2019-01-20 12:54:16
简介:천방지축 엉뚱발랄 개성만점 곰 삼형제 그리즐리, 판다, 아이스베어!
위베어베어스 3 매치 퍼즐 게임을 깨고 그들의 평범하지 않은 일상을 함께 해 보세요!
# 신나는 3 매치 퍼즐 게임과 재밌는 곰 삼형제의 스토리 한 번에 즐기기!
판다스틱한 3 매치 퍼즐 게임을 클리어하면?
사고뭉치 곰 삼형제가 벌이는 결코 평범하지 않은 스토리를 즐길 수 있어요!!
# 개성 넘치는 다양한 캐릭터!
이 구역의 트러블 메이커 곰 삼형제와 그들의 만만치 않은 친구들 천재 소녀 클로이, 빅풋 찰리, 인터넷 스타 코알라 놈놈까지!!
# 독특하고 강력한 퍼즐 아이템!
아이스베어의 파워풀한 #39;로봇 청소기 #39;, 강철 집게 #39;캡틴 크래부 #39;, 그리고 강력한 방귀 폭탄을 날려주는 #39;스컹크 #39; 아이템을 써서 3 매치 퍼즐의 미션을 클리어하세요!
# 원하는 디자인으로 꾸미기!
구역마다 원하는 디자인을 선택하여 꾸밀 수 있는 다양한 오브젝트들!! 퍼즐 게임을 깨고 어서 새로운 구역으로 이동해 보세요, 예쁜 디자인들이 당신을 기다리고 있을 거예요!
평화롭게 하루를 보내는 게 너무 어려운 곰 삼 형제를 그냥 지나치진 못하겠죠? 지금 당장 그들을 도와주러 떠나봐요~ 위베어베어스 3 매치 퍼즐 게임으로!!
본 게임은 게임데이터를 저장하고 읽어오기 위해 아래와 같은 [저장공간]에 접근하며, 접근을 허용하지 않는 경우에는 게임을 이용할 수 없습니다.
∙ READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE(기기 사진, 미디어, 파일 사용)
∙ WRITE_ EXTERNAL_STORAGE(기기 사진, 미디어, 파일 사용)
- 선데이토즈 공식 블로그
- 선데이토즈 홈페이지
개발자 연락처 :
2019-01-20 12:04:16
简介:블록을 맞춰 막힌 길을 뚫고, 길을 만들어 보세요.
그 길의 끝에 숨겨진 보물이 당신을 기다리고 있으니까요!
지금, 애니팡 캐릭터와 함께 모험의 길로 떠나보세요!
즐거움이 시작되는 길! 애니팡3
# 블록들 사이로 캐릭터가 등장하네?
- 캐릭터를 이동시키면 미션 성공!
# 모험을 도와주는 캐릭터 파워!
- 파워 게이지가 꽉 차면 엄청난 힘을 쓸 수 있어!
# 새롭고 화끈한 특수블록들!
- 회전팡은 회전하다가 원하는 위치를 터트려줘요!
# 음... 여긴 왠지 열릴 것처럼 생겼는데?
- 탐험의 재미를 주는 스테이지 확장 기능!
# 동화나라에 깜찍한 애니팡 캐릭터들이?
- 너무나 귀여운 캐릭터 컬렉션!
사악한 마녀를 물리치고 동화나라를 구해볼까요?
모험은 이제부터 시작!
- 선데이토즈 공식 블로그
- 애니팡3 고객센터
- 선데이토즈 홈페이지
본 게임은 게임데이터를 저장하고 읽어오기 위해 아래와 같은 [저장공간]에 접근하며, 접근을 허용하지 않는 경우에는 게임을 이용할 수 없습니다.
∙ READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE(기기 사진, 미디어, 파일 사용)
∙ WRITE_ EXTERNAL_STORAGE(기기 사진, 미디어, 파일 사용)
개발자 연락처 :
2019-01-20 11:06:24
简介:Do you want to chat with celebrity?
