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Mu Global MMO
- 标签
- 安卓游戏
A great mobile experience presented by Global Mu Online. Brand New MMORPG based on old MU continent. Enjoy with 5 different races in the journey to become the most powerfull warrior in the Land.
.Vive una gran experiencia presentada por Global Mu. Un excelente nuevo juego basado en el antiguo continente de MU. Disfruta con 5 diferentes razas en el viaje para convertirte en el guerrerero mas poderoso del continente.
- Unity 3D HD Graphics and Real-time effects.
Mu Online will take you to an unprecedented visual feast.
- Creado con Unity 3d Graficos full HD y movimientos en tiempo real.
Global Mu te llevara a un festín visual sin precedentes.
- Los mejores efectos visuales!
Llevate dentro de esta increible aventura en 3D con maravillosos efectos visuales!
Un sin fin de customizaciones para tener los mejores y mas inigualables Looks, rivaliza con los mejores y conviertete en el mejor.
- Eventos Multiplayer, batallas de parejas y grandes eventos de arena 2v2 8v8 y all vs all.
Global Mu te lleva a un gran aventura con otros jugadores! Online multiplayer dungeons, World Bosses, 2v2 and 8v8 arena en tiempo real. Usa to Celular o Table para hacer estrategias con otros en cualquier lugar!
- Poderosas Guild Wars
Mientras el territorio se expande hay mas peligro Unite a batallas hasta con 1000 jugadores para llenar a tu guild de los altos honores! Usa la mejor estrategia para ganar el territorio y gobernar a todos!!
- Gloria Romantica
El amor y la batalla hacen la combinacion perfecta, muestra tu amor a todo el mundo con bodas gigantescas y enormes banquetes. Lleva a tu elegid@ de la mano al campo de batalla y se la pajera mas poderosa!
- Nueva personaje "Invocadora"
Nacida en las antiguas tierras de los elfos, las poderas Invocadoras combinan sus poderes magicos con su poder interior para crear hechizos e invocaciones poderosas. Mientras los dioses y demonios luchaban las invocadoras mantuvieron a todas las criaturas a salvo!
- La jugabilidad mas innovadora
Obten recursos mientras atacas y haces guerra con otras Alianzas y otros jugadores
Caza a los Boss mas poderosos para convertirte en el mas rico del Continente!
Nunca te aburriras en la aventura de Mu Nomercy!
Official Website: https://www.muglobalmobile.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Global-Mu-Mobile-159002364748132/?ref=br_rs
Glbal Mu es free to play role-playing game,
A network connection is required.
Para preguntas y problemas estamos aca para ayudarte!
Visitanos en https://www.muglobalmobile.comA great mobile experience presented by Global Mu Online. Brand New MMORPG based on old MU continent. Enjoy with 5 different races in the journey to Become The most powerfull warrior in the Land.
.Vive a great experience by Global Mu. An excellent new game based on the ancient continent of MU. Enjoy 5 different races on the journey to become the most powerful guerrerero the continent.
- Unity 3D Graphics and HD Real-time effects.
Mu Online will take you to an unprecedented visual feast.
- Created with Unity 3D full HD graphics and movements in real time.
Global Mu take you to an unprecedented visual feast.
- Best visual effects!
Llevate within this incredible adventure with wonderful 3D visual effects!
Endless customizations to have the best and most unique outfits, rivaling the best and become the best.
- Multiplayer Events, battles couples and large events arena 2v2 8v8 and all vs all.
Global Mu takes you to a great adventure with other players! Online multiplayer dungeons, World Bosses, 2v2 and 8v8 arena in real time. Table used to Cell or other strategies to anywhere!
- Powerful Guild Wars
While the territory expands no more danger battles join up with 1000 players to fill your guild top honors! Use the best strategy to win the territory and govern all !!
- Gloria Romantica
Love and battle make the perfect combination, show your love to everyone with gigantic huge weddings and banquets. Take your hand chosen ones to the battlefield and the Pajero more powerful!
- New character "Summoner"
Born in the ancient lands of the elves, the invocadoras poderas combine their magical powers with their inner power to create powerful spells and invocations. While the gods and demons fought the invocadoras kept all creatures safe!
- The most innovative gameplay
Get resources while attack and make war with other alliances and other players
Hunting the most powerful Boss to become the richest continent!
You never get bored on the adventure of Mu Nomercy!
Official Website: https://www.muglobalmobile.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Global-Mu-Mobile-159002364748132/?ref=br_rs
Glbal Mu is free to play role-playing game,
A network connection is required.
For questions and problems we are here to help!
Visit us at https://www.muglobalmobile.com
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《Mu Global MMO》游戏由开发者名字授权提供给WPW小游戏使用
《Mu Global MMO》小游戏由WPW小游戏用户提供