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Flood It .. Cataclysm !!
- 标签
- 安卓游戏
Cataclysm is an action puzzler. This remake includes the 40 original levels, plus the 3 bounce levels, and a tutorial level that simply aims to show the mechanics. The remake is slightly easier than the original, which could be unfair at times.
Get the fluid into the quot;drain quot; at the bottom/end of the level. Your character can place/remove solid blocks if he has any (sometimes you start with them, other times you must grab them in the level) and can destroy the plugs holding up the water by running into them, in addition to hitting switches that toggle certain solid blocks. In a pinch, your character #39;s body can even act like a block to divert water.
Early levels simply have you guiding the waterfall into the drain, but quickly add additional arcade elements, like enemy creatures that can stop up water or attack you and a surprisingly large variety of defensive turrets.
Strategy becomes more complex than simply figuring out the best path for the water flow; you #39;ll also need to stop up water in specific spots to activate plunger barriers, destroy or block enemies, and eliminate pink blocks that can only be removed by liquid.
Later levels even introduce colored liquids you #39;ll have to blend together and boiling red liquid (lave?), which you #39;ll have to guide without coming into contact with. Note the colour of the fluid should match (e.g. blue/green/red).
Any fluid that falls to the ground outside of the drain or is the wrong colour, will increase the red bar at the bottom left of the screen, when this is full, its game over. You need to fill the blue bar at the top left of the screen to complete the level, before the red bar fills.
Play it now and have fun !!
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《Flood It .. Cataclysm !!》游戏由开发者名字授权提供给WPW小游戏使用
《Flood It .. Cataclysm !!》小游戏由WPW小游戏用户提供