2018-08-03 08:42:30
确保你前进。 (不落后!)
身体冲浪者! 由Zzoo
◆你好! 我是一个绅士。
在学校,课堂,日期,公车或火车,等候线路等时享受“身体冲浪”。 随时随地都可以SURF〜!〜!〜!
2018-08-03 08:41:58
简介:now you can become a true fan by playing games from your artist.
This piano app is an app that contains the newest song song recently released, this app is also suitable for children. very easy to play and fun !.
this application is very easy to play. The rules are simple. Tap the piano black tile continuously to play music. Be careful with white tiles and never miss a piano black tile to finish each song.
* Graphics and sound effects are amazing.
* High quality piano music soundtrack.
* A smooth gaming experience.
There are many choices of Wanna One songs are:
- Wanna One: Always
- Wanna One: Beautiful
- Wanna One: Burn It Up
- Wanna One: BOOMERANG
- Wanna One: DAY BY DAY
- Wanna One: Energetic
- Wanna One: Ill Remember
- Wanna One: Never
- Wanna One: Pick Me
- Wanna One: Wanna Be
Download this app now and play forever for free while increasing your reaction speed and your music playing ability!
Thanks and do not forget to rate this app!
2018-08-03 08:41:44
简介:Samurai Shaver is a rhythm game that follows the quest of a lonely samurai warrior. Your mission – to cleanse the land of unwanted body hair.
Watch the rhythm and slice hairs to the beat!
Samurai Shaver was developed by DDRKirby(ISQ) and Kat Jia, under the Cocoa Moss label.
Download the soundtrack for free!
Volume 1: https://ddrkirbyisq.bandcamp.com/album/samurai-shaver-original-soundtrack
Volume 2: https://ddrkirbyisq.bandcamp.com/album/samurai-shaver-original-soundtrack-volume-2
2018-08-03 08:41:21
简介:关闭表击倒对手的瓶盖。 54水平,伟大的图形和物理
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/102543105955305548720
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Caps/220272641396734
2018-08-03 08:40:19
简介:* Create mode UPDATE! *
#39;Create Mode #39; has been updated.
You can freely create and share levels in #39;Create Mode #39;.
* Premium Package 40% OFF Event in progress! *
In celebration of 2 million downloads, we sell 40% off premium products with ad removal and unlimited energy. Do not miss this opportunity!
Stellar Fox is a new kind of puzzle game which incorporates beauty, cleverness and creativty all into one game.
Help the baby fox get to its goal by utilizing various type of inks, and objects with different abilities. It won #39;t be an easy but definitely fulfilling experience.
1. Creative Gameplay
There is no correct solution. Come up with your own creative solution to help the baby stellar fox reach it #39;s goal.
2. Multiple Levels
Challenge 180 elaborately designed levels.
3. Beautiful 2D Graphics
Experience the story, as if in a fairy tale, with lyrical graphics.
4. Fantastic BGM
Calming and soothing music will help you emerse into the world of Stellar Fox.
5. Creation Mode
Create your own levels in our sandbox mode and share it with your friends!
STELLAR FOX requires the following permissions for optimal gameplay.
Permission to save necessary game data externally.
If you have any questions or suggestions please contact us by sending an email to [email protected].
Your opinions matter greatly to us.
2018-08-03 08:40:16
简介:Explore the lands, forests, fields and mines.
Get resources for the construction and craft of survival items.
Create weapons to protect against predators and build a house for shelter in the dark. Hunt and fish, breed animals and grow plants.
Build a city, a village, a farm.
Create your dream world.
_ Building
_ Mining
_ Hunting and fishing
_ Survival and creative
_ Craft items and furniture
_ Beautiful texture and optimization
2018-08-03 08:39:24
简介:Hook is a simple puzzle game that is easy to learn how to play. When complete 25 stages a speed run mode is unlocked to test your memory and speed.
2018-08-03 08:39:13
简介:The ship is sinking! Climb as you can.
The goal in the game is to climb up without sinking. When you climb you can collect gold and buy new characters with these gold.
