2018-11-10 11:29:58
简介:Goat Simulator Free is the latest in goat simulation technology, bringing next-gen goat simulation to YOU. You no longer have to fantasize about being a goat, your dreams have finally come true!
Goat Simulator Free is all about causing as much destruction as you possibly can as a goat. It has been compared to an old-school skating game, except instead of being a skater, you're a goat, and instead of doing tricks, you wreck stuff. When it comes to goats, not even the sky is the limit, as you can probably just bug through it and crash the game.
Goat Simulator Free is free to download and play, however, additional levels can be purchased for real money. You can turn off the payment feature by disabling in-app purchases in your device’s settings. Also, under our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, you must be at least 13 years of age to play or download Goat Simulator Free.
Goat Simulator Free is a completely stupid game and, to be honest, you should probably spend your time on something else, such as a befriending a real goat, learning a new language or extending your lint collection.
• You can be a goat
• Get points for wrecking stuff - brag to your friends that you're the alpha goat
• MILLIONS OF BUGS! We're only eliminating the crash-bugs, everything else is hilarious and we're keeping it
• In-game physics that bug out all the time
• Seriously look at that goat's neck
• You can be a goat
Android TV users: a compatible gamepad is required to play
2018-11-10 11:24:29
简介:Die perfekte Anwendung für alle Liebhaber des Sammelkartenspiels Magic.
This is for the Community - HAVE FUN!
Schnelle Kartensuche:
- Immer am neuesten Stand, Autoupdate im Hintergrund über mtgjson.com
- schnelle Suche in Englisch und einstellbarer Zweitsprache
- Detaillierte Karteninformationen, alle Erweiterungen, alle Bilder, Regeln zu Einzelkarten, Legalitäten
- live Abfrage aktueller magickartenmarkt Preise (Mindest, Trend, Foil)
- Karten schnell zu meine Decks oder meinen Listen hinzufügen
- Einfach mal eine Zufallskarte ansehen
- Powersearch: Erweiterte Suche mit zahlreichen Filterungsmöglichkeiten
- Rulesearch: Schnell alle Regelfragen über die Powersuche klären
Meine Decklisten:
- Übersichtliche und einfache Verwaltung meiner Decklisten.
- Decks nach Typen kategorisieren (z.B. Commander, Standard, Modern oder Casual)
- Decks sortieren nach Datum, Namen oder Decktyp
- Schnelle Kartensuche über alle Decks
- Decklisten aus .dec oder .txt Dateien importieren oder einfach den Text in der Anwendung einfügen. Dieser wird analysiert und automatisch das Deck erzeugt.
Deck Editor:
- Mächtiger Deckeditor für alles was man mit einem Deck so machen möchte
- Karten schnell finden und zu Deck hinzufügen
- graphische Deckanalyse mit Manakostenverteilung, Farb- amp; Kartentyp-Verteilung
- Zahlreiche Sortierungs und Gruppierungsmöglichkeiten (z.B. Kartentyp, Manakosten, Markierungen, Farben etc.)
- Wechsel zwischen Listenansicht, kompakter Deckansicht und Bilderansicht
- Je nach Decktyp Verwaltung von Main- und Sideboard
- Deck in mehreren Formaten exportieren und zum Beispiel schnell per Mail, Whatsapp oder Dropbox versenden
- Deckkarten mit speziellen vordefinierten oder selbst erstellen Tags versehen und nach diesen Tags sortieren
- Starthand testen
- Neben den Decks können auch beliebige Kartenlisten verwaltet, durchsucht und geteilt werden
- Vordefinierte Typen quot;Sammlung quot;, quot;Checkliste quot; oder quot;Cube quot; mit jeweils speziellen Funktionalitäten verfügbar
- Listen importieren oder exportieren (.txt oder .dec Dateien)
- Teile von Listen exportieren
- Karten aus meinen Listen einfach zu bestehenden Decks hinzufügen
- Schnell mal eine kreative Idee für eine eigene Magickarte am Smartphone inklusive Foto umsetzten und mit Freunden teilen? Kein Problem, ein mächtiger Karteneditor ermöglicht genau das! Lasst eurer Fantasie freien lauf!
Draft Engine:
- Vor dem abendlichen Draft mit Freunden schnell noch ein, zwei Drafts mit den geplanten Sets simulieren?
