2018-12-02 07:05:43
Word Search
就是训练大脑每天动一动 ,
边找边念 , 你可以很快记得所有单字
2018-12-02 07:05:03
简介:Jump, and go up!
Make your highest score!
2018-12-02 07:04:37
简介:Always wanted to feel how a high speed stunt race feels like on a racing track? Then do not miss out this chance in Bike Racer 2019. Join us in this races adventure as we hit the high speeds with acceleration. Now get ready for adrenaline fueled races action and ride your way to victory in the fastest lane of all! Bury the competition as you drive through a variety of treacherous tracks while enjoying the realistic bike physics and fast-paced gameplay.
Ride in the most spectacular environment built just for performing the craziest tricks. The Physics are realistic and you get to choose your bikes / motorbike too, just avoid the obstacles and finish the ride #39;s in time. You can drive on a two or single way road. While dodging to other attacking racers with high speeds, get all check points, cash points and you can purchase other better and faster racing bikes. It will be addicting, we guarantee fun at the tip of your finger!
Bike Racer 2019 Game Features :
- Free to Play!
- Select from 15 unique bikes, ride how you want to ride
- Realistic 3D graphics with dynamic lighting effects
- 20 tracks from easy trials to very technical
- Simple and intuitive driver controls
2018-12-02 07:03:17
简介:你是否喜欢有趣的 b font color="green" 烹饪 /font ! /b 游戏?
您是否是令人上瘾 b font color="green" 时间管理 /font ! /b 游戏的个中翘楚?
️ 您是否会沉迷在全新的 b font color="green" 设计 /font ! /b 游戏当中?️️
如果回答 b font color="red" “是” /font /b ,那你一定要来看看 b font color="orange" 《烹饪吧!》Chef Restaurant Cooking Game》 /font /b , b font color="green" 全新 /font /b 免费游玩烹饪和餐厅模拟游戏,现已火热上线 Google Play Store!
b font color="orange" 《烹饪吧!》Chef Restaurant Cooking Game》 /font /b 由创作 b font color="blue" 《Cooking Country》 /font /b 和 b font color="red" 《Kitchen Craze:A Master Chef Cooking Game》 /font /b 的创作者诚意制作,两个游戏拥有超过 1500 万玩家。该全新游戏结合 font color="red" 《Kitchen Craze:Master Chef Cooking Game》 /font 令人上瘾的快节奏时间管理和 b font color="blue" 《Cooking Country!》 /font /b 的餐厅设计与装饰兴奋体验于一身。
餐厅如此之多,就在 b font color="orange" 《烹饪吧!Chef Restaurant Cooking Game》 /font /b 。这还不能让您认为是最为“美味”的美食大作战,那么就来
b The Pizza Palace! /b 烤上完美的披萨,在这间披萨店中制作出完美的鸡翅!
b The Dream Deli! /b 中有着快餐烹饪的模拟,在制作饼干的同时还要献上种种三明治!
b The Sushi Spot! /b 奢华餐厅模拟之下,准备美味的寿司吧!
b The Burger Barn! /b 煎出汉堡肉,制作美味热狗,试试这间快餐厅吧!
b ... 除此之外,还有更多!甜甜圈!海鲜!墨西哥食品!蛋糕店!街边小吃!数不胜数! /b 在各间餐厅和其中的独特厨房中提升时间管理技能,成为厨艺大师!
随着厨房的逐步升级,您也会对它们进行设计和装饰。座位的颜色、️墙壁上悬挂的画幅,甚至于桌上摆放的鲜花都能一一定制!星级大厨是不错啦,但装饰大师的名号,可没那么简单哦!了解详情,就在 b font color="orange" 《烹饪吧!Chef Restaurant Cooking Game》 /font /b 。
b 特性: /b
️ b font color="green" 装饰 /font /b 厨房中的每个部分!
能够 b font color="blue" 离线 /font /b 或在线游玩,无需 Internet 连接!
b font color="green" 永久免费游玩 /font /b ,无需购买!
b b font color="blue" 可爱角色 /font /b ,大量登场!
从 b font color="green" 来自全世界的 /font /b 厨房烹调各种食物!
️️ 2018 年最快速的全新烹饪游戏! b font color="blue" 轻轻一点 /font /b ,即可开玩!
b font color="green" 千个以上 /font /b 富有挑战性的关卡!
在 b font color="blue" 社交媒体 /font /b 上分享得分,向好友展示自己身为最强烹饪游戏玩家的缘由!