2018-08-03 08:38:12
简介:This is definitely a breakthrough in the world of cubic games! If you are looking for a lot of exciting adventures, do not hesitate, you made the right choice! In this game we combine the classic modes of survival and creativity with the three beautiful worlds in the story modes. Choosing the world, you will fall into three places: a cottage in a picturesque forest, a mysterious old city and a large industrial bay. All these places contain many secrets and unpredictable finds!
In addition, each of the worlds has its own guard, and you can return to the game later without any loss.
This game will not leave anyone indifferent! It will entice you for a long time. In this game is always fun and very interesting!
Thank you for choosing our game! Pleasant pastime and high achievements in the game!
- absolutely free
- unrivaled graphics in high resolution
- easy operation
- set of requisites and resources
- several scene modes
- Flight mode
- for all ages
2018-08-03 08:37:10
简介:We present to your attention a new game about all your favorite cubic world!
Here we have realized many of the wishes of players from all over the world!
Here you will find everything you have been longing for! Very easy and simple operation.Beautiful bright graphics.Infinite beautiful world.Many different animals and even insects!More resources and opportunities for your creativity.More extreme and adventure in survival mode. More props for unlimited construction in the creative mode. A magic forest in which you will find many interesting tips and learn the secret! This world filled with riddles and unexpected discoveries. Well be ready for many unforgettable adventures!
Have fun and unforgettable game!
2018-08-03 08:36:38
简介:A simple game that can be great fun when you have a few minutes to spare. Grab a friend amp; use the on-screen control (there #39;s only 1 button!), choose a bot, amp; push your opponent off the edge.
If you don #39;t want to see ads, you can now pay to hide adverts, and unlock all bots and levels.
Please rate amp; comment. I #39;m looking for honest feedback, so if you #39;ve noticed bugs or have suggestions for more bots, please leave them as a review, or tweet me at @davidonionball.
I have more plans and ideas for this game, but I #39;ll only work on them if there #39;s interest. So please rate! Thanks!
- David
2018-08-03 08:36:17
简介:◆ Absolutely free, low capacity, No Wi-fi
◆ Line Puzzle #39;s immense mission
◆ Neat design, intuitive operation
◆ Addictive fun and touching
◆ High level of difficulty
Brain Line is different from the puzzle games I #39;ve been doing.
Getting started is simple, but nobody is easy to master.
But your brain will be playing on a different level.
2018-08-03 08:35:25
简介:-개발자 연락처-
네이버메일 : [email protected]
GTC STUDIO 공식카페 : http://cafe.naver.com/gtcgames
게임 건의사항이나 버그 제보는 위의 연락처로 보내주시면
즉각 처리하도록 하겠습니다
이 게임은 간단한 노가다 클리커게임입니다
돈을 모아 무기를 강화하거나 아이템을 구입하여
더욱 더 강력한 건물들을 박살내는것만이 게임의 목적입니다
아니면 돈을 모아서 미니게임을 통해 더 많은 돈을 불리는것도 가능하죠!
어쨌던 플레이어분의 핸드폰 액정에게는 작별인사를 해야되는 게임!
Destroy! 건물부수기입니다!
[ 광고는 개발자의 힘입니다 광고를 한번씩 클릭해 주세요! ]
접근 권한
SD 카드 내용을 수정하거나 삭제하세요
SD 카드의 컨텐츠 읽기
요청 이유
-보상형광고를 불러오기 위해 해당 컨텐츠를 sd카드에 잠시 저장하는 용도로
요청됩니다.그외에 SD카드내부적으로 데이터나 저장공간을 요구하지는 않습니다
현재 이 앱에서 요구하는 접근권한입니다
원하지 않으실경우 게임을 삭제해주세요
2018-08-03 08:34:16
简介:무한 노가다 키우기 클리커 !
전투 로봇 키우기!
무기를 업그레이드하고 파츠를 강화하여
인류를 말살하려는 사악한 기계에 맞서 난민들을 수호하는 로봇을 키워보세요!
※신규 쿠폰 발행!※
▼공식 카페를 확인하세요!▼
*2인개발팀입니다. 피드백과 버그제보는 언제나 환영합니다!