But they don #39;t know you or they don #39;t have the time to chat because they are so busy.
However, You can chat with them.
Do you want to make a boyfriend or a girlfriend?
Whoever or whatever they are, you can make them into chat-robot, you can make them a (cyber) boyfriend or a (cyber) girlfriend.
Faketalk helps you.
Step 1: Add friends.
Step 2: Chat.
Step 3: If they don #39;t know your language, teach them.
Many users are teaching together. What you teached is shared in realtime. They will be smarter every second.
- Group chat is available.
- You can share fun with other user(quotation from chat-robot).
- Many other functions are available.
* Robot #39;s basic language is korean. And now it started to learn english.
Please teach english or other language.
2019-01-20 10:41:07
简介:다시 시작되는 세계, #39;별의 소환사 #39; GRAND OPEN!
내 맘 속에 저장! 지금 바로 별의 소환사에서 만나요~
☞ 공식 카페에서 다양한 이벤트가 여러분을 기다리고 있습니다!
a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fcafe.naver.com%2Fsummonstar2019 amp;sa=D amp;sntz=1 amp;usg=AFQjCNF6-ePg48OsnFYslu84pnyyFPztDg" https://cafe.naver.com/summonstar2019 /a
PART 1. 비밀이 가득한 미지의 세계
- 소환수와 함께 숨겨진 비밀을 풀고 미지의 세계를 모험하세요!
- 궁금한 건 못 참아! 베일에 가려진 스토리 모드를 경험하세요!
PART 2. 나만의 덱을 구성하라!
- 250개의 소환수와 수 백가지의 스킬로 나만의 덱을 구성하세요!
- 소환수와 속성을 연구하여 더욱 더 강력한 덱을 조합하세요!
PART 3. #39;마법 강화 시스템 #39;
- 강화를 통해 마법 룬에 부여되는 신비한 능력을 획득하세요!
- 조합의 끝판왕! 이제 마법 룬을 통해 소환수를 강화하세요!
PART 4. #39;아레나 시스템 #39;
- 치열한 두뇌 싸움과 컨트롤로 상대를 제압하세요!
- 아레나 보상을 통해 전리품을 획득하고 최강에 등극하세요!
PART 5. #39;길드 시스템 #39;
- 길드 시스템을 통해 나만의 특별한 캐릭터를 육성하세요!
- 차원 전장에서 길드의 권위와 명예를 회복하세요!
접근권한 안내
[필수적 접근권한]
-기기 사진, 미디어, 파일 액세스, 사진찍기, 동영상 녹화
이 권한은 네이버카페 SDK를 통해 게임 화면을 촬영할 때 사용되는 권한입니다.
사용자의 미디어 파일을 임의로 건드리는 것이 아니니 안심하셔도 됩니다.
-주소록 액세스
이 권한은 구글 로그인 시 계정확인 용도로 사용되는 권한입니다.
사용자의 주소록에 접근하지 않고 계정확인 용도로만 사용되니 안심하셔도 됩니다.
-전화걸기 및 관리
이 권한은 게임내 AIR 런타임에서 통화중 오디오 상태를 음소거 하거나 재생하기 위해 사용되는 권한입니다.
전화번호를 수집하거나 걸지 않으므로 안심하셔도 됩니다.
[접근권한 철회 방법]
안드로이드 6.0 이상: 설정 gt; 앱 gt; 권한 항목 선택 gt; 권한 목록 gt; 접근권한 동의 또는 철회 선택
안드로이드 6.0 미만: 운영체제를 업그레이드하여 접근권한을 철회하거나, 앱을 삭제
※ 앱이 개별 동의 기능을 제공하지 않을 수 있으며 위의 방법으로 접근 권한을 철회할 수 있습니다.
