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Thousand (1000) - card game





Card game Thousand (1000) is to play online. It is required to have installed and turned on applications quot;Google Play Games quot; and quot;Google Play services quot;.

You can change your avatar and nickname in quot;Google Play Games quot; application.

- Online
- Leaderboards
- Achievements
- Quick Game
- Invite
- Invitations

- Player has 3 minutes for his moves in round. If one of the player lose connection the game ends.

- Leaderboard quot;Points quot; shows the points gained in each game. Leaderboard quot;Wins quot; shows the number of wins in a fully completed games.
IMPORTANT: Due to the specificity of Google Play Leaderbords only quot;All time quot; results are correct. Weekly and Daily results are incorrect.

- Achievements for points scored and games won.

Quick Game:
- Play with two random opponents. A choice of Polish and Russian rules.

- Play with two friends or one friend and one random opponent. A choice of Polish and Russian rules.

- Receive an invitation to the game from other players.


General rules of the game Thousand can be found on the internet. Below are shown the specific rules that apply to this application.

Each player has 3 minutes for each round. When timer reaches 0 the game ends and the other players get as many points as they have scored.

Polish rules:
- Bidding by 10 points without increasing.
- You can not bid more than 120 without a king-queen pair and above 120 plus value of owned pairs.
- The obligation to give higher card if possible.
- Lock on 900 points.
- 1 allowed quot;bomb quot; without deducting points. Opponents get 60 points.
- The game ends when one of the player will score 1000 or more points.
- You can request redeal when you get 4 nines after dealing the cards.

Russian rules (variety of Thousand called 1001):
- Bidding by 5 points with the possibility of increasing.
- You can not bid more than 120 without a king-queen pair and above 120 plus value of owned pairs.
- No quot;Golden Round quot;.
- quot;Barrel quot; on 880 points.
- If a player who is on the quot;barrel quot; does not win for 3 consecutive hands, he falls from the quot;barrel quot; and 120 points are deducted.
- The third fall of the barrel resets the points.
- Win gives the score over 1000 points.
- You can not win without being on the quot;barrel quot;.
- Announcement is available only when at least one trick was won by the player.
- quot;Aces marriage quot;. 200 points for giving ace to trick when having all four aces in the cards. As well as king-queen marriage announcement you need to won at least one trick before.
- You can give quot;rospisat quot; any number of times. Bid value of points will be deducted. Opponents get 60 points.
- You can request redeal when you have 4 nines in the cards.
- You can request redeal when you have less than 14 points in the cards after receiving card from a declarer.
- You can request redeal when you get less than 5 point in the talon.


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