This game is an automatic adventure RPG (Idle RPG). Change your equipment in town, define your tactics and send out your character to a dungeon. Your character will gain experience and grow.
b Note from the developer: /b font color="blue" quot;Logging Quest 2 quot; /font is released! I hope you would enjoy the sequel too. Please open from quot;More by... quot; section.
For quick tips about how to play, check the quot;help quot; section from the menu button. For detailed instructions about how to play, the backup function and strategies, visit the following link (also accessible from the quot;about this app quot; section from the menu button) :
【Application permissions】
Network communications to display advertisements.
Hardware control to enable the notifications.
Storage access to enable data backup.
Adventure log icons and item icons come from quot;沙夢 quot; ( allowed by the author.
Fight log icons come from quot;臼井の会 quot; ( allowed by the author.
Tab icons come from quot;REFMAP quot; category at quot;First Seed Material quot; ( allowed by the website.
The use of these icons was allowed for this software only and must not be used in any other way except to play this game.
【Special thanks】
Everyone from the Android Game Dev thread of the Game Dev board at 2ch.
Everyone from the Logging Quest Strategy-Chat thread of the Smartphone board at 2ch.
FurryRage for the English translation, please send a mail to
[email protected] if you have any remark about the translation.
The idea of automatic adventure was found in the quot;Whipper quot; application. Thanks for this interesting game.