- Komplette Draft Emulator für die Verbesserung eurer Draft Fähigkeiten
- freie Wahl aller Sets und beliebige Zusammenstellung der Draft Booster
- Optionale Anzeige von Draft-Werten zu jeder Karte, die direkt vom Server abgefragt werden und ein sehr guter Indikator für die Verbesserung beim Draften
- Anzeige meiner Draft Picks in der Draft Deck Ansicht
- Draft Deck kann jederzeit eingesehen und am Ende des Drafts in die Deckliste aufgenommen und anschließend am Battlefield getestet werden!
Booster öffnen:
- Oder einfach mal ein paar Booster öffnen oder ein Sealed Deck simulieren? Kein Problem, einfach die Edition auswählen und die Anzahl der Booster und schon kann daraus einfach ein Sealed Deck gebastelt werden!
- Teste deine Decks im Game Emulator quot;Battlefield quot;
- zwei Decks wählen und schon kannst du sie gegeneindaner antreten lassen
- Simulation aller Game Zonen (Bibliothek, Hand, Spielfeld, Friedhof, Exil, Stack)
- Simulation der Zugphasen
- Token erstellen, Kartenwerte editieren amp; vieles mehr - macht euch selbst ein Bild!
- Verwalte deine persönliche Spielerunde und erfasse Spieler, Duelle oder Turniere
- Turniereditor mit mehreren Modi (Swiss, Zufall, jeder gegen jeden)
- einfacher Lifetracker für alle Spiele
2018-11-10 11:24:06
b 主要功能 /b
- 与全球玩家一争高下,攻击其他基地进行争夺吧。
- 以巧妙组合火箭导弹、空中战斗单位及地面战斗单位,打造出专属于您的攻击部队。
- 请通过自由客制化的基地形状系统、地对空导弹、地雷等等来护卫基地吧。
- 可收集多样的武器并进行升级。
- 在世界地图模式中测试战略效果。
- 请加入军团后,与全球玩家互相切磋!
- 在赛季排名中提升阶级,领取宝石奖励吧。
b 了解更多疯狂火箭 (Mad Rocket: Fog of War)相關資訊: /b
FB: http://www.facebook.com/Madrocketgame
Twitter: http://twitter.com/madrocketgame
YT: http://www.youtube.com/c/madrocketfogofwar
2018-11-10 11:22:39
简介:《Roll The Ball:滑动拼图》是一款简单而又令人上瘾的疏通益智游戏,让您爱不释手!
您喜欢下方的游戏类型吗?太好了!《Roll the Ball》具有所有元素。 ;)
• b 滑动拼图 /b ,只需将移动!
• b 益智游戏 /b ,启人深思的好玩。
• b 脑筋急转弯 /b ,测试自己。锻炼您的大脑。
• b 逃脱游戏 /b ,您能全身而退?我们走吧。
• b 隐藏物体游戏 /b ,寻找隐藏的路径。
• b 物理益智游戏 /b ,基于物理学的游戏。
• b 三连消益智游戏 /b ,简单易学,但很难掌握。
• b 复古游戏 /b ,重温经典
• b 掌握旋转技巧 /b ,旋转游戏。
• b 备考和辅导: /b ,熟能生巧。训练您的大脑,保持活跃状态。
• b 家庭益智游戏 /b ,与家人一起享受游戏。
b 功能 /b
- 重新启动:快速重新启动关卡。
- 撤销:搞错了?别担心,撤销吧。
- 提示:这是一个很好的朋友。当然,也可能是错误的。
优化的Android和Google Play游戏
- 同时支持手机和平板电脑。
- 同时支持ARM和x86设备。
- Google Play游戏排行版和成就。
- 云端保存:您的游戏进度将通过Google Play在线保存。您可以使用相同的Google Play在设备、手机和平板电脑之间同步游戏进度。此操作可能需要登录Google+,仅支持同步游戏进度,不支持提示,不会自动保存。要小心,如果点击“保存”或“加载”按钮,它会马上生效。
- 推荐给GOOGLE+朋友
- 多人游戏、探索礼品
- 应用程序邀请、应用程序索引
b 注意 /b
• 《Roll the Ball》包含广告,如横幅广告、插页广告、视频广告和房屋广告。
• 《Roll the Ball》出售应用程内广告,如无广告版、提示和关卡数据包。
b 电子邮件 /b
• [email protected]
b 首页 /b
• https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=6249013288401661340
b 在FACEBOOK上赞我们 /b
- 2016年1月8日:最佳新游戏和更新游戏(133个国家)
- 2015年12月17日:最佳新游戏和更新游戏(98个国家)
2018-11-10 11:20:24
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2018-11-10 11:20:02
简介:Looking for a fun, relaxing poker game you can take with you anywhere? Transport yourself back to the dangerous Wild West and play 5 card draw poker with some of the townsfolk – don’t trust the outlaws!
