2019-05-30 10:59:36
중복쿠폰 : DevilCoupon lt; lt; 입력!!
카카오톡 오픈 채팅방
지옥의 왕 파우스트와 인간 사이에서
아들 #39;메피 #39;가 태어나게 된다.
마계의 웃음거리가 되어 화가 끝까지 난 파우스트는
무시무시한 마력으로 인간 여자를 봉인하고
그 후, 메피를 보며 죽일 가치도 없다며
봉인된 인간 여자와 함께 지옥의 최하층으로 던져버린다.
온갖 마물들이 우글거리는 최하층에 버려진 메피는
끝까지 살아남아 파우스트를 죽이기로 결심하는데...
# 간단한 게임 방식!!
# 지루하지 않은 방치형 클리커 게임!!
# 깔끔한 그래픽과 애니메이션!!
# 손끝이 짜릿한 타격감!!
# 다양하고 화려한 스킬까지!!
다른 노가다 게임과는 차별화된 게임 진행 방식으로
보다 더 재미있는 방치형 게임을 경험해보세요
● b 게임 방법 /b
- 화면을 클릭해 공격한다!!
- 결계석을 부수어 파우스트의 마력이 담긴 조각을 모으자!!
- 결계석 파편과 여러 재화로 능력치 UP!!
- 각종 사냥터와 보스몬스터를 클리어 하고 재화를 얻어보세요!!
- 파우스트에게 도전하여 랭킹에 올라보자!!
개발자 연락처 :
[email protected]
문의 시간 : 1pm ~ 6pm
2019-05-30 10:57:24
简介:고스톱타임은 레벨게임과 랭킹게임 두 가지 모드로 나뉘어져 있습니다.
* 레벨게임
레벨게임은 유아부터 직장인까지 단계적으로 레벨을 올리는 게임입니다.
현재 800개 이상의 레벨이 준비되어 있으며
레벨이 올라갈 때마다 판돈이 커지고 수준 높은 게임을 즐길 수 있습니다.
* 랭킹게임
랭킹게임은 많은 금액을 획득한 사람의 랭킹포인트가 올라가는 게임입니다.
질 때까지 게임을 진행하여 점수를 쌓을 수 있습니다.
레벨게임의 판돈이 적용되므로 레벨이 높을 수록 기록 경신에 유리해집니다.
고스톱타임은 차분한 그래픽에 알찬 구성을 갖추었습니다.
평소 고스톱을 즐기는 어른들의 여가시간용 게임으로 추천합니다.
- 게임물관리위원회 등급분류번호 : 제 CC-OM-190306-006 호
2019-05-30 10:54:27
简介:◆◇ 구글 사전 등록 진행시 다음 보상 지급 ◇◆
1) 2018 대한민국 선수팩 * 1개
2) 행운의 BP 카드 (10만 ~ 1,500만 BP) * 1개
*** 해당 보상은 FO4M 런칭 후 접속시 수령가능합니다 ***
■ 게임 특징
1. 전세계 최고의 리그와 유명 구단 및 월드클래스의 선수가 모바일로!
- 전세계 40여개의 리그, 600여개의 클럽, 17,000여명 실제 선수들을 모바일에서도 만나보세요!
- 이제 모바일에서도 구단주가 되어 나만의 구단을 만들어 세계 정상에 도전해보세요!
2. FIFA 온라인 4 데이터 100% 연동!
- FIFA 온라인 4와의 100% 데이터 연동으로 이제 언제 어디서든 FIFA 온라인4를 즐겨보세요!
3. 세계 최고의 구단이 되는 길!
- EA SPORTS FIFA ONLINE 4 M에서만 즐길 수 있는 World Tour를 플레이 하고 세계 최고의 구단이 되어보세요!
- 전세계의 유명 구단과의 경기에서 승리하고 특별한 보상을 받아보세요!
4. 실시간으로 진행되는 선수 영입!
- EA SPORTS FIFA ONLINE 4 M에서 실시간으로 원하는 선수를 영입하고 나만의 강력한 스쿼드를 구성해보세요!
■ 스마트폰 앱 접근권한 안내
앱 이용 시 아래와 같은 서비스를 제공하기 위해 접근 권한을 요청하고 있습니다.
