2018-11-10 13:06:45
简介:魔法和秘密步步碰见之神秘国等着你!小神奇农场可以变成一个从小熟悉的主人公们 花园农场,农场,农场游戏,建造,经营游戏,农庄,庄园游戏,建设类游戏. 能定居的童话城市和美好王国。建造自己的充满秘密,魔术和巫术的美妙城市吧!种地游戏,种田游戏,模拟游戏,经营养成游戏,农场小镇,建造城市,建. 你是谁:巫婆还是魔法师?造模拟,花园小镇,花园游戏,建设游戏. 童话将在你的城市里生活。龙和公主,精灵和矮子,仙女和哥布林。创建魔法物品并帮助主人公们经过他们的神秘历险。与神话动物交朋友,帮助童话中的主人公们。神秘国的公主是用魔法控制了,居民在悲伤和悲痛。你在哪儿找到能叫醒美女的王子吗?只有你能帮助主人公打破禁咒并拯救美丽公主。
我们的Facebook群组 : https://www.facebook.com/Magic-Country-fairytale-city-Community-748809748599602/
2018-11-10 13:06:09
简介:与《Just Dance Now》一起解放你心中蠢蠢欲动的劲舞魂。 尽情享受由《Just Dance》带来的最佳编舞而不用拥有电视游戏机!你只需要简单地将你的智能手机当作是遥控器以及一个已和网络连接的屏幕(计算机,iPad,Apple TV,Chromecast,以及智能电视)。(1)
更多的信息请拜访 www.justdancenow.com 在超过 300 首可用歌曲中跳你所爱,包括电视游戏机专用的最新系列作,《Just Dance 2017》的 42 首歌曲!
Juju on that Beat (TZ Anthem) - Zay Hilfigerrr and Zayion McCall
Let It Go - Disney’s Frozen
Animals - Martin Garrix
Starships - Nicki Minaj
Gangnam Style - Psy
Happy - Pharrell Williams
Watch Me (Whip/ Nae Nae) - Silentó
The Greatest - Sia
Uptown Funk - Mark Ronson ft Bruno Mars
I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas
#That power - will.i.am ft Justin Bieber 享受《Just Dance》的体验:
•社区:只要你愿意,就能与 10,100,或是 1000 个玩家一起开派对!你可以与全世界为舞!
•HealthKit:在你的 HealthKit 信息板上查看你在《Just Dance Now》的卡洛里燃烧量。 (1) 需要连接互联网
虽然这个游戏能完好运作在任何连接上,但我们建议使用 Wi-Fi 或 4G 来取得最佳体验。 保持关注!
关注我们来取得《Just Dance》的最新消息,独家内容以及更多。
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/justdancegame
TWITTER: twitter.com/justdancegame
YOUTUBE: youtube.com/justdance
2018-11-10 13:06:04
- 全新農場冒險旅程就在格林莊園!
- 藉著朋友和鄰居的幫忙,完成重建莊園的任務!
- 快來達成耕種、收成、製作等多種任務!
- 朋友越多,莊園就會越繁榮!朋友能幫你達成目標。快拜訪你的好友!
- 好上手,讓你的農場更好管理、更好玩!
- 全新體驗:更多采多姿的遊戲環境,還有更酷的角色!
請造訪我們的首頁:http://www.gameloft.com 。
在 Twitter (http://glft.co/GameloftonTwitter ) 上關注我們的最新動態,或是在 Facebook (http://facebook.com/Gameloft) 按一下「讚」,即可取得我們所有未來活動的詳細資訊。
請到 http://www.youtube.com/Gameloft 觀賞我們的影片和遊戲預告片。
探索我們的部落格 (http://glft.co/Gameloft_Official_Blog),取得 Gameloft 的獨家消息。
2018-11-10 13:05:29
简介:Darts 3D is one of the best dart simulations available for android! It features a realistic aiming method and comes with 3D graphics.
Game modes: Cricket, 501 (double out), 301 (double in amp; out).
# Multiplayer (online)
- Realtime gaming
- Chat
- Profile with statistics
- Highscore and ranking
- and much more!
# Singleplayer
- Vs. bot
- Vs. local player
Enjoy the game and throw some darts!
