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Glitch Goons
- 标签
- 安卓游戏
b STORY /b
Glitch Goons takes place in the year 2690. A centuries-old nuclear war has wiped almost everything off the face of the Earth. Descendants of the survivors now live in bunker cities underground, doomed to die for lack of water and oxygen. Their only hope is getting to a distant colony on the planet of Garthorix.
The only way to get there is through a system called the #39;Transposition Channel #39;; which enables a human mind to be transposed from a living body on Earth, into the body of a new #39;carrier #39; on Garthorix.
The Transposition Channel between Earth and Garthorix has limited bandwidth, so not everyone will be able to transpose their minds to Garthorix before the planet Earth expires. There is a fixed and controlled cue for transposition on Earth managed by the mysterious Controllers, who also manage the Transposition Channel. People wait for decades to get into the cue, they are eager to do anything for it. Many people want to find them and bribe, or even kill the Controllers to get into the cue themselves or to get their loved ones into it. As of now, no one has ever succeeded.
On Garthorix there are a number of carrier races, they have been bred specifically to contain human minds transposed into their bodies. A human chooses their initial Garthorix carrier while still on Earth, and after the Transposition, they take full control of the carrier #39;s body on Garthorix. There they can live, travel, buy or catch new carriers, and transpose their mind into one carrier after another. Thus, on Garthorix humans can live forever, changing bodies from time to time.
It #39;s a new world and a sort of wild west for those who have managed to break free from the dying Earth. But, the more people transpose their minds into carriers on Garthorix, the fiercer competition gets for resources and carriers #39; bodies.
PvP automatic fighting game in which players customize and upgrade their characters.
The characters fighting each other are humanlike animals, who wear armor and operate various weapons. They can be equipped by modules, which upgrade their attack and/or defense abilities. So far there are five types of fighter characters in the game, representing five different combat tactics.
Every fighter has their own stats (health/hit points, strength, speed). These stats are increased with every level-up, but the increases are predefined by the nature of every character. For instance, strong characters upgrade their strength, fast ones – their speed, etc.
Players don’t have any manual control over the fighting. Their talent and mastery go into assessing their characters’ tactics and equipping and upgrading them properly to fight the others. That said, there are no two similar fights, since every character has a hidden ‘luck’ stat, which can play a significant part in the outcome.
Players make their way up the league system. Every league takes two days of fighting. Once you’ve made it to the top of your current league, you get automatically transferred to the next one. You also receive bonus loot boxes as a reward.
All players have a chance to compete in tournaments.
Aggressor is equipped with the head of a common Garthorix predator resembling the terrestrial wolf.
Protector’s body is enhanced with the genes of a large Garthorix reptile, not unlike a terrestrial dinosaur.
Velorex is based on a small predator with a poisonous tail, which was widespread on Garthorix prior to colonization
Sapirex is a crossbreed between the indigenous Garthorix and a humanoid mammal similar to the terrestrial chimpanzee.
Levionix is based on a large bird of prey from Garthorix.
Choose your character and combat tactics, customize and upgrade it and fight for prizes!
Play Glitch Goons for free NOW!
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