[필수적 접근권한]
사진/미디어/파일 저장: 게임 설치 파일 및 업데이트 파일 저장
[접근권한 철회 방법]
안드로이드 6.0 이상: 설정 gt; 앱 gt; 권한 항목 선택 gt; 권한 목록 gt; 접근권한 동의 또는 철회 선택
안드로이드 6.0 미만: 운영체제를 업그레이드하여 접근권한을 철회하거나, 앱을 삭제
※ 앱이 개별 동의 기능을 제공하지 않을 수 있으며 위의 방법으로 접근 권한을 철회할 수 있습니다.
개발자 연락처 :
개발자 연락처 :
2019-05-30 10:52:53
简介:드디어, 구사황 카르마 각성!
7월 세나의 달 특별★ 이벤트와 大보물시대 시작!
(구) 사황, 카르마 각성
카르마가 심안을 갖게 된 이야기는?!
지금 각성 카르마를 만나보세요
신규 영웅 숨은 강자들 아탈란테
고귀한 여전사 아탈란테!
귀여운 외모의 아탈란테와 함께 더 강력해진 전투를 즐겨요!
7월 세나의 달 특별 이벤트
스페셜 영웅과 겔리두스 장신구! 불사의 반지까지!
다양한 세나의 달 이벤트 선물들이 쏟아집니다!
大보물시대 이벤트도 놓치지 마세요
신규 승리자의 장신구 등장!
PVP, PVE 특화 신규 승리자의 장신구 등장!
더욱 편리하고 재미있는
세나로 거듭날 수 있도록
언제나 노력하겠습니다!
■■■■■ 게임소개 ■■■■■
비주얼이 다른 전략! 거부할 수 없는 초강력 비주얼 RPG
세븐나이츠 for kakao
1. 수백 명의 영웅들과 팀을 만들어 모험을 떠나자!
2. 쉽고 빠른 자동전투로 누구나 손쉽게 즐길 수 있는 게임!
3. 다이나믹하고 다양한 게임모드!
- 모험모드: 13개의 영지를 정복하며 나의 영웅을 성장시키자!
- 결투모드: 자웅을 겨루고 최강임을 인증하는 결투장!
- 요일던전: 매일 다른 영웅들을 조합하여 공략하는 재미!
- 공성/길드전: 길드원과 협동하여 최강의 길드가 되자!
- 스마트 세나: 편하고 FUN하게 즐기는 무한의 탑, 드래곤 레이드, 보스전, 강자레이드!
■ 상품 정보 및 이용 조건 안내 ■
※ 유료아이템 구매 시 별도의 요금이 부과됩니다.
- 공급자 : 넷마블(주) 대표집행임원 권영식, 박성훈
- 이용조건 및 기간 : 게임 내 별도 고지된 내용에 따름
(사용기간이 표시되지 않은 경우, 서비스의 종료일까지를 사용기간으로 간주)
- 결제금액 및 방법 : 상품 별 별도 고지된 결제금액 및 결제방법에 따름
(외화 결제 시 환율 및 수수료 등으로 인해 실제 청구금액과 다를 수 있음)
- 상품지급방식 : 게임 내 구매한 아이디(캐릭터)로 즉시 지급
- 넷마블 고객센터 : 1588-3995 (평일 오전9시~오후6시 상담가능)
- 최소사양 : CPU 듀얼코어 1.2GHz, Ram 1GB
- 주소: 서울특별시 구로구 디지털로300
- 사업자번호: 105-87-64746
- 통신판매업번호: 제2014-서울구로-1028 호
- 사업자 이메일: [email protected]
개인정보 처리방침 : http://help.netmarble.com/policy/privacy_policy.asp?locale=ko
서비스 운영 정책 : http://help.netmarble.com/policy/terms_of_service.asp?locale=ko
■ 접근권한 안내 ■
필수적 접근권한
- #39;단말기내 프로그램 설치 및 데이터 저장 #39; 등을 위해 필요합니다.
휴대전화 상태 및 ID 읽기
- #39;이용자 계정 생성 및 확인 #39;을 위해 필요합니다.