2018-11-10 13:05:11
Joe Kalzage:这个伟大的拳击手与超级拳打,赢得国王拳击冠军在拳击比赛2017。
Juan LaMota:这位拳击手发明了一个伟大的拳击训练计划,现在是最强大的拳击战斗机之一。
哈利·霍尔姆斯(Harry Holmes):在秘密拳击战斗和街头打架中举起。他是真正的街头战斗游戏免费英雄。
Guille Marciano:首先在跆拳道和MMA战斗,现在在拳击游戏免费。他想成为免费英雄的战斗游戏。
Rocky Valverde:国王拳击比赛的创建者。他受过拳击手游戏和街头比赛的训练。他在这场拳击比赛中自由而战。他是一个真正的街头霸王游戏。
在国王拳击的最佳游戏中享受令人难以置信的3D图形。 2017年的拳击比赛只是为了训练。这是一个真正的拳击比赛。
Twitter: @Aristokraken
Facebook: www.facebook.com/aristokraken
Google+: https://plus.google.com/1053986440488...
And do not miss all the news and upcoming releases on our website: http://www.aristokraken.com
Release The Kraken!!!
2018-11-10 13:04:14
2018-11-10 12:54:35
简介:Get prepared for the big championship in Dream Wrestling World Championship: Wrestling Games 2018.
Enjoy real Dream fighting (known as wrestling fight) match in royal revolution wrestling games. Fight with all wrestling stars and Beat all tag team, ladder, and cage fighter players to become the best wrestler in wrestling championship matches. Prove your strength in heavy weight style by throwing all players over the rope to win the fighting. The dream wrestling championship of the world has starts with wrestling matches so experience the free style wrestling fighting games with amazing wrestling moves for all street fighting games lovers. Win ultimate wrestling fighting mania games by take part in world championship wrestling matches. Fight all players using variety of evolution fighting style tricks such as pins to gain, joint locks and take down etc. Become the wrestling legend as best wrestler and show your victory sign as wrestling super star after beating all tag team and ladder match players in the wrestling ring. Dream Wrestling World Championship: Wrestling Games always been a brutal fighting game and wrestler even die in royal wrestling matches while having an intense fight in fighting ground. Jump into dream wrestling 2018 as king of wrestler champions for free with wrestling fighting games and start to enjoy your dream fight.
Enjoy real dream wrestling fighting experience like cage revolution 2018. Try different fighting techniques of revolution wrestler and prove to be the best in the rumble fighting. Dream Wrestling World Championship 2018 game offers multi fighting experience to fans in this action fighting game. Defeat the opponents with face punch shots amp; move quickly in the ring like legend boxer and dodge your rival with your quick left, right sudden robust punch attacks. World wrestling champions star delivers adventures challenging role in this addictive wrestling game. Fight using a variety of revolutionary tricks such as pins to gain, joint locks, close fighting, throws and take downs. Use your skills in the WW2 such as kick up, heavy punches, and use wrestling champion fight techniques in revolution ring fight. Game is especially designed for wrestle mania fighting lovers. Game has two free modes. A wrestling superstar career challenges will drive you to take risky shots in the ring. Upgrade your wrestler to enjoy the professional experience with no limits of time. Knockout mode puts the power, intensity, and excitement of royal wrestling fighting in your device. Win the battle of ultimate fantasy match in universal champion’s competition. Fight using a variety of revolution facing type techniques such as close fighting, joint locks, pins to gain, throws and take downs, use different fighting techniques like Kung Fu, Muay Thai, Mix martial arts MMA, Karate, taekwondo and uphold a wrestling superstar position against your wrestling ring opponents.
Become universal champion of wrestling after beating all tag team champion wrestlers in the world. Test new striking techniques, like karate kicks and boxing punches or even gymnastic dodging and jumping art of fighting. Excite the crowd with your real wrestling fight style, improve your fighting skills and be the best wrestler in the world. Participate in the world wrestling championship fighting contest, defeat all your opponents and win the summer slam champion’s belt, world best champions in your way playing Dream Wrestling World Championship: Wrestling Games great fighting sport game for all heavy weight fighting lovers.
2018-11-10 12:51:41
简介:PBA Swish is a fun and addicting basketball game. Find and scan “Targets”, collect points, WIN cash and awesome prizes. Download for FREE.
• Practice and Warm Up for free.
• Find targets, scan and collect points.
