2018-07-05 04:29:09
2018-07-05 04:28:38
简介:『ニッポン城めぐり』は、日本100名城・続日本100名城をはじめとする、主に戦国時代に b font color="“#d50000”" 日本全国に実在した3,000の城をGPS位置情報を使ってめぐるスタンプラリー /font /b (位置ゲーム)。お城や歴史、戦国時代好きな方から初心者まで、皆さんに楽しんで頂けるアプリです。
b font color="#FF4500" ■ /font すべての機能が無料 /b
どれだけ利用しても完全無料。 font color="“#006400”" 月額料金やアプリ内課金は一切ありません。 /font
b font color="#FF4500" ■ /font お城スタンプラリー(位置ゲーム) /b
font color="“#006400”" お城の近くで「城攻め」ボタンを押すだけ。簡単操作のスタンプラリーです。 /font 全国3,000城の場所を地図で確認しながら、スタンプラリーを進めましょう。カーナビアプリに位置情報を送信したり、デンソーのアプリ「NaviCon」を利用してカーナビにお城の場所を送信することもできます。
b font color="#FF4500" ■ /font 城郭データ・写真・口コミ /b
日本全国3,000城の、基本データ・写真・口コミを閲覧できます。 font color="“#006400”" 口コミは1万件以上、お城の写真は15万枚以上の大ボリューム。 /font 実際にお城を訪れる際の参考にして頂いたり、空いた時間に情報や写真を見て行きたい城を見つけたり、さまざまな目的でお楽しみ頂けます。
b font color="#FF4500" ■ /font 戦国武将コレクション /b
お城と同時にご当地戦国武将も収集。織田信長、伊達政宗や真田信繁(幸村)など、 font color="“#006400”" 全国1,000人以上の戦国武将 /font を集めましょう。
b font color="#FF4500" ■ /font 城主争い /b
※このアプリはAndroid 4.2 以降の各機種(Google Playが利用できないガラホ端末、Wi-Fi専用端末、SIMカードが挿入されていない端末は非対応)に対応しています。
2018-07-05 04:28:08
关于Coco Play公司
Coco Play 是一家位于中国的开发商,旨在为儿童和全家人提供富有创意而独特的应用程序。成立于2013年,致力于开发全家人可以一起玩的丰富多彩的三维仿真游戏。Coco Play是全球领先的创意游戏、互动书籍以及教育应用程序开发商TabTale的子公司。
欢迎观看我们的视频: http://www.youtube.com/iTabtale
请告诉我们您的想法!如有任何疑问、建议或需要技术支持,都可以通过我们的每天24小时、全年不间断服务邮箱 [email protected] 联系我们。
此应用免费,但游戏中的有些物品需要付款购买。您可以在设备上禁用这些应用内的购买。此应用可能包含 TabTale 和某些第三方的广告,这些广告将把用户重新定向至我们的网站、应用或第三方网站。
隐私对于我们而言非常重要。此应用可能允许 TabTale 或其精心挑选的提供商(例如广告网络和分析)出于我们的隐私政策中所述的有限的合法目的(例如,答复支持疑问;启用、分析和改进应用功能和服务;为内容关联广告服务)而收集有限的用户数据。此应用包含只允许达到特定年龄的人群访问的特定功能(例如,限制行为性广告、用于在游戏时连接其他玩家的社交网络链接;重要新闻(例如,应用更新)的推送通知选项),以保护未成年人。下载或使用本应用即表示您接受我们的《隐私政策》(见:https://tabtale.com/privacy-policy/)和《使用条款》(https://tabtale.com/terms-of-use/ )并允许您的设备的使用者进行该等使用。
2018-07-05 04:27:18
简介:Slithering Snake.io is the latest 3D io game where you start as the smallest one. Be careful to not bump into the bigger ones or you will turn into food. Carefully hunt down smaller snakes and eat the food so you get bigger. Do not back down till you are the top scorer in this slithering game. Use the improved controls for the smoothest experience. Remember that the smaller snakes are easier to move and the big snakes are harder to control.
