2019-03-02 07:33:46
简介:Hey girls.
You can spend a great time today playing this caring newborn baby game and be a good babysitter who knows how to treat the babies and make them feel happy all the time.
First of all meet a beautiful mommy who is last month pregnant and the baby will born in a few time. This cute mommy needs you to be arround her and help with last activities before giving birth. First she wants to do some morning exercises and then go to the hospital for the last check up. Be a good doctor and use medical instrument to make sure that mommy is healthy. After it the baby borns and there are many challenges you should complete so let #39;s descover them.
One of the most important job is to preapre food for baby, so do your best to make it good and then gentle feed the baby. Go on and have fun with the baby in his room playing with his toys. The baby will be very happy to have you arround so do not leave untill the end.
Decover the next activitie that is amazing. It #39;s about decorating baby #39;s room as you like. You have many decorations you can use, so try them all and choose the combination you like most. After the room is beautiful you have one more step to complete your mission. You must dress up the mommy and the baby. Does it sounds great? You can choose some fashion clothes and shoes to create the perfect look for both.
Have fun and enjoy this baby activities girl game! It #39;s free!
2019-03-02 07:30:17
简介:1100 Game BCgyxv DIduqvl Action
1100 Game BCgyxv DIduqvl Action
1100 Game BCgyxv DIduqvl Action
2019-03-02 07:27:17
简介:1025 Game UXqsmui VTpioj Action
1025 Game UXqsmui VTpioj Action
1025 Game UXqsmui VTpioj Action
2019-03-02 07:26:19
简介:1021 Game TNvjjn HJzyhvd Action
1021 Game TNvjjn HJzyhvd Action
1021 Game TNvjjn HJzyhvd Action
2019-03-02 07:22:22
简介:1027 Game YSrzxod GZgqxkhl Action
1027 Game YSrzxod GZgqxkhl Action
2019-03-02 07:15:33
简介:Welcome to Adopt Me!, where we build fun roleplaying games. ... No games are associated with this group. ... This groups members are qualified to retrieve tons of ROBUX and Game Passes all instantly for free!
Play Rulers Castle Makeover Adopt Me Robux Game images to unlock new features and items
Game is entertaining, fun and nice to play when you are bored!
There are more of new Adopt Me Roblox Game images.
Disclaimer - This app is made as a tribute and love for best Adopt Me Roblox Game images by his fans. All logos/images/names are copyrights of their perspective owners.
2019-03-02 07:08:14
简介:For all the Shin fans, One of the best simple and fun racing games!
This free game is made for everyone, so feel free to play yourself and invite your friends or family to watch or play together. Take your bike and guide it to the finish line!
Play as Shin chan and control your bike with just two buttons and see how it flips, jumps and rolls on it #39;s way.
This is what you were looking for! Fast, simple and exciting fast car racing game!
The tracks are designed so that you would do many stunts on the run, the bike will spin doing front flips, backflips or even both - but watch out not to land upside down!
The character and soundtrack makes the mood perfect for the awesome ride!
- gt; Explore 15 levels full of adventures
- gt; Compete with other racers in daily and monthly leader-boards - can you become the best of all?
- gt; Find hidden places and surprises!
- gt; Complete missions and get generous rewards!
- gt; Enjoy nice and friendly music and sounds!
- gt; Controls are so simple to learn that even a first time gamer can play this game!
2019-03-02 07:06:58
简介:This is a new beasts battle simulator of Totally Accurate Gang Battle Simulator
From the beasts creators of Totally Accurate Gang Battle Simulator . Based on the physics of Battle Simulator the game provides you with your own beasts war in the most real and accurate beasts battle simulator! We have super hilarious and funny ragdoll physics that will surely make you laugh!
This games provides you with an ultimate battle experience with0+ beasts units like knights, archers, footman etc. This game is the not just like other battle games but has added features that makes it stand out amongst the rest of the battle simulators.
It is a new battle simulator of Totally Accurate Gang Battle Simulator with full grid usage and helps you simulate war battles and win tactical beasts wars
The boxy warriors are fighting to save their land from the enemy. They need your leadership and strategy to win this epic battle. Totally Accurate Gang Battle Simulator is the best strategy beasts game which requires every move to be planned correctly or it will cost you your life and the battle.
Now it’s up to you to build an unstoppable army, take on unforgettable ultimate battles, work out beasts totally accurate battle strategy, conquer your enemies and seize victory. Jump into battlefield with0+ unique units, realistics battles, multiple enemies and often updates for Totally Accurate Gang Battle Simulator!