设计餐厅 b font color="blue" 缤纷色彩 /font /b !
b font color="green" 升级 /font /b 每件用具和配料!
时间管理技能充分强大,您便能掌控模拟,成为 b font color="”red”" 厨艺大师! /font /b
下载 b font color="orange" 《烹饪吧!Chef Restaurant Cooking Game》 /font /b ,紧跟料理狂潮!开始面向成人的疯狂烹饪游戏,发现各式菜谱,发展时间管理技能,装饰并设计最完美的酒店模拟!通过升级厨房和管理所有疯狂料理,您将能提升厨师游戏,最终构建最美丽的餐厅帝国! /b
2018-12-01 12:24:47
简介:リセマラ不要で始められるシンプル amp;カンタンお手軽シミュレーションRPG
平凡な日常を絶賛満喫中の女子高生 私こと、朝霧アサギ
2018-12-01 11:42:11
恋愛ゲームならではの font color="#ff0099" イケメンたち /font との font color="#ff0099" 大人の恋 /font 。 font color="#ff0099" ドキドキストーリー /font を基本無料でお楽しみいただける恋愛ゲームアプリです。
font color="#ff0099" ◆恋愛HOTELストーリー /font
font color="#ff0099" ◆恋のお相手 /font
font color="#ff99cc" 1.後藤田 嵐(ごとうだ あらし) /font
font color="#ff99cc" 2.片桐 涼介(かたぎり りょうすけ) /font
font color="#ff99cc" 3.藤澤 リク(ふじさわ りく) /font
font color="#ff99cc" 4.西園寺 奏(さいおんじ そう) /font
font color="#ff99cc" 5.御門 貴久(みかど たかひさ) /font
2018-12-01 11:41:25
• 即时游戏,开放的世界地图,充满了来自世界各地的怪物和玩家!
• 组建一支强大的魔龙军队,让敌人闻风丧胆!
• 建立强大的部族和联盟来统治浴火世界!
• 完成史诗任务来发展壮大你的王国!
• 组队与泰坦对战获得大量战利品!
2018-12-01 11:26:46
简介:b レベル120までの育成がより楽に!
久しぶりにプレイする人もこのチャンスを見逃すな! /b
b サマーイベント開催!リネレボサマーを楽しめ! /b
b ついにマント登場!新たな装備を体感せよ! /b
b 傭兵システムも実装!要塞をかけた戦いは更なる高みへ /b
b 全世界を魅了し続ける、史上最高峰の革命的MMORPG
「リネージュ2 レボリューション」(Lineage2 Revolution) /b
b サマーイベント開催 /b
b マント実装 /b
b 総勢20人の対人戦「バトルロイヤル」 /b
b 大規模バトルコンテンツ「要塞戦」 /b
b 史上最高の仲間が見つかるコミュニティシステム /b
b 豪華声優陣によるキャラクターボイス /b
ストレージ 「利用者の音声録音及び送信」等に使用します。
マイク 「利用者間の音声チャット」等に使用します。
※ アクセス権限を許可しなくてもサービスの利用は可能です。
※リネージュ2 レボリューションは基本無料でプレイできますが、一部有料アイテムがございます。
2018-12-01 10:41:51
简介:Guitar Band Battle is the biggest band challenge in the world! A free multiplayer game that brings the best mix of bands and rhythm for mobiles and tablets, with amazing guitars for you to test your skills on and to compete with real players from around the globe.
Start in the garage, gather your band and evolve until you become a rock n roll hero, going through multiple stages, stadiums and arenas, playing famous tunes until you reach the top of the hall of fame. Buy several guitars, hire musicians and make your band famous, conquer millions of fans and turn yourself into a music superstar!
• Collect and customize super detailed unique guitars.
• Start your band in the garage and evolve by doing shows, recording albums and videoclips.
• Go through different stages and arenas till you reach the top and become a music star.
• Get a bass, drums, pedal and amplifier to enhance your skills.
• Assemble your own band by hiring a bassist, drummer, guitarist and vocalist, as in a real band.
• Play in the perfect tempo to be a rock and roll hero and conquer success.
PLEASE NOTE! Guitar Band Battle is completely free to play, however, some game items can be purchased with real money. You can enable and disable these purchases on your own device. You must have internet connection in order to play the game.
Visit www.zeeppo.com, like our Facebook page and send us your suggestions for the game!