So keep an eye out for the other hunters to become the biggest slithering snake.io in this free multiplayer game. Explore all new Battle Mode and Challenge Mode where you have to complete missions for a reward. Play online with people all over the world! Can YOU become the longest snake? If your head touches another player, you will explode and then it #39;s over. But if others run into you, then they will explode, and you can eat their remains! No Lag and no performance problem. Smooth gameplay with this .io game.
In Slithering Snake.io, you have a chance to win even if you #39;re tiny. So, what are you waiting for? Develop your skills, try to survive and eat the biggest one!
2018-07-05 04:26:55
简介:#1 monster smashing hit rampaging around the world!
Lead an army of MASSIVE monsters into epic battles and SMASH cities to the ground in the most ADDICTING real-time strategy game. Build your city from a small town into a MIGHTY metropolis! Create POWERFUL monsters! DESTROY other players! Compete for world domination!
Are you ready to become the ULTIMATE evil Mad Scientist and take over the world?
Lay waste to your NEMESIS Dr. Spotnik in mission challenges or join a true MMO-EXPERIENCE with players from around the world in the SECRET syndicate wars.
TAP, SWIPE amp; SLING your monsters into battle using their unique abilities, smashing city buildings, and unleashing explosive power to win epic loot!
Battle players from around the world and destroy their cities. Steal their gold, increase your city population and win exclusive rewards at the end of every league!
A unique tower defense strategy; build cannons, lasers, and traps to minimize the damage from attacks by opposing monsters. Build road paths for your Police and Fire Trucks to drive on and attack monsters or heal your buildings. No walls required!
Adapt your strategy and build the strongest monster army. Collect DNA and evolve your monsters to unleash their full potential!
Form a guild in a secret Syndicate with your Mad Scientist friends and battle others in 10vs10, 30vs30 and 50vs50 city wars. Chat with other players in real time, donate DNA to unleash the massive Mechazilla War Monster and destroy your enemy!
Built in Unreal Engine, experience epic battles in stunning 3D graphics! Witness the dazzling display of each monster #39;s unique skills!
MonstroCity is a completely free strategy game, but you are able to purchase game items with real money.
Available Languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Russian.
*A network connection is required to play.
Join Our Avid Community:
Slack: monstrocity.herokuapp.com
Items are available for purchase in this game.
For Alpha Dog Games Terms of Service, visit
For questions or customer support, please contact our Customer Support by visiting
For marketing, please contact
[email protected]
2018-07-05 04:26:24
体验顶级新的硬性任意球新的级别的足球比赛,其中您最喜爱的多级免费球员的最高级别的自由行动,新的免费级别的线上和线下免费索普演员,主席,足球策略,足球策略,成瘾游戏策略,卡通足球游戏,足球英雄游戏,2018年滑稽足球,2018年顶级free3D足球比赛,2018年足球梦幻联赛足球比赛,足球训练,2018年足球教练,卡通足球比赛,足球英雄,迷你足球比赛,英雄比分,世界进球比赛,socer ,梦想免费联赛,第一次触摸足球,足球明星,目标,梦幻足球2018年,足球英雄2018年,火柴人足球,2018年冠军足球联赛免费,足球比赛2018年,足球游戏测验游戏,足球俱乐部标志,沙滩足球,免费游戏2018像其他人一样!
2018-07-05 04:25:13
简介:Capsule toy game of quot;Pesoguin quot;
Pesoguin is an imaginary animal similar to an emperor penguin #39;s baby.
Official info
(C)Ninebonz / Zanmyo / ARTSPLANET
2018-07-05 04:24:40
This game was previously available on the Play Store under a different name. For copyright reasons, the name has had to be changed. However, apart from the name change, it is the same game uploaded by the same developer.
Please note that this game is a parody. No canon images are used and all character names and images are randomly generated.