You’ll be able to enjoy over 150 exciting levels and explore exciting locations from western frontier towns and saloons to dusty canyons. Meet interesting characters, beat other poker players to win chips and unlock stunning artwork which is yours to keep!
5 card draw is a simple poker game perfect for players of all skill levels. Commonly played on video poker machines, it’s easy to learn and play.
You’re dealt 5 cards face up and you can choose to hold between 0 and 5 cards, then draw new cards to replace the ones you discarded. The aim is to build the best poker hand possible, from pairs to a royal flush – even five of a kind!
As you become a poker king in the Wild West, beating the outlaws at their own game, you’ll earn EXP points. As you earn EXP you’ll unlock exciting new video poker games including 10s or better, jacks or better, jokers wild and much more, as well as being able to play more and more hands at the same time!
The more hands you play at the same time, the more chips you win!
• Over 150 stunning video poker levels to play through the Wild West
• A simple, fun game for all skill levels. Classic 5 card draw video poker rules!
• Win chips amp; earn EXP to progress through the game
• Unlock new video poker game modes including jokers wild, 10s or better and many more!
• Increase your EXP to play more hands at the same time. More hands, more chips!
• Unlock stunning artwork as you play
• Use power ups to help you win even more chips!
• 12 languages supported
• Play poker offline – no internet connection required!
If you’re looking for a 5 card poker game you can take anywhere, look no further! Whether you’re in the car, on the way to work or relaxing at home on the sofa, you don’t need an internet connection to play. With constantly updated content and a whole host of exciting features, why play poker anywhere else?!
2018-11-10 11:18:19
简介:An updated version, Super Smashing Slots, is now available- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.SuperSmashingSlots
- Match all three reels to claim a reward. Doing so will make, our mascot, Damian appear and help you celebrate by smashing the slot machine.
- You only need one reel to land on Damian for a reward. Match three Damians to hit the JACK?OT!
- Hold buttons appear randomly. Use them to prevent a reel from spinning.
- Top Gambler #39;s Score = Total amount of cash won.
- Smashing Score = Gambler #39;s Score x total spins x (machines smashed + 1) x (earths destroyed + 1)
Also available to play online, a Newgrounds themed version of Smashing Slots featuring some of your favourite internet heroes.
2018-11-10 11:17:26
简介:Now play the world’s most popular word game and test your vocabulary for FREE! Swipe to connect the letters and build all the hidden words to win!
Word Spot is the fun free word game where your brain and word building skills are tested. DOWNLOAD Word Spot TODAY to sharp your minds and develop a larger vocabulary!
Do you like the enjoyment of playing word search game? Play anytime and anywhere to expand your vocabulary in Word Spot for FREE!
What’s so fun about connecting the word in Word Spot?
- FREE! It costs nothing to play!
- THOUSANDS of all new levels and tons of words
- As you play, the difficulty level increases along with your skills!
- Unlimited fun with challenging chapters to choose from
- Extra words to unlock to earn coins and conquer the game
- Use hints or ask friends for help if you got stuck
- Easy to play, but hard to beat!
- Login everyday for exciting daily bonus rewards
- Support both phones and tablets
- No WIFI? No problem!
- No time limit. Enjoy playing the game at your own pace
2018-11-10 11:08:48
简介:Mainkan Game Capsa Susun Online #1 sekarang!
Jika kamu belum pernah mencoba bermain capsa susun atau kamu adalah penyuka permainan capsa susun, maka saatnya kamu mencoba kejutan baru dari kami.
Mango Capsa Susun 2 adalah permainan kartu yang dapat dimainkan di mana saja oleh siapapun. Nikmati permainan yang lebih SERU dan MENANTANG di versi ini.
Mainkan Mango Indoplay secara Online! Menambah teman dan menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga.
Download sekarang juga secara GRATIS!