2018-12-01 09:47:49
简介:️ 让我们来玩钢琴挑战 2 白块儿 - 2017年的新游戏之一,在您的Android设备上!免费! ️
你有没有梦想成为音乐大师?在大钢琴上演奏肖邦,莫扎特,贝多芬和2017年hot歌曲?现在您的梦想可以实现钢琴挑战 2 白块儿 - 最好的钢琴游戏系列!
• 更新新的皮肤版本与新的真棒体验
• 唯一的一个对战模式 - 在2017年的一个新功能:在“无 - 慈悲”与全球超过500万玩家的挑战钢琴在线比赛!胜者为王这一切!
• 请求您喜欢的任何钢琴歌曲并留给我们。我们会尽快找到并提供给您。
• 所有新的热门歌曲(每周更新)与各种K-pop和美国 - 英国的高品质钢琴歌曲。
• 美丽的钢琴音乐,使其成为家庭和朋友最棒的钢琴游戏。与朋友和其他玩家一起演奏您最喜欢的钢琴歌曲和挑战,向他们展示钢琴天赋。
• 简单玩,很难掌握 - 有史以来最艰难的比赛之一。在这些高速钢琴游戏中抓住所有的瓷砖并不容易,特别是在我们新的战斗模式!
• 200个不同的钢琴乐曲,以多样化的音乐本质。
• 令人敬畏的游戏设计和钢琴挑战性游戏的图形。你会觉得你正在玩一个真正的豪华经典钢琴,用昂贵的红木制成,他的节奏是任何钢琴音乐爱好者的完美选择。
• 平滑的游戏体验,轻松玩和轻便安装。
• 歌曲经常更新,从经典歌曲(如贝多芬,肖邦,莫扎特,舒伯特,柴可夫斯基)到最受欢迎的歌曲。
• 通过每一个完美的时机贴片,轻轻松松地感受到美妙的钢琴音乐旋律超出想像。
钢琴挑战 2 白块儿正在等待钢琴挑战者!
隐私政策: https://goo.gl/uvQtqM
2018-12-01 09:46:33
简介:b Got it? is an addictive word game to help Peter break out the prison. /b Peter was sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering his wife. In fact, he didn #39;t do anything to hurt his wife. He is innocent, you need to help him survive and break the prison.
On each level, you need to guess the word based the clue in the picture. Simply click to type the answer to finish the level.
★ Simple and instant fun.
★ Expand your English vocabulary.
★ Enhance your b Logical reasoning /b ability!
[] b ALL LEVELS /b are b FREE /b for all users!
[] 1,00+ word puzzles and ramp up fast.
[] Even more DIFFICULT challenges for word game master!
[] Game playing with no time pressure.
[] Use hint to help along the way.
[] Colorful graphics and exciting gameplay.
[] Offline word puzzle game.
[] Suitable for both kids and adults to train the brain.
b DOWNLOAD /b now to training your brain!
We are working on improving the game, so if you have any question, let us know your thought and tips in the comments.
2018-12-01 09:44:32
从豪华服装到M / V服装,音乐会服装和万圣节服装!
2018-12-01 09:38:36
简介:The best 3D pool game is here! The ultimate addictive fun pool game.
Challenge your friends to matches or play against the AI players in the best pool game.
Real Pool 3D is one of the most realistic and enjoyable pool games available on mobile.
It features many pool game modes like 8 Ball, 9 Ball, UK 8 Ball, Time Trial, Matrix Mode and Practice Mode. So if you #39;re a billiards fan, there is something for you to play in Real Pool 3D.
Customise your pool table by choosing the color and cloth patterns you like.
In Time Trial you have a time limit of 4 minutes, in which you have to pocket balls as fast as you can to achieve more score. When you pocket more than one ball back to back, your multiplier will increase and which will boost your score and time.
In Matrix Mode, when you pocket a ball your score will be multiplied by the difference of your previous and current ball number if the current is more than the previous; but if the current is less, then your score is divided by the current ball number. So be careful.
Have you ever thought about playing billiards on a real table, Real Pool 3D is the perfect way to try a variety of games. Real life graphics and angles to help improve your skills. Play Practice mode if you just want to relax and play without any rules.
b Features: /b
● 8 Ball, 9 Ball and UK 8 Ball.
● Play with the Computer Player.
● Pass amp; Play with friends.
● 1 or 2 player
● 3 Different Controls.
● Spin / English Control.
● 10 Characters to choose from.
● 3 AI Difficulty Levels.
● 10 Table Colors.
● 10 Table Patterns.
