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(Memory Mender)是一款以萬華歷史背景為內容,精心研發的適地性擴增實境遊戲 (Location-Based Augmented Reality Game ),最初構想的原型設計始於2014年的Google Glass版之【謎霧憶境】,中間並歷經2015年的二二八公園基礎原型手機版【憶遊未境】,後於2016~2017年由北科與華夏師生團隊共同開發出原型,後續由樂次方創意科技合作研發。



本遊戲具有LBS的特性,需要開GPS定位功能,並擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)需要陀螺儀輔助正常運作,未來將會加入藍牙室內定位技術,敬請期待。
(Memory Mender) to Wanhua is a historical context for the content, well-developed location-based augmented reality game (Location-Based Augmented Reality Game), originally conceived prototype version of the Google Glass began in 2014 [mystery Yi fog territory], after the middle of 2015 and February 28 Incident park foundation prototype mobile version [Yi] travel is not territory, after 2016 and 2017 by the North Branch of the Chinese team of teachers and students to develop a prototype, the follow-up by the power of music creative Technology R & D cooperation.

Special abilities players have to get through the accident, the shuttle in the origin of Taipei - formerly known as Wanhua Wanhua District, repel invading enemy Memory of the World, attached to help repair physical space, the memory of the pillars supporting the balance of time, and explore the history of the past, solve puzzles, complete tasks, find out the hidden truth behind a series of events, save the world.
With the level of increase and guide the story, players and to strengthen their combat capability, and can challenge different achievements, rankings and fight for honor, and more importantly, through your participation can valuable location, culture and memory, set the public whereas the gradually accumulate into a considerable history.

The purpose of this game the players to enjoy the game in the content of the course, in addition to virtually experience the depth of field with the land dependent historical and cultural background, to deepen the identity, found in the past that did not notice the sights outside through the power of crowdsourcing (crowdsourcing), and to explore and validate more about the past of this land, to preserve important cultural assets constantly disappearing, cultural preservation and sustainable management can do something.

This game has the LBS features, you need to open the GPS positioning function, and Augmented Reality (Augmented Reality, AR) need to assist the proper functioning of the gyroscope, Bluetooth will be added to future indoor positioning technology, so stay tuned.

