2019-05-13 16:53:28
简介:立即在 Cafeland 开启世界厨房之旅!发挥你的烹饪技能,从菜单上选择美味的饭菜款待顾客。为世界闻名的大型成功企业奠定基础,在烹饪热潮中踌躇满志!从小吃店到世界闻名的咖啡馆!
在这款咖啡馆游戏中装饰并设计自己梦想中的地方!烹饪美味的食物,让顾客满意 — 在 Cafeland 的创建者看来,这款新的烹饪游戏非常棒!
在 Cafeland 中,你可以烹饪几十种菜肴;甜点、开胃菜、快餐等应有尽有,构成了一款完美的厨房游戏!更不用说还有数百种闪闪发光的新物品来装饰你的咖啡馆了。准备好当咖啡馆老板了吗?大厨,在 Cafeland 中开始餐厅游戏吧,因为这是你的地盘!
* 供应不同烹饪风格的菜肴。
* 用多个炉灶烹饪,供应各种饭菜。
* 解锁新食谱,增加菜单。
* 在柜台上摆满一盘盘美味的菜肴,让顾客满意。
* 从各种食物类别选择。
* 制作整个厨师镇最美味的汉堡。
* 提供优质海鲜。
* 摊开面团,制作酥脆比萨。
* 烘焙松软的巧克力蛋糕。
* 准备浓香炖肉。
* 烘焙、煮、煎或炒;每道菜都将色香味俱全!
* 从数百种华丽装饰中选择。
* 建造特殊物品,提高你的收入。
* 只需轻松一点,即可在墙壁和地板上贴好装饰!
* 开一个熟食店。
* 设计时尚的小酒馆。
* 经营海鲜餐厅。
* 掌管一个高档会所。
* 在名人休息室招待贵宾。
* 成为豪华餐厅的老板。
* 占领整个城市!
* 设计并装饰一个世界闻名的咖啡馆!
* 邀请世界各地的名人前往你的咖啡馆。
* 布置好咖啡馆,准备招待他们。
* 获得好评,赢取神秘礼物!
* 争分夺秒准备处理餐饮订单。
* 将不同类别的食物装入餐盒。
* 为特殊顾客送去美味大餐。
* 获得朋友的帮助!
* 完成餐饮订单,赚钱并赢取大奖!
成为 5 星级厨师!
* 成为这个咖啡馆界的大师!
* 听取顾客的反馈,查找优缺点。
* 保持咖啡馆清洁。
* 扩张领地,获得更大空间!
* 提高你的能力。
* 将自动售货机装满!
* 按你内心希望的样子装饰!
* 让每个人都喜欢它!
* 拜访好友,并帮助他们。
* 互赠神秘礼物。
* 寻求餐饮业方面的帮助。
* 加入社区,结识新厨师!
* 会见 Cafeland 全体人员,让他们引领你前进。
* 与伊娃携手完成任务!
* 请凯蒂帮你处理主管任务。
* 需要建造物品时,向克里斯寻求帮助。
* 加入托尼爷爷,尝试他的新食谱!
玩 Cafeland 时遇到问题或要提供建议/反馈?我们希望收到你的来信!
你可以在玩游戏期间使用设置中的“联系”按钮,或发送电子邮件至:[email protected] 联系我们
2016 Gamegos - 保留所有权利
2019-05-13 11:36:56
2019-05-13 11:20:58
简介:b font color="#018219" 欢迎实境的无限的可能性立方的世界。 /font /b
b u font color="#018219" *** 产品特点 *** /font /u /b
• 本场比赛的高优化和代世界在都现代设备。
• 随机生成的地图为了行动完全自由。
• 动态变化的世界。
• 线上多人游戏的测试版与你的朋友一起玩!
• 两种游戏状态:生存和创造力。
• 许多不同的块和对象。
b 在RealmCraft多人游戏测试版模式中,您可以在线玩真人: /b
• 在一个世界聚在一起,向彼此展示最令人惊叹的建筑物!
• 在实时聊天中讨论游戏功能或游戏任务;
• 给人们提供建议如何建造他们的庇护所/房屋/城镇!
• 玩的开心同朋友!