※ 안드로이드 6.0 미만 버전을 사용하시는 경우에는 선택적 접근권한을 개별적으로 설정하실 수 없으므로 6.0 이상으로 업그레이드 하는 것을 권장 드립니다.
필수적 접근권한 철회 시 리소스 중단 혹은 게임 접속 불가 현상이 발생할 수 있습니다.
- 고객센터 연락처: 070-4658-9412
- 고객센터 운영시간: 10:00~13:00 / 14:00 ~ 18:30
- 고객센터 운영일: 월~금(토,일요일 및 공휴일 제외)
개발자 연락처 :
통신판매업 번호: 제2014-서울강남-01064호
2019-01-20 08:16:23
简介:Play the cool b Shoot Bubble Puzzle /b for free! Featuring over 800 challenging levels wrapped with some amazing boosts and power-ups!
Match at least 3 bubbles of the same color or more to pop - Join the fun and smash all bubbles before you run out of shots!
Fireball- pop 7 bubbles in a row and the fireball will burn bubbles on the way!
Bomb- drop 10 bubbles or more and the bomb will burst the surrounding bubbles!
b Exclusive Bubbles /b
Slime Bubble –It slips and spreads, can you do something about it?
Stone Bubble – Drop it using bombs and fire bubbles!
Chained bubbles - Break its chains before you can pop it
Diamond Bubble – Don’t bother trying to pop it, try to drop it
It’s a great fun game for the whole family to enjoy– you won’t stop playing!
All rights of Bubble Shooter are owned by Ilyon Dynamics Ltd.
2019-01-20 08:15:33
简介:Momo的召喚是一個偉大的時間殺手,與2018年夏天最受歡迎的人物有關。這是莫莫。 Momo - 互聯網病毒嚇跑了它的受害者。根據傳說,Momo將接收接聽未知號碼電話的人。
2019-01-20 08:14:21
2019-01-20 08:13:43
简介:Link-a-Pix are exciting logic puzzles that form whimsical pixel-art pictures when solved. Challenging, deductive and artistic, this original Japanese invention offers the ultimate mix of logic, art and fun while providing solvers with many hours of mentally stimulating entertainment.
Each puzzle consists of a grid containing clue-pairs in various places. The object is to reveal a hidden picture by linking the clues and painting the paths so that the number of squares in each path equals the value of the clues being linked together.
To create a link simply swipe your fingertip from one clue to another. The game also features a unique fingertip cursor which enables playing large puzzle grids with ease and precision.
For more fun, Conceptis Link-a-Pix includes a Weekly Bonus section providing an extra free puzzle each week.
• 42 free Link-a-Pix puzzle samples in B amp;W and color
• 8 extra-large puzzles bonus for tablet only
• Extra bonus puzzle published free each week
• Puzzle library continuously updates with new content
• Manually created by artists, top quality puzzles
• Unique solution for each puzzle
• Grid sizes up to 50x75 (65x100 for tablet)
• Multiple difficulty levels
• Hours of intellectual challenge and fun
• Sharpens logic and improves cognitive skills
• Exclusive fingertip cursor design for solving large puzzles
• Concurrently playing and saving multiple puzzles
• Puzzle library sorting and hiding options
• Portrait and landscape screen support (tablet only)
• Enlarge, reduce, move puzzle for easy viewing
• Unlimited Undo and Redo
• Link counter option for easy link length viewing
• Auto-solve starting clues option
• Show errors during gameplay
• Check puzzle
• Track puzzle solving times
Link-a-Pix have also become popular under other names such as Paint by Pairs, Enigma, PathPix and Pictlink. Similar to Picross, Nonogram and Griddlers, the puzzles are solved and the pictures revealed using logic alone. All puzzles in this app are produced by Conceptis Ltd. - the leading supplier of logic puzzles to printed and electronic gaming media all over the world. On average, more than 20 million Conceptis puzzles are solved each day in newspapers, magazines, books and online as well as on smartphones and tablets across the world.