* NEWS! *
Thanks to the popularity of Slaughter Horse, I am now writing a sequel to the game which allows you to play as the murderous Pink one herself! If you would like to follow development and play beta versions as they become available, please visit https://gamejolt.com/games/slaughterhorse2/347796
quot;Slaughter Horse quot; is a single-player or local network two-player game based on the popular quot;Mafia quot; genre of games, such as Town of Salem or Werewolf.
You are Captain Silvermane, sent to a quiet little pony town by the Princess of the Sun herself to investigate reports of dark magic and murder.On arrival you find only a handful of terrified ponies remain. Among the innocent townsponies is a murderous gang of Changelings who have assumed pony form and are now working together to drain the innocents of their love to feed their insatiable Queen.
This process is fatal to the ponies, of course.
Bad as that is, you immediately realise there is an even worse threat in the town, an unstoppable force who will murder Pony and Changeling alike.
* Turn based grimdark strategy game - use the abilities of the remaining townsponies to uncover and execute the evil changelings and stop Pinkarella.
* Enemy AI - the Changelings will actively try to uncover the roles of the townsponies, eliminate the greatest threats and avoid danger if they can.
* Play as the ponies or the Changelings with a friend in two-player mode.
* Atmospheric graphics, music and sound.
* The character #39;s names, roles and avatars are randomly generated every game - no two games are ever alike!
2018-07-05 04:24:19
简介:aladdin running adventure hit run gold coins run this game of the old gold coins acarde game in which you will recover all your childhood memories When you was sitting in front of TV playing your running adventure hit run arcade console. It was really beautiful moments; I have good news for you because this running adventure hit run game of aladdin will give you again this opportunity to playing gold coins on your phones and tablets.
aladdin running adventure hit run gold coins is a super gold coins classic running adventure hit run and legendary side-scrolling arcade platformer.
How to Play:
gt; To move aladdin click on right or left on the control pad!
gt; Press Jump-button AND right or left for running; press Jump and B together for a higher and wider jump!
gt; Press B-button to make aladin jumping!
gt; Click down for ducking or on some tree stumps to get to a bonus level!
gt; Aladin swimming: press A-Button multiple times to swim higher... release your finger from button to go down!
Best Features:
gt; aladdin running adventure hit run gold coins run has a lot of gold coins levels
gt; Free run and jump adventures running adventure hit run games let’s Download it, it’s Free
gt; The running adventure hit run game / High-resolution Graphics with an old school theme
gt; On our game you can jump and run with your hero / Jump and run to avoid and kill guards by fighting them
gt; A lot of enemies: (with different gold coins difficulties)
gt; So Many items running adventure hit run
gt; Jump on the top of enemies to defeat them.
gt; A wonderful Arabic arabian running adventure hit run theme songs
Keywords :
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Enjoy this brand new aladdin running adventure hit run gold coins Game For FREE, Download Now!
This Aladdin gold coins running adventure hit run Game is really addictive for boys and girls, kids and adultes
your opinion of this gold coins game is really importat for us please leave a review.
2018-07-05 04:23:25
简介:Create a donut empire worth billions! Discover many new donuts, power ups, boosts and upgrades to supercharge your earnings. Do you have what it takes to collect all the donuts?
Play the best incremental merge and evolve game! Instead of clicking or tapping, fuse and merge together donuts to upgrade them. Each new donut you discover will be more powerful than the last! Complete your collection and unlock all the donuts.
Use rare and powerful epic donuts to maximize your earnings. Offline production lets you continue playing even when the game is closed. When you come back, use all of your money to get rich and buy new donuts and upgrades.
What are you waiting for? Stop playing clicker incremental games and play Idle Donut Tycoon! Get rich and become a millionaire by creating your donut empire without any boring clicking required like most idle incremental games.
Have any ideas for donuts? Please tell us in your Play Store review - we look through all of them!
2018-07-05 04:22:28
简介:完全無料!カートゥーン ネットワークの大人気アニメ「おかしなガムボール」のアクションゲーム!
