最佳逃脱游戏165 - 异国情调的逃脱游戏简介:你第n次去国外旅行。你已经离开这个国家很多时间了。但是,你一次又一次地去同一个地方。这主要是因为那里的商务会议。你不想承认这一点,但你已经厌倦了进出这个国家。所以你决定去探索其他地方。每个月你都会为国外旅行分配一部分收入。这是你第一次去这个国家。您研究了参观的地方和住宿地点。你找到了这个漂亮的房子。这是您希望拥有的优雅地点之一。但至少在您旅行期间,您可以体验这个地方。所以你预定留在那里。这是一个如此简单的过程。在机场收集你的东西后,你直接去了你的住处。你迫不及待想要探索这个地方,并为你的梦想之家获得灵感。沿着房子的墙壁走,你也注意到它的异国情调。它让你笑得更宽。但是让你皱眉的一件事是,你不能轻易走出这个地方。祝好运并玩得开心点!
타워퀘스트简介:지구가 변했어요.
몬스터가 다가와요.
크나큰 파도가 오고있어요.
얼른 탑을 쌓아서 높은곳으로 가야해요!
헬리콥터를 타면 탈출이 더빠를까요?
지금 타워 퀘스트의 세계로 출발하세요!
◆ 게임소개◆
● 15스테이지 구성 (추가업데이트예정)
● 도시 스테이지
● 숲속 스테이지
● 오래된캐슬 스테이지
● 아이템을 써서 다가오는 위험을 늦추세요.
개발자 연락처 :
寻找黄金宝盒简介:Find Gold Treasure Box是最新的点击逃脱游戏
你作为考古学家工作,你总是寻找不同的东西,并始终专注于一些独特的。 你暗示了你之前工作场所难以想象的财富。 寻宝给你一个新的能量,所以你开始查看线索,最后找到了这个地方,但你不知道如何进入并找到宝藏。 找到所有技巧,找到钻石宝盒,祝贺你赢得比赛。 这场比赛是非常可取的。 祝你好运,玩得开心!
Just Maze简介:Find your way out!!
That’s it!
· · · · · · Game Feature · · · · · · ·
» It’s really really easy to play but ..
» Variety of maze stages more than 100
» Something will follow you! See what happen!
» Simple drag control
Developer - Best Indie Developer MondayOFF Game
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
Kavi Escape Game 544 Buck Escape Game简介:There are a few houses and palaces in a beautiful and magnificent city. The place was beautiful to see. There was a buck in that place. The buck was unexpectedly stuck in a palace there. Your duty is to save the buck from there. It will help you to find the hidden clues where you can save the buck from there. Find all the tricks and save that buck from there and congratulate you to win the game. The tricks of the trick are a little harder to find, but somehow it may be a matter of interest. This game is highly desirable. Good luck and have a fun !
영웅적인 영웅들简介:모험가 무리를 이끌어 던전 깊은 곳까지 탐험해보세요
다양한 기술, 아이템을 모아 더욱 전략적으로 강해질 수 있을 겁니다
개발자 연락처 :
난세: 영웅의 탄생简介:지금, 시대를 정복하라!
100일간의 천하쟁탈 MMORPG #39;난세: 영웅의 탄생 #39;
이 난세를 평정할 영웅은 누가 될 것인가!
◆ 100일간의 시대 확장 시스템
현실의 시간이 흐르면 게임 속 시대가 바뀐다.
시대에 따라 열리는 다양한 콘텐츠와 점차 거대해지는 전장을 경험하라!
◆ 천하쟁탈 국가전
내 나라의 명예를 걸고 싸우는 치열한 전투.
쉴 틈 없이 진행되는 대규모 전투에 승리하여 천하를 쟁탈하라!
◆ 무한경쟁 진영 시스템
당나라 vs 의용군의 끝없는 경쟁.
대립하는 두 진영의 운명의 전쟁이 시작된다!
◆ 매력적인 세계관과 스토리
지키는 자와 바꾸는 자, 당신의 선택은?
중국 실제 역사 기반의 탄탄한 스토리가 펼쳐진다!
◆ 역사 속 명장의 부활, 무장 시스템
중국 역사 속 실제 명장이 나만의 무장으로 탄생.
이젠 전투의 강력한 동반자인 무장과 함께 전투하라!