• Subscribe to enjoy more exclusive game features.
• Play with friends and challenge them on Warm Up!
• Receive daily free throws.
• No purchase necessary to join the tournament.
• Make your way to the top of the leaderboard.
• Top 30 will WIN. Guaranteed!
2018-11-10 12:50:39
简介:Baseball Pro is a android Sport Game.Try to make as many home runs as possible!
2018-11-10 12:50:10
简介:Pool 8 Ball - Multiplayer
2018-11-10 12:49:36
简介:b #新職業、新專屬技能 /b
b #有熱血,正青春 /b
b 「街頭籃球」,最青春熱血的體驗! /b
b 聯繫我們: /b
官方網站: a http://streetball.herogames.com.tw /a
Facebook粉絲團: a https://www.facebook.com/streetballtw /a
官網Line: a http://line.me/R/ti/g/P5Z4_slVAX /a
客服信箱: a [email protected] /a
客訴電話(服務時間AM 09:00- PM 21:00):
b ◇叫上兄弟,痛痛快快打一場! /b
多元玩法3V3即時對戰,快速組隊面對面鬥牛,體驗正版授權「街頭籃球」freestyle sport樂趣!錦標賽、天梯賽、生涯賽、競技賽打造公平實力對戰!這一刻,我們並肩作戰,為勝利,更為情義!
b ◇升級培養球員,精彩絕殺Carry全場! /b
b ◇ 百變時裝Young出你的換衣戰術! /b
b ◇ 用你的技能征服球場,你的青春不過期! /b
無瑣定虛擬搖桿+按鍵的操作方式,零門檻上手操作炫技freestyle sport實力比拼。假投真傳,火鍋分球,火鍋傳球,滾地撲球,夢幻舞步,指尖灌籃Dunk!最酷炫的街籃運動手遊隨你玩!來,一起鬥牛,熱血「街頭籃球」MVP非你莫屬!
b ◇ 六大職業各展所長,打造公平競爭! /b
b ◇Freestyle Ⅱ自由籃球正版授權! /b
100%還原PC經典玩法,Freestyle Ⅱ官方正版授權3V3即時競技手遊「街頭籃球」,體育運動遊戲中最Young的籃球爆款手遊!一起指尖灌籃Dunk,找回熱血鬥牛快感!
b ◇熱愛不熄,籃球到底,打出名堂! /b
火熱俱樂部賽事,積分排名賽制,挑戰大師級頂尖好手,3V3揪團完成Basketball Dream!快來加入「街頭籃球」百萬名玩家行列,隨時自由組隊挑戰!2018俱樂部榮譽之戰,打造“NBA”水平賽事!走,到你上場!
※ 迪諾遊戲有限公司主要從事移動遊戲的研發,運營及發行。旨在打造世界領先的互動娛樂品牌,並致力於為玩家提供高品質的手機遊戲體驗。并以泛娛樂為戰略目標,推廣“移動電競”概念,打造全方位的移動電競娛樂方式,開創全民互動娛樂新時代。
※ 本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內可能有部分商品需要付費購買。請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。
2018-11-10 12:42:54
简介:Test your skills and play in one of the most competitive archery games ever. Master all locations and discover their secrets. Be the best archer and rule the rankings!
Everyone can play. Just aim and shoot.
Free archery game you can play with people from around the world.
Archery 2018 provides an ultra realistic archery experience with amazing 3D graphics and simple intuitive controls. Hit the target at different distances to earn coins to buy a new bow and arrow.Get ready for the challenge from the Olympic Archery champions.All you have to do is pull with your hands, aim and let go. If you are ready, pull the bow string ,shoot the arrow and hit the bull #39;s eye now!
Game Features:
- Intuitive aiming controls that feel like playing real Archery
- Great sound, visual and haptic touch effects to complement the real archery feel
- Different powerful lethal bows to upgrade amp; shoot.
- Real 3D environments, with multiple camera views.
- Explore different worlds amp; unlock new missions.
2018-11-10 12:40:27
简介:Super Volleyball World Cup 2018 is a classical Sport amp;Arcade Game,Command your World Cup 2018 team against the best in the world with Super Volleyball World Cup 2018 - the game that gives you ultimate control. You choose the teams, the players and the moves. Keep their defense off balance with a variety of serves, lightning spikes, well-placed slams and player rotations. Be ready to strike back with the power blocks and acrobatic saves. You can even create your own team of super players and take them through World Cup 2018 competition to become the international champs. For a professional challenge - and not a walk on the beach - get set for Super Volleyball World Cup 2018.