• 获得最惊人的体验!
b 遵循 : /b
b TWITTER: /b https://twitter.com/TellurionInfo
b FACEBOOK: /b https://www.facebook.com/RealmCraft.Game/
b YOUTUBE: /b https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2jqGx9MXCUJjYZY_f19vug
b FORUM: /b http://forum.tellurionmobile.com/
b INSTAGRAM: /b https://www.instagram.com/tellurionmobile_games/
b VK: /b https://vk.com/realmcraftgame
RealmCraft不是官方的Mojang应用程序。 这个游戏与 Minecraft Pocket Edition 没有关联或关联。 “我的世界”是Mojang的商标,它不被RealmCraft游戏的创作者或其许可人所认可或附属。
2019-05-13 11:14:48
麻倉桃 雨宮天 夏川椎菜 佐倉綾音 小倉唯
小松未可子 大橋彩香 悠木碧 斎藤千和
加藤英美里 其他(敬称略)
2019-05-13 11:07:54
官 網:https://m.gm99.com/clx
※家園建造 同居之樂:海邊豪宅,山間木屋,你可以選擇不同的地段建房,親手佈置溫馨的小窩,種地養鴨,盡享田园之乐;還能邀請好友同居,閒時與鄰里聚會玩樂,更多玩法等你來發現!
※自由捏臉 千人千面:拒絕大眾臉,從捏臉系統開始!高超整容,整到你滿意,命格、奇遇、結局因你而變,梟雄,大俠,殺手,浪客,你的一舉一動都可能影響最終的命運。
※市井百態 真實人生:在這裡,每個NPC都是血肉豐滿的存在,可以談心喝酒,也能調戲結仇。還能偷西瓜、搬水罐、生火取暖、吃瓜降暑,解鎖古代生活的各種新技能、新姿勢!
※瀟灑輕功 探索江湖:飛簷走壁,穿門過戶,瀟灑來去才是俠客風姿,天下之大任你闖,還能結合門派技能,躲避攻擊、凌空放招,扭轉戰局,只在一瞬!
2019-05-13 11:07:02
使用先進的3D Unity引擎技術,打造絢麗唯美的場景及細緻的光影特效,無論是高山流水或是刀光劍影,都能讓玩家享受最真實的視覺效果,完美呈現遊戲畫面。在這燈光美氣氛佳的場景中,妹子/鮮肉,還能不被你迷得不要不要的?
粉絲團 :https://www.facebook.com/tccy.istargame/
2019-05-13 11:01:47
简介:宇宙魔方已经破碎,漫威宇宙陷入混沌! 机不可失,您必须与超级英雄和反派人物(包括复仇者联盟、银河护卫队、蜘蛛侠等)一道联手,收集碎片让宇宙复原。
超过 100 张您喜爱的漫威人物卡片等您收集,包括美国队长、索尔、夜魔侠、毒液、奇异博士和灭霸。 打造您的完美卡牌组合,在单人模式下指挥角色作战,或者在玩家对战模式下与全球玩家硬碰硬展开热血激战。 制定战略,派遣您的角色在这款史诗级卡牌收集战役游戏中展开行动。
• 超过 100 张超级英雄和超级反派卡片等您收集,包括钢铁侠、黑寡妇、蜘蛛侠、洛基等,画风让人眼前一亮,每幅均为藏品级杰作。
• 打造您的卡牌组合,创造您的最强战队。超级英雄和超级反派供您自由组合,包括复仇者联盟、捍卫者联盟、神盾特工局及其他!
• 制定您的战略:连出三张卡牌进攻您的敌人。
• 在单人模式下开战或一开始就直接进入对战模式。
• 释放超强动作卡片,击倒您的敌人。
■ 社交
在MARVEL Battle Lines官方FACEBOOK中查看更新和各种活动信息吧!
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/MVLBattleLines/
■ 帮助
游戏中遇到了一些问题?请访问客服中心哦! or https://i.nx.com/2Qj
■ 建议配置
MARVEL Battle Lines至少需要OS 5.0 / 三星GALAXY S6或以上的设备才可流畅进行游戏。如设备未达到要求,游戏中可能会出现闪退等异常现象。
■ 个人信息保护政策:
■ 使用条约:
※ 本APP包含内购功能,此项功能可在设置中解除。
■ 智能手机APP访问权限引导
照片/媒体/文件保存: 下载追加的游戏内容。在客服中心中给客服发送截图。
※ 选择性的访问权限不会对游戏造成影响。
安卓 6.0 以上: 设置 gt; 程序 gt; 选择权限项目 gt; 权限目录 gt; 同意访问权限或撤回选择
未达到安卓 6.0: 升级操作系统撤回访问权限,或删除APP
※ APP没有单独同意功能,可用上面的方法撤回访问权限。
2019-05-13 09:56:07
2019-05-13 08:17:34
简介:별 키우기 : 새로운 세계는 어떤 별에 도착한 인류의 사령관이 되어 별을 발전 시켜나가는 게임입니다.