◆ 고퀄리티 그래픽의 완성
섬세한 풍경과 화려한 스킬의 향연
고퀄리티 그래픽으로 만나는 다양한 콘텐츠를 확인하라!
※ 더 많은 업데이트와 이벤트 내용은 공식카페에서 확인해주세요!
#공식카페 : https://cafe.naver.com/linekongdtws
#브랜드페이지 : http://ns.linekongkorea.co.kr/
앱 접근권한 안내
앱 이용시 아래와 같은 접근권한을 필요로 합니다.
[필수 접근권한]
1. 배터리 정보 조회
- 수집 정보: 없음
- 목적: 게임내의 절전 모드 변경
2. 프로세스 조회
- 필요 권한: GET_TASKS
- 수집 정보: 백그라운드에서 실행중인 앱정보
- 목적: 타 어플 호환성 문제 수집 및 앱 종료
3. 디바이스 상태 조회
- 수집 정보: IMEI(기기고유번호)
- 목적: 중복로그인 체크
4. 시스템 윈도우 접근
- 수집정보: 없음
- 목적: 게임 설치, 다운로드, 업데이트 단계에서 안내 메시지 노출
5. 저장소 접근
- 수집 정보: 없음
- 목적: 게임 리소스 업데이트, 게임의 설정 저장
6. 카메라
- 필요 권한: CAMERA
- 수집 정보: 없음
- 목적: 게임 내 스크린샷 촬영
7. 마이크 권한
- 수집정보: 유저가 발송한 음성 정보
- 목적: 유저의 음성 정보 발송
[접근권한 철회 방법]
설정 gt; 난세 : 영웅의탄생 gt; 접근권한 철회
개발자 연락처
+82 1566-8651
[email protected]
Best Escape Games 170 Rescue The Clad Bear Game简介:There are a few houses and palaces in a beautiful and magnificent city. The place was beautiful to see. There was a clad bear in that place. The clad bear was unexpectedly stuck in a palace there. Your duty is to save the clad bear from there. It will help you to find the hidden clues where you can save the clad bear from there. Find all the tricks and save that clad bear from there and congratulate you to win the game. The tricks of the trick are a little harder to find, but somehow it may be a matter of interest. This game is highly desirable. Good luck and have a fun !
梦幻珠宝: 探索殿简介:b 享受无尽三消趣味游戏《梦幻珠宝: 探索殿》,这里有神秘、美丽的珠宝。 /b
b 《梦幻珠宝: 探索殿》上美丽多彩的珠宝。 /b
b 体验300多个活力关卡和你也想拥有的各种等级的珠宝。 /b
b 没有红心了 /b
b 如何玩《梦幻珠宝: 探索殿》 /b
⊙ 移动并拼凑三个以上相同颜色的珠宝。
⊙ 通过匹配超过4或5颗宝石来获得特殊宝石。
⊙ 尝试使用强大的特殊珠宝轻松清除所有任务。
⊙ 在有限的时间内完成所有任务!
b 无线网?别担心! /b
在没有网络连接的地方,随时随地试玩《梦幻珠宝: 探索殿》。
b 我们的游戏《梦幻珠宝: 探索殿》支持15种语言和所有平板电脑设备。 /b
- 本游戏支持韩文,英文,日本语,简体中文,繁体中文,Русский, português, italian,德文,法文,印度尼西亚, 马来语, 西班牙文与泰文
本游戏可以接受的购买部分道具。 在购买道具时,将会征收额外费用,额外费用将会根据物品类型与消费者权利而定制。
DODAM GAMES粉丝官网 : https://www.facebook.com/DodamGames/
DODAM GAMES官网 : https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=5914057434208552564
DODAM GAMES客户中心 : [email protected]
천년의 소녀:미소녀 육성 게임简介:▣ 레트로 향수 그대로, 육성의 재미!
○ 육성 스케쥴에 따라 바뀌는 다양한 멀티 엔딩
○ 배우고 일하고 여행하고 모험을 떠나고!
