2018-12-15 10:53:14
简介:잔잔하게 빠져드는 신비의 차원!!
검과 차원에 오신 모험가님들 반갑습니다.
2018년 이른 겨울 출시하는 저희 검과 차원은 정통 방식의 턴 방식 캐릭터 육성형 RPG 게임입니다.
정통이란 단어 답게
저희 검과 차원은 과격하고 눈부신 액션과 스킬 보다는 고요하고 잔잔하지만 전략과 도전 그리고 저희만의 특유의 특징과 재미를 잃지 않도록 밸런스가 잘 맞추어진 게임이라고 말씀드리고 싶습니다.
우선 게임 기본적인 요소들을 설명해드리겠습니다.
주인공 포함 총 6명의 영웅 및 퍼핏 출전이 가능하고 영웅들의 기본 공격시는 타깃을 설정할 수 있습니다.
총 29명 각양각색의 영웅!
“뽑기형 게임에서 이거 너무 적은 거 아니냐? quot;라는 평가가 있으시겠지만
저희 검과 차원 모든 영웅은 물, 화염, 바람, 신성, 암흑으로 나 뉘여져 있고 속성 별로 저마다의 특유의 스킬과 서로 지간의 상극과 상생이 존재합니다.
스킬, 각성, 동료, 초월 참 쉽고 잔잔하죠?
그럼 기본 속성으로...
생명, 공격, 물방, 마방, 명중, 회피... 피해증폭, 피해감소, 물리저항…
입문은 쉽게 재미는 깊게!
기본적으로 던전에는 일반, 정예 던전이 있고
14레벨에 오픈되는 경기장과 서버대전
16,, 환수던전
20,, 월드보스
22,, 고블린 사냥
23,, 성물약탈
25,, 멀티던전
27,, 원정
28,, 여신시련
30,, 통천탑
38,, 심연
45,, 영웅시련
60,, 비경탐사
65,, 허공경상
70,, 불타는 땅
쉼없는 컨텐츠 보장 해드립니다.
7일 카니발
출석 선물
접속 선물
천사 소원 선물
성장 본드
라라의 분식집
카드 특권
동료 수집 선물
이 정도는 기본...
추가 20여 종의 인 게임 이벤트들이 모험가들을 기다리고 있습니다.
코스튬은... 아무튼 있습니다.
2018-12-15 10:48:34
简介:▣ 게임 소개 ▣
하드코어PK(아이템드랍), 1:1거래와 대규모 문파 공성전! 이것이 바로 진짜 MMORPG!
■모바일로 재구성된 원작의 감성■
[조작] 간편한 오토 시스템
[위탁] 언제 어디서든 아이템을 판매할 수 있는 시스템
[거래] 원하는 상대와 원하는 아이템을 팔고 구매할 수 있는 시스템
[PVP] 필드PK, 복수, 도발 끝나지 않는 전투 시스템
[탈것] 빠른 이동속도로 적을 제압
[영웅] 더욱 강력해진 전투도우미 나의 영웅들
[조합] 더욱 강력한 장비 제작
[사북쟁탈전] 미르의 꽃 사북성을 차지하는 문파가 진정한 지존!
마물침공, 현상금, 폭군도전 등… 쉴 틈 없이 진행되는 다양한 이벤트
날개, 장비, 보석 등 다양한 강화 시스템
지금 접속해서 느껴보세요!
[미르의전설2 리부트 공식카페]
미르의전설2 리부트의 다양한 정보와 이벤트를 가장 빠르게 받아보세요!
※미르의전설2 리부트는 위메이드(전기IP)와 정식 계약을 체결한 게임입니다.
※현재 게임물 등급분류번호: 제 CC-OM-181017-003호에 따라 구글플레이에서 18세 등급 처리 중에 있습니다.18세 등급 처리 후에는 18미만 일 경우 게임을 이용할 수 없습니다.
[접근권한 안내]
1) 전화걸기 및 관리: 고객 응대에 필요한 단말기 정보 수집을 위한 전화 기능 엑세스 권한을 요청합니다.
2) 기기 사진, 미디어, 파일 엑세스: 외부 저장공간에 데이터를 저장하거나, 읽어오기 위한 읽고/쓰기 권한을 요청합니다.
[접근권한 철회방법]
- 운영체제 6.0 이상 : 설정 gt; 어플리케이션 관리자 gt; 앱 선택 gt; 권한 gt; 접근권한 철회 가능
- 운영체제 6.0 미만 : 접근권한 철회가 불가능하므로, 앱 삭제로 철회 가능
■ 상품 정보 및 이용 조건 안내
* 유료아이템 구매 시 별도의 요금이 부과됩니다.