Mode Turnamen
Semua pemain akan bermain sebanyak 5 ronde. Setiap ronde kamu harus melakukan buy-in dengan jumlah dua kali lipat. Pemain yang mengumpulkan Gold paling banyak di ronde final akan memenangkan turnamen dan mendapatkan Gold kemenangan dari seluruh buy-in lawan. Tidak hanya itu, pemain dengan Gold kemenangan terbesar di mode turnamen akan masuk di dalam papan rangking.
Mode Normal
Sama dengan Mango Capsa Susun sebelumnya, pemain dapat bermain bersama maksimal 3 lawan lainnya. Fitur spesial di versi ini adalah JACKPOT dimana pemain yang menang 2 kali berturut-turut setelah saldo Jackpot terpenuhi akan langsung mendapatkan Gold Jackpot yang besar.
Hadiah Misi
Tidak hanya keseruan bermain di ruangan, kamu punya misi lain! Selesaikan setiap misi dan kamu bisa mendapatkan hadiah Gold.
Kotak Tabungan Gold
Sekarang kamu tidak perlu khawatir lagi untuk mendapatkan Gold. Disini kami punya tawaran menarik untuk kamu.
Peraturan Umum
Jumlah pemain 2-4 orang
Kartu yang digunakan adalah kartu remi standar (52 kartu)
Setiap pemain dibagikan 13 kartu
Setiap pemain harus menyusun menjadi 3 kombinasi kartu:
Kartu bawah harus lebih tinggi dari kartu tengah, dan kartu tengah harus lebih tinggi dari kartu atas, apabila salah susun akan dianggap kalah.
Setelah tersusun, pemain saling membandingkan kombinasi kartu masing-masing
quot;Salah Susun quot; tidak akan mendapatkan poin apapun
Setiap kombinasi yang menang akan diberikan poin berdasarkan tingkatan ranking kartu antar pemain
Gold pemenang diberikan sesuai dengan total poin dan ranking dari setiap pemain pada akhir ronde
Fitur Utama
Game Capsa Susun real-time dan multiplayer untuk di manapun kapanpun
Pilihan ruang bermain sesuai dengan preferensi kamu
In-game Chatting dan kirim emotikon ke sesama pemain
Interaksi UI dan navigasi yang simpel
Mendukung Bahasa Indonesia dan English
Fitur Spesial
Bermain dengan efek suara yang seru
Emotikon yang lebih interaktif
Simpan kalimat untuk chatting
Saling mengirim hadiah Gold ke teman kamu
Dapatkan GOLD GRATIS saat Gold-mu habis
Level yang Menantang untuk pemain Ahli
Bonus Gold di event-event khusus
Pilihan In-App purchase yang mudah
Tag: манго, chapsa, cao, free, gratis, poker, veteran, free gold, new poker, tournament, turnamen, chip, cip
2018-11-10 11:08:48
简介:Ready to unscramble limitless list of words on the go?
Dive into the World #39;s Best Word Puzzle Game, Word Cookies to unravel your quot;wordie quot; lists!
Simply swipe to connect each alphabet on the baking pan to form a word
Fill up Jack #39;s cookie jar with additional answers to earn extra coins!
• b SIMPLE amp;EASY /b Enjoyable graphics with easy controls amp; simple premise
• b KEEPS YOUR BRAIN YOUNG /b Stimulating brain game, highly entertaining amp; educational for everyone
• b SHUFFLE TO REARRANGE /b Shuffle the alphabets amp; rearrange the letters to spark recognition
• b HINTS AVAILABLE /b Use hints if you stump upon a word you can #39;t identify
• b NO NEED TO RUSH /b There is no time limit or penalties for inccorrect answers
• b DAILY REWARDS b Play every day to earn bonus rewards!
• b NEW LEVELS /b Stay up to date for new game updates!
b Need Help? Have Questions? /b
Please contact us at [email protected]
b Visit Us /b
b Like Us on Facebook to Stay Up-to-Date! /b
b Please Note /b
-Word Cookies is supported on various mobile devices
-Word Cookies contains ad-like banners, interstitials, videos and house ads.
-Word Cookies quot; is free to play; however, you may purchase in-app contents like AD FREE and level packages /b /b
2018-11-10 11:07:51
简介:Infinite Word Search is a more in-depth take on an American classic! With 35 different categories to play under and multiple modes and styles of play, this game will keep you searching for words for hours on end! Just find the category you like most, and keep your eyes peeled for words in all directions!
Test your skills in Progression Mode, going through 30 levels of increasing difficulty, or try out the more casual Infinite Mode, where you solve things at your own pace and with your own difficulty setting. As you play, you’ll stumble across and unlock Achievements. Try to collect all 10 achievements as you search for words!
