2019-04-27 08:54:20
Ace Air Force: Super Hero is a Classic scrolling Sky Force shooter arcade game.
In the year 2099, Earth has suddenly become the target of deranged aliens known as the Cranas, Following the invasion, the World Alliance Military builds a new cutting-edge weapon, the Ace Air Force,Based on a captured alien craft, it is humanity #39;s only hope for survival.
Now, you are a Super fighter in the Ace air force under the command of the corrupt leaders, and your MISSION is to KILL Alien civilians and to RESCUE World Alliance Military leaders!Your corrupt commanders think that by killing your people you will save their neck from a fair trial. Besides, they think that no one will dare to object.
Don #39;t forget! If you get a rescue call from lost people in the mountains, go and rescue them if they are alien enemy, otherwise let them die or go kill them!
The hottest shooter is no push over, but the invigorating gameplay and vast library of
achievements will keep both casual players and hardcore gamers hooked as you upgrade your ship and take it a little deeper into the incredible battlefield time after time.
★ Beautiful levels with immersive missions to complete.
★ Multiple extreme boss battles.
★ Upgrade your shields, guns, missiles, lasers, mega-bombs and magnets.
★ Risk everything to rescue civilians.
★ Brand new weekly tournaments against other players.
★ Boost your final score with a host of in-game achievements.
★ Rescue fallen opponents to win extra lives and stars.
★ Accessible to beginners, as well as hardcore shooter addicts.
★ Full voiceover and incredible electronic soundtrack.
★ Seven gorgeous scenes,Vivid sound effect!
if you the best and most enjoyable flight shooting game,this game is for you.
If you got any problems with Ace Air Force: Super Hero please send us an e-mail, we will do our best to help you.
2019-04-27 08:53:32
2019-04-27 08:50:53
简介:The prequel to the choose your own adventure game Seul (Alone) the entree - dark thriller text stories. Wonderfully surreal as an ordinary day in the life of a character who holds secret alleyways of unsettling and unexpected views, unfolds to the reader. Painful and touching, it offers the private thoughts of a person contemplating the philosophical question of whether to end their life or not. Aiming to raise awareness to the taboo subject.
Seul (Alone) The day before, is a prequel precursor to Seul (Alone) The entree, it takes place literally the day before.
It is an intimate and heartrending journey into a vast project of a world and another world behind that world that sits within yet another world. But through this project it never loses its investment into the lives of the people involved.
Unexpectedly moving at times there is a kind of shroud between the reader and the characters that seems to dissolve. Over the course of options chosen one begins to learn the inner workings of the expansive cast and their thoughts, troubles, emotional motivations and qualms that begin to resonate with you and dig so deep that it can be troubling.
Seul (Alone) The day before, is the doorway into that and will give back what you are willing to put into it, with incredible depth that at times will reach deep inside you.
It’s memory will linger because everybody is a story that is written Seul (Alone).
2019-04-27 08:49:20
简介:Fight through the graveyards and haunted forests, crypts and tombs filled with unspeakable horrors! Spin the daily treasure wheel, visit the shop and take control of four different warriors and their powerful magic weapons.
2019-04-27 08:45:23
简介:اهلا بكم في لعبة منصور ثلج في الصحراء وهي لعبة جد ممتعة وشيقة وذات طابع مغامرات و اثاراة ونبدأها بتعريفنا لبطلنا منصور من كرتون منصور من قناة ماجد المعروفة والشهورة جدا والرائدة والرائعة والممتعة لكل اطفال الوطن العربي.
وهو الفتى الاماراتي من ابو ظبي و عمره 10 سنوات اي طفل رائع و يهوى الكثير من الرياضات يحب رياضة الجيجتسو وكرة القدم و يحلم بان يصبح مهندس طيران كبير في المستقبل لأنه طموح و مغامر شغوف و يسعى لنشر المحبة والتآخي بين كل افراد المجتمع.
وسوف تلعب لعبة منصور يصنع الة صنع الثلج لكي يجعل جو الصحراء باردا قليلا ولكي يستمتع هو واصدقاءه بالثلوج وسط الصحراء وهذا سيكون بمساعدتكم.