Start your World Cup journey and serve up some awesome goodness as you play teams from all over the world - and beat them! In the fantastic Super Volleyball you must take your squad of volleyball heroes on an amazing journey through the ranks of the international volleyball scene. Start by serving the ball into play and then work had to return every shot that is sent into your side of the court!
2018-11-10 12:39:30
简介:With Stephen Curry not doing well in what could have been an epic season for the Warriors, you will be able to avenge this crushing loss. Avenge Curry by having to shoot against Lebron quot;King quot;James.
A one-on-one shooting game where Stephen Curry will shoot against Lebron James to avenge the Sacramento Warrior #39;s loss in the championship games against the Cleveland Cavaliers.
The game is set up to have 7 games with increasing difficulty or distance from the basketball ring.
In each game level, Stephen Curry will shoot the ball as many times for 24 seconds with Lebron James blocking in front of him.
Each game level has a different passing score (shown on the score board) and you need to beat the passing score to advance to the next game level.
You have to control Stephen Curry #39;s shooting by:
- Adjusting Curry #39;s shooting angles (Up or Down)
- Pressing the Jump Button
- Press the Shoot Button
Learn how to play the game:
You can click the quot;How to Play quot; button in the game #39;s main menu for more information.
For the Game Levels, the following:
Game 1: Stephen Curry will shoot at the freethrow line with Lebron James trying to block the shot.
Game 2: Stephen Curry is positioned well at the upper left side of the three point arc. Lebron James is not far behind jumping to distract Curry #39;s shooting position.
Game 3: Curry shooting at the mid range but Lebron James tries to block frantically to prevent Curry from passing this level.
Game 4: Stephen Curry is at the lower right of the three point arc and is ready to shoot against the superhuman Lebron James.
Game 5: Stephen Curry is at the middle and is just at the 3 point line while James is still jumping up and down to block the shot.
Game 6: Curry can #39;t get away with the slick defense by Lebron so he is now at shooting way, way beyond the arc. Almost impossible but Stephen Curry is almost Superhuman when hot!
Game 7: The last game and everything is on the wire! Stephen Curry is shooting beyond the half court line! This is insane! Lebron James is still chasing Steph like crazy!
You can also check how you fared against other Google Play players in terms of score by clicking the quot;Top Players quot; button. Make sure you have have a Google Play Services Account so you can be included in the score ranking.
You can also share it with your friends! Click the quot;Share quot; button.
Avenge Curry, beat Lebron Baby!
2018-11-10 12:39:09
PANGYA Mobile 魔法飛球承襲過去線上版本的精華,同時賦予更多在手機上方便操作、隨時隨地即時對戰等特色。快與朋友一起來享受這前所未見的魔法飛球新世界吧!
與來自世界各地的 30 名飛球好手一起比賽吧!使出渾身解數,以最少的桿數脫穎而出。不可思議的擊球路徑,怎麼打出最遠的開球?如何漂亮的兩桿上果嶺?誰能一桿進洞逆轉戰局?有信心的朋友們來向世界證實我們台灣的實力吧!
2018-11-10 12:35:45
简介:Dribble, shoot, score! Hit the court with Basketball Stars Basketball Games For Free 2k18, the world’s #1 stunningly immersive basketball game!
Feel like the best basketball players around the world, the power of your finger is all you need to shoot in this real basketball game. Improve your skills beating all the levels in various game modes and try to be the best basketball player. Feel the real basketball physics in this 3D game, with beautiful real graphics that make you are in a basketball match.
Play fast-paced, authentic 1v1 multiplayer basketball! Show your skills, moves and fakes to juke out your opponent and shoot for the basket! On defense, stay in the face of the attacker, steal the ball, and time your leaps to block their shots! All in REAL-TIME!
Train your three-point shots, free shot, improve your showing ability and become a All Stars basketball player!!
The best basketball game to have fun, try your basketball skills shooting with effects and achieve your best score
Download Basketball Stars Basketball Games For Free 2k18 and have fun shooting to the basket, be the MVP!