* 구매 후 사용된 상품 및 즉시 반영되는 월정액 상품은 환불이 불가능합니다.
* 결제 후 상품이 미지급 되었을 경우, 고객센터로 문의 바랍니다.
* 결제 취소는 #39;게임펍 고객센터 #39;를 통해서만 처리되며, 회수하지 않은 아이템에 대한 결제 취소 적발 시 영구 제재가 적용됩니다.
* 게임펍 고객센터: 1666-7198/ 평일 10:00 ~ 19:00 시간 동안 상담 가능
* 주소: 서울시 용산구 원효로 152-1
* 사업자 번호: 279-81-00148
* 통신 판매업 번호: 제 2015-서울용산-00649호
* 게임물 등급분류번호: 제 CC-OM-181017-003호
개발자 연락처 :
2018-12-15 07:55:43
简介:Xylophone double is the best free virtual xylophone for your android device. You can play two xylophone instruments with different music notes at the same time.
- two xylophone keyboards
- 109 keys (full 9 octaves by keyboard)
- sound repeat type: normal double, triple, ... , x9, x10
- sound repeat speed
- multitouch up to 10 fingers
- specific zoom for each keyboard
- specific position for each keyboard
- real time scrolling
- select music notes convention: english, german, dutch, neo-latin, byzantine, japaneze, indian-hindusthani or indian-carnatic - all standard included
- show / hide notation on keys and choose notation mode
- select sharp mode or flat mode
- choose keys color for each keyboard row
- visual effects
Play xylophone double as double piano keyboard with clear sound. Learn play with two hands simultaneously - at the same time - and improve your music possibilities. You can use this app as professional xylophone with your kids to improve their musical education in general.
Xylophone double was created using unity3d software. It #39;s the second music instrument in the main series of musical instruments (after app Piano Studio). We #39;ll continue with series of the solo instruments and at the end we #39;ll create music synthesizer as the best music android app ever...
2018-12-15 07:54:22
简介:Baby phone is a game developed for children to spend time and have fun. With this game your children will learn both music notes and have fun with them.Children learn to play piano and guitar with this game.This game includes Happy Birthday notes.
This Games Features
- 2 diffrent instruments music notes :Piano,Guitar press star(*) key for change music ınstuments
- 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 keys:Music Notes
-# press key then play music and have relaxing.Press again the same button for stop music.
-Press call button play automatica Happy Birthday or Twinkle Twinkle notes and press stop call button sound notes stop.
-HD and Colurful graphics:
With high quality and colorful graphics, their eyes do not get tired and they do not cool down.
-Clear Sounds:
With the clear sounds, the ears of the children are not damaged and they become more adaptable to the game. Children learn musical notes and notes.
Playing the application too much amount of time or leaving the children alone with the tablet pc is not encouraged!
2018-12-15 07:53:22
简介:Gayatri Mantra (the mother of the vedas), the foremost mantra in hinduism and hindu beliefs, inspires wisdom. Its meaning is that quot;May the Almighty God illuminate our intellect to lead us along the righteous path quot;. The mantra is also a prayer to the quot;giver of light and life quot; - the sun (savitur).
2018-12-15 07:53:03
简介:Best play piano 2019 app is Free now, Start play amazing realistic melodies and rhythms with this 2019 real piano for beginners and professionals.
With this amazing play piano 2019 app create your own best melodies with your virtual Piano. This beautiful piano has a great keyboards animations and awesome colorful pink keys!
This real piano game allow you to be a piano master. You will like this gorgeous perfect piano 2019 game. play your own music and melodies easily and surprise your friends!
The realistic piano keyboards 2019 and musical instruments app for professionals and beginners! Download to play this perfect piano keyboards on your Phone amp; Tablet for free!
Play our real piano 2019 on your device, anyone can play it. it #39;s a perfect piano provides different sounds.
With this colorful music keyboard 2019 no matter how you play is, Piano keyboards can play it. With the the multi-touch, you can touch several piano keys at the same time easily.
Plat piano app has a beautiful pink single piano keyboard. Enjoy playing piano keyboards like never before!
Relax your mind and soul with the awesome melodies amp; rhythms of piano while playing your favorite tunes on the piano 2019 game!
You will like this online piano 2019.Once you play this perfect virtual piano keyboards your soul will feel better when you touch the keys.
You will be impressed with this musical piano. You don #39;t need to be a professional to play this piano it #39;s simple if you #39;re a beginner. Just download it and start practice!