접근권한 철회방법
- 운영체제 6.0 이상 : 설정 gt; 어플리케이션 관리자 gt; 앱 선택 gt; 권한 gt; 접근권한 철회 가능
- 운영체제 6.0 미만 : 접근권한 철회가 불가능하므로, 앱 삭제로 철회 가능
개발자 연락처 :
개발자 연락처 : 02-1588-3995
서울시 구로구 디지털로 300 지밸리비즈플라자 20층
사업자 번호 : 105-87-64746
통신판매업 번호 : 제제2014-서울구로-1028호
2019-05-30 10:51:46
2019-05-30 10:48:16
2019-05-30 10:38:51
简介:■ MMORPG 어디서도 보지못한
개성 넘치는 캐릭터와 영웅들의 조합!
■ 지금 너희 방에 만족해?
프판에서는 만족하는 방꾸미기 가능해!
■ 심장이 두근~ 두근~
게임 내 인연이 현실의 인연으로!
■ 유니콘, 비행기, 스포츠카
어느 하나 버릴 수 없는 탈것과 펫들의 환상의 짝꿍!
■ 넌 어디까지 꾸며 봤니?
상상할 수 없는 그 이상의 코스튬!
■ 화려한 전투를 넘어!
가슴 설레는 아름답고 시원한 전투의 시작!
2019-05-30 10:16:13
简介:********** New Scene,New 20 Level come now **********
Jungle Marble Blast is a marble shoot game with the theme of Egyptian mythology. It is easy to play, but truly addictive.
Your goal is to clear all the marbles before they reach the end of the path, and meanwhile, achieve Marbles and Combos as many as possible to get the highest score.
Jungle Marble Blast Features:
★Cool powerfull items like bombs、colorball、meteorite rain
★4 scenes and 80 different fun levels,more will coming soon.
★Good art,good music,good animation effects.
How to play:
1.Tap screen where you want to shoot marbles.
2.match 3 or more same color marbles to make blast.
3.Swap the shooting marble by touching the marble emitter.
4.You can use props to make the game easy.
Download it Now!!
Enjoy this egyptian mythological journey!!!
2019-05-30 09:42:16
简介:Click on the screen to throw the hook into the sea. To get a higher score, you need to manually move the line as the hook rises, so that the hook can reach as many fish as possible.
Playing games allows you to experience the joy of fishing, catch more fish at a time, and make yourself a fishing master!
Game features:
Simple game style, casual theme and gameplay, easy to use
Simple control of hook fishing.
Capture over 50 species of fish and complete your collection.
Upgrade your gear to catch big fish in the deep sea.
Unique and fascinating deep sea fish setting.
Explore different islands and discover hidden secrets.
We #39;ll be glad to see your feedback at [email protected]
2019-05-30 09:39:26
简介:Introducing an all-new concept of b Ludo Games /b . This fun board game is not like your regular classic dice games. This is one of your childhood favorite board games with a UNIQUE new look!
It #39;s a multiplayer game that is perfect for kids and adults. Join these warriors to win against enemies and be the king or master of this game. ️
b Play Ludo game in 4 different modes for FREE: /b
- Player 1 vs Computer
- Player 1 vs Player 2
- Player 1 vs Player 2 vs Player 3
- Player 1 vs Player 2 vs Player 3 vs Player 4
b Features of this app that you will enjoy the most: /b
Offline Multiplayer Mode
Ludo Mania Saga is a dice board game perfect for kids and adults. You can enjoy this game offline with your friends and family - anytime, anywhere. Challenge others and beat them in this royal game! It #39;s time to show your talent in Ludo.
Challenging and Engaging
The gameplay is challenging from the very beginning. Don #39;t let your enemies win the crown and be the king. The rules are just like the original game. Ludo Mania guarantees hours of fun and enjoyment for everyone!
Fun Animation with 3D Effect
All the warriors in this game have super interesting animations. The classic Ludo game also gets a brand new 3D look in this awesome multiplayer game.
New Concept of a Popular Game
This game is very different from other dice games. Ludo Mania takes the original Ludo board game and makes it extra fun to play every day!
So roll the dice and begin your journey toward the crown. Become a superstar today! Download now!!
2019-05-30 09:18:31
2019-05-30 07:55:27
简介:حمل الآن اول لعبة كيرم بالقوانين العربية في العالم العربي و الخليج!
