각국의 동맹 체결이 요구되었다.
하지만 위협을 눈 앞에 두고도 과거의 원한을 버릴 정도로 역사의 상처는 얕지 않았다.
갈레리아 왕국은 호조조직의 결성을 진언하고 [피의 서약]을 제안했다.
그것은 세계가 파멸해도 결코 깰 수 없는 고대의 마법.
이리하여 어둠의 세력의 대두, 각국의 확집 사이에
어느 국가에도 속하지 않는 조직 - 소드 오브 오르쿠스가 탄생했다.
조직의 부름에 응하여 수많은 인간이 결집하기 시작하고 있다.
당신도 지금은 그 중의 한 명에 지나지 않았다.
[서포트 및 주의 사항]
게임에 대한 의견 및 버그 보고는 오르쿠스 온라인 공식사이트를 통해 연락주시기 바랍니다.
문의는 24시간 언제든지 투고할 수 있습니다만, 문의 내용에 관한 회신은
토,일,축일 및 당사 지정 휴업일을 제외한 영업시간(11시~18시)의 3영업일 이내에 대응하고 있습니다.
영업 시간 외에 접수한 문는 다음 영업일 이후에 메일 폼에 기재하신 메일어드레스에 3영업일 이내에 회신드립니다.
※첫기동 시에는 많은 양의 데이터를 다운로드하므로 통신상태가 안정된 장소, 전파가 잘 통하는 곳에서 기동해 주시기 바랍니다.
[서버감시 업무]
오르쿠스 온라인(Aurcus Online)에서는 서버감시 업무에 대해 문의 창구와 동일하게 토,일,축일 및 당사 지정 휴업일을 제외한 영업시간(11시~18시)에 대응합니다. 토,일,축일 및 당사 지정 휴업일을 제외한 영업시간(11시~18시) 이외의 시간에 대해서는 서버다운 등의 복구에 시간이 걸립니다. 아무쪼록 양해를 부탁드립니다.
[Android단말기 간의 캐릭터 이행에 대해]
Android용 오르쿠스 온라인에서는 Google ID(이하 Google계정)를 사용한 인증을 하고 있습니다.
・기종 변경으로 인한 새로운 Android단말기로 계정 정보를 동기
・이용 단말기의 고장 등, 트러블로 인한 단말기의 수리, 교환 또는 단말기의 초기화 등으로부터의 계정 정보의 복원
Android단말기에 Google계정을 설정하면 상기의 경우에 대해서도 계정정보(캐릭터등)을 계속하여 이용 가능합니다.
2018-07-05 11:26:23
官方Email:[email protected]
2018-07-05 11:26:03
简介:High School Romance – the ultimate love fest has 21 awesome love stories that treat you to flirting, love and passion!
Meet high school’s hottest boys and girls. Flirt, maybe even break them up and date them. Steal perfect kisses, travel around the world and indulge in exotic cuisines together to fall in love with each other. Will your love cheat on you or will you have a happy ever after?
In the latest edition, set up a perfect date with your perfect guy, unlock new love emotions, go on quick friendly dates! All of this and much more in our 3 NEW love stories.
Whether you like exchanging wit or vows – High School Romance has something just for you. Download it for Free @Games2win from the Google Play Store and let the romancing begin!
High School Romance Features:
- 21 exciting love stories
- Quirky and engaging characters
- Funny and special moments
- Simple tap-based game mechanics
- Available in 7 languages - English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.
Please note that we use Advertising ID for serving better ads and improving the product through Analytics
About Games2win: Games2Win is a fun company that believes in creating amazing and enjoyable games for all ages. We have over 800+ proprietary games that are available both online and on mobile. Some of our smash hit games are Parking Frenzy, Star Fashion Designer, BFF High School Fashion and Power Cricket T20. Currently, our company boasts of 100+ million app downloads and 3 million gamers a month. And this is just the beginning!
VISIT US: http://games2win.com
LIKE US: http://facebook.com/Games2win
FOLLOW US: http://twitter.com/Games2win
Contact us at [email protected] for any problems you may have with High School Romance.
Privacy Policy: http://www.games2win.com/corporate/privacy-policy.asp
2018-07-05 11:25:37
简介:Little Alchemist is an addictive combination of spell crafting and strategic combat. Save Little Town by collecting spells and discovering tons of cute and clever combos to overpower your enemies!