「グッドアイデアをかたちに!」Goodiaとカートゥーン ネットワークの共同開発アプリ
2018-07-05 04:22:17
简介:Help Spazz on his run adventure of sparing the run princess. Amid the run adventure you need to Move around with the run bolt keys. Bounce with the hopping bar and shoot with the bolt run weapon up. Run and Bounce savely to the opposite side by hopping on objects. Tap or snap to decide your hop. Hop and gather the fortunes while staying away from obstacles.Defeat the full ennemies Oblivious Prisons so you jars ave the princess. Walk and Hop around with the bolt keys and point and shoot with the firearm. . Get fiction things that will enable you to spare the princess. Gather run coins all through the levels and open distinctive run levels. Be the Saint of this Gather coins in this interminable run and bounce game. As of late, first-individual shooter games and move adventure titles have made over as best games. Despite the fact that great platforming is something that is in our blood. It gives us heaps of little snapshots of test yet join it with a story and an adventure. Back in the days platformers were the most prevalent sort of great games you needed to bounce from level to level, until the last level gathering knickknacks en route and making each stride like a little triumph. In the event that you hop onto a container, you #39;re similar to, #39;I got onto the crate! #39; At that point you hop onto the following one and you #39;re similar to no doubt I did it! So you #39;re getting that tad of adrenaline each time! These are precisely the purposes for the formation of Bavary Labs. We #39;ll be putting forth you a pack of wonderfull droid android platformer games. Like the most astonishing platformer great games that you played once, however with our own touch. We endeavored to keep the old great outlines, soundtracks motivated from the 19 #39;s with a specific end goal to give you remarkable exemplary platrformer adventures. Back in time, amid the days of yore of the principal war against fiction enemy robots armed force, Jaz and his sibling Spazz were known as Super Jack Rabbit saints. They were compensated by his magnificence Ruler Jack and his little girl princess ruler Evy Rabbit to whom Rabbit Spazz and Jaz swore vow. Jaz and Evy were enamored, that is the reason Jazzy needed to go to the rank battle his foe, and spare his ruler princess rabbit Evy from the hands of his adversary. Jazze Extreme Jack Rabbit Grand Fiction Adventure story starts in a serene town named fiction Jack where used to live two rabbit siblings. Jazz and Spazz. The two rabbit siblings lived in peace in the most recent decades, until the day fiction adversary robots from the future came and attacked the jazz #39; manor and captured princess ruler Evy rabbit. This time the robots were more grounded than the fiction robots Spazz and Jazz battled in their last fight against robots fiction foe. They were confronting another sort of mutant mechanical turtles. Mechanical turtles from all sizes, additional little adversary turtles, little turtles , medium turtles , automated huge turtles , monster turtles and enemy tic turtles. Spazz mission was to be the best form of Legend Spazz and get the manor clean from every one of the robots turtles enemy. Jazz had an alternate mission. Jaz expected to infiltrate the Jazz #39;y manor from the stronghold storm cellar. Accomplish the automated managers and meet his sibling Spazz in the princess tower so Jazz could spare her . The Fiction Jack way without bounds world isn #39;t simple , it is brimming with labyrinth , obstructions ,and fiendishness automated animals. You should be simply the best form of your Jack utilize your Jack cerebrum to get out from the labyrinths and win the baffle, take after the correct method for the Jack future world adventure and save the princess and the ruler Evy Jack.
Bring your beloved memory back. Tell us what you think about our game. Don #39;t foget to survey and offer us on the off chance that you like the game.
2018-07-05 04:21:46
しかも、クマの満腹度が高い状態で「Feverコイン」を落とすとコインが落としやすくなる「Fever Time」に突入し、クマが覚えたダンスを披露するクマ・オン・ステージがはじまります♪
ダンスを覚えれば覚えるほど、「Fever Time」が長くなるので、クマにたくさんダンスを覚えさせて一気にコインをためましょう!