● 6 Cues to choose from.
● Realistic Physics.
● Stunning 3D graphics.
● Relaxing Musics.
So what you waiting for? Download now for FREE.
Break through the 3d pool rack and enjoy pool wherever you want.
Like Real Pool 3D:
Get the latest news, deals, and more at...
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/eivaagames
TWITTER: http://twitter.com/eivaagames
YOUTUBE: http://youtube.com/eivaagames
2018-12-01 09:20:02
简介:《Puzzle Ark》是一款集消除和放置为一体的RPG游戏。海量关卡挑战,趣味十足的消除玩法,搭配多职业英雄技能,畅享通关的快感和乐趣。离线战斗,可轻松获得金币、经验石、进阶石等培养英雄道具,减轻养成英雄的负担。
2018-12-01 09:13:40
简介:Audistar Mobile is the Next Generation of Dance Game that very popular around the World. In Audistar, you can find friends and create your own community. You can also join other community that is already have a name to increase your social status. Lounge are also available so you can hang out with your friends and also find your true love. All of the TRENDY FASHION in Audistar can make your style cooler so you can be a Superstar, the IDOL that is beloved by everyone, and even be a trendsetter in millennial!
★ Audistar #39;s special features ★
♫ Huge Music List: The game features many of the KPOP, JPOP, and American POP top trending songs!
♫ Game Mode: 2 most famous game mode from all existing dance game is available for you to play. Traditional mode known as quot;LEGACY MODE quot; that is using arrows, while the modern mode known as quot;DYNAMIC MODE quot; is using the popular bubble mode to show off your skill to your community friends!
♫ Fashion Mall: Many kind of costumes and accessorries, so you can show your character with many style, simple, casual, cool, so you can be more confident to become IDOL and TRENDSETTER in Audistar.
♫ Customized Fashion: You can change your FASHION style as you please, from the color combination to add glitters so your character can be more FLASHY!
♫ Game Theme: Gives experience of nightlife. Creating an energy that will make you feel trendy!
♫ Social: You can share your fame with your friend and shows them that you are an IDOL!
♫ Dance Club: A place is available for you to build community or join the existing community that had the same mind like you to grow and be famous from Audistar
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/audistarmobile/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/audistar.indofun/
The Next Superstar Dance Game
Find Your True Love
2018-12-01 09:10:08
简介:For the first time ever on mobile, Gears of War amp; Funko Pop! have joined forces to deliver you explosive real-time multiplayer battles in the Gears universe.
Mix-and-match an army from iconic Gears of War heroes and villains, each designed with distinctive and collectible Funko Pop! vinyl design. Once you’ve assembled your squad, lead them to victory against other collectors in fast-paced tactical cover-combat!
● Strive for supremacy on iconic Gears battlefields in real-time PVP assaults.
● Over 30 Gears of War characters are ready for your orders, all brought to life from authentic Funko Pop! designs.
● Build your squad the way you want, mixing and matching COG amp; Locust units like never before.
● Turn the tide of battle with powerful ‘Ultimate’ abilities, including the devastating Hammer of Dawn.
● Battle through the arenas and into big leagues to challenge the best players in the world and fight for even better rewards.
● Test your mettle against AI opponents to try out new squads and hone your strategies.
A network connection is required to play.
2018-12-01 08:20:25
简介:Famous Piano tiles are easy to play and very challenging!we have developed a special piano game for Marshmello Piano Pro Fans around the World. Marshmello Piano Pro new piano game for fans. This game piano music song of Marshmello with piano music instrument. You must try playing this piano and collect hing score. This game very easy for playing, just tap tiles piano and follow music tempo.
List of Marshmello Piano tiles Songs:
- Alone
- Fly
- Anne Marie friends
- khalid silence
- Selena Gomez Wolves
Let #39;s play and don #39;t forget rating :)
2018-12-01 08:19:33
简介:This application is a piano game that contains songs Lady Bug,
This game was no less exciting his piano other games,
and this game is very easy, you stay Press every black tile
when you lift it, you also need a full concentration level so you can
finish his game
and this game is available the most popular songs from, quot;Lady Bug quot;
and songs and soundtrack more interesting.
- A very interesting theme
- Most popular song From quot;Lady Bug quot;
- Classic level, Arcade, zen, boamb
- choice of song or sondtrack
- Settings.
hope you are entertained with his game.. and good luck
2018-12-01 08:17:27
Tap fast and enjoy your favourite piano music game!