العب مع أصدقائك اونلاين, قم باضافة بودر على الطاولة وتحدى كل من يواجهك! اجمع مضارب و احجار مميزة و كن الاول على قوائم المتصدرين
• اضافة اصدقاء
• مود تنافسي حماسي
• العب ضد الجهاز في الاوف لاين او لاعبين على نفس الجهاز
• اهزم اصدقائك أو الغرباء في الاون لاين
• ادع اصدقائك والعب معهم
• اختر من تشكيلة من الشخصيات, الخلفيات, أحجار اللعب, و المضارب
2019-05-30 07:54:17
简介:Ludo game 2019 - kingstar is board game played between friends, family amp; kids.
This is a multiplayer game where you are matched with random opponent from around the world. It can also be played online. Supports offline mode, where player can play with Computer or Local multiplayer.
b Ludo game(New) 2019 - kingstar /b is one of the best ludo board game of the year 2019. Play ludo game 2019 all around the world with different people who loves Ludo and the world with different people around you. If you are ludo game lover then you are at right place. Download Ludo game(New) 2019 - kingstar and enjoy.
b New features in Ludo game(New) 2019 - kingstar /b
Real chat with friends and buddies
Auto move system (No cheating allowed now)
Make buddies worldwide
Improved online connectivity
Support extended to low end devices
b Other features of ludo game 2019- kingstar
Online and Private Multiplayer Mode
Ludo game(New) 2019 - kingstar is a board game played between 2 to 4 players. You can play the game with your friends, family or against the computer. /b
b Enjoyable but also challenging. /b
This is simple at first and will become immensely challenging once you play with higher level players.
b Simple rules and easy to play. /b
The rules are quite simple, every player gets 4 tokens, which are required to make a full turn of the board and make it to the finish line. The one who first gets all 4 tokens will be nominated as the winner.
Ludo game(New) 2019 - kingstar is going to be popular all over the world Inshallah!
2019-05-30 07:49:20
简介:Super Kid Adventure. Fun and addictive gameplay.
2019-05-30 07:48:40
简介:SODR- Saviour of data realm
A First-Person Shooter action game with coding. This game is made for the people who want to experience a whole new level of learning with an added advantage of gaming. This game is built on the game-based learning principles.
The game is about building your data cloud empire by collecting different forms of data, destroying viruses and in the process tackling different challenges.
App Features: -
6 programming languages: -
To make learning interesting, we have created an interactive FPS game which will help you master the programming languages like never before.
This app provides you with 6 different programming languages such as C, C++, Java, Python, PHP and C#.
Game play: -
To make it interesting and time intensive we have a total game play of 3 hours.
Multiple challenges: -
Multiple challenges to keep you motivated throughout the game.
These challenges vary from correcting the errors in a program, finding out a missing line in a program, figuring out the program logic, finding the output of the program and answering programming language related quiz questions.
Each of these challenges will help you earn points and unlock levels within the game. Since this is a game-based learning app hence tackling each of these challenges will give you the necessary boost and ammo to destroy viruses, collecting special data and unlock the room doors.
App Description: -
About this app: -
An FPS coding and programming game to help you assess different programming languages.
C SODR Programming Game
C programming is the best language to start your programming journey.
This game helps you learn C programming language and enhance your coding skills in C language
C++ SODR Programming Game
C++ is a sophisticated, efficient and a general-purpose programming language based on C
This game helps you learn C++ programming language in a very easy way
PHP SODR Programming Game
It is a general-purpose programming language originally designed for web development.
This game helps you master PHP in a short span of time
JAVA SODR Programming Game
Java is a popular general-purpose programming language and computing platform. It is fast, reliable, and secure.
This game helps you master java in depth and enhance your ability of coding
C# SODR Programming Game
C# is a general-purpose, modern and object-oriented programming language. This game helps you master C#, which is one of the best and modern language.
Python SODR Programming Game
Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. This game helps you learn and polish your coding skills
Top the Leaderboard: -
Get coding, challenge your friends and top our Leaderboard
Be the Savior: -
Collect enough data to be the savior and build a data empire.