공식카페 : http://cafe.naver.com/ldgamez
facebook : https://www.facebook.com/LDgamezPage/
개발자 e-mail : [email protected]
키워드 : 키우기 , 로봇 키우기 , 키우기 게임 , 노가다 클리커 , 노가다
개발자 연락처 :
2018-08-03 08:33:22
简介:Любите составлять слова из слова? Прошли все версии quot;Составь Слова quot;, quot;Составь слова+ quot; и quot;Слово в слове quot;? Думаете, что вы составляете слова лучше других?
Проверьте себя в новой игре - quot;Составь слова онлайн! quot;
Вы будете играть против таких же как вы, против асов в составлении слов. Напряжённая игра напротяжении 20 ходов выявит лучшего.
Старайтесь придумать не только больше слов, но и слова, состоящие из как можно большего количества букв!
Игра будет подсказывать вам есть ли такое слово в словаре или нет.
В детстве много времени проводилось с одноклассниками, играя в игру, которая представляла собой составление слов из одного большого слова. В современное время эту игру можно встретить на мобильных телефонах. Игра quot;Слова из слова quot; является аналогом всемирно известной игры quot;Словарная головоломка quot; или quot;Анаграмма quot;.
На игровом поле вы видите буквы русского алфавита. Составленное слово должно быть в начальной (словарной) форме. Слово может быть только существительным. В игре не используются имена, фамилии, географические названия.
На каждом уровне вам даются несколько букв, из которых вам нужно составить слова. На каждом уровне есть подсказки, под каждое слово, которое можно составить. Но подсказки можно посмотреть только один раз и они написаны очень интересно, чтобы вам было сложнее угадывать.
Слова могут быть самыми разными – от двух и больше букв. За них вы и будете получать очки. Также стоит сказать, что каждый раз новые слова для расшифровки будут генерироваться абсолютно случайно, вне зависимости от того, проходили вы данный уровень или нет. Приложение абсолютно бесплатное и не требует никаких дополнительных вложений. Скачивайте и вы не пожалеете.
Суть игры состоит в том, чтобы составить как можно больше слов из представленных на выбор букв. Особенности заключаются в том, что имеется возможность добавлять в словарь своих слов или пользоваться только теми, которые представлены в самом приложении. Счет ведется в баллах. Каждая из имеющихся у игрока буква оценивается в определенное количество баллов. Из всех использованных в игре букв подводится итог игры. Одна буква должна использоваться только один раз в слове. Словарь приложения содержит только слова существительные, нарицательные в именительном падеже. Играть можно онлайн. В данном случае при окончании раунда выводится таблица рейтинга между игроками. Имеется возможность использования словаря с подсказками новых слов. Повторять уже использовавшиеся слова нельзя.
Игра очень увлекательная, за ней можно просиживать часами, играя как одному так и в кругу друзей. Ко всему этому она еще и очень познавательная: вы сможете узнать множество новых слов - тем самым расширив свой лексикон. Чтобы посмотреть значение составленного слова - просто нажмите на слово и вы увидите пояснение. Всего в игре можно составить несколько тысяч слов, так что - дерзайте!
Приложение показывает количество слов, которые можно составить из предложенного. Игра разбита на уровни. На каждый ход выделяется определенное количество времени.
Это приложение является прекрасным способом пополнения словарного запаса. Хорошо подходит для умственного труда. В игру можно пригласить своих друзей и родственников с целью совместного веселого времяпрепровождения.
Составь слова — аналог популярной головоломки под названием Наборщик. Теперь название другое, но смысл остался прежним. Вам дается множество различных по сложности заданий, каждое из заданий — это какое-то длинное слово, из букв этого слова вам и предстоит составить максимальное количество коротких слов. Присутствующая в головоломке функция объяснения слов призвана помочь вам узнать много новых сведений о том или другом слове.
Суть игры проста — вам дается слово, к примеру, «автобаза». Ваша задача составить все возможные слова из букв, которые входят в слово «автобаза».
2018-08-03 08:33:14
简介:This is a small modification of Shattered Pixel Dungeon, which is an enhancement of the amazing game called Pixel Dungeon. Both Pixel Dungeon and Shattered Pixel Dungeon are Open Source and belong to the roguelike genre: randomly generated levels, turn-based movement, lots of dying.
I did not write either of those games.
