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OFP Mobile
- 标签
- 安卓游戏
OFP Mobile is a companion app for users of the OfficeFootballPool.com website who are participating in Pick #39;em or Survivor pools.
The app provides all you need for the most critical weekly tasks, namely: getting your picks in on time and checking your progress in the standings.
Features include:
1) Pick sheets : Make your picks any time (before the deadline) on the go. The pick sheet helps validate your picks according to your pool #39;s configuration and settings, provides game-by-game analysis and statistics, and provides on-screen and emailed confirmations.
2) Standings: Both Season and Weekly standings are provided, along with the ability to drill down to see the specifics of each individual pool member #39;s performance.
3) Live Scores: Track the progress of every game. More than just a scoreboard, this page shows who you picked and summary statistics of what the pool wide picks were made so you can easily see which games and teams are most impactful for your results.
4) Reminder notifications: You can receive an alert notification to remind you to get your picks in before the weekly deadline.
*** Important *** This application is for office football pool users who are participating in specific games on the officefooballpool website. If you are not using our website already for an eligible game, this application will be of no use to you.
1、《OFP Mobile》游戏下载后,把游戏ZIP文件直接放入街机/FC/GBA或其他模拟器的ROMS文件夹中即可;
《OFP Mobile》游戏由开发者名字授权提供给WPW小游戏使用
《OFP Mobile》小游戏由WPW小游戏用户提供