Do not hesitate and get the Totally Accurate Gang Battle Simulator game right now! If you want to help the game then spread the word about it everywhere! Good luck and have a lot of fun!
2019-03-01 11:12:36
简介:오픈 베타에 참여해 주셔서 진심으로 감사드립니다.
오픈 베타에 참여해주시는 분들께는 quot;미호의 초콜릿 공장 스킨 quot;을 무료로 드립니다~!
그리고, 오픈베타에서 받으실 수 있는 자세한 보상내역을 정리하여 알려드립니다.
lt; 오픈베타에 지급되는 보상 내역 gt;
1. 카페회원 달성 25,000명 이벤트 보상
- 자원패키지 1,500
- 유전자씨앗 5
- 링크 해제기 3
- 참치캔 50
- 레프리콘 하계전투복
2. 오픈지연 보상
- 자원패키지 3,000
- 유전자 씨앗 5
- 급속 완성 회로 5
3. 긴급 점검 보상
- 자원패키지 5,000
- 유전자 씨앗 10
- 급속완성회로 10
4. 1월 25일 점검보상
- 자원패키지 5,000
- 링크 해제기 10
5. 1월 25일 점검 연장~추가연장 보상
- 자원 패키지 1,500
- 유전자 씨앗 10
- 급속 완성회로 10
- 참치캔 30
6. 오픈베타 참여보상
- 철혈의 레오나 캐릭터
- 미호의 초콜릿 공장 스킨
lt; 총합 gt;
- 자원 패키지 16,000
- 유전자 씨앗 30
- 링크 해제기 13
- 급속완성회로 25
- 참치캔 80
- 레프리콘 하계전투복 스킨
- 미호의 초콜릿 공장 스킨
- 철혈의 레오나 캐릭터
lt; 추가 설명 gt;
오픈베타 보상 1~5번까지는 1월 24~25일에 지급되었던 보상아이템의 기간을 연장하여 드리는 보상이며 6번항목이 신규로 추가된 보상입니다.
따라서 24~25일에 1~5번까지의 보상 중 이미 정상적으로 받으신 보상은 추가로 지급되지 않습니다.
1~5번까지의 보상을 받으실 대상은 24~25일에 접속을 시도하였지만 접속을 못하신 분들과 신규로 접속하신 분들만 수령이 가능합니다.
6번 보상인 오픈베타 보상은 오픈베타에 접속하시는 모든 사령관님들께 드리는 보상입니다.
정식오픈에 관한 내용은 오픈베타의 상황에 따라 유동적으로 변경될 수 있으며 2월 말 이전 오픈을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
최대한 빠르게 사령관님들을 찾아뵙도록 하겠습니다.
개발자 연락처 :
서울시 성동구 아차산로49, 403호 (성수동1가, 코오롱디지털타워3차)
고객센터 : 1811-6801
2019-03-01 11:00:14
简介:◈구글 사전등록 슬로건 쿠폰: 190220
◈슬로건 쿠폰 보상
1. 큰 금화 상자(10만 금화) 5개
2. 귀속 다이아 1000개
3. 초급 화옥 30개
4. 중급 화옥 30개
■■게임 특징■■
빠른 성장과 원터치의 쉬운 조작
- 쾌속 레벨업! 만렙을 향하여 쾌속 질주 하세요!
- 원터치의 쉬운 조작과 편리한 전투를 쉽고 빠르게 즐기세요~
삼국지 무장들의 호쾌한 액션과 듀얼 무기 교체 시스템!
- 각 무장들의 스펙타클한 궁극 필살기! 적진의 대군을 무쌍 스킬로 섬멸하세요!
- 듀얼 무기 교체 시스템을 통해 다양한 전략과 전투를 펼쳐보세요!
- 지금까지 느껴보지 못했던 삼국지 무장들의 호쾌한 액션이 눈 앞에서 펼쳐집니다.
3D 파노라마 그래픽으로 완벽히 구현된 삼국지의 세계관!
- 삼국지를 섬세하고 완벽하게 구현된 고퀄리티 그래픽!
- 섬세한 3D모델링으로 표현된 아름다운 배경과 생생한 삼국 무장들!
- 고퀄리티로 감상하는 영화와 같은 시나리오!
끝이 보이지 않는 방대한 컨텐츠!