Now with this 2019 piano you can easily play realistic music and songs by pressing the piano keys. You can create awesome music with this piano.
Play piano 2019 is an awesome perfect piano keyboard for people who prefers to listening to the music of piano.
Start to play this simple organ piano. Just download and play it for free.
Be like a pro musician with this new 2019 magic piano, It #39;s the most amazing piano with beautiful music effects!
Turn your device into a virtual organ different melodies and rhythms with this simple and powerful piano instrument.
This virtual piano app is suitable for beginners and advanced musicians people for all ages!
Enjoy playing different tones like a real pianist. piano 2019 contain amazing colorful keyboard for best playing!
Enjoy our perfect real piano 2019 game and start playing the piano without knowledge of any lessons.
Share this amazing real piano with your family and friends, And feel relax with the sounds of piano!
* Perfect piano.
* Awesome colorful keys.
* Easy to play.
* Multi-Touch piano.
* High Quality songs.
* Share with friends.
Install play piano 2019 for free and start play music like a pro pianist!
2018-12-15 07:52:45
简介:迷你钢琴Undertale - Pianika Undertale
melodica,pianika,pionika,piyanika,midtime,键,口琴,播放,真正的pianika,真正的pianika,pianika亲,真正的pianika亲,钢琴,免费钢琴,lpiano,paino,panio,钢琴app,离线钢琴,钢琴模拟器,虚拟 钢琴,钢琴比赛,钢琴音乐,viyano,viano,fiano,承诺,承担氨基,免费承办,钢琴,承载字符,氨基,shimeji,承诺,amibo,frisk,纸莎草,sans承诺,承办游戏,承办游戏,承诺 纸莎草纸,钢琴曲,钢琴曲
2018-12-15 07:52:23
简介:Think quickly and use all of your reflex to count in your head and destroy the blocks and towers. It moves superrr fast but it #39;s so satisfying! Swipe with caution! Go as far as possible and have funnn.
You will surely b LOVE /b :
+ A great collection of dope music
+ Maximized gameplay for excellent feels
+ Simple one-finger control
Feel free to send us any question at [email protected]
2018-12-15 07:51:31
2018-12-15 07:50:58
简介:Can you find all the hidden words in this game?
There are 35 awesome levels to work through!
Words are hidden up and down in the grids.
This game features lots of common English words to help you practice your vocabulary and spelling. Or you can just play it for something to do in your free time.
It #39;s fun and entertaining.
Share to social media to earn extra hints!
2018-12-15 07:50:32
简介:寻找填字游戏?你喜欢玩有趣的文字游戏吗? Word cross puzzle是您的完美选择。如果你喜欢猜字游戏,这个应用程序是为你而制作的。单词交叉拼图在填字游戏和单词猜谜游戏中易于使用,具有用户友好界面,但玩无限单词搜索具有挑战性。它是免费的单词搜索游戏,不需要网络,你可以离线玩这个文字游戏。单词cross包含很多单词,你可以从无限单词搜索中搜索一个单词。单词并用交叉词搜索下一个单词。通过玩游戏以有趣的方式制作文字。从4个图片中选择字母并制作一个单词。
2018-12-15 07:49:18
2018-12-15 07:47:49
简介:If you are a Brain Games lover, you will find this Gemez - Trivia Quiz About Christmas to be quick, easy, amp; a lot of fun! Each level is a fun riddle, can you guess the riddle?
Brush up your brain with this simple and addictive Brain Games. It #39;s never been so easy to learn a new language.
Trivia Quiz About Christmas is a fun educational game for the entire family.
Trivia Quiz About Christmas is a great game that we create especially for you who likes challenges and is useful to hone your knowledge and ability in analyzing. Take a good look at the pictures we show, and there will be a column answers that should be filled with the correct answer in accordance with the instructions of the image. Trivia Quiz About Christmas is suitable to fill your spare time. All pictures are guaranteed to make you curious and be careful it can cause headache :p
If you were right in guessing there will be the addition of coins (+ 10). If you stuck in the game you can use the the HELP that are available on the game. There are DISCOVER letter or REVEAL word.
HOW TO PLAY: You are given a picture and a set of instructions on it. Find out whats the meaning from the instruction to guess the right answer. Pay attention to the details and make some deductions in order to crack this puzzle game.
Trivia Quiz About Christmas features:
- Addictive guessing gameplay
- Train the brain development if played regularly with the long term
- Help understand new words and their meanings
- Improve your language skills
- Improve your ability to practice concentration
- Helps you keep the memory of the brain and maximize brain function
- Educational games and fun
- Ideal learning game for kids
Easy isn #39;t it? come along to collect as many coins! Prove that you are the master in solving this riddles !!