BTS is one of the best piano games in 2019 which brings 800+ hottest piano songs to one piano game right on your phone.
How To Play BTS
• BTS is very easy and simple to play. Tap on the piano tiles, don #39;t tap the white tiles to feel the hottest songs in music amp; piano keys. Hold the long tiles from start to the end of tiles.
The game will stop if you miss the piano tiles or tap on white tiles. Be careful!
Game Features:
very beautiful themes: BTS is the best beautiful pink piano of 2019.
exciting piano game modes, easy to play: BTS is the best awesome piano tiles games for family amp; friends. Perform your favorite piano songs and impress all your friends with your piano music speed and talent.
800+ hottest songs by many genres such as Kids, Popular US-UK, K-Pop, Classical, Holiday and Traditional. Feel the cute piano music melodies beyond imagination through every tap with perfect timing tiles.
Climb the top of game rank to defeat your friends and other player in the world
Bonus mode : you can collect items to unlock your favorite songs
Weekly chart of most favorite songs
Save your favorite songs
You can play without internet! But with internet connection, the game will add new package which includes all new and great songs.
Awesome game design and graphics for the free piano games 2019. You will feel like you are playing a true magical pink piano made with expensive mahogany, whose rhythm is perfect for any piano game lover.
Smooth gaming experience, easy to play and lightweight to install.
Try out this game now and challenge your own reaction speed and skills! This speed tapping piano games 2018 is more relaxing than you could imagine.
Permission: In order to provide the optimized experience, we would request “Storage” permission when you download this game.
BTS is waiting for you!
Download now!
If you can not find your favorite songs in game. Please comment your song request and send to us. We will add as soon as possible.
2018-12-01 08:16:51
简介:***For use with Bluetooth Headphones, please calibrate your phone in settings***
Welcome to BeatStar. The unique music game where you choose your path to megastardom.
• Choose from a library of awesome tunes.
• TapHave you got what it takes to make it to the top? along to fluid rhythm gameplay.
• Which path to fame will you take? YOU decide!
• Dress your character in the latest fashion.
• Build your crew. Perform with your friends.
• Explore BeatStar, a world of music where your choices matter.
• For the best experience, play with sound on
• Sorry, we do NOT yet support Bluetooth Headphones
• Easy accessible, fun music gameplay.
• Huge selection of Pop, Dance, Urban, Rap and R amp;B songs to choose from.
• Two handed mode pushes your dancing to the limit.
• Unlock Silver and Gold Bonus Songs each Chapter.
• Start your new life as a superstar.
• Where will you perform? What music will you play?
• Who will you fall in love with?
• Glam, Boho, Urban. What style defines you?
• Create your own unique look.
• Improve your Style for in-game bonuses.
• What will you wear for your next performance?
• Invite your friends to join your dance crew.
• Check out their style and moves.
• The bigger your crew, the bigger the hype.
Please note that BeatStar is free to download and play, however, some game items can also be purchased for real money. If you don #39;t want to use this feature, please disable in-app purchases. You can play Fastlane offline but a network connection is required for in-app purchases and new content.
Privacy Policy: http://www.spaceapegames.com/privacy-policy/
Terms of Use: http://www.spaceapegames.com/terms-conditions/
2018-12-01 08:11:23
简介:Kolor - Color by Number, Number Coloring ,a totally new and addictive No. Color Book game that allows you to coloring thousands of beautiful pixel art picture by numbers. To be an artist has never been easier like this!
10+ categories, 300+ beautiful sandbox style pixel art are ready for you to play - No Ads ,No subscription , all free!!
This is one of the best coloring games for any age and family. Whenever you want to relax and calm down, just open Kolor and start drawing. it is an excellent way to enjoy hours of fun and relaxation.
.For children, It will develop better concentration and steadiness and will train hand-eye coordination and recognition of color、shape and number.
Excellent features of our No. draw app:
☆ Easy to start: selet color and tap the highlighted area according to the number.
☆ Long press and drag to paint continuously which make more efficient.
☆ Free automatic correction tool to prevent coloring mistake.
☆ Free tips tool help you to auto locate the coloring numbers which are unfinished.
☆ Save your masterpieces to a cool time lapse video and share with your family and friends on Instagram, Facebook or other social platforms.
☆ Tons of Free coloring pictures in different categories, you can coloring cartoon, anime, animals, cars, aircraft, weapons , unicorn, . New pictures will be updated EVERY DAY!!
More features will coming soon!!