광산에서 자원을 채굴하고 가공하여 자원을 모으세요.
그리고 실시간으로 변경되는 경제 상황에 맞게 별을 발전 시켜보세요.
소중하게 벌어들인 돈을 외계생물체로부터 지켜내세요!!!!
적을 물리치면 경험치와 돈을!!
아니면 나의 돈이 위험해요.
그리고 단순히 자원을 모아서 돈을 모으는것 말고도 여러가지 방법으로 돈을 모을 수 있습니다.
자원을 더 비싼 가격을 받을 수 있도록 가공하거나!
일꾼을 많이 고용하여, 자원을 빨리 캐거나!
건물을 지어 임대료를 받거나, 비싸질때 팔거나!
인행 한방이다! 주식에 투자해서 한방을 노리거나!
나는 장사를 잘 한다! 라고 하시면, 자원을 싸게 사서 비싸질대 팔아버리거나!
안전한게 제일이다! 은행에 돈을 왕창 넣고, 이자를 받아 꾸려나가거나!
나만의 노하우로 별키우기
별을 키워라!
나만의 전략으로 돈을 모아 별을 키워보세요!
이렇게 된거!
어디 한번 해봅시다~!
꾸준한 업데이트도 기대해주세요!
개발자 연락처 :
2019-05-13 08:16:55
简介:우주선이 정체불명의 행성에 불시착했어요!
과학자들이 이곳에서 유용한 식물들을 키울 수 있다고 합니다.
외계식물을 재배하여 생존하세요.
발전하고, 또 발전하세요!
그리고 우주선을 완성하여 이곳을 탈출해주세요!
식물을 재배해주세요.
그리고 자원관리에 신경을 쓰며 행성을 발전시켜주세요.
그러면 우리가 탈출 할 수 있는 우주선을 만들수 있을거에요!!
개발자 연락처 :
2019-05-13 08:12:24
简介:Brix Breaker Adventure is a simple game, yet addicting and can train your memory and analytical skills.
Select 2 or more adjacent box with same color, then select again to pop and gain score.
The more box you pop in a single tap, the more score you gain!
- Arcade Game Mode
- Level Game Mode, it has so many level to solve!
- Earn coins by playing!
- Buy item with your coins
- Item Gravity : change gravity to up or down
- Item Linker : make a brix become universal color
- Unlock more arcade mode with your coins
Credits To:
Music quot;Carefree quot; by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Sound Effect by http://www.freesfx.co.uk
2019-05-13 08:11:19
简介:BaghChal is a strategic, two-player board game that originates in Nepal. The game is asymmetric in that one player controls four tigers and the other player controls up to twenty goats. The tigers #39;hunt #39; the goats while the goats attempt to block the tigers #39; movements. This game is also seen in southern India with different board but the rules are same. The game is played on a five by five point grid, like alquerque (an ancestor of draughts or checkers). Pieces are positioned at the intersection of the lines and not inside the areas delimited by them. Directions of valid movement between these points are connected by lines. The game play takes place in two phases. In the first phase the goats are placed on the board while the tigers are moved. In the second phase both the goats and the tigers are moved. For the tigers, the objective is to quot;capture quot; five goats to win. Capturing is performed as in alquerque and draughts, by jumping over the goats, although capturing is not obligatory. The goats win by blocking all the tigers #39; legal moves.
2019-05-13 08:10:18
简介:It is a simple logic board game which can play with friends with one cellphone without network. Here are the rules:
Use 8-player-game as an example, Of course you can set any player number according to the count of friends:
[1] 7 players of 8 get a same word, they are Averages. Another one get a different word, he/she is the Spy. At this time Averages and Spy don #39;t know the identity of himself/herself or others.
[2] Everyone say something to describe what he got to give his companions tips and should not let the Spy know what the real word is. For example, if Averages got quot;dog quot; and Spy got quot;cat quot;, they may say quot;It #39;s an animal quot;, quot;It has four legs quot;, quot;It is a pet quot; or something ambiguous to test others #39; identity.
[3] After description of everybody, all the players vote who is the one might-be-spy. Who get the highest vote should be out. If real Spy is out, then the Averages win. Otherwise, game continue for another speaking and voting round. If some players got same votes, they should say something and let other players vote out one of them.
[4] If there are 3 players left (If all players count less than 7, it would be 2 players left) and Spy still not out, then Spy win.
[5] If there is a Blank in game (you can set it, that would bring more fun),he/she gets no word, so he/she don #39;t know how to describe, he/she should pretend like he/she know something to avoid being voted out. Averages should find out who is Mr. Blank and vote him out before the Spy, otherwise Blank would win if Spy is out.