2019-01-20 08:12:30
简介:It is a great spin Beyblades puzzles that improves the skills of kids and ages who have played it.
Easy game to play anywhere.
There are 3 levels.
Thanks for the stars and feedback.
2019-01-20 08:10:27
简介:Новое оформление классической игры quot;Слова из слов quot;, так же известной как quot;Составь слова quot;, quot;Составление слов из слова quot; и quot;Наборщик quot;.
Это одна из самых популярных интеллектуальных словесных игр! Правила игры очень просты: дается исходное слово, из букв которого нужно составить другие слова. При этом допускаются только имена существительные единственного числа в именительном падеже (исключая имена собственные).
Игроки, добивающиеся лучших результатов в этой игре, отличаются прекрасной эрудицией и развитыми комбинаторными навыками – ведь вам приходится перебирать множество различных буквенных комбинаций. Одним из основных качеств хорошего игрока здесь является умение строить анаграммы – слова, составленные из всех букв заданного слова.
Игра состоит из уровней, каждый уровень - это новое слово. Составляя слова из слова, вы набираете очки - каждая буква составленного слова, это одно очко.
Отгадывайте слова, получайте за них очки, открывайте новые уровни и новые слова!
Игра регулярно обновляется, поэтому постоянно будут добавляться новые уровни и, соответственно, слова.
Если вы любитель таких словесных игр, сканвордов, ребусов и прочих головоломок, то эта игра - для вас!
2019-01-20 08:09:36
简介:Crush Words is a fun new word finding game! Spell out words by sliding your finger along the letters. You can spell words in any direction, as long as the letters are next to each other! Valid words boost your score and the diminishing timer bar. Used letters get crushed and new ones fall in from above. Spelling longer words earns you power blocks with effects such as lightning, explosions, and giant explosions! Exercise your brain and try to beat your own or your friends top scores. PLAY NOW!
Crush Words features 4 different difficulties: easy, normal, hard, and expert. Kids and adults will find the challenge that #39;s right for them!
* Arcade: Find as many words as you can before the timer expires. Boost your score by spelling longer words and using power blocks. Chain them together to increase your combo!
* Endless: There is no timer on this mode. It #39;s great for casual game play when you just want to find words and not worry about a timer.
Try to earn 3 stars for each difficulty. Are you fast and smart enough to win them all?
Like a little competition? See how you measure up against your friends or the world by competing on the Google Play leaderboards.
Everything is completely free! You get the full version of this intellectual word game! If you would like to remove third-party advertisements from the game, you can do so with an in-app purchase.
2019-01-20 08:07:19
2019-01-20 08:06:33
简介:Escape From The Room
Have you ever seen the game like this? Yes? But read below...
The most innovative ever escape game with puzzle experience. Don`t miss it!
Locked up in a strange room, you need constantly observe, think, guess, inference, until escape.
Solve all the quests to win the game.
️ Simple, easy rules, type the correct word to win a game!
️ ALL LEVELS are FREE for all users!
️ NEW word gameplay, good news for word gamer!
️ No time limit, adjust your pace at any level.
️ Play offline! No wifi required.
️ When you are stuck, three kinds of hints will help you.
️ 240+ levels without repeat, be a master of training brain!
️ Kill time-no pressure no push!
️ Suitable for both kids and adults to train logic skills.
2019-01-20 08:05:29
简介:Виселица - это игра, знакомая каждому с самого детства. Мы начинаем играть в неё ещё в школе, незаметно пряча листик под тетрадкой, чтобы учитель не заметил.
Разработчики данной игры постарались внести в quot;виселицу quot; новый взгляд, при этом оставив игровой процесс таким же, каким он понимается в классическом исполнении.
Более 1000 слов, разбитых на различные категории, не дадут вам скучать, а веселая анимация не раз поднимет настроение!