• b FREE-to-PLAY RPG /b
• Explore Little Town and become a Master Alchemist
• Use clever spell combinations to defeat evil villains
• b Over 300 spells to collect /b
• b Over 350 powerful combinations /b
• Battle your friends and rivals in the Arena
• Unlock the event portal and earn new spells
• Customize your spell book and your avatar
• Tons of spell types: Super heroes, Wizards, Vampires, Zombies, Pirates, Monsters, Rainbows, Unicorns, Knights, Dragons, and b MANY MORE! /b
Little Alchemist is optimized for Phones and Tablets.
PLEASE NOTE: Little Alchemist is free to play, but some extra game items can be purchased for real money. You can disable in-app purchases in your device #39;s settings.
2018-07-05 11:25:21
喷气式战斗机 - 飞机战斗3D游戏战争
飞机战斗机 - 战斗战争更新成为2016年最好的喷气式战斗机游戏之一与10级的极端F16 VS F18斗争,空中战斗,喷气式战斗机VS坦克和直升机。在每个级别,你必须摧毁不同的飞机航空飞机(F15,F16,F18,F22,猛禽,道格拉斯,麦克唐奈和其他战机)
- 飞WW2战机飞机
- 十个致命的空中打击任务释放
- 令人惊叹的3D视觉图形
- 提前战斗云天气的气氛
- 敌人AI(人工智能)
- 高级飞机飞行模拟控制
- 战斗环境音效
- 极端战斗精神错乱与空袭和海军舰毁灭
2018-07-05 11:25:12
简介:A set of tools for building and running a campaign in a fifth edition tabletop role playing game.
Monster Creator:
- Create, save, and edit complete monsters
- Calculate challenge rating and adjust up or down
- Import or Export fan made monsters
Encounter Creator:
- Build encounters using the monsters you create or import
- Include Traps, NPCs, and Treasure
- Calculate the total experience and difficulty
- Roll Initiative and load the encounter #39;s monsters, traps, etc along with your players into the initiative tracker
Adventure Builder:
- Create dungeons and other areas by linking together encounters and locations
- Calculate total possible experience from the encounters and compare with experience needed for your players to reach a particular level.
Player Tracker:
- Keep track of your players experience, level, armor class, hit points, items, and more
Multiple Campaign Support:
- Ability to create separate lists of players and adventures for keeping track of multiple campaigns
Initiate Tracker:
- Manage your monsters, traps, NPCs, and players during initiative
- Roll initiative by hand or have the dice roller do it for you
- Easily track stats like hit points and armor class
- Option to use the dice roller to roll your monster #39;s attack, damage, saves, and skills
- Award experience when encounter ends
Treasure Management:
- Create treasure parcels containing items and gold
- Calculate total value as well as the possible price the treasure might sell for
- Link parcels with encounters
Whether you #39;re building a kingdom or populating a dragon #39;s lair you can manage your entire campaign with these DM tools.
2018-07-05 11:24:59
简介:Have you tried our all new Top Ranking game yet? Get Fab Tattoo Design Studio and design awesome tattoos!
From the makers of super hit games like Star Fashion Designer and Fashion Diva comes another incredible game – Fab Tattoo Design Studio.
You’ve finally managed to start your very own tattoo salon. Now it’s time to prove yourself!You can choose between 2 exciting modes – Client amp; Freestyle Coloring!
Select the Free Style Mode coloring mode and create your own range of fun tattoos. Design the tattoos as you like them and showoff your creations. Now you can save your coloring progress. Let loose the inner artist and etch amazing tattoo designs!
Choose the client mode and get busy attending quirky clients who come with interesting requests. Go creative with colors. Enjoy the special dual coloring feature where you can color by tapping or using the tattoo gun. Have fun with funky designs, amazing colors and unique requests. Experience the tension and excitement of making perfect tattoos. Impress clients with your artistic skills. Make a buzz in the industry and become the very best tattoo maker in town!
Ink your ideas with Fab Tattoo Design Studio Download @Games2Win for FREE from the Google Play Store.
Fab Tattoo Design Studio Features:
- Try out the Freestyle Mode coloring!
- Save your coloring progress!
- 100 awesome tattoo designs!
- Impress unique clients!
- Experiment with a wide range of colors!
- Unlock interesting tattoo designs!
- Dual Coloring Feature!
- Zoom in bar to color tattoos better!