But if you’re the extremely competitive sort, then the Multiplayer Mode is what’s right for you! Face off against your friend or a stranger in a race to see which of you can find the most words! Afterwards, you can check the Leaderboards to see how you stand compared to the rest of the players.
Multiplayer features include:
Quick Match - No log-in and no hassle of any sort required, you can just jump right into a match with a random player in this mode. Signing in to your Facebook account, while not required, will let you save your progress and intimidate the other players just a little bit with your record.
Play Friends - Connect your Facebook account with the app and play against your friends in a race to find the most words.
Leaderboards - After your match, hop onto the leaderboard and check how your record compares to that of your friends! And if you have your Facebook account connected, you can access the Premium Multiplayer Leaderboard. Don’t just aim to be higher than your friends, aim to be higher than the rest of the world too!
Infinite Word Search is completely FREE to play, so dive right in and enjoy the virtually unlimited amount of single and multiplayer Word Search Puzzles offered to you!
2018-11-10 11:06:58
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DRNTW
PLUG: www.plug.game/darknessrises/1031560
使用條款 : https://m.nexon.com/term/27
個人資料保護政策 : https://m.nexon.com/term/29
建議規格: Android 6.0以上 / Galaxy S6以上
最低支援規格: Android 4.0 / Galaxy S4 LTE
■ 智慧型手機App使用權限通知
- 非必要使用權限不會對遊戲進行產生影響
檔案儲存: 客服中心上傳截圖功能
電話: 為發送廣告簡訊收集電話號碼
※ 該權限可能因為某些國家的使用限制不會實際進行號碼之收集。
Android 6.0 以上: 設定 gt; 應用程式 gt; 選擇權限項目 gt; 權限目錄 gt; 選擇同意權限與取消授權
Android 6.0 以下: 更新作業程式以取消權限,或是刪除應用程式
※ 若應用程式未要求同意之權限,仍可透過以上方式取消授權
※ 本遊戲程式提供遊戲內購買,使用者的裝置設定可能導致無法進行遊戲內購買
2018-11-10 11:06:40
Big2 (Capsa Banting) bisa dimainkan oleh 2 sampai 4 pemain dalam 1 dek (52 kartu). Tiap player mendapat 13 kartu, dan player pertama yang berhasil menghabiskan kartu mereka adalah pemenangnya.
Urutan rank kartu di game ini sama dengan aturan poker barat kecuali kartu quot;2 quot; - Di Big2, kartu quot;2 quot; adalah yang tertinggi.
- UI terbaru yang mudah dimengerti
- Kontrol yang sangat mudah dengan adanya fitur hint dan auto
- Beberapa mode game (Regular/Winner) dan pilihan speed (Normal/Fast)
- Selesaikan misi di dalam game untuk hadiah kemenangan yang berlimpah
- Tabung koinmu di sistem baru Ayam Bank
- Dukungan beberapa bahasa (English dan Bahasa Indonesia)
- Undang dan mainkan bersama teman-temanmu!
2018-11-10 11:04:31
简介:Brisca es uno de los juegos de cartas más populares.
Se juega con las 48 cartas de la baraja española.
*** Instrucciones de juego ***
Antes de iniciar la partida de la brisca:
- Sobre el tablero se encuentra el mazo de cartas boca abajo.
- Debajo del mazo se situa boca arriba la carta que designa el palo de triunfo.
- Cada jugador recibe tres cartas. Sólo el jugador puede ver sus cartas.
Instrucciones de la partida de la brisca:
- El juego consta de 24 rondas. En cada ronda cada jugador tira una carta.
- El jugador que comienza tira una carta descubierta.
- El otro jugador tira una carta cualquiera.
- La ronda la gana el jugador que haya jugado la carta mayor del palo de triunfo o el que jugó la carta mayor del palo de salida.
- El jugador que gana una ronda acumula las cartas de la ronda.
- Después de terminar cada ronda, cada jugador recibe una carta del mazo.
- Antes de empezar una ronda el jugador que comienza puede cambiar el triunfo que está debajo del mazo por el 7 del mismo palo. El 7 se puede cambiar por el 2.
Final del juego:
- Cada jugador obtiene la suma de los puntos obtenidos con las cartas de las ronda ganadas.
- El jugador que obtenga más de 60 puntos es el ganador.