كيفية لعبة منصور ثلج في الصحراء؟
how i play Mansour making snow in desert and runnning Adventure?
you have just to click the screen to make mansour jump and avoid the obstacles and try to collect your best amount of snow balls for mansouri to pass to the snow world and you can let him make it.
ما عليك سوى مساعدة البطل منصور في الصحراء القاحلة بمساعدتكم سيصبرح منصور قادرا على اللعب بالثلوج وسط الصحراء وهذا من خلال الجري وسط الصحراء وجمع كرات الثلج التي في الطريق لكي تبقي الثلج ينسكب وتستمع وتجعل منصور واصدقاءه يستممتعون باللعب بذلك فما عليك سوى جمع الكثير من كرات الثلج بقد استطاعتك وحماية منصور في نفس الوقت من الوحوش والمخاطر والحيوانات الخطيرة التي تصادف طريقك وتحاول منعك من جمع الثلوج للاستمتاع بها وفي نفس الوقت علك جمع 3000 قطعة ثلجيية لكي تستطييع لعب المرحلة اللامنتهية والرائعة .
ماهي مميزات لعبة منصوري ثلج في الصحراء؟
why i should play Mansour run Adventure ?
- خلفيات رائعة وذات جودة عالية
- وجود اصدقاء منصوري مثل سالم وتركي وشما وعبيد الامراتيين
- مراحل مختلفة ومنوعة وبكل مرحلة اعمال لذكاءك اكثر
- شخصيات مرحة وومتعة وعراقيل وماصعب متنوعة
- شخصية منصور الحقيقية واصواته وهذا ما يظفي المتعة للعبة
- وجود عالمين في اللعبة في الصحراء والثلوج
- صغر حجم اللعبة وهذا ما يسهل عليكم تحميلها
- تدرج الصعوبة من السهل للصعب
- Mansour run Adventure Hd Wallpapers
- سهولة وسلاسة اللعب
- تستطيع مشاركة اللعبة مع الاصدقاء عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي
- امكانية زيارة صفحتنا من خلال اللعبة والتعليق فيها وملاقاتك اصدقاءك هنالك من محبي الكرتون العربي الجميل ايضا
في الاخير نتمنى ان تنال اللعبة اعجابكم و ندعوكم للمشاركتها مع الاصدقاء والتعليق و التقييم
كما نشكركم على التحميل
تحيات منصوري لكم يا اصدقاء
2019-04-27 08:44:24
简介:在突变体格斗擂台上跟勇猛的突变体战斗并攻击凶狠的敌人! 继受欢迎的Mutant Fighting Cup 游
戏, Y8 为大家带来一个新鲜又刺激的打斗游戏续集-Mutant Fighting Arena 突变体格斗擂台!
小心选择您在回合斗争的技术, 然后累积您的法力去使用更利害的攻击和能力。仔细选择您的战
略, 要不然一不小心就会被敌人反攻。您会退回防卫或用辅助能力呢? 精明地打倒您的敌人吧。
胜利得越多就可以赚取越多宝石, 累积越多宝石就可以用来解开一系列新款独特攻击招数和其它
能力。玩打斗来提升您突变体的级数, 花钱币来解开更多新技巧, 令突变体更威猛强劲。怎么样?
您准备好 Y8 给您全新的突变体挑战吗?
特点 :
您需要精明地选择每一步。多元化技巧助您建立新策略, 随意斗。特强攻击招数可以反败为胜。
超过15个突变体可以解封。加上刺激的音乐去配合情调。可独自玩, 或与AI 对打, 或与其他玩家
在线上对打。通过跨平台多玩家, 无论在那个平台, 您和朋友们都可以齐来玩在线玩家VS玩家战
进入Y8 最新的突变体格斗擂台, 挑选一个突变体, 投入历程, 展示你的好身手吧!
2019-04-27 08:37:21
简介:Dopo gli eventi di Infinity Imperium nasce un universo tasca, dove si creano i Plantoidi! Una forma di vita vegetale che vaga nello spazio a terra formare interi pianeti e sistemi solari. Percorrendo i secoli questa forma di vita si evolse e prese coscienza di se, iniziando la sua espansione nell’universo tasca! Planton si basa sullo stile a tempo reale e gestionale, dove si prenderà il comando di una colonia. Bisognerà espandere le prorie colonie nei pianeti fino alla terraformazione di intere galassie!