Contact us:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kolornumber/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kolor_color_by_number/
2018-12-01 08:05:15
简介:Word Connect is an exciting puzzle game for TRUE WORD geniuses! Concentrate to find all hidden words in given letters and connect them anyway you like to catch the word! It starts off as an easy word game and becomes challenging! You will have fun improving your vocabulary and spelling skills. Your brain will thank you for the workout!
On the same principle as crossword puzzles, this game asks you to find a set of words placed in a mixed grid of letters.
You will have the opportunity to choose from two game modes: Challenge (solve series of varying difficulty levels) and Time Attack (find out as many words as possible in a given time).
Want to prove your vocabulary? Enjoy the excitement of classic word game? Wish to play by simply swiping on the screen? All in our Word Link! FREE DOWNLOAD NOW! We offer different tests to train your brain!
- Correct swipe the letters horizontally, vertically, diagonally, forwards or backwards to form a specific hidden word.
- Find as many words as possible to unlock levels and earn extra bonus coins.
- Fill in every block with a word! Earn coins when you discover star words.
- Have difficulty coming up with the word games? You can use coins to buy a hint to help solve the level.
WHY WORD Connect
• SIMPLE amp; EASY Enjoyable graphics with easy controls amp; simple premise
• KEEPS YOUR BRAIN YOUNG Stimulating brain game, highly entertaining amp; educational for everyone
• SHUFFLE TO REARRANGE Shuffle the alphabets amp; rearrange the letters to spark recognition
• HINTS AVAILABLE Use hints if you stump upon a word you can #39;t identify
• NO NEED TO RUSH There is no time limit or penalties for incorrect answers
• DAILY REWARDS Play every day to earn bonus rewards!
• NEW LEVELS Stay up to date for new game updates!
• Decorate your word Connect with delicious, chocolatey icing!
• Explore 500+ more challenging crossword puzzles every day amp; become a word master
• Claim your daily rewards to give yourself the extra boost you need!
• Collect extra word to fill up the cookie jar amp; receive even more rewards!
• Get your own baking tool collection by completing each given stage
• Find the starred cookies to facilitate your gameplay
• Ask your friends for help amp; invite them over to play together!
• No need to rush! With no time limit, you can enjoy the game at your own pace!
• Great for wordiest to enhance vocabulary amp; excellent for kids to learn new words!
• WIFI is not required! Word Cookies Cross can be enjoyed on amp; offline!
Word Cookies Master is a very fun and exciting word connect puzzle game, it makes you keep playing for FREE!
This is a perfect word games for word connect fans Download it, and make the word cookies! Play the game now, you will find it so addictive and just can #39;t put your phone down.
We really value your feedback, you can say what #39;s on your mind when you rate the game. Your comments will be read carefully.
Thanks for playing! Good times in the Word Games!
2018-12-01 08:02:24
简介:Play a round of 8-ball pool with realistic physics simulation. Large screen area. Touch to aim and shoot the white ball. The strength of the shot is proportional to how far you are touching behind the white ball.
Aim of the game is to pocket all the balls with minimum number of shots. The solid black (eighth) ball should be the last one to be pocketed. You lose the game if you pocket it while there are other balls on the table.
2018-12-01 08:01:39
简介:Everyone is fan of superheroes as the saviors of mankind. When you combine the love for superheroes with the Nobel mission of saving lives as a rescue service mission. You get this ambulance rescue simulator game as a result. The objective of this rescue car simulator is to save the lives of patients. The rescue shuttle is driven by the superhero of your choice from the pool of heroes given in this game i.e. the universe of superheroes available in this game are super human. Even the insane hero gets a little mercy to help out people in the van games 2018. This fast drive ambulance racer gives the user to dodge oncoming traffic as they drive towards the 911 call received by the people present near the accident. Your mission is to provide medical rescue in the accidents occurred in the hustle and bustle area of the city as a hero.
There are many rescue missions and you must be in a state of emergency all the time. You can driving around the big city, suburbs, construction sites, parks and even the beach. It #39;s crazy how the city lives - people are walking, cars are crossing. Get in your ambulance, fasten your seat belts and become a city traffic racer
- Full 3D large environment
- Simulator driving smooth controls
- Realistic big city graphics
- Engaging ambulance driver missions
- Drive the patients to the hospital
- Many different routes across the city
2018-12-01 08:00:26
简介:Welcome to the magical world. Use your bombs and run away from your enemies. Use spells at the right time. Do you trust in timing and skill ?