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Bid Whist - Classic
- 标签
- 安卓游戏
Bid Whist is an exciting, popular partnership trick-taking game. It is played with a standard 52 card deck plus 2 jokers, for a total of 54 cards. There are 4 players consisting of two teams; each player sits opposite their partner. The game starts with each team at zero, and the object of the game is to reach a score 7 or more points, or force the other team to go negative 7 or more points. Points are scored by bidding for and winning tricks, which in this game are called books.
*No Trump Bids will double your points (win or lose the bid)
The Bidding
The turn to bid goes around the table only once starting with the player to the left of the dealer. Each bid consists of a number from 4 to 7, and a suffix quot;uptown quot;, quot;downtown quot;, or quot;no trump quot;.
The number indicates the number of books above 6 that the bidder #39;s team will contract to win - for example a bid of 5 is a promise to win at least 11 books (6 + 5). As there are 13 books in all, 7 is the highest possible bid.
Uptown (or quot;high quot;) means you intend to name a trump suit, and that high cards will win.
Downtown (or quot;low quot;) means that you intend to name a trump suit, and that low cards will win.
No Trump means that there will be no trump, and that if you win the bidding you will then determine whether high or low cards will have preference.
Added an option for Easy or Traditional(Hard Bidding). With Hard Bidding, you can only see the Kitty Cards after you have selected the Trump Suit and Direction(Uptown or Downtown) of your hand. With Easy Bidding, you can see the Kitty cards before you select the Trump Suit or Direction(with a No Trump Bid).
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