Game operations:
Just see the help menu in game.
2019-05-13 08:09:26
简介:黑白棋,又叫翻转棋(Reversi)、奥赛罗棋(Othello)、苹果棋或反棋(Anti reversi)。黑白棋在西方和日本很流行。游戏通过相互翻转对方的棋子,最后以棋盘上谁的棋子多来判断胜负。它的游戏规则简单,因此上手很容易,但是它的变化又非常复杂。有一种说法是:只需要几分钟学会它,却需要一生的时间去精通它。
2019-05-13 08:09:20
简介:You must know Domino whcih is the famous board game and with different modes. In this simple and relaxing game you will have fun.
Will you be a Dominoes master?Download it for free.
There are 3 modes in Domino.
1. Draw dominoes
Simple, relaxing, play your tiles on either side of the board. You only need to match the tile you have with one of the 2 ends already on the board.
2. Block dominoes
Basically the same as Draw Dominoes. The main difference is you have to pass your turn if you run out of options (whereas you can pick an extra domino from the boneyard in the previous mode).
3. Dominoes All Five
More complex. Each turn, you need to add all ends of the board, and count the number of pips on them. If it is a multiple of five, you score those points. A bit difficult at first but you will quickly get it!
Share to your friends and have fun!
2019-05-13 08:07:23
標準模式或者 chess960隨機模式。
2019-05-13 08:06:43
简介:这片土地已经开始大火,并开始燃烧城市。 消防员已经开始扑灭火灾,但水管系统真的很老,在某些地区已经破裂。 他们派你去修理管道,泄漏并拯救城市。
2019-05-13 08:06:16
简介:Welcome to the game that will be popular now, Magic Tiles CNCO Piano Tiles 2019 songs and be a pianist,
if you like music, you will enjoy this tap piano application.
The game is really simple and easy but challenging.
There are many choices of Game song, and of course we will always updated the newest songs list.
High quality piano Hey DJ songs, and some popular top music that is liked today
We created these melodies on our own with this machine piano tiles game you can play while train your finger speed in this application and concentration in touching the piano tiles.
Tap on Black and blue tiles as quick as you can to go as far as you can.
Keep those fingers quick and your mind lit!
How to play :
- Press the start bar to start play.
- Avoid black blades carefully, otherwise you will experience surprises.
- Get your highest score in this application.
- Free piano sounds download
- No skill needed
- New songs are added every week.
- Amazing Graphic and music
Hope you enjoy with boys! don #39;t forget to give rating for this game so that it becomes a well-known game.
Happy playing and thank you.
This game is not an official app. There is no copyrighted material, everything we make is done by us including the piano music!
2019-05-13 08:05:34
简介:Play Reversi with friends anytime, anywhere or challenge an AI in this beautifully designed and feature-packed free Reversi app!
Reversi is an exciting board game where one disk placed wrong can lead to a huge loss. Can you manage to master this game?
h1 b Features /b /h1
h2 b Play with friends (Local/LAN) /b /h2
Prove your smartness to your friends by inviting them to a Reversi match. You can choose to play with your friends on the same device or connect two devices wirelessly via a LAN connection. Multiplayer functions work properly even without internet access, so a mobile hotspot is good enough to start a PvP match anywhere.
h2 b Play with AI /b /h2
AIs with different difficulties are available in this app. Learn the basics with the easy AI, hone your skills with the medium AI and challenge yourself to beat the hard AI. Most of the AIs in this app utilises the minimax algorithm to decide their next move while others are trained artificial neural networks.
h2 b Different game modes /b /h2
Getting bored with the classic Reversi game? Try out some special modes in this app! No matter who you are facing, an AI or another player, you can choose to play on the extra large game board or to enable some creative special rules such as #39;Flip #39; or #39;Flash #39;. Get the app to find out the details of those modes!
h2 b Help text available /b /h2
A short description of the game rules along with animations is available in-app to get you started even if you haven #39;t heard of Reversi before.
h2 b Designed for both phones and tablets /b /h2
This app is designed to adapt to different screen sizes so that you can enjoy the game across multiple devices.
2019-05-13 08:05:19
简介:The best arcade game ever is now available for mobile.
We have spent so many times on Math amp; physics logics on the gameplay, to make the most unique gameplay ever for you.
Tap logically and wisely to keep it up. avoid red color ball obstacles and collect golden flowers as much as you can to gain higher points to be the best in the world.
This Hyper casual game starts simple but when you progress it will be hard to master.