*** Valor de las cartas***
El valor de las cartas en la brisca es igual para todos los palos.
La distribución de puntos es:
- As: 11 puntos
- Tres: 10 puntos
- Rey: 4 puntos
- Caballo: 3 puntos
- Sota: 2 puntos
El mismo orden de puntuación de una carta es la fuerza ganadora de la carta. El orden de las cartas de mayor fuerza a menor es: As, 3, Rey, Caballo, Sota, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 y 2.
El total de las cartas acumulan 120 puntos.
2018-11-10 11:03:11
简介:quot;歡迎來到Creative Destruction,在這個奇幻的島嶼裡,一切皆可被摧毀。作為一款新型沙盒生存手遊,你可以在Creative Destruction中,肆意地破壞與射擊,盡享生死對決之樂!
來迎接真正的挑戰吧,盡你所能,制霸這片世界! quot;
2018-11-10 11:02:21
简介:* This application is not for gamble. It is made just for fun ! *
Baccarat is one of the popular casino games.
The rules are very simple.
You will choose side to place your chips into the three areas - Player, Banker and Tie. Then, dealer will deal basically 4 cards - two on player amp; two on banker and compare which side is higher gt; gt; gt; Wins !!
But there are some conditions, if score on player side is less than 5, dealer will deal another card. On the other hand, if Banker has score less than 6, Banker will deal cards or not, depends on extra player cards.
Your objective is to make lot of money in this game !!
Good Luck !!
2018-11-10 11:01:24
简介:Lucky 8 – a new fun and simple casual card game from the makers of the #1 multi-player Tongits app, Social Tongits
1. Sign up for an account
2. Place your preferred bet amount of Lucky chips
3. Tap ‘Spin’
4. While the card is spinning, guess and tap on either of the ff. choices:
• Low 2-7
• Jackpot Prize x8
• High 9-Ace
5. If the card reveals:
• 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and you tap on Low, you win
• 8 and you tap on Jackpot, you win
• 9, 10, King, Queen, Jack, Ace and you tap on High, you win
6. Payout depends on the number of bet placed on winning card. If you picked Jackpot and you win, payout total is number of bet placed x8.
• Newly registered users get 50K initial bonus!
• Purchase different Lucky chips packages!
• Free bonus codes!
• Win or lose, gain loyalty points and redeem for awesome merchandise coming soon!
2018-11-10 11:00:37
2018-11-10 10:59:27
简介:In an ancient era, the most feared fighter was The Summoner: a warrior who mastered the summoning arts to call powerful creatures to fight along his side.
Join the battle in this CCG (Collectible Card Game) with a simplified and quicker gameplay, with some RPG elements such as character levelling and deck improvements.
- 3 heroes, each one with a different attributes set
- 30 enemies with unique skills
- Over 60 cards with various effects: summon, damage, cure, poison and so
- 15+ creatures to summon on your side
- Local and Global Leaderboards shared with Windows Phone users
- Online competitive multiplayer with levelling and rankings
- Deck customization
- And much much more
Comments are welcome! Please rate and share if you like it!
** Tired of ADs? **
Check out Summoner Call Unleashed!
Get 2 more cards and higher multiplayer limits!
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2018-11-10 10:58:28
简介:The perfect poker for millions of players is now available on Google Play!
Play wherever you want and when you want in the city of betting. Based on the preferred mode of poker in the world. In Poker Texas Holdem you must seek your luck in the poker city tournaments.
With amazing graphics and an atmosphere specially designed to create a perfect game for your mobile.
Enter in this exciting card game, level up and get different medals for your achievements as a poker player. You will find different rooms as you win, and you will advance through different places and neighborhoods. You can change rooms to any of the above at any time you want. You will have to demonstrate your natural talent to play poker, perfect it, and climb to the top of this exciting world of cards.
Raise or lower your bet and create doubts for your opponents and friends. The play will be very interesting. Decide whether you risk or not!
• Free poker game.
• if you need more chips, you will get free chips !!!
• The preferred mode of millions of online poker players: Texas Hold #39;Em.
• Play as a guest or personalize your name to enter the rooms.
• Get medals for all winner hands like straight, flush... and progress in the rankings.
• Scenarios and interface designed to ambient the game of poker to perfection.
- The game in its entirety is aimed at adult audiences.
- The bets placed on this game are not based on real money.