2019-01-20 08:04:55
简介:เรียนรู้คำศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษแสนสนุก มีคำศัพท์พื้นฐานกว่า 300 คำ แบ่งออกเป็น หมวดหมู่ ผลไม้ ผัก สัตว์ต่างๆ อาชีพต่างๆ มีทั้งรูปและเสียงทำให้จำง่ายขึ้น เหมาะสำหรับคนต้องการเรียนรู้คำศัพท์ จำง่าย
2019-01-20 08:03:32
简介:Can you guess the riddle?
quot;I have a neck and no head, two arms but no hands. I #39;m with you to school, I #39;m with you to work. What am I? quot;
quot;I am known for my natural tuxedo and marching. What am I? quot;
It #39;s time to boost that brain of yours with loads of Riddles! With one of the Best Word Games on the PlayStore you can test your brain against some Easy Riddles, Hard Riddles, Rhyming Riddles and Funny Riddles!
*** Features ***
- 100s of Riddles
- Download and Play for Free
- Hints: Show a Letter or Complete the Word!
- Ability to get Free Coins!
2019-01-20 08:02:38
简介:Правила игры очень просты! Вам предстоит угадывать старенькие, любимые мультфильмы по картинкам! Если вы забыли какой-то мультик или не помните название - не беда! Вы всегда сможете воспользоваться подсказкой за монетки! Монетки вы будете получать в процессе игры за отгаданные мультики!
Это великолепная возможность вспомнить свое детство и вспомнить интересные, старые, добрые мультфильмы, которые наполняли его и делали счастливыми!
- Удобный и простой интерфейс!
- Очень увлекательно интересно !
- Прекрасная возможность вспомнить свои любимые мультики детства!
- 100% бесплатная!
- Бесплатные монетки в игре!
Если вы заметили какую-нибудь ошибку или неточность, то сообщите нам!
Прекрасных вам воспоминаний!;)
2019-01-20 08:00:22
简介:Word Hindi, best hindi word puzzle. Find amp; spell correct word. Its challenging.
This word puzzle game will help you to improve your hindi word power.
Desi word game. Hindi word game. Hindi puzzle. Word Puzzle.
This word puzzle have 36 level, each levels have 10 words.
वर्ड हिन्दी, हिन्दी शब्द पहेली है। हिन्दी शब्दों का गड़बडी खेल ।
इसमें हिन्दी के सरल एवं कठिन शब्दों को शामिल किया है।
इस पहेली/खेल से छात्रों का मनोरंजन के साथ-साथ हिन्दी शब्दों का ज्ञान भी बढेगा।
Feature : Four types of hindi word puzzle. Words included easy amp; hard .
1. 3 Letter word puzzle.
2. 4 Letter word puzzle.
3. 5 Letter word puzzle.
4. 6 Letter word puzzle.
Who can play this game ?
Any one who have little knowledge of hindi can play easily this game.
How to play word hindi game ?
Word hindi game have jumbled word
Like र न
दि क
you can rearrange all letters and find correct word.
The correct word is : दिनकर
We added word hindi quiz part in this game .
In this part Hindi Synonyms , Antonyms amp; one word substitution category added.
वर्ड हिन्दी गेम में वर्ड हिन्दी क्विज में पर्यायवाची शब्द , विलोम शब्द, अनेक शब्दों के लिये एक शब्द को शामिल किया गया है।
1. पर्यायवाची शब्द
2. विलोम शब्द
3. अनेक शब्दों के लिये एक शब्द
2019-01-20 07:58:41
简介:Do you love cars? Are you sure to know every car logos?
Car Logo Quiz is the game for you!
- A lot of car logos to guess
- Advancing through levels you earn coins to:
EXPOSE a letter
REMOVE letters
SOLVE the question
- Possibility to ask friends on WhatsApp or Facebook
2019-01-20 07:57:44
简介:Word are so beautiful !!! We cannot live without words.