Soft Pixel Dungeon is not as hard:
- You can optionally load and save your games
- You can optionally make the game not so hard with useful stuff dropped in long grass and larger search radius.
If you choose not to use these options then the game is identical to Shattered Pixel Dungeon.
NOTE: When you die you have start start a new game, then go into settings while playing the game and load up a previous save.
There is no auto-save so you have to go into settings to save or load your current game.
Load and save games for each class individually (you can not load up a Mage game while playing as a Warrior) .
2018-08-03 08:32:32
简介:️ MonsterMMORPG V 3.4 is online and huge improvements to previous versions are awaiting you
️ Monster MMORPG is an online, creature collecting, trading, battling and training game similar to Gotta Catch #39;Em All genre and it is completely legal and official Indie game without infringing any copyrights or trademarks of any other games. One of the best alternative and genuine in this genre
★ Registration: ➯ http://www.monstermmorpg.com/Register
️ MonsterMMORPG is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) genre where you can not only play a diverse solo campaign, but you can also interact with over 1.000.000 registered players from around the world
️ It is completely free to play and PLay to win ensuring that you can obtain everything without paying single a penny. Why wait? Try now and begin your adventure
️ Choose your starter monster, over-world trainer, start exploring galaxy of MonsterMMORPG, fighting and Train your way to the top of the ranks
️ Several Features:
➮ More than 2,300 unique creatures. The creatures you will encounter at first will be tiny and weak, but be prepared, because you will soon clash mighty Legendary and Ancient level monsters
➮ Huge guild / clan system with guild levels, guild / clan wars, chat and bonuses
➮ Trade / buy / sell: Complete and active market system
➮ Live and computer controlled PvP system. PvP league and ranking
➮ Weekly and daily events, free giveaways, login rewards and boss system
➮ Sophisticated anti-cheating systems that you won #39;t find in other browser based, no-download games
➮ Extremely advanced fighting game mechanics (strategy is a necessity) that fully supports Live PVP (Player Vs. Player) so you can battle with your friends and show who them how a true gamer battles. Warning: MonsterMMORPG PvP is so intense and fun that you can easily become addicted :)
➮ Excellent MonsterDex provides every information that you may need about your creatures and monsters
➮ Lots of epic monster designs including dragons, bugs, dogs, fish, birds etc.
➮ Customizable in-game avatars that you can use on your profile to show the people who/or what ;) you are
➮ Regional chat box allows you to talk with other heroes about the game in your own language, all of the languages are supported 100+
➮ 3,000 different attack moves with varied effects and features such as burning, freezing, paralyzing, extra damage etc.
➮ Community-driven development that continuously improves the game
➮ Over 100 natures that effects stats of each monster
➮ Decent wiki, type chart and monster calculator
➮ Strong game hosting server (128 GB ram, 24 Cores) that allows you to play the game with no lag
➮ Hundreds of Abilities with amazing effects like health recovery, immunity to certain attack types, or immunity to effect statuses etc.
➮ The game can be played from browsers which makes the game independent from any platform
️ How To Play Quick Introduction:
• Use w,a,s,d to move. Continuous pressing will make your movement more fluid. You can also use arrow keys
• You will start the game at the first map, Starfall Town. This and all other cities have a Shop, Monster Center and Grass areas to capture monsters
• After reducing wild monsters HP throw MonsterBoxes in order to try catching
• Once your team is fainted you need to go to the MonsterCenter and heal your team
• If you capture more than 6 monsters, they will be automatically sent to your storage
• Try to learn type effectiveness in order to defeat enemies easily
• Game videos here: ➯ http://www.monstermmorpg.com/Videos
• Game news here: ➯ http://www.monstermmorpg.com
• Monster list here: ➯ http://www.monstermmorpg.com/Monster
️ MonsterMMORPG official social media are below:
➯ https://www.facebook.com/MonsterMMORPG (230,000+ likes)
➯ https://monstermmorpg.deviantart.com
➯ https://plus.google.com/+MonsterMMORPG/posts
➯ https://www.linkedin.com/company/monster-mmorpg
➯ https://twitter.com/MonsterMMORPG
➯ https://www.youtube.com/MonsterMMORPG
2018-08-03 08:32:16
简介:What is that sound? Can you work out what the word is by listening to a short sound sample? Sounds simple, but can be highly frustrating when you think you know what that sound is but it turns out to be something completely different.