- 대규모 PVP를 경험하라! 형주 전장!
- 실시간으로최강의 승부사를 가리자! 천하제일 결투장!
- 각 구역에 배치된 보스들을 무찔러라! 월드보스전!
- 관도전투, 적벽대전 등 삼국지를 대표하는 전투에 직접 참전하라!
- 내 한계의 끝을 시험하라! 진영 돌파!
- 다른 방파의 성지를 공략하고 쟁취하라! 방파성지전!
- 쾌속 질주! 탈것을 이용해 속도를 경쟁하라! 경주 컨텐츠!
- 무신2만의 풍성한 컨텐츠를 지금 경험하세요!
다양한 탈것과 귀여운 펫, 지루할틈 없는 성장 시스템
- 당신이 어디에 가든 빠른 이동을 도와줄 다양한 탈것들을 만나보세요!
- 당신의 전투를 도와줄 여러 종류의 귀여운 펫들을 만나보세요!
- 탈것과 펫의 등급을 올려 더욱 화려하게 성장시키세요!
- 세트, 무기, 오오라, 코스튬 등으로나만의 멋진 무장을 탄생시키세요!
▣ 게임 접근 권한 (필수)
게임 이용을 위해 다음의 접근 권한을 허용해 주세요
* 주소록 액세스
- 이 권한은 구글 로그인을 위한 계정 확인에 사용되오니 주소록 권한을 허용해 주시기 바랍니다.
- 고객님의 주소록 파일에는 접근하지 않고, 계정 확인 용도로만 사용되니 안심하셔도 됩니다.
* 전화 걸기 및 관리 허용
- 이 권한은 이벤트 보상 및 고객 응대에 필요한 단말기 정보 수집 용도로만 사용됩니다.
- 고객님의 휴대폰 전화 걸기 기능에는 영향을 주지 않으니 안심하세요.
* 기기 사진, 미디어, 파일 액세스
- 이 권한은 외장 메모리에 게임 리소스를 설치하는 데 필요한 권한입니다.
- 고객님의 사진과 파일에는 접근하지 않으니 걱정하지 마세요.
* 오디오 녹음
- 이 권한은 영상 녹화 서비스를 제공하기 위해 사용됩니다.
▣ #39;무신2 : 삼국무협전 #39;은 태블릿에 최적화되어 있습니다. 안드로이드 태블릿에서 #39;무신2 : 삼국무협전 #39;을 즐겨보세요!
▣ 게임 공식 카페
☞공식카페에서 다양한 게임 정보와 이벤트 소식을 확인하세요~!
개발자 연락처 :
[email protected]
2019-03-01 08:56:27
简介:Defend Greece from Persian Invasion! Build armies, garrison fortifications and issue orders to your legions on the world map in real time battles.
Fight battles with over 2000 soldiers encompassing over 20 different units from 4 different factions (Sparta, Athens, Corinth and Persia) .
Automatically create armies by faction or methodically create your army manually, choosing your company captains and army general.
Control your army in battle by issuing orders to your captains and their companies or to your entire army.
Quick battle armies with automatic army deployments or manually deployments to choose where army soldiers will face off.
View the contents of your armies after creation and dynamically edit individual soldier attributes.
2019-03-01 08:55:23
Welcome to the new game Lol surprise opening eggs doll
Are you ready to start this funny game ? Download it now and start it !!
Do you know about such cute thing like dolls lol toy surprise eggs with pets? Anyway, our new simulator would tell you about it. LOL Pets: Eggs Surprise and lol surprise dolls
Dolls is a simulator of opening dolls lol toy surprise eggs with pets. You can find a best friend of a man in these eggs, the most loyal creature in
the world- dog. How many dolls and dogs you will gain, or which stickers are you going to find.
is free even from inside. You do not have to pay for opening dolls lol toy eggs with surprise. You have access to endless amount of miraculous eggs.
From these shiny cute toy eggs you may earn dolls, doggos, things to take care of them, or stickers. Every item you earn from these toy eggs would
be stored and sorted in categories. Simulator stores all your dolls, doges and stickers in a special toy storage egg. But that is not all, this simulator
Take care of your dog, play with it and train it in our new simulator.
Lol surprise opening eggs doll is a free to play simulator of opening doll lol toy eggs with surprise. Earn the biggest collection of lol dolls.