2019-04-27 08:34:23
简介:Fun and relaxing logical game with numbers.
Fill in rows and get score points!
Rich higher score each time you play! Fight your the best score again and again!
Game features:
- collect the score points and reach a higher level. The goal is to reach a higher score.
- when row or column is full, it will be decreased by one
- use panels to store tiles with number one to use them later
- use shake field bonus if it’s required to find better numbers combination
2019-04-27 08:33:16
比赛非常简单,滑动手指,使球滚动并完成关卡。享受这个无尽的益智游戏,在油漆迷宫中拍摄。你知道吗 b Roller Splat! Splashy /b
b 如何玩这个ROLLER SPLAT喷喷,游戏? /b
b 什么是这个惠勒球和LEVELS的特点? /b
•Splashy roller,全新且令人兴奋的游戏
b Splat Roller Puzzle Splashy - 滚动水平。 AMaze与Laberito de bolas /b 你会发现:
- 独特而无限的水平
- 完全免费
- 易于播放和直观
- 独特和有趣的难题的水平。
- 滚动球具有流动性和满意度。
- 干净漂亮的3D图形,色彩丰富
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- 放松和令人上瘾的免费益智游戏
- 明亮多彩。
- 许多强烈的油漆颜色。
- 简单而令人满意。
- 美丽的锐度和流畅的绘画物理。
的 b 有关的问题游戏免费 /b
b 向下滚动,向上和围绕 /b 的,而你通过迷宫,涂满和pintarrajeas所有三维迷宫飞溅滚动强烈彩弹。像帆布一样的白色迷宫,你将留下画像一个pickaso。完成每个难题的无限级别。一个新的游戏,你将完成所有的绘画所有的大厅和角落与一个美丽而明亮的油漆谁不喜欢给新鲜的油漆良好的外衣?
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每个人。它是Roller Splash和Splat的替代品!儿童原创。你会想念它吗? // www
Roller Puzzle Splashy - Endless Maze Splat
Welcome to the Addictive roller endless puzzle game. Roll and splashy splat over the color maze
Are you ready?
Slide your screen to move your ball Rolling around the endless maze. Clear all the paint to complete the level. Addictive puzzle game, with infinite levels where you will need to be Smart to complete the level, the difficulty grows up on each level!
With a clean, funny and beautiful design, you will get fun just sliding one finger in your screen. Use your mind to complete the maze! Splash on the paint, absorb it!
Roller splash is perfect for casual players and for kids, because it is easy to play, very intuitive, and you need to be Smart to complete the levels.
- Unique and infinite levels
- Relaxing and addictive free puzzle game
- Totally free
- Clean and beautiful 3D graphics, with a lot of color
- Easy to play and intuitive
滚子拼图Splashy - 无尽的迷宫声
欢迎来到上瘾滚轮无尽益智游戏。 在彩色迷宫上滚动和飞溅的声
滑动屏幕移动球在无尽的迷宫中滚动。 清除所有油漆以完成关卡。 令人上瘾的益智游戏,无限级别,你需要聪明才能完成关卡,难度在每个级别都会增长!
有了干净,有趣和漂亮的设计,只需在屏幕上滑动一根手指即可获得乐趣。 用你的头脑完成迷宫! 飞溅在油漆上,吸收它!
- 独特而无限的水平
- 放松和令人上瘾的免费益智游戏
- 完全免费
- 干净漂亮的3D图形,色彩丰富
- 易于播放和直观
2019-04-27 08:31:23
简介:Tic Tac Toe / Noughts and Crosses / Xs and Os, is a board game for two players, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a grid. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal in the line wins the game.
Play Tic Tac Toe on your phone for free. It is a great way to pass the time by playing Tic Tac Toe.
Game features :
Smart AI.
Toss system.
Single Player and Two Players game mode.
Super cool background, effects and graphics.
Can change players name.
No ads in the game.
Download and Get Free Tic Tac Toe now and let the fun begins!
Note : There are no online multiplayer modes right now. Planning to add it soon.
Search Keywords :
Tic Tac Toe, Tic Tac Toe XO, Tic tac toe, Tic tac toe new, tic tac toe, tictactoe
2019-04-27 08:30:19
2019-04-27 08:29:55
2019-04-27 08:27:21
简介:Split and back together, what the love is!!!
tap the screen and coach your role to catch the coins.