2018-11-10 12:33:49
简介:VBA Slam is the official basketball game of the Vietnam Basketball Association. A 2v2 basketball featuring the teams and players of the VBA.
Do amazing dunks, jaw dropping three pointers and funny taunts! Personalize your game and create your own players and create a team roster with your friends and family!
* Funny commentary in Vietnamese
* Do amazing Slam Dunks!
* Easy controls and casual basketball game
* No rules just have fun!
* Create your own player
* Play the campaign mode and win trophies
* Unlock lots of items on the shop
* Choose and play your favorite Vietnam Basketball Team
2018-11-10 12:32:43
简介:最逼真的物理学为您提供最好和最逼真的球拍体验。 随时随地训练自己。
- 现实的3D图形
- 现实物理引擎
- 加法游戏
- 3种类型的球升级选项。
- 6个不同的环境(法院)
- 支持多播
- 支持成就和领导班子
- 支持16种语言
- 支持平板电脑
Homepage :
Facebook :
YouTube :
2018-11-10 12:29:31
简介:Get back to real street cricket fun with Gully Cricket game! Games2win brings you the popular Indian gully cricket on mobile for the first time!
Warm up for the T20 World Series by playing cricket in your own Gully!
Play more than 100 different matches in real Indian gullys. Break neighbor’s window panes and car windshields, hit passing auto rickshaws, Golawala, Kapuswala (cotton cardner),knock down the milkman, etc. like in a real gully cricket match.
Choose your own team combination and manage the batting order to blast your rival teams! Select your bats, balls and stumps carefully to make sure you win all 100 + matches!
3 Massive Game Modes: Arcade Mode, Tournament Mode and Gully Ka Raja:
1. Arcade Mode:
a) 5 Wickets - 30 Balls: Play your best in 30 balls and get to the top of the leaderboard by scoring your best.
b) One Wicket - Unlimited Balls: Can you stay unbeaten and score your best? Test your cricket playing skills in this challenging mode.
2.Tournament Mode:
15 different Tournaments to be won: Play against various teams in and around your gully. Earn coins by winning matches. Upgrade your bat, ball and stumps to play with the best combination and win against tough opponent teams.
3.Gully Ka Raja:
Beat 15 different teams and conquer 3 different Gullys. These teams will come back and keep challenging you even after you have conquered the gully. So, you have to always keep winning to be the Raja of these Gullys. Let’s see who can remain the undisputed King here!
- Simple gameplay
- More than 130 Matches to be won in Tournaments and Gully ka Raja modes
- Lots of real funny moments to look out for
- Swipe to hit straight down the ground, or play the ball on the off side or leg side
- Time your shots; play with or against the spin
- Dominate your opponents using your best team combinations and WIN every match!
- Complete the daily challenges to earn more coins
- A dynamic bowling system ensures that no two matches are alike!
- Knock the ball out of the gully by upgrading your bat and ball
- Great graphics and animations
- Authentic Gully Cricket scenarios to play in
- Record your own Career Stats
- Play as a captain and manage your own team
- Also contact your Umpire secretly for important matches to ensure a Win! ;-)
- Play with mobile volume ON to experience the nostalgic Gully Cricket matches you have played.
- Win matches and compete against your friends on the Leaderboard.
This app requires the following permissions :
* ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION : This permissions is required by ad networks.
Gully Cricket Game - 2018 game requires RECORD_AUDIO: This is required for Zapr SDK which is integrated within this app to analyze offline TV viewing data and serve media-targeted ads. If you would like to opt-out of this targeting, please visit the following link: http://www.zapr.in/privacy/.
Please note that we use Advertising ID for serving better ads and improving the product through Analytics.
About Games2win:
Games2Win is a fun company that believes in creating amazing and enjoyable games for all ages. We have over 800+ proprietary games that are available both online and on mobile.Some of our smash hit games are Parking Frenzy, Driving Academy, Fashion Diva, International Fashion Stylist and Car Driving amp;Parking School. Currently, our company boasts of more than 150+ million app downloads and 10 million gamers a month. And this is just the beginning!
Contact us at [email protected] for any problems you may have with Gully Cricket.