Gain every spray, sticker or drinking bottle in our new free simulator.
lol dolls surprise dolls and eggs game is heading into an adventure 2D Platforms.
along this beautiful fairytale kingdom help our hatchi mals big lol eggs and lol surprise collectibles toys through his journey
in this magic super adventure surprise rescue balls mission.
lol surprise dolls doll calling your help!
dress up amp; jump in your big car glitter and drive in this amazing opening world. HOW TO PLAY lol dolls surprise :
Tap the left and right arrows to move forward or backwards.
== gt; FEATURES lt;== :
Lots of different vehicles with exceptional updates (an extensive variety of vehicles: happy, bike, truck, jeep, tank, wheels...)
High Resolution Graphics exceptionally well draw !
Awesome pet and dolls lol Gameplay !
Collect every one of the dolls !
Nice Music and Song !
Beautiful series !
If you love our game please RATE US 5*!
2019-03-01 08:51:23
简介:풍선을 터치하여 터뜨리지 않고 오래 버티는 게임입니다
2019-03-01 08:49:59
简介:Welcome to the Urban Ritual.
Based on one of many scary urban legends.
quot;Hey, hey, do you know this?
You can go to the ghost dimension with an elevator.
Yeah, i meant it! You only need and elevator in at least 10 floors building.
You have to go to the specific floors to finally arrive at ghost dimension.
And you have to find something to make your way home yourself or you will stay there forever.
It #39;s like hide and seek i suppose...
Oh! they said you can meet someone before you arrive at ghost dimension, but it #39;s not a human
I know, It #39;s creepy right? quot;
quot;This must be only rumors right? there #39;s no way an elevator can do that. quot;
I can #39;t help myself but curious about this and managed to find a building with 12 floors. quot;What a joke! i can #39;t believe it that i let myself thinking about this, well what ever, let #39;s do this, 5... 8... 5..., wha- quot;
Enjoy the scary atmosphere with virtual reality, find your way to get back to your world.
-Virtual Reality experience.
-Creepy atmosphere.
-Explore the building.
-Jumpscares with high volume.
This game contains advertisement.
2019-03-01 08:48:26
简介:기존의 연예인 눈코입 퀴즈와는 조금 다른 게임입니다
기존의 눈코입퀴즈는 그냥 눈코입 퀴즈만 나왔지만
저희 연예인 눈코입 퀴즈는 복권처럼 긁어서 눈코입만 나온 연예인을 맞추는 게임입니다
적은 터치를 하여 맞출수록 상금은 커집니다
(상금을 통해 터치 금액이 소진됩니다)
재밌는 눈코입 퀴즈 되시길 바랍니다
2019-03-01 08:44:14
简介:Welcome to the arcade game of Musical dance line : music tap magic Tiles , the amazing Tap music game you have ever played.
Listen carefully to the Musical dance line : music tap magic, and it will guide a Snake Line dance through a changing color world. Tap slither tiles snake dancing the screen game make the geometry twisty line and tower line , avoid obstacles, tap and reach to the Temple before you cruch by tapping jump dance. Trust your ears rather your eyes to dance the line and Slither the Line!
When you listen carefully to the Dancing tap line trust your ears then your eyes, dash music dance is the best arcade game 2019.
Roll the snake and make it dancing in a magic line and ZigZag .
the Geometry music world is a Maze game you can play in Piano Music or guitar music and many instruments which are guitar , Piano and Twisty line rolling Geometry monuments, sky and Tunnel .
the Maze Geometry World music is a game you can play with Piano Music or guitar music and various instruments which are guitar, drum, and roll glowing rolling tapping especially Piano and zigzag , dancing with line and Tunnel, this is one of the popular Maze Music games which has high-quality piano and other instruments songs and beautiful game play.
You need to guide the slither line through dancing geometry line world and Sky following the music snake notes but try to never smash, touch or hit the walls and spiral .
Have fun in the magic world.
Game feature:
- The line guide cause of your tapping and dancing.
- Multiple levels.
- Music snake dancing
- Line tap world
- Magic dancing
- balling Ball.
Play the best game of the year
2019-03-01 08:43:03
简介:제한시간 내에 같은 원소의 타일들을 최대한 맞추고, 몬스터를 성장시켜서 적을 물리치세요!