≪リズムコイン! オススメのポイント≫
●「Fever Time」中に踊るクマのダンス
2018-07-05 04:20:59
2018-07-05 04:20:13
简介:尝试在他们的阿拉伯仙境中收集宝石。 这个休闲益智游戏寻求一些帮助!
没有Wi-Fi? 没问题! 无需连接互联网即可随时播放
2018-07-05 04:20:12
* 定制你的梦幻小马 – 完全如你所愿!
* 众多精美小食供你挑选,给饥饿的小马儿喂食!
* 为你的小马可可洗澡,直到她闪闪发光、干干净净!
* 用特制工具照料受伤的小马!
* 和你的梦幻宠物小马一起畅玩甜蜜有趣的游戏!
* 用各种各样的时尚套装和可爱配饰装扮小马可可!
* 玩彩虹赛跑游戏!看看你的梦幻小马能跑多快?!
* 快照亭之乐!和你的新挚友拍张照吧!
* 体验可爱的互动三维动画效果!
关于Coco Play公司
Coco Play 是一家位于中国的开发商,旨在为儿童和全家人提供富有创意而独特的应用程序。成立于2013年,致力于开发全家人可以一起玩的丰富多彩的三维仿真游戏。Coco Play是全球领先的创意游戏、互动书籍以及教育应用程序开发商TabTale的子公司。
欢迎观看我们的视频: http://www.youtube.com/iTabtale
请告诉我们您的想法!如有任何疑问、建议或需要技术支持,都可以通过我们的每天24小时、全年不间断服务邮箱 [email protected] 联系我们。
此应用免费,但游戏中的有些物品需要付款购买。您可以在设备上禁用这些应用内的购买。此应用可能包含 TabTale 和某些第三方的广告,这些广告将把用户重新定向至我们的网站、应用或第三方网站。
隐私对于我们而言非常重要。此应用可能允许 TabTale 或其精心挑选的提供商(例如广告网络和分析)出于我们的隐私政策中所述的有限的合法目的(例如,答复支持疑问;启用、分析和改进应用功能和服务;为内容关联广告服务)而收集有限的用户数据。此应用包含只允许达到特定年龄的人群访问的特定功能(例如,限制行为性广告、用于在游戏时连接其他玩家的社交网络链接;重要新闻(例如,应用更新)的推送通知选项),以保护未成年人。下载或使用本应用即表示您接受我们的《隐私政策》(见:https://tabtale.com/privacy-policy/)和《使用条款》(https://tabtale.com/terms-of-use/ )并允许您的设备的使用者进行该等使用。
2018-07-05 04:18:50
b 彩弹射击竞技场战斗:战场射击力量游戏特点:
•全高清实时动作和手势控制 /b
2018-07-05 04:18:36
TRIXIE PIXIE为您提供大量的着色和雄伟的图像拼图,您需要通过放置或匹配正确的编号来解决。颜色。您可以选择任何图像并开始着色。多边形图像编号为您必须从滚动呃选择图像的正确数字部分,并将其放置在画布的相同编号的部分,并创建令人惊叹的图像。每个画布有不同数量的部件,以便自己动手。一旦你完成了画布并解决了难题,那么你可以将图像保存在画廊并在线发布,或者与你的朋友分享,并吹嘘它,因为一个好的艺术家总是为他的作品赢得荣誉。
2018-07-05 04:18:18
简介:Double Dog dare is like truth or dare minus the truth.
Dare, do dares, watch dare videos, follow, like, go live, rank, win!
Nothing like you have ever seen before.
Do you dare?
Double Dog is now the largest dare community in the world and it #39;s quickly becoming a totally new form of social interaction. You can watch live dares, do dares, watch dare videos, get followers, get likes, and compete in tournament and leaderboards.
We hope you share our excitement.
So stop reading and start daring.
Send a dare. Do a dare. Make friends. Have fun!
We are a small independent team. Totally self-funded and we rely on your support to continue making this a better product.
Dare anyone you want.
Watch live dares
Do dares, share your dare videos, get likes.