Watch the falling weapons!!!
2019-04-27 08:24:19
2019-04-27 08:23:30
简介:Here you’ve got sequel of our bank robbery missions. Don’t let the police cars crime chase the clown robbers to recover the robbed money of city bank New York. Get the laudable success in armed heist amp; enjoy ultimate shooting in robbers vs. police battle. Instead of third person shooting game, its utter first person shooting to make the robbery shootout missions more thrilling.
Get the artillery and challenge your reflexes by plunging in the ultimate bank robbery spree. The commissioner received the emergency call of thugs amp; robbers elimination from the city bank. Jump in amp; strike to stop the cops and as killer clown bank robbers, rob away the money, diamonds amp; antiques by loading on armored trucks in first person shooting games. Armed heist on different locations of the city has been your ultimate goal. Unleash the mischievous clown robber from inside to win over the SWAT police squad, enter into the bank, be met with each and every cop amp; confront them invincibly. Fight as mafia lead, safe the bank cash from vigilant cops of the crime city ny police battle shooting games.
Being the epic robbery hero, beat the American cops, enjoy the armed heist which is action and shooting games and that is in blocky art of ny police chase bank robbery games. Lockdown the area as robbery legends and don’t let the cops amp; ny police run away and defame the terror of bank robbers mafia in SWAT force robbery games. The clown mafia is getting the nerve by robbing the banks. Don’t let police hero exterminate the fear and face off as the scary clown mafia in the crime city armed heist bank robbery games amp; tps games. Your mission is to reach on crime scene and cage the bank robbing crime lord clowns from bank ultimate heist in robbery games. Beat the unbeatable ny police cop hero and make them fly off all of them.
Ultimate Armed Heist : Bank Robbery Shooting Games features:
Non-custom high tech weapons including AK 47, stun gun, smith amp; Wesson and safari land as their duty firearms. Assault rifles, ammo, shotguns amp; long range snipers also be incorporated in the artillery collection. Change the skins of the guns and make its performance more accurate in clown robbery mission. Get the best out of it kill them all.
Get the robber of your choice amp; and skin him with clown masks. Grab the funniest and be as deadly as you can, as bad as you can. Showcase your x commando rebel skills to the world. Every clown is different from the others. Live the life of thug gangster and earn the bullet proof jackets wearing clowns to make it difficult for the cops to kill you in action packed immersive gameplay.
Bank ultimate heist polygonal art oriented game is giving you the chance to become the gangster squad mafia clowns in clown robbery bank ultimate heist. Beware of sneaky cops and don’t let them enter into the bank and spoil the clown robbery fun.
Get prepared with full ammo to have ultimate thrill of modern clown robbery missions. Each mission of fps shooting challenge in different than the other. Remember its not low security bank. Fill your armored trucks and make your way out of this bank ultimate heist slay mode. Stay alert and sharp and lay hold of whatever your heist missions say in fps shooting games.
Bank ultimate heist is never beatable fps shooting game. Far apart from tps (third person shooting games) this all is dependent upon the right health and movement of your gun. So get the best out of scary clown bank robbery. Shoot distinctively and have a pleasant firestorm.
Download, shoot and have fun!!
2019-04-27 08:22:30
简介:Pretend after school life welcome’s you in the world full of adventure and fun play activities. High school have built this wonderful place where you can spend your after school time. Enjoy fast food in cafe, rock on the dance floor in disco, play games, workout and unleash your creative artist skills in art class. This open ended and imaginative game will allow you to create your own story. Role play as a curious explorer to explore and discover interesting interactive stuff on multiple floor building each floor have bundles of entertaining and learning stuff. Now play this pretend after school life game and enjoy your fun time with most exciting doll house.
This role playing game is consists of 5 floors and a big family of characters. Each home floor have fun rooms to explore and discover interactive and playable stuff.
Floor 1 Cafe amp; Club:
Enjoy fast food like burger amp; pizza in restaurant kitchen. Have amazing dancing and music experience in the club. Enjoy on dance floor with friends.
Floor 2 Dresser Room, Gym amp; Games:
On this floor you can dress up the characters with a lot fashion clothes options. Workout different exercises, yoga and gymnastic in the gym. Place multiple arcade games and snooker for spending the awesome fun time with this pretend games.