2018-11-10 10:53:27
简介:Play the popular solitaire game Pyramid for FREE on your Android device!
Pyramid (also known as Pile of Twenty-eight) is a fun solitaire card game that combines elements from TriPeaks Solitaire and Thirteens Solitaire.
The object of Pyramid Solitaire Challenge is to clear all the cards from the board. Just tap on two cards whose sum equal 13. If you run out of moves, turn over a new card from the deck. You earn points for every pair you make. The faster you clear the board, the higher your score.
2018-11-10 10:52:21
简介:This is a free blackjack game. This is like a real casino blackjack game on Las Vegas. The game is simple but funny. It helps you to relax in your free time in just about 3 - 5 minutes. The coin in this blackjack game is virtual coin, so you can play it safely without the risk of loosing money.
2018-11-10 10:50:39
简介:Capsa Susun - Dan Gaple QiuQiu merupatkan sebuah game yang termasuk Capsa Susun, Domino99, QiuQiu(KiuKiu), Remi, Sicbo(Dice), Domino Gaple dan permainan kartu lokal lainnya, panggil temanmu bermasin bersama pemain seluruh dunia, membuat Anda menikmati menarik main santai kapan saja, Ayo cepat main lah~
Banyak mini gamenya seru di dalam game ini, Pemainan lebih banyak menunggu Anda bemainnya
Banyak koin game gratis yang dari Bonus Login harian/kotak chip/tugas/kode tukar dll setiap hari ,tidak usah bayar juga dapat banyak kesenangan, yuk cepat bermain aja.
Login Facebook dan Login Tamn.sukses login akan dapat bonus besar-besaran,pakai akun Facebook akan dapat koin gratis +50%.
Login setiap hari akan mendapat koin permainan gratis. Melakukan tugas harian sambil bermain juga dapat banyak koin gratis, bebas menikmati permainan setiap hari.
Kota chip permainan akan diaktifkan secara otomatis dalam jangka waktu tertentu, selama ,Jika Anda kliknya akan mendapat bonus besar-besaran
Main sendiri tidak sebagus main bersama teman,ayo undang teman bersama main bisa mendapat banyak koin gratis setiap hari
Mengikuti pemain lainnya di permainan kapan saja,saling memberikan koin gratis antara teman setiap hari
Bebas mengundang dan mengikuti teman-temannya ,bersama tarung berdampingan di dalam kamar yang sama,membuat Anda tidak kesendirian lagi.
Game ini tidak mendukung perjudian
2018-11-10 10:50:04
This fun amp; exciting Spades game is the classic traditional trick-taking card game you know amp; love, now brought to you in a riveting multiplayer online app! Spades is similar to Euchre, Hearts, Pinochle amp; Canasta, except in this game spades are always trump.
Spades Royale is brought to you by the creators of some of the leading online multiplayer social games out there! Plus, if you’re looking for some online fun, you’ve come to the right game!
• Live Gameplay: Enjoy a competitive spades experience with live players worldwide!
• Play Solo or Partner Mode
• HD Graphics and a Slick Design
• Free Coin Bonuses Hourly amp; Daily!
• Play Spades with Blind Nil amp; Nil Bets
• Facebook Connect Bonus
• Exciting Game Progression, Unlock New Features as you Level Up!
• Master Game Challenges amp; Collect Royal Gems!
• Unique Interactive amp; Custom Avatars
• Competitive Leaderboards
• Unlock Challenging Achievements
• Extensive Game Statistics to Keep Track of Your Performance
If you’re familiar with Whiz, Mirror amp; Suicide, all popular international games, you’ll quickly get the hang of Spades Royale!
Do you have what it takes to become the champion? Play Spades Royale now amp; find out! The Ace of Spades is waiting for you...
Like us on Facebook for FREE COIN OFFERS! https://www.facebook.com/spadesroyale/
Have any suggestions for the game? Contact us at [email protected].
This game is intended for adults and does not offer real money gambling or any opportunities to win real money or prizes. Success within this game does not imply future success at real money gambling.
2018-11-10 10:48:59
简介:The acclaimed card game is now on tablets and mobile devices.
Be sure to return to town... or simply try it out!
• dynamic gameplay style
• 7 game modes (FreeFight, EFC, Survivor, Training, Arcade, Coliseum and customized events)
• hundreds of challenging missions
• 4 minutes of play time per battle
• 14 unlockable Leader cards
• 28 clans
• mini deck building
• Google Play services integration
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