▷게임 특징
● 원소 타일 3+ 맞추기
● 몬스터끼리 배합해서 새로운 몬스터 얻기
● 기술을 계승해서 나만의 몬스터 만들기
▷전투 방법
● 같은 원소를 3개 이상 가로나 세로로 정렬해서 지우기
● 지운 원소와 같은 원소의 몬스터가 공격
● 한번에 많은 원소를 지우거나 연쇄 콤보로 공격력 상승
● 공격할수록 쌓이는 기술게이지를 소모해서 강력한 기술 사용
▷몬스터 육성
● 획득한 몬스터를 성장시키거나 다른 몬스터와 배합해서 새로운 몬스터 획득
● 배합으로 이전 몬스터의 기술 계승
● 한계까지 레벨업하면 고유 기술이 강화
개발자 연락처 :
이메일 [email protected]
2019-03-01 08:41:40
简介:Can build a city in 3D?, of course you can make it in this 3D Loco Craft Amazing Building Crafting Games, make buildings that can be exploration. Do you have to build it yourself from the beginning? no, because in this game amazing maps are available to explore. challenging building construction houses, decorating places. Use sets for bedrooms, living rooms, private offices, the city consists of airports, roads, neighborhoods, shops, and many other types of buildings. This is a modern city with lots of interesting creations. Build your house, shelter, own garden, farm and backyard pool!
Build a world without borders, biomes, weather with attractive textures, a large selection of blocks and decoration items for homes and gardens, play with us!
2019-03-01 08:39:39
2019-03-01 08:37:40
简介:In this fantasy game, you will be a leader of vikings squad, that is trying to protect the land from hostile wizards. The government of wizards decided to annex land that belongs to vikings from the old times, and also make them their slaves. So be a very wise leader because a lot is on the bet. There are three types of vikings character with different abilities. You need to choose them wisely to defeat the bad wizards. Just one type of soldier will never be a smart move. So try to implement the best viking war techniques and don #39;t let the bad wizards mess with us!
All the characters designed with detail and beauty.
Video Effects are very beautiful and kind of realistic.
Beautiful fantasy environments with magic volcanos etc.
All the battles designed to be as interesting as we managed to.
The more progress you make, mode challenge you take.
If something gets boring, you can speed things up
Be engaged to the vikings and wizards fight story, bring more fun!
2019-03-01 08:35:55
简介:◈ 공식 카페 ◈
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*공식 카페를 통해 다양한 이벤트에 참여해보세요!
◈ 게임 소개 ◈
2019년 2월, 삼국의 영웅들이 깨어나다.
지금 바로 삼국지의 새로운 역사를 완성하라!
【삼국연의 기반 新 무장 카드 등장】
유비, 관우, 장비를 포함한 3세대 장수 등장!
200여 명 이상의 무장과 함께 천하를 통일하라!
【고화질 일러스트와 동영상 트레일러】
선과 선이 이어지는 명품(名品) 그래픽 향연!
한 폭의 그림처럼 삼국 어웨이큰 에 빠져들다!
【와룡봉추를 얻을 군주는 과연 누구인가】
난세를 함께 평정할 장수 카드를 수집하라!
와룡과 봉추를 뛰어넘을 나만의 장수를 육성하라!
【전략과 전술을 통해 전투에 승리하라】
결정적인 순간의 전략적인 일격을 선사하라!
적자생존, 누구보다 강한 전술을 구사하라!
개발자 연락처 :
통신판매업 번호: 제2014-서울강남-01064호
2019-03-01 08:31:36
你在报纸上看到附近发生了一起抢劫和谋杀案。之后,您发现了新邻居行为的一些变化!你开始怀疑他们是以某种方式与它联系在一起的。你无法远离 - 你需要进入他们的地狱并进行调查。尝试这个惊人的隐藏和运行风格的游戏!
•Сustomizable控件和宽设置!设置控件的类型和灵敏度对您来说很方便。更改音乐和声音的音量,在主菜单设置中设置语言。 •漂亮的3D图形!从高品质的纹理和图形中获得乐趣。
2019-03-01 08:30:30
简介:Tom Chasing Jerry Run Adventure Game is cool Jump and Run addictive non-stop old school arcade jungle adventure game!
Are you prepared to addictive the tom and jerry chasing mouse in Jungle Adventure island, Main subject is enable the world If you to love tom and jerry You will love this amusement also.
Welcome to the new adventure of Jerry and Tom. This time the story is different than before, Tom the cat and Jerry the mouse is playing on the same side. Mouse Subway and The poor Jerry the mouse lost his own house. adventure Shadow and knucles dash And he need somewhere to live in, the cat tom asked him about the reason he won #39;t play with him anymore and Jerry told him that some thieves stole his own house and minnie mouse tom and jerry dash.