Like other switch games, there are color balls which switch the coloring ball into a big, big ball, colorful red ballz, which can make it impossible to pass it and collect golden flowers and get higher points and achievement.
The game seems to be a simple tap to keep it up game, while it is brain challenging like puzzle games such as word games, word puzzles etc.
Keep amaze balls up, jump up or fall down to progress to the next episode.
Download now to experience the best roller color splat game.
Game features:
* High-quality Musics
* High-Quality Graphics
* Stress reliever game
* Unique Gameplays
* Too many stunning items to be unlocked
* Challenge your brain reaction
If you have any inquiry please do not hesitate to contact us via email:
[email protected]
For more information regarding privacy policy etc please visit our website:
2019-05-13 08:04:39
简介:I am a potato - Potaty.
Take care of me.
I have a ball, bed, pool, forest, toys.
I have to eat, sleep, play and heal.
Clean me when I #39;m dirty.
Collect coins in the forest.
2019-05-13 08:03:18
简介:Mastermind X2
Mastermind or Master Mind is a board game for two players.
One player becomes the codemaker, the other the codebreaker.
Usually are used six colors and a sequence of size 4 pegs.
The codemaker chooses a pattern of four code pegs.
The chosen pattern is visible to the codemaker but not to the codebreaker.
The codebreaker tries to guess the pattern, in both order and color (usually in 10 turns).
The codemaker provides feedback:
A white peg is placed for each code peg from the guess which is correct in both color and position.
A black key peg indicates the existence of a correct color code peg placed in the wrong position.
Once feedback is provided, another guess is made.
Mastermind X2
In this version created to Android allows you to play against CPU or another friend.
- Size of the sequence between 4 and 6;
- Repeat or not the colors in sequence.
2019-05-13 08:02:37
简介:Ludo Stars is modern style of the epic board game Ludo. Download now to play against other stars worldwide. Defeat opponents, and make your own strategies to destroy them and show your skills.
Login with Facebook or create a Ludo Stars account.
English and Arabic languages available, you can change it in the settings.
Express yourself by sending emojis to your opponents.
Play against one player in Two player mode or against three players in four player mode.
You can play with gems to increase your win probability.
Every win gives you more coins.
Every player in the game rolls the dice. To enter a token into play from its yard to its starting position, a roll result must be (6). If the player has no tokens yet in play and rolls other than a (6), the turn moves to the next player. Once a player has one or more tokens in play, he selects a token and moves it forward along the track the number of squares indicated by the dice. Players must always move a token according to the dice value rolled. If no move is available, the turn moves to the next player.
When the roll result is (6), the player may choose to advance a token already in play, or may enter another staged token from its yard to its starting position. Rolling a (6) earns the player quot;bonus quot; roll in that turn. If the bonus roll results in a (6) again, the player earns a bonus roll. and so until the roll result is other than (6).
When a token reaches its destination. The owner player gets quot;bonus quot; roll.
If the advance of a token ends on a square occupied by an opponent #39;s token, the opponent token is returned to its owner #39;s yard. Your token can #39;t eliminate an opponent #39;s token if the opponent #39;s token is on a safe square (marked as star on the board). The returned token can be reentered into play only when the owner rolls a (6).
Follow us:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/funsocietystudio
Download now and defeat the stars.
2019-05-13 08:02:15
简介:Hey A.R.M.Y, this tribute game for BTS is absolutely fit your needs. Believe me or not! Check out its features:
*** Special game play - a mash up of puzzle and brick breaking game.
*** 300+ dope puzzles about BTS for your to exploring.
*** Puzzles keep falling down from the sky, aim and shoot them. Remember: stay bulletproof.
*** Break those puzzles before they get down to the floor. There will blood, sweat and tears
*** When you break a puzzle, you #39;ll face a question about our bangtan boys in luv.
*** There are 4 types of puzzle, about fan art, mv, music and members profile.
And remember, you never walk alone, share the play joyful with other A.R.M.Y by visit the fanpage
Hope you have fun :)
2019-05-13 08:01:21
简介:Mastermind or Master Mind is a code-breaking game for one or two players. A secret code is given by computer or one player, and you must figure it out using guesses.
One player secretly puts four colored pegs in the spaces behind a screen at once end of the game board(Duplicates and blanks are allowed). The other player, the code breaker, makes a series of guesses. After each guess, the code maker uses smaller pegs to tell the code breaker if their guessed pegs are the right color and in the right place, are the right color but the wrong place. The code breaker makes another guess in the next row, building upon information from previous guesses, trying to match the pegs the code maker hide at the beginning of the game.