Each level has 1 sound and a set of hints you can use to help you guess the word.
Play with friends or family and try and compete to see who can get the correct word first.
Lots of sounds to keep you entertained.
Nice simple game play will make you want more and more.
If you like guess the word games, and want an app with a difference then get 1 Sound 1 Word.
2018-08-03 08:31:23
简介:The Pinoy Emoji Guessing Game is here!
Our very own Pinoy version of the fun and witty emoji guessing game.
Have fun as we test your knowledge on Filipino culture, trivia, and direct (or indirect) translations and equivalents.
Stuck on a puzzle? Ask your friends for help!
As we usually say in Filipino - quot;hula hula lang pag may time! quot;
Have a laugh break with your new favorite emoji guessing game - Pinoy style!
2018-08-03 08:31:22
2018-08-03 08:30:21
简介:* Do you know that .ly is the Lybian domain address or that .tv belongs to Tuvalu - a tiny island country in Oceania?
* Learn and check your knowledge about top-level domains.
* More than 200 top-level domain names: .com, .edu, .us, and others.
2018-08-03 08:30:21
2018-08-03 08:29:24
简介:The Princess Tailor is back! Ready to sew you into whole new adventures.
The King has decreed the second grand ball of the Kingdom, and there will be royalty from all parts of the land attending the event!
In Princess Tailor 2, The little princess is back to her tailor shop and is here to give you bigger selection of materials to help you make some of the most beautiful dresses in all of the lands!
The game will put you into the shoes of a very talented tailor who will help you create some of the most elegant clothes that will surely help a lovely couple meet for the grand ball!
You will now have more materials than ever before to work with to help you on your way to make sure you are still the most famous seamstress in all of the lands, and when your clients are all members of royal families from far away kingdoms, you can ONLY give them the best!
Help a lovely Prince or Princess get ready by making a dress from cloth to something magical! You also have to repair clothes that are brought to you and make them look ravishing once again!
The job of a Princess Tailor is very tough, so you need to take the job of running a tailor shop VERY seriously! Make sure you help the little princess keep up her reputation of being the best in the land!
2018-08-03 08:29:14
Watch small orbiting asteroid as you wallpaper. Various types of asteroid and background. Adjustable speed of orbiting.
2018-08-03 08:28:57
简介:quot;Балда с друзьями quot; - отличная онлайн игра для людей желающих развить свою внимательность и смекалку, расширить свой кругозор и узнать новые слова. Играть в «Балда с друзьями» просто и весело, а правила понятны даже ребенку.
Добавляя по одной букве за один ход, игроки должны составлять новые слова из имеющихся на поле букв. Каждое новое слово приносит игроку очки. Чем больше в добавленном слове букв, тем больше очков получает игрок.
В «Балду с друзьями» можно играть в одиночку против компьютера, вдвоем с другом на одном телефоне и с множеством игроков со всего мира, через интернет. Какой бы режим игры вы не выбрали, мы гарантируем вам веселое и интересное время провождение.
Если вы уже умеете играть в Балду, попробуйте новый режим игры - Балда с бонусами. В этой разновидности игры на клетках поля разбросаны бонусы, которые добавляют или уменьшают количество получаемых очков. Таким образом игра становится еще более интересной, а сражения за победу еще более захватывающими.
Играя по сети, вы зарабатываете очки за каждую победу и теряете их в случае поражения. Набирая очки вы увеличиваете ваш рейтинг, получаете новые звания. К тому же игра будет подыскивать вам соперников с достойным рейтингом, гарантируя интересную и справедливую игру.
Особенности игры:
- Новый вид игры, с бонусами на поле;
- Красочная графика в HD разрешении;
- Игра в одиночку или вдвоем на одном телефоне;
- Игра по сети с множеством игроков на выбор;
- Интеллектуальный подбор соперника в сети;
- Возможность установить собственную аватарку;
- Встроенная подробная справка с картинками;
- Автоматическая отправка отсутствующих слов разработчику;
- 100% полностью бесплатная игра;
- Никаких ограничений на количество игр;
- Никаких скрытых встроенных платежей.