Be the Coder: -
Code in different programming languages to load ammos for destroying viruses and earning points
Other benefits from this game: -
Evaluate yourself with fun: -
Have fun while playing game and sharpen your programming skills
Games provide with rewards like Score, Badges, place in Leaderboards, etc., which motivates the player to play more and move forward in the game.
Games have scenarios where the player must think fast and achieve multiple tasks at once. This will help the Player to develop Multi-Tasking Mentality.
Games make you achieve the goal repeatedly, which strengthens the players memory.
Games provide the player with competition like rank, points, Leaderboard placement, badges, etc which motivates the player to play the game more.
Master programming and test your skills on syntax, logic and concepts.
Play and retain your programming skills
Are you ready to save the data and build your own data empire!?
Learn more on: https://knackbout.com/savior-of-data-realm-game-promo
2019-05-30 07:43:31
简介:The Easter Bunny is preparing for Easter, and he #39;s falling behind! Maybe you can help save Easter by crafting as many Easter baskets as possible?
Harvest Flowers, use Explorer Hares to discover more Chocolate, and plant Trees to harvest Eggs. Use all of these to forge Baskets, and trade them in for huge bonuses! Choose Bonuses wisely from Levelups, and build Easter guilds for huge multipliers!
- Beautiful, full resolution graphics and design
- Full control over time management, send your Hares out for only a few minutes or for several days for greater rewards!
- Infinite Gameplay: Even when you think it ends, there #39;s more!
-Full featured Leaderboard system
2019-05-30 07:38:18
简介:Crash Racing.IO is the best Bumper game.
In the game, you drive a car and collide with your opponent.
Crash into your rivals and grow bigger and be the last cars on the map to win.
There are a variety of racing maps in the game, such as the apron, basketball court, roof top, so you can enjoy
Hit and hit, madly hit your enemies and let them fall off the roof!You must be the last on
the map to win!Play now and show off your skills.
Crash!Crash!Crash!Defeat your enemy and become the real king!
If you’re looking for crash car games, racing sports games bumper or IO games, if you like drive,you will love Crash Racing.IO!
2019-05-30 07:37:16
简介:免網路!免花錢!Free !
經典的超八機台App! 承襲真實機台正宗玩法,各式連線、精彩比倍、任意特殊大獎,完整呈現!
2019-05-30 07:36:11
反馈电子邮件:[email protected]
2019-05-30 07:29:17
简介:Казино Standoff 2!Выиграй нож!Первое казино по игре Стендофф 2, правила просты.
Что бы сорвать куш вам надо в линию собрать 4 слитка золота!
2019-05-30 07:28:35
简介:Piano Games is an intelligent piano simulator designed for Android phones and tablets. With in-built genuine piano timbre, this app can teach you how to play the piano and amuse you at the same time!
[ Intelligent Keyboard ]
• 88-key piano keyboard
• Single-row mode; Double-row mode; Dual players; Chords mode
• Multitouch screen support
• Force touch
• Keyboard width adjustment
• Multiple in-built sound effects: Grand piano, Bright Piano, Music Box, Pipe Organ, Rhodes, Synthesiser
• MIDI and ACC audio recording
• Metronome
• Direct sharing of recording file or set as ringtone
• OpenSL ES low latency audio support (beta)
[ Learn to Play ]
• Learn thousands of popular music scores
• Three guidance patterns: falling note, waterfall, music sheet (stave)
• Three play modes: auto play, semi-auto play, note pause
• Left amp; right hand setup
• A- gt;B loop
• Speed adjustment
• Difficulty adjustment
[ Multiplayer Connection amp; Competition ]
• Play the piano with other players from all over the world
• Make friends
• Real-time online chat
• Weekly new song challenge ranking
• Create guilds
[ Support USB MIDI Keyboard ]
• Supports standard General MIDI protocol and allows the connection of MIDI keyboard (such as YAMAHA P105, Roland F-120, Xkey, etc.) through USB interface
• Perfectly control the piano, play, record and compete via external MIDI keyboard
• Note: this function is only available for Android version 3.1 or higher and supports USB Host with the connection of USB OTG lines.
[ Support Timbre Plug-ins ]
• Timbre plug-ins are free to download and install, such as bass, electric guitar, wooden guitar, flute, saxophone, electronic keyboard, violin, chord, xylophone and harp.
