Looking for a fun, challenging Bid Whist game? Let NeuralPlay #39;s AI challenge you!
Rule customizations include:
• Kitty size - Choose the size of the kitty: 6 cards, 5 cards, 4 cards, or no cards
• Sport kitty - Choose when the kitty is reveals: to all players when there is a trump suit, to only the declarer, or to all
• Minimum bid - Set the minimum bid to three, four, or one
• High and low bid ranking - Choose whether high and low bids are equivalent at a given level or a low bid beats a high bid at a given level
• Notrump scoring - Choose whether or not notrump contracts are worth double the points of suit contracts
• Overtrick scoring - Choose whether overtricks are scored as one point or no points
• Joker play during notrump contracts - Choose how jokers must be played during notrump contracts: can be discarded anytime one does not have the suit lead; must be discarded as soon as one does not have the suit lead; may be played anytime but will not capture the trick; or must be placed in the kitty or exchanged with the kitty
• Game over - Choose whether the game ends at a predetermined number of points or after a certain number of hands
Features include:
• Claim - claim the remaining tricks when your hand is high. Optionally, the computer will offer to claim the remaining tricks when its hand it high
• Finish hand when set - when the hand is set, there is no need to play the remaining tricks of the hand. With this option, the hand will end as soon as the declarer is set
• Hints: see what the computer would bid or play
• Show hints and/or check your play as you play. Great for learning!
• Undo moves all the way to the beginning of the game
• Review the play of the hand trick by trick at the end of the hand
• Achievements. Challenge yourself to accomplish them all!
• Leaderboard. Climb to the top of the leaderboard as you win!
• Replay hand
• Player statistics
• Six levels of computer AI to provide challenges for beginning to advanced players
• Unique thinking AI to provide a strong AI opponent for different rule variations
• Designed for both tablets and phones
We are continuing to develop and improve NeuralPlay Bid Whist. We welcome all your feedback. Please contact us at
[email protected].