▣ 고퀄리티 일러스트와 애니메이션
○ 2D의 아름다움을 그대로! 2.5D 이모션
○ 30여종의 스케줄마다 아기자기한 애니메이션
▣ 전생 시스템을 통한 강력 육성모드
○ 매 생애마다 지급되는 전생 보물
○ 전생 보물을 통한 다양한 유물과 코스튬 제공
▣ 이벤트와 다양한 NPC와의 관계
○ 100여종의 이벤트와 지속적인 이벤트 업데이트
○ NPC와 사교 및 관계를 통한 스토리와 엔딩의 변화
해당 게임은 ADMOB, Unity Ads 광고를 포함하고 있으며, 해당 3rd Party 광고 탑재로 인한 사용자 Permission 요청이 있을 수 있습니다.
The game uses or modifies some of the characters in [JewelSaviorFREE]
The game uses or modifies some of the BGM by 공유마당
개발자 연락처 :
Escape Game - Train Tunnel简介:Escape Game: Train Tunnel is a point and click escape game. A train tunnel worker is trapped in the tunnel. He is unable to escape from the tunnel as he is stuck somewhere. You need to look for him in the tunnel and rescue him. Collect necessary objects in the tunnel as go along which will be useful in your rescue mission. Have fun!
使用助推器和魔法工具爆炸! 爆炸超过3个水果糖果将创造强大的助推器,使用它们果实爆炸所有具有挑战性的障碍,达到你的目标。
- 1000个多汁级别的最佳连接3游戏,具有不同的挑战性目标
- 特殊挑战,如打破冰块和提供门户密钥
- 目标完成后的快乐派对时间
- 轻松有趣的游戏,掌握技巧更有趣
- 与朋友一起玩和竞争
- 免费在不同设备上播放,无需wifi!
- 不断更新新的多汁级别和惊喜
- 每个级别的免费礼品盒,帮助您更轻松地通过水平!
Don't Kill Your Boss!简介:Have some problems at work? Your boss is really terrible? Do not worry, relax.
Just play our new game, have smile and be happy!
Brain already boils and you are all nerves? Play new Stickman Boss Free game and have real fun!
Dozen of great office games inside, make good money doing crazy work assignments and see what happens.
Tap, swipe, be victorious and beat the Boss in your favourite way! Good Luck!
Crushing Things With Car! Crunchy Satisfaction简介:The creators of oddly satisfying ASMR games bring your satisfaction animal to another level in this new addictive idle clicker tap tap experience in which you will enjoy crushing things with car tyre! This latest crushing experience with satisfy every bit of you and melt your brain with amazing crushing animations and the fun will get to another level as you will earn money and unlock more crunchy and soft things in this endless tapping idle game. Destroy your favorite products in the most satisfying way to earn money and upgrade your factory production.
Prepare for an ambient ASMR journey of crushing machine and enjoy crushing bath bombs, slime, floral foams, antistress squish balls, tooth paste, squishy toys amp; wait don’t forget crushing paint balls with car ! Just imagine anything and its there. But wait you need money to buy those things so its not that easy to unlock all the objects. You need to make a lot of money to unlock super amazing squishy amp; crunchy things to enjoy the ultimate car crushing ASMR. Experiment car vs bath bombs, slimes squishy toys and see them crushing with the most powerful crush machine even fat more powerful that the hydraulic press. You will forget shredding things amp; those old objects with the hydraulic press and won’t stop obsessing with the spinning tyre that will destroy everything coming its way to give you an oddly satisfying experience. Nothing can come in between the tire and the object you choose. So download this new antistress relaxing and oddly satisfying addictive incremental game with amazing endless upgrades to kill the boredom amp; see will it crush in front of your eyes?
Try to unlock all the tyres and objects and see on what level can you reach?
Sky Invasion Car Stunt简介:b Sky Invasion Car Stunt /b
b A new style car stunt endless challenge. Reach new stunt expertise level. /b
Games DEN always comes with something new for your entertainment. This time, get started with sky quests in a crazy car. There are multiple missions to complete in the free stunt running game. You will also love realistic adventurous real car graphics and locations with unique vintage cars.
The main features of car dancer game with car on off road race track are truly fun oriented. Beautiful environments of sci-fi landscapes and stunning locations add beauty and charm to the best sky games of car stunt drive. Moreover, spectating sceneries will definitely stun you at more or less every moment while you play the free car chasing running game.
You will drive cars on the beautiful and treacherous yet dangerous track of real drifting car as sky dancing. The player has to prove that he is the best driver around toy cars and jeeps of children and adults. The extreme fun tracks will test car drivers driving skills on a whole new level of sky stunt car drifting and driving. So be prepared for the ultimate drifting challenge of driving cars on a very dangerous track for impossible drive.