[ Piano Widget ]
• A small piano widget for your home screen. You can play music any time without opening the App.
2019-05-30 07:27:27
简介:The game is really simple and easy but challenging. Tap on Black tiles as quick as you can!
Our artists specifically design this game atmosphere to be relaxing yet fun to play in. to our piano melodies. The game gets faster with time so keep the focus on and enjoy!
We created these melodies on our own with piano, so there is no copyrighted material! Forget your daily problems and just listen to our piano melodies. The game gets faster with time so keep the focus on and enjoy!
2019-05-30 07:26:14
简介:The development of the Earth has made the Aliens crave. And the alien invasion with the attempt to annex the Earth has created the biggest war in human history
The US military, with its military and economic potential, fought off the alien invasion. But because of the long war, it was necessary to provide timely weapons to fight aliens
In PIXEL CARGO you will play the role of a commanding officer. And your task is to try to coordinate weapons containers to the right kind of vehicles that are waiting in the port to transport to the battlefield. There are lots of goods and need to be shipped to the front! All transportation processes are under your control
The pressure is huge when the peace of the Earth depends on you, so use your best to move quickly and accurately the boxes.
Use the navigation buttons to change the direction of the goods on the conveyor to the designated position.
Try to become a good commander and unlock all bases for reinforcing goods worldwide. Whether the US Army can defeat the Aliens to rescue the Earth is all in you!
- The game has a good balance to satisfy beginners or hardcore gamers
- For those who want to increase reflexivity and accuracy
- Those who have the ability to think and handle situations
- Those of you looking for challenges
- You have a commanding quality
- Unique game mechanism
- Support high resolution for an optimal gaming experience on both phones and tablets.
- Fancy and attractive pixel graphics
Download now PIXEL CARGO can know why the game is so much interested!
2019-05-30 07:26:11
简介:Are you looking for a simple game? Are you tired of the casual game, caring game, action game, puzzle game...? Flower piano Pink 2019 Tiles is the best choice for you!
Flower piano Pink 2019 is a music game with simple game play similar to other games such as flowers piano Tiles ect..
Flower piano Pink 2019 Tiles is constantly updating song lists, nice graphics and clear layouts.
Flower piano Pink 2019Tiles have simple and clear user interface, made for all ages even children can play Flower piano Pink 2019 Tiles.
How To Play :
Tap on the Heart tiles while listening to music.
Game Features :
-multi color piano tiles games
-multiple sound collections
-this game is colorful game
-awesome sound available in piano Heart tiles.
Flower piano Pink 2019 have most popular levels :
Classic Flower piano Pink 2019 : In classic mode you have to tap number of tiles in minimum time period as fast as u can tap.
Arcade Flower piano Pink 2019: In Arcade mode you have to tap on black tiles without missing any black tiles.
in Top level you have to tap as fast as u can in limited time period
Be careful not to pass through the wrong color, or you’ll have to start again.
enjoy The Original Flower piano Pink 2019!
magic Tiles
magic Tiles1
magic Tiles2
magic Tiles3
2019-05-30 07:25:36
简介:This drum kit uses the compass in your phone to really place you in the middle of a full 360 degrees of drums. You can physically spin around to play different drums and percussion instruments.
So pull up a swivel chair, sit yourself down, then you can turn and play with a great set of 3D drums over an amazing 360 degrees of action. There #39;s a conventional drum kit, electronic drums, symbols, percussion instruments, tubular bells and a massive gong. We #39;ve also add different sets of sounds to cater for all the drummers out there.
So place yourself in the middle of this virtual reality drum kit, twist and spin to bash along with your favourite tunes. Play responsibly, play safe, sit down and don #39;t get too dizzy.
If your phone isn #39;t equipped with a compass, or if you prefer not to look silly spinning around in your swivel chair then simply use the tilt action instead … but its not nearly as much fun :-)
If the compass does not seem to function correctly then try rotating your device in a figure of 8, and turning it over or calibrate it in your settings screen. However the compass in some devices simply does not function correctly and will never work no matter how many times you calibrate it, don #39;t worry you can easily switch to the tilt mode instead.
Download Pocket Drummer 360 now and have fun bashing along with your favourite tunes.