VISIT US: http://games2win.com
FOLLOW US: http://twitter.com/games2win
LIKE US: http://facebook.com/Games2win
Privacy Policy: http://www.games2win.com/corporate/privacy-policy.asp
2018-11-10 12:28:31
简介:If you #39;re a billiards fanatic looking for a challenge, look no further! 9-Ball is a fast-paced, dynamic take on classic pool that will be sure to test your skills. Elaborate, rich visuals track your ball #39;s path and give you a realistic feel for where it #39;ll land. Play against an AI opponent and put your expertise to the test in this must-play pool game!
2018-11-10 12:27:31
篮球运动员对其游戏的乐趣和基本组成部分进行摊牌。这个篮球比赛帮助您选择真正的球队。让我们使用您的动画作为玩家脸来玩自定义播放器。玩起来就像只是轻轻击球,然后收集星星一样。篮球3D战斗是帮助你创造一个世界篮球联赛球员,并通过玩这个惊人的NBA篮球联赛射击游戏告诉你如何排名。只需刷一下保龄球2018即可玩真正的3D多重环境。独特的角色,有更好的投掷和头部射击能力,并获得火球奖金,这是一个很大的奖项。 Slam Jam击中了游戏节目的跳跃和篮球技巧。精确度下降硬币和指甲做组合和旋风射击获得触发加值并达到狂热水平。如果你努力通过踢球和精力充沛的冲击进入决赛让游戏更具淘汰和娱乐,那么游戏就是你的手。
在轻弹世界篮球中,3D将你的篮球狂热提升到最高点。 NBA的街头风格火车到了2018年的球场。轻弹控制篮球并获得战术准备扣篮。世界联赛球员表演令人难以置信的扣篮得分。让时间过去挑战你的朋友,展示你的惊人镜头并分享你的表现。新的街机篮球3D是幻想,成为篮球世界级体育世界的传奇。超级惊人的精确度和简单的基于节奏的控制将让你像2018赛季的魔术一样投球。
- 冒险独特挑战的多种模式
- 现实的现代篮球物理
- 捆绑球
- 美丽的角色和图形
- 最好的模拟
2018-11-10 12:26:43
简介:Basketball Shooting - Arcade Basketball Game is a fun way to play basketball in your android device. in this basketball throwing game you can test your shot techniques.
Basketball Shooting is an simple but very addictive game which is based on realistic physics.
In this game you have to achieve your target in limited period of time to complete level amp; beat the highest score.
How to play:
1. click on the ball
2. Drag your finger toward the net
3. Release your finger
-Easy to control, fun for every age players.
-Great throwing experience.
-Simple but special picture style.
- Great game sound effects amp; music
-Many type of balls amp; grounds
2018-11-10 12:25:44
2018-11-10 12:22:43
- 免费玩!
- 特殊技能,奖金和更多!
- 易于理解和有趣的控制,但具有挑战性的完全掌握
- 超真实的物理模拟,令人敬畏的拍摄体验
- 逼真的篮球模拟器艺术品
- 3种不同挑战的难度模式,每个人的乐趣
- 伟大的游戏声音效果和音乐
- 随时随地玩,甚至可以在没有互联网的情况下玩
- 与你的朋友分享!在Facebook,Twitter或Instagram上分享你的最高分数!
- 点击球
- 通过拖动球来调整拍摄角度
- 释放球,像老板一样扔进篮筐,击败你的朋友高分!
2018-11-10 12:20:51
简介:Be ready to enjoy real taste of modern style snooker in pool Billiards 3D match.Play with friends the world #39;s best snooker game with advance and modern features,play offline anywhere,anytime in the world.As snooker sometimes called pocket billiards is most popular game of the world.Play this free game on your android smartphone to become best!.Keep in mind world remember only the legend,hero and kings.Use your efforts in this eight ball pool to show your skills to the world.
What are you Waiting for?Download now this free game of Real Snooker 9 Ball: Billiards.
Real and smooth snooker physics.
Multiple game play modes.
Practice arena for practicing eight ball pool billiards to improve and refine your skills and tricks.
Play With AI,play against computer AI in standars rules.
Enjoy offline practice in this free pool game.
Play in 3D as well as 2D mode.
Move cue stick using touch controls.
3D cool and cool ultra-realistic graphics.
The world #39;s #1 billiar pool game ever.
Real pool of balls and amazing cue stick.
Develope and created by MindLogix.