In addition to, 35 incredible unique stunt racer cars are going to take part in this fun adventure game. All are handpicked fast and most challenging racing cars of all. You can have fun drive with any car or a racing truck you want after unlocking all race challenge tracks in high sky. Each racing car has specific leading quality which makes it superior to other parkour cars. Some parkor cars are very fast and hold insane speed limits. So ignite engine, hit the race pedal, drift on the track, exhaust gases, and win the champions race of stunts. Go for a crazy drive on super fast amazing and drifting car challenge. A number of real cars are agile and very quick in handling of city invasion car stunts trick master. However, for car racers those who like superb acceleration, we also have parkor games car for them.
The gameplay of the sky quests game is very amazing. Missions of the impossible truck race game are remarkable with two distinct modes. For those, who enjoy driving cars on an endless track, we present endless mode in the game. But for car drivers who love to challenge their skills on a professional level, they can play race challenge mode in the free racing game.
The endless mode requires consistent race driving skills in the vintage car game. The track for 4x4 race is very tricky. It is a combination of free running tracks suspended in the midair giving a very spectacular view of open sky. These real race tracks are a few hundred meters long and a bit narrow. There are a few hurdles as well to give you a thrilling ride in the off road racing game. You have to avoid these obstacles and hurdles on free running track. Try to drive as far as you can in the open sky. This will add your entry in your score board. Challenge your friends in the best car race game of 2018 and enjoy.
b u Features: /u /b
b Wide Range of Cars Selection /b
b Realistic 3D graphics /b
b Spectacular locations /b
b Dangerous car racing tracks /b
b Superb car stunts and jumps /b
b Collection of 35 different racer cars /b
b Challenges to test your skills /b
b Free drive mode for endless fun /b
Best of Luck…!!
If you have no wifi, you can play real sky car stunts on impossible tracks, absolutely free. So quickly download this interesting real crazy flying car impossible stunt driving game of 2018 offered by Games DEN available on Google Play Store on your android smartphones.
Escape game Escape from the sunken house简介:Escape game Escape from the sunken house
I go out to the sea to try fishing with a small boat, but there is an unexpected accident there ...! !
[Difficulty level] Easy
[Charge] completely free
[Method of operation]
Move the viewpoint by tapping the arrow
Examine the screen by tapping
Used with item selected (white frame)
When an item is selected (white frame), tap again to enlarge
Tap another item in the state of magnified view and combine it
[Providing material]
OtoLogic : https://otologic.jp
Music-Note.jp: http://www.music-note.jp/
Pocket Sound: https://pocket-se.info/
wood cube puzzle简介:wood block puzzle is a classic puzzle game entertaining and addictive wood block game!
you get 3 block puzzle each turn and you have to place them correclty while leaving place for the next one (no space = game over). It looks simple, but difficult to master.
perfect to keep you active and relax your mind at the same time while playing with wood block puzzle.
Completely free . Once you start, you will be more like this block puzzle classic games.
Amazing wood block puzzle?
* Beautiful Wooden style scene
* Fun and classic brick game
* Funny and colorful graphic
* Free game
* help board
* Different modes
Now try to enjoy this classic block puzzle games!
Mini Retro Racing简介:Race by avoiding alien animals.
If you expected a tedious game that races with just one car, #39;Mini Retro Racing #39; will be beyond your imagination.
You can experience the thrill of controlling several racing cars at once.
An attractive mobile racing game which you can #39;t get out of once you start playing it.
Set the best score in #39;Mini Retro Racing #39; and become the best racer!
- You can control from two to four racing cars according to the level of difficulty.
- Show off your score to users across the world and challenge to be the best racer.
- Find the restoration sensibility from retro game UI design.
Big Bang Hero Spider简介:Big Bang Hero Spider Driver 3D City Life is the best car simulator of 2019, thanks to its advanced real physics engine
--Big Bang Hero Spider
– Special heroes Cars
– Special heroes
– Spider heroes
– Green heroes
– Flying heroes
– Drive with traffic
– Simple and intuitive control
– Amazing 3D graphics
– Explore a detailed open world environment
– Cool cars
– Cool soundtrack
– Accurate physics
– Easy to play
Suggestions and Complaints:
☏ Contact: [email protected]
For our other games: https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Super+Heroes+Universe
Дурак Онлайн简介:Очень популярная и знакомая всем игра.