I #39;m going to say you about this : You know quot;After quot; is a word and quot;Life quot; is also a word. But Afterlife is a word too. That #39;s so magic.
This game discusses and challenges you about that. Are you ready to play this game - Word Spot - and to become a magician of words. There are so many other words like afterlife.
So what you gonna do next ? - Install and finish all levels of this game.
2019-01-20 07:56:47
简介:This coloring book contains flower patterns.
Coloring is a form of art therapy, a creative soothing technique that helps reduce stress and relaxation. Our activity book is designed for all ages.
in this book you can give it color. there are many images that you can choose. Create the image by giving it color.
2019-01-20 07:55:34
现在,您可以免费下载单词cross:free word search puzzle learning games!
2019-01-20 07:53:40
简介:Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (or WiFi Ralph in some countries) is an upcoming American 3D computer-animated comedy-adventure film that is being produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. It is the sequel to the 2012 film Wreck-It Ralph.
Taking place six years after the events of the first film,[3] the story will center on Ralph #39;s adventures in the Internet data space when a Wi-Fi router gets plugged into the arcade as he must find a replacement part to fix Sugar Rush. Along the way, Ralph and his best friend Vanellope von Schweetz encounter new customs, worlds, and characters, such as the trendy algorithm Yes and the Disney Princess lineup.
Ralph #39;s Destroyer adventure in jungle is one of the best jungle running adventure game in internet.
Run, jump around the internet levels and make your way through a vast world of challenges and start on an epic adventure! The best mobile adventure game and a 2D platformer game available for Android phones and tablets on Google Play Store.
Help to wreck it ralph games to beat all difficulties, Collect coins and victorious enemies.
Ralph Destroyer Adventure in jungle Features :
- Beautiful cartoon and lovely wreck it ralph
- Crazy and breaks angry jungle enemies!
- Simple control just running and jumping
- Make your run through various landscapes .
- Collect coins to gain more internet upgrades
- Cloth your ralph differently .
- Simple control just running, jumping wreck ralph and breaks enemies
Fantastic internet world
- Explore a magical world of jungle, trees and monsters.
- Gain experience and breaks your character.
There are many Ralph Destroyer Adventure games dash on store but we are also introducing you one of the best adventure game
Get quot; Ralph Destroyer Adventure quot; for free today.
I hope you will enjoy this game world .
2019-01-20 07:52:44
简介:Intercept, eliminate and extract. It’s time to engage the enemy!
Modern Combat Army Sniper Strike is a high-octane sniper experience that pits you in battle across three gameplay modes and hundreds of missions. Experience a AAA rated sniper game like never before on mobile.
Scout through immersive environments, engage in rapid-fire combat and build the ultimate super-soldier as you customise their state of the art gear.
Team up with Wolf, Jackson and the rest of Strike Force as you target hostiles and take down the evil Elite Order. Go head to head with friends in online combat and shoot to the top of the leader board.
Modern Combat Army Sniper Strike FPS Shooting 2019 Features:
● Wipe out Elite Commanders and their henchmen with satisfying kill shots!
● Buddy up with allies to cover Delta Team and rescue hostages.
● Seek out online friends (and foes) and challenge them to LIVE sniper duels!
● Join forces with Clan friends to smash missions, and prepare for the ultimate showdown with the Elite Order.
● The more you win, the better you play – upgrade and engage in harder, faster challenges that will send you flying up the leaderboard!
Whether you #39;re engaged in live PvP sniper duels, rescuing hostages with breach specialist Wolf, or fighting to be the last man standing in arena mode, this is one epic FPS experience that you don #39;t want to miss!
Enter the arena and become the #1 SHARPSHOOTER in this thrilling ‘sniper vs. sniper’ LIVE COMBAT game! Compete against more than 500K SNIPERS worldwide, climb the leaderboard, and ENJOY EVERY BATTLE in this premier mobile experience! Feel the pure adrenaline rush, and lifelike combat emotions in the heat of the battlefield, right in your hands on your mobile screen. Jump into the action and join the battle right away, it’s FREE TO PLAY!