Invite your friends to also play this fun riddles for kids to be more cool and collect as many points as it proves you have a good knowledge. If there are things that are not acceptable in this free riddle quiz games, please contact us. Don #39;t forget to comment and rate for this application.
Well, what are you waiting for ? immediately play Gemez - Trivia Quiz About Christmas to Test your wits and have fun! Logic brain teaser – guess the picture!
Enjoy The Game
2018-12-15 07:47:11
简介:Мафия - это психологическая, словесная ролевая игра, имитирующая реальную жизнь виртуального «города» и извечное противостояние добра и зла.
За основу взяты правила старинной игры «Убийца», распространённой в Европе середины XX века. Жители разных стран привносили в игровой процесс что-то новое, в том числе — и варианты названий (например, в Германии игра известна как «Оборотень»). В последствие игра использовалась также спецслужбами разных стран с целью тренировки агентов и развития способности считывать настоящие эмоции человека по мимике, жестам и отклонениям от привычного поведения.
— Более 5 миллионов игроков
— Атмосфера в лучших традициях психологических игр
— Множество возможностей обмана и выявления обманщиков
— Семь ролей: мафия, горожанин, горожанка, доктор, коммисар, киллер, дон
— Праздничные события
— Возможность объединения в семьи
— Подарки, предметы, аукцион и лотерея
— Все действия происходят в реальном времени и многое другое
Вам не хватает общения? Нет друзей? — Значит, участие в виртуальной жизни города, — это то, что вам нужно! Многие из участников уже нашли в игре не только друзей, но и любимых! Кроме того, вы не только научитесь выводить лгунов на чистую воду, но и начнёте понимать других игроков даже через молчаливое голосование. Вы удивитесь — насколько банальными для вас станут попытки соперников скрыть своего Персонажа. Хитрость, коварство, предательство и другие пороки отступят перед искусством интуиции и расчёта. Этот бесценный дар пригодится абсолютно каждому из нас.
Официальный сайт: http://mafiakiller.ru/
Вконтакте: http://vk.com/mafiaone
Мой мир: http://my.mail.ru/apps/533804
Одноклассники: http://odnoklassniki.ru/game/mafia
2018-12-15 07:45:45
简介:Guess the Brands using a single picture!
Test your skills and find out how many brands you can identify in this highly addictive logo quiz!
An exciting trivia quiz game providing hours of fun for your family and kids with all your favourite brand logos!
Wrong, each logo is more difficult than the last. Progress through all the level packs and use coins to help you along the way!
Featuring 8 massive level packs with over 1000 Brands! – Can you guess them all?
Download now and see how far you can get...
2018-12-15 07:44:47
简介:Get ready for a series of FUN and ADDICTIVE word puzzle challenges! I Love Word is the ultimate brain teaser word puzzle game designed for all ages. Try it and you won’t be able to put your phone down! Don’t believe it? Accept the challenge and see for yourself!
· Connect letters to form words and find all the words to complete each level.
· Finding starred hidden words for gold coins.
· Can’t think of a word? Don’t worry, tips are there to help you.
· Clear levels and find hidden words for gold coins to unlock content and more tips.
· PLAY AND LEARN – No matter what language background you’re from, I Love Word can let you have incredible fun and improve your English!
· EXPAND VOCABULARY – Both adults and kids can maintain and expand their vocabulary while having great fun!
· KIDS FRIENDLY – The beginning levels are relatively easy, so kids can start with ease, and play and learn new words at the same time.
· FAMILY AND FRIENDS – Playing with family and friends can be even more fun! gather more brain power, and have fun solving incredible and addictive word puzzles!
· 2000+ LEVELS – There are more than 2000 levels, and each is getting more challenging!
· ANYTIME ANYWHERE – There’s no time limit for each level; you can play anytime, anywhere, and progress will be saved automatically.
Download for FREE now and become the WORD MASTER!
2018-12-15 07:43:59
简介:Tebak Kata Indonesia 2019 adalah sebuah permainan teka teki silang huruf asah otak, dimana anda harus menghubungkan huruf huruf yang tersedia untuk menjadi sebuah kata.
Permainan ini cukup sederhana namun juga menantang untuk menguji ketajaman otak kamu dalam cari kata bahasa indonesia, sehingga juga dapat menambah wawasan anda. Dan juga game android ini dapat dimainkan secara gratis cuma-cuma, game ini juga dapat dimainkan baik secara offline maupun online untuk mengisi waktu luang anda, baik bersama teman maupun keluarga.