Addictive. Social. Creative.
Send dares, do dares, share proofs, watch others.
Push your limits. This is not your silly truth or dare type of game.
Be safe be bold be creative.
We dare you!
Follow us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doubledogapp/
Follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doubledogapp/
2018-07-05 04:16:42
2018-07-05 04:16:12
简介:Conquer the world of Grepolis! Begin by expanding your village in Ancient Greece. Grepolis is a free strategy game in which you build your own empire and strike back against your enemies with the help of allied players and powerful alliances.
Now the heroes of antiquity are entering Grepolis! Legendary and powerful heroes, such as Leonidas, Hercules, Andromeda and Helena, help your city or army with their unique powers and strengths.
Play the free app and drive the expansion of your city forward quickly and easily. Use the powers of the ancient Greek gods Zeus, Athena, Hera, Poseidon or Hades, and summon with their help mythical units such as Pegasus, Medusa, Cyclops and the Minotaur. Forge powerful alliances with thousands of real players and friends.
Prepare for epic battles and support your alliance in the struggle for domination in the world of Grepolis.
- FREE strategy game
- Begin with a city and turn it into a mighty empire
- Battle against players from all over the world and conquer their cities
- Build your army out of 27 different kinds of units and lead them into war in real time
- Choose a god and use powerful spells
- Recruit heroes of antiquity and deploy them in your army or city
- Trade with other players
- Research 30 useful technologies
- Build 13 different constructions
- Fight side by side with real players in alliances
- Continue playing in your PC browser at www.grepolis.com
Join us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/grepolis
General Terms and Conditions: https://legal.innogames.com/portal/en/agb
Imprint: https://legal.innogames.com/portal/en/imprint
2018-07-05 04:15:24
- 挑战模式
- 没有限制的沙箱
- 你可以和朋友一起玩
- 选择任何野兽并创建你自己的军队
- 最史诗般的战斗
- 生存模式
2018-07-05 04:15:04
简介:Find out what happens to an cakes evolution when the evolution started, combine two cakes to evolve and discover the most curious and funny forms of your favorite food.
Break out of the kitchen and explore the real world, explore the continent even the world is not safe for your mutation watermelon evolution.
It’s simpler then a matching game!
• As your Cake evolution drop coins, buy new Cake to earn even more money
• Drag and drop similar Cakes to evolve them into new and more profitable Cake
• Also tap the Cake evolution to make more coins
• Five different stages and 30 different forms of Cakes evolution
• A cool mix of idle and incremental clicker like Tamago!
• Three possible endings: find the right god as you play!
Download Cakes Evolution now start your own journey of Cakes
We love clicker and idle games the way you do! If you have any questions, found a bug or you have new upgrade ideas, get in touch with us! We appreciate your help a lot and donate it with a 5$ ingame code for free!
We take your feedback very seriously. To get in touch with us, please send us an email or visit our website:
[email protected]
2018-07-05 04:13:53
简介:《Doomsday Preppers》基于国家地理频道的同名电视节目,你在这款游戏中将面临严峻考验,需要为全新的(或许也是更精彩的)地下生活做好万全准备。设计多层梦幻地堡,制备末世浩劫之后所需要的一切,从健身房到温室再到迪斯科舞厅!逐层建造你的地下宫殿,同时衡量并提高自身的生存技能,从而延长地下生存寿命,着手动工吧!
本游戏完全免费,但在游戏中购买App内的项目就能解锁可选的奖励内容。 你可以在设备设置中禁用App内购买项目。
● 140个楼层等你建造,你能建造几层?
● 六种地下楼层:避难所、安全区、饮食层、科学层、作坊层及休闲层
● 准备并储存超过315种产品
● 150多种可定制的男女虚拟形象供你选择
● 游戏定期更新,助你不断谋划
● 和其他经营者一起玩游戏,包括你的Facebook好友
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G5 Games – 历险的世界!
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2018-07-05 04:13:45
最后,你感到惊讶! ! !