Floor 3 Locker room, Vending Machine amp; Bedroom:
Explore and play with interactive stuff in the locker room and place multiple stuff in lockers. Put coins in vending machine to get snacks, drinks and candy bars. You can also pretend play in the bed to do rest or interior decor the room.
Floor 4 Library, Art Room amp; Computer Room:
Manage the library book shelves, read books and find secret stuff to play with. Drag and drop stuff like a dollhouse. Print shirts with different designs and test your painting skills in art room. Make sculpture and paint it with different colors. Play with computer like you are in my office.
Rooftop Tennis, Skating amp; Pool:
Enjoy playing tennis with friends and family on the rooftop. Do fun skating in the skating park and show wonderful skills to amaze everyone. Jump in to the pool to enjoy swimming and manage stuff around my pool.
This pretend games for girls is full of self-defined stuff which will help you create your own story. People with autism or autistic sense will also enjoy this super cool game. Now play this pretend after school life game and have fun time.
2019-04-27 08:21:20
简介:LowPoly 3D艺术:按数字绘画
- 抗应激着色!
- 许多彩色拼图!
- 定期更新3D对象!
- 漂亮的3D Poly视觉风格!
- 各种主题套装!
- 这个3D中的独特游戏!
- 迷人的游戏玩法!
安装应用程序并构建您的第一个3D Poly。
2019-04-27 08:19:22
简介:Complete the game!
More levels soon!
Can you guess al the brawlers?
2019-04-27 08:15:12
简介:The 2048 mini Panda is a classic puzzle game. Slide the tiles and merge them to reach 2048 tiles.
Starting at 2,then reaches 32, 128, 512, 1024, and finally to 2048.
Supplemented by props:
crayons used to double that number
the hammer is to remove the numbers
2019-04-27 08:13:22
简介:Feel the power of a chicken flight, Amigo! How a light breeze inflates your feathers, Amigo! Gunpowder barrels will shoot you, Amigo! Fun, Fun, FUN AMIGO!
2019-04-27 08:11:29
简介:Circle Shot - casual game with addictive gameplay, 100 levels and 10 different bosses.
Each level contains bad and good bonuses. Shot and rotate circles to make full color ring and build up your tower. Every 10th level you must win final boss with new gameplay. You can unlock new colors, backgrounds and guns.
Swipe left side fo screen to rotate, push right side to shoot.
Key features:
- 100 levels
- 10 unique bosses
- bright colors
- good and bad bonuses
- building tower
- various puzzles
- addictive gameplay
2019-04-27 08:10:28
简介:Match and merge animals to collect the cutest pets in the world!
- Works offline!
- Over 80 adorable pets to collect!
- Simple drag and merge gameplay!
Love the game?
Come and tell us the new features you would like to see in our Fumb Games Discord channel. You can join via the Settings menu in-game!
2019-04-27 08:09:14
简介:helix jump 2019 :
Helix Crush is amazing adventure game of bouncing jump ball. You need to go through fruit labyrinth.
helix ball falls down and breakdown the helix tower step by step.
You need to helix jump swipe the screen and cut fruits into pieces by slice them with your jumping ball.
Levels are gradually become more complex, but interesting and fun. Test your reaction in this arcade!
Rotate tower more faster to avoid crush and break!
- smooth and convenient control helix jump
- unique 3d game mechanics helix jump
- bouncing ball can have different skins
- suitable for both children and adults
- helix has multiple colors
- simple gameplay, you just need to turn the helix crush
Jump Down Helix game rules:
- Focus on the jumping ball of the helix.
- To control the jumping ball, moving your finger across the screen from side to side.
- Cross the ball between the rotating plates.
- The game ends, if you fall to a different colour zone of the helix.
2019-04-27 08:08:19
◆ 简易又容易上瘾的玩法!
◆ 无限的挑战,获得更高的分数吧!
◆ 透过推进器的强化,可获得更好的效果!
◆ 60种以上的稀有太空船外观!
◆ 挑战与排行榜 – 获得更高的分数与好友竞争吧!
Let #39;s play until dawn!
2019-04-27 08:05:57
简介:Find yourself in the world of constant war, Choose one of 6 classes and 7 locations and feel free to join the battle. Kill the enemyes with swords and magic!