Tom told Jerry that he will help himto buy a new big House and where can play together for the rest of their life. adventure and Louse dash Jerry said to Tom the cat that he #39;s grateful, and they will be a great team. The team of tom-Jerry. They will start thechallenge into the jungle, kill the monsters, Miraculouse subway and adventure of sonic collect the cheese, reach the last room where the cat will find the treasure.
Would you help the cat tom and the mouse Jerry to finish this mission and make the mouse buy his own house?
You can run and jump and swim with Jerry dan tom.
You can use the cheese to power up and make the mission easier than before and mouse and adventure.
There are a lot of adventure tom and jerry games on the store but the game we are releasing is according to the new requirements and need of the market and game players mouse and noir cat mirtaculous we tried to fulfill the needs of the gameplayer and make the game as the game player wants to play. Subway Tom And Jumping Jerry Adventure is the 3d game and adventure of shadow and knuckles , so that all of you have full of the joy.
Features of Tom And Chasing Jerry Adventure:
* Easy to play with one click in this new cartoon game.
* Crazy character and funny of miraculous.
* Download Tom and Jerry adventure and Game now on your Android devices for free.
* Enjoy with Tom and Jerry adventure Game free.
* Journey full of adventures in endless levels with Tom and Mouse .
* Jerry and the cat have come to explore you from fatigue in exciting adventures.
* Fun character.
* Nice graphics.
* Fun for families with Tom and Jerry Mouse.
* Fast and free download.
* Full of jumps.
* Game play addictive.
* Easy and free download.
* Use the button quot;B quot; to jump.
* Use the button quot;A quot; to run faster and shoot the monsters. Only the mouse can shoot the monsters Tom and Jerry.
* Collect coins and power up, do not fall off the ground. And Mouse off the water.
Are you in love with Tom cat and Jerry mouse game adventure jungle world? tom and jerry and his friends very cute and happy and mouse .
super Tom adventure world is adventure and super adventure of miraculous subway running game with side scrolling platform with Tom and jerry , tom as a player. You can select tom as player tom amp; jerry.
Enjoy Game!
2019-03-01 08:26:44
简介:If you like GFriend 여자친구 Yeoja Chingu and you you like to listen to GFriend music probably you will enjoy playing GFriend piano!
What are you waiting for !!! Get GFriend piano Right now !!
GFriend Magic Piano Tiles is a new Piano tile music game designed for 2019 with a flat design style.
Sowon Yerin Eunha Yuju SinB Umji
Play the ultimate black piano black brick challenge game on your Android device NOW!
Get more hands on to beat the speed of the game and enjoy great GFriend songs, exciting songs along with GFriend.
It’s similar to other piano games, you just have to tap the music tiles then enjoy the wonderful music and rhythm in game.
Game Features:
Cute (Kawaii) and beautiful themes with a great songs
Lot of hottest songs by many genres such as Kids, Popular US★UK, K★Pop, Classical, Holiday and Traditional. Feel the cute piano music melodies beyond imagination through every tap with perfect timing tiles.
Try to climb the top of the game rank to defeat your friends and other player in the world.
Share your score to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, Tumblr, Stumble, Flickr,… with your friends.
Great experience will playing bonus mode : try to collect lot of items to unlock your favorite GFriend kpop songs.
Save your favorite songs of GFriend Piano.
Great and Awesome game design and graphics for the free GFriend piano tile games 2019.
This GFriend piano game will support almost all android phones and tablets like Galaxy S8 plus, Galaxy Note 8, LG G6, LG V30, Motorola Moto Z, Samsung Galaxy S7, Galaxy S7 edge, Galaxy S9, S9 Plus, j1, j2, j5, J7 Pro+, Nokia 8, HTC U12+ 10, Google Pixel XL, HTC U11, Lenovo P2,Huawei Mate 10, Sony Xperia XZ2 Premium, OnePlus 5, Xiaomi Mi 6 8 and more.
How to play:
★ Touch the black piano piano several times to play the GFriend Girlfriend piano.
★ Avoid white piano bricks!
★ Simple to play, but hard to master.
★ Getting all the black bricks in this high★speed music game is definitely not easy!
★ Enjoy!
2019-03-01 08:20:20
简介:1094 Game NKeebf HDgmbaz Action
1094 Game NKeebf HDgmbaz Action
1094 Game NKeebf HDgmbaz Action