- Режим игры: подкидной или переводной
- Карты: 36 или 52
- 2 Режима подкидывания: все или соседи
- Несколько вариантов стиля карт
- Несколько вариантов рубашки карт.
Stickman Rope Hero - Vegas Mafia Crime Fight简介:Stickman Rope Hero - Vegas Mafia Crime Fight is a mafia city simulator where you driving and fighting against city gangster. Rope man hero gameplay is an action and fighting game story. The style of this Vegas city is similar to Miami but actually it #39;s just a las vegas city. You play is a spy and become a chief on the streets of criminality in Vegas city town of crime underworld.
The game contains fully Open world city Environment in a crime and dangerous city of the crime world. You can complete your missions and release the city from a big mafia of the Vegas crime city. Mostly stickman rope hero missions will be in streets but some will be in china town district and some secret missions will gang lands in Miami city. So now let it be as an amazing awesome city then do not turn into crime city with robbery and fighting.
Stickman Rope Hero - Vegas Mafia Crime Fight Start the flying crime hero in Vegas crime city. Come up with the grand thief attack and make the Vegas crime works and activity to make the epic street crime story in Vegas crime adventure. Enjoy the bike and drive super cars, driving skills in the crime world of Vegas street crime city. Move around the free open world game to meet the mafia boss. Feel this thrill rope hero game to become the Stickman hero in the city of crime Vegas. Stickman Rope Hero - Vegas Mafia Crime Fight to Survive is a grand city simulator.
This third person stickman Vegas crime city game is completely fun package with the comic games of real gangster mafia. In this grand city mafia game, flying rope hero crime driver on streets grand crime city action games. Destroy the gangster vehicles and fight with bad people as like gangsters in this gangster crime simulator game. Now get ready to play Stickman Vegas mafia rope hero crime city game to become the real rope hero gangster crime games. Underworld gangster crime city are also against you in this bank robbery crime mafia game. Now you have to look for a job like a grand stickman hero gangster in the crime city for finish the bad intentions in this city and bring peace in city. Perfectly smooth controls of luxury vehicles driving and gun shooting the gangsters mafia agent. Perform the crimes for peace not any bad mission or bad think, and become master of the shooting skills in a Vegas crime city simulator.
b How to play: /b
= gt; Download stickman rope hero crime Vegas city game.
= gt; Press start button to the begin the stickman rope mafia.
= gt; Select the stickman rope superhero.
= gt; Select the crime world mission or levels for play.
= gt; Complete the stickman rope hero crime city mission.
= gt; Follow the navigation to move in crime city.
= gt; Take revenge with other gangster mafia and complete thrilling mission.
b Game Features of Stickman Rope Hero - Vegas Mafia Crime Fight /b
• Stunning 3D Graphics with crime city environment.
• Interesting Scenarios of street crime mafia.
• Multiple Targets for shoot with sniper gun.
• Exciting Sniping and shoot guns Missions.
• Awesome Sound Effects.
• Totally free game for playing.
Download now this best rope hero stickman game and give us your feedback.
Best of Luck!
Super Squad vs Zombies简介:Super Squad vs Zombies: One of the best defensive zombies games on android google playstore.
b Overview /b
The sudden breakout of a deadly virus infects hordes of people across the world. With the rapid spreading, the The Special Shield Army Forces are the only line of defense the world against the undead zombies army.
The zombies army still continuing to invade all the cities and countries until civilization is wiped out.
The Shield Squads are very specialized soldier troops who possess many different abilities and skill sets to kill the zombies and ultimately find a cure to save humanity and civilization.
b Features /b
- 41 Levels of zombie invasion, can you even handle 30 of it?, we #39;d love to know. Let #39;s proof !!!
- 8 Different types of Shield Soldiers ready to pulverize the walking dead
- 9 Different types of zombies who are not playing around and no compassion amp; they are coming for your brains and ready make you zombie.
- Upgrade your troops special abilities and combat performance
- Complete Quests to receives in-game currency items/ Rewards
- Free Daily Reward
- Full In-Game-Purchase GEM and STAR to upgrade the Skill and Units power
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