Game adiktif ini memiliki banyak level dengan kata kata sehari-hari yang mudah untuk ditebak namun juga menantang seperti teka teki silang, sangat cocok untuk kamu yang hobi mengisi tts. Kamu juga bisa menggunakan fitur acak kata dan petunjuk apabila menemui kesulitan. Dan juga ada fitur untuk screenshot untuk kamu bisa bertanya sama temen kamu untuk membantu memberi jawaban.
Ayo coba mainkan sekara game asah otak Tebak Kata Indonesia yang pertama diluncurkan pada tahun 2018, sebagai game permainan kuis android terbaik di Indonesia.
2018-12-15 07:42:54
2018-12-15 07:42:35
简介:介绍游戏时发现了团体警察的名字。 在每个级别中,隐藏组的组名称。 这些都是男性和女性韩国人群。 如果遇到困难,您可以使用提示。 在这个游戏中,许多韩国团体都被隐藏了 例如BTS,EXO,VIXX,2PM,Bigbang,EXID等等。 玩和赢。 留下反馈意见对我们很重要。 随着更新,更多的水平。
2018-12-15 07:42:09
2018-12-15 07:41:00
简介:羽毛球世界锦标赛是Google Play商店中逼真的3D羽毛球比赛。
在这个游戏中,您将面临所有羽毛球比赛中前所未有的挑战。 选择你的球拍,并与职业羽毛球运动员开始比赛。 你的主要目标是击败所有其他对手球员以赢得羽毛球世界冠军。
Badminton World Championships! The most competitive sports game. Play more effectively with a perfect strung racket. Entertain yourself with ultimate badminton challenge games. Be a pro player with international badminton games to become a legend superstar in real badminton championship. Enjoy super badminton game and suggest your friends play this one of the best badminton game in the world championships. Grab your racket hit the shuttlecock and give tough time to your opponent with the strong smash and high jump and prove that you are the great champion of this badminton league 3d games. Learn the rules regarding badminton tournament challenge and win badminton match by using your perfect jumping and shuttlecock smashing skills. In this free double player fun game, you will learn how to play badminton games hard so learn the tricks and tips by playing this new badminton best games of 2019. After playing this realistic badminton 3d games you can confidently say that you are champion of badminton star league.
Badminton Badminton World Championships is extreme best and ultimate unique badminton game on Google play store. In this game, you will face several challenges you have never before in all badminton HD games. First of all click on the store button to purchase badminton equipment different strong rackets and a huge variety of shuttlecocks with shoes and garments. Pick your racket and start the match with pro badminton players. Hit the shuttlecock quickly by making a long jump across the net. Make a high score against the opponents to win super badminton league. You can play this premier badminton game in the friendly mode where you have to beat only one player while in the tournament match you have to compete with champion players of badminton games. Your main goal is to defeat all other opponent players to win the world best badminton league. Play this in door badminton high-quality game and enjoy the 3d badminton championship on your android device. This best free badminton 2018 game develop your skills perfectly and will train you a pro player of ultimate badminton games.
How to play:
- Enter player name
- Select favorite country
- hit racket on shuttlecock to give out
- Drag racket to amp; fro to play shots
- Beat your competitor to unlock next
Features of Badminton World Championships:
- Easy Simple and smooth game play.
- Super bigger and greater badminton championship tournament.
- Compete against master badminton players amp; champions.
- Nice and mind blowing sound effect.
- Beautiful graphics with real Life Animations amp; realistic Physics
- Practice in friendly mode and challenge in tournament mode.
- Several attractive badminton outfits
- Do a crazy smash to defeat opponent
2018-12-15 07:40:13
简介:Games2Jolly - Charmer Escape is a point and click escape game from games2jolly family. An elderly man was walking alongside a road. Suddenly a poisonous snake came out of Nowhere and stood staring before him. He was so scared just by seeing the snake. Give him a snake charmer so that he can play it and escape from the danger. Good luck...
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简介:Games2Jolly - Richman Briefcase Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games2Jolly Team. A rich man was walking in the crowded streets of South Africa. He has gone there for some shopping. He was carrying a briefcase full of important documents. While he was busy in checking the products he planned to buy someone took his briefcase. Help him find his briefcase, good luck...
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简介:Games2Jolly - Perky Boy Rescue 3 is the new point and click escape game from games2jolly family. Here a group of strangers grabbed a boy and hanged him. Use the clues scattered all around the place and solve the puzzles and help our perky boy to escape from strangers. Good luck and have a fun. Jollymania!!!
2018-12-15 07:38:03