- Save your amazing creations!
- Show off your creativity!
- Available in 6 languages- English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese.
This app requires the following permissions :
* GET_ ACCOUNTS : This permission is required to send push notifications to older Android devices.
* READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE / WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : This permissions is required to save screenshots of your tattoos.
* ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION : This permissions is required by ad networks.
Please note that we use Advertising ID for serving better ads and improving the product through Analytics
About Games2Win:
Games2Win is a fun company that believes in creating amazing and enjoyable games for all ages. We have over 800+ proprietary games that are available both online and on mobile. Some of our smash hit games are Parking Frenzy, Star Fashion Designer, Fashion Diva, Power Cricket T20 (featured on the Google Play Store) and BFF High School Fashion. Currently, our company boasts of more than 100 + million app downloads and 3 million gamers a month. And this is just the beginning.
VISIT US: http://games2win.com
LIKE US: http://facebook.com/Games2win
FOLLOW US: http://twitter.com/Games2win
Contact us at [email protected] for any problems you may have with Fab Tattoo Design Studio.
Privacy Policy: http://www.games2win.com/corporate/privacy-policy.asp
2018-07-05 11:24:23
简介:1. 플레이어간 같은 와이파이를 공유하면 멀티 플레이로 즐길 수 있습니다.
2. 플레이가 가능한 인원은 최소 2명에서 최대 4명까지 입니다.
1. 로켓 레이싱
2. 장애물 피하기
3. 번갈아 탑쌓기
2018-07-05 11:24:15
简介:From world renowned developer Spacetime Studios - creators of the smash hit Pocket Legends - comes the most immersive Vampire experience on mobile! Become an immortal Vampire with deadly fangs, super speed, and incredible strength. Ascend from the streets of Carvina to the pinnacle of Vampire society while carving a bloody path through demons, werewolves, warlocks and hunters that stand in your way. Play with your friends, make new friends, join a guild or form your own unique Vampire alliance!
quot;One of the best designed MMO games for mobile quot; - GamenGadgets
quot;A cut above the rest quot; - MMORPG.com
quot;The action is faster, more brutal, and more gruesome quot; - Pocket Gamer
+ Bone-chilling Vampiric powers to unlock with every level
+ Thousands of lethal weapons and powerful gems to collect
+ Hundreds of exciting and unique vanity looks to mix and match
+ Worldwide realtime play with millions from around the globe
+ More than forty levels of solo and co-op multiplayer adventure
+ Explosive player-versus-player action with multiple arena modes
2018-07-05 11:23:42
简介:(≖ ‿ ≖)ツ (≖ ‿ ≖)ツ (≖ ‿ ≖)ツ (≖ ‿ ≖)ツ
The best love game of the year!
(≖ ‿ ≖)ツ (≖ ‿ ≖)ツ (≖ ‿ ≖)ツ (≖ ‿ ≖)ツ
Bring those past memories of love and passion back to life.
Relive your fondest teenage memories and give them the perfect ending they deserve.
An intimate journey though love, romance and nostalgia.
Create your own adventure this season.
Legend has it, for centuries young people have been confessing their love to one another under a Magical Tree in Central Park. It is said, those who confess their love under the tree are granted happiness with their lover for eternity.
Players will take the role of Nobunaga, a teenage boy returning home after several years away to finish his final year of high school. Upon starting the new school year, he is reunited with his childhood sweetheart Kazami Chinatsu whilst meeting four different girls, all of who may be falling head over heels in love with him.
Make a variety of in game decision to determine your own unique outcome. Create your own love story. How you spend the last year of high school with the people around you is entirely up to you!
(´・ω・`) (´・ω・`) (´・ω・`) (´・ω・`) (´・ω・`)
Mon-Fri: Morning classes with free time in the afternoon for activities.
Weekends: Total freedom for recreational activities.
How is your in game progress reflecting upon the relationship between you and your beloved girl?
Refer to the tutorial for assistance to help better understand different functions and in game attributes.
Adventure your way through vibrant scenarios with complete touch interactivity to unfold your story of romance. Dress up, take your girl out on a date and create memories to last a lifetime.
Sweetheart’s easy to use UI enables players to navigate their way around the game and check current stats and progress.
Use the special in game phone system to chat, message and organize dates with others. Capture instant memories with the snap of your Camera.
Contact us: [email protected]
2018-07-05 11:23:30