• Enjoy breathtaking 3D GRAPHICS: the world’s best SNIPER RIFLES, superbly realistic and authentic in every little detail, and 4 spectacular combat locations with authentic sniper firing positions, beautifully designed in terms of game logic and the balance.
• Try intuitively easy controls - SWIPE, ZOOM, SHOOT! Compete in 3 game modes: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and Domination with up to 8 real opponents on the map, whoever shoots the most enemies wins the round.
• Develop your SNIPER CAREER, from recruit all the way to the rank of Phantom, with a variety of daily tasks and a detailed ranking system. Unlock and upgrade modern PROFESSIONAL EQUIPMENT: sniper rifles, ammunition, camouflage and special equipment.
• Ally with your friends and create an UNSTOPPABLE SQUAD! Lead them to the top of the leaderboard, defeat other teams and win territories in Domination mode.
This game requires stable INTERNET CONNECTION to play. The gameplay involves real-time online match ups with players across the globe, shared server for any mobile device, and LIVE-CHAT.
2019-01-20 07:51:39
简介:This winter season download Anti-Terrorist Counter Attack SWAT Police 3D newest FPS shooting games for FREE!!! A terrorism group attacked an office building right before winter vacation, snow fall and chilly wind it #39;s impossible battle scenario we need some superhero or a miracle. Rise as war hero to become last hope for the hostages inside the real office building to start SWAT team game.
Join anti-terrorist SWAT force and charge in unknown battle arena as SWAT police elite force captain. Engage special ops mission to eliminate extreme criminal group and rescue hostages in fierce real survival battle in newest action filled warfare FPS shooting games. Use SWAT force tactic skills to enter the real office building on remote location, engage intense real survival battle with heroic courage and real time shooting master skills. Save hostage take down enemy sniper gunner in impossible heroes war 2019.
SWAT team game play fight with the extremist who are spreading like wildfire, eradicate this madness and stop this world war in year 2019. SWAT force need tactic and heroes army commando training for survival assassination in a quest to conquer and survive warfare in this SWAT police shooting game. Lead as hero commander in fierce real survival battle and stand as last-man to restore world peace and save your nation. Save hostages from fallout and take them to safe shelter. Survive hunter’s war on unknown hideout of extremist, use machine guns, grenades in world war 2019. Lead as elite army commando on selected for special ops mission, take-down enemy gunner C4 explosive to save the day. Play this SWAT team game and enjoy best police shooting game play and become enemy nightmare.
Use US army training from assault course and fight the terrorist who are out to destroy the peace of your nation. Play Anti-Terrorist Counter Attack SWAT Police 3D newest FPS shooting games, be vigilant, locate the hideout, stay safe in attack the terrorists hiding inside real office building with your automatic machine gun against enemies sniper gunner, shotgun. Rise as war hero save the assassination of undercover agent in the office building.
*** How To Play Anti-Terrorist Counter Attack SWAT Police 3D ***
• Start SWAT police game play
• Select level of best police shooting game
• Begin battle and prepare for war
• Be the war hero in thrilling solo play mode
• Spot an enemy make killer shot attack
• Defuse bombs in SWAT team game play
• Rescue hostages in winter survival battle
• No bullet purchase enjoy shooting for FREE
• Hide from terrorist for survival real battle inside office building
• Locate criminals and for target shooting from your sniper, shotgun and other guns
• Escape from enemy boundary and keep attacking gangsters to win this battle
*** Features Anti-Terrorist Counter Attack SWAT Police 3D***
• Multiple shooters
• Multiple levels
• Enemy terrorist AI
• HD graphics
• Real life shooting simulation
• Best SWAT force fps shooting game
Feel free to give your feedback with comments so we can improve our games for you!